// swad_holiday.c: holidays /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2022 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************* Headers ***********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include // For NULL #include // For calloc #include // For string functions #include "swad_action_list.h" #include "swad_alert.h" #include "swad_box.h" #include "swad_calendar.h" #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_error.h" #include "swad_form.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_holiday.h" #include "swad_holiday_database.h" #include "swad_HTML.h" #include "swad_language.h" #include "swad_parameter.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private variables *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static struct Hld_Holiday *Hld_EditingHld = NULL; // Static variable to keep the holiday being edited /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Hld_Order_t Hld_GetParamHldOrder (void); static void Hld_PutIconsSeeHolidays (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args); static void Hld_EditHolidaysInternal (void); static void Hld_GetDataOfHolidayByCod (struct Hld_Holiday *Hld); static Hld_HolidayType_t Hld_GetParamHldType (void); static Hld_HolidayType_t Hld_GetTypeOfHoliday (const char *UnsignedStr); static void Hld_ListHolidaysForEdition (const struct Hld_Holidays *Holidays, const struct Plc_Places *Places); static void Hld_PutParamHldCod (void *HldCod); static void Hld_ChangeDate (Hld_StartOrEndDate_t StartOrEndDate); static void Hld_PutFormToCreateHoliday (const struct Plc_Places *Places); static void Hld_PutHeadHolidays (void); static void Hld_EditingHolidayConstructor (void); static void Hld_EditingHolidayDestructor (void); /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Reset departments context *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_ResetHolidays (struct Hld_Holidays *Holidays) { Holidays->LstIsRead = false; // List is not read Holidays->Num = 0; Holidays->Lst = NULL; Holidays->SelectedOrder = Hld_DEFAULT_ORDER_TYPE; } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** List all holidays ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_SeeHolidays (void) { extern const char *Hlp_INSTITUTION_Holidays; extern const char *Txt_Holidays; extern const char *Txt_HOLIDAYS_HELP_ORDER[2]; extern const char *Txt_HOLIDAYS_ORDER[2]; extern const char *Txt_End_date; extern const char *Txt_Holiday; extern const char *Txt_All_places; extern const char *Txt_No_holidays; extern const char *Txt_New_holiday; Hld_Order_t Order; unsigned NumHld; char StrDate[Cns_MAX_BYTES_DATE + 1]; struct Hld_Holidays Holidays; if (Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod > 0) { /***** Reset places context *****/ Hld_ResetHolidays (&Holidays); /***** Get parameter with the type of order in the list of holidays *****/ Holidays.SelectedOrder = Hld_GetParamHldOrder (); /***** Get list of holidays *****/ Hld_GetListHolidays (&Holidays); /***** Table head *****/ Box_BoxBegin (NULL,Txt_Holidays, Hld_PutIconsSeeHolidays,NULL, Hlp_INSTITUTION_Holidays,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); if (Holidays.Num) { HTM_TABLE_BeginWideMarginPadding (2); HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); for (Order = (Hld_Order_t) 0; Order <= (Hld_Order_t) (Hld_NUM_ORDERS - 1); Order++) { HTM_TH_Begin (HTM_HEAD_LEFT); Frm_BeginForm (ActSeeHld); Par_PutHiddenParamUnsigned (NULL,"Order",(unsigned) Order); HTM_BUTTON_Submit_Begin (Txt_HOLIDAYS_HELP_ORDER[Order], "class=\"BT_LINK\""); if (Order == Holidays.SelectedOrder) HTM_U_Begin (); HTM_Txt (Txt_HOLIDAYS_ORDER[Order]); if (Order == Holidays.SelectedOrder) HTM_U_End (); HTM_BUTTON_End (); Frm_EndForm (); HTM_TH_End (); } HTM_TH_Begin (HTM_HEAD_LEFT); HTM_TxtF (" %s ",Txt_End_date); HTM_TH_End (); HTM_TH (Txt_Holiday,HTM_HEAD_LEFT); HTM_TR_End (); /***** Write all holidays *****/ for (NumHld = 0; NumHld < Holidays.Num; NumHld++) { /* Write data of this holiday */ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM DAT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_Txt (Holidays.Lst[NumHld].PlcCod <= 0 ? Txt_All_places : Holidays.Lst[NumHld].PlaceFullName); HTM_TD_End (); Dat_ConvDateToDateStr (&Holidays.Lst[NumHld].StartDate,StrDate); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM DAT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TxtF (" %s",StrDate); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM DAT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_NBSP (); switch (Holidays.Lst[NumHld].HldTyp) { case Hld_HOLIDAY: break; case Hld_NON_SCHOOL_PERIOD: Dat_ConvDateToDateStr (&Holidays.Lst[NumHld].EndDate,StrDate); HTM_Txt (StrDate); break; } HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM DAT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TxtF (" %s",Holidays.Lst[NumHld].Name); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } HTM_TABLE_End (); } else // No holidays created in the current institution Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_INFO,Txt_No_holidays); /***** Button to create center *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged >= Rol_INS_ADM) // Institution admin or system admin { Frm_BeginForm (ActEdiHld); Btn_PutConfirmButton (Txt_New_holiday); Frm_EndForm (); } /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); /***** Free list of holidays *****/ Hld_FreeListHolidays (&Holidays); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Get parameter with the type or order in list of holidays **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Hld_Order_t Hld_GetParamHldOrder (void) { return (Hld_Order_t) Par_GetParToUnsignedLong ("Order", 0, Hld_NUM_ORDERS - 1, (unsigned long) Hld_DEFAULT_ORDER_TYPE); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Put contextual icons in calendar ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Hld_PutIconsSeeHolidays (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args) { /***** Edit holidays calendar *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged >= Rol_INS_ADM) Ico_PutContextualIconToEdit (ActEdiHld,NULL, NULL,NULL); /***** View calendar *****/ Cal_PutIconToSeeCalendar (NULL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Put icon to see holidays *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_PutIconToSeeHlds (void) { Lay_PutContextualLinkOnlyIcon (ActSeeHld,NULL, NULL,NULL, "calendar-day.svg",Ico_BLACK); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Put forms to edit degree types *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_EditHolidays (void) { /***** Holiday constructor *****/ Hld_EditingHolidayConstructor (); /***** Edit holidays *****/ Hld_EditHolidaysInternal (); /***** Holiday destructor *****/ Hld_EditingHolidayDestructor (); } static void Hld_EditHolidaysInternal (void) { struct Hld_Holidays Holidays; struct Plc_Places Places; /***** Reset places context *****/ Hld_ResetHolidays (&Holidays); /***** Reset places context *****/ Plc_ResetPlaces (&Places); /***** Get list of places *****/ Plc_GetListPlaces (&Places); /***** Get list of holidays *****/ Hld_GetListHolidays (&Holidays); /***** Put a form to create a new holiday *****/ Hld_PutFormToCreateHoliday (&Places); /***** Forms to edit current holidays *****/ if (Holidays.Num) Hld_ListHolidaysForEdition (&Holidays,&Places); /***** Free list of holidays *****/ Hld_FreeListHolidays (&Holidays); /***** Free list of places *****/ Plc_FreeListPlaces (&Places); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** List all holidays *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_GetListHolidays (struct Hld_Holidays *Holidays) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumHld; struct Hld_Holiday *Hld; if (DB_CheckIfDatabaseIsOpen ()) { if (Holidays->LstIsRead) Hld_FreeListHolidays (Holidays); /***** Get holidays from database *****/ if ((Holidays->Num = Hld_DB_GetListHolidays (&mysql_res,Holidays->SelectedOrder))) // Holidays found... { /***** Create list of holidays *****/ if ((Holidays->Lst = calloc (Holidays->Num, sizeof (*Holidays->Lst))) == NULL) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); /***** Get the holidays *****/ for (NumHld = 0; NumHld < Holidays->Num; NumHld++) { Hld = &(Holidays->Lst[NumHld]); /* Get next holiday */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get holiday code (row[0]) */ if ((Hld->HldCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) <= 0) Err_WrongHolidayExit (); /* Get place code (row[1]) */ Hld->PlcCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[1]); /* Get the full name of the place (row[2]) */ Str_Copy (Hld->PlaceFullName,row[2], sizeof (Hld->PlaceFullName) - 1); /* Get type (row[3]) */ Hld->HldTyp = Hld_GetTypeOfHoliday (row[3]); /* Get start date (row[4] holds the start date in YYYYMMDD format) */ if (!(Dat_GetDateFromYYYYMMDD (&(Hld->StartDate),row[4]))) Err_WrongDateExit (); /* Set / get end date */ switch (Hld->HldTyp) { case Hld_HOLIDAY: // Only one day /* Set end date = start date */ Dat_AssignDate (&Hld->EndDate,&Hld->StartDate); break; case Hld_NON_SCHOOL_PERIOD: // One or more days /* Get end date (row[5] holds the end date in YYYYMMDD format) */ if (!(Dat_GetDateFromYYYYMMDD (&(Hld->EndDate),row[5]))) Err_WrongDateExit (); break; } /* Get the name of the holiday/non school period (row[6]) */ Str_Copy (Hld->Name,row[6],sizeof (Hld->Name) - 1); } } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); Holidays->LstIsRead = true; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Get holiday data by code **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Hld_GetDataOfHolidayByCod (struct Hld_Holiday *Hld) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; /***** Clear data *****/ Hld->PlcCod = -1L; Hld->PlaceFullName[0] = '\0'; Hld->StartDate.Day = Hld->StartDate.Month = Hld->StartDate.Year = 0; Hld->Name[0] = '\0'; /***** Check if holiday code is correct *****/ if (Hld->HldCod <= 0) Err_WrongHolidayExit (); /***** Get data of holiday from database *****/ if (Hld_DB_GetDataOfHolidayByCod (&mysql_res,Hld->HldCod)) // Holiday found... { /* Get row */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* row[0]: PlcCod row[1]: Place row[2]: HldTyp row[3]: StartDate row[4]: EndDate row[5]: Name */ /* Get place code (row[0]) */ Hld->PlcCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); /* Get the full name of the place (row[1]) */ Str_Copy (Hld->PlaceFullName,row[1],sizeof (Hld->PlaceFullName) - 1); /* Get type (row[2]) */ Hld->HldTyp = Hld_GetTypeOfHoliday (row[2]); /* Get start date (row[3] holds the start date in YYYYMMDD format) */ if (!(Dat_GetDateFromYYYYMMDD (&(Hld->StartDate),row[3]))) Err_WrongDateExit (); /* Set / get end date */ switch (Hld->HldTyp) { case Hld_HOLIDAY: // Only one day /* Assign end date = start date */ Dat_AssignDate (&Hld->EndDate,&Hld->StartDate); break; case Hld_NON_SCHOOL_PERIOD: // One or more days /* Get end date (row[4] holds the end date in YYYYMMDD format) */ if (!(Dat_GetDateFromYYYYMMDD (&(Hld->EndDate),row[4]))) Err_WrongDateExit (); break; } /* Get the name of the holiday/non school period (row[5]) */ Str_Copy (Hld->Name,row[5],sizeof (Hld->Name) - 1); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Get parameter from form with the type of a holiday *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Hld_HolidayType_t Hld_GetParamHldType (void) { return (Hld_HolidayType_t) Par_GetParToUnsignedLong ("HldTyp", 0, Hld_NUM_TYPES_HOLIDAY - 1, (unsigned long) Hld_HOLIDAY_TYPE_DEFAULT); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get type of holiday from string ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Hld_HolidayType_t Hld_GetTypeOfHoliday (const char *UnsignedStr) { unsigned UnsignedNum; if (sscanf (UnsignedStr,"%u",&UnsignedNum) != 1) Err_WrongHolidayExit (); if (UnsignedNum >= Hld_NUM_TYPES_HOLIDAY) Err_WrongHolidayExit (); return (Hld_HolidayType_t) UnsignedNum; } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Free list of holidays **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_FreeListHolidays (struct Hld_Holidays *Holidays) { if (Holidays->LstIsRead && Holidays->Lst) { /***** Free memory used by the list of courses in degree *****/ free (Holidays->Lst); Holidays->Lst = NULL; Holidays->Num = 0; Holidays->LstIsRead = false; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** List all holidays for edition ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Hld_ListHolidaysForEdition (const struct Hld_Holidays *Holidays, const struct Plc_Places *Places) { extern const char *Hlp_INSTITUTION_Holidays_edit; extern const char *Txt_Holidays; extern const char *Txt_All_places; extern const char *Txt_HOLIDAY_TYPES[Hld_NUM_TYPES_HOLIDAY]; unsigned NumHld; unsigned NumPlc; struct Hld_Holiday *Hld; Hld_HolidayType_t HolidayType; unsigned HolidayTypeUnsigned; unsigned CurrentYear = Dat_GetCurrentYear (); /***** Begin box and table *****/ Box_BoxTableBegin (NULL,Txt_Holidays, Cal_PutIconToSeeCalendar,NULL, Hlp_INSTITUTION_Holidays_edit,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE,2); /***** Write heading *****/ Hld_PutHeadHolidays (); /***** Write all holidays *****/ for (NumHld = 0; NumHld < Holidays->Num; NumHld++) { Hld = &Holidays->Lst[NumHld]; HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Put icon to remove holiday */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"BM\""); Ico_PutContextualIconToRemove (ActRemHld,NULL, Hld_PutParamHldCod,&Hld->HldCod); HTM_TD_End (); /* Holiday code */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RM DAT_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TxtF ("%ld ",Hld->HldCod); HTM_TD_End (); /* Holiday place */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CM\""); Frm_BeginForm (ActChgHldPlc); Hld_PutParamHldCod (&Hld->HldCod); HTM_SELECT_Begin (HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "name=\"PlcCod\" class=\"PLC_SEL INPUT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_STRING,"-1",Hld->PlcCod <= 0,false, "%s",Txt_All_places); for (NumPlc = 0; NumPlc < Places->Num; NumPlc++) HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_LONG,&Places->Lst[NumPlc].PlcCod, Places->Lst[NumPlc].PlcCod == Hld->PlcCod,false, "%s",Places->Lst[NumPlc].ShrtName); HTM_SELECT_End (); Frm_EndForm (); HTM_TD_End (); /* Holiday type */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CM\""); Frm_BeginForm (ActChgHldTyp); Hld_PutParamHldCod (&Hld->HldCod); HTM_SELECT_Begin (HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "name=\"HldTyp\" class=\"INPUT_%s\"" " style=\"width:62px;\"", // TODO: Use a CSS class The_GetSuffix ()); for (HolidayType = (Hld_HolidayType_t) 0; HolidayType <= (Hld_HolidayType_t) (Hld_NUM_TYPES_HOLIDAY - 1); HolidayType++) { HolidayTypeUnsigned = (unsigned) HolidayType; HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_UNSIGNED,&HolidayTypeUnsigned, HolidayType == Hld->HldTyp,false, "%s",Txt_HOLIDAY_TYPES[HolidayType]); } HTM_SELECT_End (); Frm_EndForm (); HTM_TD_End (); /* Holiday date / Non school period start date */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CM\""); Frm_BeginForm (ActChgHldStrDat); Hld_PutParamHldCod (&Hld->HldCod); Dat_WriteFormDate (CurrentYear - 1, CurrentYear + 1, "Start", &(Holidays->Lst[NumHld].StartDate), true,false); Frm_EndForm (); HTM_TD_End (); /* Non school period end date */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CM\""); Frm_BeginForm (ActChgHldEndDat); Hld_PutParamHldCod (&Hld->HldCod); Dat_WriteFormDate (CurrentYear - 1, CurrentYear + 1, "End", &(Holidays->Lst[NumHld].EndDate), true,(Hld->HldTyp == Hld_HOLIDAY)); Frm_EndForm (); HTM_TD_End (); /* Holiday name */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CM\""); Frm_BeginForm (ActRenHld); Hld_PutParamHldCod (&Hld->HldCod); HTM_INPUT_TEXT ("Name",Hld_MAX_CHARS_HOLIDAY_NAME,Hld->Name, HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "size=\"20\" class=\"INPUT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); Frm_EndForm (); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } /***** End table and box *****/ Box_BoxTableEnd (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Write parameter with code of holiday *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Hld_PutParamHldCod (void *HldCod) { if (HldCod) Par_PutHiddenParamLong (NULL,"HldCod",*((long *) HldCod)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get parameter with code of holiday ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ long Hld_GetParamHldCod (void) { /***** Get code of holiday *****/ return Par_GetParToLong ("HldCod"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************* Remove a holiday ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_RemoveHoliday (void) { extern const char *Txt_Holiday_X_removed; /***** Holiday constructor *****/ Hld_EditingHolidayConstructor (); /***** Get holiday code *****/ if ((Hld_EditingHld->HldCod = Hld_GetParamHldCod ()) <= 0) Err_WrongHolidayExit (); /***** Get data of the holiday from database *****/ Hld_GetDataOfHolidayByCod (Hld_EditingHld); /***** Remove holiday *****/ Hld_DB_RemoveHoliday (Hld_EditingHld->HldCod); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL, Txt_Holiday_X_removed, Hld_EditingHld->Name); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Change the place of a holiday *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_ChangeHolidayPlace (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_place_of_the_holiday_X_has_changed_to_Y; struct Plc_Place NewPlace; /***** Holiday constructor *****/ Hld_EditingHolidayConstructor (); /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get the code of the holiday */ if ((Hld_EditingHld->HldCod = Hld_GetParamHldCod ()) <= 0) Err_WrongHolidayExit (); /* Get the new place for the holiday */ NewPlace.PlcCod = Plc_GetParamPlcCod (); /***** Get from the database the data of the place *****/ Plc_GetDataOfPlaceByCod (&NewPlace); /***** Get from the database the data of the holiday *****/ Hld_GetDataOfHolidayByCod (Hld_EditingHld); /***** Update the place in database *****/ Hld_DB_ChangePlace (Hld_EditingHld->HldCod,NewPlace.PlcCod); Hld_EditingHld->PlcCod = NewPlace.PlcCod; Str_Copy (Hld_EditingHld->PlaceFullName,NewPlace.FullName, sizeof (Hld_EditingHld->PlaceFullName) - 1); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL, Txt_The_place_of_the_holiday_X_has_changed_to_Y, Hld_EditingHld->Name,NewPlace.FullName); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Change the type of a holiday **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_ChangeHolidayType (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_type_of_the_holiday_X_has_changed; /***** Holiday constructor *****/ Hld_EditingHolidayConstructor (); /***** Get the code of the holiday *****/ if ((Hld_EditingHld->HldCod = Hld_GetParamHldCod ()) <= 0) Err_WrongHolidayExit (); /***** Get from the database the data of the holiday *****/ Hld_GetDataOfHolidayByCod (Hld_EditingHld); /***** Get the new type for the holiday *****/ Hld_EditingHld->HldTyp = Hld_GetParamHldType (); /***** Update holiday/no school period in database *****/ Dat_AssignDate (&Hld_EditingHld->EndDate,&Hld_EditingHld->StartDate); Hld_DB_ChangeType (Hld_EditingHld->HldCod,Hld_EditingHld->HldTyp); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL, Txt_The_type_of_the_holiday_X_has_changed, Hld_EditingHld->Name); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*** Change the date of a holiday / the start date of a non school period ****/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_ChangeStartDate (void) { Hld_ChangeDate (Hld_START_DATE); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Change the end date of a non school period ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_ChangeEndDate (void) { Hld_ChangeDate (Hld_END_DATE); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Change the start/end date of a holiday *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Hld_ChangeDate (Hld_StartOrEndDate_t StartOrEndDate) { extern const char *Txt_The_date_of_the_holiday_X_has_changed_to_Y; struct Dat_Date NewDate; struct Dat_Date *PtrDate = NULL; // Initialized to avoid warning const char *StrStartOrEndDate = NULL; // Initialized to avoid warning char StrDate[Cns_MAX_BYTES_DATE + 1]; /***** Holiday constructor *****/ Hld_EditingHolidayConstructor (); /***** Get the code of the holiday *****/ if ((Hld_EditingHld->HldCod = Hld_GetParamHldCod ()) <= 0) Err_WrongHolidayExit (); /***** Get from the database the data of the holiday *****/ Hld_GetDataOfHolidayByCod (Hld_EditingHld); /***** Get the new date for the holiday *****/ switch (StartOrEndDate) { case Hld_START_DATE: StrStartOrEndDate = "StartDate"; PtrDate = &Hld_EditingHld->StartDate; Dat_GetDateFromForm ("StartDay","StartMonth","StartYear", &(NewDate.Day),&(NewDate.Month),&(NewDate.Year)); if (NewDate.Day == 0 || NewDate.Month == 0 || NewDate.Year == 0) Dat_AssignDate (&NewDate,Dat_GetCurrentDate ()); break; case Hld_END_DATE: StrStartOrEndDate = "EndDate"; PtrDate = &Hld_EditingHld->EndDate; switch (Hld_EditingHld->HldTyp) { case Hld_HOLIDAY: Dat_AssignDate (&NewDate,&Hld_EditingHld->StartDate); break; case Hld_NON_SCHOOL_PERIOD: Dat_GetDateFromForm ("EndDay","EndMonth","EndYear", &(NewDate.Day),&(NewDate.Month),&(NewDate.Year)); if (NewDate.Day == 0 || NewDate.Month == 0 || NewDate.Year == 0) Dat_AssignDate (&NewDate,Dat_GetCurrentDate ()); break; } break; } /***** Update the date in database *****/ Hld_DB_ChangeDate (Hld_EditingHld->HldCod,StrStartOrEndDate,&NewDate); Dat_AssignDate (PtrDate,&NewDate); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ Dat_ConvDateToDateStr (&NewDate,StrDate); Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL, Txt_The_date_of_the_holiday_X_has_changed_to_Y, Hld_EditingHld->Name,StrDate); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Change the name of a degree ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_RenameHoliday (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_holiday_X_has_been_renamed_as_Y; extern const char *Txt_The_name_X_has_not_changed; char NewHldName[Hld_MAX_BYTES_HOLIDAY_NAME + 1]; /***** Holiday constructor *****/ Hld_EditingHolidayConstructor (); /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get the code of the holiday */ if ((Hld_EditingHld->HldCod = Hld_GetParamHldCod ()) <= 0) Err_WrongHolidayExit (); /* Get the new name for the holiday */ Par_GetParToText ("Name",NewHldName,Hld_MAX_BYTES_HOLIDAY_NAME); /***** Get from the database the old names of the holiday *****/ Hld_GetDataOfHolidayByCod (Hld_EditingHld); /***** Check if new name is empty *****/ if (NewHldName[0]) { /***** Check if old and new names are the same (this happens when return is pressed without changes) *****/ if (strcmp (Hld_EditingHld->Name,NewHldName)) // Different names { /***** If degree was in database... *****/ /* Update the table changing old name by new name */ Hld_DB_ChangeName (Hld_EditingHld->HldCod,NewHldName); Str_Copy (Hld_EditingHld->Name,NewHldName, sizeof (Hld_EditingHld->Name) - 1); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL, Txt_The_holiday_X_has_been_renamed_as_Y, Hld_EditingHld->Name,NewHldName); } else // The same name Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_INFO,NULL, Txt_The_name_X_has_not_changed,Hld_EditingHld->Name); } else Ale_CreateAlertYouCanNotLeaveFieldEmpty (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Show alerts after changing a holiday and continue editing **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_ContEditAfterChgHld (void) { /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ Ale_ShowAlerts (NULL); /***** Show the form again *****/ Hld_EditHolidaysInternal (); /***** Holiday destructor *****/ Hld_EditingHolidayDestructor (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Put a form to create a new holiday ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Hld_PutFormToCreateHoliday (const struct Plc_Places *Places) { extern const char *Hlp_INSTITUTION_Holidays_edit; extern const char *Txt_All_places; extern const char *Txt_New_holiday; extern const char *Txt_Place; extern const char *Txt_Type; extern const char *Txt_START_END_TIME[Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME]; extern const char *Txt_Holiday; extern const char *Txt_HOLIDAY_TYPES[Hld_NUM_TYPES_HOLIDAY]; extern const char *Txt_Create_holiday; unsigned NumPlc; Hld_HolidayType_t HolidayType; unsigned HolidayTypeUnsigned; unsigned CurrentYear = Dat_GetCurrentYear (); /***** Begin form *****/ Frm_BeginForm (ActNewHld); /***** Begin box and table *****/ Box_BoxTableBegin (NULL,Txt_New_holiday, NULL,NULL, Hlp_INSTITUTION_Holidays_edit,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE,2); /***** Write heading *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TH (Txt_Place ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT); HTM_TH (Txt_Type ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT); HTM_TH (Txt_START_END_TIME[Dat_STR_TIME],HTM_HEAD_LEFT); HTM_TH (Txt_START_END_TIME[Dat_END_TIME],HTM_HEAD_LEFT); HTM_TH (Txt_Holiday ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT); HTM_TR_End (); HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /***** Holiday place *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CM\""); HTM_SELECT_Begin (HTM_DONT_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "name=\"PlcCod\" class=\"PLC_SEL INPUT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_STRING,"-1",Hld_EditingHld->PlcCod <= 0,false, "%s",Txt_All_places); for (NumPlc = 0; NumPlc < Places->Num; NumPlc++) HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_LONG,&Places->Lst[NumPlc].PlcCod, Places->Lst[NumPlc].PlcCod == Hld_EditingHld->PlcCod,false, "%s",Places->Lst[NumPlc].ShrtName); HTM_SELECT_End (); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Holiday type *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CM\""); HTM_SELECT_Begin (HTM_DONT_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "name=\"HldTyp\" class=\"INPUT_%s\"" " style=\"width:62px;\"", // TODO: Use a CSS class The_GetSuffix ()); for (HolidayType = (Hld_HolidayType_t) 0; HolidayType <= (Hld_HolidayType_t) (Hld_NUM_TYPES_HOLIDAY - 1); HolidayType++) { HolidayTypeUnsigned = (unsigned) HolidayType; HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_UNSIGNED,&HolidayTypeUnsigned, HolidayType == Hld_EditingHld->HldTyp,false, "%s",Txt_HOLIDAY_TYPES[HolidayType]); } HTM_SELECT_End (); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Holiday date / Non school period start date *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CM\""); Dat_WriteFormDate (CurrentYear - 1, CurrentYear + 1, "Start", &Hld_EditingHld->StartDate, false,false); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Non school period end date *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CM\""); Dat_WriteFormDate (CurrentYear - 1, CurrentYear + 1, "End", &Hld_EditingHld->EndDate, false,false); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Holiday name *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CM\""); HTM_INPUT_TEXT ("Name",Hld_MAX_CHARS_HOLIDAY_NAME,Hld_EditingHld->Name, HTM_DONT_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "size=\"20\" class=\"INPUT_%s\"" " required=\"required\"", The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_Empty (1); HTM_TR_End (); /***** End table, send button and end box *****/ Box_BoxTableWithButtonEnd (Btn_CREATE_BUTTON,Txt_Create_holiday); /***** End form *****/ Frm_EndForm (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Write header with fields of a holiday *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Hld_PutHeadHolidays (void) { extern const char *Txt_Code; extern const char *Txt_Place; extern const char *Txt_Type; extern const char *Txt_START_END_TIME[Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME]; extern const char *Txt_Holiday; HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TH_Span (NULL ,HTM_HEAD_CENTER,1,1,"BT"); HTM_TH (Txt_Code ,HTM_HEAD_RIGHT); HTM_TH (Txt_Place ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_Type ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_START_END_TIME[Dat_STR_TIME],HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_START_END_TIME[Dat_END_TIME],HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_Holiday ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TR_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Receive form to create a new holiday ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Hld_ReceiveFormNewHoliday (void) { extern const char *Txt_Created_new_holiday_X; extern const char *Txt_You_must_specify_the_name; /***** Holiday constructor *****/ Hld_EditingHolidayConstructor (); /***** Get place code *****/ Hld_EditingHld->PlcCod = Plc_GetParamPlcCod (); /***** Get the type of holiday *****/ Hld_EditingHld->HldTyp = Hld_GetParamHldType (); /***** Get start date *****/ Dat_GetDateFromForm ("StartDay","StartMonth","StartYear", &Hld_EditingHld->StartDate.Day, &Hld_EditingHld->StartDate.Month, &Hld_EditingHld->StartDate.Year); if (Hld_EditingHld->StartDate.Day == 0 || Hld_EditingHld->StartDate.Month == 0 || Hld_EditingHld->StartDate.Year == 0) Dat_AssignDate (&Hld_EditingHld->StartDate,Dat_GetCurrentDate ()); /***** Set end date *****/ switch (Hld_EditingHld->HldTyp) { case Hld_HOLIDAY: /* Set end date = start date (ignore end date from form) */ Dat_AssignDate (&Hld_EditingHld->EndDate,&Hld_EditingHld->StartDate); break; case Hld_NON_SCHOOL_PERIOD: /* Get end date from form */ Dat_GetDateFromForm ("EndDay","EndMonth","EndYear", &Hld_EditingHld->EndDate.Day, &Hld_EditingHld->EndDate.Month, &Hld_EditingHld->EndDate.Year); if (Hld_EditingHld->EndDate.Day == 0 || Hld_EditingHld->EndDate.Month == 0 || Hld_EditingHld->EndDate.Year == 0) Dat_AssignDate (&Hld_EditingHld->EndDate,Dat_GetCurrentDate ()); break; } /***** Get holiday name *****/ Par_GetParToText ("Name",Hld_EditingHld->Name,Hld_MAX_BYTES_HOLIDAY_NAME); /***** Create the new holiday or set warning message *****/ if (Hld_EditingHld->Name[0]) // If there's a holiday name { /* Create the new holiday */ Hld_DB_CreateHoliday (Hld_EditingHld); /* Success message */ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL, Txt_Created_new_holiday_X, Hld_EditingHld->Name); } else // If there is not a holiday name /* Error message */ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_WARNING,NULL, Txt_You_must_specify_the_name); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Holiday constructor/destructor ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Hld_EditingHolidayConstructor (void) { /***** Pointer must be NULL *****/ if (Hld_EditingHld != NULL) Err_WrongHolidayExit (); /***** Allocate memory for holiday *****/ if ((Hld_EditingHld = malloc (sizeof (*Hld_EditingHld))) == NULL) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); /***** Reset place *****/ Hld_EditingHld->HldCod = -1L; Hld_EditingHld->PlcCod = -1L; Hld_EditingHld->PlaceFullName[0] = '\0'; Hld_EditingHld->HldTyp = Hld_HOLIDAY; Hld_EditingHld->StartDate.Year = Hld_EditingHld->EndDate.Year = Dat_GetCurrentYear (); Hld_EditingHld->StartDate.Month = Hld_EditingHld->EndDate.Month = Dat_GetCurrentMonth (); Hld_EditingHld->StartDate.Day = Hld_EditingHld->EndDate.Day = Dat_GetCurrentDay (); Hld_EditingHld->Name[0] = '\0'; } static void Hld_EditingHolidayDestructor (void) { /***** Free memory used for holiday *****/ if (Hld_EditingHld != NULL) { free (Hld_EditingHld); Hld_EditingHld = NULL; } }