// swad_cookies.c: user's preferences about cookies /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************* Headers ***********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define _GNU_SOURCE // For asprintf #include // For asprintf #include // For free #include "swad_action_list.h" #include "swad_box.h" #include "swad_cookie.h" #include "swad_cookie_database.h" #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_error.h" #include "swad_figure.h" #include "swad_form.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_HTML.h" #include "swad_layout.h" #include "swad_parameter.h" #include "swad_setting.h" #include "swad_user_database.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Coo_PutIconsCookies (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args); /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Edit my preferences on cookies ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Coo_EditMyPrefsOnCookies (void) { extern const char *Hlp_PROFILE_Settings_cookies; extern const char *Txt_Cookies; extern const char *Txt_Accept_third_party_cookies_to_view_multimedia_content_from_other_websites; /***** Begin section with preferences about cookies *****/ HTM_SECTION_Begin (Coo_COOKIES_ID); /***** Begin box and table *****/ Box_BoxTableBegin (Txt_Cookies,Coo_PutIconsCookies,NULL, Hlp_PROFILE_Settings_cookies,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE,2); /***** Edit my preference about cookies *****/ /* Begin form */ Frm_BeginFormAnchor (ActChgCooPrf,Coo_COOKIES_ID); /* Begin container */ switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Prefs.RefuseAcceptCookies) { case Coo_REFUSE: HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"DAT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); break; case Coo_ACCEPT: HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"DAT_STRONG_%s BG_HIGHLIGHT\"", The_GetSuffix ()); break; } /* Check box */ HTM_LABEL_Begin (NULL); HTM_INPUT_CHECKBOX ("cookies", ((Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Prefs.RefuseAcceptCookies == Coo_ACCEPT) ? HTM_CHECKED : HTM_NO_ATTR) | HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "value=\"Y\""); HTM_Txt (Txt_Accept_third_party_cookies_to_view_multimedia_content_from_other_websites); HTM_LABEL_End (); /* End container */ HTM_DIV_End (); /* End form */ Frm_EndForm (); /***** End table and box *****/ Box_BoxTableEnd (); /***** End section with preferences about cookies *****/ HTM_SECTION_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Put contextual icons in cookies preference ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Coo_PutIconsCookies (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args) { /***** Put icon to show a figure *****/ Fig_PutIconToShowFigure (Fig_COOKIES); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Change my preference about third party cookies ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Coo_ChangeMyPrefsCookies (void) { /***** Get param with preference about third party cookies *****/ Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Prefs.RefuseAcceptCookies = Par_GetParBool ("cookies") ? Coo_ACCEPT : Coo_REFUSE; /***** Store preference in database *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Logged) Coo_DB_UpdateMyPrefsCookies (); /***** Show forms again *****/ Set_EditSettings (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** Get and show number of users who have chosen a preference about cookies **/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Coo_GetAndShowNumUsrsPerCookies (void) { extern const char *Hlp_ANALYTICS_Figures_cookies; extern const char *Txt_Do_not_accept_third_party_cookies; extern const char *Txt_Accept_third_party_cookies; extern const char *Txt_FIGURE_TYPES[Fig_NUM_FIGURES]; extern const char *Txt_Cookies; extern const char *Txt_Number_of_users; extern const char *Txt_PERCENT_of_users; static struct { const char InDB; const char *Icon; Ico_Color_t Color; const char **Title; } Accepted[Coo_NUM_REFUSE_ACCEPT] = { [Coo_REFUSE] = { .InDB = 'N', .Icon = "times.svg", .Color = Ico_RED, .Title = &Txt_Do_not_accept_third_party_cookies }, [Coo_ACCEPT] = { .InDB = 'Y', .Icon = "check.svg", .Color = Ico_GREEN, .Title = &Txt_Accept_third_party_cookies } }; Coo_RefuseAccept_t RefAcc; char *SubQuery; unsigned NumUsrs[Mnu_NUM_MENUS]; unsigned NumUsrsTotal = 0; /***** Begin box and table *****/ Box_BoxTableBegin (Txt_FIGURE_TYPES[Fig_COOKIES],NULL,NULL, Hlp_ANALYTICS_Figures_cookies,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE,2); /***** Heading row *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TH (Txt_Cookies ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT); HTM_TH (Txt_Number_of_users ,HTM_HEAD_RIGHT); HTM_TH (Txt_PERCENT_of_users,HTM_HEAD_RIGHT); HTM_TR_End (); /***** For each option... *****/ for (RefAcc = (Coo_RefuseAccept_t) 0; RefAcc < (Coo_RefuseAccept_t) (Coo_NUM_REFUSE_ACCEPT - 1); RefAcc++) { /* Get number of users who have chosen this menu from database */ if (asprintf (&SubQuery,"usr_data.ThirdPartyCookies='%c'", Accepted[RefAcc].InDB) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); NumUsrs[RefAcc] = Usr_DB_GetNumUsrsWhoChoseAnOption (SubQuery); free (SubQuery); /* Update total number of users */ NumUsrsTotal += NumUsrs[RefAcc]; } /***** Write number of users who have chosen each option *****/ for (RefAcc = (Coo_RefuseAccept_t) 0; RefAcc < (Coo_RefuseAccept_t) (Coo_NUM_REFUSE_ACCEPT - 1); RefAcc++) { HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CM\""); Ico_PutIcon (Accepted[RefAcc].Icon,Accepted[RefAcc].Color, *Accepted[RefAcc].Title,"ICOx16"); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_Unsigned (NumUsrs[RefAcc]); HTM_TD_Percentage (NumUsrs[RefAcc],NumUsrsTotal); HTM_TR_End (); } /***** End table and box *****/ Box_BoxTableEnd (); }