// swad_survey_database.c: surveys, operations with database /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2021 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************* Headers ***********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define _GNU_SOURCE // For asprintf #include // For asprintf #include // For free #include // For string functions #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_error.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_survey.h" #include "swad_survey_database.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private constants *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ const char *Svy_DB_StrAnswerTypes[Svy_NUM_ANS_TYPES] = { [Svy_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE ] = "unique_choice", [Svy_ANS_MULTIPLE_CHOICE] = "multiple_choice", }; /*****************************************************************************/ /*************************** Create a new survey *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ long Svy_DB_CreateSurvey (const struct Svy_Survey *Svy,const char *Txt) { return DB_QueryINSERTandReturnCode ("can not create new survey", "INSERT INTO svy_surveys" " (Scope,Cod,Hidden,Roles,UsrCod," "StartTime,EndTime," "Title,Txt)" " VALUES" " ('%s',%ld,'N',%u,%ld," "FROM_UNIXTIME(%ld),FROM_UNIXTIME(%ld)," "'%s','%s')", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (Svy->Scope), Svy->Cod, Svy->Roles, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Svy->TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME], Svy->TimeUTC[Dat_END_TIME], Svy->Title, Txt); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Update an existing survey *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_UpdateSurvey (const struct Svy_Survey *Svy,const char *Txt) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update survey", "UPDATE svy_surveys" " SET Scope='%s'," "Cod=%ld," "Roles=%u," "StartTime=FROM_UNIXTIME(%ld)," "EndTime=FROM_UNIXTIME(%ld)," "Title='%s'," "Txt='%s'" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (Svy->Scope), Svy->Cod, Svy->Roles, Svy->TimeUTC[Dat_STR_TIME], Svy->TimeUTC[Dat_END_TIME], Svy->Title, Txt, Svy->SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Hide a project *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_HideOrUnhideSurvey (long SvyCod,bool Hide) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not hide/unhide survey", "UPDATE svy_surveys" " SET Hidden='%c'" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld", Hide ? 'Y' : 'N', SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Update number of users notified in table of surveys *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_UpdateNumUsrsNotifiedByEMailAboutSurvey (long SvyCod, unsigned NumUsrsToBeNotifiedByEMail) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update the number of notifications of a survey", "UPDATE svy_surveys" " SET NumNotif=NumNotif+%u" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld", NumUsrsToBeNotifiedByEMail, SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Get list of all surveys ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Svy_DB_GetListSurveys (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res, unsigned ScopesAllowed, unsigned HiddenAllowed, Dat_StartEndTime_t SelectedOrder) { char *SubQuery[HieLvl_NUM_LEVELS]; static const char *OrderBySubQuery[Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME] = { [Dat_STR_TIME] = "StartTime DESC," "EndTime DESC," "Title DESC", [Dat_END_TIME] = "EndTime DESC," "StartTime DESC," "Title DESC", }; unsigned NumSvys; long Cods[HieLvl_NUM_LEVELS]; HieLvl_Level_t Scope; bool SubQueryFilled = false; /***** Set hierarchy codes *****/ Cods[HieLvl_SYS] = -1L; // System Cods[HieLvl_CTY] = Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod; // Country Cods[HieLvl_INS] = Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod; // Institution Cods[HieLvl_CTR] = Gbl.Hierarchy.Ctr.CtrCod; // Center Cods[HieLvl_DEG] = Gbl.Hierarchy.Deg.DegCod; // Degree Cods[HieLvl_CRS] = Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.CrsCod; // Course /***** Fill subqueries for system, country, institution, center and degree *****/ for (Scope = HieLvl_SYS; Scope <= HieLvl_DEG; Scope++) if (ScopesAllowed & 1 << Scope) { if (asprintf (&SubQuery[Scope],"%s(Scope='%s' AND Cod=%ld%s)", SubQueryFilled ? " OR " : "", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (Scope),Cods[Scope], (HiddenAllowed & 1 << Scope) ? "" : " AND Hidden='N'") < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); SubQueryFilled = true; } else { if (asprintf (&SubQuery[Scope],"%s","") < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); } /***** Fill subquery for course *****/ if (ScopesAllowed & 1 << HieLvl_CRS) { if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.WhichGrps == Grp_MY_GROUPS) { if (asprintf (&SubQuery[HieLvl_CRS],"%s(" "Scope='%s'" " AND Cod=%ld%s" " AND " "(SvyCod NOT IN" " (SELECT SvyCod" " FROM svy_groups)" " OR" " SvyCod IN" " (SELECT svy_groups.SvyCod" " FROM grp_users," "svy_groups" " WHERE grp_users.UsrCod=%ld" " AND grp_users.GrpCod=svy_groups.GrpCod))" ")", SubQueryFilled ? " OR " : "", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS),Cods[HieLvl_CRS], (HiddenAllowed & 1 << HieLvl_CRS) ? "" : " AND Hidden='N'", Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod) < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); } else // Gbl.Crs.Grps.WhichGrps == Grp_ALL_GROUPS { if (asprintf (&SubQuery[HieLvl_CRS],"%s(Scope='%s' AND Cod=%ld%s)", SubQueryFilled ? " OR " : "", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS),Cods[HieLvl_CRS], (HiddenAllowed & 1 << HieLvl_CRS) ? "" : " AND Hidden='N'") < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); } SubQueryFilled = true; } else { if (asprintf (&SubQuery[HieLvl_CRS],"%s","") < 0) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); } /***** Make query *****/ if (SubQueryFilled) NumSvys = (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get surveys", "SELECT SvyCod" " FROM svy_surveys" " WHERE %s%s%s%s%s%s" " ORDER BY %s", SubQuery[HieLvl_SYS], SubQuery[HieLvl_CTY], SubQuery[HieLvl_INS], SubQuery[HieLvl_CTR], SubQuery[HieLvl_DEG], SubQuery[HieLvl_CRS], OrderBySubQuery[SelectedOrder]); else { Err_ShowErrorAndExit ("Can not get list of surveys."); NumSvys = 0; // Not reached. Initialized to avoid warning } /***** Free allocated memory for subqueries *****/ for (Scope = HieLvl_SYS; Scope <= HieLvl_CRS; Scope++) free (SubQuery[Scope]); return NumSvys; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get survey data using its code ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Svy_DB_GetDataOfSurveyByCod (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long SvyCod) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get survey data", "SELECT SvyCod," // row[0] "Scope," // row[1] "Cod," // row[2] "Hidden," // row[3] "Roles," // row[4] "UsrCod," // row[5] "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(StartTime)," // row[6] "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(EndTime)," // row[7] "NOW() BETWEEN StartTime AND EndTime," // row[8] "Title" " FROM svy_surveys" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get survey data using its code ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Svy_DB_GetSurveyTitleAndText (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long SvyCod) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get groups of a survey", "SELECT Title," // row[0] "Txt" // row[1] " FROM svy_surveys" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Get survey text from database ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_GetSurveyTxt (long SvyCod,char Txt[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]) { DB_QuerySELECTString (Txt,Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT,"can not get survey text", "SELECT Txt" " FROM svy_surveys" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Check if the title of a survey exists *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ bool Svy_DB_CheckIfSimilarSurveyExists (const struct Svy_Survey *Svy) { return DB_QueryEXISTS ("can not get similar surveys", "SELECT EXISTS" "(SELECT *" " FROM svy_surveys" " WHERE Scope='%s'" " AND Cod=%ld" " AND Title='%s'" " AND SvyCod<>%ld)", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (Svy->Scope), Svy->Cod, Svy->Title, Svy->SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Get number of courses with surveys *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Returns the number of courses with surveys for courses // in this location (all the platform, current degree or current course) unsigned Svy_DB_GetNumCrssWithCrsSurveys (HieLvl_Level_t Scope) { /***** Get number of courses with surveys from database *****/ switch (Scope) { case HieLvl_SYS: return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT ("can not get number of courses with surveys", "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Cod)" " FROM svy_surveys" " WHERE Scope='%s'", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_CTY: return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT ("can not get number of courses with surveys", "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT svy_surveys.Cod)" " FROM ins_instits," "ctr_centers," "deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "svy_surveys" " WHERE ins_instits.CtyCod=%ld" " AND ins_instits.InsCod=ctr_centers.InsCod" " AND ctr_centers.CtrCod=deg_degrees.CtrCod" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=svy_surveys.Cod" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'", Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_INS: return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT ("can not get number of courses with surveys", "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT svy_surveys.Cod)" " FROM ctr_centers," "deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "svy_surveys" " WHERE ctr_centers.InsCod=%ld" " AND ctr_centers.CtrCod=deg_degrees.CtrCod" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=svy_surveys.Cod" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'", Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_CTR: return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT ("can not get number of courses with surveys", "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT svy_surveys.Cod)" " FROM deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "svy_surveys" " WHERE deg_degrees.CtrCod=%ld" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=svy_surveys.Cod" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'", Gbl.Hierarchy.Ctr.CtrCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_DEG: return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT ("can not get number of courses with surveys", "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT svy_surveys.Cod)" " FROM crs_courses," "svy_surveys" " WHERE crs_courses.DegCod=%ld" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=svy_surveys.Cod" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'", Gbl.Hierarchy.Deg.DegCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_CRS: return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT ("can not get number of courses with surveys", "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Cod)" " FROM svy_surveys" " WHERE Scope='%s'" " AND Cod=%ld", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS), Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.CrsCod); default: Err_WrongScopeExit (); return 0; // Not reached } } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Get number of surveys for courses **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Returns the number of surveys for courses // in this location (all the platform, current degree or current course) unsigned Svy_DB_GetNumCrsSurveys (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,HieLvl_Level_t Scope) { /***** Get number of surveys from database *****/ switch (Scope) { case HieLvl_SYS: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of surveys", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM svy_surveys" " WHERE Scope='%s'", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_CTY: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of surveys", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(svy_surveys.NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM ins_instits," "ctr_centers," "deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "svy_surveys" " WHERE ins_instits.CtyCod=%ld" " AND ins_instits.InsCod=ctr_centers.InsCod" " AND ctr_centers.CtrCod=deg_degrees.CtrCod" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=svy_surveys.Cod" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'", Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_INS: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of surveys", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(svy_surveys.NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM ctr_centers," "deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "svy_surveys" " WHERE ctr_centers.InsCod=%ld" " AND ctr_centers.CtrCod=deg_degrees.CtrCod" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=svy_surveys.Cod" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'", Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_CTR: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of surveys", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(svy_surveys.NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "svy_surveys" " WHERE deg_degrees.CtrCod=%ld" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=svy_surveys.Cod" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'", Gbl.Hierarchy.Ctr.CtrCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_DEG: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of surveys", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(svy_surveys.NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM crs_courses," "svy_surveys" " WHERE crs_courses.DegCod=%ld" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=svy_surveys.Cod" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'", Gbl.Hierarchy.Deg.DegCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_CRS: return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get number of surveys", "SELECT COUNT(*)," // row[0] "SUM(NumNotif)" // row[1] " FROM svy_surveys" " WHERE svy_surveys.Scope='%s'" " AND CrsCod=%ld", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS), Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.CrsCod); default: Err_WrongScopeExit (); return 0; // Not reached } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Get average number of questions per course survey **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ double Svy_DB_GetNumQstsPerCrsSurvey (HieLvl_Level_t Scope) { /***** Get number of questions per survey from database *****/ switch (Scope) { case HieLvl_SYS: return DB_QuerySELECTDouble ("can not get number of questions per survey", "SELECT AVG(NumQsts)" " FROM (SELECT COUNT(svy_questions.QstCod) AS NumQsts" " FROM svy_surveys," "svy_questions" " WHERE svy_surveys.Scope='%s'" " AND svy_surveys.SvyCod=svy_questions.SvyCod" " GROUP BY svy_questions.SvyCod) AS NumQstsTable", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_CTY: return DB_QuerySELECTDouble ("can not get number of questions per survey", "SELECT AVG(NumQsts)" " FROM (SELECT COUNT(svy_questions.QstCod) AS NumQsts" " FROM ins_instits," "ctr_centers," "deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "svy_surveys," "svy_questions" " WHERE ins_instits.CtyCod=%ld" " AND ins_instits.InsCod=ctr_centers.InsCod" " AND ctr_centers.CtrCod=deg_degrees.CtrCod" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=svy_surveys.Cod" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'" " AND svy_surveys.SvyCod=svy_questions.SvyCod" " GROUP BY svy_questions.SvyCod) AS NumQstsTable", Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_INS: return DB_QuerySELECTDouble ("can not get number of questions per survey", "SELECT AVG(NumQsts)" " FROM (SELECT COUNT(svy_questions.QstCod) AS NumQsts" " FROM ctr_centers," "deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "svy_surveys," "svy_questions" " WHERE ctr_centers.InsCod=%ld" " AND ctr_centers.CtrCod=deg_degrees.CtrCod" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=svy_surveys.Cod" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'" " AND svy_surveys.SvyCod=svy_questions.SvyCod" " GROUP BY svy_questions.SvyCod) AS NumQstsTable", Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_CTR: return DB_QuerySELECTDouble ("can not get number of questions per survey", "SELECT AVG(NumQsts)" " FROM (SELECT COUNT(svy_questions.QstCod) AS NumQsts" " FROM deg_degrees," "crs_courses," "svy_surveys," "svy_questions" " WHERE deg_degrees.CtrCod=%ld" " AND deg_degrees.DegCod=crs_courses.DegCod" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=svy_surveys.Cod" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'" " AND svy_surveys.SvyCod=svy_questions.SvyCod" " GROUP BY svy_questions.SvyCod) AS NumQstsTable", Gbl.Hierarchy.Ctr.CtrCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_DEG: return DB_QuerySELECTDouble ("can not get number of questions per survey", "SELECT AVG(NumQsts)" " FROM (SELECT COUNT(svy_questions.QstCod) AS NumQsts" " FROM crs_courses," "svy_surveys," "svy_questions" " WHERE crs_courses.DegCod=%ld" " AND crs_courses.CrsCod=svy_surveys.Cod" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'" " AND svy_surveys.SvyCod=svy_questions.SvyCod" " GROUP BY svy_questions.SvyCod) AS NumQstsTable", Gbl.Hierarchy.Deg.DegCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); case HieLvl_CRS: return DB_QuerySELECTDouble ("can not get number of questions per survey", "SELECT AVG(NumQsts)" " FROM (SELECT COUNT(svy_questions.QstCod) AS NumQsts" " FROM svy_surveys," "svy_questions" " WHERE svy_surveys.Scope='%s'" " AND svy_surveys.Cod=%ld" " AND svy_surveys.SvyCod=svy_questions.SvyCod" " GROUP BY svy_questions.SvyCod) AS NumQstsTable", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS),Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.CrsCod); default: Err_WrongScopeExit (); return 0.0; // Not reached } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Get all user codes belonging to a survey, except me ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Svy_DB_GetUsrsFromSurveyExceptMe (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long SvyCod) { // 1. If the survey is available for the whole course ==> get users enroled in the course whose role is available in survey, except me // 2. If the survey is available only for some groups ==> get users who belong to any of the groups and whose role is available in survey, except me // Cases 1 and 2 are mutually exclusive, so the union returns the case 1 or 2 return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get users to be notified", "(SELECT crs_users.UsrCod" " FROM svy_surveys," "crs_users" " WHERE svy_surveys.SvyCod=%ld" " AND svy_surveys.SvyCod NOT IN" " (SELECT SvyCod" " FROM svy_groups" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld)" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'" " AND svy_surveys.Cod=crs_users.CrsCod" " AND crs_users.UsrCod<>%ld" " AND (svy_surveys.Roles&(1<0)" " UNION " "(SELECT DISTINCT " "grp_users.UsrCod" " FROM svy_groups," "grp_users," "svy_surveys," "crs_users" " WHERE svy_groups.SvyCod=%ld" " AND svy_groups.GrpCod=grp_users.GrpCod" " AND grp_users.UsrCod=crs_users.UsrCod" " AND grp_users.UsrCod<>%ld" " AND svy_groups.SvyCod=svy_surveys.SvyCod" " AND svy_surveys.Scope='%s'" " AND svy_surveys.Cod=crs_users.CrsCod" " AND (svy_surveys.Roles&(1<0)", SvyCod, SvyCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS), Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, SvyCod, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (HieLvl_CRS)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Remove a survey ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveSvy (long SvyCod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove survey", "DELETE FROM svy_surveys" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Remove all surveys of a place on the hierarchy **************/ /************* (country, institution, center, degree or course) **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveSvysIn (HieLvl_Level_t Scope,long Cod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove all surveys in a place on the hierarchy", "DELETE FROM svy_surveys" " WHERE Scope='%s'" " AND Cod=%ld", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (Scope), Cod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Create groups of a survey **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_CreateGrp (long SvyCod,long GrpCod) { DB_QueryINSERT ("can not associate a group to a survey", "INSERT INTO svy_groups" " (SvyCod,GrpCod)" " VALUES" " (%ld,%ld)", SvyCod, GrpCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Get group names associated to a survey *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Svy_DB_GetGrpNamesAssociatedToSvy (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long SvyCod) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get groups of a survey", "SELECT grp_types.GrpTypName," // row[0] "grp_groups.GrpName" // row[1] " FROM svy_groups," "grp_groups," "grp_types" " WHERE svy_groups.SvyCod=%ld" " AND svy_groups.GrpCod=grp_groups.GrpCod" " AND grp_groups.GrpTypCod=grp_types.GrpTypCod" " ORDER BY grp_types.GrpTypName," "grp_groups.GrpName", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Check if I belong to any of the groups of a survey *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ bool Svy_DB_CheckIfICanDoThisSurveyBasedOnGrps (long SvyCod) { return DB_QueryEXISTS ("can not check if I can do a survey", "SELECT EXISTS" "(SELECT *" " FROM svy_surveys" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld" " AND (SvyCod NOT IN" " (SELECT SvyCod" " FROM svy_groups)" " OR" " SvyCod IN" " (SELECT svy_groups.SvyCod" " FROM grp_users," "svy_groups" " WHERE grp_users.UsrCod=%ld" " AND grp_users.GrpCod=svy_groups.GrpCod)))", SvyCod, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Remove groups of one type from all surveys ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveGroupsOfType (long GrpTypCod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove groups of a type" " from the associations between surveys and groups", "DELETE FROM svy_groups" " USING grp_groups," "svy_groups" " WHERE grp_groups.GrpTypCod=%ld" " AND grp_groups.GrpCod=svy_groups.GrpCod", GrpTypCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Remove one group from all surveys *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveGroup (long GrpCod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove group from the associations" " between surveys and groups", "DELETE FROM svy_groups" " WHERE GrpCod=%ld", GrpCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Remove groups of a survey *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveGrpsAssociatedToSurvey (long SvyCod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove the groups associated to a survey", "DELETE FROM svy_groups" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Remove groups of all surveys of a place on the hierarchy *********/ /********** (country, institution, center, degree or course) *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveGrpsSvysIn (HieLvl_Level_t Scope,long Cod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove all groups" " associated to surveys of a course", "DELETE FROM svy_groups" " USING svy_surveys," "svy_groups" " WHERE svy_surveys.Scope='%s'" " AND svy_surveys.Cod=%ld" " AND svy_surveys.SvyCod=svy_groups.SvyCod", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (Scope), Cod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************************** Create a new question ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ long Svy_DB_CreateQuestion (long SvyCod,unsigned QstInd, Svy_AnswerType_t AnswerType, const char Stem[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]) { return DB_QueryINSERTandReturnCode ("can not create question", "INSERT INTO svy_questions" " (SvyCod,QstInd,AnsType,Stem)" " VALUES" " (%ld,%u,'%s','%s')", SvyCod, QstInd, Svy_DB_StrAnswerTypes[AnswerType], Stem); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Create an existing question ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_UpdateQuestion (long SvyCod,long QstCod, Svy_AnswerType_t AnswerType, const char Stem[Cns_MAX_BYTES_TEXT + 1]) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update question", "UPDATE svy_questions" " SET Stem='%s'," "AnsType='%s'" " WHERE QstCod=%ld" " AND SvyCod=%ld", // Extra check Stem, Svy_DB_StrAnswerTypes[AnswerType], QstCod, SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Change indexes of questions greater than a given one ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_ChangeIndexesQsts (long SvyCod,unsigned QstInd) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update indexes of questions", "UPDATE svy_questions" " SET QstInd=QstInd-1" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld" " AND QstInd>%u", SvyCod, QstInd); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Get number of questions of a survey *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Svy_DB_GetNumQstsSvy (long SvyCod) { return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT ("can not get number of questions of a survey", "SELECT COUNT(*)" " FROM svy_questions" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Get questions of a survey from database *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Svy_DB_GetSurveyQstsCodes (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long SvyCod) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get questions of a survey", "SELECT QstCod" " FROM svy_questions" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld" " ORDER BY QstCod", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Get questions of a survey from database *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Svy_DB_GetSurveyQsts (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long SvyCod) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get data of questions of a survey", "SELECT QstCod," // row[0] "QstInd," // row[1] "AnsType," // row[2] "Stem" // row[3] " FROM svy_questions" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld" " ORDER BY QstInd", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Get question data from question code in a survey ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Svy_DB_GetQstDataByCod (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long QstCod,long SvyCod) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get a question", "SELECT QstInd," // row[0] "AnsType," // row[1] "Stem" // row[2] " FROM svy_questions" " WHERE QstCod=%ld" " AND SvyCod=%ld", // Extra check QstCod, SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Get question index from question code in a survey **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Svy_DB_GetQstIndFromQstCod (long QstCod) { return DB_QuerySELECTUnsigned ("can not get question index", "SELECT QstInd" " FROM svy_questions" " WHERE QstCod=%ld", QstCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Get last question index *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Svy_DB_GetLastQstInd (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long SvyCod) { return (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get last question index", "SELECT MAX(QstInd)" // row[0] " FROM svy_questions" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Remove a question ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveQst (long QstCod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove a question", "DELETE FROM svy_questions" " WHERE QstCod=%ld", QstCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Remove all questions in a survey **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveQstsSvy (long SvyCod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove questions of a survey", "DELETE FROM svy_questions" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Remove questions in all surveys of a place on the hierarchy ********/ /******** (country, institution, center, degree or course) ********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveQstsSvysIn (HieLvl_Level_t Scope,long Cod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove questions of surveys" " in a place on the hierarchy", "DELETE FROM svy_questions" " USING svy_surveys," "svy_questions" " WHERE svy_surveys.Scope='%s'" " AND svy_surveys.Cod=%ld" " AND svy_surveys.SvyCod=svy_questions.SvyCod", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (Scope), Cod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************* Create answer *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_CreateAnswer (long QstCod,unsigned AnsInd,const char *Text) { DB_QueryINSERT ("can not create answer", "INSERT INTO svy_answers" " (QstCod,AnsInd,NumUsrs,Answer)" " VALUES" " (%ld,%u,0,'%s')", QstCod, AnsInd, Text); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Update answer text *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_UpdateAnswerText (long QstCod,unsigned AnsInd,const char *Text) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update answer", "UPDATE svy_answers" " SET Answer='%s'" " WHERE QstCod=%ld" " AND AnsInd=%u", Text, QstCod, AnsInd); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Reset all answers in a survey ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_ResetAnswersSvy (long SvyCod) { DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not reset answers of a survey", "UPDATE svy_answers," "svy_questions" " SET svy_answers.NumUsrs=0" " WHERE svy_questions.SvyCod=%ld" " AND svy_questions.QstCod=svy_answers.QstCod", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Increase number of users who have marked one answer ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_IncreaseAnswer (long QstCod,unsigned AnsInd) { /***** Increase number of users who have selected the answer AnsInd in the question QstCod *****/ DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not register your answer to the survey", "UPDATE svy_answers" " SET NumUsrs=NumUsrs+1" " WHERE QstCod=%ld" " AND AnsInd=%u", QstCod, AnsInd); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Check if an answer of a question exists in database *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ bool Svy_DB_CheckIfAnswerExists (long QstCod,unsigned AnsInd) { return DB_QueryEXISTS ("can not check if an answer exists", "SELECT EXISTS" "(SELECT *" " FROM svy_answers" " WHERE QstCod=%ld" " AND AnsInd=%u)", QstCod, AnsInd); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Get answers of a survey question from database ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Svy_DB_GetAnswersQst (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,long QstCod) { unsigned NumAnswers; /***** Get answers of a question from database *****/ NumAnswers = (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (mysql_res,"can not get answers of a question", "SELECT AnsInd," // row[0] "NumUsrs," // row[1] "Answer" // row[2] " FROM svy_answers" " WHERE QstCod=%ld" " ORDER BY AnsInd", QstCod); if (!NumAnswers) Err_WrongAnswerExit (); return NumAnswers; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Convert a string with the answer type to answer type ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ Svy_AnswerType_t Svy_DB_ConvertFromStrAnsTypDBToAnsTyp (const char *StrAnsTypeDB) { Svy_AnswerType_t AnsType; for (AnsType = (Svy_AnswerType_t) 0; AnsType <= (Svy_AnswerType_t) (Svy_NUM_ANS_TYPES - 1); AnsType++) if (!strcmp (StrAnsTypeDB,Svy_DB_StrAnswerTypes[AnsType])) return AnsType; return (Svy_AnswerType_t) 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Remove an answer from a question *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveAnswerQst (long QstCod,unsigned AnsInd) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not delete answer", "DELETE FROM svy_answers" " WHERE QstCod=%ld" " AND AnsInd=%u", QstCod, AnsInd); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Remove answers of a survey question *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveAnswersQst (long QstCod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove the answers of a question", "DELETE FROM svy_answers" " WHERE QstCod=%ld", QstCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Remove all answers in a survey **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveAnswersSvy (long SvyCod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove answers of a survey", "DELETE FROM svy_answers" " USING svy_questions," "svy_answers" " WHERE svy_questions.SvyCod=%ld" " AND svy_questions.QstCod=svy_answers.QstCod", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Remove answers to all surveys of a place on the hierarchy *********/ /********* (country, institution, center, degree or course) *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveAnswersSvysIn (HieLvl_Level_t Scope,long Cod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove answers of surveys" " in a place on the hierarchy", "DELETE FROM svy_answers" " USING svy_surveys," "svy_questions," "svy_answers" " WHERE svy_surveys.Scope='%s'" " AND svy_surveys.Cod=%ld" " AND svy_surveys.SvyCod=svy_questions.SvyCod" " AND svy_questions.QstCod=svy_answers.QstCod", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (Scope), Cod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Register that I have answered this survey *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RegisterIHaveAnsweredSvy (long SvyCod) { DB_QueryINSERT ("can not register that you have answered the survey", "INSERT INTO svy_users" " (SvyCod,UsrCod)" " VALUES" " (%ld,%ld)", SvyCod, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Check if I have answered a given survey ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ bool Svy_DB_CheckIfIHaveAnsweredSvy (long SvyCod) { return DB_QueryEXISTS ("can not check if you have answered a survey", "SELECT EXISTS" "(SELECT *" " FROM svy_users" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld" " AND UsrCod=%ld)", SvyCod, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Get number of users who have answered a survey ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Svy_DB_GetNumUsrsWhoHaveAnsweredSvy (long SvyCod) { return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT ("can not get number of users who have answered a survey", "SELECT COUNT(*)" " FROM svy_users" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Remove all users in this survey **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveUsrsWhoHaveAnsweredSvy (long SvyCod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove users who are answered a survey", "DELETE FROM svy_users" " WHERE SvyCod=%ld", SvyCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Remove all surveys in a place on the hierarchy **************/ /************* (country, institution, center, degree or course) **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Svy_DB_RemoveUsrsWhoHaveAnsweredSvysIn (HieLvl_Level_t Scope,long Cod) { DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove users" " who had answered surveys in a place on the hierarchy", "DELETE FROM svy_users" " USING svy_surveys," "svy_users" " WHERE svy_surveys.Scope='%s'" " AND svy_surveys.Cod=%ld" " AND svy_surveys.SvyCod=svy_users.SvyCod", Sco_GetDBStrFromScope (Scope), Cod); }