// swad_follow.c: user's followers and followed /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General 3 License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************************** Headers *********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include // For boolean type #include // For sprintf #include // For string functions #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_follow.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_notification.h" #include "swad_profile.h" #include "swad_user.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Public constants *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private constants *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define Fol_NUM_COLUMNS_FOLLOW 3 /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Internal types *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Internal global variables *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Fol_ShowNumberOfFollowingOrFollowers (const struct UsrData *UsrDat, unsigned NumUsrs, Act_Action_t Action, const char *Title); static void Fol_ShowFollowedOrFollower (const struct UsrData *UsrDat); /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Check if a user is a follower of another user ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ bool Fol_CheckUsrIsFollowerOf (long FollowerCod,long FollowedCod) { char Query[256]; if (FollowerCod == FollowedCod) return false; /***** Check if a user is a follower of another user *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usr_follow" " WHERE FollowerCod='%ld' AND FollowedCod='%ld'", FollowerCod,FollowedCod); return (DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not get if a user is a follower of another one") != 0); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************************** Get number of followed **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Fol_GetNumFollowing (long UsrCod) { char Query[128]; /***** Check if a user is a follower of another user *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usr_follow WHERE FollowerCod='%ld'", UsrCod); return DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not get number of followed"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Get number of followers **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Fol_GetNumFollowers (long UsrCod) { char Query[128]; /***** Check if a user is a follower of another user *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usr_follow WHERE FollowedCod='%ld'", UsrCod); return DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not get number of followers"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Show following and followers of a user *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Fol_ShowFollowingAndFollowers (const struct UsrData *UsrDat, unsigned NumFollowing,unsigned NumFollowers, bool UsrFollowsMe,bool IFollowUsr) { extern const char *Txt_Following; extern const char *Txt_Followers; extern const char *Txt_Following_unfollow; extern const char *Txt_Unfollow; extern const char *Txt_Follow; bool ItsMe = (UsrDat->UsrCod == Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); /***** Start section *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /***** Followed users *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
" "
"); /* User follows me? */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); if (UsrFollowsMe) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"TE SIGUE"); // Need translation!!!! fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /* Number of followed */ Fol_ShowNumberOfFollowingOrFollowers (UsrDat, NumFollowing, ActSeeFlg,Txt_Following); /* End following side */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
" "
"); /***** Followers *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
" "
"); /* Number of followers */ Fol_ShowNumberOfFollowingOrFollowers (UsrDat, NumFollowers, ActSeeFlr,Txt_Followers); /* I follow user? */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); if (!ItsMe) { if (IFollowUsr) { Act_FormStart (ActUnfUsr); Usr_PutParamUsrCodEncrypted (UsrDat->EncryptedUsrCod); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Txt_Following_unfollow,"REC_DAT_BOLD"); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
" "\"%s\"" "
" "", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Txt_Unfollow,Txt_Following_unfollow); Act_FormEnd (); } else // I do not follow user { Act_FormStart (ActFolUsr); Usr_PutParamUsrCodEncrypted (UsrDat->EncryptedUsrCod); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Txt_Follow,"REC_DAT_BOLD"); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
" "\"%s\"" "
" "", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Txt_Follow,Txt_Follow); Act_FormEnd (); } } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /* End followers side */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
" "
"); /***** End section *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Show following and followers of a user *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Fol_ShowNumberOfFollowingOrFollowers (const struct UsrData *UsrDat, unsigned NumUsrs, Act_Action_t Action, const char *Title) { extern const char *The_ClassForm[The_NUM_THEMES]; extern const char *The_ClassFormBold[The_NUM_THEMES]; /***** Start container *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /***** Number *****/ if (NumUsrs) { /* Form to list users */ Act_FormStartAnchor (Action,"follow_section"); Usr_PutParamUsrCodEncrypted (UsrDat->EncryptedUsrCod); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Title, (Gbl.CurrentAct == Action) ? "FOLLOW_NUM_B" : "FOLLOW_NUM"); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", (Gbl.CurrentAct == Action) ? "FOLLOW_NUM_B" : "FOLLOW_NUM"); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%u",NumUsrs); if (NumUsrs) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Act_FormEnd (); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /***** Text *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
", (Gbl.CurrentAct == Action) ? The_ClassFormBold[Gbl.Prefs.Theme] : The_ClassForm[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); if (NumUsrs) { /* Form to list users */ Act_FormStartAnchor (Action,"follow_section"); Usr_PutParamUsrCodEncrypted (UsrDat->EncryptedUsrCod); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Title, (Gbl.CurrentAct == Action) ? The_ClassFormBold[Gbl.Prefs.Theme] : The_ClassForm[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s",Title); if (NumUsrs) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Act_FormEnd (); } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /***** End container *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** List followed users ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Fol_ListFollowing (void) { extern const char *Txt_User_not_found_or_you_do_not_have_permission_; char Query[256]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumUsrs; unsigned NumUsr; struct UsrData UsrDat; /***** Get user to view user he/she follows *****/ if (Usr_GetParamOtherUsrCodEncryptedAndGetUsrData ()) { /***** Show user's profile *****/ if (Prf_ShowUserProfile ()) { /***** Check if a user is a follower of another user *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT FollowedCod FROM usr_follow" " WHERE FollowerCod='%ld' ORDER BY FollowTime DESC", Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod); NumUsrs = (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get followed users"); if (NumUsrs) { /***** Initialize structure with user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataConstructor (&UsrDat); /***** Start listing *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); for (NumUsr = 0; NumUsr < NumUsrs; NumUsr++) { /***** Get user *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get user's code (row[0]) */ UsrDat.UsrCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); /***** Show user *****/ if ((NumUsr % Fol_NUM_COLUMNS_FOLLOW) == 0) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (Usr_ChkUsrCodAndGetAllUsrDataFromUsrCod (&UsrDat)) Fol_ShowFollowedOrFollower (&UsrDat); if ((NumUsr % Fol_NUM_COLUMNS_FOLLOW) == (Fol_NUM_COLUMNS_FOLLOW-1) || NumUsr == NumUsrs - 1) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } /***** End listing *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /***** Free memory used for user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataDestructor (&UsrDat); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_User_not_found_or_you_do_not_have_permission_); } else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_User_not_found_or_you_do_not_have_permission_); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************* List followers ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Fol_ListFollowers (void) { extern const char *Txt_User_not_found_or_you_do_not_have_permission_; char Query[256]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumUsrs; unsigned NumUsr; struct UsrData UsrDat; /***** Get user to view user he/she follows *****/ Usr_GetParamOtherUsrCodEncrypted (); if (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod <= 0) // If user not specified, view my profile Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod = Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod; /***** Check if user exists and get his data *****/ if (Usr_ChkUsrCodAndGetAllUsrDataFromUsrCod (&Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat)) { /***** Show user's profile *****/ if (Prf_ShowUserProfile ()) { /***** Check if a user is a follower of another user *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT FollowerCod FROM usr_follow" " WHERE FollowedCod='%ld' ORDER BY FollowTime DESC", Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod); NumUsrs = (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get followers"); if (NumUsrs) { /***** Initialize structure with user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataConstructor (&UsrDat); /***** Start listing *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); for (NumUsr = 0; NumUsr < NumUsrs; NumUsr++) { /***** Get user and number of clicks *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get user's code (row[0]) */ UsrDat.UsrCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); /***** Show user *****/ if ((NumUsr % Fol_NUM_COLUMNS_FOLLOW) == 0) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (Usr_ChkUsrCodAndGetAllUsrDataFromUsrCod (&UsrDat)) Fol_ShowFollowedOrFollower (&UsrDat); if ((NumUsr % Fol_NUM_COLUMNS_FOLLOW) == (Fol_NUM_COLUMNS_FOLLOW-1) || NumUsr == NumUsrs - 1) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } /***** End listing *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /***** Free memory used for user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataDestructor (&UsrDat); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); /***** If it's me, mark possible notification as seen *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod == Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod) Ntf_SetNotifAsSeen (Ntf_EVENT_FOLLOWER,-1L, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); } else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_User_not_found_or_you_do_not_have_permission_); } else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_User_not_found_or_you_do_not_have_permission_); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Show followed or follower *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Fol_ShowFollowedOrFollower (const struct UsrData *UsrDat) { extern const char *Txt_View_public_profile; extern const char *Txt_Following_unfollow; extern const char *Txt_Unfollow; extern const char *Txt_Follow; bool ShowPhoto; char PhotoURL[PATH_MAX+1]; bool Visible = Pri_ShowIsAllowed (UsrDat->ProfileVisibility,UsrDat->UsrCod); /***** Put form to follow / unfollow *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (Visible && Gbl.Usrs.Me.Logged && Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod != UsrDat->UsrCod) { if (Fol_CheckUsrIsFollowerOf (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,UsrDat->UsrCod)) // I follow user { Act_FormStart (ActUnfUsr); Usr_PutParamUsrCodEncrypted (UsrDat->EncryptedUsrCod); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Txt_Following_unfollow,NULL); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
" "\"%s\"" "
" "", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Txt_Unfollow,Txt_Following_unfollow); Act_FormEnd (); } else // I do not follow this user { Act_FormStart (ActFolUsr); Usr_PutParamUsrCodEncrypted (UsrDat->EncryptedUsrCod); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Txt_Follow,NULL); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
" "\"%s\"" "
" "", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Txt_Follow,Txt_Follow); Act_FormEnd (); } } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /***** Check if I can see the public profile *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (Visible) { /***** User's photo *****/ ShowPhoto = Pho_ShowUsrPhotoIsAllowed (UsrDat,PhotoURL); Pho_ShowUsrPhoto (UsrDat,ShowPhoto ? PhotoURL : NULL, "PHOTO45x60",Pho_ZOOM); } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /***** Put form to go to public profile *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (Visible && UsrDat->Nickname[0]) { Act_FormStart (ActSeePubPrf); Usr_PutParamUsrCodEncrypted (UsrDat->EncryptedUsrCod); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Txt_View_public_profile,"DAT"); Usr_RestrictLengthAndWriteName (UsrDat,8); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Act_FormEnd (); } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Follow another user ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Fol_FollowUsr (void) { extern const char *Txt_User_not_found_or_you_do_not_have_permission_; char Query[256]; bool CreateNotif; bool NotifyByEmail; bool Error; /***** Get user to be followed *****/ if (Usr_GetParamOtherUsrCodEncryptedAndGetUsrData ()) { // Follow only if I can view his/her public profile if (Pri_ShowIsAllowed (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.ProfileVisibility,Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod)) // Follow only if I do not follow him/her if (!Fol_CheckUsrIsFollowerOf (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod)) { /***** Follow user in database *****/ sprintf (Query,"REPLACE INTO usr_follow" " (FollowerCod,FollowedCod,FollowTime)" " VALUES ('%ld','%ld',NOW())", Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod); DB_QueryREPLACE (Query,"can not follow user"); /***** This follow must be notified by e-mail? *****/ CreateNotif = (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.Prefs.NotifNtfEvents & (1 << Ntf_EVENT_FOLLOWER)); NotifyByEmail = CreateNotif && (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.Prefs.EmailNtfEvents & (1 << Ntf_EVENT_FOLLOWER)); /***** Create notification for this followed. If this followed wants to receive notifications by e-mail, activate the sending of a notification *****/ if (CreateNotif) Ntf_StoreNotifyEventToOneUser (Ntf_EVENT_FOLLOWER,&Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat,-1L, (Ntf_Status_t) (NotifyByEmail ? Ntf_STATUS_BIT_EMAIL : 0)); } /***** Show user's profile again *****/ Error = !Prf_ShowUserProfile (); } else Error = true; if (Error) Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_User_not_found_or_you_do_not_have_permission_); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Unfollow another user *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Fol_UnfollowUsr (void) { extern const char *Txt_User_not_found_or_you_do_not_have_permission_; char Query[256]; bool Error; /***** Get user to be unfollowed *****/ if (Usr_GetParamOtherUsrCodEncryptedAndGetUsrData ()) { // Unfollow only if I follow him/her if (Fol_CheckUsrIsFollowerOf (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod)) { /***** Follow user in database *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM usr_follow" " WHERE FollowerCod='%ld' AND FollowedCod='%ld'", Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod); DB_QueryREPLACE (Query,"can not unfollow user"); } /***** Show user's profile again *****/ Error = !Prf_ShowUserProfile (); } else Error = true; if (Error) Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_User_not_found_or_you_do_not_have_permission_); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Get and show ranking of users attending to number of followers *******/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Fol_GetAndShowRankingFollowers (void) { char Query[512]; /***** Get ranking from database *****/ switch (Gbl.Scope.Current) { case Sco_SCOPE_SYS: sprintf (Query,"SELECT FollowedCod,COUNT(FollowerCod) AS N" " FROM usr_follow" " GROUP BY FollowedCod" " ORDER BY N DESC,FollowedCod LIMIT 100"); break; case Sco_SCOPE_CTY: sprintf (Query,"SELECT DISTINCTROW usr_follow.FollowedCod,COUNT(usr_follow.FollowerCod) AS N" " FROM institutions,centres,degrees,courses,crs_usr,usr_follow" " WHERE institutions.CtyCod='%ld'" " AND institutions.InsCod=centres.InsCod" " AND centres.CtrCod=degrees.CtrCod" " AND degrees.DegCod=courses.DegCod" " AND courses.CrsCod=crs_usr.CrsCod" " AND crs_usr.UsrCod=usr_follow.FollowedCod" " GROUP BY usr_follow.FollowedCod" " ORDER BY N DESC,usr_follow.FollowedCod LIMIT 100", Gbl.CurrentCty.Cty.CtyCod); break; case Sco_SCOPE_INS: sprintf (Query,"SELECT DISTINCTROW usr_follow.FollowedCod,COUNT(usr_follow.FollowerCod) AS N" " FROM centres,degrees,courses,crs_usr,usr_follow" " WHERE centres.InsCod='%ld'" " AND centres.CtrCod=degrees.CtrCod" " AND degrees.DegCod=courses.DegCod" " AND courses.CrsCod=crs_usr.CrsCod" " AND crs_usr.UsrCod=usr_follow.FollowedCod" " GROUP BY usr_follow.FollowedCod" " ORDER BY N DESC,usr_follow.FollowedCod LIMIT 100", Gbl.CurrentIns.Ins.InsCod); break; case Sco_SCOPE_CTR: sprintf (Query,"SELECT DISTINCTROW usr_follow.FollowedCod,COUNT(usr_follow.FollowerCod) AS N" " FROM degrees,courses,crs_usr,usr_follow" " WHERE degrees.CtrCod='%ld'" " AND degrees.DegCod=courses.DegCod" " AND courses.CrsCod=crs_usr.CrsCod" " AND crs_usr.UsrCod=usr_follow.FollowedCod" " GROUP BY usr_follow.FollowedCod" " ORDER BY N DESC,usr_follow.FollowedCod LIMIT 100", Gbl.CurrentCtr.Ctr.CtrCod); break; case Sco_SCOPE_DEG: sprintf (Query,"SELECT DISTINCTROW usr_follow.FollowedCod,COUNT(usr_follow.FollowerCod) AS N" " FROM courses,crs_usr,usr_follow" " WHERE courses.DegCod='%ld'" " AND courses.CrsCod=crs_usr.CrsCod" " AND crs_usr.UsrCod=usr_follow.FollowedCod" " GROUP BY usr_follow.FollowedCod" " ORDER BY N DESC,usr_follow.FollowedCod LIMIT 100", Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.DegCod); break; case Sco_SCOPE_CRS: sprintf (Query,"SELECT DISTINCTROW usr_follow.FollowedCod,COUNT(usr_follow.FollowerCod) AS N" " FROM crs_usr,usr_follow" " WHERE crs_usr.CrsCod='%ld'" " AND crs_usr.UsrCod=usr_follow.FollowedCod" " GROUP BY usr_follow.FollowedCod" " ORDER BY N DESC,usr_follow.FollowedCod LIMIT 100", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); break; default: Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong scope."); break; } Prf_ShowRankingFigure (Query); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get notification of a new follower ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // This function may be called inside a web service, so don't report error void Fol_GetNotifFollower (char *SummaryStr,char **ContentStr) { SummaryStr[0] = '\0'; if ((*ContentStr = (char *) malloc (1))) strcpy (*ContentStr,""); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Remove user from user follow ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Fol_RemoveUsrFromUsrFollow (long UsrCod) { char Query[128]; sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM usr_follow" " WHERE FollowerCod='%ld' OR FollowedCod='%ld'", UsrCod,UsrCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove user from followers and followed"); }