// swad_course.c: edition of courses /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************* Headers ***********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include // For PATH_MAX #include // For NULL #include // For maximum values #include // For getenv, etc. #include // For string functions #include "swad_course.h" #include "swad_constant.h" #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_degree.h" #include "swad_enrollment.h" #include "swad_exam.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_indicator.h" #include "swad_notification.h" #include "swad_parameter.h" #include "swad_QR.h" #include "swad_RSS.h" #include "swad_theme.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; extern struct Act_Actions Act_Actions[Act_NUM_ACTIONS]; /*****************************************************************************/ /*************************** Public constants ********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private types *********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Private constants ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define Crs_MAX_LENGTH_FULL_NAME_COURSE_ON_LIST_OF_MY_COURSES 60 /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Private prototypes *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_Configuration (bool PrintView); static void Crs_PutFormToConfigLogIn (bool IsForm); static void Crs_WriteListMyCoursesToSelectOne (void); static void Crs_GetListCoursesInDegree (Crs_WhatCourses_t WhatCourses); static void Crs_ListCourses (void); static void Crs_EditCourses (void); static void Crs_ListCoursesForSeeing (void); static void Crs_ListCoursesForEdition (void); static bool Crs_CheckIfICanEdit (struct Course *Crs); static Crs_StatusTxt_t Crs_GetStatusTxtFromStatusBits (Crs_Status_t Status); static Crs_Status_t Crs_GetStatusBitsFromStatusTxt (Crs_StatusTxt_t StatusTxt); static void Crs_PutFormToCreateCourse (void); static void Crs_PutHeadCoursesForSeeing (void); static void Crs_PutHeadCoursesForEdition (void); static void Crs_RecFormRequestOrCreateCrs (unsigned Status); static void Crs_GetParamsNewCourse (struct Course *Crs); static bool Crs_CheckIfCourseNameExistsInCourses (long DegCod,unsigned Year,const char *FieldName,const char *Name,long CrsCod); static void Crs_CreateCourse (struct Course *Crs,unsigned Status); static void Crs_GetDataOfCourseFromRow (struct Course *Crs,MYSQL_ROW row); static void Crs_EmptyCourseCompletely (long CrsCod); static bool Crs_RenameCourse (struct Course *Crs,Cns_ShortOrFullName_t ShortOrFullName); static void Crs_PutLinkToGoToCrs (struct Course *Crs); static void Crs_PutLinkToSearchCourses (void); static void Crs_PutParamOtherCrsCod (long CrsCod); static long Crs_GetParamOtherCrsCod (void); static void Crs_WriteRowCrsData (unsigned NumCrs,MYSQL_ROW row,bool WriteColumnAccepted); /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Show introduction to the current course *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_ShowIntroduction (void) { /***** Course configuration *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); Crs_Configuration (false); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /***** Course introduction *****/ Inf_ShowInfo (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Print configuration of the current course *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_PrintConfiguration (void) { Crs_Configuration (true); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Configuration of the current course ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_Configuration (bool PrintView) { extern const char *The_ClassFormul[The_NUM_THEMES]; extern const char *Txt_This_course_fulfills_X_out_of_Y_indicators_; extern const char *Txt_TABS_FULL_TXT[Act_NUM_TABS]; extern const char *Txt_MENU_TITLE[Act_NUM_TABS][Act_MAX_OPTIONS_IN_MENU_PER_TAB]; extern const char *Txt_Show_more_details; extern const char *Txt_NO; extern const char *Txt_Course; extern const char *Txt_Short_Name; extern const char *Txt_Year_OF_A_DEGREE; extern const char *Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[1+Deg_MAX_YEARS_PER_DEGREE]; extern const char *Txt_Semester; extern const char *Txt_SEMESTER_OF_YEAR[1+2]; extern const char *Txt_Institutional_code; extern const char *Txt_Internal_code; extern const char *Txt_Shortcut_to_this_course; extern const char *Txt_QR_code; extern const char *Txt_ROLES_PLURAL_Abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS]; extern const char *Txt_Indicators; extern const char *Txt_of_PART_OF_A_TOTAL; extern const char *Txt_Save; Act_Action_t Superaction; unsigned Year; unsigned Semester; struct Ind_IndicatorsCrs Indicators; bool IsForm = (!PrintView && Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole >= Rol_ROLE_TEACHER); bool PutLink = !PrintView && Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.WWW[0]; /***** Messages and links above the frame *****/ if (!PrintView) { /* Get indicators and show warning */ Ind_GetIndicatorsCrs (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,&Indicators); if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_ROLE_TEACHER && Indicators.CountIndicators < Ind_NUM_INDICATORS) { /* Warning alert */ Superaction = Act_Actions[ActSeeAllStaCrs].SuperAction; sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_This_course_fulfills_X_out_of_Y_indicators_, Indicators.CountIndicators,Ind_NUM_INDICATORS, Ind_NUM_INDICATORS, Cfg_HTTPS_URL_SWAD_CGI,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,Act_Actions[ActSeeAllStaCrs].ActCod, Txt_TABS_FULL_TXT[Act_Actions[Superaction].Tab], Txt_MENU_TITLE[Act_Actions[Superaction].Tab][Act_Actions[Superaction].IndexInMenu], Txt_Show_more_details, Txt_NO); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } /* Link to print view */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); Lay_PutLinkToPrintView1 (ActPrnCrsInf); Lay_PutLinkToPrintView2 (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /* Start form */ if (IsForm) Act_FormStart (ActChgCrsLog); } /***** Start frame *****/ Lay_StartRoundFrameTable10 (NULL,2,NULL); /***** Title *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); if (PutLink) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.WWW, Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.FullName); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"\"%s\"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL,Cfg_ICON_FOLDER_DEGREES, Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.Logo, Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.ShortName); if (PutLink) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
%s" "" "", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.FullName); /***** Course full name *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "%s:" "" "" "%s" "" "", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme], Txt_Course, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.FullName); /***** Course short name *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "%s:" "" "" "%s" "" "", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme], Txt_Short_Name, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.ShortName); /***** Course year *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "%s:" "" "", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme], Txt_Year_OF_A_DEGREE); if (IsForm) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s",Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.Year]); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); /***** Course semester *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "%s:" "" "", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme], Txt_Semester); if (IsForm) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s",Txt_SEMESTER_OF_YEAR[Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.Semester]); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); if (!PrintView) { /***** Institutional code of the course *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "%s:" "" "", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme], Txt_Institutional_code); if (IsForm) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD, Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.InstitutionalCrsCod); else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s",Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.InstitutionalCrsCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); /***** Internal code of the course *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "%s:" "" "" "%ld" "" "", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme],Txt_Internal_code, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); } /***** Link to the course *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "%s:" "" "" "%s/?CrsCod=%ld" "" "", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme], Txt_Shortcut_to_this_course, Cfg_HTTPS_URL_SWAD_CGI,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod, Cfg_HTTPS_URL_SWAD_CGI,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); if (PrintView) { /***** QR code with link to the course *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "%s:" "" "", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme], Txt_QR_code); QR_LinkToCourse (200); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); } else { /***** Choice whether a course allows direct log in *****/ if (Cfg_EXTERNAL_LOGIN_SERVICE_SHORT_NAME[0]) // If external login service exists Crs_PutFormToConfigLogIn (IsForm); /***** Number of teachers *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "%s:" "" "" "%u" "" "", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme], Txt_ROLES_PLURAL_Abc[Rol_ROLE_TEACHER][Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN],Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.NumTchs); /***** Number of students *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "%s:" "" "" "%u" "" "", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme], Txt_ROLES_PLURAL_Abc[Rol_ROLE_STUDENT][Usr_SEX_UNKNOWN],Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.NumStds); /***** Indicators *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "%s:" "" "" "" "%u %s %u " "\"\""" "" "" "", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme],Txt_Indicators, Cfg_HTTPS_URL_SWAD_CGI,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,Act_Actions[ActReqStaCrs].ActCod, Indicators.CountIndicators,Txt_of_PART_OF_A_TOTAL,Ind_NUM_INDICATORS, Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, (Indicators.CountIndicators == Ind_NUM_INDICATORS) ? "ok_green" : "warning"); } /***** End of the frame *****/ Lay_EndRoundFrameTable10 (); /***** End form *****/ if (IsForm) { Lay_PutSendButton (Txt_Save); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Put form to choice whether a course allows direct log in **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_PutFormToConfigLogIn (bool IsForm) { extern const char *The_ClassFormul[The_NUM_THEMES]; extern const char *Txt_Students_authentication; extern const char *Txt_STUDENTS_must_enter_through_X; extern const char *Txt_STUDENTS_may_enter_directly; /***** Can students enter directly? *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "%s:" "" "", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme],Txt_Students_authentication); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,Txt_STUDENTS_must_enter_through_X, Cfg_EXTERNAL_LOGIN_SERVICE_SHORT_NAME); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s", Txt_STUDENTS_may_enter_directly); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Change the configuration of a course *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_ChangeCourseConfig (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_configuration_of_the_course_X_has_been_updated; char Query[512]; char YearStr[2+1]; char YN[1+1]; char SemesterStr[1+1]; /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get institutional code */ Par_GetParToText ("InsCrsCod",Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.InstitutionalCrsCod,Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD); /* Get year */ Par_GetParToText ("OthCrsYear",YearStr,2); Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.Year = Deg_ConvStrToYear (YearStr); /* Get semester */ Par_GetParToText ("OthCrsSem",SemesterStr,1); Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.Semester = Deg_ConvStrToSemester (SemesterStr); /* Get whether this course allows direct log in or not */ Par_GetParToText ("AllowDirectLogIn",YN,1); Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.AllowDirectLogIn = (Str_ConvertToUpperLetter (YN[0]) == 'Y'); /***** Update table of degree types *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE courses SET InsCrsCod='%s',Year='%u',Semester='%u',AllowDirectLogIn='%c'" " WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.InstitutionalCrsCod, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.Year, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.Semester, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.AllowDirectLogIn ? 'Y' : 'N', Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update the type of log in for a course"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_configuration_of_the_course_X_has_been_updated, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.ShortName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); /***** Show the form again *****/ Crs_ShowIntroduction (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Write menu with my courses *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define Crs_MAX_BYTES_TXT_LINK 60 static void Crs_WriteListMyCoursesToSelectOne (void) { extern const char *The_ClassFormul[The_NUM_THEMES]; extern const char *Txt_My_courses; extern const char *Txt_TABS_FULL_TXT[Act_NUM_TABS]; extern const char *Txt_Go_to_X; struct Country Cty; struct Institution Ins; struct Centre Ctr; struct Degree Deg; struct Course Crs; char InsFullName[Ins_MAX_LENGTH_INSTITUTION_FULL_NAME+1]; char CtrFullName[Ctr_MAX_LENGTH_CENTRE_FULL_NAME+1]; char DegFullName[Deg_MAX_LENGTH_DEGREE_FULL_NAME+1]; char CrsFullName[Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_FULL_NAME+1]; bool IsLastItemInLevel[1+5]; bool Highlight; // Highlight because degree, course, etc. is selected MYSQL_RES *mysql_resCty; MYSQL_RES *mysql_resIns; MYSQL_RES *mysql_resCtr; MYSQL_RES *mysql_resDeg; MYSQL_RES *mysql_resCrs; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumCty,NumCtys; unsigned NumIns,NumInss; unsigned NumCtr,NumCtrs; unsigned NumDeg,NumDegs; unsigned NumCrs,NumCrss; char ActTxt[Act_MAX_LENGTH_ACTION_TXT+1]; char PathRelRSSFile[PATH_MAX+1]; /***** Table start *****/ Lay_StartRoundFrameTable10 (NULL,0,Txt_My_courses); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "
" "
    ", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); /***** Write link to platform *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
  • "); Act_FormGoToStart (ActMnu); Par_PutHiddenParamUnsigned ("NxtTab",(unsigned) TabSys); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Txt_TABS_FULL_TXT[TabSys], The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"\"%s\"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Txt_TABS_FULL_TXT[TabSys], Txt_TABS_FULL_TXT[TabSys]); Highlight = (Gbl.CurrentCty.Cty.CtyCod <= 0); if (Highlight) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," %s",Txt_TABS_FULL_TXT[TabSys]); if (Highlight) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "
  • "); /***** Get my countries *****/ NumCtys = Usr_GetCtysFromUsr (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,&mysql_resCty); for (NumCty = 0; NumCty < NumCtys; NumCty++) { /***** Get next institution *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_resCty); /***** Get data of this institution *****/ Cty.CtyCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); if (!Cty_GetDataOfCountryByCod (&Cty)) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Country not found."); /***** Write link to country *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
  • "); IsLastItemInLevel[1] = (NumCty == NumCtys - 1); Lay_IndentDependingOnLevel (1,IsLastItemInLevel); Act_FormStart (ActSeeCtyInf); Cty_PutParamCtyCod (Cty.CtyCod); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Act_GetActionTextFromDB (Act_Actions[ActSeeCtyInf].ActCod,ActTxt), The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); /* Country map */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"\"%s\"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL,Cfg_ICON_FOLDER_COUNTRIES, Cty.Alpha2, Cty.Alpha2, Cty.Alpha2, Cty.Name[Gbl.Prefs.Language]); Highlight = (Gbl.CurrentIns.Ins.InsCod <= 0 && Gbl.CurrentCty.Cty.CtyCod == Cty.CtyCod); if (Highlight) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," %s",Cty.Name[Gbl.Prefs.Language]); if (Highlight) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "
  • "); /***** Get my institutions in this country *****/ NumInss = (unsigned) Usr_GetInssFromUsr (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Cty.CtyCod,&mysql_resIns); for (NumIns = 0; NumIns < NumInss; NumIns++) { /***** Get next institution *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_resIns); /***** Get data of this institution *****/ Ins.InsCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); if (!Ins_GetDataOfInstitutionByCod (&Ins,Ins_GET_MINIMAL_DATA)) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Institution not found."); /***** Write link to institution *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
  • "); IsLastItemInLevel[2] = (NumIns == NumInss - 1); Lay_IndentDependingOnLevel (2,IsLastItemInLevel); Act_FormStart (ActSeeInsInf); Ins_PutParamInsCod (Ins.InsCod); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Act_GetActionTextFromDB (Act_Actions[ActSeeInsInf].ActCod,ActTxt), The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); Ins_DrawInstitutionLogo (Ins.Logo,Ins.ShortName,16,"vertical-align:middle;"); Highlight = (Gbl.CurrentCtr.Ctr.CtrCod <= 0 && Gbl.CurrentIns.Ins.InsCod == Ins.InsCod); if (Highlight) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); strcpy (InsFullName,Ins.FullName); Str_LimitLengthHTMLStr (InsFullName,Crs_MAX_BYTES_TXT_LINK); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," %s",InsFullName); if (Highlight) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "
  • "); /***** Get my centres in this institution *****/ NumCtrs = (unsigned) Usr_GetCtrsFromUsr (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Ins.InsCod,&mysql_resCtr); for (NumCtr = 0; NumCtr < NumCtrs; NumCtr++) { /***** Get next centre *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_resCtr); /***** Get data of this centre *****/ Ctr.CtrCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); if (!Ctr_GetDataOfCentreByCod (&Ctr)) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Centre not found."); /***** Write link to centre *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
  • "); IsLastItemInLevel[3] = (NumCtr == NumCtrs - 1); Lay_IndentDependingOnLevel (3,IsLastItemInLevel); Act_FormStart (ActSeeCtrInf); Ctr_PutParamCtrCod (Ctr.CtrCod); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Act_GetActionTextFromDB (Act_Actions[ActSeeCtrInf].ActCod,ActTxt), The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); Ctr_DrawCentreLogo (Ctr.Logo,Ctr.ShortName,16,"vertical-align:middle;"); Highlight = (Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.DegCod <= 0 && Gbl.CurrentCtr.Ctr.CtrCod == Ctr.CtrCod); if (Highlight) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); strcpy (CtrFullName,Ctr.FullName); Str_LimitLengthHTMLStr (CtrFullName,Crs_MAX_BYTES_TXT_LINK); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," %s",CtrFullName); if (Highlight) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "
  • "); /***** Get my degrees in this centre *****/ NumDegs = (unsigned) Usr_GetDegsFromUsr (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Ctr.CtrCod,&mysql_resDeg); for (NumDeg = 0; NumDeg < NumDegs; NumDeg++) { /***** Get next degree *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_resDeg); /***** Get data of this degree *****/ Deg.DegCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); if (!Deg_GetDataOfDegreeByCod (&Deg)) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Degree not found."); /***** Write link to degree *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
  • "); IsLastItemInLevel[4] = (NumDeg == NumDegs - 1); Lay_IndentDependingOnLevel (4,IsLastItemInLevel); Act_FormStart (ActSeeDegInf); Deg_PutParamDegCod (Deg.DegCod); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Act_GetActionTextFromDB (Act_Actions[ActSeeDegInf].ActCod,ActTxt), The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); Deg_DrawDegreeLogo (Deg.Logo,Deg.ShortName,16,"vertical-align:middle;"); Highlight = (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod <= 0 && Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.DegCod == Deg.DegCod); if (Highlight) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); strcpy (DegFullName,Deg.FullName); Str_LimitLengthHTMLStr (DegFullName,Crs_MAX_BYTES_TXT_LINK); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," %s",DegFullName); if (Highlight) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "
  • "); /***** Get my courses in this degree *****/ NumCrss = (unsigned) Usr_GetCrssFromUsr (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Deg.DegCod,&mysql_resCrs); for (NumCrs = 0; NumCrs < NumCrss; NumCrs++) { /***** Get next course *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_resCrs); /***** Get data of this course *****/ Crs.CrsCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); if (!Crs_GetDataOfCourseByCod (&Crs)) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Course not found."); /***** Write link to course *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
  • "); IsLastItemInLevel[5] = (NumCrs == NumCrss - 1); Lay_IndentDependingOnLevel (5,IsLastItemInLevel); Act_FormStart (ActSeeCrsInf); Crs_PutParamCrsCod (Crs.CrsCod); sprintf (Gbl.Title,Txt_Go_to_X,Crs.ShortName); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Gbl.Title, The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"\"%s\""", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL,Crs.ShortName); Highlight = (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod == Crs.CrsCod); if (Highlight) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); strcpy (CrsFullName,Crs.FullName); Str_LimitLengthHTMLStr (CrsFullName,Crs_MAX_BYTES_TXT_LINK); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," %s",CrsFullName); if (Highlight) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); /***** Write link to RSS file *****/ sprintf (PathRelRSSFile,"%s/%s/%ld/%s/%s", Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PUBLIC,Cfg_FOLDER_CRS,Crs.CrsCod,Cfg_RSS_FOLDER,Cfg_RSS_FILE); if (!Fil_CheckIfPathExists (PathRelRSSFile)) RSS_UpdateRSSFileForACrs (&Crs); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," " "\"RSS\""" "", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
  • "); } /* Free structure that stores the query result */ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_resCrs); } /* Free structure that stores the query result */ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_resDeg); } /* Free structure that stores the query result */ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_resCtr); } /* Free structure that stores the query result */ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_resIns); } /* Free structure that stores the query result */ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_resCty); /***** End frame *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
" "
" "" ""); Lay_EndRoundFrameTable10 (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Get total number of courses *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Crs_GetNumCrssTotal (void) { char Query[256]; /***** Get total number of courses from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM courses"); return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not get the total number of courses"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Get number of courses in a country ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Crs_GetNumCrssInCty (long CtyCod) { char Query[512]; /***** Get number of courses in a country from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM institutions,centres,degrees,courses" " WHERE institutions.CtyCod='%ld'" " AND institutions.InsCod=centres.InsCod" " AND centres.CtrCod=degrees.CtrCod" " AND degrees.DegCod=courses.DegCod", CtyCod); return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not get the number of courses in a country"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Get number of courses in an institution ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Crs_GetNumCrssInIns (long InsCod) { char Query[512]; /***** Get number of courses in a degree from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM centres,degrees,courses" " WHERE centres.InsCod='%ld'" " AND centres.CtrCod=degrees.CtrCod" " AND degrees.DegCod=courses.DegCod", InsCod); return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not get the number of courses in an institution"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Get number of courses in a centre **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Crs_GetNumCrssInCtr (long CtrCod) { char Query[512]; /***** Get number of courses in a degree from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM degrees,courses" " WHERE degrees.CtrCod='%ld' AND degrees.DegCod=courses.DegCod", CtrCod); return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not get the number of courses in a centre"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Get number of courses in a degree **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Crs_GetNumCrssInDeg (long DegCod) { char Query[256]; /***** Get number of courses in a degree from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM courses" " WHERE DegCod='%ld'", DegCod); return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not get the number of courses in a degree"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get number of courses with users **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Crs_GetNumCrssWithUsrs (Rol_Role_t Role,const char *SubQuery) { char Query[512]; /***** Get number of degrees with users from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT courses.CrsCod)" " FROM institutions,centres,degrees,courses,crs_usr" " WHERE %sinstitutions.InsCod=centres.InsCod" " AND centres.CtrCod=degrees.CtrCod" " AND degrees.DegCod=courses.DegCod" " AND courses.CrsCod=crs_usr.CrsCod" " AND crs_usr.Role='%u'", SubQuery,(unsigned) Role); return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not get number of courses with users"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Show courses of a degree *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_ShowCrssOfCurrentDeg (void) { if (Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.DegCod > 0) { /***** Get list of courses in this degree *****/ Crs_GetListCoursesInDegree (Crs_ALL_COURSES_EXCEPT_REMOVED); /***** Write menu to select country, institution, centre and degree *****/ Deg_WriteMenuAllCourses (ActSeeIns,ActSeeCtr,ActSeeDeg,ActSeeCrs); /***** Put link (form) to edit courses in current degree *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole >= Rol_ROLE_GUEST) Lay_PutFormToEdit (ActEdiCrs); /***** Show list of courses *****/ Crs_ListCourses (); /***** Free list of courses in this degree *****/ Crs_FreeListCoursesInDegree (&Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Request edition of courses *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_ReqEditCourses (void) { if (Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.DegCod > 0) { /***** Get list of courses in this degree *****/ Crs_GetListCoursesInDegree (Crs_ALL_COURSES_EXCEPT_REMOVED); /***** Get list of degrees administrated by me *****/ Deg_GetListDegsAdminByMe (); /***** Put form to edit courses *****/ Crs_EditCourses (); /***** Free list of courses in this degree *****/ Crs_FreeListCoursesInDegree (&Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg); /***** Free list of degrees administrated by me *****/ Deg_FreeListMyAdminDegs (); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Create a list with courses in this degree ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_GetListCoursesInDegree (Crs_WhatCourses_t WhatCourses) { char Query[512]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned long NumRows; unsigned NumCrs; struct Course *Crs; /***** Get courses of a degree from database *****/ switch (WhatCourses) { case Crs_ACTIVE_COURSES: sprintf (Query,"SELECT CrsCod,DegCod,Year,Semester,InsCrsCod,AllowDirectLogIn,Status,RequesterUsrCod,ShortName,FullName" " FROM courses WHERE DegCod='%ld' AND Status=0" " ORDER BY Year,ShortName", Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.DegCod); break; case Crs_ALL_COURSES_EXCEPT_REMOVED: sprintf (Query,"SELECT CrsCod,DegCod,Year,Semester,InsCrsCod,AllowDirectLogIn,Status,RequesterUsrCod,ShortName,FullName" " FROM courses WHERE DegCod='%ld' AND (Status & %u)=0" " ORDER BY Year,ShortName", Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.DegCod, (unsigned) Crs_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED); break; default: break; } NumRows = DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get the courses of a degree"); if (NumRows) // Courses found... { // NumRows should be equal to Deg->NumCourses Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.NumCourses = (unsigned) NumRows; /***** Create list with courses in degree *****/ if ((Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.LstCrss = (struct Course *) calloc (NumRows,sizeof (struct Course))) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Not enough memory to store the courses of a degree."); /***** Get the courses in degree *****/ for (NumCrs = 0; NumCrs < Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.NumCourses; NumCrs++) { Crs = &(Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.LstCrss[NumCrs]); /* Get next course */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); Crs_GetDataOfCourseFromRow (Crs,row); } } else Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.NumCourses = 0; /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Free list of courses in this degree *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_FreeListCoursesInDegree (struct Degree *Deg) { if (Deg->LstCrss) { /***** Free memory used by the list of courses in degree *****/ free ((void *) Deg->LstCrss); Deg->LstCrss = NULL; Deg->NumCourses = 0; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Write selector of my coursess ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_WriteSelectorMyCourses (void) { extern const char *Txt_No_COURSE_SELECTED; static const unsigned SelectorWidth[Lay_NUM_LAYOUTS] = { 140, // Lay_LAYOUT_DESKTOP 240, // Lay_LAYOUT_MOBILE }; unsigned NumMyCrs; bool IBelongToCurrentCrs = false; long CrsCod; long DegCod; long LastDegCod; char CrsShortName[Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_SHORT_NAME+1]; char DegShortName[Deg_MAX_LENGTH_DEGREE_SHORT_NAME+1]; /***** Fill the list with the courses I belong to, if not filled *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Logged) Usr_GetMyCourses (); /***** Start form *****/ Act_FormGoToStart (Gbl.Usrs.Me.MyCourses.Num ? ActSeeCrsInf : ActSysReqSch); /***** Start of selector of courses *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* List courses in this degree ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_ListCourses (void) { extern const char *Txt_No_courses_have_been_created_in_this_degree; if (Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.NumCourses) Crs_ListCoursesForSeeing (); else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_INFO,Txt_No_courses_have_been_created_in_this_degree); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Put forms to edit courses in this degree *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_EditCourses (void) { extern const char *Txt_No_courses_have_been_created_in_this_degree; /***** Help message *****/ if (!Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.NumCourses) // There aren't courses Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_INFO,Txt_No_courses_have_been_created_in_this_degree); /***** Put a form to create or request a new course *****/ Crs_PutFormToCreateCourse (); /***** Forms to edit current courses *****/ if (Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.NumCourses) Crs_ListCoursesForEdition (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* List current courses for edition **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_ListCoursesForSeeing (void) { extern const char *The_ClassFormul[The_NUM_THEMES]; extern const char *Txt_Courses_of_DEGREE_X; extern const char *Txt_COURSE_With_users; extern const char *Txt_COURSE_Without_users; extern const char *Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[1+Deg_MAX_YEARS_PER_DEGREE]; extern const char *Txt_SEMESTER_OF_YEAR[1+2]; extern const char *Txt_Go_to_X; extern const char *Txt_COURSE_STATUS[Crs_NUM_STATUS_TXT]; struct Course *Crs; unsigned Year; unsigned NumCrs; const char *TxtClass; const char *BgColor; Crs_StatusTxt_t StatusTxt; /***** Write heading *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Courses_of_DEGREE_X, Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.ShortName); Lay_StartRoundFrameTable10 (NULL,2,Gbl.Message); Crs_PutHeadCoursesForSeeing (); /***** List the courses *****/ for (Year = 0; Year <= Deg_MAX_YEARS_PER_DEGREE; Year++) { for (NumCrs = 0; NumCrs < Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.NumCourses; NumCrs++) { Crs = &(Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.LstCrss[NumCrs]); if (Crs->Year == Year) { TxtClass = (Crs->Status & Crs_STATUS_BIT_PENDING) ? "DAT_LIGHT" : "DAT"; BgColor = (Crs->CrsCod == Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod) ? VERY_LIGHT_BLUE : Gbl.ColorRows[Gbl.RowEvenOdd]; /* Put green tip if course has users */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "\"\""" "", BgColor, Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Crs->NumUsrs ? "ok_green" : "tr", Crs->NumUsrs ? Txt_COURSE_With_users : Txt_COURSE_Without_users); /* Institutional code of the course */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%s" "", TxtClass,BgColor, Crs->InstitutionalCrsCod); /* Course year */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%s" "", TxtClass,BgColor, Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[Crs->Year]); /* Course semester */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%s" "", TxtClass,BgColor, Txt_SEMESTER_OF_YEAR[Crs->Semester]); /* Course full name */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", TxtClass,BgColor); Act_FormGoToStart (ActSeeCrsInf); Crs_PutParamCrsCod (Crs->CrsCod); sprintf (Gbl.Title,Txt_Go_to_X,Crs->FullName); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Gbl.Title,TxtClass); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s" "" "", Crs->FullName); /* Current number of students in this course */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%u" "", TxtClass,BgColor,Crs->NumStds); /* Current number of teachers in this course */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%u" "", TxtClass,BgColor,Crs->NumTchs); /* Course status */ StatusTxt = Crs_GetStatusTxtFromStatusBits (Crs->Status); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%s" "" "", TxtClass,BgColor,Txt_COURSE_STATUS[StatusTxt]); } } Gbl.RowEvenOdd = 1 - Gbl.RowEvenOdd; } /***** Table end *****/ Lay_EndRoundFrameTable10 (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* List current courses for edition **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_ListCoursesForEdition (void) { extern const char *Txt_Courses_of_DEGREE_X; extern const char *Txt_Remove_course; extern const char *Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[1+Deg_MAX_YEARS_PER_DEGREE]; extern const char *Txt_SEMESTER_OF_YEAR[1+2]; extern const char *Txt_COURSE_STATUS[Crs_NUM_STATUS_TXT]; struct Course *Crs; unsigned Year; unsigned YearAux; unsigned Semester; unsigned NumDeg; unsigned NumCrs; struct UsrData UsrDat; bool ICanEdit; Crs_StatusTxt_t StatusTxt; /***** Initialize structure with user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataConstructor (&UsrDat); /***** Write heading *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Courses_of_DEGREE_X, Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.ShortName); Lay_StartRoundFrameTable10 (NULL,2,Gbl.Message); Crs_PutHeadCoursesForEdition (); /***** List the courses *****/ for (Year = 0; Year <= Deg_MAX_YEARS_PER_DEGREE; Year++) for (NumCrs = 0; NumCrs < Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.NumCourses; NumCrs++) { Crs = &(Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.LstCrss[NumCrs]); if (Crs->Year == Year) { ICanEdit = Crs_CheckIfICanEdit (Crs); /* Put icon to remove course */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); if (Crs->NumUsrs || // Course has users ==> deletion forbidden !ICanEdit) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"\"\"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL); else // Crs->NumUsrs == 0 && ICanEdit { Act_FormStart (ActRemCrs); Crs_PutParamOtherCrsCod (Crs->CrsCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Txt_Remove_course, Txt_Remove_course); } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Course code */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%ld" "", Crs->CrsCod); /* Institutional code of the course */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (ICanEdit) { Act_FormStart (ActChgInsCrsCod); Crs_PutParamOtherCrsCod (Crs->CrsCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "", Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD, Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD, Crs->InstitutionalCrsCod, Gbl.FormId); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s",Crs->InstitutionalCrsCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Degree */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole >= Rol_ROLE_DEG_ADMIN) { Act_FormStart (ActChgCrsDeg); Crs_PutParamOtherCrsCod (Crs->CrsCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s",Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.ShortName); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Course year */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (ICanEdit) { Act_FormStart (ActChgCrsYea); Crs_PutParamOtherCrsCod (Crs->CrsCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s",Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[Crs->Year]); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Course semester */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (ICanEdit) { Act_FormStart (ActChgCrsSem); Crs_PutParamOtherCrsCod (Crs->CrsCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s",Txt_SEMESTER_OF_YEAR[Crs->Semester]); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Course short name */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (ICanEdit) { Act_FormStart (ActRenCrsSho); Crs_PutParamOtherCrsCod (Crs->CrsCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "", Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_SHORT_NAME,Crs->ShortName, Gbl.FormId); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s",Crs->ShortName); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Course full name */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (ICanEdit) { Act_FormStart (ActRenCrsFul); Crs_PutParamOtherCrsCod (Crs->CrsCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "", Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_FULL_NAME,Crs->FullName, Gbl.FormId); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s",Crs->FullName); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Current number of students in this course */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%u" "", Crs->NumStds); /* Current number of teachers in this course */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%u" "", Crs->NumTchs); /* Course status */ StatusTxt = Crs_GetStatusTxtFromStatusBits (Crs->Status); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole >= Rol_ROLE_DEG_ADMIN && StatusTxt == Crs_STATUS_PENDING) { Act_FormStart (ActChgCrsSta); Crs_PutParamOtherCrsCod (Crs->CrsCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "", Gbl.FormId, (unsigned) Crs_GetStatusBitsFromStatusTxt (Crs_STATUS_PENDING), Txt_COURSE_STATUS[Crs_STATUS_PENDING], (unsigned) Crs_GetStatusBitsFromStatusTxt (Crs_STATUS_ACTIVE), Txt_COURSE_STATUS[Crs_STATUS_ACTIVE]); } else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s",Txt_COURSE_STATUS[StatusTxt]); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Course requester */ UsrDat.UsrCod = Crs->RequesterUsrCod; Usr_ChkUsrCodAndGetAllUsrDataFromUsrCod (&UsrDat); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" ""); Msg_WriteMsgAuthor (&UsrDat,80,10,"DAT",true,NULL); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "
" "" ""); } } /***** End table *****/ Lay_EndRoundFrameTable10 (); /***** Free memory used for user's data *****/ Usr_UsrDataDestructor (&UsrDat); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Check if I can edit, remove, etc. a course *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static bool Crs_CheckIfICanEdit (struct Course *Crs) { return (bool) (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole >= Rol_ROLE_DEG_ADMIN || // I am a degree administrator or higher ((Crs->Status & Crs_STATUS_BIT_PENDING) != 0 && // Course is not yet activated Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod == Crs->RequesterUsrCod)); // I am the requester } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Set StatusTxt depending on status bits ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Crs_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0 // Other // Crs_STATUS_ACTIVE = 1 // 00 (Status == 0) // Crs_STATUS_PENDING = 2 // 01 (Status == Crs_STATUS_BIT_PENDING) // Crs_STATUS_REMOVED = 3 // 1- (Status & Crs_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED) static Crs_StatusTxt_t Crs_GetStatusTxtFromStatusBits (Crs_Status_t Status) { if (Status == 0) return Crs_STATUS_ACTIVE; if (Status == Crs_STATUS_BIT_PENDING) return Crs_STATUS_PENDING; if (Status & Crs_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED) return Crs_STATUS_REMOVED; return Crs_STATUS_UNKNOWN; } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Set status bits depending on StatusTxt ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Crs_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0 // Other // Crs_STATUS_ACTIVE = 1 // 00 (Status == 0) // Crs_STATUS_PENDING = 2 // 01 (Status == Crs_STATUS_BIT_PENDING) // Crs_STATUS_REMOVED = 3 // 1- (Status & Crs_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED) static Crs_Status_t Crs_GetStatusBitsFromStatusTxt (Crs_StatusTxt_t StatusTxt) { switch (StatusTxt) { case Crs_STATUS_UNKNOWN: case Crs_STATUS_ACTIVE: return (Crs_Status_t) 0; case Crs_STATUS_PENDING: return Crs_STATUS_BIT_PENDING; case Crs_STATUS_REMOVED: return Crs_STATUS_BIT_REMOVED; } return (Crs_Status_t) 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Put a form to create a new course *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_PutFormToCreateCourse (void) { extern const char *Txt_New_course_of_DEGREE_X; extern const char *Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[1+Deg_MAX_YEARS_PER_DEGREE]; extern const char *Txt_SEMESTER_OF_YEAR[1+2]; extern const char *Txt_COURSE_STATUS[Crs_NUM_STATUS_TXT]; extern const char *Txt_Create_course; struct Course *Crs; unsigned Year; unsigned Semester; /***** Start form *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole >= Rol_ROLE_DEG_ADMIN) Act_FormStart (ActNewCrs); else if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.MaxRole >= Rol_ROLE_GUEST) Act_FormStart (ActReqCrs); else Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("You can not edit courses."); /***** Course data *****/ Crs = &Gbl.Degs.EditingCrs; /***** Write heading *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_New_course_of_DEGREE_X, Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.ShortName); Lay_StartRoundFrameTable10 (NULL,2,Gbl.Message); Crs_PutHeadCoursesForEdition (); /***** Disabled icon to remove course *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "\"\"" "", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL); /***** Course code *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); /***** Institutional code of the course *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "", Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD, Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD, Crs->InstitutionalCrsCod); /***** Degree *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "", Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.DegCod, Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.ShortName); /***** Year *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" ""); /***** Semester *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" ""); /***** Course short name *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "", Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_SHORT_NAME,Crs->ShortName); /***** Course full name *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "", Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_FULL_NAME,Crs->FullName); /***** Current number of students in this course *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "0" ""); /***** Current number of teachers in this course *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "0" ""); /***** Course status *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%s" "", Txt_COURSE_STATUS[Crs_STATUS_PENDING]); /***** Course requester *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" ""); Msg_WriteMsgAuthor (&Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat,80,10,"DAT",true,NULL); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "
" "" ""); /***** Send button *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "" "" "", Txt_Create_course); /***** End of frame *****/ Lay_EndRoundFrameTable10 (); /***** End of form *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Write header with fields of a course *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_PutHeadCoursesForSeeing (void) { extern const char *Txt_Institutional_BR_code; extern const char *Txt_Year_OF_A_DEGREE; extern const char *Txt_Semester_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_Course; extern const char *Txt_Students_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_Teachers_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_Status; fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "", Txt_Institutional_BR_code, Txt_Year_OF_A_DEGREE, Txt_Semester_ABBREVIATION, Txt_Course, Txt_Students_ABBREVIATION, Txt_Teachers_ABBREVIATION, Txt_Status); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Write header with fields of a course *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_PutHeadCoursesForEdition (void) { extern const char *Txt_Code; extern const char *Txt_Institutional_BR_code; extern const char *Txt_Degree; extern const char *Txt_Year_OF_A_DEGREE; extern const char *Txt_Semester_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_Short_Name; extern const char *Txt_Full_Name; extern const char *Txt_Students_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_Teachers_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_Status; extern const char *Txt_Requester; fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "", Txt_Code, Txt_Institutional_BR_code, Txt_Degree, Txt_Year_OF_A_DEGREE, Txt_Semester_ABBREVIATION, Txt_Short_Name, Txt_Full_Name, Txt_Students_ABBREVIATION, Txt_Teachers_ABBREVIATION, Txt_Status, Txt_Requester); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Receive form to request a new course *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_RecFormReqCrs (void) { Crs_RecFormRequestOrCreateCrs ((unsigned) Crs_STATUS_BIT_PENDING); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Receive form to create a new course *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_RecFormNewCrs (void) { Crs_RecFormRequestOrCreateCrs (0); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Receive form to request or create a new course ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_RecFormRequestOrCreateCrs (unsigned Status) { extern const char *Txt_The_course_X_already_exists; extern const char *Txt_You_must_specify_the_short_name_and_the_full_name_of_the_new_course; extern const char *Txt_The_year_X_is_not_enabled_on_the_degree_Y; extern const char *Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[1+Deg_MAX_YEARS_PER_DEGREE]; struct Course *Crs; struct Degree Deg; Crs = &Gbl.Degs.EditingCrs; /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Set course degree */ Deg.DegCod = Crs->DegCod = Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.DegCod; /* Get parameters of the new course */ Crs_GetParamsNewCourse (Crs); /***** Check if year is correct *****/ Deg_GetDataOfDegreeByCod (&Deg); if (Deg_CheckIfYearIsValidInDeg (Crs->Year,&Deg)) // If year is valid { if (Crs->ShortName[0] && Crs->FullName[0]) // If there's a course name { /***** If name of course was in database... *****/ if (Crs_CheckIfCourseNameExistsInCourses (Crs->DegCod,Crs->Year,"ShortName",Crs->ShortName,-1L)) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_course_X_already_exists, Crs->ShortName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } else if (Crs_CheckIfCourseNameExistsInCourses (Crs->DegCod,Crs->Year,"FullName",Crs->FullName,-1L)) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_course_X_already_exists, Crs->FullName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } else // Add new requested course to database Crs_CreateCourse (Crs,Status); } else // If there is not a course name { sprintf (Gbl.Message,"%s",Txt_You_must_specify_the_short_name_and_the_full_name_of_the_new_course); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } } else // Year not valid { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_year_X_is_not_enabled_on_the_degree_Y, Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[Crs->Year],Deg.FullName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } /***** Show the form again *****/ Crs_ReqEditCourses (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Get the parameters of a new course from form *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_GetParamsNewCourse (struct Course *Crs) { char YearStr[2+1]; char SemesterStr[1+1]; /***** Get parameters of the course from form *****/ /* Get institutional code */ Par_GetParToText ("InsCrsCod",Crs->InstitutionalCrsCod,Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD); /* Get year */ Par_GetParToText ("OthCrsYear",YearStr,2); Crs->Year = Deg_ConvStrToYear (YearStr); /* Get semester */ Par_GetParToText ("OthCrsSem",SemesterStr,1); Crs->Semester = Deg_ConvStrToSemester (SemesterStr); /* Get course short name */ Par_GetParToText ("ShortName",Crs->ShortName,Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_SHORT_NAME); /* Get course full name */ Par_GetParToText ("FullName",Crs->FullName,Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_FULL_NAME); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Check if the name of course exists in existing courses ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static bool Crs_CheckIfCourseNameExistsInCourses (long DegCod,unsigned Year,const char *FieldName,const char *Name,long CrsCod) { char Query[512]; /***** Get number of courses in a year of a degree and with a name from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM courses" " WHERE DegCod='%ld' AND Year='%u'" " AND %s='%s' AND CrsCod<>'%ld'", DegCod,Year,FieldName,Name,CrsCod); return (DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not check if the name of a course already existed") != 0); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Add a new requested course to pending requests ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_CreateCourse (struct Course *Crs,unsigned Status) { extern const char *Txt_Created_new_course_X; char Query[2048]; /***** Insert new course into pending requests *****/ sprintf (Query,"INSERT INTO courses (DegCod,Year,Semester,InsCrsCod," "AllowDirectLogIn,Status,RequesterUsrCod,ShortName,FullName)" " VALUES ('%ld','%u','%u','%s','N','%u','%ld','%s','%s')", Crs->DegCod,Crs->Year,Crs->Semester, Crs->InstitutionalCrsCod, Status, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod, Crs->ShortName,Crs->FullName); Crs->CrsCod = DB_QueryINSERTandReturnCode (Query,"can not create a new course"); /***** Write success message *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Created_new_course_X, Crs->FullName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); /***** Put link to go to course created *****/ Crs_PutLinkToGoToCrs (Crs); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Request removing of a course ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_RemoveCourse (void) { extern const char *Txt_To_remove_a_course_you_must_first_remove_all_users_in_the_course; extern const char *Txt_Course_X_removed; extern const char *Txt_You_dont_have_permission_to_edit_this_course; struct Course Crs; /***** Get course code *****/ if ((Crs.CrsCod = Crs_GetParamOtherCrsCod ()) == -1L) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of course is missing."); /***** Get data of the course from database *****/ Crs_GetDataOfCourseByCod (&Crs); if (Crs_CheckIfICanEdit (&Crs)) { /***** Check if this course has users *****/ if (Crs.NumUsrs) // Course has users ==> don't remove Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_To_remove_a_course_you_must_first_remove_all_users_in_the_course); else // Course has no users ==> remove it { /***** Remove course *****/ Crs_RemoveCourseCompletely (Crs.CrsCod); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Course_X_removed, Crs.FullName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } } else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING, Txt_You_dont_have_permission_to_edit_this_course); /***** Show the form again *****/ Crs_ReqEditCourses (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get data of a course from its code ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ bool Crs_GetDataOfCourseByCod (struct Course *Crs) { char Query[1024]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned long NumRows; bool CrsFound = false; if (Crs->CrsCod < 0) { Crs->CrsCod = -1L; Crs->DegCod = -1L; Crs->Year = 0; Crs->Semester = 0; Crs->AllowDirectLogIn = false; Crs->Status = (Crs_Status_t) 0; Crs->RequesterUsrCod = -1L; Crs->ShortName[0] = '\0'; Crs->FullName[0] = '\0'; Crs->NumStds = 0; Crs->NumTchs = 0; Crs->NumUsrs = 0; return false; } /***** Get data of a course from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT CrsCod,DegCod,Year,Semester,InsCrsCod,AllowDirectLogIn,Status,RequesterUsrCod,ShortName,FullName" " FROM courses WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", Crs->CrsCod); NumRows = DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get data of a course"); if (NumRows == 1) // Course found { /***** Get data of the course *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); Crs_GetDataOfCourseFromRow (Crs,row); CrsFound = true; } else if (NumRows == 0) // Course not found { Crs->CrsCod = -1L; Crs->DegCod = -1L; Crs->Year = 0; Crs->Semester = 0; Crs->AllowDirectLogIn = false; Crs->Status = (Crs_Status_t) 0; Crs->RequesterUsrCod = -1L; Crs->ShortName[0] = '\0'; Crs->FullName[0] = '\0'; Crs->NumStds = 0; Crs->NumTchs = 0; Crs->NumUsrs = 0; } else if (NumRows > 1) // Course duplicated Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Course is repeated in database."); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); return CrsFound; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Get data of a course from a row resulting of a query *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_GetDataOfCourseFromRow (struct Course *Crs,MYSQL_ROW row) { /***** Get course code (row[0]) *****/ if ((Crs->CrsCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong code of course."); /***** Get code of degree (row[1]) *****/ Crs->DegCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[1]); /***** Get year (row[2]) *****/ Crs->Year = Deg_ConvStrToYear (row[2]); /***** Get semester (row[3]) *****/ Crs->Semester = Deg_ConvStrToSemester (row[3]); /***** Get institutional course code (row[4]) *****/ strncpy (Crs->InstitutionalCrsCod,row[4],Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD); Crs->InstitutionalCrsCod[Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD] = '\0'; /***** Get whether this course allows direct log in or not (row[5]) *****/ Crs->AllowDirectLogIn = (Str_ConvertToUpperLetter (row[5][0]) == 'Y'); /***** Get course status (row[6]) *****/ if (sscanf (row[6],"%u",&(Crs->Status)) != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong course status."); /***** Get requester user'code (row[7]) *****/ Crs->RequesterUsrCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[7]); /***** Get the short name of the course (row[8]) *****/ strncpy (Crs->ShortName,row[8],Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_SHORT_NAME); Crs->ShortName[Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_SHORT_NAME] = '\0'; /***** Get the full name of the course (row[9]) *****/ strncpy (Crs->FullName,row[9],Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_FULL_NAME); Crs->FullName[Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_FULL_NAME] = '\0'; /***** Get number of students *****/ Crs->NumStds = Usr_GetNumUsrsInCrs (Rol_ROLE_STUDENT,Crs->CrsCod); /***** Get number of teachers *****/ Crs->NumTchs = Usr_GetNumUsrsInCrs (Rol_ROLE_TEACHER,Crs->CrsCod); Crs->NumUsrs = Crs->NumStds + Crs->NumTchs; } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Get the short names of degree and course from a course code *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_GetShortNamesByCod (long CrsCod,char *CrsShortName,char *DegShortName) { char Query[512]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; DegShortName[0] = CrsShortName[0] = '\0'; if (CrsCod > 0) { /***** Get the short name of a degree from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT courses.ShortName,degrees.ShortName" " FROM courses,degrees" " WHERE courses.CrsCod='%ld'" " AND courses.DegCod=degrees.DegCod", CrsCod); if (DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get the short name of a course") == 1) { /***** Get the short name of this course *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); strcpy (CrsShortName,row[0]); strcpy (DegShortName,row[1]); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Remove a course ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_RemoveCourseCompletely (long CrsCod) { char Query[128]; /***** Empty course *****/ Crs_EmptyCourseCompletely (CrsCod); /***** Remove course from table of last accesses to courses in database *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_last WHERE CrsCod='%ld'",CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove a course"); /***** Remove course from table of courses in database *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM courses WHERE CrsCod='%ld'",CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove a course"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Empty a course (remove all its information and users) ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Start removing less important things to more important things; // so, in case of failure, important things can been removed in the future static void Crs_EmptyCourseCompletely (long CrsCod) { struct Course Crs; char PathRelCrs[PATH_MAX+1]; char Query[512]; /***** Get course data *****/ Crs.CrsCod = CrsCod; Crs_GetDataOfCourseByCod (&Crs); /***** Remove all the students in the course *****/ Enr_RemAllStdsInCrs (&Crs); /***** Set all the notifications from the course as removed, except notifications about new messages *****/ Ntf_SetNotifInCrsAsRemoved (CrsCod,-1L); /***** Remove information of the course ****/ /* Remove timetable of the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM timetable_crs WHERE CrsCod='%ld'",CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove the timetable of a course"); /* Remove other information of the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_info_src WHERE CrsCod='%ld'",CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove info sources of a course"); sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_info_txt WHERE CrsCod='%ld'",CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove info of a course"); /***** Remove all test exams made in course *****/ Tst_RemoveAllExamsMadeInCrs (CrsCod); /***** Remove exam announcements in the course *****/ /* Mark all exam announcements in the course as deleted */ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE exam_announcements SET Status='%u' WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", (unsigned) Exa_DELETED_EXAM_ANNOUNCEMENT,CrsCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not remove exam announcements of a course"); /***** Remove course cards of the course *****/ /* Remove content of course cards */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_records USING crs_record_fields,crs_records" " WHERE crs_record_fields.CrsCod='%ld' AND crs_record_fields.FieldCod=crs_records.FieldCod",CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove content of cards in a course"); /* Remove definition of fields in course cards */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_record_fields WHERE CrsCod='%ld'",CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove fields of cards in a course"); /***** Remove assignments of the course *****/ Asg_RemoveCrsAssignments (CrsCod); /***** Remove attendance events of the course *****/ Att_RemoveCrsAttEvents (CrsCod); /***** Remove surveys of the course *****/ Svy_RemoveCrsSurveys (CrsCod); /***** Remove notices in the course *****/ /* Copy all notices from the course to table of deleted notices */ sprintf (Query,"INSERT INTO notices_deleted (NotCod,CrsCod,UsrCod,CreatTime,Content,NumNotif)" " SELECT NotCod,CrsCod,UsrCod,CreatTime,Content,NumNotif FROM notices" " WHERE CrsCod='%ld'",CrsCod); DB_QueryINSERT (Query,"can not remove notices in a course"); /* Remove all notices from the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM notices WHERE CrsCod='%ld'",CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove notices in a course"); /***** Remove all the threads and posts in course forums *****/ /* Remove disabled posts */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM forum_disabled_post USING forum_thread,forum_post,forum_disabled_post" " WHERE (forum_thread.ForumType='%u' OR forum_thread.ForumType='%u') AND forum_thread.Location='%ld' AND forum_thread.ThrCod=forum_post.ThrCod AND forum_post.PstCod=forum_disabled_post.PstCod", For_FORUM_COURSE_USRS,For_FORUM_COURSE_TCHS,CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove disabled posts in forums of a course"); /* Remove posts */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM forum_post USING forum_thread,forum_post" " WHERE (forum_thread.ForumType='%u' OR forum_thread.ForumType='%u') AND forum_thread.Location='%ld' AND forum_thread.ThrCod=forum_post.ThrCod", For_FORUM_COURSE_USRS,For_FORUM_COURSE_TCHS,CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove posts in forums of a course"); /* Remove threads read */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM forum_thr_read USING forum_thread,forum_thr_read" " WHERE (forum_thread.ForumType='%u' OR forum_thread.ForumType='%u') AND forum_thread.Location='%ld' AND forum_thread.ThrCod=forum_thr_read.ThrCod", For_FORUM_COURSE_USRS,For_FORUM_COURSE_TCHS,CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove read threads in forums of a course"); /* Remove threads */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM forum_thread" " WHERE (forum_thread.ForumType='%u' OR forum_thread.ForumType='%u') AND Location='%ld'", For_FORUM_COURSE_USRS,For_FORUM_COURSE_TCHS,CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove threads in forums of a course"); /***** Remove tests in the course *****/ /* Remove tests status in the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM tst_status WHERE CrsCod='%ld'",CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove status of tests of a course"); /* Remove test configuration of the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM tst_config WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove configuration of tests of a course"); /* Remove associations between test questions and test tags in the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM tst_question_tags USING tst_questions,tst_question_tags" " WHERE tst_questions.CrsCod='%ld'" " AND tst_questions.QstCod=tst_question_tags.QstCod", CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove tags associated to questions of tests of a course"); /* Remove test tags in the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM tst_tags WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove tags of test of a course"); /* Remove test answers in the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM tst_answers USING tst_questions,tst_answers" " WHERE tst_questions.CrsCod='%ld'" " AND tst_questions.QstCod=tst_answers.QstCod", CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove answers of tests of a course"); /* Remove test questions in the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM tst_questions WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove test questions of a course"); /***** Remove groups in the course *****/ /* Remove all the users in groups in the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_grp_usr" " USING crs_grp_types,crs_grp,crs_grp_usr" " WHERE crs_grp_types.CrsCod='%ld'" " AND crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod=crs_grp.GrpTypCod" " AND crs_grp.GrpCod=crs_grp_usr.GrpCod", CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove users from groups of a course"); /* Remove all the groups in the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_grp" " USING crs_grp_types,crs_grp" " WHERE crs_grp_types.CrsCod='%ld'" " AND crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod=crs_grp.GrpTypCod", CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove groups of a course"); /* Remove all the group types in the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_grp_types" " WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove types of group of a course"); /***** Remove users' requests for inscription in the course *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_usr_requests WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove requests for inscription to a course"); /***** Remove possible users remaining in the course (teachers) *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_usr WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove users from a course"); /***** Remove information related to files in course *****/ /* Remove clipboards related to the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM clipboard WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove clipboards in a course"); /* Remove expanded folders in the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM expanded_folders WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove expanded folders in a course"); /* Remove format of files of marks of the course */ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM marks_properties" " USING files,marks_properties" " WHERE files.CrsCod='%ld'" " AND files.FilCod=marks_properties.FilCod", CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove the properties of marks associated to a course"); /* Remove files in the course from database */ Brw_RemoveFilesFromDB (CrsCod,-1L,-1L); /* Remove size of file zones in the course from database */ Brw_RemoveSizeOfFileTreeFromDB (CrsCod,-1L,-1L); /***** Remove directories of the course *****/ sprintf (PathRelCrs,"%s/%s/%ld", Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PRIVATE,Cfg_FOLDER_CRS,CrsCod); Brw_RemoveTree (PathRelCrs); sprintf (PathRelCrs,"%s/%s/%ld", Cfg_PATH_SWAD_PUBLIC,Cfg_FOLDER_CRS,CrsCod); Brw_RemoveTree (PathRelCrs); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Change the institutional code of a course ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_ChangeInsCrsCod (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_institutional_code_of_the_course_X_has_changed_to_Y; extern const char *Txt_The_institutional_code_of_the_course_X_has_not_changed; extern const char *Txt_You_dont_have_permission_to_edit_this_course; char NewInstitutionalCrsCod[Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD+1]; struct Course *Crs; Crs = &Gbl.Degs.EditingCrs; /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get course code */ if ((Crs->CrsCod = Crs_GetParamOtherCrsCod ()) == -1L) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of course is missing."); /* Get institutional code */ Par_GetParToText ("InsCrsCod",NewInstitutionalCrsCod,Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD); /* Get data of the course */ Crs_GetDataOfCourseByCod (Crs); if (Crs_CheckIfICanEdit (Crs)) { /***** Change the institutional course code *****/ if (strcmp (NewInstitutionalCrsCod,Crs->InstitutionalCrsCod)) { Crs_UpdateCurrentInstitutionalCrsCod (Crs,NewInstitutionalCrsCod); sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_institutional_code_of_the_course_X_has_changed_to_Y, Crs->ShortName,NewInstitutionalCrsCod); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } else // The same institutional code { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_institutional_code_of_the_course_X_has_not_changed, Crs->ShortName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_INFO,Gbl.Message); } /***** Put link to go to course changed *****/ if (Crs->CrsCod != Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod) // If changing other course different than the current one... Crs_PutLinkToGoToCrs (Crs); } else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_You_dont_have_permission_to_edit_this_course); /***** Show the form again *****/ Crs_ReqEditCourses (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Change the degree of a course (move course to another degree) ********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_ChangeCrsDegree (void) { extern const char *Txt_In_the_year_X_of_the_degree_Y_already_existed_a_course_with_the_name_Z; extern const char *Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[1+Deg_MAX_YEARS_PER_DEGREE]; extern const char *Txt_The_course_X_has_been_moved_to_the_degree_Y; extern const char *Txt_The_year_X_is_not_enabled_on_the_degree_Y; extern const char *Txt_You_dont_have_permission_to_move_courses_to_the_degree_X; struct Course *Crs; bool ICanChangeCrsToNewDeg; char Query[512]; struct Degree NewDeg; Crs = &Gbl.Degs.EditingCrs; /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get course code */ if ((Crs->CrsCod = Crs_GetParamOtherCrsCod ()) == -1L) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of course is missing."); /* Get new degree code */ if ((NewDeg.DegCod = Deg_GetParamOtherDegCod ()) == -1L) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of degree is missing."); /* Check if I have permission to change course to this degree */ if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_ROLE_SUPERUSER) ICanChangeCrsToNewDeg = true; else if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_ROLE_DEG_ADMIN) ICanChangeCrsToNewDeg = Usr_CheckIfUsrIsAdmOfDeg (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,NewDeg.DegCod); else ICanChangeCrsToNewDeg = false; /***** Get data of course and new degree *****/ Crs_GetDataOfCourseByCod (Crs); Deg_GetDataOfDegreeByCod (&NewDeg); /***** If I have permission to change course to this new degree... *****/ if (ICanChangeCrsToNewDeg) { /***** If new degree has current course year... *****/ if (Deg_CheckIfYearIsValidInDeg (Crs->Year,&NewDeg)) { /***** If name of course was in database in the new degree... *****/ if (Crs_CheckIfCourseNameExistsInCourses (NewDeg.DegCod,Crs->Year,"ShortName",Crs->ShortName,-1L)) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_In_the_year_X_of_the_degree_Y_already_existed_a_course_with_the_name_Z, Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[Crs->Year],NewDeg.FullName,Crs->ShortName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } else if (Crs_CheckIfCourseNameExistsInCourses (NewDeg.DegCod,Crs->Year,"FullName",Crs->FullName,-1L)) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_In_the_year_X_of_the_degree_Y_already_existed_a_course_with_the_name_Z, Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[Crs->Year],NewDeg.FullName,Crs->FullName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } else // Update degree in database { /***** Update degree in table of courses *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE courses SET DegCod='%ld' WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", NewDeg.DegCod,Crs->CrsCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not move course to another degree"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_course_X_has_been_moved_to_the_degree_Y, Crs->FullName,NewDeg.FullName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); /***** Put link to go to course changed *****/ if (Crs->CrsCod != Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod) // If changing other course different than the current one... Crs_PutLinkToGoToCrs (Crs); } } else // New degree has no current course year { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_year_X_is_not_enabled_on_the_degree_Y, Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[Crs->Year],NewDeg.FullName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } } else // I have no permission to change course to this new degree { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_You_dont_have_permission_to_move_courses_to_the_degree_X, NewDeg.FullName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } /***** Show the form again *****/ Crs_ReqEditCourses (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Change the year of a course ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_ChangeCrsYear (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_course_X_already_exists_in_year_Y; extern const char *Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[1+Deg_MAX_YEARS_PER_DEGREE]; extern const char *Txt_The_year_of_the_course_X_has_changed; extern const char *Txt_The_year_X_is_not_enabled_on_the_degree_Y; extern const char *Txt_You_dont_have_permission_to_edit_this_course; struct Course *Crs; struct Degree Deg; char Query[512]; char YearStr[2+1]; unsigned NewYear; Crs = &Gbl.Degs.EditingCrs; /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get course code */ if ((Crs->CrsCod = Crs_GetParamOtherCrsCod ()) == -1L) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of course is missing."); /* Get parameter with year */ Par_GetParToText ("OthCrsYear",YearStr,2); NewYear = Deg_ConvStrToYear (YearStr); Crs_GetDataOfCourseByCod (Crs); if (Crs_CheckIfICanEdit (Crs)) { Deg.DegCod = Crs->DegCod; Deg_GetDataOfDegreeByCod (&Deg); if (Deg_CheckIfYearIsValidInDeg (NewYear,&Deg)) // If year is valid { /***** If name of course was in database in the new year... *****/ if (Crs_CheckIfCourseNameExistsInCourses (Crs->DegCod,NewYear,"ShortName",Crs->ShortName,-1L)) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_course_X_already_exists_in_year_Y, Crs->ShortName,Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[NewYear]); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } else if (Crs_CheckIfCourseNameExistsInCourses (Crs->DegCod,NewYear,"FullName",Crs->FullName,-1L)) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_course_X_already_exists_in_year_Y, Crs->FullName,Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[NewYear]); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } else // Update year in database { /***** Update year in table of courses *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE courses SET Year='%u' WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", NewYear,Crs->CrsCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update the year of a course"); Crs->Year = NewYear; /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_year_of_the_course_X_has_changed, Crs->ShortName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); /***** Put link to go to course changed *****/ if (Crs->CrsCod != Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod) // If changing other course different than the current one... Crs_PutLinkToGoToCrs (Crs); } } else // Year not valid { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_year_X_is_not_enabled_on_the_degree_Y, Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[NewYear],Deg.FullName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } } else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_You_dont_have_permission_to_edit_this_course); /***** Show the form again *****/ Crs_ReqEditCourses (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Change the semester of a course **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_ChangeCrsSemester (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_semester_of_the_course_X_has_changed; extern const char *Txt_You_dont_have_permission_to_edit_this_course; struct Course *Crs; char Query[512]; char SemesterStr[1+1]; unsigned NewSemester; Crs = &Gbl.Degs.EditingCrs; /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get course code */ if ((Crs->CrsCod = Crs_GetParamOtherCrsCod ()) == -1L) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of course is missing."); /* Get parameter with semester */ Par_GetParToText ("OthCrsSem",SemesterStr,1); NewSemester = Deg_ConvStrToSemester (SemesterStr); /***** Get data of course *****/ Crs_GetDataOfCourseByCod (Crs); if (Crs_CheckIfICanEdit (Crs)) { /***** Update semester in table of courses *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE courses SET Semester='%u' WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", NewSemester,Crs->CrsCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update the semester of a course"); Crs->Semester = NewSemester; /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_semester_of_the_course_X_has_changed, Crs->ShortName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); /***** Put link to go to course changed *****/ if (Crs->CrsCod != Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod) // If changing other course different than the current one... Crs_PutLinkToGoToCrs (Crs); } else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_You_dont_have_permission_to_edit_this_course); /***** Show the form again *****/ Crs_ReqEditCourses (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Change the institutional course code of the current course *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_UpdateCurrentInstitutionalCrsCod (struct Course *Crs,const char *NewInstitutionalCrsCod) { char Query[512]; strncpy (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.InstitutionalCrsCod,NewInstitutionalCrsCod,Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD); Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.InstitutionalCrsCod[Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD] = '\0'; /***** Update institutional course code in table of courses *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE courses SET InsCrsCod='%s' WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", NewInstitutionalCrsCod,Crs->CrsCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update the institutional code of the current course"); /***** Copy institutional course code *****/ strncpy (Crs->InstitutionalCrsCod,NewInstitutionalCrsCod,Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD); Crs->InstitutionalCrsCod[Crs_LENGTH_INSTITUTIONAL_CRS_COD] = '\0'; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Change the short name of a course *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_RenameCourseShort (void) { struct Course *Crs; Crs = &Gbl.Degs.EditingCrs; if (Crs_RenameCourse (Crs,Cns_SHORT_NAME)) if (Crs->CrsCod == Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod) // If renaming current course... strcpy (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.ShortName,Crs->ShortName); // Overwrite current course name in order to show correctly in page title and heading } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Change the full name of a course **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_RenameCourseFull (void) { struct Course *Crs; Crs = &Gbl.Degs.EditingCrs; if (Crs_RenameCourse (Crs,Cns_FULL_NAME)) if (Crs->CrsCod == Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod) // If renaming current course... strcpy (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.FullName,Crs->FullName); // Overwrite current course name in order to show correctly in page title and heading } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Change the name of a course ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Returns true if the course is renamed // Returns false if the course is not renamed static bool Crs_RenameCourse (struct Course *Crs,Cns_ShortOrFullName_t ShortOrFullName) { extern const char *Txt_You_can_not_leave_the_name_of_the_course_X_empty; extern const char *Txt_The_course_X_already_exists; extern const char *Txt_The_name_of_the_course_X_has_changed_to_Y; extern const char *Txt_The_name_of_the_course_X_has_not_changed; extern const char *Txt_You_dont_have_permission_to_edit_this_course; char Query[512]; const char *ParamName = NULL; // Initialized to avoid warning const char *FieldName = NULL; // Initialized to avoid warning unsigned MaxLength = 0; // Initialized to avoid warning char *CurrentCrsName = NULL; // Initialized to avoid warning char NewCrsName[Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_FULL_NAME+1]; bool CourseHasBeenRenamed = false; switch (ShortOrFullName) { case Cns_SHORT_NAME: ParamName = "ShortName"; FieldName = "ShortName"; MaxLength = Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_SHORT_NAME; CurrentCrsName = Crs->ShortName; break; case Cns_FULL_NAME: ParamName = "FullName"; FieldName = "FullName"; MaxLength = Crs_MAX_LENGTH_COURSE_FULL_NAME; CurrentCrsName = Crs->FullName; break; } /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get the code of the course */ if ((Crs->CrsCod = Crs_GetParamOtherCrsCod ()) == -1L) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of course is missing."); /* Get the new name for the course */ Par_GetParToText (ParamName,NewCrsName,MaxLength); /***** Get from the database the data of the degree *****/ Crs_GetDataOfCourseByCod (Crs); if (Crs_CheckIfICanEdit (Crs)) { /***** Check if new name is empty *****/ if (!NewCrsName[0]) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_You_can_not_leave_the_name_of_the_course_X_empty, CurrentCrsName); Gbl.Error = true; } else { /***** Check if old and new names are the same (this happens when user press enter with no changes in the form) *****/ if (strcmp (CurrentCrsName,NewCrsName)) // Different names { /***** If course was in database... *****/ if (Crs_CheckIfCourseNameExistsInCourses (Crs->DegCod,Crs->Year,ParamName,NewCrsName,Crs->CrsCod)) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_course_X_already_exists, NewCrsName); Gbl.Error = true; } else { /* Update the table changing old name by new name */ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE courses SET %s='%s' WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", FieldName,NewCrsName,Crs->CrsCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update the name of a course"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_name_of_the_course_X_has_changed_to_Y, CurrentCrsName,NewCrsName); CourseHasBeenRenamed = true; } } else // The same name sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_name_of_the_course_X_has_not_changed, CurrentCrsName); } } else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_You_dont_have_permission_to_edit_this_course); return CourseHasBeenRenamed; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Change the status of a course ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_ChangeCrsStatus (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_status_of_the_course_X_has_changed; struct Course *Crs; char Query[256]; char UnsignedNum[10+1]; Crs_Status_t Status; Crs_StatusTxt_t StatusTxt; Crs = &Gbl.Degs.EditingCrs; /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get course code */ if ((Crs->CrsCod = Crs_GetParamOtherCrsCod ()) == -1L) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of course is missing."); /* Get parameter with status */ Par_GetParToText ("Status",UnsignedNum,1); if (sscanf (UnsignedNum,"%u",&Status) != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong status."); StatusTxt = Crs_GetStatusTxtFromStatusBits (Status); Status = Crs_GetStatusBitsFromStatusTxt (StatusTxt); // New status /***** Get data of course *****/ Crs_GetDataOfCourseByCod (Crs); /***** Update status in table of courses *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE courses SET Status='%u' WHERE CrsCod='%ld'", (unsigned) Status,Crs->CrsCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update the status of a course"); Crs->Status = Status; /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_status_of_the_course_X_has_changed, Crs->ShortName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); /***** Put link to go to course changed *****/ if (Crs->CrsCod != Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod) // If changing other course different than the current one... Crs_PutLinkToGoToCrs (Crs); /***** Show the form again *****/ Crs_ReqEditCourses (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Show message of success after changing a course ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_ContEditAfterChgCrs (void) { /***** Write error/success message showing the change made *****/ Lay_ShowAlert (Gbl.Error ? Lay_WARNING : Lay_INFO, Gbl.Message); /***** Put link to go to course changed *****/ if (Gbl.Degs.EditingCrs.CrsCod != Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod) // If changing other course different than the current one... Crs_PutLinkToGoToCrs (&Gbl.Degs.EditingCrs); /***** Show the form again *****/ Crs_ReqEditCourses (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Put centered link to go to course **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_PutLinkToGoToCrs (struct Course *Crs) { extern const char *The_ClassFormul[The_NUM_THEMES]; extern const char *Txt_Go_to_X; fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); Act_FormGoToStart (ActSeeCrsInf); Crs_PutParamCrsCod (Crs->CrsCod); sprintf (Gbl.Title,Txt_Go_to_X,Crs->ShortName); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Gbl.Title,The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s" "" "
", Gbl.Title); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Select one of my courses **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_ReqSelectOneOfMyCourses (void) { extern const char *Txt_You_are_not_enrolled_in_any_course[Usr_NUM_SEXS]; /***** Search / select more courses *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); Crs_PutLinkToSearchCourses (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /***** Select one of my courses *****/ /* Fill the list with the courses I belong to, if not filled */ Usr_GetMyCourses (); if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.MyCourses.Num) Crs_WriteListMyCoursesToSelectOne (); else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_INFO,Txt_You_are_not_enrolled_in_any_course[Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.Sex]); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Put a link (form) to search courses *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_PutLinkToSearchCourses (void) { extern const char *The_ClassFormul[The_NUM_THEMES]; extern const char *Txt_Search_courses; /***** Put form to search / select courses *****/ Act_FormStart ( Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod > 0 ? ActCrsReqSch : (Gbl.CurrentDeg.Deg.DegCod > 0 ? ActDegReqSch : (Gbl.CurrentCtr.Ctr.CtrCod > 0 ? ActCtrReqSch : (Gbl.CurrentIns.Ins.InsCod > 0 ? ActInsReqSch : (Gbl.CurrentCty.Cty.CtyCod > 0 ? ActCtyReqSch : ActSysReqSch))))); Sco_PutParamScope (Sco_SCOPE_PLATFORM); Par_PutHiddenParamUnsigned ("WhatToSearch",(unsigned) Sch_SEARCH_COURSES); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Txt_Search_courses,The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); Lay_PutSendIcon ("search",Txt_Search_courses,Txt_Search_courses); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Put a link (form) to select my courses *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_PutFormToSelectMyCourses (void) { extern const char *The_ClassFormul[The_NUM_THEMES]; extern const char *Txt_My_courses; /***** Put form to search / select courses *****/ Act_FormStart (ActMyCrs); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Txt_My_courses,The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); Lay_PutSendIcon ("hierarchy",Txt_My_courses,Txt_My_courses); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Write parameter with code of course ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_PutParamCrsCod (long CrsCod) { Par_PutHiddenParamLong ("CrsCod",CrsCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Write parameter with code of course ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_PutParamOtherCrsCod (long CrsCod) { Par_PutHiddenParamLong ("OthCrsCod",CrsCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Get parameter with code of course *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static long Crs_GetParamOtherCrsCod (void) { char LongStr[1+10+1]; /***** Get parameter with code of course *****/ Par_GetParToText ("OthCrsCod",LongStr,1+10); return Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (LongStr); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Write courses of a user **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_GetAndWriteCrssOfAUsr (long UsrCod,Rol_Role_t Role) { extern const char *Txt_Degree; extern const char *Txt_Year_OF_A_DEGREE; extern const char *Txt_Semester_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_Course; extern const char *Txt_Students_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_Teachers_ABBREVIATION; char Query[1024]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumCrss; unsigned NumCrs; /***** Get courses of a user from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT degrees.DegCod,courses.CrsCod,degrees.Logo,degrees.ShortName,degrees.FullName," "courses.Year,courses.Semester,courses.FullName,centres.ShortName,crs_usr.Accepted" " FROM crs_usr,courses,degrees,centres" " WHERE crs_usr.UsrCod='%ld'" " AND crs_usr.Role='%u'" " AND crs_usr.CrsCod=courses.CrsCod" " AND courses.DegCod=degrees.DegCod" " AND degrees.CtrCod=centres.CtrCod" " ORDER BY degrees.FullName,courses.Year,courses.Semester,courses.FullName", UsrCod,(unsigned) Role); /***** List the courses (one row per course) *****/ if ((NumCrss = (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get courses of a user"))) { /* Heading row */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "", Txt_Degree, Txt_Year_OF_A_DEGREE, Txt_Semester_ABBREVIATION, Txt_Course, Txt_Students_ABBREVIATION, Txt_Teachers_ABBREVIATION); /* Write courses */ for (NumCrs = 1; NumCrs <= NumCrss; NumCrs++) { /* Get next course */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Write data of this course */ Crs_WriteRowCrsData (NumCrs,row,true); } } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** List courses found ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Returns number of courses found unsigned Crs_ListCrssFound (const char *Query) { extern const char *Txt_Courses; extern const char *Txt_course; extern const char *Txt_courses; extern const char *Txt_Degree; extern const char *Txt_Year_OF_A_DEGREE; extern const char *Txt_Semester_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_Course; extern const char *Txt_Students_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_Teachers_ABBREVIATION; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumCrss; unsigned NumCrs; /***** Query database *****/ NumCrss = (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get courses"); /***** List the courses (one row per course) *****/ if (NumCrss) { /***** Write heading *****/ Lay_StartRoundFrameTable10 (NULL,2,Txt_Courses); /* Number of courses found */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); if (NumCrss == 1) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"1 %s",Txt_course); else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%u %s",NumCrss,Txt_courses); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); /* Heading row */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "", Txt_Degree, Txt_Year_OF_A_DEGREE, Txt_Semester_ABBREVIATION, Txt_Course, Txt_Students_ABBREVIATION, Txt_Teachers_ABBREVIATION); /* Write courses */ for (NumCrs = 1; NumCrs <= NumCrss; NumCrs++) { /* Get next course */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Write data of this course */ Crs_WriteRowCrsData (NumCrs,row,false); } /***** Table end *****/ Lay_EndRoundFrameTable10 (); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); return NumCrss; } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Write the data of a course (result of a query) ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Crs_WriteRowCrsData (unsigned NumCrs,MYSQL_ROW row,bool WriteColumnAccepted) { extern const char *Txt_Enrollment_confirmed; extern const char *Txt_Enrollment_not_confirmed; extern const char *Txt_Go_to_X; extern const char *Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[1+Deg_MAX_YEARS_PER_DEGREE]; extern const char *Txt_SEMESTER_OF_YEAR[1+2]; long DegCod; long CrsCod; unsigned NumStds; unsigned NumTchs; const char *Style; const char *StyleNoBR; const char *BgColor; bool Accepted; /***** Get degree code (row[0]) *****/ if ((DegCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong code of degree."); /***** Get course code (row[1]) *****/ if ((CrsCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[1])) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong code of course."); /***** Get number of students and teachers in this course *****/ NumStds = Usr_GetNumUsrsInCrs (Rol_ROLE_STUDENT,CrsCod); NumTchs = Usr_GetNumUsrsInCrs (Rol_ROLE_TEACHER,CrsCod); if (NumStds + NumTchs) { Style = "DAT_N"; StyleNoBR = "DAT_NOBR_N"; } else { Style = "DAT"; StyleNoBR = "DAT_NOBR"; } BgColor = (CrsCod == Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod) ? VERY_LIGHT_BLUE : Gbl.ColorRows[Gbl.RowEvenOdd]; /***** Start row *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /***** Teacher has accepted joining to this course/to any course in degree/to any course? *****/ if (WriteColumnAccepted) { Accepted = (Str_ConvertToUpperLetter (row[9][0]) == 'Y'); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "\"\"" "", BgColor, Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Accepted ? "ok_on" : "tr", Accepted ? Txt_Enrollment_confirmed : Txt_Enrollment_not_confirmed); } /***** Write number of course in this search *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%u" "", StyleNoBR,BgColor,NumCrs); /***** Write degree logo (row[2]), degree short name (row[3]) and centre short name (row[8]) *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", StyleNoBR,BgColor); Act_FormGoToStart (ActSeeDegInf); Deg_PutParamDegCod (DegCod); sprintf (Gbl.Title,Txt_Go_to_X,row[4]); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Gbl.Title,StyleNoBR); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"\"%s\""" " %s (%s)" "" "" "", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL,Cfg_ICON_FOLDER_DEGREES,row[2], row[3],row[3],row[8]); /***** Write year (row[5]) *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%s" "", Style,BgColor,Txt_YEAR_OF_DEGREE[Deg_ConvStrToYear (row[5])]); /***** Write semester (row[6]) *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%s" "", Style,BgColor,Txt_SEMESTER_OF_YEAR[Deg_ConvStrToSemester (row[6])]); /***** Write course full name (row[7]) *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Style,BgColor); Act_FormGoToStart (ActSeeCrsInf); Crs_PutParamCrsCod (CrsCod); sprintf (Gbl.Title,Txt_Go_to_X,row[7]); Act_LinkFormSubmit (Gbl.Title,Style); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s" "" "", row[7]); /***** Write number of students in course *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%u" "", Style,BgColor,NumStds); /***** Write number of teachers in course *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%u" "" "", Style,BgColor,NumTchs); Gbl.RowEvenOdd = 1 - Gbl.RowEvenOdd; } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Update my last click in current course ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_UpdateCrsLast (void) { char Query[256]; if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod > 0 && Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole >= Rol_ROLE_STUDENT) { /***** Update my last access to current course *****/ sprintf (Query,"REPLACE INTO crs_last (CrsCod,LastTime)" " VALUES ('%ld',NOW())", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update last access to current course"); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Write form to remove old courses *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_AskRemoveOldCrss (void) { extern const char *The_ClassFormul[The_NUM_THEMES]; extern const char *Txt_Eliminate_all_courses_whithout_users_PART_1_OF_2; extern const char *Txt_Eliminate_all_courses_whithout_users_PART_2_OF_2; extern const char *Txt_Eliminate; unsigned MonthsWithoutAccess = Crs_DEF_MONTHS_WITHOUT_ACCESS_TO_REMOVE_OLD_CRSS; unsigned i; /***** Form to request number of months without clicks *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); Act_FormStart (ActRemOldCrs); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s ", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme], Txt_Eliminate_all_courses_whithout_users_PART_1_OF_2); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" " ", The_ClassFormul[Gbl.Prefs.Theme]); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,Txt_Eliminate_all_courses_whithout_users_PART_2_OF_2, Cfg_PLATFORM_SHORT_NAME); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /***** Send button*****/ Lay_PutSendButton (Txt_Eliminate); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "
"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Remove old courses *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Crs_RemoveOldCrss (void) { extern const char *Txt_Eliminating_X_courses_whithout_users_and_with_more_than_Y_months_without_access; extern const char *Txt_X_courses_have_been_eliminated; char UnsignedStr[10+1]; unsigned MonthsWithoutAccess; unsigned long SecondsWithoutAccess; char Query[1024]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned long NumCrs; unsigned long NumCrss; unsigned NumCrssRemoved = 0; long CrsCod; /***** Get parameter with number of months without access *****/ Par_GetParToText ("Months",UnsignedStr,10); if (sscanf (UnsignedStr,"%u",&MonthsWithoutAccess) != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Number of months without clicks is missing."); if (MonthsWithoutAccess < Crs_MIN_MONTHS_WITHOUT_ACCESS_TO_REMOVE_OLD_CRSS || MonthsWithoutAccess > Crs_MAX_MONTHS_WITHOUT_ACCESS_TO_REMOVE_OLD_CRSS) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong number of months without clicks."); SecondsWithoutAccess = (unsigned long) MonthsWithoutAccess * Dat_SECONDS_IN_ONE_MONTH; /***** Get old courses from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT CrsCod FROM crs_last WHERE" " UNIX_TIMESTAMP(LastTime) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-%lu" " AND CrsCod NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT CrsCod FROM crs_usr)", SecondsWithoutAccess); if ((NumCrss = DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get old users"))) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Eliminating_X_courses_whithout_users_and_with_more_than_Y_months_without_access, NumCrss, MonthsWithoutAccess, Cfg_PLATFORM_SHORT_NAME); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_INFO,Gbl.Message); /***** Remove courses *****/ for (NumCrs = 0; NumCrs < NumCrss; NumCrs++) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); CrsCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0]); Crs_RemoveCourseCompletely (CrsCod); NumCrssRemoved++; } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /***** Write end message *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_X_courses_have_been_eliminated, NumCrssRemoved); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); }