// swad_logo.c: logo of institution, center or degree /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General 3 License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************************** Headers *********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define _GNU_SOURCE // For asprintf #include // For asprintf #include // For free #include // For string functions #include "swad_action.h" #include "swad_action_list.h" #include "swad_alert.h" #include "swad_box.h" #include "swad_center_database.h" #include "swad_course_database.h" #include "swad_degree_database.h" #include "swad_error.h" #include "swad_form.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_HTML.h" #include "swad_scope.h" #include "swad_theme.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Private constants ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static const char *Lgo_Folder[Hie_NUM_LEVELS] = { [Hie_INS] = Cfg_FOLDER_INS, [Hie_CTR] = Cfg_FOLDER_CTR, [Hie_DEG] = Cfg_FOLDER_DEG, }; /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogoIns (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args); static void Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogoCtr (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args); static void Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogoDeg (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args); static void Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogo (Act_Action_t ActionRem); /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Draw institution, center or degree logo *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Lgo_DrawLogo (Hie_Level_t Level,const struct Hie_Node *Node, const char *IconClass) { extern const char *Hie_Icons[Hie_NUM_LEVELS]; const char *Folder = NULL; // To avoid warning char PathLogo[PATH_MAX + 1]; bool LogoFound = false; long HieCod; long InsCod; long CtrCod; long DegCod; long CrsCod; char *URL; char *Icon; switch (Level) { case Hie_SYS: Ico_PutIcon (Hie_Icons[Hie_SYS],Ico_BLACK,Node->ShrtName,IconClass); break; case Hie_CTY: Cty_DrawCountryMap (Node,IconClass); break; case Hie_INS: case Hie_CTR: case Hie_DEG: case Hie_CRS: if (Node->HieCod > 0) // Institution, center, degree or course exists { HieCod = InsCod = CtrCod = DegCod = CrsCod = Node->HieCod; /* Course */ /* Degree */ if (!LogoFound && Level >= Hie_DEG) { Folder = Cfg_FOLDER_DEG; if (Level >= Hie_CRS) DegCod = Crs_DB_GetDegCodOfCourseByCod (CrsCod); snprintf (PathLogo,sizeof (PathLogo),"%s/%02u/%u/logo/%u.png", Cfg_PATH_DEG_PUBLIC, (unsigned) (DegCod % 100), (unsigned) DegCod, (unsigned) DegCod); LogoFound = Fil_CheckIfPathExists (PathLogo); if (LogoFound) HieCod = DegCod; } /* Center */ if (!LogoFound && Level >= Hie_CTR) { Folder = Cfg_FOLDER_CTR; if (Level >= Hie_DEG) CtrCod = Deg_DB_GetCtrCodOfDegreeByCod (DegCod); else CtrCod = HieCod; snprintf (PathLogo,sizeof (PathLogo),"%s/%02u/%u/logo/%u.png", Cfg_PATH_CTR_PUBLIC, (unsigned) (CtrCod % 100), (unsigned) CtrCod, (unsigned) CtrCod); LogoFound = Fil_CheckIfPathExists (PathLogo); if (LogoFound) HieCod = CtrCod; } /* Institution */ if (!LogoFound) { Folder = Cfg_FOLDER_INS; if (Level >= Hie_CTR) InsCod = Ctr_DB_GetInsCodOfCenterByCod (CtrCod); snprintf (PathLogo,sizeof (PathLogo),"%s/%02u/%u/logo/%u.png", Cfg_PATH_INS_PUBLIC, (unsigned) (InsCod % 100), (unsigned) InsCod, (unsigned) InsCod); LogoFound = Fil_CheckIfPathExists (PathLogo); if (LogoFound) HieCod = InsCod; } /***** Draw logo *****/ if (LogoFound) { if (asprintf (&URL,"%s/%s/%02u/%u/logo", Cfg_URL_SWAD_PUBLIC,Folder, (unsigned) (HieCod % 100), (unsigned) HieCod) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); if (asprintf (&Icon,"%u.png",(unsigned) HieCod) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); HTM_IMG (URL,Icon,Node->FullName, "class=\"%s\"",IconClass); free (Icon); free (URL); } else HTM_IMG (Cfg_URL_ICON_PUBLIC,Hie_Icons[Level],Node->ShrtName, "class=\"%s ICO_%s_%s\"", IconClass, Ico_GetPreffix (Ico_BLACK),The_GetSuffix ()); } break; default: break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Put an icon to go to the action used to request ***************/ /************* the logo of institution, center or degree ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Lgo_PutIconToChangeLogo (Hie_Level_t Level) { static const Act_Action_t Action[Hie_NUM_LEVELS] = { [Hie_UNK] = ActUnk, // Unknown [Hie_SYS] = ActUnk, // System [Hie_CTY] = ActUnk, // Country [Hie_INS] = ActReqInsLog, // Institution [Hie_CTR] = ActReqCtrLog, // Center [Hie_DEG] = ActReqDegLog, // Degree [Hie_CRS] = ActUnk, // Course }; Lay_PutContextualLinkOnlyIcon (Action[Level],NULL, NULL,NULL, "shield-alt.svg",Ico_BLACK); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**** Show a form for sending a logo of the institution, center or degree ****/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Lgo_RequestLogo (Hie_Level_t Level) { extern const char *Txt_Logo; extern const char *Txt_You_can_send_a_file_with_an_image_in_PNG_format_transparent_background_and_size_X_Y; extern const char *Txt_File_with_the_logo; static const Act_Action_t ActionRec[Hie_NUM_LEVELS] = { [Hie_INS] = ActRecInsLog, [Hie_CTR] = ActRecCtrLog, [Hie_DEG] = ActRecDegLog, }; static void (*FunctionToDrawContextualIcons[Hie_NUM_LEVELS]) (void *Args) = { [Hie_INS] = Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogoIns, [Hie_CTR] = Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogoCtr, [Hie_DEG] = Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogoDeg, }; long Cod = Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[Level].HieCod; char PathLogo[PATH_MAX + 1]; /***** Check if logo exists *****/ snprintf (PathLogo,sizeof (PathLogo),"%s/%s/%02u/%u/logo/%u.png", Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PUBLIC,Lgo_Folder[Level], (unsigned) (Cod % 100), (unsigned) Cod, (unsigned) Cod); /***** Begin box *****/ Box_BoxBegin (Txt_Logo, Fil_CheckIfPathExists (PathLogo) ? FunctionToDrawContextualIcons[Level] : NULL,NULL, NULL,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); /***** Begin form to upload logo *****/ Frm_BeginForm (ActionRec[Level]); /***** Write help message *****/ Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_INFO,Txt_You_can_send_a_file_with_an_image_in_PNG_format_transparent_background_and_size_X_Y, 64,64); /***** Upload logo *****/ HTM_LABEL_Begin ("class=\"FORM_IN_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TxtColonNBSP (Txt_File_with_the_logo); HTM_INPUT_FILE (Fil_NAME_OF_PARAM_FILENAME_ORG,"image/png", HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, NULL); HTM_LABEL_End (); /***** End form *****/ Frm_EndForm (); /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Put a link to request the removal of the logo ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogoIns (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args) { Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogo (ActRemInsLog); } static void Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogoCtr (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args) { Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogo (ActRemCtrLog); } static void Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogoDeg (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args) { Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogo (ActRemDegLog); } static void Lgo_PutIconToRemoveLogo (Act_Action_t ActionRem) { Lay_PutContextualLinkOnlyIcon (ActionRem,NULL, NULL,NULL, "trash.svg",Ico_RED); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Receive the logo of the current institution, center or degree *******/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Lgo_ReceiveLogo (Hie_Level_t Level) { extern const char *Txt_The_file_is_not_X; long Cod = Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[Level].HieCod; char Path[PATH_MAX + 1]; struct Par_Param *Par; char FileNameLogoSrc[PATH_MAX + 1]; char MIMEType[Brw_MAX_BYTES_MIME_TYPE + 1]; char FileNameLogo[PATH_MAX + 1]; // Full name (including path and .png) of the destination file bool WrongType = false; /***** Creates directories if not exist *****/ snprintf (Path,sizeof (Path),"%s/%s", Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PUBLIC,Lgo_Folder[Level]); Fil_CreateDirIfNotExists (Path); snprintf (Path,sizeof (Path),"%s/%s/%02u", Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PUBLIC,Lgo_Folder[Level], (unsigned) (Cod % 100)); Fil_CreateDirIfNotExists (Path); snprintf (Path,sizeof (Path),"%s/%s/%02u/%u", Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PUBLIC,Lgo_Folder[Level], (unsigned) (Cod % 100), (unsigned) Cod); Fil_CreateDirIfNotExists (Path); snprintf (Path,sizeof (Path),"%s/%s/%02u/%u/logo", Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PUBLIC,Lgo_Folder[Level], (unsigned) (Cod % 100), (unsigned) Cod); Fil_CreateDirIfNotExists (Path); /***** Copy in disk the file received *****/ Par = Fil_StartReceptionOfFile (Fil_NAME_OF_PARAM_FILENAME_ORG, FileNameLogoSrc,MIMEType); /* Check if the file type is image/jpeg or image/pjpeg or application/octet-stream */ if (strcmp (MIMEType,"image/png")) if (strcmp (MIMEType,"image/x-png")) if (strcmp (MIMEType,"application/octet-stream")) if (strcmp (MIMEType,"application/octetstream")) if (strcmp (MIMEType,"application/octet")) WrongType = true; if (WrongType) Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_WARNING,Txt_The_file_is_not_X, "png"); else { /* End the reception of logo in a temporary file */ snprintf (FileNameLogo,sizeof (FileNameLogo),"%s/%s/%02u/%u/logo/%u.png", Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PUBLIC,Lgo_Folder[Level], (unsigned) (Cod % 100), (unsigned) Cod, (unsigned) Cod); if (!Fil_EndReceptionOfFile (FileNameLogo,Par)) Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_ERROR,"Error copying file."); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Remove the logo of the current institution, center or degree ********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Lgo_RemoveLogo (Hie_Level_t Level) { long Cod = Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[Level].HieCod; char FileNameLogo[PATH_MAX + 1]; // Full name (including path and .png) of the destination file /***** Remove logo *****/ snprintf (FileNameLogo,sizeof (FileNameLogo),"%s/%s/%02u/%u/logo/%u.png", Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PUBLIC,Lgo_Folder[Level], (unsigned) (Cod % 100), (unsigned) Cod, (unsigned) Cod); Fil_RemoveTree (FileNameLogo); }