shared workspace at a distance

Translation of SWAD

CC BY-SA Antonio Cañas Vargas, 1999-2014

SWAD is available in 9 languages

SWAD LMS is available in 9 languages:

Translation of the main core

The SWAD main core, programmed in ANSI C, has been fully or partially translated to 9 languages. This is the people who has performed the translation or collaborated in it:

Català (partial translation)
  • Antonio Cañas Vargas
  • Joan Lluís Díaz Rodríguez
Deutsch (partial translation)
  • Antonio Cañas Vargas
  • Rafael Barranco-Droege
English (traducción completa)
  • Antonio Cañas Vargas
Español (traducción completa)
  • Antonio Cañas Vargas
Français (partial translation)
  • Antonio Cañas Vargas
Guarani - Avañe'ẽ (partial translation)
  • Antonio Cañas Vargas
Italiano (full translation)
  • Antonio Cañas Vargas
  • Nicola Comunale Rizzo
  • Francisco Manuel Herrero Pérez
  • Giuseppe Antonio Pagin
  • Antonella Grande
Polski (partial translation)
  • Antonio Cañas Vargas
  • Wojtek Kieca
  • Tomasz Olechowski
  • Mateusz Stanko
Português (partial translation)
  • Antonio Cañas Vargas

Information for translators

If you want to translate SWAD to other languages or collaborate in the translation or revision of current languages, please contact with:

Antonio Cañas Vargas
E-mail: acanas@ugr.es

Within the source code of the SWAD main core (swadX.tgz file, where X is the version) you can find the file swad_text.c containing all the texts in the different languages. The version published in http://openswad.org/download/ may not be the most recent, so translators should contact Antonio Cañas Vargas to get the latest version.

Translators must respect the following rules:

  • It is very important to respect the C syntax in *printf functions. All %s, %d, etc. must be respected in the order indicated in the sentences already translated.
  • XHTML directives that appear in the text must be respected, for example <br />, <strong> </strong>, <em> </em>, etc.
  • Except those texts marked with NO_HTML at the beginning of the file, all the texts should use HTML entities instead of certain special characters and accents. In w3schools you can find the most common ISO-8859-1 HTML entities. For example, you should write &aacute; instead of á, &Ntilde; instead of Ñ or &szlig; instead of ß.

To speed up the process of translation is advisable to use tools like:

When you make a change in a sentence, you must write a special comment (// something like your name) at the end of the sentence to make it easy to review the changes.

Translating other modules

You can collaborate in the translation of SWADroid.

Why work in translation?

"Cuando me preguntan cuándo estará listo un programa, contesto: depende de cuánto trabaje usted en ello."
--Richard Stallman 1

SWAD is free software, and like some other free software products, it does not have a budget for their development. So the translators should not expect money for their work, but learning, fun, achievement, recognition, and if they want, a certificate for their collaborative translation.