// swad_report.c: report on my use of the platform /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General 3 License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************************** Headers *********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define _GNU_SOURCE // For asprintf #include // For asprintf #include // For free #include // For mkdir #include // For mkdir #include "swad_action_list.h" #include "swad_box.h" #include "swad_browser_database.h" #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_enrolment_database.h" #include "swad_error.h" #include "swad_form.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_hierarchy_type.h" #include "swad_HTML.h" #include "swad_ID.h" #include "swad_log_database.h" #include "swad_profile.h" #include "swad_report_database.h" #include "swad_tab.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private constants *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define Rep_FILENAME_ROOT "report" #define Rep_MIN_CLICKS_CRS 100 // Minimum number of clicks to show a course in historic log #define Rep_MAX_ACTIONS 50 // Maximum number of actions in list of frequent actions #define Rep_MAX_BAR_WIDTH 50 // Maximum width of graphic bar // #define Rep_BLOCK "═" // HTML code for a block in graphic bar // #define Rep_BLOCK "▒" // HTML code for a block in graphic bar // #define Rep_BLOCK "█" // HTML code for a block in graphic bar // #define Rep_BLOCK "≡" // HTML code for a block in graphic bar // #define Rep_BLOCK "•" // HTML code for a block in graphic bar // #define Rep_BLOCK "▪" // HTML code for a block in graphic bar #define Rep_BLOCK "-" /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Private global variables **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static FILE *Rep_File; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_CreateMyUsageReport (struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_PutLinkToMyUsageReport (struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_TitleReport (struct Rep_CurrentTimeUTC *CurrentTimeUTC); static void Rep_GetCurrentDateTimeUTC (struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_CreateNewReportFile (struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_WriteHeader (const struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_WriteSectionPlatform (void); static void Rep_WriteSectionUsrInfo (void); static void Rep_WriteSectionUsrFigures (const struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_WriteSectionHitsPerAction (struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_WriteSectionGlobalHits (struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_WriteSectionCurrentCourses (struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_WriteSectionHistoricCourses (struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_GetMaxHitsPerYear (struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_GetAndWriteMyCurrentCrss (Rol_Role_t Role, struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_GetAndWriteMyHistoricClicsWithoutCrs (struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_GetAndWriteMyHistoricCrss (Rol_Role_t Role, struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_WriteRowCrsData (long CrsCod,Rol_Role_t Role, struct Rep_Report *Report, bool WriteNumUsrs); static void Rep_ShowMyHitsPerYear (bool AnyCourse,long CrsCod,Rol_Role_t Role, struct Rep_Report *Report); static void Rep_ComputeMaxAndTotalHits (struct Rep_Hits *Hits, unsigned NumHits, MYSQL_RES *mysql_res,unsigned Field); static void Rep_DrawBarNumHits (unsigned long HitsNum,unsigned long HitsMax, unsigned MaxBarWidth); static void Rep_WriteDouble (double Num); static void Rep_RemoveUsrReportsFiles (long UsrCod); /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Request my usage report (report on my use of the platform) **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Rep_ReqMyUsageReport (void) { extern const char *Hlp_ANALYTICS_Report; extern const char *Txt_Report_of_use_of_PLATFORM; extern const char *Txt_Generate_report; char *Title; /***** Form to show my usage report *****/ Frm_BeginForm (ActSeeMyUsgRep); /***** Begin box *****/ if (asprintf (&Title,Txt_Report_of_use_of_PLATFORM,Cfg_PLATFORM_SHORT_NAME) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); Box_BoxBegin (Title,NULL,NULL,Hlp_ANALYTICS_Report,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); free (Title); /***** Header *****/ Rep_TitleReport (NULL); // NULL means do not write date /***** Send button and end box *****/ Box_BoxWithButtonEnd (Btn_CONFIRM_BUTTON,Txt_Generate_report); /***** End form *****/ Frm_EndForm (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Show my usage report (report on my use of the platform) ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Rep_ShowMyUsageReport (void) { struct Rep_Report Report; /***** Create my usage report *****/ Rep_CreateMyUsageReport (&Report); /***** Put link to my usage report *****/ Rep_PutLinkToMyUsageReport (&Report); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Create my usage report (report on my use of the platform) **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_CreateMyUsageReport (struct Rep_Report *Report) { bool GetUsrFiguresAgain; /***** Get current date-time *****/ Rep_GetCurrentDateTimeUTC (Report); /***** Create a new report file *****/ Rep_CreateNewReportFile (Report); /***** Store report entry into database *****/ Rep_DB_CreateNewReport (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,Report, Cry_GetUniqueNameEncrypted ()); /***** Begin file *****/ Lay_BeginHTMLFile (Rep_File,Report->FilenameReport); fprintf (Rep_File,"\n"); /***** Header *****/ Rep_WriteHeader (Report); /***** Platform *****/ Rep_WriteSectionPlatform (); /***** Personal information *****/ Rep_WriteSectionUsrInfo (); /***** Figures *****/ Prf_GetUsrFigures (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,&Report->UsrFigures); GetUsrFiguresAgain = Prf_GetAndStoreAllUsrFigures (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, &Report->UsrFigures); if (GetUsrFiguresAgain) Prf_GetUsrFigures (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,&Report->UsrFigures); if (Report->UsrFigures.FirstClickTimeUTC) gmtime_r (&Report->UsrFigures.FirstClickTimeUTC, &Report->tm_FirstClickTime); Rep_WriteSectionUsrFigures (Report); /***** Global count of hits *****/ Rep_WriteSectionGlobalHits (Report); /***** Global hits distributed by action *****/ Rep_WriteSectionHitsPerAction (Report); /***** Current courses *****/ Rep_GetMaxHitsPerYear (Report); Rep_WriteSectionCurrentCourses (Report); /***** Historic courses *****/ Rep_WriteSectionHistoricCourses (Report); /***** End file *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"\n" "\n"); /***** Close report file *****/ fclose (Rep_File); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Put link to my usage report (report on my use of the platform) ******/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_PutLinkToMyUsageReport (struct Rep_Report *Report) { extern const char *Hlp_ANALYTICS_Report; extern const char *Txt_Report_of_use_of_PLATFORM; extern const char *Txt_Report; extern const char *Txt_This_link_will_remain_active_as_long_as_your_user_s_account_exists; char *Title; /***** Begin box *****/ if (asprintf (&Title,Txt_Report_of_use_of_PLATFORM,Cfg_PLATFORM_SHORT_NAME) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); Box_BoxBegin (Title,NULL,NULL,Hlp_ANALYTICS_Report,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); free (Title); /***** Header *****/ Rep_TitleReport (&Report->CurrentTimeUTC); /***** Put anchor and report filename *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"FILENAME_BIG CM\""); HTM_A_Begin ("href=\"%s\" class=\"FILENAME_BIG\" title=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\"", Report->Permalink, Txt_Report); Ico_PutIcon ("file-alt.svg",Ico_BLACK,Txt_Report,"ICO64x64"); HTM_BR (); HTM_Txt (Report->FilenameReport); HTM_A_End (); HTM_DIV_End (); HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"DAT_LIGHT_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_Txt (Txt_This_link_will_remain_active_as_long_as_your_user_s_account_exists); HTM_DIV_End (); /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Write title of user's usage report ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // CurrentTimeUTC == NULL ==> do not write date static void Rep_TitleReport (struct Rep_CurrentTimeUTC *CurrentTimeUTC) { extern const char *Txt_User[Usr_NUM_SEXS]; extern const char *Txt_Date; HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"TITLE_REPORT DAT_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ()); /***** User *****/ HTM_TxtColonNBSP (Txt_User[Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Sex]); HTM_SPAN_Begin ("class=\"DAT_STRONG_%s BOLD\"",The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_Txt (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.FullName); HTM_SPAN_End (); /***** Report date *****/ if (CurrentTimeUTC) { HTM_BR (); HTM_TxtColonNBSP (Txt_Date); HTM_SPAN_Begin ("class=\"DAT_STRONG_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TxtF ("%s %s UTC",CurrentTimeUTC->StrDate, CurrentTimeUTC->StrTime); HTM_SPAN_End (); } HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get current date and time in UTC **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_GetCurrentDateTimeUTC (struct Rep_Report *Report) { time_t CurrentTime; /***** Initialize to empty strings *****/ Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrDate[0] = '\0'; Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrTime[0] = '\0'; /***** Get current time UTC *****/ time (&CurrentTime); if ((gmtime_r (&CurrentTime,&Report->tm_CurrentTime)) != NULL) { /* Date and time as strings */ snprintf (Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrDate, sizeof (Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrDate),"%04d-%02d-%02d", 1900 + Report->tm_CurrentTime.tm_year, // year 1 + Report->tm_CurrentTime.tm_mon, // month Report->tm_CurrentTime.tm_mday); // day of the month snprintf (Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrTime, sizeof (Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrTime),"%02d:%02d:%02d", Report->tm_CurrentTime.tm_hour, // hours Report->tm_CurrentTime.tm_min, // minutes Report->tm_CurrentTime.tm_sec); // seconds /* Date and time as unsigned */ Report->CurrentTimeUTC.Date = (1900 + Report->tm_CurrentTime.tm_year) * 10000 + (1 + Report->tm_CurrentTime.tm_mon) * 100 + Report->tm_CurrentTime.tm_mday; Report->CurrentTimeUTC.Time = Report->tm_CurrentTime.tm_hour * 10000 + Report->tm_CurrentTime.tm_min * 100 + Report->tm_CurrentTime.tm_sec; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Create a new file for user's usage report *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_CreateNewReportFile (struct Rep_Report *Report) { char PathUniqueDirL[PATH_MAX + 1]; char PathUniqueDirR[PATH_MAX + 1 + Cry_BYTES_ENCRYPTED_STR_SHA256_BASE64 + 1]; char PathFileReport[PATH_MAX + 1 + Cry_BYTES_ENCRYPTED_STR_SHA256_BASE64 + 1 + NAME_MAX + 1]; const char *UniqueNameEncrypted = Cry_GetUniqueNameEncrypted (); char Permalink[128 + Cry_BYTES_ENCRYPTED_STR_SHA256_BASE64 + NAME_MAX]; /***** Path for reports *****/ Fil_CreateDirIfNotExists (Cfg_PATH_REP_PUBLIC); /***** Unique directory for the file with the report *****/ /* 1. Create a directory using the leftmost 2 chars of a unique name */ snprintf (PathUniqueDirL,sizeof (PathUniqueDirL),"%s/%c%c", Cfg_PATH_REP_PUBLIC, UniqueNameEncrypted[0], UniqueNameEncrypted[1]); Fil_CreateDirIfNotExists (PathUniqueDirL); /* 2. Create a directory using the rightmost 41 chars of a unique name */ snprintf (PathUniqueDirR,sizeof (PathUniqueDirR),"%s/%s", PathUniqueDirL, &UniqueNameEncrypted[2]); if (mkdir (PathUniqueDirR,(mode_t) 0xFFF)) Err_ShowErrorAndExit ("Can not create directory for report."); /***** Path of the public file with the report */ snprintf (Report->FilenameReport,sizeof (Report->FilenameReport), "%s_%06u_%06u.html", Rep_FILENAME_ROOT,Report->CurrentTimeUTC.Date,Report->CurrentTimeUTC.Time); snprintf (PathFileReport,sizeof (PathFileReport),"%s/%s", PathUniqueDirR,Report->FilenameReport); if ((Rep_File = fopen (PathFileReport,"wb")) == NULL) Err_ShowErrorAndExit ("Can not create report file."); /***** Permalink *****/ snprintf (Permalink,sizeof (Permalink),"%s/%c%c/%s/%s", Cfg_URL_REP_PUBLIC, UniqueNameEncrypted[0], UniqueNameEncrypted[1], &UniqueNameEncrypted[2], Report->FilenameReport); Str_Copy (Report->Permalink,Permalink,sizeof (Report->Permalink) - 1); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Write header of user's usage report ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_WriteHeader (const struct Rep_Report *Report) { extern const char *Txt_Report_of_use_of_PLATFORM; extern const char *Txt_User[Usr_NUM_SEXS]; extern const char *Txt_Date; extern const char *Txt_Permalink; /***** Begin header *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "

"); fprintf (Rep_File,Txt_Report_of_use_of_PLATFORM,Cfg_PLATFORM_SHORT_NAME); fprintf (Rep_File,"

" "
    "); /***** User *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s: %s
  • ", Txt_User[Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Sex], Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.FullName); /***** Date-time *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s: %s %s UTC
  • ", Txt_Date, Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrDate, Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrTime); /***** Permalink *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s: " "" "%s" "" "
  • ", Txt_Permalink, Report->Permalink,Report->Permalink); /***** End header *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "
\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Write section for platform in user's usage report *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_WriteSectionPlatform (void) { extern const char *Txt_Teaching_platform; extern const char *Txt_Name; extern const char *Txt_TAGLINE; extern const char *Txt_URL; /***** Begin section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "


", Txt_Teaching_platform); fprintf (Rep_File,"
    "); /***** Platform name *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s: %s, %s
  • ", Txt_Name, Cfg_PLATFORM_FULL_NAME,Txt_TAGLINE); /***** Server URL *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s: " "" "%s" "" "
  • ", Txt_URL,Cfg_URL_SWAD_SERVER,Cfg_URL_SWAD_SERVER); /***** End section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "
\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Write section for user's info in user's usage report ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_WriteSectionUsrInfo (void) { extern bool (*Hie_GetDataByCod[Hie_NUM_LEVELS]) (struct Hie_Node *Node); extern const char *Txt_Personal_information; extern const char *Txt_Name; extern const char *Txt_Email; extern const char *Txt_HIERARCHY_SINGUL_Abc[Hie_NUM_LEVELS]; char CtyName[Nam_MAX_BYTES_FULL_NAME + 1]; struct Hie_Node Ins; /***** Begin section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "


", Txt_Personal_information); fprintf (Rep_File,"
    "); /***** User's name *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s: %s
  • ", Txt_Name, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.FullName); /***** User's email *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s: %s
  • ", Txt_Email, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Email); /***** User's country *****/ Cty_GetCountryNameInLanguage (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.CtyCod,Gbl.Prefs.Language,CtyName); fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s: %s
  • ", Txt_HIERARCHY_SINGUL_Abc[Hie_CTY],CtyName); /***** User's institution *****/ Ins.HieCod = Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.InsCod; Hie_GetDataByCod[Hie_INS] (&Ins); fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s: %s
  • ", Txt_HIERARCHY_SINGUL_Abc[Hie_INS],Ins.FullName); /***** End section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "
\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Write section for user's figures in user's usage report ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_WriteSectionUsrFigures (const struct Rep_Report *Report) { extern const char *Txt_Figures; extern const char *Txt_TIME_Since; extern const char *Txt_TIME_until; extern const char *Txt_day; extern const char *Txt_days; extern const char *Txt_Clicks; extern const char *Txt_Files_uploaded; extern const char *Txt_file; extern const char *Txt_files; extern const char *Txt_public_FILES; extern const char *Txt_Downloads; extern const char *Txt_download; extern const char *Txt_downloads; extern const char *Txt_Forum_posts; extern const char *Txt_FORUM_post; extern const char *Txt_FORUM_posts; extern const char *Txt_Messages_sent; extern const char *Txt_message; extern const char *Txt_messages; unsigned NumFiles; unsigned NumPublicFiles; /***** Begin section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "


", Txt_Figures); fprintf (Rep_File,"
    "); /***** Time since first click until now *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s ",Txt_TIME_Since); if (Report->UsrFigures.FirstClickTimeUTC) { fprintf (Rep_File,"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC", 1900 + Report->tm_FirstClickTime.tm_year, // year 1 + Report->tm_FirstClickTime.tm_mon, // month Report->tm_FirstClickTime.tm_mday, // day of the month Report->tm_FirstClickTime.tm_hour, // hours Report->tm_FirstClickTime.tm_min, // minutes Report->tm_FirstClickTime.tm_sec); // seconds if (Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrDate[0]) fprintf (Rep_File," %s %s %s UTC", Txt_TIME_until, Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrDate, Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrTime); if (Report->UsrFigures.NumDays > 0) fprintf (Rep_File," (%d %s)", Report->UsrFigures.NumDays, (Report->UsrFigures.NumDays == 1) ? Txt_day : Txt_days); } else // Time of first click is unknown { fprintf (Rep_File,"?"); if (Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrDate[0]) fprintf (Rep_File," - %s %s UTC", Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrDate, Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrTime); } fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • "); /***** Number of clicks *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s: ",Txt_Clicks); if (Report->UsrFigures.NumClicks >= 0) { fprintf (Rep_File,"%d",Report->UsrFigures.NumClicks); if (Report->UsrFigures.NumDays > 0) { fprintf (Rep_File," ("); Rep_WriteDouble ((double) Report->UsrFigures.NumClicks / (double) Report->UsrFigures.NumDays); fprintf (Rep_File," / %s)",Txt_day); } } else // Number of clicks is unknown fprintf (Rep_File,"?"); fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • "); /***** Number of files currently published *****/ if ((NumFiles = Brw_DB_GetNumFilesUsr (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod))) NumPublicFiles = Brw_DB_GetNumPublicFilesUsr (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); else NumPublicFiles = 0; fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • " "%s: %u %s (%u %s)" "
  • ", Txt_Files_uploaded, NumFiles, (NumFiles == 1) ? Txt_file : Txt_files, NumPublicFiles,Txt_public_FILES); /***** Number of file views *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s: ",Txt_Downloads); if (Report->UsrFigures.NumFileViews >= 0) { fprintf (Rep_File,"%d %s", Report->UsrFigures.NumFileViews, (Report->UsrFigures.NumFileViews == 1) ? Txt_download : Txt_downloads); if (Report->UsrFigures.NumDays > 0) { fprintf (Rep_File," ("); Rep_WriteDouble ((double) Report->UsrFigures.NumFileViews / (double) Report->UsrFigures.NumDays); fprintf (Rep_File," / %s)",Txt_day); } } else // Number of file views is unknown fprintf (Rep_File,"?"); fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • "); /***** Number of posts in forums *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s: ",Txt_Forum_posts); if (Report->UsrFigures.NumForumPosts >= 0) { fprintf (Rep_File,"%d %s", Report->UsrFigures.NumForumPosts, (Report->UsrFigures.NumForumPosts == 1) ? Txt_FORUM_post : Txt_FORUM_posts); if (Report->UsrFigures.NumDays > 0) { fprintf (Rep_File," ("); Rep_WriteDouble ((double) Report->UsrFigures.NumForumPosts / (double) Report->UsrFigures.NumDays); fprintf (Rep_File," / %s)",Txt_day); } } else // Number of forum posts is unknown fprintf (Rep_File,"?"); fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • "); /***** Number of messages sent *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s: ",Txt_Messages_sent); if (Report->UsrFigures.NumMessagesSent >= 0) { fprintf (Rep_File,"%d %s", Report->UsrFigures.NumMessagesSent, (Report->UsrFigures.NumMessagesSent == 1) ? Txt_message : Txt_messages); if (Report->UsrFigures.NumDays > 0) { fprintf (Rep_File," ("); Rep_WriteDouble ((double) Report->UsrFigures.NumMessagesSent / (double) Report->UsrFigures.NumDays); fprintf (Rep_File," / %s)",Txt_day); } } else // Number of messages sent is unknown fprintf (Rep_File,"?"); fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • "); /***** End section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "
\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Write section for user's global hits in user's usage report ********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_WriteSectionGlobalHits (struct Rep_Report *Report) { extern const char *Txt_Hits_per_year; /***** Begin section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "


", Txt_Hits_per_year); /***** Global (in any course) hits per year *****/ Report->MaxHitsPerYear = 0; // MaxHitsPerYear not passed as an argument but computed inside the function Rep_ShowMyHitsPerYear (true,-1L, // Any course Rol_UNK, // Any role Report); /***** End section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Write section for user's global hits in user's usage report ********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_WriteSectionHitsPerAction (struct Rep_Report *Report) { extern const char *Txt_Hits_per_action; extern const char *Txt_Other_actions; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumHits; unsigned NumHit; long ActCod; Act_Action_t Action; const char *TabTxt; unsigned long NumClicks; /***** Begin section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "


", Txt_Hits_per_action); /***** Make the query *****/ NumHits = Log_DB_GetMyClicksGroupedByAction (&mysql_res, Report->UsrFigures.FirstClickTimeUTC, Rep_MAX_ACTIONS); /***** Compute maximum number of hits per action *****/ Rep_ComputeMaxAndTotalHits (&Report->Hits,NumHits,mysql_res,1); mysql_data_seek (mysql_res,0); /***** Write rows *****/ for (NumHit = 1, NumClicks = 0; NumHit <= NumHits; NumHit++) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get the action (row[0]) */ ActCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); /* Get number of hits (row[1]) */ if (sscanf (row[1],"%lu",&Report->Hits.Num) != 1) Report->Hits.Num = 0; NumClicks += Report->Hits.Num; /* Draw bar proportional to number of hits */ Rep_DrawBarNumHits (Report->Hits.Num,Report->Hits.Max,Rep_MAX_BAR_WIDTH); /* Write action text */ fprintf (Rep_File," "); if (ActCod >= 0) { /* Get action from permanent action code */ Action = Act_GetActionFromActCod (ActCod); TabTxt = Tab_GetTxt (Act_GetTab (Action)); if (TabTxt) fprintf (Rep_File,"%s > ",TabTxt); fprintf (Rep_File,"%s",Act_GetActionText (Action)); } else fprintf (Rep_File,"?"); fprintf (Rep_File,"
"); } /***** Draw bar for the rest of the clicks *****/ if ((unsigned long) Report->UsrFigures.NumClicks > NumClicks) { fprintf (Rep_File,"%ld %s", Report->UsrFigures.NumClicks - NumClicks, Txt_Other_actions); fprintf (Rep_File,"
"); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); /***** End section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Write section for user's current courses in user's usage report ******/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_WriteSectionCurrentCourses (struct Rep_Report *Report) { extern const char *Txt_HIERARCHY_PLURAL_Abc[Hie_NUM_LEVELS]; Rol_Role_t Role; /***** Begin section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "

%s", Txt_HIERARCHY_PLURAL_Abc[Hie_CRS]); if (Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrDate[0]) fprintf (Rep_File," (%s)",Report->CurrentTimeUTC.StrDate); fprintf (Rep_File,"

"); fprintf (Rep_File,"
    "); /***** Number of courses in which the user is student/teacher *****/ for (Role = Rol_STD; Role <= Rol_TCH; Role++) /* List my courses with this role */ Rep_GetAndWriteMyCurrentCrss (Role,Report); /***** End section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "
\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***** Write section for user's historic courses in user's usage report ******/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_WriteSectionHistoricCourses (struct Rep_Report *Report) { extern const char *Txt_HIERARCHY_PLURAL_Abc[Hie_NUM_LEVELS]; extern const char *Txt_historical_log; extern const char *Txt_Only_courses_with_more_than_X_clicks_are_shown; Rol_Role_t Role; /***** Begin section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "

%s (%s)

", Txt_HIERARCHY_PLURAL_Abc[Hie_CRS],Txt_historical_log); fprintf (Rep_File,Txt_Only_courses_with_more_than_X_clicks_are_shown, Rep_MIN_CLICKS_CRS); fprintf (Rep_File,"
    "); /********* Historic clicks of a user without course selected ***********/ Rep_GetAndWriteMyHistoricClicsWithoutCrs (Report); /***** Historic courses in which the user clicked as student/teacher *****/ for (Role = Rol_STD; Role <= Rol_TCH; Role++) /* List my courses with this role */ Rep_GetAndWriteMyHistoricCrss (Role,Report); /***** End section *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
" "
\n"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Get the maximum number of hits per course-year-role ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_GetMaxHitsPerYear (struct Rep_Report *Report) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; Report->MaxHitsPerYear = 0; /***** Get the maximum number of hits per year *****/ if (Log_DB_GetMyMaxHitsPerYear (&mysql_res,Report->UsrFigures.FirstClickTimeUTC)) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); if (row[0]) // There are questions if (sscanf (row[0],"%lu",&Report->MaxHitsPerYear) != 1) Err_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error when getting maximum hits."); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Write my current courses **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_GetAndWriteMyCurrentCrss (Rol_Role_t Role, struct Rep_Report *Report) { extern const char *Txt_USER_in_COURSE; extern const char *Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_Abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS]; extern const char *Txt_HIERARCHY_SINGUL_abc[Hie_NUM_LEVELS]; extern const char *Txt_HIERARCHY_PLURAL_abc[Hie_NUM_LEVELS]; extern const char *Txt_teachers_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_students_ABBREVIATION; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumCrss; unsigned NumCrs; long CrsCod; NumCrss = Enr_DB_GetNumCrssOfUsrWithARole (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,Role); fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • "); fprintf (Rep_File,Txt_USER_in_COURSE, Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_Abc[Role][Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Sex]); fprintf (Rep_File," %u %s", NumCrss, NumCrss == 1 ? Txt_HIERARCHY_SINGUL_abc[Hie_CRS] : Txt_HIERARCHY_PLURAL_abc[Hie_CRS]); if (NumCrss) { fprintf (Rep_File," (%u %s / %u %s):", Enr_DB_GetNumUsrsInCrssOfAUsr (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,Role, (1 << Rol_NET) | (1 << Rol_TCH)), Txt_teachers_ABBREVIATION, Enr_DB_GetNumUsrsInCrssOfAUsr (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,Role, (1 << Rol_STD)), Txt_students_ABBREVIATION); /***** Get and list my courses (one row per course) *****/ if ((NumCrss = Log_DB_GetMyCrssAndHitsPerCrs (&mysql_res,Role))) { /* Heading row */ fprintf (Rep_File,"
      "); /* Write courses */ for (NumCrs = 1; NumCrs <= NumCrss; NumCrs++) { /* Get next course */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get course code (row[0]) */ CrsCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); /* Write data of this course */ Rep_WriteRowCrsData (CrsCod,Role,Report, true); // Write number of users in course } /* End table */ fprintf (Rep_File,"
    "); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • "); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Write my historic clicks without course selected **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_GetAndWriteMyHistoricClicsWithoutCrs (struct Rep_Report *Report) { extern const char *Txt_Hits_without_course_selected; /***** Heading row *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • %s:" "
      ", Txt_Hits_without_course_selected); /***** Historic clicks *****/ Rep_WriteRowCrsData (-1L, Rol_UNK, // Role does not matter Report, false); // Do not write number of users in course /***** End list *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
    " "
  • "); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Write historic courses of a user *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_GetAndWriteMyHistoricCrss (Rol_Role_t Role, struct Rep_Report *Report) { extern const char *Txt_Hits_as_a_USER; extern const char *Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumCrss; unsigned NumCrs; long CrsCod; /***** Get and list historic courses of a user from log (one row per course) *****/ if ((NumCrss = Log_DB_GetMyHistoricCrss (&mysql_res,Role,Rep_MIN_CLICKS_CRS))) { /* Heading row */ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • "); fprintf (Rep_File,Txt_Hits_as_a_USER, Txt_ROLES_SINGUL_abc[Role][Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Sex]); fprintf (Rep_File,":
      "); /* Write courses */ for (NumCrs = 1; NumCrs <= NumCrss; NumCrs++) { /* Get next course */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get course code (row[0]) */ CrsCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); /* Write data of this course */ Rep_WriteRowCrsData (CrsCod,Role,Report, false); // Do not write number of users in course } /* End list */ fprintf (Rep_File,"
    " "
  • "); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Write the data of a course (result of a query) ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_WriteRowCrsData (long CrsCod,Rol_Role_t Role, struct Rep_Report *Report, bool WriteNumUsrs) { extern bool (*Hie_GetDataByCod[Hie_NUM_LEVELS]) (struct Hie_Node *Node); extern const char *Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[1 + Deg_MAX_YEARS_PER_DEGREE]; extern const char *Txt_teachers_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_students_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_unknown_removed_course; extern const char *Txt_no_course_selected; struct Hie_Node Crs; struct Hie_Node Deg; /***** Get course data *****/ Crs.HieCod = CrsCod; Hie_GetDataByCod[Hie_CRS] (&Crs); /***** Get degree data *****/ Deg.HieCod = Crs.PrtCod; Hie_GetDataByCod[Hie_DEG] (&Deg); /***** Begin row *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • "); if (CrsCod > 0) // CrsCod > 0 in log ==> course selected { if (Crs.HieCod > 0) // Course exists { /***** Write course full name *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"%s -",Crs.FullName); /***** Write year *****/ if (Crs.Specific.Year) fprintf (Rep_File," %s",Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[Crs.Specific.Year]); /***** Write degree full name *****/ fprintf (Rep_File," %s",Deg.FullName); /***** Write number of teachers / students in course *****/ if (WriteNumUsrs) fprintf (Rep_File," (%u %s / %u %s)", Enr_GetCachedNumUsrsInCrss (Hie_CRS,Crs.HieCod, 1 << Rol_NET | 1 << Rol_TCH), Txt_teachers_ABBREVIATION, Enr_GetCachedNumUsrsInCrss (Hie_CRS,Crs.HieCod, 1 << Rol_STD), Txt_students_ABBREVIATION); } else fprintf (Rep_File,"(%s)",Txt_unknown_removed_course); } else // CrsCod <= 0 in log ==> no course selected fprintf (Rep_File,"(%s)",Txt_no_course_selected); /***** Write hits per year for this course *****/ fprintf (Rep_File,"
    "); Rep_ShowMyHitsPerYear (false,CrsCod,Role,Report); fprintf (Rep_File,"
  • "); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Write my hits grouped by years ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_ShowMyHitsPerYear (bool AnyCourse,long CrsCod,Rol_Role_t Role, struct Rep_Report *Report) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumHits; unsigned NumHit; unsigned ReadYear; unsigned FirstYear; unsigned LastYear; unsigned Year; /***** Make the query *****/ NumHits = Log_DB_GetMyHitsPerYear (&mysql_res,AnyCourse,CrsCod,Role, Report->UsrFigures.FirstClickTimeUTC); /***** Initialize first year *****/ FirstYear = 1900 + Report->tm_FirstClickTime.tm_year; /***** Initialize LastYear *****/ LastYear = Dat_GetCurrentYear (); /***** Set maximum number of hits per year *****/ if (Report->MaxHitsPerYear) /* Set maximum number of hits per year from parameter */ Report->Hits.Max = Report->MaxHitsPerYear; else { /* Compute maximum number of hits per year */ Rep_ComputeMaxAndTotalHits (&Report->Hits,NumHits,mysql_res,1); mysql_data_seek (mysql_res,0); } /***** Write rows *****/ for (NumHit = 1; NumHit <= NumHits; NumHit++) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get the year (in row[0] is the date in YYYY format) */ if (sscanf (row[0],"%04u",&ReadYear) != 1) Err_WrongDateExit (); /* Get number hits (in row[1]) */ if (sscanf (row[1],"%lu",&Report->Hits.Num) != 1) Report->Hits.Num = 0; for (Year = LastYear; Year >= ReadYear; Year--) { /* Write the year */ fprintf (Rep_File,"%04u ",Year); /* Draw bar proportional to number of hits */ Rep_DrawBarNumHits (Year == ReadYear ? Report->Hits.Num : 0, Report->Hits.Max,Rep_MAX_BAR_WIDTH); fprintf (Rep_File,"
    "); } LastYear = Year; } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); /***** Finally, show the oldest years without clicks *****/ for (Year = LastYear; Year >= FirstYear; Year--) { /* Write the year */ fprintf (Rep_File,"%04u ",Year); /* Draw bar proportional to number of hits */ Rep_DrawBarNumHits (0,Report->Hits.Max,Rep_MAX_BAR_WIDTH); fprintf (Rep_File,"
    "); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Compute maximum and total number of hits ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_ComputeMaxAndTotalHits (struct Rep_Hits *Hits, unsigned NumHits, MYSQL_RES *mysql_res,unsigned Field) { unsigned NumHit; MYSQL_ROW row; /***** For each row... *****/ for (NumHit = 1, Hits->Max = 0; NumHit <= NumHits; NumHit++) { /* Get row */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get number of hits */ if (sscanf (row[Field],"%lu",&Hits->Num) != 1) Hits->Num = 0; /* Update maximum hits */ if (Hits->Num > Hits->Max) Hits->Max = Hits->Num; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Draw a bar with the number of hits ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_DrawBarNumHits (unsigned long HitsNum,unsigned long HitsMax, unsigned MaxBarWidth) { unsigned BarWidth; unsigned i; if (HitsNum) { /***** Draw bar with a with proportional to the number of hits *****/ BarWidth = (unsigned) ((((double) HitsNum * (double) MaxBarWidth) / (double) HitsMax) + 0.5); if (BarWidth) { fprintf (Rep_File,""); for (i = 0; i < BarWidth; i++) fprintf (Rep_File,Rep_BLOCK); fprintf (Rep_File,""); } /***** Write the number of hits *****/ fprintf (Rep_File," "); Rep_WriteDouble (HitsNum); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Remove all user's usage report of a user from database ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_WriteDouble (double Num) { char *Str; /***** Write from floating point number to string with the correct accuracy *****/ Str_DoubleNumToStrFewDigits (&Str,Num); /***** Write number from string to file *****/ fputs (Str,Rep_File); /***** Free memory allocated for string *****/ free (Str); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Remove all user's usage report of a user from database ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Rep_RemoveUsrUsageReports (long UsrCod) { /***** Remove all user's usage report files of a user *****/ Rep_RemoveUsrReportsFiles (UsrCod); /***** Remove all user's usage reports of a user from database *****/ Rep_DB_RemoveUsrReports (UsrCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Remove all user's usage reports of a user from database **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Rep_RemoveUsrReportsFiles (long UsrCod) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumReports; unsigned NumReport; char PathUniqueDirReport[PATH_MAX + 1]; /***** Get directories for the reports *****/ NumReports = Rep_DB_GetUsrReportsFiles (&mysql_res,UsrCod); /***** Remove the reports *****/ for (NumReport = 0; NumReport < NumReports; NumReport++) { /* Get next report */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Remove report directory and file */ snprintf (PathUniqueDirReport,sizeof (PathUniqueDirReport),"%s/%s/%s", Cfg_PATH_REP_PUBLIC,row[0],row[1]); Fil_RemoveTree (PathUniqueDirReport); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); }