// swad_exam_print.c: exam prints (each copy of an exam in a session for a student) /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************* Headers ***********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define _GNU_SOURCE // For asprintf #include // For PATH_MAX #include // For NULL #include // For asprintf #include // For string functions #include "swad_action_list.h" #include "swad_alert.h" #include "swad_autolink.h" #include "swad_box.h" #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_error.h" #include "swad_exam.h" #include "swad_exam_database.h" #include "swad_exam_log.h" #include "swad_exam_print.h" #include "swad_exam_result.h" #include "swad_exam_session.h" #include "swad_exam_set.h" #include "swad_exam_type.h" #include "swad_form.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_ID.h" #include "swad_parameter.h" #include "swad_parameter_code.h" #include "swad_photo.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_GetPrintDataFromRow (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res, struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned NumPrints); static void ExaPrn_GetQuestionsForNewPrintFromDB (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print,long ExaCod); static unsigned ExaPrn_GetSomeQstsFromSetToPrint (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, struct ExaSet_Set *Set, unsigned *NumQstsInPrint); static void ExaPrn_GenerateChoiceIndexes (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, bool Shuffle); static void ExaPrn_CreatePrint (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print); static void ExaPrn_ShowExamPrintToFillIt (struct Exa_Exams *Exams, struct ExaPrn_Print *Print); static void ExaPrn_GetAndWriteDescription (long ExaCod); static void ExaPrn_ShowTableWithQstsToFill (struct Exa_Exams *Exams, const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print); static void ExaPrn_WriteQstAndAnsToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, struct Qst_Question *Question); static void ExaPrn_WriteAnswersToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, struct Qst_Question *Question); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ExaPrn_WriteIntAnsToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, __attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question); static void ExaPrn_WriteFltAnsToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, __attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question); static void ExaPrn_WriteTF_AnsToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, __attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question); static void ExaPrn_WriteChoAnsToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, struct Qst_Question *Question); static void ExaPrn_WriteTxtAnsToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, __attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ExaPrn_WriteJSToUpdateExamPrint (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, const char *Id,int NumOpt); static void ExaPrn_GetAnswerFromForm (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print,unsigned QstInd); static unsigned ExaPrn_GetParQstInd (void); static void ExaPrn_ComputeScoreAndStoreQuestionOfPrint (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeIntAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, struct Qst_Question *Question); static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeFltAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, struct Qst_Question *Question); static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeTF_AnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, struct Qst_Question *Question); static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeChoAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, struct Qst_Question *Question); static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeTxtAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, struct Qst_Question *Question); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectIntAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question); static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectFltAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question); static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectTF_AnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question); static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectChoAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question); static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectTxtAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Reset exam print *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void ExaPrn_ResetPrint (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print) { Print->PrnCod = -1L; Print->SesCod = -1L; Print->UsrCod = -1L; Print->TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME] = Print->TimeUTC[Dat_END_TIME] = (time_t) 0; Print->Sent = false; // After creating an exam print, it's not sent Print->NumQsts.All = Print->NumQsts.NotBlank = Print->NumQsts.Valid.Correct = Print->NumQsts.Valid.Wrong.Negative = Print->NumQsts.Valid.Wrong.Zero = Print->NumQsts.Valid.Wrong.Positive = Print->NumQsts.Valid.Blank = Print->NumQsts.Valid.Total = 0; Print->Score.All = Print->Score.Valid = 0.0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Show print of an exam in a session *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void ExaPrn_ShowExamPrint (void) { extern const char *Txt_You_dont_have_access_to_the_exam; struct Exa_Exams Exams; struct ExaSes_Session Session; struct ExaPrn_Print Print; /***** Reset exams context *****/ Exa_ResetExams (&Exams); Exa_ResetExam (&Exams.Exam); ExaSes_ResetSession (&Session); /***** Get and check parameters *****/ ExaSes_GetAndCheckPars (&Exams,&Session); /***** Check if I can access to this session *****/ switch (ExaSes_CheckIfICanAnswerThisSession (&Exams.Exam,&Session)) { case Usr_CAN: /***** Set basic data of exam print *****/ Print.SesCod = Session.SesCod; Print.UsrCod = Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod; /***** Get exam print data from database *****/ ExaPrn_GetPrintDataBySesCodAndUsrCod (&Print); if (Print.PrnCod <= 0) // Exam print does not exists ==> create it { /***** Set again basic data of exam print *****/ Print.SesCod = Session.SesCod; Print.UsrCod = Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod; /***** Get questions from database *****/ ExaPrn_GetQuestionsForNewPrintFromDB (&Print,Exams.Exam.ExaCod); if (Print.NumQsts.All) { /***** Create new exam print in database *****/ ExaPrn_CreatePrint (&Print); /***** Set log print code and action *****/ ExaLog_SetPrnCod (Print.PrnCod); ExaLog_SetAction (ExaLog_START_EXAM); ExaLog_SetIfCanAnswer (true); } } else // Exam print exists { /***** Get exam print data from database *****/ ExaPrn_GetPrintDataBySesCodAndUsrCod (&Print); /***** Get questions and current user's answers from database *****/ ExaPrn_GetPrintQuestionsFromDB (&Print); /***** Set log print code and action *****/ ExaLog_SetPrnCod (Print.PrnCod); ExaLog_SetAction (ExaLog_RESUME_EXAM); ExaLog_SetIfCanAnswer (true); } /***** Show test to be answered *****/ ExaPrn_ShowExamPrintToFillIt (&Exams,&Print); break; case Usr_CAN_NOT: // Session not open or accessible default: /***** Show warning *****/ Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_INFO,Txt_You_dont_have_access_to_the_exam); break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Get data of an exam print using print code *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void ExaPrn_GetPrintDataByPrnCod (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; unsigned NumPrints; /***** Make database query *****/ NumPrints = Exa_DB_GetPrintDataByPrnCod (&mysql_res,Print->PrnCod); /***** Get data of print *****/ ExaPrn_GetPrintDataFromRow (&mysql_res,Print,NumPrints); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Get data of an exam print using session code and user code *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void ExaPrn_GetPrintDataBySesCodAndUsrCod (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; unsigned NumPrints; /***** Make database query *****/ NumPrints = Exa_DB_GetPrintDataBySesCodAndUsrCod (&mysql_res, Print->SesCod, Print->UsrCod); /***** Get data of print *****/ ExaPrn_GetPrintDataFromRow (&mysql_res,Print,NumPrints); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Get assignment data *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_GetPrintDataFromRow (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res, struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned NumPrints) { MYSQL_ROW row; if (NumPrints) { /* Get next row from result */ row = mysql_fetch_row (*mysql_res); /* Get print code (row[0]) */ Print->PrnCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); /* Get session code (row[1]) */ Print->SesCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[1]); /* Get user code (row[2]) */ Print->UsrCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[2]); /* Get date-time (row[3] and row[4] hold UTC date-time) */ Print->TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME] = Dat_GetUNIXTimeFromStr (row[3]); Print->TimeUTC[Dat_END_TIME] = Dat_GetUNIXTimeFromStr (row[4]); /* Get number of questions (row[5]) */ if (sscanf (row[5],"%u",&Print->NumQsts.All) != 1) Print->NumQsts.All = 0; /* Get number of questions not blank (row[6]) */ if (sscanf (row[6],"%u",&Print->NumQsts.NotBlank) != 1) Print->NumQsts.NotBlank = 0; /* Get if exam has been sent (row[7]) */ Print->Sent = (row[7][0] == 'Y'); /* Get score (row[8]) */ Str_SetDecimalPointToUS (); // To get the decimal point as a dot if (sscanf (row[8],"%lf",&Print->Score.All) != 1) Print->Score.All = 0.0; Str_SetDecimalPointToLocal (); // Return to local system } else ExaPrn_ResetPrint (Print); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Get questions for a new exam print from the database ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_GetQuestionsForNewPrintFromDB (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print,long ExaCod) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; unsigned NumSets; unsigned NumSet; struct ExaSet_Set Set; unsigned NumQstsFromSet; unsigned NumQstsInPrint = 0; /***** Get questions from all sets *****/ Print->NumQsts.All = 0; NumSets = Exa_DB_GetExamSets (&mysql_res,ExaCod); /***** For each set in exam... *****/ for (NumSet = 0; NumSet < NumSets; NumSet++) { /***** Create set of questions *****/ ExaSet_ResetSet (&Set); /***** Get set data *****/ ExaSet_GetSetDataFromRow (mysql_res,&Set); /***** Questions in this set *****/ NumQstsFromSet = ExaPrn_GetSomeQstsFromSetToPrint (Print,&Set,&NumQstsInPrint); Print->NumQsts.All += NumQstsFromSet; } /***** Check *****/ if (Print->NumQsts.All != NumQstsInPrint) Err_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong number of questions."); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Get some questions from a set ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static unsigned ExaPrn_GetSomeQstsFromSetToPrint (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, struct ExaSet_Set *Set, unsigned *NumQstsInPrint) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumQstsInSet; unsigned NumQstInSet; Qst_AnswerType_t AnswerType; bool Shuffle; /***** Get questions from database *****/ NumQstsInSet = Exa_DB_GetSomeQstsFromSetToPrint (&mysql_res, Set->SetCod, Set->NumQstsToPrint); /***** Questions in this set *****/ for (NumQstInSet = 0, The_ResetRowColor (); NumQstInSet < NumQstsInSet; NumQstInSet++, (*NumQstsInPrint)++, The_ChangeRowColor ()) { /***** Get question data *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* row[0] QstCod row[1] AnsType row[2] Shuffle */ /* Get question code (row[0]) */ Print->PrintedQuestions[*NumQstsInPrint].QstCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); /* Set set of questions */ Print->PrintedQuestions[*NumQstsInPrint].SetCod = Set->SetCod; /* Get answer type (row[1]) */ AnswerType = Qst_ConvertFromStrAnsTypDBToAnsTyp (row[1]); /* Get shuffle (row[2]) */ Shuffle = (row[2][0] == 'Y'); /* Set indexes of answers */ switch (AnswerType) { case Qst_ANS_INT: case Qst_ANS_FLOAT: case Qst_ANS_TRUE_FALSE: case Qst_ANS_TEXT: Print->PrintedQuestions[*NumQstsInPrint].StrIndexes[0] = '\0'; break; case Qst_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE: case Qst_ANS_MULTIPLE_CHOICE: /* If answer type is unique or multiple option, generate indexes of answers depending on shuffle */ ExaPrn_GenerateChoiceIndexes (&Print->PrintedQuestions[*NumQstsInPrint],Shuffle); break; default: break; } /* Reset user's answers. Initially user has not answered the question ==> initially all answers will be blank. If the user does not confirm the submission of their exam ==> ==> the exam may be half filled ==> the answers displayed will be those selected by the user. */ Print->PrintedQuestions[*NumQstsInPrint].StrAnswers[0] = '\0'; /* Reset score of this question in print */ Print->PrintedQuestions[*NumQstsInPrint].Score = 0.0; } return NumQstsInSet; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Generate choice indexes depending on shuffle ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_GenerateChoiceIndexes (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, bool Shuffle) { struct Qst_Question Question; unsigned NumOpt; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned Index; bool ErrorInIndex; char StrInd[1 + Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; /***** Create test question *****/ Qst_QstConstructor (&Question); Question.QstCod = PrintedQuestion->QstCod; /***** Get answers of question from database *****/ Question.Answer.NumOptions = Exa_DB_GetQstAnswersFromSet (&mysql_res, Question.QstCod, Shuffle); /* row[0] AnsInd row[1] Answer row[2] Feedback row[3] MedCod row[4] Correct */ for (NumOpt = 0; NumOpt < Question.Answer.NumOptions; NumOpt++) { /***** Get next answer *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /***** Assign index (row[0]). Index is 0,1,2,3... if no shuffle or 1,3,0,2... (example) if shuffle *****/ ErrorInIndex = false; if (sscanf (row[0],"%u",&Index) == 1) { if (Index >= Qst_MAX_OPTIONS_PER_QUESTION) ErrorInIndex = true; } else ErrorInIndex = true; if (ErrorInIndex) Err_WrongAnswerIndexExit (); if (NumOpt == 0) snprintf (StrInd,sizeof (StrInd),"%u",Index); else snprintf (StrInd,sizeof (StrInd),",%u",Index); Str_Concat (PrintedQuestion->StrIndexes,StrInd, sizeof (PrintedQuestion->StrIndexes) - 1); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); /***** Destroy test question *****/ Qst_QstDestructor (&Question); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Create new blank exam print in database *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_CreatePrint (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print) { unsigned QstInd; /***** Insert new exam print into database *****/ Print->PrnCod = Exa_DB_CreatePrint (Print); /***** Store all questions (with blank answers) of this exam print just generated in database *****/ for (QstInd = 0; QstInd < Print->NumQsts.All; QstInd++) Exa_DB_StoreOneQstOfPrint (Print,QstInd); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Get the questions of an exam print from database **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void ExaPrn_GetPrintQuestionsFromDB (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned QstInd; /***** Get questions of an exam print from database *****/ if ((Print->NumQsts.All = Exa_DB_GetPrintQuestions (&mysql_res,Print->PrnCod)) <= ExaPrn_MAX_QUESTIONS_PER_EXAM_PRINT) for (QstInd = 0; QstInd < Print->NumQsts.All; QstInd++) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get question code (row[0]) and set code (row[1]) */ if ((Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].QstCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) <= 0) Err_WrongQuestionExit (); if ((Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].SetCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[1])) <= 0) Err_WrongSetExit (); /* Get score (row[2]) */ Str_SetDecimalPointToUS (); // To get the decimal point as a dot if (sscanf (row[2],"%lf",&Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].Score) != 1) Err_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong question score."); Str_SetDecimalPointToLocal (); // Return to local system /* Get indexes for this question (row[3]) and answers selected by user for this question (row[4]) */ Str_Copy (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrIndexes,row[3], sizeof (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrIndexes) - 1); Str_Copy (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers,row[4], sizeof (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers) - 1); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); if (Print->NumQsts.All > ExaPrn_MAX_QUESTIONS_PER_EXAM_PRINT) Err_ShowErrorAndExit ("Too many questions."); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Show an exam print to be answered **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_ShowExamPrintToFillIt (struct Exa_Exams *Exams, struct ExaPrn_Print *Print) { extern const char *Hlp_ASSESSMENT_Exams_answer_exam; /***** Begin box *****/ Box_BoxBegin (Exams->Exam.Title,NULL,NULL, Hlp_ASSESSMENT_Exams_answer_exam,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); /***** Heading *****/ /* Institution, degree and course */ Lay_WriteHeaderClassPhoto (Vie_VIEW); /***** Show user and time *****/ HTM_TABLE_BeginWideMarginPadding (10); ExaRes_ShowExamResultUser (&Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat); HTM_TABLE_End (); /***** Exam description *****/ ExaPrn_GetAndWriteDescription (Exams->Exam.ExaCod); if (Print->NumQsts.All) { /***** Show table with questions to answer *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"examprint\""); // Used for AJAX based refresh ExaPrn_ShowTableWithQstsToFill (Exams,Print); HTM_DIV_End (); // Used for AJAX based refresh } /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Write description in an exam print ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_GetAndWriteDescription (long ExaCod) { char Txt[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]; /***** Get description from database *****/ Exa_DB_GetExamTxt (ExaCod,Txt); Str_ChangeFormat (Str_FROM_HTML,Str_TO_RIGOROUS_HTML, Txt,Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT,Str_DONT_REMOVE_SPACES); ALn_InsertLinks (Txt,Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT,60); // Insert links /***** Write description *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"EXA_PRN_DESC DAT_SMALL_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_Txt (Txt); HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Show the main part (table) of an exam print to be answered ********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_ShowTableWithQstsToFill (struct Exa_Exams *Exams, const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print) { extern const char *Txt_I_have_finished; unsigned QstInd; struct Qst_Question Question; /***** Begin table *****/ HTM_TABLE_BeginWideMarginPadding (10); /***** Write one row for each question *****/ for (QstInd = 0; QstInd < Print->NumQsts.All; QstInd++) { /* Create test question */ Qst_QstConstructor (&Question); Question.QstCod = Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].QstCod; /* Get question from database */ ExaSet_GetQstDataFromDB (&Question); /* Write question and answers */ ExaPrn_WriteQstAndAnsToFill (Print,QstInd,&Question); /* Destroy test question */ Qst_QstDestructor (&Question); } /***** End table *****/ HTM_TABLE_End (); /***** Form to end/close this exam print *****/ Frm_BeginForm (ActEndExaPrn); ExaSes_PutParsEdit (Exams); Btn_PutCreateButton (Txt_I_have_finished); Frm_EndForm (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Write a row of a test, with one question and its answer **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_WriteQstAndAnsToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, struct Qst_Question *Question) { static struct ExaSet_Set CurrentSet = { .ExaCod = -1L, .SetCod = -1L, .SetInd = 0, .NumQstsToPrint = 0, .Title[0] = '\0' }; if (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].SetCod != CurrentSet.SetCod) { /***** Get data of this set *****/ CurrentSet.SetCod = Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].SetCod; ExaSet_GetSetDataByCod (&CurrentSet); /***** Title for this set *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"2\" class=\"%s\"",The_GetColorRows ()); ExaSet_WriteSetTitle (&CurrentSet); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } /***** Begin row *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /***** Number of question and answer type *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RT\""); Lay_WriteIndex (QstInd + 1,"BIG_INDEX"); Qst_WriteAnswerType (Question->Answer.Type,"DAT_SMALL"); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Stem, media and answers *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\""); /* Stem */ Qst_WriteQstStem (Question->Stem,"Qst_TXT",HidVis_VISIBLE); /* Media */ Med_ShowMedia (&Question->Media, "Tst_MED_SHOW_CONT", "Tst_MED_SHOW"); /* Answers */ Frm_BeginFormNoAction (); // Form that can not be submitted, to avoid enter key to send it ExaPrn_WriteAnswersToFill (Print,QstInd,Question); Frm_EndForm (); HTM_TD_End (); /***** End row *****/ HTM_TR_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Write answers of a question to fill them ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_WriteAnswersToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, struct Qst_Question *Question) { void (*ExaPrn_WriteAnsToFill[Qst_NUM_ANS_TYPES]) (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, struct Qst_Question *Question) = { [Qst_ANS_INT ] = ExaPrn_WriteIntAnsToFill, [Qst_ANS_FLOAT ] = ExaPrn_WriteFltAnsToFill, [Qst_ANS_TRUE_FALSE ] = ExaPrn_WriteTF_AnsToFill, [Qst_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE ] = ExaPrn_WriteChoAnsToFill, [Qst_ANS_MULTIPLE_CHOICE] = ExaPrn_WriteChoAnsToFill, [Qst_ANS_TEXT ] = ExaPrn_WriteTxtAnsToFill, }; /***** Write answers *****/ ExaPrn_WriteAnsToFill[Question->Answer.Type] (Print,QstInd,Question); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Write integer answer when seeing a test ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_WriteIntAnsToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, __attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question) { char Id[3 + Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; // "Ansxx...x" /***** Write input field for the answer *****/ snprintf (Id,sizeof (Id),"Ans%010u",QstInd); HTM_TxtF ("PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers); ExaPrn_WriteJSToUpdateExamPrint (Print,QstInd,Id,-1); HTM_Txt (" />"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Write float answer when seeing a test ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_WriteFltAnsToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, __attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question) { char Id[3 + Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; // "Ansxx...x" /***** Write input field for the answer *****/ snprintf (Id,sizeof (Id),"Ans%010u",QstInd); HTM_TxtF ("PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers); ExaPrn_WriteJSToUpdateExamPrint (Print,QstInd,Id,-1); HTM_Txt (" />"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Write false / true answer when seeing a test ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_WriteTF_AnsToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, __attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question) { extern const char *Txt_TF_QST[2]; char Id[3 + Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; // "Ansxx...x" /***** Write selector for the answer *****/ /* Initially user has not answered the question ==> initially all answers will be blank. If the user does not confirm the submission of their exam ==> ==> the exam may be half filled ==> the answers displayed will be those selected by the user. */ snprintf (Id,sizeof (Id),"Ans%010u",QstInd); HTM_TxtF (""); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***** Write single or multiple choice answer when seeing an exam print ******/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_WriteChoAnsToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, struct Qst_Question *Question) { unsigned NumOpt; unsigned Indexes[Qst_MAX_OPTIONS_PER_QUESTION]; // Indexes of all answers of this question HTM_Attributes_t UsrAnswers[Qst_MAX_OPTIONS_PER_QUESTION]; char Id[3 + Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; // "Ansxx...x" /***** Change format of answers text *****/ Qst_ChangeFormatAnswersText (Question); /***** Get indexes for this question from string *****/ TstPrn_GetIndexesFromStr (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrIndexes,Indexes); /***** Get the user's answers for this question from string *****/ TstPrn_GetAnswersFromStr (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers,UsrAnswers); /***** Begin table *****/ HTM_TABLE_BeginPadding (2); for (NumOpt = 0; NumOpt < Question->Answer.NumOptions; NumOpt++) { /***** Indexes are 0 1 2 3... if no shuffle or 3 1 0 2... (example) if shuffle *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /***** Write selectors and letter of this option *****/ /* Initially user has not answered the question ==> initially all answers will be blank. If the user does not confirm the submission of their exam ==> ==> the exam may be half filled ==> the answers displayed will be those selected by the user. */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\""); snprintf (Id,sizeof (Id),"Ans%010u",QstInd); HTM_TxtF ("Answer.Type == Qst_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE ? "radio" : "checkbox", Id,NumOpt,Indexes[NumOpt]); if ((UsrAnswers[Indexes[NumOpt]] & HTM_CHECKED)) HTM_Txt (" checked"); ExaPrn_WriteJSToUpdateExamPrint (Print,QstInd,Id,(int) NumOpt); HTM_Txt (" />"); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\""); HTM_LABEL_Begin ("for=\"Ans%010u_%u\" class=\"Qst_TXT_%s\"", QstInd,NumOpt,The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TxtF ("%c) ",'a' + (char) NumOpt); HTM_LABEL_End (); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Write the option text *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\""); HTM_LABEL_Begin ("for=\"Ans%010u_%u\" class=\"Qst_TXT_%s\"", QstInd,NumOpt,The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_Txt (Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Text); HTM_LABEL_End (); Med_ShowMedia (&Question->Answer.Options[Indexes[NumOpt]].Media, "Tst_MED_SHOW_CONT", "Tst_MED_SHOW"); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } /***** End table *****/ HTM_TABLE_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Write text answer when seeing a test *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_WriteTxtAnsToFill (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, __attribute__((unused)) struct Qst_Question *Question) { char Id[3 + Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; // "Ansxx...x" /***** Write input field for the answer *****/ snprintf (Id,sizeof (Id),"Ans%010u",QstInd); HTM_TxtF ("PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers); ExaPrn_WriteJSToUpdateExamPrint (Print,QstInd,Id,-1); HTM_Txt (" />"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Receive answer to an exam print **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_WriteJSToUpdateExamPrint (const struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd, const char *Id,int NumOpt) { if (NumOpt < 0) HTM_TxtF (" onchange=\"updateExamPrint('examprint','%s','Ans'," "'act=%ld&ses=%s&SesCod=%ld&QstInd=%u',%u);", Id, Act_GetActCod (ActAnsExaPrn),Gbl.Session.Id,Print->SesCod,QstInd, (unsigned) Gbl.Prefs.Language); else // NumOpt >= 0 HTM_TxtF (" onclick=\"updateExamPrint('examprint','%s_%d','Ans'," "'act=%ld&ses=%s&SesCod=%ld&QstInd=%u',%u);", Id,NumOpt, Act_GetActCod (ActAnsExaPrn),Gbl.Session.Id,Print->SesCod,QstInd, (unsigned) Gbl.Prefs.Language); HTM_Txt (" return false;\""); // return false is necessary to not submit form } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Receive answer to an exam print **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void ExaPrn_ReceivePrintAnswer (void) { extern const char *Txt_You_dont_have_access_to_the_exam; extern const char *Txt_Continue; struct Exa_Exams Exams; struct ExaSes_Session Session; struct ExaPrn_Print Print; unsigned QstInd; /***** Reset exams context *****/ Exa_ResetExams (&Exams); Exa_ResetExam (&Exams.Exam); ExaSes_ResetSession (&Session); /***** Get session code *****/ Print.SesCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Ses); /***** Get print data *****/ Print.UsrCod = Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod; ExaPrn_GetPrintDataBySesCodAndUsrCod (&Print); if (Print.PrnCod <= 0) Err_WrongExamExit (); /***** Get session data *****/ Session.SesCod = Print.SesCod; ExaSes_GetSessionDataByCod (&Session); if (Session.SesCod <= 0) Err_WrongExamExit (); Exams.SesCod = Session.SesCod; /***** Get exam data *****/ Exams.Exam.ExaCod = Session.ExaCod; Exa_GetExamDataByCod (&Exams.Exam); if (Exams.Exam.ExaCod <= 0) Err_WrongExamExit (); if (Exams.Exam.CrsCod != Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[Hie_CRS].HieCod) Err_WrongExamExit (); /***** Get question index from form *****/ QstInd = ExaPrn_GetParQstInd (); /***** Set log print code, action and question index *****/ ExaLog_SetPrnCod (Print.PrnCod); ExaLog_SetAction (ExaLog_ANSWER_QUESTION); ExaLog_SetQstInd (QstInd); /***** Check if session if visible and open *****/ switch (ExaSes_CheckIfICanAnswerThisSession (&Exams.Exam,&Session)) { case Usr_CAN: /***** Set log open to true ****/ ExaLog_SetIfCanAnswer (true); /***** Get questions and current user's answers of exam print from database *****/ ExaPrn_GetPrintQuestionsFromDB (&Print); /***** Get answers from form to assess a test *****/ ExaPrn_GetAnswerFromForm (&Print,QstInd); /***** Update answer in database *****/ /* Compute question score and store in database */ ExaPrn_ComputeScoreAndStoreQuestionOfPrint (&Print,QstInd); /* Update exam print in database */ Print.NumQsts.NotBlank = Exa_DB_GetNumQstsNotBlankInPrint (Print.PrnCod); Print.Score.All = Exa_DB_ComputeTotalScoreOfPrint (Print.PrnCod); Exa_DB_UpdatePrint (&Print); /***** Show table with questions to answer *****/ ExaPrn_ShowTableWithQstsToFill (&Exams,&Print); break; case Usr_CAN_NOT: // Not accessible to answer default: /***** Set log open to false ****/ ExaLog_SetIfCanAnswer (false); /***** Show warning *****/ Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_INFO,Txt_You_dont_have_access_to_the_exam); /***** Form to end/close this exam print *****/ Frm_BeginForm (ActEndExaPrn); ExaSes_PutParsEdit (&Exams); Btn_PutCreateButton (Txt_Continue); Frm_EndForm (); break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Get questions and answers from form to assess an exam print ********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_GetAnswerFromForm (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print,unsigned QstInd) { /***** Get answers selected by user for this question *****/ Par_GetParText ("Ans",Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers, Qst_MAX_BYTES_ANSWERS_ONE_QST); /* If answer type == T/F ==> " ", "T", "F"; if choice ==> "0", "2",... */ } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get parameter with question index *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static unsigned ExaPrn_GetParQstInd (void) { long QstInd; if ((QstInd = Par_GetParLong ("QstInd")) < 0) // In exams, question index should be 0, 1, 2, 3... Err_WrongQuestionIndexExit (); return (unsigned) QstInd; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Compute score of one question and store in database *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_ComputeScoreAndStoreQuestionOfPrint (struct ExaPrn_Print *Print, unsigned QstInd) { struct Qst_Question Question; char CurrentStrAnswersInDB[Qst_MAX_BYTES_ANSWERS_ONE_QST + 1]; // Answers selected by user /***** Compute question score *****/ Qst_QstConstructor (&Question); Question.QstCod = Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].QstCod; Question.Answer.Type = ExaSet_GetAnswerType (Question.QstCod); ExaPrn_ComputeAnswerScore (&Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd],&Question); Qst_QstDestructor (&Question); /***** If type is unique choice and the option (radio button) is checked ==> uncheck it by deleting answer *****/ if (Question.Answer.Type == Qst_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE) { Exa_DB_GetAnswersFromQstInPrint (Print->PrnCod,Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].QstCod, CurrentStrAnswersInDB); if (!strcmp (Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers,CurrentStrAnswersInDB)) { /* The answer just clicked by user is the same as the last one checked and stored in database */ Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].StrAnswers[0] = '\0'; // Uncheck option Print->PrintedQuestions[QstInd].Score = 0; // Clear question score } } /***** Store test question in database *****/ Exa_DB_StoreOneQstOfPrint (Print, QstInd); // 0, 1, 2, 3... } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Write answers of a question when assessing a test *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void ExaPrn_ComputeAnswerScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, struct Qst_Question *Question) { void (*ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeAnsScore[Qst_NUM_ANS_TYPES]) (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, struct Qst_Question *Question) = { [Qst_ANS_INT ] = ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeIntAnsScore, [Qst_ANS_FLOAT ] = ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeFltAnsScore, [Qst_ANS_TRUE_FALSE ] = ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeTF_AnsScore, [Qst_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE ] = ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeChoAnsScore, [Qst_ANS_MULTIPLE_CHOICE] = ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeChoAnsScore, [Qst_ANS_TEXT ] = ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeTxtAnsScore, }; /***** Get correct answer and compute answer score depending on type *****/ ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeAnsScore[Question->Answer.Type] (PrintedQuestion,Question); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Get correct answer and compute score for each type of answer ********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeIntAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, struct Qst_Question *Question) { /***** Get the numerical value of the correct answer, and compute score *****/ ExaPrn_GetCorrectIntAnswerFromDB (Question); TstPrn_ComputeIntAnsScore (PrintedQuestion,Question); } static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeFltAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, struct Qst_Question *Question) { /***** Get the numerical value of the minimum and maximum correct answers, and compute score *****/ ExaPrn_GetCorrectFltAnswerFromDB (Question); TstPrn_ComputeFltAnsScore (PrintedQuestion,Question); } static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeTF_AnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, struct Qst_Question *Question) { /***** Get answer true or false, and compute score *****/ ExaPrn_GetCorrectTF_AnswerFromDB (Question); TstPrn_ComputeTF_AnsScore (PrintedQuestion,Question); } static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeChoAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, struct Qst_Question *Question) { /***** Get correct options of test question from database, and compute score *****/ ExaPrn_GetCorrectChoAnswerFromDB (Question); TstPrn_ComputeChoAnsScore (PrintedQuestion,Question); } static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectAndComputeTxtAnsScore (struct TstPrn_PrintedQuestion *PrintedQuestion, struct Qst_Question *Question) { /***** Get correct text answers for this question from database, and compute score *****/ ExaPrn_GetCorrectTxtAnswerFromDB (Question); TstPrn_ComputeTxtAnsScore (PrintedQuestion,Question); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Get correct answer for each type of answer ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectIntAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; /***** Query database *****/ Question->Answer.NumOptions = Exa_DB_GetQstAnswersTextFromSet (&mysql_res,Question->QstCod); /***** Check if number of rows is correct *****/ Qst_CheckIfNumberOfAnswersIsOne (Question); /***** Get correct answer *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); if (sscanf (row[0],"%ld",&Question->Answer.Integer) != 1) Err_WrongAnswerExit (); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectFltAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumOpt; double Tmp; /***** Query database *****/ Question->Answer.NumOptions = Exa_DB_GetQstAnswersTextFromSet (&mysql_res,Question->QstCod); /***** Check if number of rows is correct *****/ if (Question->Answer.NumOptions != 2) Err_WrongAnswerExit (); /***** Get float range *****/ for (NumOpt = 0; NumOpt < 2; NumOpt++) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[NumOpt] = Str_GetDoubleFromStr (row[0]); } if (Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[0] > Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[1]) // The maximum and the minimum are swapped { /* Swap maximum and minimum */ Tmp = Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[0]; Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[0] = Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[1]; Question->Answer.FloatingPoint[1] = Tmp; } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectTF_AnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; /***** Query database *****/ Question->Answer.NumOptions = Exa_DB_GetQstAnswersTextFromSet (&mysql_res,Question->QstCod); /***** Check if number of rows is correct *****/ Qst_CheckIfNumberOfAnswersIsOne (Question); /***** Get answer *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); Question->Answer.TF = row[0][0]; /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectChoAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumOpt; /***** Query database *****/ Question->Answer.NumOptions = Exa_DB_GetQstAnswersCorrFromSet (&mysql_res,Question->QstCod); for (NumOpt = 0; NumOpt < Question->Answer.NumOptions; NumOpt++) { /* Get next answer */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Assign correctness (row[0]) of this answer (this option) */ Question->Answer.Options[NumOpt].Correct = (row[0][0] == 'Y'); } /* Free structure that stores the query result */ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } static void ExaPrn_GetCorrectTxtAnswerFromDB (struct Qst_Question *Question) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumOpt; /***** Query database *****/ Question->Answer.NumOptions = Exa_DB_GetQstAnswersTextFromSet (&mysql_res,Question->QstCod); /***** Get text and correctness of answers for this question from database (one row per answer) *****/ for (NumOpt = 0; NumOpt < Question->Answer.NumOptions; NumOpt++) { /***** Get next answer *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /***** Allocate memory for text in this choice answer *****/ if (!Qst_AllocateTextChoiceAnswer (Question,NumOpt)) /* Abort on error */ Ale_ShowAlertsAndExit (); /***** Copy answer text (row[0]) ******/ Str_Copy (Question->Answer.Options[NumOpt].Text,row[0], Qst_MAX_BYTES_ANSWER_OR_FEEDBACK); } /***** Change format of answers text *****/ Qst_ChangeFormatAnswersText (Question); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); }