// swad_action.c: actions /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2016 Antonio Cañas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************************** Headers *********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include // For NULL #include // For fprintf #include // For malloc and free #include // For string functions #include "swad_account.h" #include "swad_action.h" #include "swad_agenda.h" #include "swad_announcement.h" #include "swad_banner.h" #include "swad_calendar.h" #include "swad_config.h" #include "swad_country.h" #include "swad_course.h" #include "swad_chat.h" #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_degree_type.h" #include "swad_duplicate.h" #include "swad_exam.h" #include "swad_enrollment.h" #include "swad_follow.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_ID.h" #include "swad_indicator.h" #include "swad_mail.h" #include "swad_mark.h" #include "swad_MFU.h" #include "swad_network.h" #include "swad_nickname.h" #include "swad_notice.h" #include "swad_notification.h" #include "swad_parameter.h" #include "swad_password.h" #include "swad_photo.h" #include "swad_preference.h" #include "swad_profile.h" #include "swad_QR.h" #include "swad_report.h" #include "swad_search.h" #include "swad_setup.h" #include "swad_social.h" #include "swad_tab.h" #include "swad_test_import.h" #include "swad_zip.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Internal global variables **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /* 1213 actions in one CGI: 0. ActAll Any action (used for statistics) 1. ActUnk Unknown action 2. ActHom Show home menu 3. ActMnu Show menu of a tab 4. ActRefCon Refresh number of notifications and connected users via AJAX 5. ActRefLstClk Refresh last clicks in log via AJAX 6. ActRefNewSocPubGbl Refresh recent social timeline via AJAX 7. ActRefOldSocPubGbl View old social timeline with users I follow via AJAX 8. ActRefOldSocPubUsr View old social timeline of a user via AJAX 9. ActWebSvc Call plugin function System: 10. ActSysReqSch Request search in system tab 11. ActSeeCty List countries 12. ActSeePen List pending institutions, centres, degrees and courses 13. ActReqRemOldCrs Request the total removal of old courses 14. ActSeeDegTyp List types of degrees 15. ActSeeMai See mail domains 16. ActSeeBan See banners 17. ActSeeLnk See institutional links 18. ActLstPlg List plugins 19. ActSetUp Initial set up 20. ActSysSch Search for courses, teachers, documents... 21. ActEdiDegTyp Request edition of types of degrees 22. ActEdiCty Edit countries 23. ActNewCty Request the creation of a country 24. ActRemCty Remove a country 25. ActRenCty Change the name of a country 26. ActChgCtyWWW Change web of country 27. ActNewDegTyp Request the creation of a type of degree 28. ActRemDegTyp Request the removal of a type of degree 29. ActRenDegTyp Request renaming of a type of degree 30. ActRemOldCrs Remove completely old courses 31. ActEdiMai Edit mail domains 32. ActNewMai Request the creation of a mail domain 33. ActRemMai Request the removal of a mail domain 34. ActRenMaiSho Request the change of a mail domain 35. ActRenMaiFul Request the change of the info of a mail domain 36. ActEdiBan Edit banners 37. ActNewBan Request the creation of a banner 38. ActRemBan Request the removal of a banner 39. ActShoBan Show a hidden banner 40. ActHidBan Hide a visible banner 41. ActRenBanSho Request the change of the short name of a banner 42. ActRenBanFul Request the change of the full name of a banner 43. ActChgBanImg Request the change of the image of a banner 44. ActChgBanWWW Request the change of the web of a banner 45. ActClkBan Go to a banner when clicked 46. ActEdiLnk Edit institutional links 47. ActNewLnk Request the creation of an institutional link 48. ActRemLnk Request the removal of an institutional link 49. ActRenLnkSho Request the change of the short name of an institutional link 50. ActRenLnkFul Request the change of the full name of an institutional link 51. ActChgLnkWWW Request the change of the web of an institutional link 52. ActEdiPlg Edit plugins 53. ActNewPlg Request the creation of a plugin 54. ActRemPlg Remove a plugin 55. ActRenPlg Rename a plugin 56. ActChgPlgDes Change the description of a plugin 57. ActChgPlgLog Change the logo of a plugin 58. ActChgPlgAppKey Change the application key of a plugin 59. ActChgPlgURL Change the URL of a plugin 60. ActChgPlgIP Change the IP address of a plugin Country: 61. ActCtyReqSch Request search in country tab 62. ActSeeCtyInf Show information on the current country 63. ActSeeIns List institutions 64. ActCtySch Search for courses, teachers, documents... 65. ActPrnCtyInf Print information on the current country 66. ActChgCtyMapAtt Change map attribution of country 67. ActEdiIns Edit institutions 68. ActReqIns Request the creation of a request for a new institution (a teacher makes the petition to an administrator) 69. ActNewIns Request the creation of an institution 70. ActRemIns Remove institution 71. ActRenInsSho Change short name of institution 72. ActRenInsFul Change full name of institution 73. ActChgInsWWW Change web of institution 74. ActChgInsSta Request change of status of an institution Institution: 75. ActInsReqSch Request search in institution tab 76. ActSeeInsInf Show information on the current institution 77. ActSeeCtr List centres 78. ActSeeDpt List departments 79. ActSeePlc List places 80. ActSeeHld List holidays 81. ActSeeAdmDocIns Documents zone of the institution (see or admin) 82. ActAdmShaIns Admin the shared files zone of the institution 83. ActInsSch Search for courses, teachers, documents... 84. ActPrnInsInf Print information on the current institution 85. ActChgInsCtyCfg Change country of institution in institution configuration NEW. ActRenInsShoCfg Change short name of institution in institution configuration NEW. ActRenInsFulCfg Change full name of institution in institution configuration NEW. ActChgInsWWWCfg Change web of institution in institution configuration 86. ActReqInsLog Show form to send the logo of the current institution 87. ActRecInsLog Receive and store the logo of the current institution 88. ActRemInsLog Remove the logo of the current institution 89. ActEdiCtr Edit centres 90. ActReqCtr Request the creation of a request for a new centre (a teacher makes the petition to an administrator) 91. ActNewCtr Request the creation of a centre 92. ActRemCtr Remove centre 93. ActChgCtrPlc Request change of the place of a centre 94. ActRenCtrSho Change short name centre 95. ActRenCtrFul Change full name centre 96. ActChgCtrWWW Change web of centre 97. ActChgCtrSta Request change of status of a centre 98. ActEdiDpt Edit departments 99. ActNewDpt Request the creation of a department 100. ActRemDpt Remove department 101. ActChgDptIns Request change of the institution of a department 102. ActRenDptSho Change short name department 103. ActRenDptFul Change full name department 104. ActChgDptWWW Change web of department 105. ActEdiPlc Edit places 106. ActNewPlc Request the creation of a place 107. ActRemPlc Remove a place 108. ActRenPlcSho Change short name of a place 109. ActRenPlcFul Change full name of a place 110. ActEdiHld Edit holidays 111. ActNewHld Request the creation of a holiday 112. ActRemHld Remove a holiday 113. ActChgHldPlc Change place of a holiday 114. ActChgHldTyp Change type of a holiday 115. ActChgHldStrDat Change start date of a holiday 116. ActChgHldEndDat Change end date of a holiday 117. ActRenHld Change name of a holiday 118. ActChgToSeeDocIns Change to see institution documents 119. ActSeeDocIns See the files of the documents zone of the institution 120. ActExpSeeDocIns Expand a folder in institution documents 121. ActConSeeDocIns Contract a folder in institution documents 122. ActZIPSeeDocIns Compress a folder in institution documents 123. ActReqDatSeeDocIns Ask for metadata of a file of the documents zone of the institution 124. ActDowSeeDocIns Download a file in documents zone of the institution 125. ActChgToAdmDocIns Change to administrate institution documents 126. ActAdmDocIns Admin the files of the documents zone of the institution 127. ActReqRemFilDocIns Request removal of a file in the documents zone of the institution 128. ActRemFilDocIns Remove a file in the documents zone of the institution 129. ActRemFolDocIns Remove a folder empty the documents zone of the institution 130. ActCopDocIns Set source of copy in the documents zone of the institution 131. ActPasDocIns Paste a folder or file in the documents zone of the institution 132. ActRemTreDocIns Remove a folder no empty in the documents zone of the institution 133. ActFrmCreDocIns Form to crear a folder or file in the documents zone of the institution 134. ActCreFolDocIns Create a new folder in the documents zone of the institution 135. ActCreLnkDocIns Create a new link in the documents zone of the institution 136. ActRenFolDocIns Rename a folder in the documents zone of the institution 137. ActRcvFilDocInsDZ Receive a file in the documents zone of the institution using Dropzone.js 138. ActRcvFilDocInsCla Receive a file in the documents zone of the institution using the classic way 139. ActExpAdmDocIns Expand a folder when administrating the documents zone of the institution 140. ActConAdmDocIns Contract a folder when administrating the documents zone of the institution 141. ActZIPAdmDocIns Compress a folder when administrating the documents zone of the institution 142. ActShoDocIns Show hidden folder or file of the documents zone of the institution 143. ActHidDocIns Hide folder or file of the documents zone of the institution 144. ActReqDatAdmDocIns Ask for metadata of a file of the documents zone of the institution 145. ActChgDatAdmDocIns Change metadata of a file of the documents zone of the institution 146. ActDowAdmDocIns Download a file of the documents zone of the institution 147. ActReqRemFilShaIns Request removal of a shared file of the institution 148. ActRemFilShaIns Remove a shared file of the institution 149. ActRemFolShaIns Remove an empty shared folder of the institution 150. ActCopShaIns Set source of copy in shared zone of the institution 151. ActPasShaIns Paste a folder or file in shared zone of the institution 152. ActRemTreShaIns Remove a folder no empty of shared zone of the institution 153. ActFrmCreShaIns Form to crear a folder or file in shared zone of the institution 154. ActCreFolShaIns Create a new folder in shared zone of the institution 155. ActCreLnkShaIns Create a new link in shared zone of the institution 156. ActRenFolShaIns Rename a folder in shared zone of the institution 157. ActRcvFilShaInsDZ Receive a file in shared zone of the institution using Dropzone.js 158. ActRcvFilShaInsCla Receive a file in shared zone of the institution using the classic way 159. ActExpShaIns Expand a folder in shared zone of the institution 160. ActConShaIns Contract a folder in shared zone of the institution 161. ActZIPShaIns Compress a folder in shared zone of the institution 162. ActReqDatShaIns Ask for metadata of a file of the shared zone of the institution 163. ActChgDatShaIns Change metadata of a file of the shared zone of the institution 164. ActDowShaIns Download a file of the shared zone of the institution Centre: 165. ActCtrReqSch Request search in centre tab 166. ActSeeCtrInf Show information on the current centre 167. ActSeeDeg List degrees of a type 168. ActSeeAdmDocCtr Documents zone of the centre (see or admin) 169. ActAdmShaCtr Admin the shared files zone of the centre 170. ActCtrSch Search for courses, teachers, documents... 171. ActPrnCtrInf Print information on the current centre 172. ActChgCtrInsCfg Request change of the institution of a centre in centre configuration NEW. ActRenCtrShoCfg Change short name centre in centre configuration NEW. ActRenCtrFulCfg Change full name centre in centre configuration NEW. ActChgCtrWWWCfg Change web of centre in centre configuration 173. ActReqCtrLog Show form to send the logo of the current centre 174. ActRecCtrLog Receive and store the logo of the current centre 175. ActRemCtrLog Remove the logo of the current centre 176. ActReqCtrPho Show form to send the photo of the current centre 177. ActRecCtrPho Receive and store the photo of the current centre 178. ActChgCtrPhoAtt Change attribution of centre photo 179. ActEdiDeg Request edition of degrees of a type 180. ActReqDeg Request the creation of a request for a new degree (a teacher makes the petition to an administrator) 181. ActNewDeg Request the creation of a degree 182. ActRemDeg Request the removal of a degree 183. ActRenDegSho Request change of the short name of a degree 184. ActRenDegFul Request change of the full name of a degree 185. ActChgDegTyp Request change of the type of a degree 186. ActChgDegWWW Request change of the web of a degree 187. ActChgDegSta Request change of status of a degree 188. ActChgToSeeDocCtr Change to see centre documents 189. ActSeeDocCtr See the files of the documents zone of the centre 190. ActExpSeeDocCtr Expand a folder in centre documents 191. ActConSeeDocCtr Contract a folder in centre documents 192. ActZIPSeeDocCtr Compress a folder in centre documents 193. ActReqDatSeeDocCtr Ask for metadata of a file of the documents zone of the centre 194. ActDowSeeDocCtr Download a file in documents zone of the centre 195. ActChgToAdmDocCtr Change to administrate centre documents 196. ActAdmDocCtr Admin the files of the documents zone of the centre 197. ActReqRemFilDocCtr Request removal of a file in the documents zone of the centre 198. ActRemFilDocCtr Remove a file in the documents zone of the centre 199. ActRemFolDocCtr Remove a folder empty the documents zone of the centre 200. ActCopDocCtr Set source of copy in the documents zone of the centre 201. ActPasDocCtr Paste a folder or file in the documents zone of the centre 202. ActRemTreDocCtr Remove a folder no empty in the documents zone of the centre 203. ActFrmCreDocCtr Form to crear a folder or file in the documents zone of the centre 204. ActCreFolDocCtr Create a new folder in the documents zone of the centre 205. ActCreLnkDocCtr Create a new link in the documents zone of the centre 206. ActRenFolDocCtr Rename a folder in the documents zone of the centre 207. ActRcvFilDocCtrDZ Receive a file in the documents zone of the centre using Dropzone.js 208. ActRcvFilDocCtrCla Receive a file in the documents zone of the centre using the classic way 209. ActExpAdmDocCtr Expand a folder when administrating the documents zone of the centre 210. ActConAdmDocCtr Contract a folder when administrating the documents zone of the centre 211. ActZIPAdmDocCtr Compress a folder when administrating the documents zone of the centre 212. ActShoDocCtr Show hidden folder or file of the documents zone of the centre 213. ActHidDocCtr Hide folder or file of the documents zone of the centre 214. ActReqDatAdmDocCtr Ask for metadata of a file of the documents zone of the centre 215. ActChgDatAdmDocCtr Change metadata of a file of the documents zone of the centre 216. ActDowAdmDocCtr Download a file of the documents zone of the centre 217. ActReqRemFilShaCtr Request removal of a shared file of the centre 218. ActRemFilShaCtr Remove a shared file of the centre 219. ActRemFolShaCtr Remove an empty shared folder of the centre 220. ActCopShaCtr Set source of copy in shared zone of the centre 221. ActPasShaCtr Paste a folder or file in shared zone of the centre 222. ActRemTreShaCtr Remove a folder no empty of shared zone of the centre 223. ActFrmCreShaCtr Form to crear a folder or file in shared zone of the centre 224. ActCreFolShaCtr Create a new folder in shared zone of the centre 225. ActCreLnkShaCtr Create a new link in shared zone of the centre 226. ActRenFolShaCtr Rename a folder in shared zone of the centre 227. ActRcvFilShaCtrDZ Receive a file in shared zone of the centre using Dropzone.js 228. ActRcvFilShaCtrCla Receive a file in shared zone of the centre using the classic way 229. ActExpShaCtr Expand a folder in shared zone of the centre 230. ActConShaCtr Contract a folder in shared zone of the centre 231. ActZIPShaCtr Compress a folder in shared zone of the centre 232. ActReqDatShaCtr Ask for metadata of a file of the shared zone of the centre 233. ActChgDatShaCtr Change metadata of a file of the shared zone of the centre 234. ActDowShaCtr Download a file of the shared zone of the centre Degree: 235. ActDegReqSch Request search in degree tab 236. ActSeeDegInf Show information on the current degree 237. ActSeeCrs List courses of a degree 238. ActSeeAdmDocDeg Documents zone of the degree (see or admin) 239. ActAdmShaDeg Admin the shared files zone of the degree 240. ActDegSch Search for courses, teachers, documents... 241. ActPrnDegInf Print information on the current degree 242. ActChgDegCtrCfg Request change of the centre of a degree in degree configuration NEW. ActRenDegShoCfg Request change of the short name of a degree in degree configuration NEW. ActRenDegFulCfg Request change of the full name of a degree in degree configuration NEW. ActChgDegWWWCfg Request change of the web of a degree in degree configuration 243. ActReqDegLog Show form to send the logo of the current degree 244. ActRecDegLog Receive and store the logo of the current degree 245. ActRemDegLog Remove the logo of the current degree 246. ActEdiCrs Request edition of courses of a degree 247. ActReqCrs Request the creation of a request for a new course (a teacher makes the petition to an administrator) 248. ActNewCrs Request the creation of a course 249. ActRemCrs Request the removal of a course 250. ActChgInsCrsCod Request change of institutional code of a course 251. ActChgCrsYea Request change of year of a course inside of its degree 252. ActRenCrsSho Request change of short name of a course 253. ActRenCrsFul Request change of full name of a course 254. ActChgCrsSta Request change of status of a course 255. ActChgToSeeDocDeg Change to see degree documents 256. ActSeeDocDeg See the files of the documents zone of the degree 257. ActExpSeeDocDeg Expand a folder in degree documents 258. ActConSeeDocDeg Contract a folder in degree documents 259. ActZIPSeeDocDeg Compress a folder in degree documents 260. ActReqDatSeeDocDeg Ask for metadata of a file of the documents zone of the degree 261. ActDowSeeDocDeg Download a file in documents zone of the degree 262. ActChgToAdmDocDeg Change to administrate degree documents 263. ActAdmDocDeg Admin the files of the documents zone of the degree 264. ActReqRemFilDocDeg Request removal of a file in the documents zone of the degree 265. ActRemFilDocDeg Remove a file in the documents zone of the degree 266. ActRemFolDocDeg Remove a folder empty the documents zone of the degree 267. ActCopDocDeg Set source of copy in the documents zone of the degree 268. ActPasDocDeg Paste a folder or file in the documents zone of the degree 269. ActRemTreDocDeg Remove a folder no empty in the documents zone of the degree 270. ActFrmCreDocDeg Form to crear a folder or file in the documents zone of the degree 271. ActCreFolDocDeg Create a new folder in the documents zone of the degree 272. ActCreLnkDocDeg Create a new link in the documents zone of the degree 273. ActRenFolDocDeg Rename a folder in the documents zone of the degree 274. ActRcvFilDocDegDZ Receive a file in the documents zone of the degree using Dropzone.js 275. ActRcvFilDocDegCla Receive a file in the documents zone of the degree using the classic way 276. ActExpAdmDocDeg Expand a folder when administrating the documents zone of the degree 277. ActConAdmDocDeg Contract a folder when administrating the documents zone of the degree 278. ActZIPAdmDocDeg Compress a folder when administrating the documents zone of the degree 279. ActShoDocDeg Show hidden folder or file of the documents zone of the degree 280. ActHidDocDeg Hide folder or file of the documents zone of the degree 281. ActReqDatAdmDocDeg Ask for metadata of a file of the documents zone of the degree 282. ActChgDatAdmDocDeg Change metadata of a file of the documents zone of the degree 283. ActDowAdmDocDeg Download a file of the documents zone of the degree 284. ActReqRemFilShaDeg Request removal of a shared file of the degree 285. ActRemFilShaDeg Remove a shared file of the degree 286. ActRemFolShaDeg Remove an empty shared folder of the degree 287. ActCopShaDeg Set source of copy in shared zone of the degree 288. ActPasShaDeg Paste a folder or file in shared zone of the degree 289. ActRemTreShaDeg Remove a folder no empty of shared zone of the degree 290. ActFrmCreShaDeg Form to crear a folder or file in shared zone of the degree 291. ActCreFolShaDeg Create a new folder in shared zone of the degree 292. ActCreLnkShaDeg Create a new link in shared zone of the degree 293. ActRenFolShaDeg Rename a folder in shared zone of the degree 294. ActRcvFilShaDegDZ Receive a file in shared zone of the degree using Dropzone.js 295. ActRcvFilShaDegCla Receive a file in shared zone of the degree using the classic way 296. ActExpShaDeg Expand a folder in shared zone of the degree 297. ActConShaDeg Contract a folder in shared zone of the degree 298. ActZIPShaDeg Compress a folder in shared zone of the degree 299. ActReqDatShaDeg Ask for metadata of a file of the shared zone of the degree 300. ActChgDatShaDeg Change metadata of a file of the shared zone of the degree 301. ActDowShaDeg Download a file of the shared zone of the degree Course: 302. ActCrsReqSch Request search in course tab 303. ActSeeCrsInf Show information on the current course 304. ActSeeTchGui Show teaching guide of the course 305. ActSeeSyl Show syllabus (lectures or practicals) 306. ActSeeSylLec Show the syllabus of lectures 307. ActSeeSylPra Show the syllabus of practicals 308. ActSeeAdmDocCrsGrp Documents zone of the course (see or admin) 309. ActAdmTchCrsGrp Request the administration of the files of the teachers' zone of the course or of a group 310. ActAdmShaCrsGrp Request the administration of the files of the shared zone of the course or of a group 311. ActSeeCrsTT Show the timetable 312. ActSeeBib Show the bibliography 313. ActSeeFAQ Show the FAQ 314. ActSeeCrsLnk Show links related to the course 315. ActCrsSch Search for courses, teachers, documents... 316. ActPrnCrsInf Print information on the course 317. ActChgCrsDegCfg Request change of degree in course configuration 318. ActChgInsCrsCodCfg Change institutional code in course configuration 319. ActChgCrsYeaCfg Change year/semester in course configuration 320. ActEdiCrsInf Edit general information about the course 321. ActEdiTchGui Edit teaching guide of the course 322. ActPrnCrsTT Show print view of the timetable 323. ActEdiCrsTT Edit the timetable 324. ActChgCrsTT Modify the timetable of the course 325. ActChgCrsTT1stDay Change first day of week and show timetable of the course 326. ActEdiSylLec Edit the syllabus of lectures 327. ActEdiSylPra Edit the syllabus of practicals 328. ActDelItmSylLec Remove a item from syllabus of lectures 329. ActDelItmSylPra Remove a item from syllabus of practicals 330. ActUp_IteSylLec Subir the posición of a subtree of the syllabus of lectures 331. ActUp_IteSylPra Subir the posición of a subtree of the syllabus of practicals 332. ActDwnIteSylLec Bajar the posición of a subtree of the syllabus of lectures 333. ActDwnIteSylPra Bajar the posición of a subtree of the syllabus of practicals 334. ActRgtIteSylLec Aumentar the level of a item of the syllabus of lectures 335. ActRgtIteSylPra Aumentar the level of a item of the syllabus of practicals 336. ActLftIteSylLec Disminuir the level of a item of the syllabus of lectures 337. ActLftIteSylPra Disminuir the level of a item of the syllabus of practicals 338. ActInsIteSylLec Insertar a new item in the syllabus of lectures 339. ActInsIteSylPra Insertar a new item in the syllabus of practicals 340. ActModIteSylLec Modify a item of the syllabus of lectures 341. ActModIteSylPra Modify a item of the syllabus of practicals 342. ActChgToSeeDocCrs Change to see course/group documents 343. ActSeeDocCrs See the files of the documents zone of the course 344. ActExpSeeDocCrs Expand a folder in course documents 345. ActConSeeDocCrs Contract a folder in course documents 346. ActZIPSeeDocCrs Compress a folder in course documents 347. ActReqDatSeeDocCrs Ask for metadata of a file of the documents zone of the course 348. ActDowSeeDocCrs Download a file in documents zone of the course 349. ActSeeDocGrp See the files of the documents zone of a group 350. ActExpSeeDocGrp Expand a folder in group documents 351. ActConSeeDocGrp Contract a folder in group documents 352. ActZIPSeeDocGrp Compress a folder in group documents 353. ActReqDatSeeDocGrp Ask for metadata of a file of the documents zone of a group 354. ActDowSeeDocGrp Download a file of the documents zone of a group 355. ActChgToAdmDocCrs Change to administrate course/group documents 356. ActAdmDocCrs Admin the files of the documents zone of the course 357. ActReqRemFilDocCrs Request removal of a file in the documents zone of the course 358. ActRemFilDocCrs Remove a file in the documents zone of the course 359. ActRemFolDocCrs Remove a folder empty the documents zone of the course 360. ActCopDocCrs Set source of copy in the documents zone of the course 361. ActPasDocCrs Paste a folder or file in the documents zone of the course 362. ActRemTreDocCrs Remove a folder no empty in the documents zone of the course 363. ActFrmCreDocCrs Form to crear a folder or file in the documents zone of the course 364. ActCreFolDocCrs Create a new folder in the documents zone of the course 365. ActCreLnkDocCrs Create a new link in the documents zone of the course 366. ActRenFolDocCrs Rename a folder in the documents zone of the course 367. ActRcvFilDocCrsDZ Receive a file in the documents zone of the course using Dropzone.js 368. ActRcvFilDocCrsCla Receive a file in the documents zone of the course using the classic way 369. ActExpAdmDocCrs Expand a folder when administrating the documents zone of the course 370. ActConAdmDocCrs Contract a folder when administrating the documents zone of the course 371. ActZIPAdmDocCrs Compress a folder when administrating the documents zone of the course 372. ActShoDocCrs Show hidden folder or file of the documents zone 373. ActHidDocCrs Hide folder or file of the documents zone 374. ActReqDatAdmDocCrs Ask for metadata of a file of the documents zone 375. ActChgDatAdmDocCrs Change metadata of a file of the documents zone 376. ActDowAdmDocCrs Download a file of the documents zone 377. ActAdmDocGrp Admin the files of the documents zone of a group 378. ActReqRemFilDocGrp Request removal of a file in the documents zone of a group 379. ActRemFilDocGrp Remove a file in the documents zone of a group 380. ActRemFolDocGrp Remove a folder empty in the documents zone of a group 381. ActCopDocGrp Set source of copy in the documents zone of a group 382. ActPasDocGrp Paste a folder or file in the documents zone of a group 383. ActRemTreDocGrp Remove a folder no empty in the documents zone of a group 384. ActFrmCreDocGrp Form to crear a folder or file in the documents zone of a group 385. ActCreFolDocGrp Create a new folder in the documents zone of a group 386. ActCreLnkDocGrp Create a new link in the documents zone of a group 387. ActRenFolDocGrp Rename a folder in the documents zone of a group 388. ActRcvFilDocGrpDZ Receive a file in the documents zone of a group using Dropzone.js 389. ActRcvFilDocGrpCla Receive a file in the documents zone of a group using the classic way 390. ActExpAdmDocGrp Expand a folder when administrating the documents zone of a group 391. ActConAdmDocGrp Contract a folder when administrating the documents zone of a group 392. ActZIPAdmDocGrp Compress a folder when administrating the documents zone of a group 393. ActShoDocGrp Show hidden folder or file of download 394. ActHidDocGrp Hide folder or file of download 395. ActReqDatAdmDocGrp Ask for metadata of a file of the documents zone of a group 396. ActChgDatAdmDocGrp Change metadata of a file of the documents zone of a group 397. ActDowAdmDocGrp Download a file of the documents zone of a group 398. ActChgToAdmTch Change to administrate teachers' files of the course/group 399. ActAdmTchCrs Admin the teachers' files zone of the course 400. ActReqRemFilTchCrs Request removal of a teachers' file of the course 401. ActRemFilTchCrs Remove a teachers' file of the course 402. ActRemFolTchCrs Remove an empty teachers' folder of the course 403. ActCopTchCrs Set source of teachers' zone of the course 404. ActPasTchCrs Paste a folder or file in teachers' zone of the course 405. ActRemTreTchCrs Remove a folder no empty of teachers' zone of the course 406. ActFrmCreTchCrs Form to crear a folder or file in teachers' zone of the course 407. ActCreFolTchCrs Create a new folder in teachers' zone of the course 408. ActCreLnkTchCrs Create a new link in teachers' zone of the course 409. ActRenFolTchCrs Rename a folder in teachers' zone of the course 410. ActRcvFilTchCrsDZ Receive a file in teachers' zone of the course using Dropzone.js 411. ActRcvFilTchCrsCla Receive a file in teachers' zone of the course using the classic way 412. ActExpTchCrs Expand a folder in teachers' zone of the course 413. ActConTchCrs Contract a folder in teachers' zone of the course 414. ActZIPTchCrs Compress a folder in teachers' zone of the course 415. ActReqDatTchCrs Ask for metadata of a file of the teachers' zone of the course 416. ActChgDatTchCrs Change metadata of a file of the teachers' zone of the course 417. ActDowTchCrs Download a file of the teachers' zone of the course 418. ActAdmTchGrp Admin the teachers' files zone of a group 419. ActReqRemFilTchGrp Request removal of a teachers' file of a group 420. ActRemFilTchGrp Remove a teachers' file of a group 421. ActRemFolTchGrp Remove an empty teachers' folder of a group 422. ActCopTchGrp Set source of copy in teachers' zone of a group 423. ActPasTchGrp Paste a folder or file in teachers' zone of a group 424. ActRemTreTchGrp Remove a folder no empty of teachers' zone of a group 425. ActFrmCreTchGrp Form to crear a folder or file in teachers' zone of a group 426. ActCreFolTchGrp Create a new folder in teachers' zone of a group 427. ActCreLnkTchGrp Create a new link in teachers' zone of a group 428. ActRenFolTchGrp Rename a folder in teachers' zone of a group 429. ActRcvFilTchGrpDZ Receive a file in teachers' zone of a group using Dropzone.js 430. ActRcvFilTchGrpCla Receive a file in teachers' zone of a group using the classic way 431. ActExpTchGrp Expand a folder in teachers' zone of a group 432. ActConTchGrp Contract a folder in teachers' zone of a group 433. ActZIPTchGrp Compress a folder in teachers' zone of a group 434. ActReqDatTchGrp Ask for metadata of a file of the teachers' zone of a group 435. ActChgDatTchGrp Change metadata of a file of the teachers' zone of a group 436. ActDowTchGrp Download a file of the teachers' zone of a group 437. ActChgToAdmSha Change to administrate shared files of the course/group 438. ActAdmShaCrs Admin the shared files zone of the course 439. ActReqRemFilShaCrs Request removal of a shared file of the course 440. ActRemFilShaCrs Remove a shared file of the course 441. ActRemFolShaCrs Remove a empty shared folder of the course 442. ActCopShaCrs Set source of copy in shared zone of the course 443. ActPasShaCrs Paste a folder or file in shared zone of the course 444. ActRemTreShaCrs Remove a folder no empty of shared zone of the course 445. ActFrmCreShaCrs Form to crear a folder or file in shared zone of the course 446. ActCreFolShaCrs Create a new folder in shared zone of the course 447. ActCreLnkShaCrs Create a new link in shared zone of the course 448. ActRenFolShaCrs Rename a folder in shared zone of the course 449. ActRcvFilShaCrsDZ Receive a file in shared zone of the course using Dropzone.js 450. ActRcvFilShaCrsCla Receive a file in shared zone of the course using the classic way 451. ActExpShaCrs Expand a folder in shared zone of the course 452. ActConShaCrs Contract a folder in shared zone of the course 453. ActZIPShaCrs Compress a folder in shared zone of the course 454. ActReqDatShaCrs Ask for metadata of a file of the shared zone of the course 455. ActChgDatShaCrs Change metadata of a file of the shared zone of the course 456. ActDowShaCrs Download a file of the shared zone of the course 457. ActAdmShaGrp Admin the shared files zone of a group 458. ActReqRemFilShaGrp Request removal of a shared file of a group 459. ActRemFilShaGrp Remove a shared file of a group 460. ActRemFolShaGrp Remove a folder empty común of a group 461. ActCopShaGrp Set source of copy in shared zone of a group 462. ActPasShaGrp Paste a folder or file in shared zone of a group 463. ActRemTreShaGrp Remove a folder no empty of shared zone of a group 464. ActFrmCreShaGrp Form to crear a folder or file in shared zone of a group 465. ActCreFolShaGrp Create a new folder in shared zone of a group 466. ActCreLnkShaGrp Create a new link in shared zone of a group 467. ActRenFolShaGrp Rename a folder in shared zone of a group 468. ActRcvFilShaGrpDZ Receive a file in shared zone of a group using Dropzone.js 469. ActRcvFilShaGrpCla Receive a file in shared zone of a group using the classic way 470. ActExpShaGrp Expand a folder in shared zone of a group 471. ActConShaGrp Contract a folder in shared zone of a group 472. ActZIPShaGrp Compress a folder in shared zone of a group 473. ActReqDatShaGrp Ask for metadata of a file of the shared zone of a group 474. ActChgDatShaGrp Change metadata of a file of the shared zone of a group 475. ActDowShaGrp Download a file of the shared zone of a group 476. ActEdiBib Edit the bibliography 477. ActEdiFAQ Edit the FAQ 478. ActEdiCrsLnk Edit the links relacionados with the course 479. ActChgFrcReaCrsInf Change force students to read course info 480. ActChgFrcReaTchGui Change force students to read teaching guide 481. ActChgFrcReaSylLec Change force students to read lectures syllabus 482. ActChgFrcReaSylPra Change force students to read practicals syllabus 483. ActChgFrcReaBib Change force students to read bibliography 484. ActChgFrcReaFAQ Change force students to read FAQ 485. ActChgFrcReaCrsLnk Change force students to read links 486. ActChgHavReaCrsInf Change if I have read course info 487. ActChgHavReaTchGui Change if I have read teaching guide 488. ActChgHavReaSylLec Change if I have read lectures syllabus 489. ActChgHavReaSylPra Change if I have read practicals syllabus 490. ActChgHavReaBib Change if I have read bibliography 491. ActChgHavReaFAQ Change if I have read FAQ 492. ActChgHavReaCrsLnk Change if I have read links 493. ActSelInfSrcCrsInf Select the type of info shown in the general information about the course 494. ActSelInfSrcTchGui Select the type of info shown in the teaching guide 495. ActSelInfSrcSylLec Select the type of info shown in the lectures syllabus 496. ActSelInfSrcSylPra Select the type of info shown in the practicals syllabus 497. ActSelInfSrcBib Select the type of info shown in the bibliography 498. ActSelInfSrcFAQ Select the type of info shown in the FAQ 499. ActSelInfSrcCrsLnk Select the type of info shown in the links 500. ActRcvURLCrsInf Receive a link a the general information about the course 501. ActRcvURLTchGui Receive a link a the teaching guide 502. ActRcvURLSylLec Receive a link al syllabus of lectures 503. ActRcvURLSylPra Receive a link al syllabus of practicals 504. ActRcvURLBib Receive a link a bibliography 505. ActRcvURLFAQ Receive a link a FAQ 506. ActRcvURLCrsLnk Receive a link a links 507. ActRcvPagCrsInf Receive a page with the general information about the course 508. ActRcvPagTchGui Receive a page with the teaching guide 509. ActRcvPagSylLec Receive a page with the syllabus of lectures 510. ActRcvPagSylPra Receive a page with the syllabus of practicals 511. ActRcvPagBib Receive a page with bibliography 512. ActRcvPagFAQ Receive a page with FAQ 513. ActRcvPagCrsLnk Receive a page with links 514. ActEditorCrsInf Integrated editor of the general information about the course 515. ActEditorTchGui Integrated editor of the teaching guide 516. ActEditorSylLec Integrated editor of the syllabus of lectures 517. ActEditorSylPra Integrated editor of the syllabus of practicals 518. ActEditorBib Integrated editor of bibliography 519. ActEditorFAQ Integrated editor of FAQ 520. ActEditorCrsLnk Integrated editor of links 521. ActPlaTxtEdiCrsInf Editor of plain text of the general information about the course 522. ActPlaTxtEdiTchGui Editor of plain text of the teaching guide 523. ActPlaTxtEdiSylLec Editor of plain text of the syllabus of lectures 524. ActPlaTxtEdiSylPra Editor of plain text of the syllabus of practicals 525. ActPlaTxtEdiBib Editor of plain text of the bibliography 526. ActPlaTxtEdiFAQ Editor of plain text of the FAQ 527. ActPlaTxtEdiCrsLnk Editor of plain text of the links 528. ActRchTxtEdiCrsInf Editor of plain text of the general information about the course 529. ActRchTxtEdiTchGui Editor of plain text of the teaching guide 530. ActRchTxtEdiSylLec Editor of plain text of the syllabus of lectures 531. ActRchTxtEdiSylPra Editor of plain text of the syllabus of practicals 532. ActRchTxtEdiBib Editor of plain text of the bibliography 533. ActRchTxtEdiFAQ Editor of plain text of the FAQ 534. ActRchTxtEdiCrsLnk Editor of plain text of the links 535. ActRcvPlaTxtCrsInf Receive and change the plain text of the general information about the course 536. ActRcvPlaTxtTchGui Receive and change the plain text of the teaching guide 537. ActRcvPlaTxtSylLec Receive and change the plain text of the syllabus of lectures 538. ActRcvPlaTxtSylPra Receive and change the plain text of the syllabus of practicals 539. ActRcvPlaTxtBib Receive and change the plain text of the bibliography 540. ActRcvPlaTxtFAQ Receive and change the plain text of the FAQ 541. ActRcvPlaTxtCrsLnk Receive and change the plain text of the links 542. ActRcvPlaTxtCrsInf Receive and change the rich text of the general information about the course 543. ActRcvPlaTxtTchGui Receive and change the rich text of the teaching guide 544. ActRcvPlaTxtSylLec Receive and change the rich text of the syllabus of lectures 545. ActRcvPlaTxtSylPra Receive and change the rich text of the syllabus of practicals 546. ActRcvPlaTxtBib Receive and change the rich text of the bibliography 547. ActRcvPlaTxtFAQ Receive and change the rich text of the FAQ 548. ActRcvPlaTxtCrsLnk Receive and change the rich text of the links Assessment: 549. ActSeeAss Show the assessment system 550. ActSeeAsg Show assignments 551. ActAdmAsgWrkUsr One user sends works of the course 552. ActReqAsgWrkCrs A teacher requests edition of works sent to the course 553. ActReqTst Request a test of self-assesment 554. ActSeeCal Show the academic calendar of the course with exam announcements 555. ActSeeAllExaAnn Show the exam announcements 556. ActSeeAdmMrk Marks zone (see or admin) 557. ActEdiAss Edit the assessment system 558. ActChgFrcReaAss Change force students to read assessment system 559. ActChgHavReaAss Change if I have read assessment system 560. ActSelInfSrcAss Selec. type of assessment 561. ActRcvURLAss Receive a link a assessment 562. ActRcvPagAss Receive a page with assessment 563. ActEditorAss Integrated editor of assessment 564. ActPlaTxtEdiAss Editor of plain text of assessment 565. ActRchTxtEdiAss Editor of rich text of assessment 566. ActRcvPlaTxtAss Receive and change the plain text of the assessment system 567. ActRcvRchTxtAss Receive and change the rich text of the assessment system 568. ActFrmNewAsg Form to create a new assignment 569. ActEdiOneAsg Edit one assignment 570. ActNewAsg Create new assignment 571. ActChgAsg Modify data of an existing assignment 572. ActReqRemAsg Request the removal of an assignment 573. ActRemAsg Remove assignment 574. ActHidAsg Hide assignment 575. ActShoAsg Show assignment 576. ActAdmAsgWrkCrs Edit all the works sent to the course 577. ActReqRemFilAsgUsr Request removal of a file of assignments from a user 578. ActRemFilAsgUsr Remove a file of assignments from a user 579. ActRemFolAsgUsr Remove an empty folder of assignments of a user 580. ActCopAsgUsr Set origin of copy in assignments of a user 581. ActPasAsgUsr Paste a file or folder of assignments of a user 582. ActRemTreAsgUsr Remove a not empty folder of assignments of a user 583. ActFrmCreAsgUsr Form to create a new folder or file of assignments of a user 584. ActCreFolAsgUsr Create a new folder of assignments of a user 585. ActCreLnkAsgUsr Create a new link of assignments of a user 586. ActRenFolAsgUsr Rename a folder of assignments of a user 587. ActRcvFilAsgUsrDZ Receive a new file of assignments of a user using Dropzone.js 588. ActRcvFilAsgUsrCla Receive a new file of assignments of a user using the classic way 589. ActExpAsgUsr Expand a folder of assignments of a user 590. ActConAsgUsr Contract a folder of assignments of a user 591. ActZIPAsgUsr Compress a folder of assignments of a user 592. ActReqDatAsgUsr Ask for metadata of a file of assignments of a user 593. ActChgDatAsgUsr Change metadata of a file of assignments of a user 594. ActDowAsgUsr Download a file of assignments of a user 595. ActReqRemFilWrkUsr Request removal of a file of works from a user 596. ActRemFilWrkUsr Remove a file of works from a user 597. ActRemFolWrkUsr Remove an empty folder of works of a user 598. ActCopWrkUsr Set origin of copy in works of a user 599. ActPasWrkUsr Paste a file or folder of works of a user 600. ActRemTreWrkUsr Remove a not empty folder of works of a user 601. ActFrmCreWrkUsr Form to create a new folder or file of works of a user 602. ActCreFolWrkUsr Create a new folder of works of a user 603. ActCreLnkWrkUsr Create a new link of works of a user 604. ActRenFolWrkUsr Rename a folder of works of a user 605. ActRcvFilWrkUsrDZ Receive a new file of works of a user using Dropzone.js 606. ActRcvFilWrkUsrCla Receive a new file of works of a user using the classic way 607. ActExpWrkUsr Expand a folder of works of a user 608. ActConWrkUsr Contract a folder of works of a user 609. ActZIPWrkUsr Compress a folder of works of a user 610. ActReqDatWrkUsr Ask for metadata of a file of works of a user 611. ActChgDatWrkUsr Change metadata of a file of works of a user 612. ActDowWrkUsr Download a file of works of a user 613. ActReqRemFilAsgCrs Request removal of a file of assignments in the course 614. ActRemFilAsgCrs Remove a file of assignments in the course 615. ActRemFolAsgCrs Remove an empty folder of assignments in the course 616. ActCopAsgCrs Set origin of copy in assignments in the course 617. ActPasAsgCrs Paste a file or folder of assignments in the course 618. ActRemTreAsgCrs Remove a not empty folder of assignments in the course 619. ActFrmCreAsgCrs Form to create a new folder or file of assignments in the course 620. ActCreFolAsgCrs Create a new folder of assignments in the course 621. ActCreLnkAsgCrs Create a new link of assignments in the course 622. ActRenFolAsgCrs Rename a folder of assignments in the course 623. ActRcvFilAsgCrsDZ Receive a file of assignments in the course using Dropzone.js 624. ActRcvFilAsgCrsCla Receive a file of assignments in the course using the classic way 625. ActExpAsgCrs Expand a folder of assignments in a course 626. ActConAsgCrs Contract a folder of assignments in a course 627. ActZIPAsgCrs Compress a folder of assignments in a course 628. ActReqDatAsgCrs Ask for metadata of a file of assignments in a course 629. ActChgDatAsgCrs Change metadata of a file of assignments in a course 630. ActDowAsgCrs Download a file of assignments in a course 631. ActReqRemFilWrkCrs Request removal of a file of works in the course 632. ActRemFilWrkCrs Remove a file of works in the course 633. ActRemFolWrkCrs Remove an empty folder of works in the course 634. ActCopWrkCrs Set origin of copy in works in the course 635. ActPasWrkCrs Paste a file or folder of works in the course 636. ActRemTreWrkCrs Remove a not empty folder of works in the course 637. ActFrmCreWrkCrs Form to create a new folder or file of works in the course 638. ActCreFolWrkCrs Create a new folder of works in the course 639. ActCreLnkWrkCrs Create a new link of works in the course 640. ActRenFolWrkCrs Rename a folder of works in the course 641. ActRcvFilWrkCrsDZ Receive a file of works in the course using Dropzone.js 642. ActRcvFilWrkCrsCla Receive a file of works in the course using the classic way 643. ActExpWrkCrs Expand a folder of works in a course 644. ActConWrkCrs Contract a folder of works in a course 645. ActZIPWrkCrs Compress a folder of works in a course 646. ActReqDatWrkCrs Ask for metadata of a file of works in a course 647. ActChgDatWrkCrs Change metadata of a file of works in a course 648. ActDowWrkCrs Download a file of works in a course 649. ActSeeTst Show the seft-assessment test 650. ActAssTst Assess a self-assessment test 651. ActEdiTstQst Request the edition of self-assessment questions 652. ActEdiOneTstQst Edit one self-assesment test question 653. ActReqImpTstQst Put form to ask for an XML with test questions to import 654. ActImpTstQst Import test questions from XML file 655. ActLstTstQst List for edition several self-assessment test questions 656. ActRcvTstQst Receive a question of self-assessment 657. ActShfTstQst Change shuffle of of a question of self-assessment 658. ActReqRemTstQst Request removing a self-assesment test question 659. ActRemTstQst Remove a self-assesment test question 660. ActCfgTst Request renaming of tags of questions of self-assesment 661. ActEnableTag Enable a tag 662. ActDisableTag Disable a tag 663. ActRenTag Rename a tag 664. ActRcvCfgTst Receive configuration of test 665. ActReqSeeMyTstExa Select range of dates to see my results of test exams 666. ActSeeMyTstExa Show my test results 667. ActReqSeeUsrTstExa Select users and range of dates to see results of test exams 668. ActSeeUsrTstExa Show test results of several users 669. ActSeeOneTstExaMe Show one test exam of me as student 670. ActSeeOneTstExaOth Show one test exam of other user 671. ActPrnCal Show print view of the academic calendar of the course 672. ActChgCal1stDay Change first day of week and show academic calendar of the course 673. ActSeeOneExaAnn Show one exam announcement 674. ActSeeDatExaAnn Show exam announcements of a given date 675. ActEdiExaAnn Edit an exam announcement 676. ActRcvExaAnn Receive an exam announcement 677. ActPrnExaAnn Show an exam announcement ready to be printed 678. ActRemExaAnn Remove an exam announcement 679. ActChgToSeeMrk Change to see marks in course/group 680. ActSeeMrkCrs See marks in course 681. ActExpSeeMrkCrs Expand a folder in marks in course 682. ActConSeeMrkCrs Contract a folder in marks in course 683. ActReqDatSeeMrkCrs Ask for metadata of a file of the marks zone of the course 684. ActSeeMyMrkCrs Individualized access to marks in course 685. ActSeeMrkGrp See marks in group 686. ActExpSeeMrkGrp Expand a folder in marks in group 687. ActConSeeMrkGrp Contract a folder in marks in group 688. ActReqDatSeeMrkGrp Ask for metadata of a file of the marks zone of a group 689. ActSeeMyMrkGrp Individualized access to marks in group 690. ActChgToAdmMrk Change to admin marks in course/group 691. ActAdmMrkCrs Admin the files of the zone of marks in course 692. ActReqRemFilMrkCrs Request removal of a file of marks in course 693. ActRemFilMrkCrs Remove a file of marks in course 694. ActRemFolMrkCrs Remove a folder empty of marks in course 695. ActCopMrkCrs Set source of copy in marks in course 696. ActPasMrkCrs Paste a folder or file in marks in course 697. ActRemTreMrkCrs Remove a folder no empty of marks in course 698. ActFrmCreMrkCrs Form to crear a folder or file in marks in course 699. ActCreFolMrkCrs Create a new folder in marks in course 700. ActRenFolMrkCrs Rename a folder in marks in course 701. ActRcvFilMrkCrsDZ Receive a file of marks in course using Dropzone.js 702. ActRcvFilMrkCrsCla Receive a file of marks in course using the classic way 703. ActExpAdmMrkCrs Expand a folder in marks administration in course 704. ActConAdmMrkCrs Contract a folder in marks administration in course 705. ActZIPAdmMrkCrs Compress a folder in marks administration in course 706. ActShoMrkCrs Show hidden folder or file of the marks administration in course 707. ActHidMrkCrs Hide folder or file of the marks administration in course 708. ActReqDatAdmMrkCrs Ask for metadata of a file in marks administration in course 709. ActChgDatAdmMrkCrs Change metadata of a file in marks administration in course 710. ActDowAdmMrkCrs Download a file in marks administration in course 711. ActChgNumRowHeaCrs Change the number of rows of cabecera of a file of marks in course 712. ActChgNumRowFooCrs Change the number of rows of pie of a file of marks in course 713. ActAdmMrkGrp Admin the files of the zone of marks in group 714. ActReqRemFilMrkGrp Request removal of a file of marks in group 715. ActRemFilMrkGrp Remove a file of marks in group 716. ActRemFolMrkGrp Remove a folder empty of marks in group 717. ActCopMrkGrp Set source of copy in marks in group 718. ActPasMrkGrp Paste a folder or file in marks in group 719. ActRemTreMrkGrp Remove a folder no empty of marks in group 720. ActFrmCreMrkGrp Form to crear a folder or file in marks in group 721. ActCreFolMrkGrp Create a new folder in marks in group 722. ActRenFolMrkGrp Rename a folder in marks in group 723. ActRcvFilMrkGrpDZ Receive a file to marks in group using Dropzone.js 724. ActRcvFilMrkGrpCla Receive a file to marks in group using the classic way 725. ActExpAdmMrkGrp Expand a folder in marks administration in group 726. ActConAdmMrkGrp Contract a folder in marks administration in group 727. ActZIPAdmMrkGrp Compress a folder in marks administration in group 728. ActShoMrkGrp Show hidden folder or file of the marks administration in group 729. ActHidMrkGrp Hide folder or file of the marks administration in group 730. ActReqDatAdmMrkGrp Ask for metadata of a file in marks administration in group 731. ActChgDatAdmMrkGrp Change metadata of a file in marks administration in group 732. ActDowAdmMrkGrp Download a file in marks administration in group 733. ActChgNumRowHeaGrp Change the number of rows of cabecera of a file of marks in group 734. ActChgNumRowFooGrp Change the number of rows of pie of a file of marks in group Users: 735. ActReqSelGrp Request the selection of groups of students 736. ActLstStd Show class photo or list of students 737. ActLstTch Show class photo or list of teachers 738. ActLstOth Show class photo or list of guests 739. ActSeeAtt Show attendance events 740. ActReqSignUp Apply for my enrollment 741. ActSeeSignUpReq Show pending requests for inscription in the current course 742. ActLstCon List connected users 743. ActChgGrp Change my groups 744. ActReqEdiGrp Request the edition of groups 745. ActNewGrpTyp Request the creation of a type of group of students 746. ActReqRemGrpTyp Request the removal of a type of group of students 747. ActRemGrpTyp Remove a type of group of students 748. ActRenGrpTyp Request renaming of a type of group of students 749. ActChgMdtGrpTyp Request change if it is mandatory to register in groups of a type 750. ActChgMulGrpTyp Request change if it is possible to register in multiple groups of a type 751. ActChgTimGrpTyp Request change when the groups of a type will be open 752. ActNewGrp Request the creation of a group of students 753. ActReqRemGrp Request the removal of a group of students 754. ActRemGrp Remove a group of students 755. ActOpeGrp Abrir a group of students 756. ActCloGrp Cerrar a group of students 757. ActEnaFilZonGrp Enable zonas of files of a group 758. ActDisFilZonGrp Disable zonas of files of a group 759. ActChgGrpTyp Request change in the type of group of students 760. ActRenGrp Request renaming of a group of students 761. ActChgMaxStdGrp Request change in the number máximo of students of a group 763. ActLstGst List main data of administrators 764. ActPrnGstPho Show the class photo of guests ready to be printed 765. ActPrnStdPho Show the class photo of students ready to be printed 766. ActPrnTchPho Show the class photo of teachers ready to be printed 767. ActLstGstAll List in another window the full data of guests 768. ActLstStdAll List in another window the full data of students 769. ActLstTchAll List in another window the full data of teachers 770. ActSeeRecOneStd Show record of one selected student 771. ActSeeRecOneTch Show record of one selected teacher 772. ActSeeRecSevGst Show records of several selected guests 773. ActSeeRecSevStd Show records of several selected students 774. ActSeeRecSevTch Show records of several selected teachers 775. ActPrnRecSevGst Show records of several selected guests ready to be printed 776. ActPrnRecSevStd Show records of several selected students ready to be printed 777. ActPrnRecSevTch Show records of several selected teachers ready to be printed 778. ActRcvRecOthUsr Update record fields of a student in this course 779. ActEdiRecFie Request the edition of record fields of students 780. ActNewFie Request the creation of a record field 781. ActReqRemFie Request the removal of record field 782. ActRemFie Remove a record field 783. ActRenFie Request renaming of record field 784. ActChgRowFie Request change in number of lines of form of a record field 785. ActChgVisFie Request change in visibility of a record field 786. ActRcvRecCrs Receive and update fields of my record in this course 787. ActReqEnrSevStd Request the enrollment/removing of several users to / from current course 788. ActReqEnrSevTch Request the enrollment/removing of several users to / from current course 789. ActReqLstStdAtt Request listing of attendance of several students to several events 790. ActSeeLstMyAtt List my attendance as student to several events 791. ActPrnLstMyAtt Print my attendance as student to several events 792. ActSeeLstStdAtt List attendance of several students to several events 793. ActPrnLstStdAtt Print attendance of several students to several events 794. ActFrmNewAtt Form to create a new attendance event 795. ActEdiOneAtt Edit one attendance event 796. ActNewAtt Create new attendance event 797. ActChgAtt Modify data of an existing attendance event 798. ActReqRemAtt Request the removal of an attendance event 799. ActRemAtt Remove attendance event 800. ActHidAtt Hide attendance event 801. ActShoAtt Show attendance event 802. ActSeeOneAtt List students who attended to an event 803. ActRecAttStd Save students who attended to an event and comments 804. ActRecAttMe Save my comments as student in an attendance event 805. ActSignUp Apply for my enrollment 806. ActUpdSignUpReq Update pending requests for inscription in the current course 807. ActReqRejSignUp Ask if reject the enrollment of a user in a course 808. ActRejSignUp Reject the enrollment of a user in a course 809. ActReqMdfOneOth Request a user's ID for enrollment/removing 810. ActReqMdfOneStd Request a user's ID for enrollment/removing 811. ActReqMdfOneTch Request a user's ID for enrollment/removing 812. ActReqMdfOth Request enrollment/removing of a user 813. ActReqMdfStd Request enrollment/removing of a user 814. ActReqMdfTch Request enrollment/removing of a user 815. ActReqOthPho Show form to send the photo of another user 816. ActReqStdPho Show form to send the photo of another user 817. ActReqTchPho Show form to send the photo of another user 818. ActDetOthPho Receive other user's photo and detect faces on it 819. ActDetStdPho Receive other user's photo and detect faces on it 820. ActDetTchPho Receive other user's photo and detect faces on it 821. ActUpdOthPho Update other user's photo 822. ActUpdStdPho Update other user's photo 823. ActUpdTchPho Update other user's photo 824. ActRemOthPho Request the removal of other user's photo 825. ActRemStdPho Request the removal of student's photo 826. ActRemTchPho Request the removal of teacher's photo 827. ActRemOthPho Remove other user's photo 828. ActRemStdPho Remove student's photo 829. ActRemTchPho Remove teacher's photo 830. ActCreOth Create a new user 831. ActCreStd Create a new user 832. ActCreTch Create a new user 833. ActUpdOth Update another user's data and groups 834. ActUpdStd Update another user's data and groups 835. ActUpdTch Update another user's data and groups 836. ActReqAccEnrStd Confirm acceptation / refusion of enrollment as student in current course 837. ActReqAccEnrTch Confirm acceptation / refusion of enrollment as teacher in current course 838. ActAccEnrStd Accept enrollment as student in current course 839. ActAccEnrTch Accept enrollment as teacher in current course 840. ActRemMe_Std Reject enrollment as student in current course 841. ActRemMe_Tch Reject enrollment as teacher in current course 842. ActNewAdmIns Register an administrador in this institution 843. ActRemAdmIns Remove an administrador of this institution 844. ActNewAdmCtr Register an administrador in this centre 845. ActRemAdmCtr Remove an administrador of this centre 846. ActNewAdmDeg Register an administrador in this degree 847. ActRemAdmDeg Remove an administrador of this degree 848. ActRcvFrmEnrSevStd Receive a form with IDs of users to be registeres/removed to/from current course 849. ActRcvFrmEnrSevTch Receive a form with IDs of users to be registeres/removed to/from current course 850. ActReqCnfID_Oth Request the confirmation of another user's ID 851. ActReqCnfID_Std Request the confirmation of another user's ID 852. ActReqCnfID_Tch Request the confirmation of another user's ID 853. ActCnfID_Oth Confirm another user's ID 854. ActCnfID_Std Confirm another user's ID 855. ActCnfID_Tch Confirm another user's ID 856. ActFrmIDsOth Show form to the change of the IDs of another user 857. ActFrmIDsStd Show form to the change of the IDs of another user 858. ActFrmIDsTch Show form to the change of the IDs of another user 859. ActRemID_Oth Remove one of the IDs of another user 860. ActRemID_Std Remove one of the IDs of another user 861. ActRemID_Tch Remove one of the IDs of another user 862. ActNewID_Oth Create a new user's ID for another user 863. ActNewID_Std Create a new user's ID for another user 864. ActNewID_Tch Create a new user's ID for another user 865. ActFrmPwdOth Show form to change the password of another user 866. ActFrmPwdStd Show form to change the password of another user 867. ActFrmPwdTch Show form to change the password of another user 868. ActChgPwdOth Change the password of another user 869. ActChgPwdStd Change the password of another user 870. ActChgPwdTch Change the password of another user 871. ActFrmMaiOth Show form to the change of the e-mail of another user 872. ActFrmMaiStd Show form to the change of the e-mail of another user 873. ActFrmMaiTch Show form to the change of the e-mail of another user 874. ActRemMaiOth Remove one of the e-mail of another user 875. ActRemMaiStd Remove one of the e-mail of another user 876. ActRemMaiTch Remove one of the e-mail of another user 877. ActNewMaiOth Create a new user's e-mail for another user 878. ActNewMaiStd Create a new user's e-mail for another user 879. ActNewMaiTch Create a new user's e-mail for another user 880. ActRemStdCrs Remove a student from the current course 881. ActRemTchCrs Remove a teacher from the current course 882. ActRemUsrGbl Eliminate completely a user from the platform 883. ActReqRemAllStdCrs Request the removal of all the students from the current course 884. ActRemAllStdCrs Remove all the students from the current course 885. ActReqRemOldUsr Request the complete elimination of old users 886. ActRemOldUsr Eliminate completely old users 887. ActLstDupUsr List possible duplicate users 888. ActLstSimUsr List users similar to a given one (possible duplicates) 889. ActRemDupUsr Remove user from list of possible duplicate users 890. ActLstClk List last clicks in real time Social: 891. ActSeeSocTmlGbl Show social timeline (global) 892. ActSeeSocPrf Suggest list of users to follow 893. ActSeeFor Show the level superior of the forums 894. ActSeeChtRms Show the chat rooms 895. ActRcvSocPstGbl Receive a public social post to be displayed in the timeline (global) 896. ActRcvSocComGbl Comment a social note in the timeline (global) 897. ActShaSocNotGbl Share a social note in the timeline (global) 898. ActUnsSocNotGbl Unshare a previously shared social note in the timeline (global) 899. ActFavSocNotGbl Favourite a social note in the timeline (global) 900. ActUnfSocNotGbl Unfavourite a previously favourited social note in the timeline (global) 901. ActFavSocComGbl Favourite a social comment in the timeline (global) 902. ActUnfSocComGbl Unfavourite a previously favourited social comment in the timeline (global) 903. ActReqRemSocPubGbl Request the removal of a social publishing in the timeline (global) 904. ActRemSocPubGbl Remove a social publishing in the timeline (global) 905. ActReqRemSocComGbl Request the removal of a comment in a social note (global) 906. ActRemSocComGbl Remove of a comment in a social note (global) 907. ActReqPubPrf Request @nickname to show a public user's profile 908. ActRcvSocPstUsr Receive a public social post to be displayed in the timeline (user) 909. ActRcvSocComUsr Comment a social note in the timeline (user) 910. ActShaSocNotUsr Share a social note in the timeline (user) 911. ActUnsSocNotUsr Unshare a previously shared social note in the timeline (user) 912. ActFavSocNotUsr Favourite a social note in the timeline (user) 913. ActUnfSocNotUsr Unfavourite a previously favourited social note in the timeline (user) 914. ActFavSocComUsr Favourite a social comment in the timeline (user) 915. ActUnfSocComUsr Unfavourite a previously favourited social comment in the timeline (user) 916. ActReqRemSocPubUsr Request the removal of a social publishing in the timeline (user) 917. ActRemSocPubUsr Remove a social publishing in the timeline (user) 918. ActReqRemSocComUsr Request the removal of a comment in a social note (user) 919. ActRemSocComUsr Remove of a comment in a social note (user) 920. ActCal1stClkTim Calculate first click time from log and store into user's figures 921. ActCalNumClk Calculate number of clicks from log and store into user's figures 922. ActCalNumFileViews Calculate number of file views and store into user's figures 923. ActCalNumForPst Calculate number of forum posts and store into user's figures 924. ActCalNumMsgSnt Calculate number of messages sent from log and store into user's figures 925. ActFolUsr Follow another user 926. ActUnfUsr Unfollow another user 927. ActSeeFlg Show following 928. ActSeeFlr Show followers 929. ActSeeForCrsUsr Show top level of forum of users of the course 930. ActSeeForCrsTch Show top level of forum of teachers of the course 931. ActSeeForDegUsr Show top level of forum of users of the degree 932. ActSeeForDegTch Show top level of forum of teachers of the degree 933. ActSeeForCtrUsr Show top level of forum of users of the centre 934. ActSeeForCtrTch Show top level of forum of teachers of the centre 935. ActSeeForInsUsr Show top level of forum of users of the institution 936. ActSeeForInsTch Show top level of forum of teachers of the institution 937. ActSeeForGenUsr Show top level of forum of users general 938. ActSeeForGenTch Show top level of forum of teachers general 939. ActSeeForSWAUsr Show top level of forum of users of the platform 940. ActSeeForSWATch Show top level of forum of teachers of the platform 941. ActSeePstForCrsUsr Show the messages of a thread of the forum of users of the course 942. ActSeePstForCrsTch Show the messages of a thread of the forum of teachers of the course 943. ActSeePstForDegUsr Show the messages of a thread of the forum of users of the degree 944. ActSeePstForDegTch Show the messages of a thread of the forum of teachers of the degree 945. ActSeePstForCtrUsr Show the messages of a thread of the forum of users of the centre 946. ActSeePstForCtrTch Show the messages of a thread of the forum of teachers of the centre 947. ActSeePstForInsUsr Show the messages of a thread of the forum of users of the institution 948. ActSeePstForInsTch Show the messages of a thread of the forum of teachers of the institution 949. ActSeePstForGenUsr Show the messages of a thread of the forum of users general 950. ActSeePstForGenTch Show the messages of a thread of the forum of teachers general 951. ActSeePstForSWAUsr Show the messages of a thread of the forum of users of the platform 952. ActSeePstForSWATch Show the messages of a thread of the forum of teachers of the platform 953. ActRcvThrForCrsUsr Receive the first message of a new thread of forum of users of the course 954. ActRcvThrForCrsTch Receive the first message of a new thread of forum of teachers of the course 955. ActRcvThrForDegUsr Receive the first message of a new thread of forum of users of the degree 956. ActRcvThrForDegTch Receive the first message of a new thread of forum of teachers of the degree 957. ActRcvThrForCtrUsr Receive the first message of a new thread of forum of users of centre 958. ActRcvThrForCtrTch Receive the first message of a new thread of forum of teachers of centre 959. ActRcvThrForInsUsr Receive the first message of a new thread of forum of users of the institution 960. ActRcvThrForInsTch Receive the first message of a new thread of forum of teachers of the institution 961. ActRcvThrForGenUsr Receive the first message of a new thread of forum of users general 962. ActRcvThrForGenTch Receive the first message of a new thread of forum of teachers general 963. ActRcvThrForSWAUsr Receive the first message of a new thread of forum of users of the platform 964. ActRcvThrForSWATch Receive the first message of a new thread of forum of teachers of the platform 965. ActRcvRepForCrsUsr Receive a message of answer in a thread existente in the forum of users of the course 966. ActRcvRepForCrsTch Receive a message of answer in a thread existente in the forum of teachers of the course 967. ActRcvRepForDegUsr Receive a message of answer in a thread existente in the forum of users of the degree 968. ActRcvRepForDegTch Receive a message of answer in a thread existente in the forum of teachers of the degree 969. ActRcvRepForCtrUsr Receive a message of answer in a thread existente in the forum of users of centre 970. ActRcvRepForCtrTch Receive a message of answer in a thread existente in the forum of teachers of centre 971. ActRcvRepForInsUsr Receive a message of answer in a thread existente in the forum of users of the institution 972. ActRcvRepForInsTch Receive a message of answer in a thread existente in the forum of teachers of the institution 973. ActRcvRepForGenUsr Receive a message of answer in a thread existente in the forum of users general 974. ActRcvRepForGenTch Receive a message of answer in a thread existente in the forum of teachers general 975. ActRcvRepForSWAUsr Receive a message of answer in a thread existente in the forum of users of the platform 976. ActRcvRepForSWATch Receive a message of answer in a thread existente in the forum of teachers of the platform 977. ActReqDelThrCrsUsr Request the removal of a thread of forum of users of the course 978. ActReqDelThrCrsTch Request the removal of a thread of forum of teachers of the course 979. ActReqDelThrDegUsr Request the removal of a thread of forum of users of the degree 980. ActReqDelThrDegTch Request the removal of a thread of forum of teachers of the degree 981. ActReqDelThrCtrUsr Request the removal of a thread of forum of users of centre 982. ActReqDelThrCtrTch Request the removal of a thread of forum of teachers of centre 983. ActReqDelThrInsUsr Request the removal of a thread of forum of users of the institution 984. ActReqDelThrInsTch Request the removal of a thread of forum of teachers of the institution 985. ActReqDelThrGenUsr Request the removal of a thread of forum of users general 986. ActReqDelThrGenTch Request the removal of a thread of forum of teachers general 987. ActReqDelThrSWAUsr Request the removal of a thread of forum of users of the platform 988. ActReqDelThrSWATch Request the removal of a thread of forum of teachers of the platform 989. ActDelThrForCrsUsr Remove a thread of forum of users of the course 990. ActDelThrForCrsTch Remove a thread of forum of teachers of the course 991. ActDelThrForDegUsr Remove a thread of forum of users of the degree 992. ActDelThrForDegTch Remove a thread of forum of teachers of the degree 993. ActDelThrForCtrUsr Remove a thread of forum of users of centre 994. ActDelThrForCtrTch Remove a thread of forum of teachers of centre 995. ActDelThrForInsUsr Remove a thread of forum of users of the institution 996. ActDelThrForInsTch Remove a thread of forum of teachers of the institution 997. ActDelThrForGenUsr Remove a thread of forum of users general 998. ActDelThrForGenTch Remove a thread of forum of teachers general 999. ActDelThrForSWAUsr Remove a thread of forum of users of the platform 1000. ActDelThrForSWATch Remove a thread of forum of teachers of the platform 1001. ActCutThrForCrsUsr Cut a thread of forum of users of the course 1002. ActCutThrForCrsTch Cut a thread of forum of teachers of the course 1003. ActCutThrForDegUsr Cut a thread of forum of users of the degree 1004. ActCutThrForDegTch Cut a thread of forum of teachers of the degree 1005. ActCutThrForCtrUsr Cut a thread of forum of users of centre 1006. ActCutThrForCtrTch Cut a thread of forum of teachers of centre 1007. ActCutThrForInsUsr Cut a thread of forum of users of the institution 1008. ActCutThrForInsTch Cut a thread of forum of teachers of the institution 1009. ActCutThrForGenUsr Cut a thread of forum of users general 1010. ActCutThrForGenTch Cut a thread of forum of teachers general 1011. ActCutThrForSWAUsr Cut a thread of forum of users of the platform 1012. ActCutThrForSWATch Cut a thread of forum of teachers of the platform 1013. ActPasThrForCrsUsr Paste a thread of forum of users of the course 1014. ActPasThrForCrsTch Paste a thread of forum of teachers of the course 1015. ActPasThrForDegUsr Paste a thread of forum of users of the degree 1016. ActPasThrForDegTch Paste a thread of forum of teachers of the degree 1017. ActPasThrForCtrUsr Paste a thread of forum of users of centre 1018. ActPasThrForCtrTch Paste a thread of forum of teachers of centre 1019. ActPasThrForInsUsr Paste a thread of forum of users of the institution 1020. ActPasThrForInsTch Paste a thread of forum of teachers of the institution 1021. ActPasThrForGenUsr Paste a thread of forum of users general 1022. ActPasThrForGenTch Paste a thread of forum of teachers general 1023. ActPasThrForSWAUsr Paste a thread of forum of users of the platform 1024. ActPasThrForSWATch Paste a thread of forum of teachers of the platform 1025. ActDelPstForCrsUsr Remove a message of forum of users of the course 1026. ActDelPstForCrsTch Remove a message of forum of teachers of the course 1027. ActDelPstForDegUsr Remove a message of forum of users of the degree 1028. ActDelPstForDegTch Remove a message of forum of teachers of the degree 1029. ActDelPstForCtrUsr Remove a message of forum of users of centre 1030. ActDelPstForCtrTch Remove a message of forum of teachers of centre 1031. ActDelPstForInsUsr Remove a message of forum of users of the institution 1032. ActDelPstForInsTch Remove a message of forum of teachers of the institution 1033. ActDelPstForGenUsr Remove a message of forum of users general 1034. ActDelPstForGenTch Remove a message of forum of teachers general 1035. ActDelPstForSWAUsr Remove a message of forum of users of the platform 1036. ActDelPstForSWATch Remove a message of forum of teachers of the platform 1037. ActEnbPstForCrsUsr Enable a message of forum of users of the course 1038. ActEnbPstForCrsTch Enable a message of forum of teachers of the course 1039. ActEnbPstForDegUsr Enable a message of forum of users of the degree 1040. ActEnbPstForDegTch Enable a message of forum of teachers of the degree 1041. ActEnbPstForCtrUsr Enable a message of forum of users of centre 1042. ActEnbPstForCtrTch Enable a message of forum of teachers of centre 1043. ActEnbPstForInsUsr Enable a message of forum of users of the institution 1044. ActEnbPstForInsTch Enable a message of forum of teachers of the institution 1045. ActEnbPstForGenUsr Enable a message of forum of users general 1046. ActEnbPstForGenTch Enable a message of forum of teachers general 1047. ActEnbPstForSWAUsr Enable a message of forum of users of the platform 1048. ActEnbPstForSWATch Enable a message of forum of teachers of the platform 1049. ActDisPstForCrsUsr Disable a message of forum of users of the course 1050. ActDisPstForCrsTch Disable a message of forum of teachers of the course 1051. ActDisPstForDegUsr Disable a message of forum of users of the degree 1052. ActDisPstForDegTch Disable a message of forum of teachers of the degree 1053. ActDisPstForCtrUsr Disable a message of forum of users of centre 1054. ActDisPstForCtrTch Disable a message of forum of teachers of centre 1055. ActDisPstForInsUsr Disable a message of forum of users of the institution 1056. ActDisPstForInsTch Disable a message of forum of teachers of the institution 1057. ActDisPstForGenUsr Disable a message of forum of users general 1058. ActDisPstForGenTch Disable a message of forum of teachers general 1059. ActDisPstForSWAUsr Disable a message of forum of users of the platform 1060. ActDisPstForSWATch Disable a message of forum of teachers of the platform 1061. ActCht Enter in a chat room to chat Messages: 1062. ActSeeNtf Show my recent notifications 1063. ActSeeAnn Show global announcements 1064. ActSeeAllNot Show all notices 1065. ActReqMsgUsr Write message to several users 1066. ActSeeRcvMsg Show the messages received from other users (link in menu) 1067. ActSeeSntMsg Show the messages sent to other users 1068. ActMaiStd Send an e-mail to students 1069. ActWriAnn Show form to create a new global announcement 1070. ActRcvAnn Receive and create a new global announcement 1071. ActHidAnn Hide a global announcement that was active 1072. ActRevAnn Reveal a global announcement that was hidden 1073. ActRemAnn Remove global announcement 1074. ActSeeOneNot Show (expand) a notice 1075. ActWriNot Write a new notice 1076. ActRcvNot Receive and create a new notice 1077. ActHidNot Hide a notice that was active 1078. ActRevNot Reveal a notice that was hidden 1079. ActReqRemNot Request removal of a notice 1080. ActRemNot Remove a notice 1081. ActSeeNewNtf Show my recent notifications (link in top heading) 1082. ActMrkNtfSee Mark all my notifications as seen 1083. ActRcvMsgUsr Sent/Receive a message of a user 1084. ActReqDelAllSntMsg Request the removal of todos the messages sent to other users 1085. ActReqDelAllRcvMsg Request the removal of todos the messages received from other users 1086. ActDelAllSntMsg Remove todos the messages sent to other users 1087. ActDelAllRcvMsg Remove todos the messages received from other users 1088. ActDelSntMsg Remove a message sent to other users 1089. ActDelRcvMsg Remove a message received from other user 1090. ActExpSntMsg See (expand) sent message 1091. ActExpRcvMsg See (expand) received message 1092. ActConSntMsg Hide (contract) sent message 1093. ActConRcvMsg Hide (contract) received message 1094. ActLstBanUsr List banned users 1095. ActBanUsrMsg Ban the sender of a message when showing received messages 1096. ActUnbUsrMsg Unban the sender of a message when showing received messages 1097. ActUnbUsrLst Unban a user when listing banned users Statistics: 1098. ActSeeAllSvy List all surveys in pages 1099. ActReqUseGbl Request showing use of the platform 1100. ActSeePhoDeg Show a class photo with the average photos of the students of each degree 1101. ActReqStaCrs Request statistics of courses 1102. ActReqAccGbl Request query of clicks to the complete platform 1103. ActReqMyUsgRep Request my usage report 1104. ActSeeOneSvy Show one survey 1105. ActAnsSvy Answer a survey 1106. ActFrmNewSvy Form to create a new survey 1107. ActEdiOneSvy Edit one survey 1108. ActNewSvy Create new survey 1109. ActChgSvy Modify data of an existing survey 1110. ActReqRemSvy Request the removal of a survey 1111. ActRemSvy Remove survey 1112. ActReqRstSvy Request the reset of answers of a survey 1113. ActRstSvy Reset answers of survey 1114. ActHidSvy Hide survey 1115. ActShoSvy Show survey 1116. ActEdiOneSvyQst Edit a new question for a survey 1117. ActRcvSvyQst Receive a question of a survey 1118. ActReqRemSvyQst Request the removal of a question of a survey 1119. ActRemSvyQst Confirm the removal of a question of a survey 1120. ActSeeUseGbl Show use of the platform 1121. ActPrnPhoDeg Show vista of impresión of the class photo with the average photos of the students of each degree. 1122. ActCalPhoDeg Compute the average photos of the students of each degree 1123. ActSeeAccGbl Query clicks to the complete platform 1124. ActReqAccCrs Request query of clicks in the course 1125. ActSeeAccCrs Query clicks to current course 1126. ActSeeAllStaCrs Show statistics of courses 1127. ActSeeMyUsgRep Show my usage report Profile: 1128. ActFrmLogIn Show landing page (forms to log in and to create a new account) 1129. ActFrmRolSes Show form to log out and to change current role in this session 1130. ActMyCrs Select one of my courses 1131. ActSeeMyTT Show the timetable of all courses of the logged user 1132. ActSeeMyAgd Show my agenda (personal organizer) 1133. ActFrmMyAcc Show form to the creation or change of user's account 1134. ActReqEdiRecCom Request the edition of the record with the personal data of the user 1135. ActEdiPrf Show forms to edit preferences 1136. ActAdmBrf Show the briefcase of private archives 1137. ActMFUAct Show most frequently used actions 1138. ActReqSndNewPwd Show form to send a new password via e-mail 1139. ActSndNewPwd Send a new password via e-mail 1140. ActLogOut Close session 1141. ActAutUsrInt Authentify user internally (directly from the platform) 1142. ActAutUsrNew Authentify user internally (directly from the platform, only if user has not password) 1143. ActAutUsrChgLan Change language to my language just after authentication 1144. ActAnnSee Mark announcement as seen 1145. ActChgMyRol Change type of logged user 1146. ActChkUsrAcc Check if already exists a new account without password associated to a ID 1147. ActCreUsrAcc Create new user account 1148. ActRemID_Me Remove one of my user's IDs 1149. ActNewIDMe Create a new user's ID for me 1150. ActRemOldNic Remove one of my old nicknames 1151. ActChgNic Change my nickname 1152. ActRemMaiMe Remove one of my old e-mails 1153. ActNewMaiMe Change my e-mail address 1154. ActCnfMai Confirm e-mail address 1155. ActFrmChgMyPwd Show form to the change of the password 1156. ActChgPwd Change the password 1157. ActReqRemMyAcc Request the removal of my account 1158. ActRemMyAcc Remove my account 1159. ActChgMyData Update my personal data 1160. ActReqMyPho Show form to send my photo 1161. ActDetMyPho Receive my photo and detect faces on it 1162. ActUpdMyPho Update my photo 1163. ActReqRemMyPho Request the removal of my photo 1164. ActRemMyPho Remove my photo 1165. ActEdiPri Edit my privacy 1166. ActChgPriPho Change privacy of my photo 1167. ActChgPriPrf Change privacy of my public profile 1168. ActReqEdiMyIns Request the edition of my institution, centre and department 1169. ActChgCtyMyIns Change the country of my institution 1170. ActChgMyIns Change my institution 1171. ActChgMyCtr Change my centre 1172. ActChgMyDpt Change my department 1173. ActChgMyOff Change my office 1174. ActChgMyOffPho Change my office phone 1175. ActReqEdiMyNet Request the edition of my social networks 1176. ActChgMyNet Change my web and social networks 1177. ActChgThe Change theme 1178. ActReqChgLan Ask if change language 1179. ActChgLan Change language 1180. ActChg1stDay Change first day of the week 1181. ActChgCol Change side columns 1182. ActHidLftCol Hide left side column 1183. ActHidRgtCol Hide right side column 1184. ActShoLftCol Show left side column 1185. ActShoRgtCol Show right side column 1186. ActChgIco Change icon set 1187. ActChgMnu Change menu 1188. ActChgNtfPrf Change whether to notify by e-mail new messages 1189. ActPrnUsrQR Show my QR code ready to print 1190. ActPrnMyTT Show the timetable listo to impresión of all my courses 1191. ActEdiTut Edit the timetable of tutorías 1192. ActChgTut Modify the timetable of tutorías 1193. ActChgMyTT1stDay Change first day of week and show timetable of the course 1194. ActReqRemFilBrf Request removal of a file of the briefcase 1195. ActRemFilBrf Remove a file of the briefcase 1196. ActRemFolBrf Remove a folder empty of the briefcase 1197. ActCopBrf Set source of copy in the briefcase 1198. ActPasBrf Paste a folder or file in the briefcase 1199. ActRemTreBrf Remove a folder no empty of the briefcase 1200. ActFrmCreBrf Form to crear a folder or file in the briefcase 1201. ActCreFolBrf Create a new folder in the briefcase 1202. ActCreLnkBrf Create a new link in the briefcase 1203. ActRenFolBrf Rename a folder of the briefcase 1204. ActRcvFilBrfDZ Receive a file in the briefcase using Dropzone.js 1205. ActRcvFilBrfCla Receive a file in the briefcase using the classic way 1206. ActExpBrf Expand a folder in briefcase 1207. ActConBrf Contract a folder in briefcase 1208. ActZIPBrf Compress a folder in briefcase 1209. ActReqDatBrf Ask for metadata of a file in the briefcase 1210. ActChgDatBrf Change metadata of a file in the briefcase 1211. ActDowBrf Download a file in the briefcase 1212. ActReqRemOldBrf Ask for removing old files in the briefcase 1213. ActRemOldBrf Remove old files in the briefcase */ struct Act_Actions Act_Actions[Act_NUM_ACTIONS] = { // TabUnk ****************************************************************** // Actions not in menu: /* ActAll */{ 645,-1,TabUnk,ActAll ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,NULL ,NULL}, // Used for statistics /* ActUnk */{ 194,-1,TabUnk,ActUnk ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActHom */{ 844,-1,TabUnk,ActHom ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActMnu */{ 2,-1,TabUnk,ActMnu ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActRefCon */{ 845,-1,TabUnk,ActRefCon ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Lay_RefreshNotifsAndConnected ,NULL}, /* ActRefLstClk */{ 994,-1,TabUnk,ActRefLstClk ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Lay_RefreshLastClicks ,NULL}, /* ActRefNewSocPubGbl*/{1509,-1,TabUnk,ActRefNewSocPubGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Soc_RefreshNewTimelineGbl ,NULL}, /* ActRefOldSocPubGbl*/{1510,-1,TabUnk,ActRefOldSocPubGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Soc_RefreshOldTimelineGbl ,NULL}, /* ActRefOldSocPubUsr*/{1511,-1,TabUnk,ActRefOldSocPubUsr ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Soc_RefreshOldTimelineUsr ,NULL}, /* ActWebSvc */{ 892,-1,TabUnk,ActWebSvc ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plg_WebService ,NULL}, // TabSys ****************************************************************** // Actions in menu: /* ActSysReqSch */{ 627, 0,TabSys,ActSysReqSch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Sch_ReqSysSearch ,"search64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeCty */{ 862, 1,TabSys,ActSeeCty ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Cty_ListCountries1 ,Cty_ListCountries2 ,"earth64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeePen */{1060, 2,TabSys,ActSeePen ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Deg_SeePending ,"mygroups64x64.gif" }, /* ActReqRemOldCrs */{1109, 3,TabSys,ActReqRemOldCrs ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Crs_AskRemoveOldCrss ,"removeusers64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeDegTyp */{1013, 4,TabSys,ActSeeDegTyp ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,DT_SeeDegreeTypes ,"grouptypes64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeMai */{ 855, 5,TabSys,ActSeeMai ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_SeeMailDomains ,"email64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeBan */{1137, 6,TabSys,ActSeeBan ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ban_SeeBanners ,"picture64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeLnk */{ 748, 7,TabSys,ActSeeLnk ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Lnk_SeeLinks ,"link64x64.gif" }, /* ActLstPlg */{ 777, 8,TabSys,ActLstPlg ,0x110,0x110,0x110,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plg_ListPlugins ,"blocks64x64.gif" }, /* ActSetUp */{ 840, 9,TabSys,ActSetUp ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Set_Setup ,"lightning64x64.gif" }, // Actions not in menu: /* ActSysSch */{ 628,-1,TabUnk,ActSysReqSch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Sch_GetParamsSearch ,Sch_SysSearch ,NULL}, /* ActEdiDegTyp */{ 573,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDegTyp ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,DT_ReqEditDegreeTypes ,NULL}, /* ActEdiCty */{ 863,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCty ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Cty_EditCountries ,NULL}, /* ActNewCty */{ 864,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCty ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Cty_RecFormNewCountry ,NULL}, /* ActRemCty */{ 893,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCty ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Cty_RemoveCountry ,NULL}, /* ActRenCty */{ 866,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCty ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Cty_RenameCountry ,NULL}, /* ActChgCtyWWW */{1157,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCty ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Cty_ChangeCtyWWW ,NULL}, /* ActNewDegTyp */{ 537,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDegTyp ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,DT_RecFormNewDegreeType ,NULL}, /* ActRemDegTyp */{ 545,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDegTyp ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,DT_RemoveDegreeType ,NULL}, /* ActRenDegTyp */{ 538,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDegTyp ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,DT_RenameDegreeType ,NULL}, /* ActRemOldCrs */{1110,-1,TabUnk,ActReqRemOldCrs ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Crs_RemoveOldCrss ,NULL}, /* ActEdiMai */{ 856,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMai ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_EditMailDomains ,NULL}, /* ActNewMai */{ 857,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMai ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_RecFormNewMailDomain ,NULL}, /* ActRemMai */{ 860,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMai ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_RemoveMailDomain ,NULL}, /* ActRenMaiSho */{ 858,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMai ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_RenameMailDomainShort ,NULL}, /* ActRenMaiFul */{ 859,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMai ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_RenameMailDomainFull ,NULL}, /* ActEdiBan */{1138,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeBan ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ban_EditBanners ,NULL}, /* ActNewBan */{1139,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeBan ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ban_RecFormNewBanner ,NULL}, /* ActRemBan */{1140,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeBan ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ban_RemoveBanner ,NULL}, /* ActShoBan */{1212,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeBan ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ban_ShowBanner ,NULL}, /* ActHidBan */{1213,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeBan ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ban_HideBanner ,NULL}, /* ActRenBanSho */{1141,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeBan ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ban_RenameBannerShort ,NULL}, /* ActRenBanFul */{1142,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeBan ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ban_RenameBannerFull ,NULL}, /* ActChgBanImg */{1144,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeBan ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ban_ChangeBannerImg ,NULL}, /* ActChgBanWWW */{1143,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeBan ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ban_ChangeBannerWWW ,NULL}, /* ActClkBan */{1145,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeBan ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_DOWNLD_FILE,Ban_ClickOnBanner ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActEdiLnk */{ 749,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeLnk ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Lnk_EditLinks ,NULL}, /* ActNewLnk */{ 750,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeLnk ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Lnk_RecFormNewLink ,NULL}, /* ActRemLnk */{ 897,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeLnk ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Lnk_RemoveLink ,NULL}, /* ActRenLnkSho */{ 753,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeLnk ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Lnk_RenameLinkShort ,NULL}, /* ActRenLnkFul */{ 751,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeLnk ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Lnk_RenameLinkFull ,NULL}, /* ActChgLnkWWW */{ 752,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeLnk ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Lnk_ChangeLinkWWW ,NULL}, /* ActEdiPlg */{ 778,-1,TabUnk,ActLstPlg ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plg_EditPlugins ,NULL}, /* ActNewPlg */{ 779,-1,TabUnk,ActLstPlg ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plg_RecFormNewPlg ,NULL}, /* ActRemPlg */{ 889,-1,TabUnk,ActLstPlg ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plg_RemovePlugin ,NULL}, /* ActRenPlg */{ 782,-1,TabUnk,ActLstPlg ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plg_RenamePlugin ,NULL}, /* ActChgPlgDes */{ 888,-1,TabUnk,ActLstPlg ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plg_ChangePlgDescription ,NULL}, /* ActChgPlgLog */{ 781,-1,TabUnk,ActLstPlg ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plg_ChangePlgLogo ,NULL}, /* ActChgPlgAppKey */{ 986,-1,TabUnk,ActLstPlg ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plg_ChangePlgAppKey ,NULL}, /* ActChgPlgURL */{ 783,-1,TabUnk,ActLstPlg ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plg_ChangePlgURL ,NULL}, /* ActChgPlgIP */{ 780,-1,TabUnk,ActLstPlg ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plg_ChangePlgIP ,NULL}, // TabCty ****************************************************************** // Actions in menu: /* ActCtyReqSch */{1176, 0,TabCty,ActCtyReqSch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Sch_ReqCtySearch ,"search64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeCtyInf */{1155, 1,TabCty,ActSeeCtyInf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Cty_ShowConfiguration ,"cty64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeIns */{ 696, 2,TabCty,ActSeeIns ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ins_ShowInssOfCurrentCty ,"institution64x64.gif" }, // Actions not in menu: /* ActCtySch */{1181,-1,TabUnk,ActCtyReqSch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Sch_GetParamsSearch ,Sch_CtySearch ,NULL}, /* ActPrnCtyInf */{1156,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtyInf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Cty_PrintConfiguration ,NULL}, /* ActChgCtyMapAtt */{1158,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtyInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Cty_ChangeCtyMapAttribution ,NULL}, /* ActEdiIns */{ 697,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeIns ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ins_EditInstitutions ,NULL}, /* ActReqIns */{1210,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeIns ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ins_RecFormReqIns ,NULL}, /* ActNewIns */{ 698,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeIns ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ins_RecFormNewIns ,NULL}, /* ActRemIns */{ 759,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeIns ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ins_RemoveInstitution ,NULL}, /* ActRenInsSho */{ 702,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeIns ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ins_RenameInsShort ,Ins_ContEditAfterChgIns ,NULL}, /* ActRenInsFul */{ 701,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeIns ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ins_RenameInsFull ,Ins_ContEditAfterChgIns ,NULL}, /* ActChgInsWWW */{ 700,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeIns ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ins_ChangeInsWWW ,NULL}, /* ActChgInsSta */{1211,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeIns ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ins_ChangeInsStatus ,NULL}, // TabIns ****************************************************************** // Actions in menu: /* ActInsReqSch */{1177, 0,TabIns,ActInsReqSch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Sch_ReqInsSearch ,"search64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeInsInf */{1153, 1,TabIns,ActSeeInsInf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ins_ShowConfiguration ,"ins64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeCtr */{ 676, 2,TabIns,ActSeeCtr ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_ShowCtrsOfCurrentIns ,"house64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeDpt */{ 675, 3,TabIns,ActSeeDpt ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Dpt_SeeDepts ,"houseteachers64x64.gif"}, /* ActSeePlc */{ 703, 4,TabIns,ActSeePlc ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plc_SeePlaces ,"earth64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeHld */{ 707, 5,TabIns,ActSeeHld ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Hld_SeeHolidays ,"date64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeAdmDocIns */{1249, 6,TabIns,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,"folder64x64.gif" }, /* ActAdmShaIns */{1382, 7,TabIns,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,"folderusers64x64.gif" }, // Actions not in menu: /* ActInsSch */{1182,-1,TabUnk,ActInsReqSch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Sch_GetParamsSearch ,Sch_InsSearch ,NULL}, /* ActPrnInsInf */{1154,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeInsInf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Ins_PrintConfiguration ,NULL}, /* ActChgInsCtyCfg */{1590,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeInsInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ins_ChangeInsCtyInConfig ,Ins_ContEditAfterChgInsInConfig,NULL}, /* ActRenInsShoCfg */{1592,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeInsInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ins_RenameInsShortInConfig ,Ins_ContEditAfterChgInsInConfig,NULL}, /* ActRenInsFulCfg */{1591,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeInsInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ins_RenameInsFullInConfig ,Ins_ContEditAfterChgInsInConfig,NULL}, /* ActChgInsWWWCfg */{1593,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeInsInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ins_ChangeInsWWWInConfig ,NULL}, /* ActReqInsLog */{1245,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeInsInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ins_RequestLogo ,NULL}, /* ActRecInsLog */{ 699,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeInsInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ins_ReceiveLogo ,Ins_ShowConfiguration ,NULL}, /* ActRemInsLog */{1341,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeInsInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ins_RemoveLogo ,Ins_ShowConfiguration ,NULL}, /* ActEdiCtr */{ 681,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtr ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_EditCentres ,NULL}, /* ActReqCtr */{1208,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtr ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_RecFormReqCtr ,NULL}, /* ActNewCtr */{ 685,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtr ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_RecFormNewCtr ,NULL}, /* ActRemCtr */{ 686,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtr ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_RemoveCentre ,NULL}, /* ActChgDegPlc */{ 706,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtr ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_ChangeCentrePlace ,NULL}, /* ActRenCtrSho */{ 682,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtr ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ctr_RenameCentreShort ,Ctr_ContEditAfterChgCtr ,NULL}, /* ActRenCtrFul */{ 684,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtr ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ctr_RenameCentreFull ,Ctr_ContEditAfterChgCtr ,NULL}, /* ActChgCtrWWW */{ 683,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtr ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_ChangeCtrWWW ,NULL}, /* ActChgCtrSta */{1209,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtr ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_ChangeCtrStatus ,NULL}, /* ActEdiDpt */{ 677,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDpt ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Dpt_EditDepartments ,NULL}, /* ActNewDpt */{ 687,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDpt ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Dpt_RecFormNewDpt ,NULL}, /* ActRemDpt */{ 690,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDpt ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Dpt_RemoveDepartment ,NULL}, /* ActChgDptIns */{ 721,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDpt ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Dpt_ChangeDepartIns ,NULL}, /* ActRenDptSho */{ 688,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDpt ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Dpt_RenameDepartShort ,NULL}, /* ActRenDptFul */{ 689,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDpt ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Dpt_RenameDepartFull ,NULL}, /* ActChgDptWWW */{ 691,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDpt ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Dpt_ChangeDptWWW ,NULL}, /* ActEdiPlc */{ 704,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePlc ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plc_EditPlaces ,NULL}, /* ActNewPlc */{ 705,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePlc ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plc_RecFormNewPlace ,NULL}, /* ActRemPlc */{ 776,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePlc ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plc_RemovePlace ,NULL}, /* ActRenPlcSho */{ 894,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePlc ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plc_RenamePlaceShort ,NULL}, /* ActRenPlcFul */{ 895,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePlc ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Plc_RenamePlaceFull ,NULL}, /* ActEdiHld */{ 713,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeHld ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Hld_EditHolidays ,NULL}, /* ActNewHld */{ 714,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeHld ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Hld_RecFormNewHoliday ,NULL}, /* ActRemHld */{ 716,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeHld ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Hld_RemoveHoliday ,NULL}, /* ActChgHldPlc */{ 896,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeHld ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Hld_ChangeHolidayPlace ,NULL}, /* ActChgHldTyp */{ 715,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeHld ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Hld_ChangeHolidayType ,NULL}, /* ActChgHldStrDat */{ 717,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeHld ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Hld_ChangeStartDate ,NULL}, /* ActChgHldEndDat */{ 718,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeHld ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Hld_ChangeEndDate ,NULL}, /* ActRenHld */{ 766,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeHld ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Hld_RenameHoliday ,NULL}, /* ActChgToSeeDocIns */{1308,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,NULL}, /* ActSeeDocIns */{1309,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,NULL}, /* ActExpSeeDocIns */{1310,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ExpandFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActConSeeDocIns */{1311,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ContractFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActZIPSeeDocIns */{1312,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ZIP_CompressFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActReqDatSeeDocIns*/{1313,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileMetadata ,NULL}, /* ActDowSeeDocIns */{1314,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_DOWNLD_FILE,Brw_DownloadFile ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActChgToAdmDocIns */{1315,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,NULL}, /* ActAdmDocIns */{1316,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemFilDocIns*/{1317,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_AskRemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFilDocIns */{1318,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFolDocIns */{1319,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFolderFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActCopDocIns */{1320,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_CopyFromFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActPasDocIns */{1321,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_PasteIntoFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRemTreDocIns */{1322,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemSubtreeInFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActFrmCreDocIns */{1323,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFormFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreFolDocIns */{1324,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreLnkDocIns */{1325,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecLinkFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRenFolDocIns */{1326,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RenFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilDocInsDZ */{1327,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_UPLOAD_FILE,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwDropzone ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilDocInsCla*/{1328,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwClassic ,NULL}, /* ActExpAdmDocIns */{1329,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ExpandFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActConAdmDocIns */{1330,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ContractFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActZIPAdmDocIns */{1331,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ZIP_CompressFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActShoDocIns */{1332,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_SetDocumentAsVisible ,NULL}, /* ActHidDocIns */{1333,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_SetDocumentAsHidden ,NULL}, /* ActReqDatAdmDocIns*/{1334,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileMetadata ,NULL}, /* ActChgDatAdmDocIns*/{1335,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ChgFileMetadata ,NULL}, /* ActDowAdmDocIns */{1336,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocIns ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_DOWNLD_FILE,Brw_DownloadFile ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemFilShaIns*/{1383,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_AskRemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFilShaIns */{1384,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFolShaIns */{1385,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFolderFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActCopShaIns */{1386,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_CopyFromFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActPasShaIns */{1387,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_PasteIntoFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRemTreShaIns */{1388,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemSubtreeInFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActFrmCreShaIns */{1389,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFormFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreFolShaIns */{1390,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreLnkShaIns */{1391,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecLinkFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRenFolShaIns */{1392,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RenFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilShaInsDZ */{1393,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_UPLOAD_FILE,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwDropzone ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilShaInsCla*/{1394,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwClassic ,NULL}, /* ActExpShaIns */{1395,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ExpandFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActConShaIns */{1396,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ContractFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActZIPShaIns */{1397,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ZIP_CompressFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActReqDatShaIns */{1398,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileMetadata ,NULL}, /* ActChgDatShaIns */{1399,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ChgFileMetadata ,NULL}, /* ActDowShaIns */{1400,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaIns ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_DOWNLD_FILE,Brw_DownloadFile ,NULL ,NULL}, // TabCtr ****************************************************************** // Actions in menu: /* ActCtrReqSch */{1178, 0,TabCtr,ActCtrReqSch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Sch_ReqCtrSearch ,"search64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeCtrInf */{1151, 1,TabCtr,ActSeeCtrInf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_ShowConfiguration ,"ctr64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeDeg */{1011, 2,TabCtr,ActSeeDeg ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Deg_ShowDegsOfCurrentCtr ,"deg64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeAdmDocCtr */{1248, 3,TabCtr,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,"folder64x64.gif" }, /* ActAdmShaCtr */{1363, 4,TabCtr,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,"folderusers64x64.gif" }, // Actions not in menu: /* ActCtrSch */{1183,-1,TabUnk,ActCtrReqSch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Sch_GetParamsSearch ,Sch_CtrSearch ,NULL}, /* ActPrnCtrInf */{1152,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtrInf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_PrintConfiguration ,NULL}, /* ActChgCtrInsCfg */{1589,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtrInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ctr_ChangeCtrInsInConfig ,Ctr_ContEditAfterChgCtrInConfig,NULL}, /* ActRenCtrShoCfg */{1595,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtrInf ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ctr_RenameCentreShortInConfig ,Ctr_ContEditAfterChgCtrInConfig,NULL}, /* ActRenCtrFulCfg */{1594,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtrInf ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ctr_RenameCentreFullInConfig ,Ctr_ContEditAfterChgCtrInConfig,NULL}, /* ActChgCtrWWWCfg */{1596,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtrInf ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_ChangeCtrWWWInConfig ,NULL}, /* ActReqCtrLog */{1244,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtrInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_RequestLogo ,NULL}, /* ActRecCtrLog */{1051,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtrInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ctr_ReceiveLogo ,Ctr_ShowConfiguration ,NULL}, /* ActRemCtrLog */{1342,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtrInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ctr_RemoveLogo ,Ctr_ShowConfiguration ,NULL}, /* ActReqCtrPho */{1160,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtrInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_RequestPhoto ,NULL}, /* ActRecCtrPho */{1161,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtrInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_ReceivePhoto ,NULL}, /* ActChgCtrPhoAtt */{1159,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCtrInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ctr_ChangeCtrPhotoAttribution ,NULL}, /* ActEdiDeg */{ 536,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDeg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Deg_EditDegrees ,NULL}, /* ActReqDeg */{1206,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDeg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Deg_RecFormReqDeg ,NULL}, /* ActNewDeg */{ 540,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDeg ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Deg_RecFormNewDeg ,NULL}, /* ActRemDeg */{ 542,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDeg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Deg_RemoveDegree ,NULL}, /* ActRenDegSho */{ 546,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDeg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Deg_RenameDegreeShort ,Deg_ContEditAfterChgDeg ,NULL}, /* ActRenDegFul */{ 547,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDeg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Deg_RenameDegreeFull ,Deg_ContEditAfterChgDeg ,NULL}, /* ActChgDegTyp */{ 544,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDeg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,DT_ChangeDegreeType ,NULL}, /* ActChgDegWWW */{ 554,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDeg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Deg_ChangeDegWWW ,NULL}, /* ActChgDegSta */{1207,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDeg ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Deg_ChangeDegStatus ,NULL}, /* 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*/{1293,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemSubtreeInFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActFrmCreDocCtr */{1294,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFormFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreFolDocCtr */{1295,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreLnkDocCtr */{1296,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecLinkFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRenFolDocCtr */{1297,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RenFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilDocCtrDZ */{1298,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_UPLOAD_FILE,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwDropzone ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilDocCtrCla*/{1299,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwClassic ,NULL}, /* ActExpAdmDocCtr */{1300,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ExpandFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActConAdmDocCtr */{1301,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ContractFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActZIPAdmDocCtr */{1302,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ZIP_CompressFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActShoDocCtr */{1303,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_SetDocumentAsVisible ,NULL}, /* ActHidDocCtr */{1304,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_SetDocumentAsHidden ,NULL}, /* ActReqDatAdmDocCtr*/{1305,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileMetadata ,NULL}, /* ActChgDatAdmDocCtr*/{1306,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ChgFileMetadata ,NULL}, /* ActDowAdmDocCtr */{1307,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCtr ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_DOWNLD_FILE,Brw_DownloadFile ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemFilShaCtr*/{1364,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_AskRemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFilShaCtr */{1365,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFolShaCtr */{1366,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFolderFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActCopShaCtr */{1367,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_CopyFromFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActPasShaCtr */{1368,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_PasteIntoFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRemTreShaCtr */{1369,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemSubtreeInFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActFrmCreShaCtr */{1370,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFormFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreFolShaCtr */{1371,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreLnkShaCtr */{1372,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecLinkFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRenFolShaCtr */{1373,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RenFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilShaCtrDZ */{1374,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_UPLOAD_FILE,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwDropzone ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilShaCtrCla*/{1375,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwClassic ,NULL}, /* ActExpShaCtr */{1376,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ExpandFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActConShaCtr */{1377,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ContractFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActZIPShaCtr */{1378,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ZIP_CompressFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActReqDatShaCtr */{1379,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileMetadata ,NULL}, /* ActChgDatShaCtr */{1380,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ChgFileMetadata ,NULL}, /* ActDowShaCtr */{1381,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaCtr ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_DOWNLD_FILE,Brw_DownloadFile ,NULL ,NULL}, // TabDeg ****************************************************************** // Actions in menu: /* ActDegReqSch */{1179, 0,TabDeg,ActDegReqSch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Sch_ReqDegSearch ,"search64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeDegInf */{1149, 1,TabDeg,ActSeeDegInf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Deg_ShowConfiguration ,"deg64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeCrs */{1009, 2,TabDeg,ActSeeCrs ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Crs_ShowCrssOfCurrentDeg ,"coursesdegree64x64.gif"}, /* ActSeeAdmDocDeg */{1247, 3,TabDeg,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,"folder64x64.gif" }, /* ActAdmShaDeg */{1344, 4,TabDeg,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,"folderusers64x64.gif" }, // Actions not in menu: /* ActDegSch */{1184,-1,TabUnk,ActDegReqSch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Sch_GetParamsSearch ,Sch_DegSearch ,NULL}, /* ActPrnDegInf */{1150,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDegInf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Deg_PrintConfiguration ,NULL}, /* ActChgDegCtrCfg */{1588,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDegInf ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Deg_ChangeDegCtrInConfig ,Deg_ContEditAfterChgDegInConfig,NULL}, /* ActRenDegShoCfg */{1598,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDegInf ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Deg_RenameDegreeShortInConfig ,Deg_ContEditAfterChgDegInConfig,NULL}, /* ActRenDegFulCfg */{1597,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDegInf ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Deg_RenameDegreeFullInConfig ,Deg_ContEditAfterChgDegInConfig,NULL}, /* ActChgDegWWWCfg */{1599,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDegInf ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Deg_ChangeDegWWWInConfig ,NULL}, /* ActReqDegLog */{1246,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDegInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Deg_RequestLogo ,NULL}, /* ActRecDegLog */{ 553,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDegInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Deg_ReceiveLogo ,Deg_ShowConfiguration ,NULL}, /* ActRemDegLog */{1343,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeDegInf ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Deg_RemoveLogo ,Deg_ShowConfiguration ,NULL}, /* ActEdiCrs */{ 555,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrs ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Crs_ReqEditCourses ,NULL}, /* ActReqCrs */{1053,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrs ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Crs_RecFormReqCrs ,Crs_ContEditAfterChgCrs ,NULL}, /* ActNewCrs */{ 556,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrs ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Crs_RecFormNewCrs ,Crs_ContEditAfterChgCrs ,NULL}, /* ActRemCrs */{ 560,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrs ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Crs_RemoveCourse ,NULL}, /* ActChgInsCrsCod */{1025,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrs ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Crs_ChangeInsCrsCod ,Crs_ContEditAfterChgCrs ,NULL}, /* ActChgCrsYea */{ 561,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrs ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Crs_ChangeCrsYear ,Crs_ContEditAfterChgCrs ,NULL}, /* ActRenCrsSho */{ 563,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrs ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Crs_RenameCourseShort ,Crs_ContEditAfterChgCrs ,NULL}, /* ActRenCrsFul */{ 564,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrs ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Crs_RenameCourseFull ,Crs_ContEditAfterChgCrs ,NULL}, /* ActChgCrsSta */{1055,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrs ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Crs_ChangeCrsStatus ,Crs_ContEditAfterChgCrs ,NULL}, /* ActChgToSeeDocDeg 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,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,NULL}, /* ActAdmDocDeg */{1258,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemFilDocDeg*/{1259,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_AskRemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFilDocDeg */{1260,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFolDocDeg */{1261,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFolderFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActCopDocDeg */{1262,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_CopyFromFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActPasDocDeg */{1263,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_PasteIntoFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRemTreDocDeg */{1264,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemSubtreeInFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActFrmCreDocDeg */{1265,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFormFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreFolDocDeg */{1266,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreLnkDocDeg */{1267,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecLinkFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRenFolDocDeg */{1268,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RenFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilDocDegDZ */{1269,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_UPLOAD_FILE,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwDropzone ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilDocDegCla*/{1270,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwClassic ,NULL}, /* ActExpAdmDocDeg */{1271,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ExpandFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActConAdmDocDeg */{1272,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ContractFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActZIPAdmDocDeg */{1273,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ZIP_CompressFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActShoDocDeg */{1274,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_SetDocumentAsVisible ,NULL}, /* ActHidDocDeg */{1275,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_SetDocumentAsHidden ,NULL}, /* ActReqDatAdmDocDeg*/{1276,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileMetadata ,NULL}, /* ActChgDatAdmDocDeg*/{1277,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ChgFileMetadata ,NULL}, /* ActDowAdmDocDeg */{1278,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocDeg ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_DOWNLD_FILE,Brw_DownloadFile ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemFilShaDeg*/{1345,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_AskRemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFilShaDeg */{1346,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFolShaDeg */{1347,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFolderFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActCopShaDeg */{1348,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_CopyFromFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActPasShaDeg */{1349,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_PasteIntoFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRemTreShaDeg */{1350,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemSubtreeInFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActFrmCreShaDeg */{1351,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFormFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreFolShaDeg */{1352,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreLnkShaDeg */{1353,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecLinkFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRenFolShaDeg */{1354,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RenFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilShaDegDZ */{1355,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_UPLOAD_FILE,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwDropzone ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilShaDegCla*/{1356,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwClassic ,NULL}, /* ActExpShaDeg */{1357,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ExpandFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActConShaDeg */{1358,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmShaDeg ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ContractFileTree ,NULL}, /* 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,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Inf_ShowInfo ,"guide64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeSyl */{1242, 3,TabCrs,ActSeeSyl ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Inf_ShowInfo ,"presentation64x64.gif"}, /* ActSeeAdmDocCrsGrp*/{ 0, 4,TabCrs,ActSeeAdmDocCrsGrp ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,"folder64x64.gif" }, /* ActAdmTchCrsGrp */{1525, 5,TabCrs,ActAdmTchCrsGrp ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,"folder64x64.gif" }, /* ActAdmShaCrsGrp */{ 461, 6,TabCrs,ActAdmShaCrsGrp ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,"folderusers64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeCrsTT */{ 25, 7,TabCrs,ActSeeCrsTT ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,TT_ShowClassTimeTable ,"clock64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeBib */{ 32, 8,TabCrs,ActSeeBib ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Inf_ShowInfo ,"books64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeFAQ */{ 54, 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,Crs_ContEditAfterChgCrsInConfig,NULL}, /* ActEdiCrsInf */{ 848,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrsInf ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Inf_FormsToSelSendInfo ,NULL}, /* ActEdiTchGui */{ 785,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeTchGui ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Inf_FormsToSelSendInfo ,NULL}, /* ActPrnCrsTT */{ 152,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrsTT ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,TT_ShowClassTimeTable ,NULL}, /* ActEdiCrsTT */{ 45,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrsTT ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,TT_EditCrsTimeTable ,NULL}, /* ActChgCrsTT */{ 53,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrsTT ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,TT_EditCrsTimeTable ,NULL}, /* ActChgCrsTT1stDay */{1486,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeCrsTT ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Cal_ChangeFirstDayOfWeek ,TT_ShowClassTimeTable ,NULL}, /* ActSeeSylLec */{ 28,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSyl ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Inf_ShowInfo ,NULL}, /* ActSeeSylPra */{ 20,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSyl ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Inf_ShowInfo ,NULL}, /* ActEdiSylLec */{ 44,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSyl ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Inf_FormsToSelSendInfo ,NULL}, /* ActEdiSylPra */{ 74,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSyl ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Inf_FormsToSelSendInfo ,NULL}, /* ActDelItmSylLec */{ 218,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSyl ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Syl_RemoveItemSyllabus ,NULL}, /* ActDelItmSylPra */{ 183,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSyl ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Syl_RemoveItemSyllabus ,NULL}, /* ActUp_IteSylLec */{ 221,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSyl ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Syl_UpItemSyllabus ,NULL}, /* ActUp_IteSylPra */{ 213,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSyl ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Syl_UpItemSyllabus ,NULL}, /* ActDwnIteSylLec */{ 220,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSyl ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL 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,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_PasteIntoFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRemTreDocCrs */{ 498,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCrsGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemSubtreeInFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActFrmCreDocCrs */{ 481,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCrsGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFormFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreFolDocCrs */{ 491,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCrsGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreLnkDocCrs */{1225,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCrsGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecLinkFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRenFolDocCrs */{ 535,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCrsGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RenFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilDocCrsDZ */{1214,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAdmDocCrsGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_UPLOAD_FILE,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwDropzone ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilDocCrsCla*/{ 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,0x008,0x000,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_DOWNLD_FILE,Brw_DownloadFile ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemFilAsgCrs*/{ 837,-1,TabUnk,ActReqAsgWrkCrs ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_AskRemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFilAsgCrs */{ 838,-1,TabUnk,ActReqAsgWrkCrs ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFolAsgCrs */{ 820,-1,TabUnk,ActReqAsgWrkCrs ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFolderFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActCopAsgCrs */{ 836,-1,TabUnk,ActReqAsgWrkCrs ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_CopyFromFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActPasAsgCrs */{ 821,-1,TabUnk,ActReqAsgWrkCrs ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_PasteIntoFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRemTreAsgCrs */{ 822,-1,TabUnk,ActReqAsgWrkCrs ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemSubtreeInFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActFrmCreAsgCrs */{ 817,-1,TabUnk,ActReqAsgWrkCrs 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,Mrk_ChangeNumRowsFooter ,NULL}, // TabUsr ****************************************************************** // Actions in menu: /* ActReqSelGrp */{ 116, 0,TabUsr,ActReqSelGrp ,0x118,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_ReqRegisterInGrps ,"mygroups64x64.gif" }, /* ActLstStd */{ 678, 1,TabUsr,ActLstStd ,0x1F8,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_SeeStudents ,"usrs64x64.gif" }, /* ActLstTch */{ 679, 2,TabUsr,ActLstTch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_SeeTeachers ,"tch64x64.gif" }, /* ActLstOth */{1186, 3,TabUsr,ActLstOth ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_ListDataAdms ,"adm64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeAtt */{ 861, 4,TabUsr,ActSeeAtt ,0x118,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Att_SeeAttEvents ,"rollcall64x64.gif" }, /* ActReqSignUp */{1054, 5,TabUsr,ActReqSignUp ,0x000,0x006,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ReqSignUpInCrs ,"enrollmentrequest64x64.gif"}, /* ActSeeSignUpReq */{1057, 6,TabUsr,ActSeeSignUpReq ,0x1F0,0x1F0,0x1F0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ShowEnrollmentRequests ,"enrollmentrequest64x64.gif"}, /* ActLstCon */{ 995, 7,TabUsr,ActLstCon ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Con_ShowConnectedUsrs ,"userplugged64x64.gif" }, // Actions not in menu: /* ActChgGrp */{ 118,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x118,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_ChangeMyGrpsAndShowChanges ,NULL}, /* ActReqEdiGrp */{ 108,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_ReqEditGroups ,NULL}, /* ActNewGrpTyp */{ 174,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_RecFormNewGrpTyp ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemGrpTyp */{ 236,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_ReqRemGroupType ,NULL}, /* ActRemGrpTyp */{ 237,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_RemoveGroupType ,NULL}, /* ActRenGrpTyp */{ 304,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_RenameGroupType ,NULL}, /* ActChgMdtGrpTyp */{ 303,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_ChangeMandatGrpTyp ,NULL}, /* ActChgMulGrpTyp */{ 302,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_ChangeMultiGrpTyp ,NULL}, /* ActChgTimGrpTyp */{1061,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_ChangeOpenTimeGrpTyp ,NULL}, /* ActNewGrp */{ 122,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_RecFormNewGrp ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemGrp */{ 107,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_ReqRemGroup ,NULL}, /* ActRemGrp */{ 175,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_RemoveGroup ,NULL}, /* ActOpeGrp */{ 322,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_OpenGroup ,NULL}, /* ActCloGrp */{ 321,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_CloseGroup ,NULL}, /* ActEnaFilZonGrp */{ 495,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_EnableFileZonesGrp ,NULL}, /* ActDisFilZonGrp */{ 496,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_DisableFileZonesGrp ,NULL}, /* ActChgGrpTyp */{ 167,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_ChangeGroupType ,NULL}, /* ActRenGrp */{ 121,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_RenameGroup ,NULL}, /* ActChgMaxStdGrp */{ 106,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSelGrp ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Grp_ChangeMaxStdsGrp ,NULL}, /* ActLstGst */{ 587,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_SeeGuests ,NULL}, /* ActPrnGstPho */{1190,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_SeeGstClassPhotoPrn ,NULL}, /* ActPrnStdPho */{ 120,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1F8,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_SeeStdClassPhotoPrn ,NULL}, /* ActPrnTchPho */{ 443,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_SeeTchClassPhotoPrn ,NULL}, /* ActLstGstAll */{1189,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_ListAllDataGsts ,NULL}, /* ActLstStdAll */{ 42,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_ListAllDataStds ,NULL}, /* ActLstTchAll */{ 578,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1F0,0x1F0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_ListAllDataTchs ,NULL}, /* ActSeeRecOneStd */{1174,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x118,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_GetUsrAndShowRecordOneStdCrs,NULL}, /* ActSeeRecOneTch */{1175,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_GetUsrAndShowRecordOneTchCrs,NULL}, /* ActSeeRecSevGst */{1187,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ListRecordsGsts ,NULL}, /* ActSeeRecSevStd */{ 89,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x118,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ListRecordsStdsForEdit ,NULL}, /* ActSeeRecSevTch */{ 22,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ListRecordsTchs ,NULL}, /* ActPrnRecSevGst */{1188,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ListRecordsGsts ,NULL}, /* ActPrnRecSevStd */{ 111,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x118,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ListRecordsStdsForPrint ,NULL}, /* ActPrnRecSevTch */{ 127,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ListRecordsTchs ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRecOthUsr */{ 300,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_UpdateAndShowOtherCrsRecord,NULL}, /* ActEdiRecFie */{ 292,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ReqEditRecordFields ,NULL}, /* ActNewFie */{ 293,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ReceiveFormField ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemFie */{ 294,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ReqRemField ,NULL}, /* ActRemFie */{ 295,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_RemoveField ,NULL}, /* ActRenFie */{ 296,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_RenameField ,NULL}, /* ActChgRowFie */{ 305,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ChangeLinesField ,NULL}, /* ActChgVisFie */{ 297,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ChangeVisibilityField ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRecCrs */{ 301,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x108,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_UpdateAndShowMyCrsRecord ,NULL}, /* ActReqEnrSevStd */{1426,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ReqAdminStds ,NULL}, /* ActReqEnrSevTch */{1427,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ReqAdminTchs ,NULL}, /* ActReqLstStdAtt */{1073,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_ReqListStdsAttendanceCrs ,NULL}, /* ActSeeLstMyAtt */{1473,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x008,0x000,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_ListMyAttendanceCrs ,NULL}, /* ActPrnLstMyAtt */{1474,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x008,0x000,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_PrintMyAttendanceCrs ,NULL}, /* ActSeeLstStdAtt */{1074,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_ListStdsAttendanceCrs ,NULL}, /* ActPrnLstStdAtt */{1075,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_PrintStdsAttendanceCrs ,NULL}, /* ActFrmNewAtt */{1063,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Att_RequestCreatOrEditAttEvent ,NULL}, /* ActEdiOneAtt */{1064,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Att_RequestCreatOrEditAttEvent ,NULL}, /* ActNewAtt */{1065,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Att_RecFormAttEvent ,NULL}, /* ActChgAtt */{1066,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Att_RecFormAttEvent ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemAtt */{1067,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Att_AskRemAttEvent ,NULL}, /* ActRemAtt */{1068,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Att_GetAndRemAttEvent ,NULL}, /* ActHidAtt */{1069,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Att_HideAttEvent ,NULL}, /* ActShoAtt */{1070,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Att_ShowAttEvent ,NULL}, /* ActSeeOneAtt */{1071,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x118,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Att_SeeOneAttEvent ,NULL}, /* ActRecAttStd */{1072,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Att_RegisterStudentsInAttEvent ,NULL}, /* ActRecAttMe */{1076,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAtt ,0x008,0x000,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Att_RegisterMeAsStdInAttEvent ,NULL}, /* ActSignUp */{1056,-1,TabUnk,ActReqSignUp ,0x000,0x006,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_SignUpInCrs ,NULL}, /* ActUpdSignUpReq */{1522,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSignUpReq ,0x1F0,0x1F0,0x1F0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_UpdateEnrollmentRequests ,NULL}, /* ActReqRejSignUp */{1058,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSignUpReq ,0x1F0,0x1F0,0x1F0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_AskIfRejectSignUp ,NULL}, /* ActRejSignUp */{1059,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSignUpReq ,0x1F0,0x1F0,0x1F0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_RejectSignUp ,NULL}, /* ActReqMdfOneOth */{1414,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ReqRegRemOth ,NULL}, /* ActReqMdfOneStd */{1415,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ReqRegRemStd ,NULL}, /* ActReqMdfOneTch */{1416,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ReqRegRemTch ,NULL}, /* ActReqMdfOth */{1418,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_AskIfRegRemAnotherOth ,NULL}, /* ActReqMdfStd */{1419,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_AskIfRegRemAnotherStd ,NULL}, /* ActReqMdfTch */{1420,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_AskIfRegRemAnotherTch ,NULL}, /* ActReqOthPho */{1432,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_SendPhotoUsr ,NULL}, /* ActReqStdPho */{1433,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_SendPhotoUsr ,NULL}, /* ActReqTchPho */{1434,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_SendPhotoUsr ,NULL}, /* ActDetOthPho */{1435,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_RecOtherUsrPhotoDetFaces ,NULL}, /* ActDetStdPho */{1436,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_RecOtherUsrPhotoDetFaces ,NULL}, /* ActDetTchPho */{1437,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_RecOtherUsrPhotoDetFaces ,NULL}, /* ActUpdOthPho */{1438,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Pho_UpdateUsrPhoto1 ,Pho_UpdateUsrPhoto2 ,NULL}, /* ActUpdStdPho */{1439,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Pho_UpdateUsrPhoto1 ,Pho_UpdateUsrPhoto2 ,NULL}, /* ActUpdTchPho */{1440,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Pho_UpdateUsrPhoto1 ,Pho_UpdateUsrPhoto2 ,NULL}, /* ActRemOthPho */{1574,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_ReqRemoveUsrPhoto ,NULL}, /* ActRemStdPho */{1575,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_ReqRemoveUsrPhoto ,NULL}, /* ActRemTchPho */{1576,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_ReqRemoveUsrPhoto ,NULL}, /* ActRemOthPho */{1441,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_RemoveUsrPhoto ,NULL}, /* ActRemStdPho */{1442,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_RemoveUsrPhoto ,NULL}, /* ActRemTchPho */{1443,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_RemoveUsrPhoto ,NULL}, /* ActCreOth */{1444,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_CreateNewUsr ,NULL}, /* ActCreStd */{1445,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_CreateNewUsr ,NULL}, /* ActCreTch */{1446,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_CreateNewUsr ,NULL}, /* ActUpdOth */{1422,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ModifyUsr ,NULL}, /* ActUpdStd */{1423,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ModifyUsr ,NULL}, /* ActUpdTch */{1424,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ModifyUsr ,NULL}, /* ActReqAccEnrStd */{1456,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1E8,0x000,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ReqAcceptRegisterInCrs ,NULL}, /* ActReqAccEnrTch */{1457,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1F0,0x000,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ReqAcceptRegisterInCrs ,NULL}, /* ActAccEnrStd */{1458,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1E8,0x000,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_AcceptRegisterMeInCrs ,NULL}, /* ActAccEnrTch */{1459,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1F0,0x000,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_AcceptRegisterMeInCrs ,NULL}, /* ActRemMe_Std */{1460,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1E8,0x000,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ReqRemMeFromCrs ,NULL}, /* ActRemMe_Tch */{1461,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1F0,0x000,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ReqRemMeFromCrs ,NULL}, /* ActNewAdmIns */{1337,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_AddAdmToIns ,NULL}, /* ActRemAdmIns */{1338,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_RemAdmIns ,NULL}, /* ActNewAdmCtr */{1339,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x180,0x180,0x180,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_AddAdmToCtr ,NULL}, /* ActRemAdmCtr */{1340,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_RemAdmCtr ,NULL}, /* ActNewAdmDeg */{ 586,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1C0,0x1C0,0x1C0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_AddAdmToDeg ,NULL}, /* ActRemAdmDeg */{ 584,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_RemAdmDeg ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFrmEnrSevStd*/{1428,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ReceiveFormAdminStds ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFrmEnrSevTch*/{1429,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_ReceiveFormAdminTchs ,NULL}, /* ActReqCnfID_Oth */{1565,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_RequestConfirmOtherUsrID ,NULL}, /* ActReqCnfID_Std */{1566,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_RequestConfirmOtherUsrID ,NULL}, /* ActReqCnfID_Tch */{1567,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_RequestConfirmOtherUsrID ,NULL}, /* ActCnfID_Oth */{1568,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_ConfirmOtherUsrID ,NULL}, /* ActCnfID_Std */{1569,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_ConfirmOtherUsrID ,NULL}, /* ActCnfID_Tch */{1570,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_ConfirmOtherUsrID ,NULL}, /* ActFrmIDsOth */{1447,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_ShowFormOthIDs ,NULL}, /* ActFrmIDsStd */{1448,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_ShowFormOthIDs ,NULL}, /* ActFrmIDsTch */{1449,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_ShowFormOthIDs ,NULL}, /* ActRemID_Oth */{1450,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_RemoveOtherUsrID ,NULL}, /* ActRemID_Std */{1451,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_RemoveOtherUsrID ,NULL}, /* ActRemID_Tch */{1452,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_RemoveOtherUsrID ,NULL}, /* ActNewID_Oth */{1453,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_NewOtherUsrID ,NULL}, /* ActNewID_Std 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,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Pwd_UpdateOtherPwd1 ,Pwd_UpdateOtherPwd2 ,NULL}, /* ActFrmMaiOth */{1475,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_ShowFormOthEmail ,NULL}, /* ActFrmMaiStd */{1476,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_ShowFormOthEmail ,NULL}, /* ActFrmMaiTch */{1477,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_ShowFormOthEmail ,NULL}, /* ActRemMaiOth */{1478,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_RemoveOtherUsrEmail ,NULL}, /* ActRemMaiStd */{1479,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_RemoveOtherUsrEmail ,NULL}, /* ActRemMaiTch */{1480,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_RemoveOtherUsrEmail ,NULL}, /* ActNewMaiOth */{1481,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_NewOtherUsrEmail ,NULL}, /* ActNewMaiStd */{1482,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_NewOtherUsrEmail ,NULL}, /* ActNewMaiTch */{1483,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_NewOtherUsrEmail ,NULL}, /* ActRemStdCrs */{1462,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x1F8,0x1E0,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_RemUsrFromCrs ,NULL}, /* ActRemTchCrs */{1463,-1,TabUnk,ActLstTch ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_RemUsrFromCrs ,NULL}, /* ActRemUsrGbl */{ 62,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Acc_GetUsrCodAndRemUsrGbl ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemAllStdCrs*/{ 88,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_AskRemAllStdsThisCrs ,NULL}, /* ActRemAllStdCrs */{ 87,-1,TabUnk,ActLstStd ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_RemAllStdsThisCrs ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemOldUsr */{ 590,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_AskRemoveOldUsrs ,NULL}, /* ActRemOldUsr */{ 773,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Enr_RemoveOldUsrs ,NULL}, /* ActLstDupUsr */{1578,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Dup_ListDuplicateUsrs ,NULL}, /* ActLstSimUsr */{1579,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Dup_GetUsrCodAndListSimilarUsrs,NULL}, /* ActRemDupUsr */{1580,-1,TabUnk,ActLstOth ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Dup_RemoveUsrFromListDupUsrs ,NULL}, /* ActLstClk */{ 989,-1,TabUnk,ActLstCon ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Con_ShowLastClicks ,NULL}, // TabSoc ****************************************************************** /* ActSeeSocTmlGbl */{1490, 0,TabSoc,ActSeeSocTmlGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Soc_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ,Soc_ShowTimelineGbl ,"soc64x64.png" }, /* ActSeeSocPrf */{1520, 1,TabSoc,ActSeeSocPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Prf_SeeSocialProfiles ,"prf64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeFor */{ 95, 2,TabSoc,ActSeeFor ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowForumList ,"forum64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeChtRms */{ 51, 3,TabSoc,ActSeeChtRms ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Cht_ShowChatRooms ,"chat64x64.gif" }, /* ActRcvSocPstGbl */{1492,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocTmlGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Soc_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ,Soc_ReceiveSocialPostGbl ,NULL}, /* ActRcvSocComGbl */{1503,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocTmlGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Soc_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ,Soc_ReceiveCommentGbl ,NULL}, /* ActShaSocNotGbl */{1495,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocTmlGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Soc_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ,Soc_ShareSocialNoteGbl ,NULL}, /* ActUnsSocNotGbl */{1496,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocTmlGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Soc_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ,Soc_UnshareSocialNoteGbl ,NULL}, /* ActFavSocNotGbl */{1512,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocTmlGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Soc_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ,Soc_FavSocialNoteGbl ,NULL}, /* ActUnfSocNotGbl */{1513,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocTmlGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Soc_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ,Soc_UnfavSocialNoteGbl ,NULL}, /* ActFavSocComGbl */{1516,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocTmlGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Soc_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ,Soc_FavSocialCommentGbl ,NULL}, /* ActUnfSocComGbl */{1517,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocTmlGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Soc_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ,Soc_UnfavSocialCommentGbl ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemSocPubGbl*/{1494,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocTmlGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Soc_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ,Soc_RequestRemSocialNoteGbl ,NULL}, /* ActRemSocPubGbl */{1493,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocTmlGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Soc_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ,Soc_RemoveSocialNoteGbl ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemSocComGbl*/{1505,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocTmlGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Soc_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ,Soc_RequestRemSocialComGbl ,NULL}, /* ActRemSocComGbl */{1507,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocTmlGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Soc_MarkMyNotifAsSeen ,Soc_RemoveSocialComGbl ,NULL}, /* ActReqPubPrf */{1401,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Prf_RequestUserProfile ,NULL}, /* ActRcvSocPstUsr */{1498,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocPrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Soc_ReceiveSocialPostUsr ,NULL}, /* ActRcvSocComUsr */{1504,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocPrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Soc_ReceiveCommentUsr ,NULL}, /* ActShaSocNotUsr */{1499,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocPrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Soc_ShareSocialNoteUsr ,NULL}, /* ActUnsSocNotUsr */{1500,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSocPrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Soc_UnshareSocialNoteUsr ,NULL}, /* 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901,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowForumThrs ,NULL}, /* ActSeeForCtrTch */{ 430,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowForumThrs ,NULL}, /* ActSeeForInsUsr */{ 725,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowForumThrs ,NULL}, /* ActSeeForInsTch */{ 724,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowForumThrs ,NULL}, /* ActSeeForGenUsr */{ 726,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowForumThrs ,NULL}, /* ActSeeForGenTch */{ 723,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowForumThrs ,NULL}, /* ActSeeForSWAUsr */{ 242,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowForumThrs ,NULL}, /* ActSeeForSWATch */{ 245,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowForumThrs ,NULL}, /* ActSeePstForCrsUsr*/{ 346,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowThrPsts ,NULL}, /* ActSeePstForCrsTch*/{ 347,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x114,0x114,0x114,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowThrPsts ,NULL}, /* ActSeePstForDegUsr*/{ 255,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowThrPsts ,NULL}, /* ActSeePstForDegTch*/{ 291,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowThrPsts ,NULL}, /* ActSeePstForCtrUsr*/{ 348,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowThrPsts ,NULL}, /* ActSeePstForCtrTch*/{ 902,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowThrPsts ,NULL}, /* ActSeePstForInsUsr*/{ 730,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowThrPsts ,NULL}, /* ActSeePstForInsTch*/{ 746,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowThrPsts ,NULL}, /* ActSeePstForGenUsr*/{ 727,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowThrPsts ,NULL}, /* ActSeePstForGenTch*/{ 731,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowThrPsts ,NULL}, /* ActSeePstForSWAUsr*/{ 244,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowThrPsts ,NULL}, /* ActSeePstForSWATch*/{ 246,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ShowThrPsts ,NULL}, /* ActRcvThrForCrsUsr*/{ 350,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvThrForCrsTch*/{ 754,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x114,0x114,0x114,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvThrForDegUsr*/{ 252,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvThrForDegTch*/{ 247,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvThrForCtrUsr*/{ 903,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvThrForCtrTch*/{ 904,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvThrForInsUsr*/{ 737,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvThrForInsTch*/{ 769,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvThrForGenUsr*/{ 736,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvThrForGenTch*/{ 765,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvThrForSWAUsr*/{ 258,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvThrForSWATch*/{ 259,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRepForCrsUsr*/{ 599,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRepForCrsTch*/{ 755,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x114,0x114,0x114,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRepForDegUsr*/{ 606,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRepForDegTch*/{ 617,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRepForCtrUsr*/{ 905,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRepForCtrTch*/{ 906,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRepForInsUsr*/{ 740,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRepForInsTch*/{ 770,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRepForGenUsr*/{ 747,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRepForGenTch*/{ 816,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRepForSWAUsr*/{ 603,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActRcvRepForSWATch*/{ 622,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_RecForumPst ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelThrCrsUsr*/{ 867,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x114,0x114,0x114,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ReqDelThr ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelThrCrsTch*/{ 869,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x114,0x114,0x114,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ReqDelThr ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelThrDegUsr*/{ 907,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E4,0x1E4,0x1E4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ReqDelThr ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelThrDegTch*/{ 908,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E4,0x1E4,0x1E4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ReqDelThr ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelThrCtrUsr*/{ 909,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E4,0x1E4,0x1E4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ReqDelThr ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelThrCtrTch*/{ 910,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E4,0x1E4,0x1E4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ReqDelThr ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelThrInsUsr*/{ 911,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x104,0x104,0x104,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ReqDelThr ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelThrInsTch*/{ 912,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x104,0x104,0x104,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ReqDelThr ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelThrGenUsr*/{ 913,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x104,0x104,0x104,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ReqDelThr ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelThrGenTch*/{ 914,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x104,0x104,0x104,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ReqDelThr ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelThrSWAUsr*/{ 881,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x104,0x104,0x104,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ReqDelThr ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelThrSWATch*/{ 915,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x104,0x104,0x104,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_ReqDelThr ,NULL}, /* ActDelThrForCrsUsr*/{ 868,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x114,0x114,0x114,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelThr ,NULL}, /* ActDelThrForCrsTch*/{ 876,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x114,0x114,0x114,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelThr ,NULL}, /* ActDelThrForDegUsr*/{ 916,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E4,0x1E4,0x1E4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelThr ,NULL}, /* ActDelThrForDegTch*/{ 917,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E4,0x1E4,0x1E4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelThr ,NULL}, /* ActDelThrForCtrUsr*/{ 918,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E4,0x1E4,0x1E4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelThr ,NULL}, /* ActDelThrForCtrTch*/{ 919,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E4,0x1E4,0x1E4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelThr ,NULL}, /* ActDelThrForInsUsr*/{ 920,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x104,0x104,0x104,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelThr ,NULL}, /* ActDelThrForInsTch*/{ 921,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x104,0x104,0x104,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelThr ,NULL}, /* ActDelThrForGenUsr*/{ 922,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x104,0x104,0x104,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelThr ,NULL}, /* ActDelThrForGenTch*/{ 923,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x104,0x104,0x104,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelThr ,NULL}, /* ActDelThrForSWAUsr*/{ 882,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x104,0x104,0x104,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelThr ,NULL}, /* ActDelThrForSWATch*/{ 924,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x104,0x104,0x104,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelThr ,NULL}, /* ActCutThrForCrsUsr*/{ 926,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_CutThr ,NULL}, /* ActCutThrForCrsTch*/{ 927,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_CutThr ,NULL}, /* ActCutThrForDegUsr*/{ 928,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_CutThr ,NULL}, /* ActCutThrForDegTch*/{ 929,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_CutThr ,NULL}, /* ActCutThrForCtrUsr*/{ 930,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_CutThr ,NULL}, /* ActCutThrForCtrTch*/{ 931,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_CutThr ,NULL}, /* ActCutThrForInsUsr*/{ 932,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_CutThr ,NULL}, /* ActCutThrForInsTch*/{ 933,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_CutThr ,NULL}, /* ActCutThrForGenUsr*/{ 934,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_CutThr ,NULL}, /* ActCutThrForGenTch*/{ 935,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_CutThr ,NULL}, /* ActCutThrForSWAUsr*/{ 890,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_CutThr ,NULL}, /* ActCutThrForSWATch*/{ 936,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_CutThr ,NULL}, /* ActPasThrForCrsUsr*/{ 891,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_PasteThr ,NULL}, /* ActPasThrForCrsTch*/{ 937,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_PasteThr ,NULL}, /* ActPasThrForDegUsr*/{ 938,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_PasteThr ,NULL}, /* ActPasThrForDegTch*/{ 939,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_PasteThr ,NULL}, /* ActPasThrForCtrUsr*/{ 940,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_PasteThr ,NULL}, /* ActPasThrForCtrTch*/{ 941,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_PasteThr ,NULL}, /* ActPasThrForInsUsr*/{ 942,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_PasteThr ,NULL}, /* ActPasThrForInsTch*/{ 943,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_PasteThr ,NULL}, /* ActPasThrForGenUsr*/{ 944,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_PasteThr ,NULL}, /* ActPasThrForGenTch*/{ 945,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_PasteThr ,NULL}, /* ActPasThrForSWAUsr*/{ 946,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_PasteThr ,NULL}, /* ActPasThrForSWATch*/{ 947,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_PasteThr ,NULL}, /* ActDelPstForCrsUsr*/{ 602,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x11C,0x11C,0x11C,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelPst ,NULL}, /* ActDelPstForCrsTch*/{ 756,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x114,0x114,0x114,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelPst ,NULL}, /* ActDelPstForDegUsr*/{ 608,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelPst ,NULL}, /* ActDelPstForDegTch*/{ 680,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelPst ,NULL}, /* ActDelPstForCtrUsr*/{ 948,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelPst ,NULL}, /* ActDelPstForCtrTch*/{ 949,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelPst ,NULL}, /* ActDelPstForInsUsr*/{ 743,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelPst ,NULL}, /* ActDelPstForInsTch*/{ 772,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelPst ,NULL}, /* ActDelPstForGenUsr*/{ 735,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelPst ,NULL}, /* ActDelPstForGenTch*/{ 950,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelPst ,NULL}, /* ActDelPstForSWAUsr*/{ 613,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelPst ,NULL}, /* ActDelPstForSWATch*/{ 623,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1F4,0x1F4,0x1F4,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DelPst ,NULL}, /* ActEnbPstForCrsUsr*/{ 624,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x110,0x110,0x110,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_EnbPst ,NULL}, /* ActEnbPstForCrsTch*/{ 951,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x110,0x110,0x110,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_EnbPst ,NULL}, /* ActEnbPstForDegUsr*/{ 616,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_EnbPst ,NULL}, /* ActEnbPstForDegTch*/{ 619,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_EnbPst ,NULL}, /* ActEnbPstForCtrUsr*/{ 952,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_EnbPst ,NULL}, /* ActEnbPstForCtrTch*/{ 953,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_EnbPst ,NULL}, /* ActEnbPstForInsUsr*/{ 954,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_EnbPst ,NULL}, /* ActEnbPstForInsTch*/{ 955,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_EnbPst ,NULL}, /* ActEnbPstForGenUsr*/{ 956,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_EnbPst ,NULL}, /* ActEnbPstForGenTch*/{ 957,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_EnbPst ,NULL}, /* ActEnbPstForSWAUsr*/{ 632,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_EnbPst ,NULL}, /* ActEnbPstForSWATch*/{ 634,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_EnbPst ,NULL}, /* ActDisPstForCrsUsr*/{ 610,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x110,0x110,0x110,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DisPst ,NULL}, /* ActDisPstForCrsTch*/{ 958,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x110,0x110,0x110,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DisPst ,NULL}, /* ActDisPstForDegUsr*/{ 615,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DisPst ,NULL}, /* ActDisPstForDegTch*/{ 618,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DisPst ,NULL}, /* ActDisPstForCtrUsr*/{ 959,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DisPst ,NULL}, /* ActDisPstForCtrTch*/{ 960,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DisPst ,NULL}, /* ActDisPstForInsUsr*/{ 961,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DisPst ,NULL}, /* ActDisPstForInsTch*/{ 962,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DisPst ,NULL}, /* ActDisPstForGenUsr*/{ 963,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DisPst ,NULL}, /* ActDisPstForGenTch*/{ 925,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DisPst ,NULL}, /* ActDisPstForSWAUsr*/{ 625,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DisPst ,NULL}, /* ActDisPstForSWATch*/{ 635,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeFor ,0x1E0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,For_DisPst ,NULL}, /* ActCht */{ 52,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeChtRms ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,Cht_OpenChatWindow ,NULL ,NULL}, // TabMsg ****************************************************************** // Actions in menu: /* ActSeeNtf */{ 990, 0,TabMsg,ActSeeNtf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ntf_ShowMyNotifications ,"bell64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeAnn */{1235, 1,TabMsg,ActSeeAnn ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ann_ShowAllAnnouncements ,"note64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeAllNot */{ 762, 2,TabMsg,ActSeeAllNot ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Not_ListFullNotices ,"note64x64.gif" }, /* ActReqMsgUsr */{ 26, 3,TabMsg,ActReqMsgUsr ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_FormMsgUsrs ,"editnewmsg64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeRcvMsg */{ 3, 4,TabMsg,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_ShowRecMsgs ,"recmsg64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeSntMsg */{ 70, 5,TabMsg,ActSeeSntMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_ShowSntMsgs ,"sntmsg64x64.gif" }, /* ActMaiStd */{ 100, 6,TabMsg,ActMaiStd ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_ListEMails ,"email64x64.gif" }, // Actions not in menu: /* ActWriAnn */{1237,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAnn ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ann_ShowFormAnnouncement ,NULL}, /* ActRcvAnn */{1238,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAnn ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ann_ReceiveAnnouncement ,NULL}, /* ActHidAnn */{1470,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAnn ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ann_HideActiveAnnouncement ,Ann_ShowAllAnnouncements ,NULL}, /* ActRevAnn */{1471,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAnn ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ann_RevealHiddenAnnouncement ,Ann_ShowAllAnnouncements ,NULL}, /* ActRemAnn */{1236,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAnn ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ann_RemoveAnnouncement ,NULL}, /* ActSeeOneNot */{1164,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllNot ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Not_GetNotCodToHighlight ,Not_ListFullNotices ,NULL}, /* ActWriNot */{ 59,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllNot ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Not_ShowFormNotice ,NULL}, /* ActRcvNot */{ 60,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllNot ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Not_ReceiveNotice ,Not_ListFullNotices ,NULL}, /* ActHidNot */{ 763,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllNot ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Not_HideActiveNotice ,Not_ListFullNotices ,NULL}, /* ActRevNot */{ 764,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllNot ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Not_RevealHiddenNotice ,Not_ListFullNotices ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemNot */{1472,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllNot ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Not_RequestRemNotice ,NULL}, /* ActRemNot */{ 73,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllNot ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Not_RemoveNotice ,Not_ListNoticesAfterRemoval ,NULL}, /* ActSeeNewNtf */{ 991,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeNtf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ntf_ShowMyNotifications ,NULL}, /* ActMrkNtfSee */{1146,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeNtf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ntf_MarkAllNotifAsSeen ,NULL}, /* ActRcvMsgUsr */{ 27,-1,TabUnk,ActReqMsgUsr ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_RecMsgFromUsr ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelAllSntMsg*/{ 604,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSntMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_ReqDelAllSntMsgs ,NULL}, /* ActReqDelAllRcvMsg*/{ 593,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_ReqDelAllRecMsgs ,NULL}, /* ActDelAllSntMsg */{ 434,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSntMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_DelAllSntMsgs ,NULL}, /* ActDelAllRcvMsg */{ 436,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_DelAllRecMsgs ,NULL}, /* ActDelSntMsg */{ 90,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSntMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_DelSntMsg ,NULL}, /* ActDelRcvMsg */{ 64,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_DelRecMsg ,NULL}, /* ActExpSntMsg */{ 664,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSntMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_ExpSntMsg ,NULL}, /* ActExpRcvMsg */{ 663,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_ExpRecMsg ,NULL}, /* ActConSntMsg */{1020,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeSntMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_ConSntMsg ,NULL}, /* ActConRcvMsg */{1019,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_ConRecMsg ,NULL}, /* ActLstBanUsr */{1017,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_ListBannedUsrs ,NULL}, /* ActBanUsrMsg */{1015,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_BanSenderWhenShowingMsgs ,NULL}, /* ActUnbUsrMsg */{1016,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_UnbanSenderWhenShowingMsgs ,NULL}, /* ActUnbUsrLst */{1018,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeRcvMsg ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Msg_UnbanSenderWhenListingUsrs ,NULL}, // TabSta ****************************************************************** // Actions in menu: /* ActSeeAllSvy */{ 966, 0,TabSta,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_SeeAllSurveys ,"survey64x64.gif" }, /* ActReqUseGbl */{ 761, 1,TabSta,ActReqUseGbl ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Sta_ReqUseOfPlatform ,"pie64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeePhoDeg */{ 447, 2,TabSta,ActSeePhoDeg ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_ShowPhotoDegree ,"classphoto64x64.gif" }, /* ActReqStaCrs */{ 767, 3,TabSta,ActReqStaCrs ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ind_ReqIndicatorsCourses ,"tablestats64x64.gif" }, /* ActReqAccGbl */{ 591, 4,TabSta,ActReqAccGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Sta_SetIniEndDates ,Sta_AskShowGblHits ,"stats64x64.gif" }, /* ActReqMyUsgRep */{1586, 5,TabSta,ActReqMyUsgRep ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rep_ReqMyUsageReport ,"report64x64.png" }, // Actions not in menu: /* ActSeeOneSvy */{ 982,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_SeeOneSurvey ,NULL}, /* ActAnsSvy */{ 983,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F8,0x1F8,0x1F8,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_ReceiveSurveyAnswers ,NULL}, /* ActFrmNewSvy */{ 973,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_RequestCreatOrEditSvy ,NULL}, /* ActEdiOneSvy */{ 974,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_RequestCreatOrEditSvy ,NULL}, /* ActNewSvy */{ 968,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_RecFormSurvey ,NULL}, /* ActChgSvy */{ 975,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_RecFormSurvey ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemSvy */{ 976,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_AskRemSurvey ,NULL}, /* ActRemSvy */{ 969,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_RemoveSurvey ,NULL}, /* ActReqRstSvy */{ 984,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_AskResetSurvey ,NULL}, /* ActRstSvy */{ 985,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_ResetSurvey ,NULL}, /* ActHidSvy */{ 977,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_HideSurvey ,NULL}, /* ActShoSvy */{ 978,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_UnhideSurvey ,NULL}, /* ActEdiOneSvyQst */{ 979,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_RequestEditQuestion ,NULL}, /* ActRcvSvyQst */{ 980,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_ReceiveQst ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemSvyQst */{1524,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_RequestRemoveQst ,NULL}, /* ActRemSvyQst */{ 981,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeAllSvy ,0x1F0,0x1E0,0x1E0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Svy_RemoveQst ,NULL}, /* ActSeeUseGbl */{ 84,-1,TabUnk,ActReqUseGbl ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Sta_ShowUseOfPlatform ,NULL}, /* ActPrnPhoDeg */{ 448,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePhoDeg ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_PrintPhotoDegree ,NULL}, /* ActCalPhoDeg */{ 444,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePhoDeg ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_CalcPhotoDegree ,NULL}, /* ActSeeAccGbl */{ 79,-1,TabUnk,ActReqAccGbl ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Sta_SeeGblAccesses ,NULL}, /* ActReqAccCrs */{ 594,-1,TabUnk,ActReqAccGbl ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Sta_SetIniEndDates ,Sta_AskShowCrsHits ,NULL}, /* ActSeeAccCrs */{ 119,-1,TabUnk,ActReqAccGbl ,0x110,0x100,0x000,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Sta_SeeCrsAccesses ,NULL}, /* ActSeeAllStaCrs */{ 768,-1,TabUnk,ActReqAccGbl ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,Ind_ShowIndicatorsCourses ,NULL}, /* ActSeeMyUsgRep */{1582,-1,TabUnk,ActReqMyUsgRep ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rep_ShowMyUsageReport ,NULL}, // TabPrf ****************************************************************** // Actions in menu: /* ActFrmLogIn */{1521, 0,TabPrf,ActFrmLogIn ,0x001,0x001,0x001,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_WriteLandingPage ,"keyuser64x64.gif" }, /* ActFrmRolSes */{ 843, 1,TabPrf,ActFrmRolSes ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_WriteFormLogout ,"keyuser64x64.gif" }, /* ActMyCrs */{ 987, 2,TabPrf,ActMyCrs ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Crs_ReqSelectOneOfMyCourses ,"mygroups64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeMyTT */{ 408, 3,TabPrf,ActSeeMyTT ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,TT_ShowClassTimeTable ,"clock64x64.gif" }, /* ActSeeMyAgd */{1581, 4,TabPrf,ActSeeMyAgd ,0x100,0x100,0x100,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Agd_ShowMyAgenda ,"date64x64.gif" }, /* ActFrmMyAcc */{ 36, 5,TabPrf,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Acc_ShowFormMyAccount ,"arroba64x64.gif" }, /* ActReqEdiRecCom */{ 285, 6,TabPrf,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ShowFormMyCommRecord ,"card64x64.gif" }, /* ActEdiPrf */{ 673, 7,TabPrf,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pre_EditPrefs ,"heart64x64.gif" }, /* ActAdmBrf */{ 23, 8,TabPrf,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileBrowserOrWorks ,"pendrive64x64.gif" }, /* ActMFUAct */{ 993, 9,TabPrf,ActMFUAct ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,MFU_ShowMyMFUActions ,"star64x64.gif" }, // Actions not in menu: /* ActReqSndNewPwd */{ 665,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmLogIn ,0x000,0x001,0x001,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pwd_ShowFormSendNewPwd ,NULL}, /* ActSndNewPwd */{ 633,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmLogIn ,0x000,0x001,0x001,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pwd_ChkIdLoginAndSendNewPwd ,NULL}, /* ActLogOut */{ 10,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmLogIn ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ses_CloseSession ,Usr_Logout ,NULL}, /* ActAutUsrInt */{ 6,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmRolSes ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_WelcomeUsr ,NULL}, /* ActAutUsrNew */{1585,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmRolSes ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_WelcomeUsr ,NULL}, /* ActAutUsrChgLan */{1077,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmRolSes ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Usr_WelcomeUsr ,NULL}, /* ActAnnSee */{1234,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmRolSes ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Ann_MarkAnnouncementAsSeen ,NULL}, /* ActChgMyRol */{ 589,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmRolSes ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Rol_ChangeMyRole ,Usr_ShowFormsLogoutAndRole ,NULL}, /* ActChkUsrAcc */{1584,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Acc_CheckIfEmptyAccountExists ,NULL}, /* ActCreUsrAcc */{1163,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Acc_AfterCreationNewAccount ,NULL}, /* ActRemID_Me */{1147,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_RemoveMyUsrID ,NULL}, /* ActNewIDMe */{1148,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ID_NewMyUsrID ,NULL}, /* ActRemOldNic */{1089,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Nck_RemoveNick ,NULL}, /* ActChgNic */{ 37,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Nck_UpdateNick ,NULL}, /* ActRemMaiMe */{1090,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_RemoveMyUsrEmail ,NULL}, /* ActNewMaiMe */{1088,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,May_NewMyUsrEmail ,NULL}, /* ActCnfMai */{1091,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Mai_ConfirmEmail ,NULL}, /* ActFrmChgMyPwd */{ 34,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pwd_ShowFormChgPwd ,NULL}, /* ActChgPwd */{ 35,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Pwd_ActChgMyPwd1 ,Pwd_ActChgMyPwd2 ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemMyAcc */{1430,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Acc_AskIfRemoveMyAccount ,NULL}, /* ActRemMyAcc */{1431,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Acc_RemoveMyAccount ,NULL}, /* ActChgMyData */{ 298,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Rec_UpdateMyRecord ,Rec_ShowMyCommonRecordUpd ,NULL}, /* ActReqMyPho */{ 30,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_ReqMyPhotoWithContextLinks ,NULL}, /* ActDetMyPho */{ 693,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_RecMyPhotoDetFaces ,NULL}, /* ActUpdMyPho */{ 694,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Pho_UpdateMyPhoto1 ,Pho_UpdateMyPhoto2 ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemMyPho */{1577,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_ReqRemoveMyPhoto ,NULL}, /* ActRemMyPho */{ 428,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Pho_RemoveMyPhoto1 ,Pho_RemoveMyPhoto2 ,NULL}, /* ActEdiPri */{1403,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pri_EditMyPrivacy ,NULL}, /* ActChgPriPho */{ 774,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pho_ChangePhotoVisibility ,NULL}, /* ActChgPriPrf */{1404,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Prf_ChangeProfileVisibility ,NULL}, /* ActReqEdiMyIns */{1165,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ShowFormMyInsCtrDpt ,NULL}, /* ActChgCtyMyIns */{1166,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_ChgCountryOfMyInstitution ,NULL}, /* ActChgMyIns */{1167,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_UpdateMyInstitution ,NULL}, /* ActChgMyCtr */{1168,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_UpdateMyCentre ,NULL}, /* ActChgMyDpt */{1169,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_UpdateMyDepartment ,NULL}, /* ActChgMyOff */{1170,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_UpdateMyOffice ,NULL}, /* ActChgMyOffPho */{1171,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Rec_UpdateMyOfficePhone ,NULL}, /* ActReqEdiMyNet */{1172,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Net_ShowFormMyWebsAndSocialNets,NULL}, /* ActChgMyNet */{1173,-1,TabUnk,ActReqEdiRecCom ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Net_UpdateMyWebsAndSocialNets ,NULL}, /* ActChgThe */{ 841,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,The_ChangeTheme ,Pre_EditPrefs ,NULL}, /* ActReqChgLan */{ 992,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Pre_AskChangeLanguage ,NULL}, /* ActChgLan */{ 654,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Pre_ChangeLanguage ,Pre_EditPrefs ,NULL}, /* ActChg1stDay */{1484,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Cal_ChangeFirstDayOfWeek ,Pre_EditPrefs ,NULL}, /* ActChgCol */{ 674,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Pre_ChangeSideCols ,Pre_EditPrefs ,NULL}, /* ActHidLftCol */{ 668,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Pre_HideLeftCol ,Pre_EditPrefs ,NULL}, /* ActHidRgtCol */{ 669,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Pre_HideRightCol ,Pre_EditPrefs ,NULL}, /* ActShoLftCol */{ 670,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Pre_ShowLeftCol ,Pre_EditPrefs ,NULL}, /* ActShoRgtCol */{ 671,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Pre_ShowRightCol ,Pre_EditPrefs ,NULL}, /* ActChgIco */{1092,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ico_ChangeIconSet ,Pre_EditPrefs ,NULL}, /* ActChgMnu */{1243,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Mnu_ChangeMenu ,Pre_EditPrefs ,NULL}, /* ActChgNtfPrf */{ 775,-1,TabUnk,ActEdiPrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Ntf_ChangeNotifyEvents ,Pre_EditPrefs ,NULL}, /* ActPrnUsrQR */{1022,-1,TabUnk,ActFrmMyAcc ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FF,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,QR_PrintQRCode ,NULL}, /* ActPrnMyTT */{ 409,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMyTT ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BLNK_WINDOW,NULL ,TT_ShowClassTimeTable ,NULL}, /* ActEdiTut */{ 65,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMyTT ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,TT_ShowMyTutTimeTable ,NULL}, /* ActChgTut */{ 48,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMyTT ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,TT_ShowMyTutTimeTable ,NULL}, /* ActChgMyTT1stDay */{1487,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeMyTT ,0x1FF,0x1FF,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,Cal_ChangeFirstDayOfWeek ,TT_ShowClassTimeTable ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemFilBrf */{ 286,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_AskRemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFilBrf */{ 155,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFileFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActRemFolBrf */{ 196,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemFolderFromTree ,NULL}, /* ActCopBrf */{ 311,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_CopyFromFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActPasBrf */{ 315,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_PasteIntoFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRemTreBrf */{ 276,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemSubtreeInFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActFrmCreBrf */{ 597,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFormFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreFolBrf */{ 170,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActCreLnkBrf */{1230,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RecLinkFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRenFolBrf */{ 197,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RenFolderFileBrowser ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilBrfDZ */{1224,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_UPLOAD_FILE,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwDropzone ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActRcvFilBrfCla */{ 153,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_DATA,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RcvFileInFileBrwClassic ,NULL}, /* ActExpBrf */{ 410,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ExpandFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActConBrf */{ 411,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ContractFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActZIPBrf */{1136,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,ZIP_CompressFileTree ,NULL}, /* ActReqDatBrf */{1047,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ShowFileMetadata ,NULL}, /* ActChgDatBrf */{1048,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FC,0x1FC,0x1FC,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_ChgFileMetadata ,NULL}, /* ActDowBrf */{1123,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_DOWNLD_FILE,Brw_DownloadFile ,NULL ,NULL}, /* ActReqRemOldBrf */{1488,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_AskRemoveOldFiles ,NULL}, /* ActRemOldBrf */{1489,-1,TabUnk,ActAdmBrf ,0x1FE,0x1FE,0x1FE,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_THIS_WINDOW,NULL ,Brw_RemoveOldFilesBriefcase ,NULL}, }; Act_Action_t Act_FromActCodToAction[1+Act_MAX_ACTION_COD] = // Do not reuse unique action codes! { ActSeeAdmDocCrsGrp, // #0 -1, // #1 (obsolete action) ActMnu, // #2 ActSeeRcvMsg, // #3 -1, // #4 (obsolete action) -1, // #5 (obsolete action) ActAutUsrInt, // #6 -1, // #7 (obsolete action) -1, // #8 (obsolete action) ActSeeCrsLnk, // #9 ActLogOut, // #10 -1, // #11 (obsolete action) ActAdmDocCrs, // #12 -1, // #13 (obsolete action) -1, // #14 (obsolete action) ActSeeAss, // #15 ActSeeCal, // #16 ActSeeAdmMrk, // #17 -1, // #18 (obsolete action) -1, // #19 (obsolete action) ActSeeSylPra, // #20 -1, // #21 (obsolete action) ActSeeRecSevTch, // #22 ActAdmBrf, // #23 -1, // #24 (obsolete action) ActSeeCrsTT, // #25 ActReqMsgUsr, // #26 ActRcvMsgUsr, // #27 ActSeeSylLec, // #28 ActSeeTst, // #29 ActReqMyPho, // #30 -1, // #31 (obsolete action) ActSeeBib, // #32 -1, // #33 (obsolete action) ActFrmChgMyPwd, // #34 ActChgPwd, // #35 ActFrmMyAcc, // #36 ActChgNic, // #37 -1, // #38 (obsolete action) -1, // #39 (obsolete action) -1, // #40 (obsolete action) -1, // #41 (obsolete action) ActLstStdAll, // #42 -1, // #43 (obsolete action) ActEdiSylLec, // #44 ActEdiCrsTT, // #45 -1, // #46 (obsolete action) -1, // #47 (obsolete action) ActChgTut, // #48 -1, // #49 (obsolete action) -1, // #50 (obsolete action) ActSeeChtRms, // #51 ActCht, // #52 ActChgCrsTT, // #53 ActSeeFAQ, // #54 -1, // #55 (obsolete action) -1, // #56 (obsolete action) -1, // #57 (obsolete action) -1, // #58 (obsolete action) ActWriNot, // #59 ActRcvNot, // #60 -1, // #61 (obsolete action) ActRemUsrGbl, // #62 -1, // #63 (obsolete action) ActDelRcvMsg, // #64 ActEdiTut, // #65 -1, // #66 (obsolete action) -1, // #67 (obsolete action) -1, // #68 (obsolete action) ActEdiAss, // #69 ActSeeSntMsg, // #70 ActPrnCal, // #71 -1, // #72 (obsolete action) ActRemNot, // #73 ActEdiSylPra, // #74 -1, // #75 (obsolete action) ActEdiBib, // #76 -1, // #77 (obsolete action) -1, // #78 (obsolete action) ActSeeAccGbl, // #79 -1, // #80 (obsolete action) -1, // #81 (obsolete action) -1, // #82 (obsolete action) -1, // #83 (obsolete action) ActSeeUseGbl, // #84 ActSeeAllExaAnn, // #85 -1, // #86 (obsolete action) ActRemAllStdCrs, // #87 ActReqRemAllStdCrs, // #88 ActSeeRecSevStd, // #89 ActDelSntMsg, // #90 ActEdiExaAnn, // #91 -1, // #92 (obsolete action) -1, // #93 (obsolete action) -1, // #94 (obsolete action) ActSeeFor, // #95 ActEdiCrsLnk, // #96 -1, // #97 (obsolete action) ActAssTst, // #98 -1, // #99 (obsolete action) ActMaiStd, // #100 -1, // #101 (obsolete action) -1, // #102 (obsolete action) ActReqTst, // #103 ActEdiTstQst, // #104 ActEdiOneTstQst, // #105 ActChgMaxStdGrp, // #106 ActReqRemGrp, // #107 ActReqEdiGrp, // #108 ActEdiFAQ, // #109 ActRcvExaAnn, // #110 ActPrnRecSevStd, // #111 -1, // #112 (obsolete action) -1, // #113 (obsolete action) -1, // #114 (obsolete action) -1, // #115 (obsolete action) ActReqSelGrp, // #116 -1, // #117 (obsolete action) ActChgGrp, // #118 ActSeeAccCrs, // #119 ActPrnStdPho, // #120 ActRenGrp, // #121 ActNewGrp, // #122 -1, // #123 (obsolete action) -1, // #124 (obsolete action) -1, // #125 (obsolete action) ActRcvTstQst, // #126 ActPrnRecSevTch, // #127 -1, // #128 (obsolete action) -1, // #129 (obsolete action) -1, // #130 (obsolete action) -1, // #131 (obsolete action) ActLstTstQst, // #132 ActRemTstQst, // #133 -1, // #134 (obsolete action) -1, // #135 (obsolete action) -1, // #136 (obsolete action) -1, // #137 (obsolete action) -1, // #138 (obsolete action) ActAdmAsgWrkCrs, // #139 -1, // #140 (obsolete action) -1, // #141 (obsolete action) -1, // #142 (obsolete action) ActRenTag, // #143 -1, // #144 (obsolete action) -1, // #145 (obsolete action) -1, // #146 (obsolete action) -1, // #147 (obsolete action) ActRcvFilWrkUsrCla, // #148 -1, // #149 (obsolete action) ActFrmCreWrkUsr, // #150 -1, // #151 (obsolete action) ActPrnCrsTT, // #152 ActRcvFilBrfCla, // #153 -1, // #154 (obsolete action) ActRemFilBrf, // #155 -1, // #156 (obsolete action) -1, // #157 (obsolete action) -1, // #158 (obsolete action) -1, // #159 (obsolete action) -1, // #160 (obsolete action) -1, // #161 (obsolete action) -1, // #162 (obsolete action) -1, // #163 (obsolete action) ActRcvPagCrsLnk, // #164 -1, // #165 (obsolete action) -1, // #166 (obsolete action) ActChgGrpTyp, // #167 -1, // #168 (obsolete action) ActRemFilWrkUsr, // #169 ActCreFolBrf, // #170 -1, // #171 (obsolete action) ActCreFolWrkUsr, // #172 -1, // #173 (obsolete action) ActNewGrpTyp, // #174 ActRemGrp, // #175 -1, // #176 (obsolete action) -1, // #177 (obsolete action) -1, // #178 (obsolete action) ActPrnExaAnn, // #179 -1, // #180 (obsolete action) ActInsIteSylPra, // #181 ActRcvURLCrsLnk, // #182 ActDelItmSylPra, // #183 ActRcvPagAss, // #184 ActRcvPagBib, // #185 -1, // #186 (obsolete action) ActRemExaAnn, // #187 -1, // #188 (obsolete action) -1, // #189 (obsolete action) -1, // #190 (obsolete action) -1, // #191 (obsolete action) -1, // #192 (obsolete action) -1, // #193 (obsolete action) ActUnk, // #194 -1, // #195 (obsolete action) ActRemFolBrf, // #196 ActRenFolBrf, // #197 -1, // #198 (obsolete action) -1, // #199 (obsolete action) -1, // #200 (obsolete action) -1, // #201 (obsolete action) -1, // #202 (obsolete action) -1, // #203 (obsolete action) ActRenFolWrkUsr, // #204 ActFrmCreWrkCrs, // #205 ActCreFolWrkCrs, // #206 ActRcvFilWrkCrsCla, // #207 ActRenFolWrkCrs, // #208 ActRemFilWrkCrs, // #209 ActRemFolWrkCrs, // #210 ActModIteSylLec, // #211 ActDwnIteSylPra, // #212 ActUp_IteSylPra, // #213 ActLftIteSylPra, // #214 ActRgtIteSylPra, // #215 ActModIteSylPra, // #216 ActInsIteSylLec, // #217 ActDelItmSylLec, // #218 ActRcvPagFAQ, // #219 ActDwnIteSylLec, // #220 ActUp_IteSylLec, // #221 ActLftIteSylLec, // #222 ActRgtIteSylLec, // #223 ActRcvURLBib, // #224 -1, // #225 (obsolete action) -1, // #226 (obsolete action) -1, // #227 (obsolete action) ActRemFolWrkUsr, // #228 -1, // #229 (obsolete action) -1, // #230 (obsolete action) -1, // #231 (obsolete action) -1, // #232 (obsolete action) -1, // #233 (obsolete action) ActRcvURLFAQ, // #234 ActRcvURLAss, // #235 ActReqRemGrpTyp, // #236 ActRemGrpTyp, // #237 -1, // #238 (obsolete action) -1, // #239 (obsolete action) -1, // #240 (obsolete action) ActSeeForDegUsr, // #241 ActSeeForSWAUsr, // #242 ActSeeForDegTch, // #243 ActSeePstForSWAUsr, // #244 ActSeeForSWATch, // #245 ActSeePstForSWATch, // #246 ActRcvThrForDegTch, // #247 -1, // #248 (obsolete action) -1, // #249 (obsolete action) -1, // #250 (obsolete action) -1, // #251 (obsolete action) ActRcvThrForDegUsr, // #252 -1, // #253 (obsolete action) -1, // #254 (obsolete action) ActSeePstForDegUsr, // #255 -1, // #256 (obsolete action) -1, // #257 (obsolete action) ActRcvThrForSWAUsr, // #258 ActRcvThrForSWATch, // #259 -1, // #260 (obsolete action) -1, // #261 (obsolete action) -1, // #262 (obsolete action) -1, // #263 (obsolete action) -1, // #264 (obsolete action) -1, // #265 (obsolete action) -1, // #266 (obsolete action) -1, // #267 (obsolete action) -1, // #268 (obsolete action) -1, // #269 (obsolete action) -1, // #270 (obsolete action) -1, // #271 (obsolete action) -1, // #272 (obsolete action) -1, // #273 (obsolete action) -1, // #274 (obsolete action) -1, // #275 (obsolete action) ActRemTreBrf, // #276 -1, // #277 (obsolete action) ActRemTreWrkUsr, // #278 ActRemTreWrkCrs, // #279 -1, // #280 (obsolete action) -1, // #281 (obsolete action) -1, // #282 (obsolete action) -1, // #283 (obsolete action) ActAdmMrkCrs, // #284 ActReqEdiRecCom, // #285 ActReqRemFilBrf, // #286 -1, // #287 (obsolete action) ActReqRemFilWrkUsr, // #288 ActReqRemFilWrkCrs, // #289 -1, // #290 (obsolete action) ActSeePstForDegTch, // #291 ActEdiRecFie, // #292 ActNewFie, // #293 ActReqRemFie, // #294 ActRemFie, // #295 ActRenFie, // #296 ActChgVisFie, // #297 ActChgMyData, // #298 -1, // #299 (obsolete action) ActRcvRecOthUsr, // #300 ActRcvRecCrs, // #301 ActChgMulGrpTyp, // #302 ActChgMdtGrpTyp, // #303 ActRenGrpTyp, // #304 ActChgRowFie, // #305 -1, // #306 (obsolete action) -1, // #307 (obsolete action) -1, // #308 (obsolete action) -1, // #309 (obsolete action) -1, // #310 (obsolete action) ActCopBrf, // #311 ActCopWrkCrs, // #312 -1, // #313 (obsolete action) ActCopWrkUsr, // #314 ActPasBrf, // #315 -1, // #316 (obsolete action) -1, // #317 (obsolete action) ActPasWrkUsr, // #318 ActPasWrkCrs, // #319 -1, // #320 (obsolete action) ActCloGrp, // #321 ActOpeGrp, // #322 ActFrmCreShaCrs, // #323 ActCreFolShaCrs, // #324 ActRemFolShaCrs, // #325 ActRcvFilShaCrsCla, // #326 ActReqRemFilShaCrs, // #327 ActRemFilShaCrs, // #328 ActRenFolShaCrs, // #329 ActCopShaCrs, // #330 ActPasShaCrs, // #331 ActRemTreShaCrs, // #332 ActFrmCreShaGrp, // #333 ActCreFolShaGrp, // #334 ActRcvFilShaGrpCla, // #335 ActCopShaGrp, // #336 ActPasShaGrp, // #337 ActRemFolShaGrp, // #338 ActRemTreShaGrp, // #339 ActRenFolShaGrp, // #340 ActReqRemFilShaGrp, // #341 ActRemFilShaGrp, // #342 -1, // #343 (obsolete action) -1, // #344 (obsolete action) ActSeeForCrsUsr, // #345 ActSeePstForCrsUsr, // #346 ActSeePstForCrsTch, // #347 ActSeePstForCtrUsr, // #348 -1, // #349 (obsolete action) ActRcvThrForCrsUsr, // #350 -1, // #351 (obsolete action) -1, // #352 (obsolete action) -1, // #353 (obsolete action) -1, // #354 (obsolete action) -1, // #355 (obsolete action) -1, // #356 (obsolete action) -1, // #357 (obsolete action) -1, // #358 (obsolete action) -1, // #359 (obsolete action) -1, // #360 (obsolete action) -1, // #361 (obsolete action) -1, // #362 (obsolete action) -1, // #363 (obsolete action) -1, // #364 (obsolete action) -1, // #365 (obsolete action) -1, // #366 (obsolete action) -1, // #367 (obsolete action) -1, // #368 (obsolete action) -1, // #369 (obsolete action) ActSelInfSrcBib, // #370 ActEditorSylPra, // #371 ActEditorSylLec, // #372 -1, // #373 (obsolete action) -1, // #374 (obsolete action) -1, // #375 (obsolete action) ActEditorBib, // #376 ActPlaTxtEdiBib, // #377 ActSelInfSrcSylLec, // #378 ActPlaTxtEdiSylLec, // #379 ActSelInfSrcFAQ, // #380 ActRcvPagSylLec, // #381 ActSelInfSrcSylPra, // #382 ActRcvPagSylPra, // #383 ActSelInfSrcAss, // #384 ActSelInfSrcCrsLnk, // #385 ActEditorAss, // #386 ActPlaTxtEdiAss, // #387 ActEditorCrsLnk, // #388 ActPlaTxtEdiSylPra, // #389 -1, // #390 (obsolete action) -1, // #391 (obsolete action) -1, // #392 (obsolete action) -1, // #393 (obsolete action) ActRcvPlaTxtSylLec, // #394 -1, // #395 (obsolete action) ActRcvPlaTxtSylPra, // #396 ActRcvPlaTxtAss, // #397 ActRcvPlaTxtBib, // #398 -1, // #399 (obsolete action) ActPlaTxtEdiCrsLnk, // #400 ActRcvPlaTxtCrsLnk, // #401 ActRcvURLSylPra, // #402 ActRcvURLSylLec, // #403 ActEditorFAQ, // #404 ActPlaTxtEdiFAQ, // #405 ActRcvPlaTxtFAQ, // #406 -1, // #407 (obsolete action) ActSeeMyTT, // #408 ActPrnMyTT, // #409 ActExpBrf, // #410 ActConBrf, // #411 -1, // #412 (obsolete action) -1, // #413 (obsolete action) -1, // #414 (obsolete action) -1, // #415 (obsolete action) ActExpWrkCrs, // #416 -1, // #417 (obsolete action) -1, // #418 (obsolete action) -1, // #419 (obsolete action) -1, // #420 (obsolete action) ActExpShaCrs, // #421 ActConShaCrs, // #422 ActExpWrkUsr, // #423 ActConWrkCrs, // #424 ActConWrkUsr, // #425 ActConShaGrp, // #426 ActExpShaGrp, // #427 ActRemMyPho, // #428 -1, // #429 (obsolete action) ActSeeForCtrTch, // #430 ActSeeForCrsTch, // #431 -1, // #432 (obsolete action) -1, // #433 (obsolete action) ActDelAllSntMsg, // #434 -1, // #435 (obsolete action) ActDelAllRcvMsg, // #436 -1, // #437 (obsolete action) -1, // #438 (obsolete action) -1, // #439 (obsolete action) -1, // #440 (obsolete action) -1, // #441 (obsolete action) -1, // #442 (obsolete action) ActPrnTchPho, // #443 ActCalPhoDeg, // #444 -1, // #445 (obsolete action) -1, // #446 (obsolete action) ActSeePhoDeg, // #447 ActPrnPhoDeg, // #448 -1, // #449 (obsolete action) -1, // #450 (obsolete action) ActCfgTst, // #451 ActDisableTag, // #452 ActEnableTag, // #453 ActRcvCfgTst, // #454 ActShfTstQst, // #455 -1, // #456 (obsolete action) -1, // #457 (obsolete action) -1, // #458 (obsolete action) -1, // #459 (obsolete action) -1, // #460 (obsolete action) ActAdmShaCrsGrp, // #461 ActExpSeeDocCrs, // #462 -1, // #463 (obsolete action) ActShoDocCrs, // #464 ActHidDocCrs, // #465 -1, // #466 (obsolete action) -1, // #467 (obsolete action) ActFrmCreDocGrp, // #468 ActCreFolDocGrp, // #469 ActCopDocCrs, // #470 ActPasDocGrp, // #471 ActCopDocGrp, // #472 ActReqRemFilDocGrp, // #473 ActRemFilDocGrp, // #474 -1, // #475 (obsolete action) ActConSeeDocCrs, // #476 ActExpAdmDocCrs, // #477 ActPasDocCrs, // #478 ActReqRemFilDocCrs, // #479 ActRemFilDocCrs, // #480 ActFrmCreDocCrs, // #481 ActRcvFilDocCrsCla, // #482 ActRcvFilDocGrpCla, // #483 ActRemFolDocGrp, // #484 ActRemTreDocGrp, // #485 ActExpAdmDocGrp, // #486 ActConAdmDocGrp, // #487 ActExpSeeDocGrp, // #488 ActConSeeDocGrp, // #489 ActRenFolDocGrp, // #490 ActCreFolDocCrs, // #491 ActHidDocGrp, // #492 ActShoDocGrp, // #493 ActConAdmDocCrs, // #494 ActEnaFilZonGrp, // #495 ActDisFilZonGrp, // #496 ActRemFolDocCrs, // #497 ActRemTreDocCrs, // #498 -1, // #499 (obsolete action) -1, // #500 (obsolete action) ActCopMrkCrs, // #501 ActPasMrkGrp, // #502 ActChgNumRowHeaCrs, // #503 ActChgNumRowFooCrs, // #504 -1, // #505 (obsolete action) ActCreFolMrkCrs, // #506 ActPasMrkCrs, // #507 -1, // #508 (obsolete action) ActRemFilMrkGrp, // #509 ActChgNumRowHeaGrp, // #510 ActChgNumRowFooGrp, // #511 -1, // #512 (obsolete action) ActCreFolMrkGrp, // #513 ActRcvFilMrkGrpCla, // #514 -1, // #515 (obsolete action) ActRcvFilMrkCrsCla, // #516 -1, // #517 (obsolete action) -1, // #518 (obsolete action) ActCopMrkGrp, // #519 ActRemFolMrkGrp, // #520 ActRemTreMrkGrp, // #521 -1, // #522 (obsolete action) ActSeeMyMrkCrs, // #523 ActSeeMyMrkGrp, // #524 -1, // #525 (obsolete action) -1, // #526 (obsolete action) ActConSeeMrkCrs, // #527 ActExpSeeMrkCrs, // #528 ActRenFolMrkGrp, // #529 ActRemFolMrkCrs, // #530 -1, // #531 (obsolete action) -1, // #532 (obsolete action) ActRemFilMrkCrs, // #533 ActRemTreMrkCrs, // #534 ActRenFolDocCrs, // #535 ActEdiDeg, // #536 ActNewDegTyp, // #537 ActRenDegTyp, // #538 -1, // #539 (obsolete action) ActNewDeg, // #540 -1, // #541 (obsolete action) ActRemDeg, // #542 -1, // #543 (obsolete action) ActChgDegTyp, // #544 ActRemDegTyp, // #545 ActRenDegSho, // #546 ActRenDegFul, // #547 -1, // #548 (obsolete action) -1, // #549 (obsolete action) -1, // #550 (obsolete action) -1, // #551 (obsolete action) -1, // #552 ActRecDegLog, // #553 ActChgDegWWW, // #554 ActEdiCrs, // #555 ActNewCrs, // #556 -1, // #557 (obsolete action) -1, // #558 (obsolete action) -1, // #559 (obsolete action) ActRemCrs, // #560 ActChgCrsYea, // #561 -1, // #562 ActRenCrsSho, // #563 ActRenCrsFul, // #564 -1, // #565 (obsolete action) -1, // #566 (obsolete action) -1, // #567 (obsolete action) -1, // #568 (obsolete action) -1, // #569 (obsolete action) -1, // #570 (obsolete action) -1, // #571 (obsolete action) -1, // #572 (obsolete action) ActEdiDegTyp, // #573 ActRenFolMrkCrs, // #574 -1, // #575 (obsolete action) -1, // #576 (obsolete action) -1, // #577 (obsolete action) ActLstTchAll, // #578 -1, // #579 (obsolete action) -1, // #580 (obsolete action) -1, // #581 (obsolete action) -1, // #582 (obsolete action) -1, // #583 (obsolete action) ActRemAdmDeg, // #584 -1, // #585 (obsolete action) ActNewAdmDeg, // #586 ActLstGst, // #587 -1, // #588 (obsolete action) ActChgMyRol, // #589 ActReqRemOldUsr, // #590 ActReqAccGbl, // #591 -1, // #592 (obsolete action) ActReqDelAllRcvMsg, // #593 ActReqAccCrs, // #594 ActReqRemFilMrkCrs, // #595 ActFrmCreMrkCrs, // #596 ActFrmCreBrf, // #597 -1, // #598 (obsolete action) ActRcvRepForCrsUsr, // #599 ActReqRemFilMrkGrp, // #600 ActFrmCreMrkGrp, // #601 ActDelPstForCrsUsr, // #602 ActRcvRepForSWAUsr, // #603 ActReqDelAllSntMsg, // #604 ActExpSeeMrkGrp, // #605 ActRcvRepForDegUsr, // #606 ActExpAdmMrkCrs, // #607 ActDelPstForDegUsr, // #608 ActConSeeMrkGrp, // #609 ActDisPstForCrsUsr, // #610 -1, // #611 (obsolete action) -1, // #612 (obsolete action) ActDelPstForSWAUsr, // #613 -1, // #614 (obsolete action) ActDisPstForDegUsr, // #615 ActEnbPstForDegUsr, // #616 ActRcvRepForDegTch, // #617 ActDisPstForDegTch, // #618 ActEnbPstForDegTch, // #619 -1, // #620 (obsolete action) ActConAdmMrkCrs, // #621 ActRcvRepForSWATch, // #622 ActDelPstForSWATch, // #623 ActEnbPstForCrsUsr, // #624 ActDisPstForSWAUsr, // #625 -1, // #626 (obsolete action) ActSysReqSch, // #627 ActSysSch, // #628 -1, // #629 (obsolete action) -1, // #630 (obsolete action) ActExpAdmMrkGrp, // #631 ActEnbPstForSWAUsr, // #632 ActSndNewPwd, // #633 ActEnbPstForSWATch, // #634 ActDisPstForSWATch, // #635 -1, // #636 (obsolete action) -1, // #637 (obsolete action) -1, // #638 (obsolete action) -1, // #639 (obsolete action) -1, // #640 (obsolete action) -1, // #641 (obsolete action) -1, // #642 (obsolete action) -1, // #643 (obsolete action) -1, // #644 (obsolete action) ActAll, // #645 -1, // #646 (obsolete action) -1, // #647 (obsolete action) -1, // #648 (obsolete action) -1, // #649 (obsolete action) -1, // #650 (obsolete action) -1, // #651 (obsolete action) -1, // #652 (obsolete action) -1, // #653 (obsolete action) ActChgLan, // #654 -1, // #655 (obsolete action) -1, // #656 (obsolete action) -1, // #657 (obsolete action) -1, // #658 (obsolete action) -1, // #659 (obsolete action) -1, // #660 (obsolete action) -1, // #661 (obsolete action) -1, // #662 (obsolete action) ActExpRcvMsg, // #663 ActExpSntMsg, // #664 ActReqSndNewPwd, // #665 -1, // #666 (obsolete action) -1, // #667 (obsolete action) ActHidLftCol, // #668 ActHidRgtCol, // #669 ActShoLftCol, // #670 ActShoRgtCol, // #671 -1, // #672 (obsolete action) ActEdiPrf, // #673 ActChgCol, // #674 ActSeeDpt, // #675 ActSeeCtr, // #676 ActEdiDpt, // #677 ActLstStd, // #678 ActLstTch, // #679 ActDelPstForDegTch, // #680 ActEdiCtr, // #681 ActRenCtrSho, // #682 ActChgCtrWWW, // #683 ActRenCtrFul, // #684 ActNewCtr, // #685 ActRemCtr, // #686 ActNewDpt, // #687 ActRenDptSho, // #688 ActRenDptFul, // #689 ActRemDpt, // #690 ActChgDptWWW, // #691 -1, // #692 (obsolete action) ActDetMyPho, // #693 ActUpdMyPho, // #694 -1, // #695 (obsolete action) ActSeeIns, // #696 ActEdiIns, // #697 ActNewIns, // #698 ActRecInsLog, // #699 ActChgInsWWW, // #700 ActRenInsFul, // #701 ActRenInsSho, // #702 ActSeePlc, // #703 ActEdiPlc, // #704 ActNewPlc, // #705 ActChgCtrPlc, // #706 ActSeeHld, // #707 -1, // #708 (obsolete action) -1, // #709 (obsolete action) -1, // #710 (obsolete action) -1, // #711 (obsolete action) -1, // #712 (obsolete action) ActEdiHld, // #713 ActNewHld, // #714 ActChgHldTyp, // #715 ActRemHld, // #716 ActChgHldStrDat, // #717 ActChgHldEndDat, // #718 -1, // #719 (obsolete action) -1, // #720 (obsolete action) ActChgDptIns, // #721 -1, // #722 (obsolete action) ActSeeForGenTch, // #723 ActSeeForInsTch, // #724 ActSeeForInsUsr, // #725 ActSeeForGenUsr, // #726 ActSeePstForGenUsr, // #727 -1, // #728 (obsolete action) -1, // #729 (obsolete action) ActSeePstForInsUsr, // #730 ActSeePstForGenTch, // #731 -1, // #732 (obsolete action) -1, // #733 (obsolete action) -1, // #734 (obsolete action) ActDelPstForGenUsr, // #735 ActRcvThrForGenUsr, // #736 ActRcvThrForInsUsr, // #737 -1, // #738 (obsolete action) -1, // #739 (obsolete action) ActRcvRepForInsUsr, // #740 -1, // #741 (obsolete action) -1, // #742 (obsolete action) ActDelPstForInsUsr, // #743 -1, // #744 (obsolete action) -1, // #745 (obsolete action) ActSeePstForInsTch, // #746 ActRcvRepForGenUsr, // #747 ActSeeLnk, // #748 ActEdiLnk, // #749 ActNewLnk, // #750 ActRenLnkFul, // #751 ActChgLnkWWW, // #752 ActRenLnkSho, // #753 ActRcvThrForCrsTch, // #754 ActRcvRepForCrsTch, // #755 ActDelPstForCrsTch, // #756 -1, // #757 (obsolete action) -1, // #758 (obsolete action) ActRemIns, // #759 -1, // #760 (obsolete action) ActReqUseGbl, // #761 ActSeeAllNot, // #762 ActHidNot, // #763 ActRevNot, // #764 ActRcvThrForGenTch, // #765 ActRenHld, // #766 ActReqStaCrs, // #767 ActSeeAllStaCrs, // #768 ActRcvThrForInsTch, // #769 ActRcvRepForInsTch, // #770 -1, // #771 (obsolete action) ActDelPstForInsTch, // #772 ActRemOldUsr, // #773 ActChgPriPho, // #774 ActChgNtfPrf, // #775 ActRemPlc, // #776 ActLstPlg, // #777 ActEdiPlg, // #778 ActNewPlg, // #779 ActChgPlgIP, // #780 ActChgPlgLog, // #781 ActRenPlg, // #782 ActChgPlgURL, // #783 ActSeeTchGui, // #784 ActEdiTchGui, // #785 ActEditorTchGui, // #786 ActPlaTxtEdiTchGui, // #787 ActRcvPagTchGui, // #788 ActSelInfSrcTchGui, // #789 ActRcvPlaTxtTchGui, // #790 ActRcvURLTchGui, // #791 ActAdmAsgWrkUsr, // #792 -1, // #793 (obsolete action) -1, // #794 (obsolete action) -1, // #795 (obsolete action) -1, // #796 (obsolete action) -1, // #797 (obsolete action) -1, // #798 (obsolete action) -1, // #799 (obsolete action) -1, // #800 (obsolete action) ActSeeAsg, // #801 -1, // #802 (obsolete action) ActNewAsg, // #803 -1, // #804 (obsolete action) -1, // #805 (obsolete action) ActRemAsg, // #806 -1, // #807 (obsolete action) -1, // #808 (obsolete action) -1, // #809 (obsolete action) -1, // #810 (obsolete action) -1, // #811 (obsolete action) ActFrmNewAsg, // #812 ActReqRemAsg, // #813 ActEdiOneAsg, // #814 ActChgAsg, // #815 ActRcvRepForGenTch, // #816 ActFrmCreAsgCrs, // #817 ActCreFolAsgCrs, // #818 ActExpAsgCrs, // #819 ActRemFolAsgCrs, // #820 ActPasAsgCrs, // #821 ActRemTreAsgCrs, // #822 ActRenFolAsgCrs, // #823 ActExpAsgUsr, // #824 ActFrmCreAsgUsr, // #825 ActCreFolAsgUsr, // #826 ActRemFolAsgUsr, // #827 ActRemTreAsgUsr, // #828 ActCopAsgUsr, // #829 ActPasAsgUsr, // #830 ActConAsgUsr, // #831 ActRcvFilAsgUsrCla, // #832 ActRemFilAsgUsr, // #833 ActReqRemFilAsgUsr, // #834 ActConAsgCrs, // #835 ActCopAsgCrs, // #836 ActReqRemFilAsgCrs, // #837 ActRemFilAsgCrs, // #838 ActRenFolAsgUsr, // #839 ActSetUp, // #840 ActChgThe, // #841 -1, // #842 (obsolete action) ActFrmRolSes, // #843 ActHom, // #844 ActRefCon, // #845 ActRcvFilAsgCrsCla, // #846 ActSeeCrsInf, // #847 ActEdiCrsInf, // #848 ActSelInfSrcCrsInf, // #849 ActPlaTxtEdiCrsInf, // #850 ActRcvPlaTxtCrsInf, // #851 ActEditorCrsInf, // #852 ActRcvPagCrsInf, // #853 ActRcvURLCrsInf, // #854 ActSeeMai, // #855 ActEdiMai, // #856 ActNewMai, // #857 ActRenMaiSho, // #858 ActRenMaiFul, // #859 ActRemMai, // #860 ActSeeAtt, // #861 ActSeeCty, // #862 ActEdiCty, // #863 ActNewCty, // #864 -1, // #865 (obsolete action) ActRenCty, // #866 ActReqDelThrCrsUsr, // #867 ActDelThrForCrsUsr, // #868 ActReqDelThrCrsTch, // #869 ActChgFrcReaTchGui, // #870 ActChgFrcReaSylLec, // #871 ActChgFrcReaSylPra, // #872 ActChgFrcReaBib, // #873 ActChgFrcReaFAQ, // #874 ActChgFrcReaCrsLnk, // #875 ActDelThrForCrsTch, // #876 ActChgFrcReaCrsInf, // #877 ActChgHavReaCrsInf, // #878 ActChgHavReaFAQ, // #879 ActChgHavReaSylLec, // #880 ActReqDelThrSWAUsr, // #881 ActDelThrForSWAUsr, // #882 ActChgFrcReaAss, // #883 ActChgHavReaBib, // #884 ActChgHavReaCrsLnk, // #885 ActChgHavReaTchGui, // #886 ActChgHavReaSylPra, // #887 ActChgPlgDes, // #888 ActRemPlg, // #889 ActCutThrForSWAUsr, // #890 ActPasThrForCrsUsr, // #891 ActWebSvc, // #892 ActRemCty, // #893 ActRenPlcSho, // #894 ActRenPlcFul, // #895 ActChgHldPlc, // #896 ActRemLnk, // #897 ActChgHavReaAss, // #898 ActReqAsgWrkCrs, // #899 ActConAdmMrkGrp, // #900 ActSeeForCtrUsr, // #901 ActSeePstForCtrTch, // #902 ActRcvThrForCtrUsr, // #903 ActRcvThrForCtrTch, // #904 ActRcvRepForCtrUsr, // #905 ActRcvRepForCtrTch, // #906 ActReqDelThrDegUsr, // #907 ActReqDelThrDegTch, // #908 ActReqDelThrCtrUsr, // #909 ActReqDelThrCtrTch, // #910 ActReqDelThrInsUsr, // #911 ActReqDelThrInsTch, // #912 ActReqDelThrGenUsr, // #913 ActReqDelThrGenTch, // #914 ActReqDelThrSWATch, // #915 ActDelThrForDegUsr, // #916 ActDelThrForDegTch, // #917 ActDelThrForCtrUsr, // #918 ActDelThrForCtrTch, // #919 ActDelThrForInsUsr, // #920 ActDelThrForInsTch, // #921 ActDelThrForGenUsr, // #922 ActDelThrForGenTch, // #923 ActDelThrForSWATch, // #924 ActDisPstForGenTch, // #925 ActCutThrForCrsUsr, // #926 ActCutThrForCrsTch, // #927 ActCutThrForDegUsr, // #928 ActCutThrForDegTch, // #929 ActCutThrForCtrUsr, // #930 ActCutThrForCtrTch, // #931 ActCutThrForInsUsr, // #932 ActCutThrForInsTch, // #933 ActCutThrForGenUsr, // #934 ActCutThrForGenTch, // #935 ActCutThrForSWATch, // #936 ActPasThrForCrsTch, // #937 ActPasThrForDegUsr, // #938 ActPasThrForDegTch, // #939 ActPasThrForCtrUsr, // #940 ActPasThrForCtrTch, // #941 ActPasThrForInsUsr, // #942 ActPasThrForInsTch, // #943 ActPasThrForGenUsr, // #944 ActPasThrForGenTch, // #945 ActPasThrForSWAUsr, // #946 ActPasThrForSWATch, // #947 ActDelPstForCtrUsr, // #948 ActDelPstForCtrTch, // #949 ActDelPstForGenTch, // #950 ActEnbPstForCrsTch, // #951 ActEnbPstForCtrUsr, // #952 ActEnbPstForCtrTch, // #953 ActEnbPstForInsUsr, // #954 ActEnbPstForInsTch, // #955 ActEnbPstForGenUsr, // #956 ActEnbPstForGenTch, // #957 ActDisPstForCrsTch, // #958 ActDisPstForCtrUsr, // #959 ActDisPstForCtrTch, // #960 ActDisPstForInsUsr, // #961 ActDisPstForInsTch, // #962 ActDisPstForGenUsr, // #963 ActHidAsg, // #964 ActShoAsg, // #965 ActSeeAllSvy, // #966 -1, // #967 (obsolete action) ActNewSvy, // #968 ActRemSvy, // #969 -1, // #970 (obsolete action) -1, // #971 (obsolete action) -1, // #972 (obsolete action) ActFrmNewSvy, // #973 ActEdiOneSvy, // #974 ActChgSvy, // #975 ActReqRemSvy, // #976 ActHidSvy, // #977 ActShoSvy, // #978 ActEdiOneSvyQst, // #979 ActRcvSvyQst, // #980 ActRemSvyQst, // #981 ActSeeOneSvy, // #982 ActAnsSvy, // #983 ActReqRstSvy, // #984 ActRstSvy, // #985 ActChgPlgAppKey, // #986 ActMyCrs, // #987 -1, // #988 (obsolete action) ActLstClk, // #989 ActSeeNtf, // #990 ActSeeNewNtf, // #991 ActReqChgLan, // #992 ActMFUAct, // #993 ActRefLstClk, // #994 ActLstCon, // #995 ActChgDatAdmDocCrs, // #996 -1, // #997 (obsolete action) ActChgDatAdmDocGrp, // #998 -1, // #999 (obsolete action) ActChgDatShaCrs, // #1000 -1, // #1001 (obsolete action) ActChgDatShaGrp, // #1002 -1, // #1003 (obsolete action) -1, // #1004 (obsolete action) -1, // #1005 (obsolete action) -1, // #1006 (obsolete action) ActReqImpTstQst, // #1007 ActImpTstQst, // #1008 ActSeeCrs, // #1009 -1, // #1010 (obsolete action) ActSeeDeg, // #1011 -1, // #1012 (obsolete action) ActSeeDegTyp, // #1013 -1, // #1014 (obsolete action) ActBanUsrMsg, // #1015 ActUnbUsrMsg, // #1016 ActLstBanUsr, // #1017 ActUnbUsrLst, // #1018 ActConRcvMsg, // #1019 ActConSntMsg, // #1020 -1, // #1021 (obsolete action) ActPrnUsrQR, // #1022 -1, // #1023 (obsolete action) ActChgInsCrsCodCfg, // #1024 ActChgInsCrsCod, // #1025 -1, // #1026 (obsolete action) -1, // #1027 (obsolete action) ActPrnCrsInf, // #1028 ActReqDatAdmDocCrs, // #1029 ActReqDatAdmDocGrp, // #1030 ActReqDatShaCrs, // #1031 ActReqDatShaGrp, // #1032 ActReqDatSeeDocCrs, // #1033 ActReqDatSeeDocGrp, // #1034 ActReqDatAdmMrkCrs, // #1035 ActChgDatAdmMrkCrs, // #1036 ActReqDatAdmMrkGrp, // #1037 ActChgDatAdmMrkGrp, // #1038 ActReqDatAsgUsr, // #1039 ActChgDatAsgUsr, // #1040 ActReqDatWrkUsr, // #1041 ActChgDatWrkUsr, // #1042 ActReqDatAsgCrs, // #1043 ActChgDatAsgCrs, // #1044 ActReqDatWrkCrs, // #1045 ActChgDatWrkCrs, // #1046 ActReqDatBrf, // #1047 ActChgDatBrf, // #1048 -1, // #1049 (obsolete action) -1, // #1050 (obsolete action) ActRecCtrLog, // #1051 -1, // #1052 (obsolete action) ActReqCrs, // #1053 ActReqSignUp, // #1054 ActChgCrsSta, // #1055 ActSignUp, // #1056 ActSeeSignUpReq, // #1057 ActReqRejSignUp, // #1058 ActRejSignUp, // #1059 ActSeePen, // #1060 ActChgTimGrpTyp, // #1061 -1, // #1062 (obsolete action) ActFrmNewAtt, // #1063 ActEdiOneAtt, // #1064 ActNewAtt, // #1065 ActChgAtt, // #1066 ActReqRemAtt, // #1067 ActRemAtt, // #1068 ActHidAtt, // #1069 ActShoAtt, // #1070 ActSeeOneAtt, // #1071 ActRecAttStd, // #1072 ActReqLstStdAtt, // #1073 ActSeeLstStdAtt, // #1074 ActPrnLstStdAtt, // #1075 ActRecAttMe, // #1076 ActAutUsrChgLan, // #1077 ActSeeDocCrs, // #1078 ActSeeMrkCrs, // #1079 ActReqSeeUsrTstExa, // #1080 ActSeeUsrTstExa, // #1081 ActSeeOneTstExaOth, // #1082 ActReqSeeMyTstExa, // #1083 ActSeeMyTstExa, // #1084 ActSeeOneTstExaMe, // #1085 ActReqDatSeeMrkCrs, // #1086 ActReqDatSeeMrkGrp, // #1087 ActNewMaiMe, // #1088 ActRemOldNic, // #1089 ActRemMaiMe, // #1090 ActCnfMai, // #1091 ActChgIco, // #1092 ActRchTxtEdiCrsInf, // #1093 ActRchTxtEdiTchGui, // #1094 ActRchTxtEdiSylLec, // #1095 ActRchTxtEdiSylPra, // #1096 ActRchTxtEdiBib, // #1097 ActRchTxtEdiFAQ, // #1098 ActRchTxtEdiCrsLnk, // #1099 ActRchTxtEdiAss, // #1100 ActRcvRchTxtCrsInf, // #1101 ActRcvRchTxtTchGui, // #1102 ActRcvRchTxtSylLec, // #1103 ActRcvRchTxtSylPra, // #1104 ActRcvRchTxtBib, // #1105 ActRcvRchTxtFAQ, // #1106 ActRcvRchTxtCrsLnk, // #1107 ActRcvRchTxtAss, // #1108 ActReqRemOldCrs, // #1109 ActRemOldCrs, // #1110 ActDowSeeDocCrs, // #1111 ActDowSeeDocGrp, // #1112 ActDowAdmDocCrs, // #1113 ActDowAdmDocGrp, // #1114 ActDowShaCrs, // #1115 ActDowShaGrp, // #1116 ActDowAsgUsr, // #1117 ActDowWrkUsr, // #1118 ActDowAsgCrs, // #1119 ActDowWrkCrs, // #1120 ActDowAdmMrkCrs, // #1121 ActDowAdmMrkGrp, // #1122 ActDowBrf, // #1123 ActZIPSeeDocCrs, // #1124 ActZIPSeeDocGrp, // #1125 ActZIPAdmDocCrs, // #1126 ActZIPAdmDocGrp, // #1127 ActZIPShaCrs, // #1128 ActZIPShaGrp, // #1129 ActZIPAsgUsr, // #1130 ActZIPWrkUsr, // #1131 ActZIPAsgCrs, // #1132 ActZIPWrkCrs, // #1133 ActZIPAdmMrkCrs, // #1134 ActZIPAdmMrkGrp, // #1135 ActZIPBrf, // #1136 ActSeeBan, // #1137 ActEdiBan, // #1138 ActNewBan, // #1139 ActRemBan, // #1140 ActRenBanSho, // #1141 ActRenBanFul, // #1142 ActChgBanWWW, // #1143 ActChgBanImg, // #1144 ActClkBan, // #1145 ActMrkNtfSee, // #1146 ActRemID_Me, // #1147 ActNewIDMe, // #1148 ActSeeDegInf, // #1149 ActPrnDegInf, // #1150 ActSeeCtrInf, // #1151 ActPrnCtrInf, // #1152 ActSeeInsInf, // #1153 ActPrnInsInf, // #1154 ActSeeCtyInf, // #1155 ActPrnCtyInf, // #1156 ActChgCtyWWW, // #1157 ActChgCtyMapAtt, // #1158 ActChgCtrPhoAtt, // #1159 ActReqCtrPho, // #1160 ActRecCtrPho, // #1161 -1, // #1162 (obsolete action) ActCreUsrAcc, // #1163 ActSeeOneNot, // #1164 ActReqEdiMyIns, // #1165 ActChgCtyMyIns, // #1166 ActChgMyIns, // #1167 ActChgMyCtr, // #1168 ActChgMyDpt, // #1169 ActChgMyOff, // #1170 ActChgMyOffPho, // #1171 ActReqEdiMyNet, // #1172 ActChgMyNet, // #1173 ActSeeRecOneStd, // #1174 ActSeeRecOneTch, // #1175 ActCtyReqSch, // #1176 ActInsReqSch, // #1177 ActCtrReqSch, // #1178 ActDegReqSch, // #1179 ActCrsReqSch, // #1180 ActCtySch, // #1181 ActInsSch, // #1182 ActCtrSch, // #1183 ActDegSch, // #1184 ActCrsSch, // #1185 ActLstOth, // #1186 ActSeeRecSevGst, // #1187 ActPrnRecSevGst, // #1188 ActLstGstAll, // #1189 ActPrnGstPho, // #1190 ActShoMrkCrs, // #1191 ActHidMrkCrs, // #1192 ActShoMrkGrp, // #1193 ActHidMrkGrp, // #1194 ActChgToSeeDocCrs, // #1195 ActChgToAdmDocCrs, // #1196 ActChgToAdmSha, // #1197 ActChgToSeeMrk, // #1198 ActChgToAdmMrk, // #1199 ActSeeDocGrp, // #1200 ActAdmDocGrp, // #1201 ActAdmShaCrs, // #1202 ActAdmShaGrp, // #1203 ActSeeMrkGrp, // #1204 ActAdmMrkGrp, // #1205 ActReqDeg, // #1206 ActChgDegSta, // #1207 ActReqCtr, // #1208 ActChgCtrSta, // #1209 ActReqIns, // #1210 ActChgInsSta, // #1211 ActShoBan, // #1212 ActHidBan, // #1213 ActRcvFilDocCrsDZ, // #1214 ActRcvFilDocGrpDZ, // #1215 ActRcvFilShaCrsDZ, // #1216 ActRcvFilShaGrpDZ, // #1217 ActRcvFilAsgUsrDZ, // #1218 ActRcvFilWrkUsrDZ, // #1219 ActRcvFilAsgCrsDZ, // #1220 ActRcvFilWrkCrsDZ, // #1221 ActRcvFilMrkCrsDZ, // #1222 ActRcvFilMrkGrpDZ, // #1223 ActRcvFilBrfDZ, // #1224 ActCreLnkDocCrs, // #1225 ActCreLnkShaCrs, // #1226 ActCreLnkShaGrp, // #1227 ActCreLnkWrkUsr, // #1228 ActCreLnkWrkCrs, // #1229 ActCreLnkBrf, // #1230 ActCreLnkDocGrp, // #1231 ActCreLnkAsgUsr, // #1232 ActCreLnkAsgCrs, // #1233 ActAnnSee, // #1234 ActSeeAnn, // #1235 ActRemAnn, // #1236 ActWriAnn, // #1237 ActRcvAnn, // #1238 -1, // #1239 (obsolete action) -1, // #1240 (obsolete action) -1, // #1241 (obsolete action) ActSeeSyl, // #1242 ActChgMnu, // #1243 ActReqCtrLog, // #1244 ActReqInsLog, // #1245 ActReqDegLog, // #1246 ActSeeAdmDocDeg, // #1247 ActSeeAdmDocCtr, // #1248 ActSeeAdmDocIns, // #1249 ActChgToSeeDocDeg, // #1250 ActSeeDocDeg, // #1251 ActExpSeeDocDeg, // #1252 ActConSeeDocDeg, // #1253 ActZIPSeeDocDeg, // #1254 ActReqDatSeeDocDeg, // #1255 ActDowSeeDocDeg, // #1256 ActChgToAdmDocDeg, // #1257 ActAdmDocDeg, // #1258 ActReqRemFilDocDeg, // #1259 ActRemFilDocDeg, // #1260 ActRemFolDocDeg, // #1261 ActCopDocDeg, // #1262 ActPasDocDeg, // #1263 ActRemTreDocDeg, // #1264 ActFrmCreDocDeg, // #1265 ActCreFolDocDeg, // #1266 ActCreLnkDocDeg, // #1267 ActRenFolDocDeg, // #1268 ActRcvFilDocDegDZ, // #1269 ActRcvFilDocDegCla, // #1270 ActExpAdmDocDeg, // #1271 ActConAdmDocDeg, // #1272 ActZIPAdmDocDeg, // #1273 ActShoDocDeg, // #1274 ActHidDocDeg, // #1275 ActReqDatAdmDocDeg, // #1276 ActChgDatAdmDocDeg, // #1277 ActDowAdmDocDeg, // #1278 ActChgToSeeDocCtr, // #1279 ActSeeDocCtr, // #1280 ActExpSeeDocCtr, // #1281 ActConSeeDocCtr, // #1282 ActZIPSeeDocCtr, // #1283 ActReqDatSeeDocCtr, // #1284 ActDowSeeDocCtr, // #1285 ActChgToAdmDocCtr, // #1286 ActAdmDocCtr, // #1287 ActReqRemFilDocCtr, // #1288 ActRemFilDocCtr, // #1289 ActRemFolDocCtr, // #1290 ActCopDocCtr, // #1291 ActPasDocCtr, // #1292 ActRemTreDocCtr, // #1293 ActFrmCreDocCtr, // #1294 ActCreFolDocCtr, // #1295 ActCreLnkDocCtr, // #1296 ActRenFolDocCtr, // #1297 ActRcvFilDocCtrDZ, // #1298 ActRcvFilDocCtrCla, // #1299 ActExpAdmDocCtr, // #1300 ActConAdmDocCtr, // #1301 ActZIPAdmDocCtr, // #1302 ActShoDocCtr, // #1303 ActHidDocCtr, // #1304 ActReqDatAdmDocCtr, // #1305 ActChgDatAdmDocCtr, // #1306 ActDowAdmDocCtr, // #1307 ActChgToSeeDocIns, // #1308 ActSeeDocIns, // #1309 ActExpSeeDocIns, // #1310 ActConSeeDocIns, // #1311 ActZIPSeeDocIns, // #1312 ActReqDatSeeDocIns, // #1313 ActDowSeeDocIns, // #1314 ActChgToAdmDocIns, // #1315 ActAdmDocIns, // #1316 ActReqRemFilDocIns, // #1317 ActRemFilDocIns, // #1318 ActRemFolDocIns, // #1319 ActCopDocIns, // #1320 ActPasDocIns, // #1321 ActRemTreDocIns, // #1322 ActFrmCreDocIns, // #1323 ActCreFolDocIns, // #1324 ActCreLnkDocIns, // #1325 ActRenFolDocIns, // #1326 ActRcvFilDocInsDZ, // #1327 ActRcvFilDocInsCla, // #1328 ActExpAdmDocIns, // #1329 ActConAdmDocIns, // #1330 ActZIPAdmDocIns, // #1331 ActShoDocIns, // #1332 ActHidDocIns, // #1333 ActReqDatAdmDocIns, // #1334 ActChgDatAdmDocIns, // #1335 ActDowAdmDocIns, // #1336 ActNewAdmIns, // #1337 ActRemAdmIns, // #1338 ActNewAdmCtr, // #1339 ActRemAdmCtr, // #1340 ActRemInsLog, // #1341 ActRemCtrLog, // #1342 ActRemDegLog, // #1343 ActAdmShaDeg, // #1344 ActReqRemFilShaDeg, // #1345 ActRemFilShaDeg, // #1346 ActRemFolShaDeg, // #1347 ActCopShaDeg, // #1348 ActPasShaDeg, // #1349 ActRemTreShaDeg, // #1350 ActFrmCreShaDeg, // #1351 ActCreFolShaDeg, // #1352 ActCreLnkShaDeg, // #1353 ActRenFolShaDeg, // #1354 ActRcvFilShaDegDZ, // #1355 ActRcvFilShaDegCla, // #1356 ActExpShaDeg, // #1357 ActConShaDeg, // #1358 ActZIPShaDeg, // #1359 ActReqDatShaDeg, // #1360 ActChgDatShaDeg, // #1361 ActDowShaDeg, // #1362 ActAdmShaCtr, // #1363 ActReqRemFilShaCtr, // #1364 ActRemFilShaCtr, // #1365 ActRemFolShaCtr, // #1366 ActCopShaCtr, // #1367 ActPasShaCtr, // #1368 ActRemTreShaCtr, // #1369 ActFrmCreShaCtr, // #1370 ActCreFolShaCtr, // #1371 ActCreLnkShaCtr, // #1372 ActRenFolShaCtr, // #1373 ActRcvFilShaCtrDZ, // #1374 ActRcvFilShaCtrCla, // #1375 ActExpShaCtr, // #1376 ActConShaCtr, // #1377 ActZIPShaCtr, // #1378 ActReqDatShaCtr, // #1379 ActChgDatShaCtr, // #1380 ActDowShaCtr, // #1381 ActAdmShaIns, // #1382 ActReqRemFilShaIns, // #1383 ActRemFilShaIns, // #1384 ActRemFolShaIns, // #1385 ActCopShaIns, // #1386 ActPasShaIns, // #1387 ActRemTreShaIns, // #1388 ActFrmCreShaIns, // #1389 ActCreFolShaIns, // #1390 ActCreLnkShaIns, // #1391 ActRenFolShaIns, // #1392 ActRcvFilShaInsDZ, // #1393 ActRcvFilShaInsCla, // #1394 ActExpShaIns, // #1395 ActConShaIns, // #1396 ActZIPShaIns, // #1397 ActReqDatShaIns, // #1398 ActChgDatShaIns, // #1399 ActDowShaIns, // #1400 ActReqPubPrf, // #1401 ActSeePubPrf, // #1402 ActEdiPri, // #1403 ActChgPriPrf, // #1404 ActCal1stClkTim, // #1405 ActCalNumClk, // #1406 ActCalNumMsgSnt, // #1407 ActCalNumForPst, // #1408 ActCalNumFilVie, // #1409 ActFolUsr, // #1410 ActUnfUsr, // #1411 ActSeeFlg, // #1412 ActSeeFlr, // #1413 ActReqMdfOneOth, // #1414 ActReqMdfOneStd, // #1415 ActReqMdfOneTch, // #1416 -1, // #1417 (obsolete action) ActReqMdfOth, // #1418 ActReqMdfStd, // #1419 ActReqMdfTch, // #1420 -1, // #1421 (obsolete action) ActUpdOth, // #1422 ActUpdStd, // #1423 ActUpdTch, // #1424 -1, // #1425 (obsolete action) ActReqEnrSevStd, // #1426 ActReqEnrSevTch, // #1427 ActRcvFrmEnrSevStd, // #1428 ActRcvFrmEnrSevTch, // #1429 ActReqRemMyAcc, // #1430 ActRemMyAcc, // #1431 ActReqOthPho, // #1432 ActReqStdPho, // #1433 ActReqTchPho, // #1434 ActDetOthPho, // #1435 ActDetStdPho, // #1436 ActDetTchPho, // #1437 ActUpdOthPho, // #1438 ActUpdStdPho, // #1439 ActUpdTchPho, // #1440 ActRemOthPho, // #1441 ActRemStdPho, // #1442 ActRemTchPho, // #1443 ActCreOth, // #1444 ActCreStd, // #1445 ActCreTch, // #1446 ActFrmIDsOth, // #1447 ActFrmIDsStd, // #1448 ActFrmIDsTch, // #1449 ActRemID_Oth, // #1450 ActRemID_Std, // #1451 ActRemID_Tch, // #1452 ActNewID_Oth, // #1453 ActNewID_Std, // #1454 ActNewID_Tch, // #1455 ActReqAccEnrStd, // #1456 ActReqAccEnrTch, // #1457 ActAccEnrStd, // #1458 ActAccEnrTch, // #1459 ActRemMe_Std, // #1460 ActRemMe_Tch, // #1461 ActRemStdCrs, // #1462 ActRemTchCrs, // #1463 ActFrmPwdOth, // #1464 ActFrmPwdStd, // #1465 ActFrmPwdTch, // #1466 ActChgPwdOth, // #1467 ActChgPwdStd, // #1468 ActChgPwdTch, // #1469 ActHidAnn, // #1470 ActRevAnn, // #1471 ActReqRemNot, // #1472 ActSeeLstMyAtt, // #1473 ActPrnLstMyAtt, // #1474 ActFrmMaiOth, // #1475 ActFrmMaiStd, // #1476 ActFrmMaiTch, // #1477 ActRemMaiOth, // #1478 ActRemMaiStd, // #1479 ActRemMaiTch, // #1480 ActNewMaiOth, // #1481 ActNewMaiStd, // #1482 ActNewMaiTch, // #1483 ActChg1stDay, // #1484 ActChgCal1stDay, // #1485 ActChgCrsTT1stDay, // #1486 ActChgMyTT1stDay, // #1487 ActReqRemOldBrf, // #1488 ActRemOldBrf, // #1489 ActSeeSocTmlGbl, // #1490 -1, // #1491 (obsolete action) ActRcvSocPstGbl, // #1492 ActRemSocPubGbl, // #1493 ActReqRemSocPubGbl, // #1494 ActShaSocNotGbl, // #1495 ActUnsSocNotGbl, // #1496 -1, // #1497 (obsolete action) ActRcvSocPstUsr, // #1498 ActShaSocNotUsr, // #1499 ActUnsSocNotUsr, // #1500 ActReqRemSocPubUsr, // #1501 ActRemSocPubUsr, // #1502 ActRcvSocComGbl, // #1503 ActRcvSocComUsr, // #1504 ActReqRemSocComGbl, // #1505 ActReqRemSocComUsr, // #1506 ActRemSocComGbl, // #1507 ActRemSocComUsr, // #1508 ActRefNewSocPubGbl, // #1509 ActRefOldSocPubGbl, // #1510 ActRefOldSocPubUsr, // #1511 ActFavSocNotGbl, // #1512 ActUnfSocNotGbl, // #1513 ActFavSocNotUsr, // #1514 ActUnfSocNotUsr, // #1515 ActFavSocComGbl, // #1516 ActUnfSocComGbl, // #1517 ActFavSocComUsr, // #1518 ActUnfSocComUsr, // #1519 ActSeeSocPrf, // #1520 ActFrmLogIn, // #1521 ActUpdSignUpReq, // #1522 ActReqRemTstQst, // #1523 ActReqRemSvyQst, // #1524 ActAdmTchCrsGrp, // #1525 ActChgToAdmTch, // #1526 ActAdmTchCrs, // #1527 ActReqRemFilTchCrs, // #1528 ActRemFilTchCrs, // #1529 ActRemFolTchCrs, // #1530 ActCopTchCrs, // #1531 ActPasTchCrs, // #1532 ActRemTreTchCrs, // #1533 ActFrmCreTchCrs, // #1534 ActCreFolTchCrs, // #1535 ActCreLnkTchCrs, // #1536 ActRenFolTchCrs, // #1537 ActRcvFilTchCrsDZ, // #1538 ActRcvFilTchCrsCla, // #1539 ActExpTchCrs, // #1540 ActConTchCrs, // #1541 ActZIPTchCrs, // #1542 ActReqDatTchCrs, // #1543 ActChgDatTchCrs, // #1544 ActDowTchCrs, // #1545 ActAdmTchGrp, // #1546 ActReqRemFilTchGrp, // #1547 ActRemFilTchGrp, // #1548 ActRemFolTchGrp, // #1549 ActCopTchGrp, // #1550 ActPasTchGrp, // #1551 ActRemTreTchGrp, // #1552 ActFrmCreTchGrp, // #1553 ActCreFolTchGrp, // #1554 ActCreLnkTchGrp, // #1555 ActRenFolTchGrp, // #1556 ActRcvFilTchGrpDZ, // #1557 ActRcvFilTchGrpCla, // #1558 ActExpTchGrp, // #1559 ActConTchGrp, // #1560 ActZIPTchGrp, // #1561 ActReqDatTchGrp, // #1562 ActChgDatTchGrp, // #1563 ActDowTchGrp, // #1564 ActReqCnfID_Oth, // #1565 ActReqCnfID_Std, // #1566 ActReqCnfID_Tch, // #1567 ActCnfID_Oth, // #1568 ActCnfID_Std, // #1569 ActCnfID_Tch, // #1570 ActSeeDatExaAnn, // #1571 ActSeeOneExaAnn, // #1572 ActChgCrsYeaCfg, // #1573 ActReqRemOthPho, // #1574 ActReqRemStdPho, // #1575 ActReqRemTchPho, // #1576 ActReqRemMyPho, // #1577 ActLstDupUsr, // #1578 ActLstSimUsr, // #1579 ActRemDupUsr, // #1580 ActSeeMyAgd, // #1581 ActSeeMyUsgRep, // #1582 -1, // #1583 (obsolete action) ActChkUsrAcc, // #1584 ActAutUsrNew, // #1585 ActReqMyUsgRep, // #1586 ActChgCrsDegCfg, // #1587 ActChgDegCtrCfg, // #1588 ActChgCtrInsCfg, // #1589 ActChgInsCtyCfg, // #1590 ActRenInsFulCfg, // #1591 ActRenInsShoCfg, // #1592 ActChgInsWWWCfg, // #1593 ActRenCtrFulCfg, // #1594 ActRenCtrShoCfg, // #1595 ActChgCtrWWWCfg, // #1596 ActRenDegFulCfg, // #1597 ActRenDegShoCfg, // #1598 ActChgDegWWWCfg, // #1599 }; /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Private prototypes *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Act_FormStartInternal (Act_Action_t NextAction,bool PutParameterLocationIfNoSesion, const char *Id,const char *Anchor,const char *OnSubmit); /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Check if I have permission to execute an action ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ bool Act_CheckIfIHavePermissionToExecuteAction (Act_Action_t Action) { if (Action < 0 || Action >= Act_NUM_ACTIONS) return false; return ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod >= 0 && (( Gbl.Usrs.Me.IBelongToCurrentCrs && (Act_Actions[Action].PermisIfIBelongToCrs & (1 << Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole))) || (!Gbl.Usrs.Me.IBelongToCurrentCrs && (Act_Actions[Action].PermisIfIDontBelongToCrs & (1 << Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole))))) || (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod < 0 && (Act_Actions[Action].PermisIfNoCrsSelected & (1 << Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole)))); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Get the title associated to an action *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ const char *Act_GetTitleAction (Act_Action_t Action) { extern const char *Txt_MENU_TITLE[Tab_NUM_TABS][Act_MAX_OPTIONS_IN_MENU_PER_TAB]; Act_Action_t SuperAction; if (Action < 0 || Action >= Act_NUM_ACTIONS) return NULL; SuperAction = Act_Actions[Action].SuperAction; return Txt_MENU_TITLE[Act_Actions[SuperAction].Tab][Act_Actions[SuperAction].IndexInMenu]; } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Get the subtitle associated to an action *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ const char *Act_GetSubtitleAction (Act_Action_t Action) { extern const char *Txt_MENU_SUBTITLE[Tab_NUM_TABS][Act_MAX_OPTIONS_IN_MENU_PER_TAB]; Act_Action_t SuperAction; if (Action < 0 || Action >= Act_NUM_ACTIONS) return NULL; SuperAction = Act_Actions[Action].SuperAction; return Txt_MENU_SUBTITLE[Act_Actions[SuperAction].Tab][Act_Actions[SuperAction].IndexInMenu]; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get text for action from database *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ char *Act_GetActionTextFromDB (long ActCod,char *Txt) { extern const char *Txt_STR_LANG_ID[1+Txt_NUM_LANGUAGES]; char Query[1024]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; /***** Get test for an action from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT Txt FROM actions" " WHERE ActCod='%ld' AND Language='%s'", ActCod,Txt_STR_LANG_ID[Txt_LANGUAGE_ES]); // !!! TODO: Replace Txt_LANGUAGE_ES by Gbl.Prefs.Language !!! if (DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get text for an action")) { /***** Get text *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); strncpy (Txt,row[0],Act_MAX_LENGTH_ACTION_TXT); Txt[Act_MAX_LENGTH_ACTION_TXT] = '\0'; } else // ActCod-Language not found on database Txt[0] = '\0'; /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); return Txt; } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************** Start a form *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Act_FormGoToStart (Act_Action_t NextAction) { Gbl.Form.Num++; // Initialized to -1. The first time it is incremented, it will be equal to 0 sprintf (Gbl.Form.Id,"form_%d",Gbl.Form.Num); Act_FormStartInternal (NextAction,false,Gbl.Form.Id,NULL,NULL); // Do not put now parameter location } void Act_FormStart (Act_Action_t NextAction) { Gbl.Form.Num++; // Initialized to -1. The first time it is incremented, it will be equal to 0 sprintf (Gbl.Form.Id,"form_%d",Gbl.Form.Num); Act_FormStartInternal (NextAction,true,Gbl.Form.Id,NULL,NULL); // Do put now parameter location (if no open session) } void Act_FormStartOnSubmit (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *OnSubmit) { Gbl.Form.Num++; // Initialized to -1. The first time it is incremented, it will be equal to 0 sprintf (Gbl.Form.Id,"form_%d",Gbl.Form.Num); Act_FormStartInternal (NextAction,true,Gbl.Form.Id,NULL,OnSubmit); // Do put now parameter location (if no open session) } void Act_FormStartUnique (Act_Action_t NextAction) { Gbl.Form.Num++; // Initialized to -1. The first time it is incremented, it will be equal to 0 sprintf (Gbl.Form.UniqueId,"form_%s_%d", Gbl.UniqueNameEncrypted,Gbl.Form.Num); Act_FormStartInternal (NextAction,true,Gbl.Form.UniqueId,NULL,NULL); // Do put now parameter location (if no open session) } void Act_FormStartAnchor (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *Anchor) { Gbl.Form.Num++; // Initialized to -1. The first time it is incremented, it will be equal to 0 sprintf (Gbl.Form.Id,"form_%d",Gbl.Form.Num); Act_FormStartInternal (NextAction,true,Gbl.Form.Id,Anchor,NULL); // Do put now parameter location (if no open session) } void Act_FormStartUniqueAnchor (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *Anchor) { Gbl.Form.Num++; // Initialized to -1. The first time it is incremented, it will be equal to 0 sprintf (Gbl.Form.UniqueId,"form_%s_%d", Gbl.UniqueNameEncrypted,Gbl.Form.Num); Act_FormStartInternal (NextAction,true,Gbl.Form.UniqueId,Anchor,NULL); // Do put now parameter location (if no open session) } void Act_FormStartId (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *Id) { Gbl.Form.Num++; // Initialized to -1. The first time it is incremented, it will be equal to 0 Act_FormStartInternal (NextAction,true,Id,NULL,NULL); // Do put now parameter location (if no open session) } // Id can not be NULL static void Act_FormStartInternal (Act_Action_t NextAction,bool PutParameterLocationIfNoSesion, const char *Id,const char *Anchor,const char *OnSubmit) { extern const char *Txt_STR_LANG_ID[1+Txt_NUM_LANGUAGES]; char ParamsStr[256+256+Ses_LENGTH_SESSION_ID+256]; if (!Gbl.Form.Inside) { /* Start form */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /* Put basic form parameters */ Act_SetParamsForm (ParamsStr,NextAction,PutParameterLocationIfNoSesion); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s",ParamsStr); Gbl.Form.Inside = true; } } // Params should have space for 256+256+Ses_LENGTH_SESSION_ID+256 bytes void Act_SetParamsForm (char *ParamsStr,Act_Action_t NextAction,bool PutParameterLocationIfNoSesion) { char ParamAction[256]; char ParamSession[256+Ses_LENGTH_SESSION_ID]; char ParamLocation[256]; ParamAction[0] = '\0'; ParamSession[0] = '\0'; ParamLocation[0] = '\0'; if (NextAction != ActUnk) sprintf (ParamAction,"", Act_Actions[NextAction].ActCod); if (Gbl.Session.Id[0]) sprintf (ParamSession,"", Gbl.Session.Id); else if (PutParameterLocationIfNoSesion) // Extra parameters necessary when there's no open session { /* If session is open, course code will be get from session data, but if there is not an open session, and next action is known, it is necessary to send a parameter with course code */ if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod > 0) // If course selected... sprintf (ParamLocation,"", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); else if (Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.DegCod > 0) // If no course selected, but degree selected... sprintf (ParamLocation,"", Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.DegCod); else if (Gbl.CurrentCtr.Ctr.CtrCod > 0) // If no degree selected, but centre selected... sprintf (ParamLocation,"", Gbl.CurrentCtr.Ctr.CtrCod); else if (Gbl.CurrentIns.Ins.InsCod > 0) // If no centre selected, but institution selected... sprintf (ParamLocation,"", Gbl.CurrentIns.Ins.InsCod); else if (Gbl.CurrentCty.Cty.CtyCod > 0) // If no institution selected, but country selected... sprintf (ParamLocation,"", Gbl.CurrentCty.Cty.CtyCod); } sprintf (ParamsStr,"%s%s%s",ParamAction,ParamSession,ParamLocation); } void Act_FormEnd (void) { if (Gbl.Form.Inside) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); Gbl.Form.Inside = false; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Anchor directive used to send a form ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Requires an extern void Act_LinkFormSubmit (const char *Title,const char *LinkStyle, const char *OnSubmit) { Act_LinkFormSubmitId (Title,LinkStyle,Gbl.Form.Id,OnSubmit); } void Act_LinkFormSubmitUnique (const char *Title,const char *LinkStyle) { Act_LinkFormSubmitId (Title,LinkStyle,Gbl.Form.UniqueId,NULL); } // Title can be NULL // LinkStyle can be NULL // Id can not be NULL // OnSubmit can be NULL void Act_LinkFormSubmitId (const char *Title,const char *LinkStyle, const char *Id,const char *OnSubmit) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Id); } void Act_LinkFormSubmitAnimated (const char *Title,const char *LinkStyle, const char *OnSubmit) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Gbl.Form.Num, Gbl.Form.Id); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Get unique Id *********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Act_SetUniqueId (char UniqueId[Act_MAX_LENGTH_ID]) { static unsigned CountForThisExecution = 0; /***** Create Id. The id must be unique, the page content may be updated via AJAX. So, Id uses: - a name for this execution (Gbl.UniqueNameEncrypted) - a number for each element in this execution (CountForThisExecution) *****/ sprintf (UniqueId,"id_%s_%u", Gbl.UniqueNameEncrypted, ++CountForThisExecution); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Adjust current action when no user's logged ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Act_AdjustActionWhenNoUsrLogged (void) { if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod > 0) // Course selected Gbl.Action.Act = ActSeeCrsInf; else if (Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.DegCod > 0) // Degree selected Gbl.Action.Act = ActSeeDegInf; else if (Gbl.CurrentCtr.Ctr.CtrCod > 0) // Centre selected Gbl.Action.Act = ActSeeCtrInf; else if (Gbl.CurrentIns.Ins.InsCod > 0) // Institution selected Gbl.Action.Act = ActSeeInsInf; else if (Gbl.CurrentCty.Cty.CtyCod > 0) // Country selected Gbl.Action.Act = ActSeeCtyInf; else Gbl.Action.Act = ActFrmLogIn; Tab_SetCurrentTab (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Adjust current action if it's mandatory to fill any empty data *******/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Act_AdjustCurrentAction (void) { bool IAmATeacher = (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Roles & (1 << Rol_TEACHER)); /***** Don't adjust anything when current action is not a menu option *****/ if (Gbl.Action.Act != Act_Actions[Gbl.Action.Act].SuperAction) // It is not a menu option return; /***** Don't adjust anything when refreshing users or on a web service *****/ if (Gbl.Action.UsesAJAX || Gbl.WebService.IsWebService) return; /***** If I have no password in database, the only action possible is show a form to change my password *****/ if (!Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Password[0]) { switch (Gbl.Action.Act) { case ActHom: case ActLogOut: break; default: Gbl.Action.Act = ActFrmChgMyPwd; Tab_SetCurrentTab (); return; } } /***** If my login password is not enough secure, the only action possible is show a form to change my password *****/ if (Gbl.Action.Act == ActAutUsrInt) if (!Pwd_FastCheckIfPasswordSeemsGood (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoginPlainPassword)) { Gbl.Action.Act = ActFrmChgMyPwd; Tab_SetCurrentTab (); return; } /***** If I have no nickname or e-mail in database, the only action possible is show a form to change my account *****/ if (!Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Nickname[0] || !Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Email[0]) { switch (Gbl.Action.Act) { case ActHom: case ActLogOut: case ActFrmChgMyPwd: break; default: Gbl.Action.Act = ActFrmMyAcc; Tab_SetCurrentTab (); return; } } /***** If I haven't filled my sex, first name, surname 1 or country, the only action possible is to show a form to change my common record *****/ if ( Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Sex == Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN || !Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.FirstName[0] || !Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Surname1[0] || Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.CtyCod <= 0) switch (Gbl.Action.Act) { case ActHom: case ActLogOut: case ActFrmMyAcc: case ActFrmChgMyPwd: break; default: Gbl.Action.Act = ActReqEdiRecCom; Tab_SetCurrentTab (); return; } /***** If I haven't filled my institution, or if I'm a teacher and I haven't filled my centre or department, the only action possible is to show a form to change my common record *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.InsCod < 0 || (IAmATeacher && (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Tch.CtrCod < 0 || Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Tch.DptCod < 0))) switch (Gbl.Action.Act) { case ActHom: case ActLogOut: case ActFrmMyAcc: case ActFrmChgMyPwd: case ActReqEdiRecCom: break; default: Gbl.Action.Act = ActReqEdiMyIns; Tab_SetCurrentTab (); return; } /***** If any of my preferences about privacy is unknown *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.PhotoVisibility == Pri_VISIBILITY_UNKNOWN || Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.ProfileVisibility == Pri_VISIBILITY_UNKNOWN) switch (Gbl.Action.Act) { case ActHom: case ActLogOut: case ActFrmMyAcc: case ActFrmChgMyPwd: case ActReqEdiRecCom: case ActReqEdiMyIns: break; default: Gbl.Action.Act = ActEdiPri; Tab_SetCurrentTab (); return; } /***** If I belong to current course *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.IBelongToCurrentCrs) { /***** If I have not accepted the enrollment, the only action possible is show a form to ask for enrollment *****/ if (!Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Accepted && Gbl.Action.Act != ActLogOut) { Gbl.Action.Act = (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.RoleInCurrentCrsDB == Rol_STUDENT) ? ActReqAccEnrStd : ActReqAccEnrTch; Tab_SetCurrentTab (); return; } /***** Depending on the role I am logged... *****/ switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole) { case Rol_STUDENT: switch (Gbl.Action.Act) { case ActAutUsrInt: case ActAutUsrNew: case ActHom: case ActMnu: case ActLogOut: case ActFrmMyAcc: case ActFrmChgMyPwd: case ActReqEdiRecCom: case ActReqEdiMyIns: case ActEdiPri: case ActReqSelGrp: case ActReqMdfOneStd: // A student use this action to remove him/herself from current course case ActSeeCrsTT: case ActPrnCrsTT: case ActChgCrsTT1stDay: // These last actions are allowed in order to students could see/print timetable before register in groups break; default: /* If there are some group types with mandatory enrollment and groups in this course, and I don't belong to any of those groups, the the only action possible is show a form to register in groups */ if (Grp_NumGrpTypesMandatIDontBelong ()) // To do: if this query is too slow ==> put it only when login. { Gbl.Action.Act = ActReqSelGrp; Tab_SetCurrentTab (); return; } /* If I have no photo, and current action is not available for unknown users, then update number of clicks without photo */ if (!Gbl.Usrs.Me.MyPhotoExists) if (!(Act_Actions[Gbl.Action.Act].PermisIfIBelongToCrs & (1 << Rol_UNKNOWN)) && // If current action is not available for unknown users... Gbl.Action.Act != ActReqMyPho) // ...and current action is not ActReqMyPho... if ((Gbl.Usrs.Me.NumAccWithoutPhoto = Pho_UpdateMyClicksWithoutPhoto ()) > Pho_MAX_CLICKS_WITHOUT_PHOTO) { /* If limit of clicks has been reached, the only action possible is show a form to send my photo */ Gbl.Action.Act = ActReqMyPho; Tab_SetCurrentTab (); return; } break; } /***** Check if it is mandatory to read any information about course *****/ if (Gbl.Action.Act == ActMnu) // Do the following check sometimes, for example when the user changes the current tab Gbl.CurrentCrs.Info.ShowMsgMustBeRead = Inf_GetIfIMustReadAnyCrsInfoInThisCrs (); break; case Rol_TEACHER: if (Gbl.Action.Act == ActReqTst || Gbl.Action.Act == ActEdiTstQst) /***** If current course has tests and pluggable is unknown, the only action possible is configure tests *****/ if (Tst_CheckIfCourseHaveTestsAndPluggableIsUnknown ()) { Gbl.Action.Act = ActCfgTst; Tab_SetCurrentTab (); return; } break; default: break; } } }