// swad.js: javascript functions /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Antonio Cañas-Vargas & Daniel J. Calandria-Hernández, University of Granada (SPAIN) (acanas@ugr.es) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ // Global variable used in refreshConnected() var ActionAJAX; // Global variables used in writeClock() var IsToday; var StrToday; var Hour; var Minute; // Global variables used in writeClockConnected() var NumUsrsCon; var ListSeconds = new Array(); var countClockConnected = 0; // Write a clock updated every minute // IsToday, StrToday, Hour and Minute are global variables initialized before call this function function writeClock() { var StrHour = Hour; var StrMinute = Minute; var MidnightExceeded = false; var PrintableClock; if (Minute < 10) StrMinute = "0" + StrMinute; if (++Minute == 60) { Minute = 0; if (++Hour == 24) { Hour = 0; MidnightExceeded = true; } } if (IsToday) PrintableClock = StrToday + ", " + StrHour + ":" + StrMinute; else PrintableClock = StrHour + ":" + StrMinute; if (MidnightExceeded) IsToday = false; // For next call document.getElementById('hm').innerHTML = PrintableClock; setTimeout("writeClock()",60000); } function writeClockConnected() { var BoxClock; var Hours; var Minutes; var Seconds; var StrMinutes; var StrSeconds; var PrintableClock; countClockConnected++; countClockConnected %= 10; for (var i=0; i= 60) { Hours = Math.floor(Minutes / 60); Minutes %= 60; } else Hours = 0; Seconds = ListSeconds[i] % 60; if (Hours != 0) { StrMinutes = ((Minutes < 10) ? "0" : "") + Minutes; StrSeconds = ((Seconds < 10) ? "0" : "") + Seconds; PrintableClock = Hours + ":" + StrMinutes + "'" + StrSeconds + """; } else if (Minutes != 0) { StrSeconds = ((Seconds < 10) ? "0" : "") + Seconds; PrintableClock = Minutes + "'" + StrSeconds + """; } else PrintableClock = Seconds + """; BoxClock.innerHTML = PrintableClock; } } } setTimeout("writeClockConnected()",1000); // refresh after 1 second } // Automatic refresh of connected users using AJAX. This function must be called from time to time var objXMLHttpReqCon = false; function refreshConnected() { objXMLHttpReqCon = AJAXCreateObject(); if (objXMLHttpReqCon) { var RefreshParams = RefreshParamNxtActCon + '&' + RefreshParamIdSes + '&' + RefreshParamCrsCod; objXMLHttpReqCon.onreadystatechange = readConnUsrsData; // onreadystatechange must be lowercase objXMLHttpReqCon.open('POST',ActionAJAX,true); objXMLHttpReqCon.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); objXMLHttpReqCon.send(RefreshParams); } } // Automatic refresh of last clicks using AJAX. This function must be called from time to time var objXMLHttpReqLog = false; function refreshLastClicks() { objXMLHttpReqLog = AJAXCreateObject(); if (objXMLHttpReqLog) { var RefreshParams = RefreshParamNxtActLog + '&' + RefreshParamIdSes + '&' + RefreshParamCrsCod; objXMLHttpReqLog.onreadystatechange = readLastClicksData; // onreadystatechange must be lowercase objXMLHttpReqLog.open('POST',ActionAJAX,true); objXMLHttpReqLog.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); objXMLHttpReqLog.send(RefreshParams); } } // Create AJAX object (try is unknown in earlier versions of Netscape, but works in IE5) function AJAXCreateObject() { var obj = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari,... obj = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE try { obj = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { obj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} } } return obj; } // Receives and show connected users data function readConnUsrsData() { if (objXMLHttpReqCon.readyState == 4) { // Check if data have been received if (objXMLHttpReqCon.status == 200) { var endOfDelay = objXMLHttpReqCon.responseText.indexOf('|',0); // Get separator position var endOfNotif = objXMLHttpReqCon.responseText.indexOf('|',endOfDelay+1); // Get separator position var endOfGblCon = objXMLHttpReqCon.responseText.indexOf('|',endOfNotif+1); // Get separator position var endOfCrsCon = objXMLHttpReqCon.responseText.indexOf('|',endOfGblCon+1); // Get separator position var endOfNumUsrs = objXMLHttpReqCon.responseText.indexOf('|',endOfCrsCon+1); // Get separator position var delay = parseInt(objXMLHttpReqCon.responseText.substring(0,endOfDelay)); // Get refresh delay var htmlNotif = objXMLHttpReqCon.responseText.substring(endOfDelay +1,endOfNotif); // Get HTML code for new notifications var htmlGblCon = objXMLHttpReqCon.responseText.substring(endOfNotif +1,endOfGblCon); // Get HTML code for connected var htmlCrsCon = objXMLHttpReqCon.responseText.substring(endOfGblCon+1,endOfCrsCon); // Get HTML code for course connected var NumUsrsStr = objXMLHttpReqCon.responseText.substring(endOfCrsCon+1,endOfNumUsrs); // Get number of users var startOfUsr; var endOfUsr; NumUsrsCon = (NumUsrsStr.length ? parseInt(NumUsrsStr) : 0); var divNewNotif = document.getElementById('msg'); // Access to new notifications DIV if (divNewNotif) divNewNotif.innerHTML = (htmlNotif.length) ? htmlNotif : ''; // Update new notifications DIV var divGblConnected = document.getElementById('globalconnected'); // Access to global connected DIV if (divGblConnected) divGblConnected.innerHTML = htmlGblCon; // Update global connected DIV if (htmlCrsCon.length) { var divCrsConnected = document.getElementById('courseconnected'); // Access to course connected DIV if (divCrsConnected) { divCrsConnected.innerHTML = htmlCrsCon; // Update course connected DIV countClockConnected = 0; // Don't refresh again using writeClockConnected until past 10 seconds startOfUsr = endOfNumUsrs + 1; for (var NumUsr=0; NumUsr'; } // Exit from zooming a user's photograph function noZoom(imagen) { var xPos = -(150+12); var yPos = -(200+12+88); document.getElementById('zoomTxt').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('zoomImg').src='/icon/_.gif'; document.getElementById('zoomLyr').style.left = xPos + 'px'; document.getElementById('zoomLyr').style.top = yPos + 'px'; } // Select or unselect a radio element in a form function selectUnselectRadio (radio,groupRadios,numRadiosInGroup){ if (radio.IsChecked) radio.checked = false; radio.IsChecked = !radio.IsChecked; for (var i=0; i Days) DayForm.options[Days].selected = true; for (var i=DayForm.options.length; i<=Days ; i++) // Create new days at start { var x = String (i); DayForm.options[i] = new Option(x,x); } for (var i=DayForm.options.length-1; i>Days; i--) // Remove days at the end DayForm.options[i] = null; } // Set a the date in a date form to a specified date function setDateTo (elem,Day,Month,Year) { document.getElementById('StartYear').options[Year].selected = true; document.getElementById('StartMonth').options[Month].selected = true; adjustDateForm (elem.form.StartDay,elem.form.StartMonth,elem.form.StartYear) document.getElementById('StartDay').options[Day].selected = true; document.getElementById('EndYear').options[Year].selected = true; document.getElementById('EndMonth').options[Month].selected = true; adjustDateForm (elem.form.EndDay,elem.form.EndMonth,elem.form.EndYear) document.getElementById('EndDay').options[Day].selected = true; } // Adjust iFrame height to height of browser function iFrameHeight () { var h; if (document.getElementById) { if (self.innerHeight) // all except Explorer h = self.innerHeight; else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) // Explorer 6 Strict Mode h = document.documentElement.clientHeight; else if (document.body) // other Explorers h = document.body.clientHeight; if (h == 0) h = 480; else { h = h - 210; if (h < 200) h = 200; } document.getElementById('iframe_central').style.height = h; } } // Change text of a test descriptor function changeTxtTag(NumTag){ var Sel = document.getElementById('SelDesc'+NumTag); document.getElementById('TagTxt'+NumTag).value = Sel.options[Sel.selectedIndex].value; } // Change selectors of test descriptors function changeSelTag(NumTag){ var Sel = document.getElementById('SelDesc'+NumTag); var Txt = document.getElementById('TagTxt'+NumTag); for (var i=0; i