// swad_room.c: classrooms, laboratories, offices or other rooms in a center /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************** Headers **********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include // For calloc, free #include // For NULL #include // For string functions #include "swad_action_list.h" #include "swad_alert.h" #include "swad_box.h" #include "swad_building.h" #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_error.h" #include "swad_form.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_group_database.h" #include "swad_HTML.h" #include "swad_MAC.h" #include "swad_parameter_code.h" #include "swad_room.h" #include "swad_room_database.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private constants *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static const char *Roo_TypesIcons[Roo_NUM_TYPES] = { [Roo_NO_TYPE ] = "question.svg", [Roo_ADMINISTRATION] = "user-tie.svg", [Roo_AUDITORIUM ] = "landmark.svg", [Roo_CAFETERIA ] = "coffee.svg", [Roo_CANTEEN ] = "utensils.svg", [Roo_CLASSROOM ] = "chalkboard-user.svg", [Roo_CONCIERGE ] = "concierge-bell.svg", [Roo_CORRIDOR ] = "walking.svg", [Roo_GYM ] = "dumbbell.svg", [Roo_HALL ] = "map-signs.svg", [Roo_KINDERGARTEN ] = "child.svg", [Roo_LABORATORY ] = "flask.svg", [Roo_LIBRARY ] = "book.svg", [Roo_OFFICE ] = "door-closed.svg", [Roo_OUTDOORS ] = "cloud-sun.svg", [Roo_PARKING ] = "car.svg", [Roo_PAVILION ] = "volleyball-ball.svg", [Roo_ROOM ] = "door-open.svg", [Roo_SECRETARIAT ] = "stamp.svg", [Roo_SEMINAR ] = "chalkboard.svg", [Roo_SHOP ] = "shopping-cart.svg", [Roo_STORE ] = "dolly.svg", [Roo_TOILETS ] = "toilet.svg", [Roo_VIRTUAL ] = "laptop-house.svg", [Roo_YARD ] = "tree.svg", }; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private variables *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static struct Roo_Room *Roo_EditingRoom = NULL; // Static variable to keep the room being edited /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_GetAndListMACAddresses (long RooCod); static void Roo_GetAndEditMACAddresses (long RooCod,const char *Anchor); static Roo_Order_t Roo_GetParRoomOrder (void); static Usr_Can_t Roo_CheckIfICanCreateRooms (void); static void Roo_PutIconsListingRooms (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args); static void Roo_PutIconToEditRooms (void); static void Roo_PutIconsEditingRooms (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args); static void Roo_GetRoomDataByCod (struct Roo_Room *Room); static void Roo_GetRoomDataFromRow (MYSQL_RES *mysql_res, struct Roo_Room *Room, Roo_WhichData_t WhichData); static void Roo_GetBldShrtName (struct Roo_Room *Room,const char *BldShrtNameFromDB); static Roo_RoomType_t Roo_GetTypeFromString (const char *Str); static void Roo_EditRoomsInternal (void); static void Roo_ListRoomsForEdition (const struct Bld_Buildings *Buildings, const struct Roo_Rooms *Rooms); static void Roo_PutParRooCod (void *RooCod); static void Roo_PutSelectorBuilding (long BldCod, const struct Bld_Buildings *Buildings, HTM_Attributes_t Attributes); static void Roo_PutSelectorType (Roo_RoomType_t RoomType, HTM_Attributes_t Attributes); static int Roo_GetParFloor (void); static Roo_RoomType_t Roo_GetParType (void); static void Roo_RenameRoom (Nam_ShrtOrFullName_t ShrtOrFull); static void Roo_WriteCapacity (char Str[Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1],unsigned Capacity); static void Roo_PutFormToCreateRoom (const struct Bld_Buildings *Buildings); static void Roo_PutHeadRooms (void); static void Roo_CreateRoom (struct Roo_Room *Room); static void Roo_EditingRoomConstructor (void); static void Roo_EditingRoomDestructor (void); /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Reset rooms context ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_ResetRooms (struct Roo_Rooms *Rooms) { Rooms->Num = 0; // Number of rooms Rooms->Lst = NULL; // List of rooms Rooms->SelectedOrder = Roo_ORDER_DEFAULT; } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** List all rooms *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_SeeRooms (void) { extern const char *Hlp_CENTER_Rooms; extern const char *Txt_Rooms; extern const char *Txt_ROOMS_HELP_ORDER[Roo_NUM_ORDERS]; extern const char *Txt_ROOMS_ORDER[Roo_NUM_ORDERS]; extern const char *Txt_MAC_address; extern const char *Txt_ROOM_TYPES[Roo_NUM_TYPES]; struct Roo_Rooms Rooms; Roo_Order_t Order; unsigned NumRoom; char StrCapacity[Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; /***** Trivial check *****/ if (Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[Hie_CTR].HieCod <= 0) // No center selected return; /***** Reset rooms context *****/ Roo_ResetRooms (&Rooms); /***** Get parameter with the type of order in the list of rooms *****/ Rooms.SelectedOrder = Roo_GetParRoomOrder (); /***** Get list of rooms *****/ Roo_GetListRooms (&Rooms,Roo_ALL_DATA); /***** Table head *****/ Box_BoxBegin (Txt_Rooms,Roo_PutIconsListingRooms,NULL, Hlp_CENTER_Rooms,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); HTM_TABLE_BeginWideMarginPadding (2); HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Columns visible by all */ for (Order = (Roo_Order_t) 0; Order <= (Roo_Order_t) (Roo_NUM_ORDERS - 1); Order++) { HTM_TH_Begin (HTM_HEAD_LEFT); Frm_BeginForm (ActSeeRoo); Par_PutParUnsigned (NULL,"Order",(unsigned) Order); HTM_BUTTON_Submit_Begin (Txt_ROOMS_HELP_ORDER[Order], "class=\"BT_LINK\""); if (Order == Rooms.SelectedOrder) HTM_U_Begin (); HTM_Txt (Txt_ROOMS_ORDER[Order]); if (Order == Rooms.SelectedOrder) HTM_U_End (); HTM_BUTTON_End (); Frm_EndForm (); HTM_TH_End (); } /* Column visible by admins */ switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged) { case Rol_CTR_ADM: case Rol_INS_ADM: case Rol_SYS_ADM: HTM_TH (Txt_MAC_address,HTM_HEAD_LEFT); break; default: break; } HTM_TR_End (); /***** Write list of rooms *****/ for (NumRoom = 0, The_ResetRowColor (); NumRoom < Rooms.Num; NumRoom++, The_ChangeRowColor ()) { HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Building short name */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_Txt (Rooms.Lst[NumRoom].BldShrtName); HTM_TD_End (); /* Floor */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_Int (Rooms.Lst[NumRoom].Floor); HTM_TD_End (); /* Type */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); Ico_PutIconOn (Roo_TypesIcons[Rooms.Lst[NumRoom].Type],Ico_BLACK, Txt_ROOM_TYPES[Rooms.Lst[NumRoom].Type]); HTM_TD_End (); /* Short name */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_Txt (Rooms.Lst[NumRoom].ShrtName); HTM_TD_End (); /* Full name */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); HTM_Txt (Rooms.Lst[NumRoom].FullName); HTM_TD_End (); /* Capacity */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); Roo_WriteCapacity (StrCapacity,Rooms.Lst[NumRoom].Capacity); HTM_Txt (StrCapacity); HTM_TD_End (); /* Column visible by admins */ switch (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged) { case Rol_CTR_ADM: case Rol_INS_ADM: case Rol_SYS_ADM: HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT DAT_%s %s\"", The_GetSuffix (),The_GetColorRows ()); Roo_GetAndListMACAddresses (Rooms.Lst[NumRoom].RooCod); HTM_TD_End (); break; default: break; } HTM_TR_End (); } /***** End table *****/ HTM_TABLE_End (); /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); /***** Free list of rooms *****/ Roo_FreeListRooms (&Rooms); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Get and list the MAC addresses associated to a room ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_GetAndListMACAddresses (long RooCod) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; unsigned NumMACs; /***** Get MAC addresses from database *****/ NumMACs = Roo_DB_GetMACAddresses (&mysql_res,RooCod); /***** Write the MAC addresses *****/ MAC_ListMACAddresses (NumMACs,&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Get and list for edition the MAC addresses associated to a room ******/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_GetAndEditMACAddresses (long RooCod,const char *Anchor) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; unsigned NumMACs; /***** Get MAC addresses from database *****/ NumMACs = Roo_DB_GetMACAddresses (&mysql_res,RooCod); /***** Write the MAC addresses *****/ MAC_EditMACAddresses (RooCod,Anchor,NumMACs,&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Change MAC of a room ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_ChangeMAC (void) { unsigned long long OldMACnum; unsigned long long NewMACnum; /***** Room constructor *****/ Roo_EditingRoomConstructor (); /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get room code */ Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Roo); /* Get the old MAC address of the room */ OldMACnum = MAC_GetMACnumFromForm ("MAC"); /* Get the new MAC address of the room */ NewMACnum = MAC_GetMACnumFromForm ("NewMAC"); /***** Get data of the room from database *****/ Roo_GetRoomDataByCod (Roo_EditingRoom); /***** Check if the new MAC is different from the old MAC *****/ if (OldMACnum) Roo_DB_RemoveMACAddress (Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod,OldMACnum); if (NewMACnum) /***** Update the table of rooms-MACs changing the old MAC for the new one *****/ Roo_DB_UpdateMACAddress (Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod,NewMACnum); Roo_EditingRoom->MACnum = NewMACnum; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Get parameter with the type or order in list of rooms ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Roo_Order_t Roo_GetParRoomOrder (void) { return (Roo_Order_t) Par_GetParUnsignedLong ("Order", 0, Roo_NUM_ORDERS - 1, (unsigned long) Roo_ORDER_DEFAULT); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Check if I can create rooms *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Usr_Can_t Roo_CheckIfICanCreateRooms (void) { return (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged >= Rol_CTR_ADM) ? Usr_CAN : Usr_CAN_NOT; } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Put contextual icons in list of rooms ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_PutIconsListingRooms (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args) { /***** Put icon to edit rooms *****/ if (Roo_CheckIfICanCreateRooms () == Usr_CAN) Roo_PutIconToEditRooms (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Put a link (form) to edit rooms **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_PutIconToEditRooms (void) { Ico_PutContextualIconToEdit (ActEdiRoo,NULL,NULL,NULL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************************** Put forms to edit rooms *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_EditRooms (void) { /***** Room constructor *****/ Roo_EditingRoomConstructor (); /***** Edit rooms *****/ Roo_EditRoomsInternal (); /***** Room destructor *****/ Roo_EditingRoomDestructor (); } static void Roo_EditRoomsInternal (void) { extern const char *Hlp_CENTER_Rooms_edit; extern const char *Txt_Rooms; struct Bld_Buildings Buildings; struct Roo_Rooms Rooms; /***** Reset context *****/ Bld_ResetBuildings (&Buildings); Roo_ResetRooms (&Rooms); /***** Get lists of buildings and rooms *****/ Bld_GetListBuildings (&Buildings,Bld_ALL_DATA); Roo_GetListRooms (&Rooms,Roo_ALL_DATA); /***** Begin box *****/ Box_BoxBegin (Txt_Rooms,Roo_PutIconsEditingRooms,NULL, Hlp_CENTER_Rooms_edit,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); /***** Put a form to create a new room *****/ Roo_PutFormToCreateRoom (&Buildings); /***** Forms to edit current rooms *****/ if (Rooms.Num) Roo_ListRoomsForEdition (&Buildings,&Rooms); /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); /***** Free lists of rooms and buildings *****/ Roo_FreeListRooms (&Rooms); Bld_FreeListBuildings (&Buildings); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Put contextual icons in edition of rooms ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_PutIconsEditingRooms (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args) { /***** Put icon to view rooms *****/ Ico_PutContextualIconToView (ActSeeRoo,NULL,NULL,NULL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** List all rooms *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_GetListRooms (struct Roo_Rooms *Rooms,Roo_WhichData_t WhichData) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; unsigned NumRoom; /***** Get rooms from database *****/ if ((Rooms->Num = Roo_DB_GetListRooms (&mysql_res,Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[Hie_CTR].HieCod, WhichData,Rooms->SelectedOrder))) // Rooms found... { /***** Create list with courses in center *****/ if ((Rooms->Lst = calloc ((size_t) Rooms->Num, sizeof (*Rooms->Lst))) == NULL) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); /***** Get the rooms *****/ for (NumRoom = 0; NumRoom < Rooms->Num; NumRoom++) Roo_GetRoomDataFromRow (mysql_res,&Rooms->Lst[NumRoom],WhichData); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Get room data from database using the room code ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_GetRoomDataByCod (struct Roo_Room *Room) { MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; /***** Trivial check *****/ if (Room->RooCod <= 0) return; /***** Get data of a room from database *****/ if (Roo_DB_GetRoomDataByCod (&mysql_res,Room->RooCod)) // Room found... Roo_GetRoomDataFromRow (mysql_res,Room,Roo_ALL_DATA); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get room data from database row ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_GetRoomDataFromRow (MYSQL_RES *mysql_res, struct Roo_Room *Room, Roo_WhichData_t WhichData) { MYSQL_ROW row; /***** Get row *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /***** Get room code (row[0]) *****/ if ((Room->RooCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) <= 0) Err_WrongRoomExit (); switch (WhichData) { case Roo_ALL_DATA: /***** Get building code (row[1]) *****/ Room->BldCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[1]); /***** Get the short name of the building (row[2]) *****/ Roo_GetBldShrtName (Room,row[2]); /***** Get floor (row[3]) *****/ Room->Floor = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[3]); /***** Get type (row[4]) *****/ Room->Type = Roo_GetTypeFromString (row[4]); /***** Get the short (row[5]) and full (row[6]) names of the room *****/ Str_Copy (Room->ShrtName,row[5],sizeof (Room->ShrtName) - 1); Str_Copy (Room->FullName,row[6],sizeof (Room->FullName) - 1); /***** Get seating capacity in this room (row[7]) *****/ if (sscanf (row[7],"%u",&Room->Capacity) != 1) Room->Capacity = Roo_UNLIMITED_CAPACITY; break; case Roo_ONLY_SHRT_NAME: default: /***** Get the short name of the room (row[1]) *****/ Str_Copy (Room->ShrtName,row[1],sizeof (Room->ShrtName) - 1); break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Get building short name from database ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_GetBldShrtName (struct Roo_Room *Room,const char *BldShrtNameFromDB) { extern const char *Txt_No_assigned_building; extern const char *Txt_Another_building; if (Room->BldCod < 0) Str_Copy (Room->BldShrtName,Txt_No_assigned_building, sizeof (Room->BldShrtName) - 1); else if (Room->BldCod == 0) Str_Copy (Room->BldShrtName,Txt_Another_building, sizeof (Room->BldShrtName) - 1); else // Room->BldCod > 0 { Room->BldShrtName[0] = '\0'; if (BldShrtNameFromDB) Str_Copy (Room->BldShrtName,BldShrtNameFromDB, sizeof (Room->BldShrtName) - 1); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Convert from string to type **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Roo_RoomType_t Roo_GetTypeFromString (const char *Str) { extern const char *Roo_TypesDB[Roo_NUM_TYPES]; Roo_RoomType_t Type; /***** Compare string with all string types *****/ for (Type = (Roo_RoomType_t) 0; Type <= (Roo_RoomType_t) (Roo_NUM_TYPES - 1); Type++) if (!strcmp (Roo_TypesDB[Type],Str)) return Type; return Roo_NO_TYPE; } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Free list of rooms *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_FreeListRooms (struct Roo_Rooms *Rooms) { if (Rooms->Lst) { /***** Free memory used by the list of rooms in institution *****/ free (Rooms->Lst); Rooms->Lst = NULL; Rooms->Num = 0; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** List all rooms ********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_ListRoomsForEdition (const struct Bld_Buildings *Buildings, const struct Roo_Rooms *Rooms) { static Act_Action_t ActionRename[Nam_NUM_SHRT_FULL_NAMES] = { [Nam_SHRT_NAME] = ActRenRooSho, [Nam_FULL_NAME] = ActRenRooFul, }; unsigned NumRoom; struct Roo_Room *Room; char *Anchor = NULL; char StrCapacity[Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; const char *Names[Nam_NUM_SHRT_FULL_NAMES]; HTM_TABLE_Begin ("TBL_SCROLL"); /***** Write heading *****/ Roo_PutHeadRooms (); /***** Write all rooms *****/ for (NumRoom = 0; NumRoom < Rooms->Num; NumRoom++) { Room = &Rooms->Lst[NumRoom]; /* Build anchor string */ Frm_SetAnchorStr (Room->RooCod,&Anchor); HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Put icon to remove room */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"BT\""); Ico_PutContextualIconToRemove (ActRemRoo,NULL, Roo_PutParRooCod,&Room->RooCod); HTM_TD_End (); /* Room code */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CODE DAT_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_ARTICLE_Begin (Anchor); HTM_Long (Room->RooCod); HTM_ARTICLE_End (); HTM_TD_End (); /* Building */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CT\""); Frm_BeginFormAnchor (ActChgRooBld,Anchor); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Roo,Room->RooCod); Roo_PutSelectorBuilding (Room->BldCod,Buildings, HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE); Frm_EndForm (); HTM_TD_End (); /* Floor */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\""); Frm_BeginFormAnchor (ActChgRooFlo,Anchor); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Roo,Room->RooCod); HTM_INPUT_LONG ("Floor",(long) INT_MIN,(long) INT_MAX, (long) Room->Floor, HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "class=\"INPUT_LONG INPUT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); Frm_EndForm (); HTM_TD_End (); /* Room type */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CT\""); Frm_BeginFormAnchor (ActChgRooTyp,Anchor); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Roo,Room->RooCod); Roo_PutSelectorType (Room->Type,HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE); Frm_EndForm (); HTM_TD_End (); /* Room short name and full name */ Names[Nam_SHRT_NAME] = Room->ShrtName; Names[Nam_FULL_NAME] = Room->FullName; Nam_ExistingShortAndFullNames (ActionRename, ParCod_Roo,Room->RooCod, Names, Frm_PUT_FORM); /* Seating capacity */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\""); Frm_BeginFormAnchor (ActChgRooMaxUsr,Anchor); ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Roo,Room->RooCod); Roo_WriteCapacity (StrCapacity,Room->Capacity); HTM_INPUT_TEXT ("Capacity",Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT,StrCapacity, HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "size=\"3\" class=\"INPUT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); Frm_EndForm (); HTM_TD_End (); /* MAC addresses */ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LT\""); Roo_GetAndEditMACAddresses (Room->RooCod,Anchor); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } /***** End table *****/ HTM_TABLE_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Write parameter with code of room *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_PutParRooCod (void *RooCod) { if (RooCod) ParCod_PutPar (ParCod_Roo,*((long *) RooCod)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Put selector of the building to which the room belongs ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_PutSelectorBuilding (long BldCod, const struct Bld_Buildings *Buildings, HTM_Attributes_t Attributes) { extern const char *Txt_No_assigned_building; extern const char *Txt_Another_building; unsigned NumBld; const struct Bld_Building *Bld; /***** Begin selector *****/ HTM_SELECT_Begin (Attributes,NULL, "name=\"BldCod\" class=\"BLD_SEL INPUT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); /***** Option for no assigned building *****/ HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_STRING,"-1", (BldCod < 0) ? HTM_SELECTED : HTM_NO_ATTR, "%s",Txt_No_assigned_building); /***** Option for another room *****/ HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_STRING,"0", (BldCod == 0) ? HTM_SELECTED : HTM_NO_ATTR, "%s",Txt_Another_building); /***** Options for buildings *****/ for (NumBld = 0; NumBld < Buildings->Num; NumBld++) { Bld = &Buildings->Lst[NumBld]; HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_LONG,&Bld->BldCod, (BldCod == Bld->BldCod) ? HTM_SELECTED : HTM_NO_ATTR, "%s",Bld->ShrtName); } /***** End selector *****/ HTM_SELECT_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Put selector of room type **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_PutSelectorType (Roo_RoomType_t RoomType, HTM_Attributes_t Attributes) { extern const char *Txt_ROOM_TYPES[Roo_NUM_TYPES]; Roo_RoomType_t Type; /***** Begin selector *****/ HTM_SELECT_Begin (Attributes,NULL, "name=\"Type\" class=\"ROOM_TYPE_SEL INPUT_%s\"", The_GetSuffix ()); /***** Options for types *****/ for (Type = (Roo_RoomType_t) 0; Type <= (Roo_RoomType_t) (Roo_NUM_TYPES - 1); Type++) HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_UNSIGNED,&Type, (Type == RoomType) ? HTM_SELECTED : HTM_NO_ATTR, "%s",Txt_ROOM_TYPES[Type]); /***** End selector *****/ HTM_SELECT_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Get parameter with floor *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static int Roo_GetParFloor (void) { return (int) Par_GetParLong ("Floor"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Get parameter with type **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static Roo_RoomType_t Roo_GetParType (void) { long TypeLong; /***** Get type string *****/ TypeLong = Par_GetParLong ("Type"); if (TypeLong >= 0 && TypeLong < Roo_NUM_TYPES) return (Roo_RoomType_t) TypeLong; // Correc type /***** Default type when no type or wrong type *****/ return Roo_NO_TYPE; } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************** Remove a room ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_RemoveRoom (void) { extern const char *Txt_Room_X_removed; /***** Room constructor *****/ Roo_EditingRoomConstructor (); /***** Get room code *****/ Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Roo); /***** Get data of the room from database *****/ Roo_GetRoomDataByCod (Roo_EditingRoom); /***** Update groups assigned to this room *****/ Grp_DB_ResetRoomInGrps (Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod); /***** Remove room *****/ Roo_DB_RemoveRoom (Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod); /***** Create message to show the change made *****/ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL, Txt_Room_X_removed, Roo_EditingRoom->FullName); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Change sitting capacity of a room *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_ChangeBuilding (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_building_of_room_X_has_not_changed; extern const char *Txt_The_building_of_room_X_is_now_Y; long NewBldCod; /***** Room constructor *****/ Roo_EditingRoomConstructor (); /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get room code */ Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Roo); /* Get room building */ NewBldCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Bld); /***** Get data of the room from database *****/ Roo_GetRoomDataByCod (Roo_EditingRoom); /***** Check if the old building equals the new one (this happens when return is pressed without changes) *****/ if (NewBldCod < 0) NewBldCod = -1L; if (NewBldCod == Roo_EditingRoom->BldCod) /***** Message to show no changes made *****/ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_INFO,NULL, Txt_The_building_of_room_X_has_not_changed, Roo_EditingRoom->FullName); else { /***** Update the table of rooms changing the old building for the new one *****/ Roo_DB_UpdateRoomBuilding (Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod,NewBldCod); /***** Get updated data of the room from database *****/ Roo_GetRoomDataByCod (Roo_EditingRoom); /***** Message to show the change made *****/ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL, Txt_The_building_of_room_X_is_now_Y, Roo_EditingRoom->FullName,Roo_EditingRoom->BldShrtName); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Change the floor of a room *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_ChangeFloor (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_floor_of_room_X_has_not_changed; extern const char *Txt_The_floor_of_room_X_is_now_Y; int NewFloor; /***** Room constructor *****/ Roo_EditingRoomConstructor (); /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get room code */ Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Roo); /* Get room floor */ NewFloor = Roo_GetParFloor (); /***** Get data of the room from database *****/ Roo_GetRoomDataByCod (Roo_EditingRoom); /***** Check if the old floor equals the new one (this happens when return is pressed without changes) *****/ if (NewFloor == Roo_EditingRoom->Floor) /***** Message to show no changes made *****/ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_INFO,NULL, Txt_The_floor_of_room_X_has_not_changed, Roo_EditingRoom->FullName); else { /***** Update the table of rooms changing the old floor for the new one *****/ Roo_DB_UpdateRoomFloor (Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod,NewFloor); /***** Get updated data of the room from database *****/ Roo_GetRoomDataByCod (Roo_EditingRoom); /***** Message to show the change made *****/ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL, Txt_The_floor_of_room_X_is_now_Y, Roo_EditingRoom->FullName,Roo_EditingRoom->Floor); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Change the type of a room *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_ChangeType (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_type_of_room_X_has_not_changed; extern const char *Txt_The_type_of_room_X_is_now_Y; extern const char *Txt_ROOM_TYPES[Roo_NUM_TYPES]; Roo_RoomType_t NewType; /***** Room constructor *****/ Roo_EditingRoomConstructor (); /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get room code */ Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Roo); /* Get room type */ NewType = Roo_GetParType (); /***** Get data of the room from database *****/ Roo_GetRoomDataByCod (Roo_EditingRoom); /***** Check if the old type equals the new one (this happens when return is pressed without changes) *****/ if ((unsigned) NewType >= Roo_NUM_TYPES) NewType = Roo_NO_TYPE; if (NewType == Roo_EditingRoom->Type) /***** Message to show no changes made *****/ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_INFO,NULL, Txt_The_type_of_room_X_has_not_changed, Roo_EditingRoom->FullName); else { /***** Update the table of rooms changing the old type for the new one *****/ Roo_DB_UpdateRoomType (Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod,NewType); /***** Get updated data of the room from database *****/ Roo_GetRoomDataByCod (Roo_EditingRoom); /***** Message to show the change made *****/ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL, Txt_The_type_of_room_X_is_now_Y, Roo_EditingRoom->FullName,Txt_ROOM_TYPES[Roo_EditingRoom->Type]); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Change the short name of a room **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_RenameRoomShrt (void) { /***** Room constructor *****/ Roo_EditingRoomConstructor (); /***** Rename room *****/ Roo_RenameRoom (Nam_SHRT_NAME); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Change the full name of a room ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_RenameRoomFull (void) { /***** Room constructor *****/ Roo_EditingRoomConstructor (); /***** Rename room *****/ Roo_RenameRoom (Nam_FULL_NAME); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Change the name of a room *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_RenameRoom (Nam_ShrtOrFullName_t ShrtOrFull) { extern const char *Nam_Fields[Nam_NUM_SHRT_FULL_NAMES]; extern unsigned Nam_MaxBytes[Nam_NUM_SHRT_FULL_NAMES]; extern const char *Txt_X_already_exists; extern const char *Txt_The_room_X_has_been_renamed_as_Y; extern const char *Txt_The_name_X_has_not_changed; char *CurrentName[Nam_NUM_SHRT_FULL_NAMES] = { [Nam_SHRT_NAME] = Roo_EditingRoom->ShrtName, [Nam_FULL_NAME] = Roo_EditingRoom->FullName, }; char NewName[Nam_MAX_BYTES_FULL_NAME + 1]; /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get room code */ Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Roo); /* Get the new name for the room */ Nam_GetParShrtOrFullName (ShrtOrFull,NewName); /***** Get from the database the old names of the room *****/ Roo_GetRoomDataByCod (Roo_EditingRoom); /***** Check if new name is empty *****/ if (NewName[0]) { /***** Check if old and new names are the same (this happens when return is pressed without changes) *****/ if (strcmp (CurrentName[ShrtOrFull],NewName)) // Different names { /***** If room was in database... *****/ if (Roo_DB_CheckIfRoomNameExists (Nam_Fields[ShrtOrFull], NewName,Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod, Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[Hie_CTR].HieCod, 0)) // Unused Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_WARNING,NULL,Txt_X_already_exists, NewName); else { /* Update the table changing old name by new name */ Roo_DB_UpdateRoomName (Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod, Nam_Fields[ShrtOrFull],NewName); /* Write message to show the change made */ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL, Txt_The_room_X_has_been_renamed_as_Y, CurrentName[ShrtOrFull],NewName); } } else // The same name Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_INFO,NULL, Txt_The_name_X_has_not_changed, CurrentName[ShrtOrFull]); } else Ale_CreateAlertYouCanNotLeaveFieldEmpty (); /***** Update room name *****/ Str_Copy (CurrentName[ShrtOrFull],NewName, Nam_MaxBytes[ShrtOrFull]); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Change sitting capacity of a room *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_ChangeCapacity (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_capacity_of_room_X_has_not_changed; extern const char *Txt_The_room_X_does_not_have_a_limited_capacity_now; extern const char *Txt_The_capacity_of_room_X_is_now_Y; unsigned NewCapacity; /***** Room constructor *****/ Roo_EditingRoomConstructor (); /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get room code */ Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Roo); /* Get the seating capacity of the room */ NewCapacity = (unsigned) Par_GetParUnsignedLong ("Capacity", 0, Roo_MAX_CAPACITY, Roo_UNLIMITED_CAPACITY); /***** Get data of the room from database *****/ Roo_GetRoomDataByCod (Roo_EditingRoom); /***** Check if the old capacity equals the new one (this happens when return is pressed without changes) *****/ if (NewCapacity == Roo_EditingRoom->Capacity) /***** Message to show no changes made *****/ Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_INFO,NULL, Txt_The_capacity_of_room_X_has_not_changed, Roo_EditingRoom->FullName); else { /***** Update the table of rooms changing the old capacity for the new one *****/ Roo_DB_UpdateRoomCapacity (Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod,NewCapacity); Roo_EditingRoom->Capacity = NewCapacity; /***** Message to show the change made *****/ if (NewCapacity > Grp_MAX_STUDENTS_IN_A_GROUP) Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL, Txt_The_room_X_does_not_have_a_limited_capacity_now, Roo_EditingRoom->FullName); else Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL, Txt_The_capacity_of_room_X_is_now_Y, Roo_EditingRoom->FullName,NewCapacity); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Write seating capacity of a room **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_WriteCapacity (char Str[Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1],unsigned Capacity) { if (Capacity <= Roo_MAX_CAPACITY) snprintf (Str,Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1,"%u",Capacity); else Str[0] = '\0'; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Show alerts after changing a room and continue editing ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_ContEditAfterChgRoom (void) { /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ Ale_ShowAlerts (NULL); /***** Show the form again *****/ Roo_EditRoomsInternal (); /***** Room destructor *****/ Roo_EditingRoomDestructor (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Put a form to create a new room **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_PutFormToCreateRoom (const struct Bld_Buildings *Buildings) { char StrCapacity[Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT + 1]; char MACstr[MAC_LENGTH_MAC_ADDRESS + 1]; // MAC address in xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format const char *Names[Nam_NUM_SHRT_FULL_NAMES]; /***** Begin form to create *****/ Frm_BeginFormTable (ActNewRoo,NULL,NULL,NULL,"TBL_SCROLL"); /***** Write heading *****/ Roo_PutHeadRooms (); HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /***** Column to remove room, disabled here *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"BM\""); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Room code *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CODE\""); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Building *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"CM\""); Roo_PutSelectorBuilding (Roo_EditingRoom->BldCod,Buildings, HTM_NO_ATTR); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Floor *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM\""); HTM_INPUT_LONG ("Floor",(long) INT_MIN,(long) INT_MAX, (long) Roo_EditingRoom->Floor, HTM_NO_ATTR, "class=\"INPUT_LONG INPUT_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Room type *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM\""); Roo_PutSelectorType (Roo_EditingRoom->Type,HTM_NO_ATTR); HTM_TD_End (); /***** Room short name and full name *****/ Names[Nam_SHRT_NAME] = Roo_EditingRoom->ShrtName; Names[Nam_FULL_NAME] = Roo_EditingRoom->FullName; Nam_NewShortAndFullNames (Names); /***** Seating capacity *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM\""); Roo_WriteCapacity (StrCapacity,Roo_EditingRoom->Capacity); HTM_INPUT_TEXT ("Capacity",Cns_MAX_DIGITS_UINT,StrCapacity, HTM_NO_ATTR, "size=\"3\" class=\"INPUT_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TD_End (); /***** MAC address *****/ HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LM\""); MAC_MACnumToMACstr (Roo_EditingRoom->MACnum,MACstr); HTM_INPUT_TEXT ("MAC",MAC_LENGTH_MAC_ADDRESS,MACstr, HTM_NO_ATTR, "size=\"8\" class=\"INPUT_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ()); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); /***** End form to create *****/ Frm_EndFormTable (Btn_CREATE_BUTTON); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Write header with fields of a room *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_PutHeadRooms (void) { extern const char *Txt_Code; extern const char *Txt_Building; extern const char *Txt_Floor; extern const char *Txt_Type; extern const char *Txt_Short_name; extern const char *Txt_Full_name; extern const char *Txt_Capacity_OF_A_ROOM; extern const char *Txt_MAC_address; HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TH_Span (NULL ,HTM_HEAD_CENTER,1,1,"BT"); HTM_TH (Txt_Code ,HTM_HEAD_CENTER); HTM_TH (Txt_Building ,HTM_HEAD_CENTER); HTM_TH (Txt_Floor ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_Type ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_Short_name ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_Full_name ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_Capacity_OF_A_ROOM,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_MAC_address ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TR_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Receive form to create a new room ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Roo_ReceiveNewRoom (void) { extern const char *Txt_Created_new_room_X; char *Names[Nam_NUM_SHRT_FULL_NAMES]; /***** Room constructor *****/ Roo_EditingRoomConstructor (); /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get room building, floor and type */ Roo_EditingRoom->BldCod = ParCod_GetAndCheckPar (ParCod_Bld); Roo_EditingRoom->Floor = Roo_GetParFloor (); Roo_EditingRoom->Type = Roo_GetParType (); /* Get room short name and full name */ Names[Nam_SHRT_NAME] = Roo_EditingRoom->ShrtName; Names[Nam_FULL_NAME] = Roo_EditingRoom->FullName; Nam_GetParsShrtAndFullName (Names); /* Get seating capacity */ Roo_EditingRoom->Capacity = (unsigned) Par_GetParUnsignedLong ("Capacity", 0, Roo_MAX_CAPACITY, Roo_UNLIMITED_CAPACITY); /* Get MAC address */ Roo_EditingRoom->MACnum = MAC_GetMACnumFromForm ("MAC"); if (Roo_EditingRoom->ShrtName[0] && Roo_EditingRoom->FullName[0]) // If there's a room name { /***** If name of room was not in database... *****/ if (!Nam_CheckIfNameExists (Roo_DB_CheckIfRoomNameExists, (const char **) Names, -1L, Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[Hie_CTR].HieCod, 0)) // Unused { Roo_CreateRoom (Roo_EditingRoom); Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL,Txt_Created_new_room_X, Names[Nam_FULL_NAME]); } } else // If there is not a room name Ale_CreateAlertYouMustSpecifyShrtNameAndFullName (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Create a new room ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_CreateRoom (struct Roo_Room *Room) { /***** Correct wrong room type *****/ if ((unsigned) Room->Type >= Roo_NUM_TYPES) Room->Type = Roo_NO_TYPE; /***** Create a new room *****/ Room->RooCod = Roo_DB_CreateRoom (Gbl.Hierarchy.Node[Hie_CTR].HieCod,Room); /***** Create MAC address *****/ if (Room->MACnum) Roo_DB_CreateMACAddress (Room->RooCod,Room->MACnum); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Room constructor/destructor **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Roo_EditingRoomConstructor (void) { /***** Pointer must be NULL *****/ if (Roo_EditingRoom != NULL) Err_WrongRoomExit (); /***** Allocate memory for room *****/ if ((Roo_EditingRoom = malloc (sizeof (*Roo_EditingRoom))) == NULL) Err_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); /***** Reset room *****/ Roo_EditingRoom->RooCod = -1L; Roo_EditingRoom->CtrCod = -1L; Roo_EditingRoom->BldCod = -1L; Roo_EditingRoom->BldShrtName[0] = '\0'; Roo_EditingRoom->Floor = 0; Roo_EditingRoom->ShrtName[0] = '\0'; Roo_EditingRoom->FullName[0] = '\0'; Roo_EditingRoom->Capacity = Roo_UNLIMITED_CAPACITY; Roo_EditingRoom->MACnum = 0ULL; } static void Roo_EditingRoomDestructor (void) { /***** Free memory used for room *****/ if (Roo_EditingRoom != NULL) { free (Roo_EditingRoom); Roo_EditingRoom = NULL; } }