// swad_group.c: types of groups and groups /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2017 Antonio Cañas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************************** Headers *********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include // For NULL #include // For exit, system, malloc, free, rand, etc. #include // For string functions #include "swad_action.h" #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_group.h" #include "swad_notification.h" #include "swad_parameter.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /*************************** Internal constants ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Internal types ********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /************* External global variables from others modules *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Internal global variables *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Internal prototypes ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_EditGroupTypes (void); static void Grp_EditGroups (void); static void Grp_ConstructorListGrpAlreadySelec (struct ListGrpsAlreadySelec **AlreadyExistsGroupOfType); static void Grp_DestructorListGrpAlreadySelec (struct ListGrpsAlreadySelec **AlreadyExistsGroupOfType); static void Grp_RemoveUsrFromGroup (long UsrCod,long GrpCod); static void Grp_AddUsrToGroup (struct UsrData *UsrDat,long GrpCod); static void Grp_ListGroupTypesForEdition (void); static void Grp_WriteHeadingGroupTypes (void); static void Grp_ListGroupsForEdition (void); static void Grp_WriteHeadingGroups (void); static void Grp_PutIconToEditGroups (void); static void Grp_ShowWarningToStdsToChangeGrps (void); static unsigned Grp_ListGrpsForChange (struct GroupType *GrpTyp); static void Grp_ListGrpsToAddOrRemUsrs (struct GroupType *GrpTyp,long UsrCod); static void Grp_ListGrpsForMultipleSelection (struct GroupType *GrpTyp); static void Grp_WriteGrpHead (struct GroupType *GrpTyp); static void Grp_WriteRowGrp (struct Group *Grp,bool Highlight); static void Grp_PutFormToCreateGroupType (void); static void Grp_PutFormToCreateGroup (void); static unsigned Grp_CountNumGrpsInThisCrsOfType (long GrpTypCod); static void Grp_GetDataOfGroupTypeByCod (struct GroupType *GrpTyp); static bool Grp_GetMultipleEnrolmentOfAGroupType (long GrpTypCod); static long Grp_GetTypeOfGroupOfAGroup (long GrpCod); static unsigned Grp_CountNumStdsInNoGrpsOfType (long GrpTypCod); static long Grp_GetFirstCodGrpStdBelongsTo (long GrpTypCod,long UsrCod); static bool Grp_GetIfGrpIsAvailable (long GrpTypCod); static void Grp_GetLstCodGrpsUsrBelongs (long CrsCod,long GrpTypCod,long UsrCod, struct ListCodGrps *LstGrps); static bool Grp_CheckIfGrpIsInList (long GrpCod,struct ListCodGrps *LstGrps); static bool Grp_CheckIfOpenTimeInTheFuture (time_t OpenTimeUTC); static bool Grp_CheckIfGroupTypeNameExists (const char *GrpTypName,long GrpTypCod); static bool Grp_CheckIfGroupNameExists (long GrpTypCod,const char *GrpName,long GrpCod); static void Grp_CreateGroupType (void); static void Grp_CreateGroup (void); static void Grp_AskConfirmRemGrpTypWithGrps (unsigned NumGrps); static void Grp_AskConfirmRemGrp (void); static void Grp_RemoveGroupTypeCompletely (void); static void Grp_RemoveGroupCompletely (void); static void Grp_WriteMaxStdsGrp (unsigned MaxStudents); static long Grp_GetParamGrpTypCod (void); static long Grp_GetParamGrpCod (void); static void Grp_PutParamGrpTypCod (long GrpTypCod); /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Write the names of the selected groups ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_WriteNamesOfSelectedGrps (void) { extern const char *Txt_Group; extern const char *Txt_Groups; extern const char *Txt_students_with_no_group; extern const char *Txt_and; long GrpCod; unsigned NumGrpSel; struct GroupData GrpDat; /***** Show the selected groups *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s: ", (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps == 1) ? Txt_Group : Txt_Groups); for (NumGrpSel = 0; NumGrpSel < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps; NumGrpSel++) { if ((GrpCod = Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.GrpCods[NumGrpSel]) >= 0) { GrpDat.GrpCod = GrpCod; Grp_GetDataOfGroupByCod (&GrpDat); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s %s", GrpDat.GrpTypName,GrpDat.GrpName); } else // GrpCod < 0 ==> students not belonging to any group of type (-GrpCod) { Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod = -GrpCod; Grp_GetDataOfGroupTypeByCod (&Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%s (%s)", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName, Txt_students_with_no_group); } if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps >= 2) { if (NumGrpSel == Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps-2) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," %s ",Txt_and); if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps >= 3) if (NumGrpSel < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps-2) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,", "); } } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Put forms to edit groups *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ReqEditGroups (void) { /***** Get list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_GetListGrpTypesAndGrpsInThisCrs (Grp_ALL_GROUP_TYPES); /***** Put form to edit group types *****/ Grp_EditGroupTypes (); /***** Put form to edit groups *****/ if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num) // If there are group types... { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); Grp_EditGroups (); } /***** Free list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_FreeListGrpTypesAndGrps (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Put forms to edit group types *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_EditGroupTypes (void) { extern const char *Txt_There_are_no_types_of_group_in_the_course_X; /***** Forms to edit current group types *****/ if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num) // Group types found... Grp_ListGroupTypesForEdition (); else // No group types found in this course { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_There_are_no_types_of_group_in_the_course_X, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.ShrtName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_INFO,Gbl.Message); } /***** Put a form to create a new group type *****/ Grp_PutFormToCreateGroupType (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Put forms to edit groups ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_EditGroups (void) { extern const char *Txt_No_groups_have_been_created_in_the_course_X; /***** Forms to edit current groups *****/ if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.NumGrpsTotal) // If there are groups... Grp_ListGroupsForEdition (); else // There are group types, but there aren't groups { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_No_groups_have_been_created_in_the_course_X, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.ShrtName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_INFO,Gbl.Message); } /***** Put a form to create a new group *****/ Grp_PutFormToCreateGroup (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Show form to select one or several groups *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ShowFormToSelectSeveralGroups (Act_Action_t NextAction) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Groups; extern const char *The_ClassForm[The_NUM_THEMES]; extern const char *The_ClassFormBold[The_NUM_THEMES]; extern const char *Txt_Groups; extern const char *Txt_All_groups; extern const char *Txt_Update_students; extern const char *Txt_Update_students_according_to_selected_groups; unsigned NumGrpTyp; bool ICanEdit; if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.NumGrps) { ICanEdit = !Gbl.Form.Inside && (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_TEACHER || Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_SYS_ADM); /***** Start frame *****/ Lay_StartRoundFrame (NULL,Txt_Groups, ICanEdit ? Grp_PutIconToEditGroups : NULL, Hlp_USERS_Groups); /***** Start form to update the students listed depending on the groups selected *****/ Act_FormStart (NextAction); Usr_PutParamsPrefsAboutUsrList (); /***** Put parameters needed depending on the action *****/ Usr_PutExtraParamsUsrList (NextAction); /***** Select all groups *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
" "" "
", Txt_All_groups); /***** Get list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_GetListGrpTypesAndGrpsInThisCrs (Grp_ONLY_GROUP_TYPES_WITH_GROUPS); /***** List the groups for each group type *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++) if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].NumGrps) Grp_ListGrpsForMultipleSelection (&Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp]); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /***** Free list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_FreeListGrpTypesAndGrps (); /***** Submit button *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); Act_LinkFormSubmitAnimated (Txt_Update_students_according_to_selected_groups, The_ClassFormBold[Gbl.Prefs.Theme], "CopyMessageToHiddenFields()"); Lay_PutCalculateIconWithText (Txt_Update_students_according_to_selected_groups, Txt_Update_students); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /***** End form *****/ Act_FormEnd (); /***** End frame *****/ Lay_EndRoundFrame (); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Put parameters with the groups of students selected ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_PutParamsCodGrps (void) { unsigned NumGrpSel; /***** Write the boolean parameter that indicates if all the groups must be listed *****/ Par_PutHiddenParamChar ("AllGroups", Gbl.Usrs.ClassPhoto.AllGroups ? 'Y' : 'N'); /***** Write the parameter with the list of group codes to show *****/ if (!Gbl.Usrs.ClassPhoto.AllGroups && Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Get parameters related to groups selected ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_GetParCodsSeveralGrpsToShowUsrs (void) { struct ListCodGrps LstGrpsIBelong; unsigned NumGrp; if (++Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NestedCalls > 1) // If list is created yet, there's nothing to do return; /***** Get boolean parameter that indicates if all groups must be listed *****/ Gbl.Usrs.ClassPhoto.AllGroups = Par_GetParToBool ("AllGroups"); /***** Get parameter with list of groups selected *****/ Grp_GetParCodsSeveralGrps (); if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.NumGrps && // This course has groups and... !Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps) // ...I haven't selected any group { /***** I I haven't selected any group, show by default the groups I belong to *****/ /* Get list of groups of all types in current course I belong to */ Grp_GetLstCodGrpsUsrBelongs (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,-1L, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,&LstGrpsIBelong); if (LstGrpsIBelong.NumGrps) { /* Allocate space for list of selected groups */ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.GrpCods = (long *) calloc (LstGrpsIBelong.NumGrps,sizeof (long))) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Not enough memory to store the codes of the selected groups."); /* Fill list of selected groups with list of groups I belong to */ for (NumGrp = 0; NumGrp < LstGrpsIBelong.NumGrps; NumGrp++) Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.GrpCods[NumGrp] = LstGrpsIBelong.GrpCods[NumGrp]; Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps = LstGrpsIBelong.NumGrps; } /* Free list of groups I belong to */ Grp_FreeListCodGrp (&LstGrpsIBelong); } /***** If no groups selected ==> show all groups *****/ if (!Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps) Gbl.Usrs.ClassPhoto.AllGroups = true; } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Get parameter with list of groups selected *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_GetParCodsSeveralGrps (void) { char *ParamLstCodGrps; const char *Ptr; char LongStr[1 + 10 + 1]; unsigned NumGrp; unsigned long MaxSizeLstGrpCods = ((1 + 10 + 1) * Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.NumGrps) - 1; /***** Reset number of groups selected *****/ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps = 0; if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.NumGrps) // If course has groups { /***** Allocate memory for the list of group codes selected *****/ if ((ParamLstCodGrps = (char *) malloc (MaxSizeLstGrpCods + 1)) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Not enough memory to store the codes of the selected groups."); /***** Get parameter with list of groups to list *****/ Par_GetParMultiToText ("GrpCods",ParamLstCodGrps,MaxSizeLstGrpCods); if (ParamLstCodGrps[0]) { /***** Count number of groups selected from LstCodGrps *****/ for (Ptr = ParamLstCodGrps, NumGrp = 0; *Ptr; NumGrp++) Par_GetNextStrUntilSeparParamMult (&Ptr,LongStr,1 + 10); Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps = NumGrp; if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps) // If I have selected groups... { /***** Create a list of groups selected from LstCodGrps *****/ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.GrpCods = (long *) calloc (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps,sizeof (long))) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Not enough memory to store the codes of the selected groups."); for (Ptr = ParamLstCodGrps, NumGrp = 0; *Ptr; NumGrp++) { Par_GetNextStrUntilSeparParamMult (&Ptr,LongStr,1 + 10); Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.GrpCods[NumGrp] = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (LongStr); } } } /***** Free memory used for the list of groups to show *****/ free ((void *) ParamLstCodGrps); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Free memory used for the list of group codes selected *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_FreeListCodSelectedGrps (void) { if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NestedCalls > 0) if (--Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NestedCalls == 0) if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.GrpCods) { free ((void *) Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.GrpCods); Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.GrpCods = NULL; Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps = 0; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Change my groups and show form again ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ChangeMyGrpsAndShowChanges (void) { /***** Change my groups *****/ Grp_ChangeMyGrps (); /***** Show again the table of selection of groups with the changes already made *****/ Grp_ReqRegisterInGrps (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Change my groups *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ChangeMyGrps (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_requested_group_changes_were_successful; extern const char *Txt_There_has_been_no_change_in_groups; extern const char *Txt_In_a_type_of_group_with_single_enrolment_students_can_not_be_registered_in_more_than_one_group; struct ListCodGrps LstGrpsIWant; bool MySelectionIsValid = true; /***** Get list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_GetListGrpTypesAndGrpsInThisCrs (Grp_ONLY_GROUP_TYPES_WITH_GROUPS); /***** Get the group codes which I want to join to *****/ LstGrpsIWant.GrpCods = NULL; // Initialized to avoid bug reported by Coverity LstGrpsIWant.NumGrps = 0; // Initialized to avoid bug reported by Coverity Grp_GetLstCodsGrpWanted (&LstGrpsIWant); /***** A student can not be enroled in more than one group if the type of group is of single enrolment *****/ // As the form to register in groups of single enrolment... // ...is a radio-based form and not a checkbox-based form... // ...this check is made only to avoid problems... // ...if the student manipulates the form if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_STUDENT && LstGrpsIWant.NumGrps >= 2) MySelectionIsValid = Grp_CheckIfSelectionGrpsIsValid (&LstGrpsIWant); /***** Free list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ // The lists of group types and groups need to be freed here... // ...in order to get them again when changing my groups atomically Grp_FreeListGrpTypesAndGrps (); /***** Change my groups *****/ if (MySelectionIsValid) { if (Grp_ChangeMyGrpsAtomically (&LstGrpsIWant)) Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Txt_The_requested_group_changes_were_successful); else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_There_has_been_no_change_in_groups); } else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_In_a_type_of_group_with_single_enrolment_students_can_not_be_registered_in_more_than_one_group); /***** Free memory with the list of groups which I want to belong to *****/ Grp_FreeListCodGrp (&LstGrpsIWant); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Change groups of another user ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ChangeOtherUsrGrps (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_requested_group_changes_were_successful; extern const char *Txt_There_has_been_no_change_in_groups; extern const char *Txt_In_a_type_of_group_with_single_enrolment_students_can_not_be_registered_in_more_than_one_group; struct ListCodGrps LstGrpsUsrWants; bool SelectionIsValid = true; /***** Get list of groups types and groups in current course *****/ Grp_GetListGrpTypesAndGrpsInThisCrs (Grp_ONLY_GROUP_TYPES_WITH_GROUPS); /***** Get the list of groups to which register this user *****/ LstGrpsUsrWants.GrpCods = NULL; // Initialized to avoid bug reported by Coverity LstGrpsUsrWants.NumGrps = 0; // Initialized to avoid bug reported by Coverity Grp_GetLstCodsGrpWanted (&LstGrpsUsrWants); /***** A student can not be enroled in more than one group if the type of group is of single enrolment *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.RoleInCurrentCrsDB == Rol_STUDENT && LstGrpsUsrWants.NumGrps >= 2) SelectionIsValid = Grp_CheckIfSelectionGrpsIsValid (&LstGrpsUsrWants); /***** Free list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ // The lists of group types and groups need to be freed here... // ...in order to get them again when changing groups atomically Grp_FreeListGrpTypesAndGrps (); /***** Register user in the selected groups *****/ if (SelectionIsValid) { if (Grp_ChangeGrpsOtherUsrAtomically (&LstGrpsUsrWants)) Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Txt_The_requested_group_changes_were_successful); else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_There_has_been_no_change_in_groups); } else Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Txt_In_a_type_of_group_with_single_enrolment_students_can_not_be_registered_in_more_than_one_group); /***** Free memory with the list of groups to/from which register/remove users *****/ Grp_FreeListCodGrp (&LstGrpsUsrWants); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Change my groups atomically **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Return true if desired changes are made bool Grp_ChangeMyGrpsAtomically (struct ListCodGrps *LstGrpsIWant) { struct ListCodGrps LstGrpsIBelong; unsigned NumGrpTyp; unsigned NumGrpIBelong; unsigned NumGrpIWant; unsigned NumGrpThisType; struct GroupType *GrpTyp; bool ITryToLeaveAClosedGroup = false; bool ITryToRegisterInAClosedGroup = false; bool ITryToRegisterInFullGroup = false; bool RemoveMeFromThisGrp; bool RegisterMeInThisGrp; bool ChangesMade = false; /***** Lock tables to make the inscription atomic *****/ DB_Query ("LOCK TABLES crs_grp_types WRITE,crs_grp WRITE," "crs_grp_usr WRITE,crs_usr READ", "Can not lock tables to change user's groups"); Gbl.DB.LockedTables = true; /***** Get list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_GetListGrpTypesAndGrpsInThisCrs (Grp_ONLY_GROUP_TYPES_WITH_GROUPS); /***** Query in the database the group codes which I belong to *****/ Grp_GetLstCodGrpsUsrBelongs (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,-1L, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,&LstGrpsIBelong); if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_STUDENT) { /***** Go across the list of groups which I belong to and check if I try to leave a closed group *****/ for (NumGrpIBelong = 0; NumGrpIBelong < LstGrpsIBelong.NumGrps && !ITryToLeaveAClosedGroup; NumGrpIBelong++) { for (NumGrpIWant = 0, RemoveMeFromThisGrp = true; NumGrpIWant < LstGrpsIWant->NumGrps && RemoveMeFromThisGrp; NumGrpIWant++) if (LstGrpsIBelong.GrpCods[NumGrpIBelong] == LstGrpsIWant->GrpCods[NumGrpIWant]) RemoveMeFromThisGrp = false; if (RemoveMeFromThisGrp) /* Check if the group is closed */ for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num && !ITryToLeaveAClosedGroup; NumGrpTyp++) { GrpTyp = &Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp]; for (NumGrpThisType = 0; NumGrpThisType < GrpTyp->NumGrps && !ITryToLeaveAClosedGroup; NumGrpThisType++) if ((GrpTyp->LstGrps[NumGrpThisType]).GrpCod == LstGrpsIBelong.GrpCods[NumGrpIBelong]) if (!((GrpTyp->LstGrps[NumGrpThisType]).Open)) ITryToLeaveAClosedGroup = true; } } if (!ITryToLeaveAClosedGroup) /***** Go across the list of groups which I want to belong and check that they are not closed or full *****/ for (NumGrpIWant = 0; NumGrpIWant < LstGrpsIWant->NumGrps && !ITryToRegisterInAClosedGroup && !ITryToRegisterInFullGroup; NumGrpIWant++) { for (NumGrpIBelong = 0, RegisterMeInThisGrp = true; NumGrpIBelong < LstGrpsIBelong.NumGrps && RegisterMeInThisGrp; NumGrpIBelong++) if (LstGrpsIWant->GrpCods[NumGrpIWant] == LstGrpsIBelong.GrpCods[NumGrpIBelong]) RegisterMeInThisGrp = false; if (RegisterMeInThisGrp) /* Check if the group is closed or full */ for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num && !ITryToRegisterInAClosedGroup && !ITryToRegisterInFullGroup; NumGrpTyp++) { GrpTyp = &Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp]; for (NumGrpThisType = 0; NumGrpThisType < GrpTyp->NumGrps && !ITryToRegisterInAClosedGroup && !ITryToRegisterInFullGroup; NumGrpThisType++) if ((GrpTyp->LstGrps[NumGrpThisType]).GrpCod == LstGrpsIWant->GrpCods[NumGrpIWant]) { /* Check if the group is closed */ if (!((GrpTyp->LstGrps[NumGrpThisType]).Open)) ITryToRegisterInAClosedGroup = true; /* Check if the group is full */ else if ((GrpTyp->LstGrps[NumGrpThisType]).NumStudents >= (GrpTyp->LstGrps[NumGrpThisType]).MaxStudents) ITryToRegisterInFullGroup = true; } } } } if (!ITryToLeaveAClosedGroup && !ITryToRegisterInAClosedGroup && !ITryToRegisterInFullGroup) { /***** Go across the list of groups I belong to, removing those groups that are not present in the list of groups I want to belong to *****/ for (NumGrpIBelong = 0; NumGrpIBelong < LstGrpsIBelong.NumGrps; NumGrpIBelong++) { for (NumGrpIWant = 0, RemoveMeFromThisGrp = true; NumGrpIWant < LstGrpsIWant->NumGrps && RemoveMeFromThisGrp; NumGrpIWant++) if (LstGrpsIBelong.GrpCods[NumGrpIBelong] == LstGrpsIWant->GrpCods[NumGrpIWant]) RemoveMeFromThisGrp = false; if (RemoveMeFromThisGrp) Grp_RemoveUsrFromGroup (Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,LstGrpsIBelong.GrpCods[NumGrpIBelong]); } /***** Go across the list of groups that I want to register in, adding those groups that are not present in the list of groups I belong to *****/ for (NumGrpIWant = 0; NumGrpIWant < LstGrpsIWant->NumGrps; NumGrpIWant++) { for (NumGrpIBelong = 0, RegisterMeInThisGrp = true; NumGrpIBelong < LstGrpsIBelong.NumGrps && RegisterMeInThisGrp; NumGrpIBelong++) if (LstGrpsIWant->GrpCods[NumGrpIWant] == LstGrpsIBelong.GrpCods[NumGrpIBelong]) RegisterMeInThisGrp = false; if (RegisterMeInThisGrp) Grp_AddUsrToGroup (&Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat,LstGrpsIWant->GrpCods[NumGrpIWant]); } ChangesMade = true; } /***** Free memory with the list of groups which I belonged to *****/ Grp_FreeListCodGrp (&LstGrpsIBelong); /***** Unlock tables after changes in my groups *****/ Gbl.DB.LockedTables = false; // Set to false before the following unlock... // ...to not retry the unlock if error in unlocking DB_Query ("UNLOCK TABLES", "Can not unlock tables after changes in user's groups"); /***** Free list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_FreeListGrpTypesAndGrps (); return ChangesMade; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Change my groups atomically **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Return true if desired changes are made bool Grp_ChangeGrpsOtherUsrAtomically (struct ListCodGrps *LstGrpsUsrWants) { struct ListCodGrps LstGrpsUsrBelongs; unsigned NumGrpUsrBelongs; unsigned NumGrpUsrWants; bool RemoveUsrFromThisGrp; bool RegisterUsrInThisGrp; bool ChangesMade = false; if (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.RoleInCurrentCrsDB == Rol_STUDENT) { /***** Lock tables to make the inscription atomic *****/ DB_Query ("LOCK TABLES crs_grp_types WRITE,crs_grp WRITE," "crs_grp_usr WRITE,crs_usr READ", "Can not lock tables to change user's groups"); Gbl.DB.LockedTables = true; } /***** Get list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_GetListGrpTypesAndGrpsInThisCrs (Grp_ONLY_GROUP_TYPES_WITH_GROUPS); /***** Query in the database the group codes which user belongs to *****/ Grp_GetLstCodGrpsUsrBelongs (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,-1L, Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod,&LstGrpsUsrBelongs); /***** Go across the list of groups user belongs to, removing those groups that are not present in the list of groups user wants to belong to *****/ for (NumGrpUsrBelongs = 0; NumGrpUsrBelongs < LstGrpsUsrBelongs.NumGrps; NumGrpUsrBelongs++) { for (NumGrpUsrWants = 0, RemoveUsrFromThisGrp = true; NumGrpUsrWants < LstGrpsUsrWants->NumGrps && RemoveUsrFromThisGrp; NumGrpUsrWants++) if (LstGrpsUsrBelongs.GrpCods[NumGrpUsrBelongs] == LstGrpsUsrWants->GrpCods[NumGrpUsrWants]) RemoveUsrFromThisGrp = false; if (RemoveUsrFromThisGrp) Grp_RemoveUsrFromGroup (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod,LstGrpsUsrBelongs.GrpCods[NumGrpUsrBelongs]); } /***** Go across the list of groups that user wants to register in, adding those groups that are not present in the list of groups user belongs to *****/ for (NumGrpUsrWants = 0; NumGrpUsrWants < LstGrpsUsrWants->NumGrps; NumGrpUsrWants++) { for (NumGrpUsrBelongs = 0, RegisterUsrInThisGrp = true; NumGrpUsrBelongs < LstGrpsUsrBelongs.NumGrps && RegisterUsrInThisGrp; NumGrpUsrBelongs++) if (LstGrpsUsrWants->GrpCods[NumGrpUsrWants] == LstGrpsUsrBelongs.GrpCods[NumGrpUsrBelongs]) RegisterUsrInThisGrp = false; if (RegisterUsrInThisGrp) Grp_AddUsrToGroup (&Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat,LstGrpsUsrWants->GrpCods[NumGrpUsrWants]); } ChangesMade = true; /***** Free memory with the list of groups which I belonged to *****/ Grp_FreeListCodGrp (&LstGrpsUsrBelongs); /***** Unlock tables after changes in my groups *****/ if (Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.RoleInCurrentCrsDB == Rol_STUDENT) { Gbl.DB.LockedTables = false; // Set to false before the following unlock... // ...to not retry the unlock if error in unlocking DB_Query ("UNLOCK TABLES", "Can not unlock tables after changes in user's groups"); } /***** Free list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_FreeListGrpTypesAndGrps (); return ChangesMade; } /*****************************************************************************/ /***** Check if no se ha selected más of a group of single enrolment ********/ /*****************************************************************************/ bool Grp_CheckIfSelectionGrpsIsValid (struct ListCodGrps *LstGrps) { struct ListGrpsAlreadySelec *AlreadyExistsGroupOfType; unsigned NumCodGrp; unsigned NumGrpTyp; long GrpTypCod; bool SelectionValid = true; /***** Create and initialize list of groups already selected *****/ Grp_ConstructorListGrpAlreadySelec (&AlreadyExistsGroupOfType); /***** Go across the list of groups selected checking if a group of the same type is already selected *****/ for (NumCodGrp = 0; SelectionValid && NumCodGrp < LstGrps->NumGrps; NumCodGrp++) { GrpTypCod = Grp_GetTypeOfGroupOfAGroup (LstGrps->GrpCods[NumCodGrp]); if (!Grp_GetMultipleEnrolmentOfAGroupType (GrpTypCod)) for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++) if (GrpTypCod == AlreadyExistsGroupOfType[NumGrpTyp].GrpTypCod) { if (AlreadyExistsGroupOfType[NumGrpTyp].AlreadySelected) SelectionValid = false; else AlreadyExistsGroupOfType[NumGrpTyp].AlreadySelected = true; break; } } /***** Free memory of the list of booleanos that indicates if a group of each type has been selected *****/ Grp_DestructorListGrpAlreadySelec (&AlreadyExistsGroupOfType); return SelectionValid; // Return true if the selection of groups is correct } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Create e inicializar list of groups already selected ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_ConstructorListGrpAlreadySelec (struct ListGrpsAlreadySelec **AlreadyExistsGroupOfType) { unsigned NumGrpTyp; /***** Allocate memory to a list of booleanos that indica if already se ha selected a group of cada type *****/ if ((*AlreadyExistsGroupOfType = (struct ListGrpsAlreadySelec *) calloc (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num,sizeof (struct ListGrpsAlreadySelec))) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Not enough memory to store type of group."); /***** Initialize the list *****/ for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++) { (*AlreadyExistsGroupOfType)[NumGrpTyp].GrpTypCod = Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].GrpTypCod; (*AlreadyExistsGroupOfType)[NumGrpTyp].AlreadySelected = false; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Liberar list of groups already selected *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_DestructorListGrpAlreadySelec (struct ListGrpsAlreadySelec **AlreadyExistsGroupOfType) { free ((void *) *AlreadyExistsGroupOfType); *AlreadyExistsGroupOfType = NULL; } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Register user in the groups of a list *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_RegisterUsrIntoGroups (struct UsrData *UsrDat,struct ListCodGrps *LstGrps) { extern const char *Txt_THE_USER_X_has_been_removed_from_the_group_of_type_Y_to_which_it_belonged; extern const char *Txt_THE_USER_X_has_been_enroled_in_the_group_of_type_Y_Z; struct ListCodGrps LstGrpsHeBelongs; unsigned NumGrpTyp; unsigned NumGrpSel; unsigned NumGrpThisType; unsigned NumGrpHeBelongs; bool MultipleEnrolment; bool AlreadyRegisteredInGrp; /***** For each existing type of group in the course... *****/ for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++) { MultipleEnrolment = Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].MultipleEnrolment; /***** Query in the database the group codes of any group of this type the student belongs to *****/ LstGrpsHeBelongs.NumGrps = 0; // Initialized to avoid bug reported by Coverity LstGrpsHeBelongs.GrpCods = NULL; // Initialized to avoid bug reported by Coverity Grp_GetLstCodGrpsUsrBelongs (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].GrpTypCod, UsrDat->UsrCod,&LstGrpsHeBelongs); /***** For each group selected by me... *****/ for (NumGrpSel = 0; NumGrpSel < LstGrps->NumGrps; NumGrpSel++) { /* Check if the selected group is of this type */ for (NumGrpThisType = 0; NumGrpThisType < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].NumGrps; NumGrpThisType++) if (LstGrps->GrpCods[NumGrpSel] == Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].LstGrps[NumGrpThisType].GrpCod) { // The selected group is of this type AlreadyRegisteredInGrp = false; /* For each group of this type to which the user belongs... */ for (NumGrpHeBelongs = 0; NumGrpHeBelongs < LstGrpsHeBelongs.NumGrps; NumGrpHeBelongs++) if (LstGrps->GrpCods[NumGrpSel] == LstGrpsHeBelongs.GrpCods[NumGrpHeBelongs]) AlreadyRegisteredInGrp = true; else if (!MultipleEnrolment) // If the type of group is of single enrolment { /* If the enrolment is single and the group to which the user belongs is different from the selected ==> remove user from the group to which he belongs */ Grp_RemoveUsrFromGroup (UsrDat->UsrCod,LstGrpsHeBelongs.GrpCods[NumGrpHeBelongs]); sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_THE_USER_X_has_been_removed_from_the_group_of_type_Y_to_which_it_belonged, UsrDat->FullName,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].GrpTypName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } if (!AlreadyRegisteredInGrp) // If the user does not belong to the selected group { Grp_AddUsrToGroup (UsrDat,LstGrps->GrpCods[NumGrpSel]); sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_THE_USER_X_has_been_enroled_in_the_group_of_type_Y_Z, UsrDat->FullName,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].GrpTypName, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].LstGrps[NumGrpThisType].GrpName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } break; // Once we know the type of a selected group, it's not necessary to check the rest of types } } /***** Free the list of groups of this type to which the user belonged *****/ Grp_FreeListCodGrp (&LstGrpsHeBelongs); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Remove user of the groups indicados in a list **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Returns NumGrpsHeIsRemoved unsigned Grp_RemoveUsrFromGroups (struct UsrData *UsrDat,struct ListCodGrps *LstGrps) { extern const char *Txt_THE_USER_X_has_not_been_removed_from_any_group; extern const char *Txt_THE_USER_X_has_been_removed_from_one_group; extern const char *Txt_THE_USER_X_has_been_removed_from_Y_groups; struct ListCodGrps LstGrpsHeBelongs; unsigned NumGrpSel,NumGrpHeBelongs,NumGrpsHeIsRemoved = 0; /***** Query in the database the group codes of any group the user belongs to *****/ Grp_GetLstCodGrpsUsrBelongs (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,-1L, UsrDat->UsrCod,&LstGrpsHeBelongs); /***** For each group selected by me... *****/ for (NumGrpSel = 0; NumGrpSel < LstGrps->NumGrps; NumGrpSel++) /* For each group to which the user belongs... */ for (NumGrpHeBelongs = 0; NumGrpHeBelongs < LstGrpsHeBelongs.NumGrps; NumGrpHeBelongs++) /* If the user belongs to a selected group from which he must be removed */ if (LstGrpsHeBelongs.GrpCods[NumGrpHeBelongs] == LstGrps->GrpCods[NumGrpSel]) { Grp_RemoveUsrFromGroup (UsrDat->UsrCod,LstGrpsHeBelongs.GrpCods[NumGrpHeBelongs]); NumGrpsHeIsRemoved++; } /***** Write message to inform about how many groups the student has been removed from *****/ if (NumGrpsHeIsRemoved == 0) sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_THE_USER_X_has_not_been_removed_from_any_group, UsrDat->FullName); else if (NumGrpsHeIsRemoved == 1) sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_THE_USER_X_has_been_removed_from_one_group, UsrDat->FullName); else // NumGrpsHeIsRemoved > 1 sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_THE_USER_X_has_been_removed_from_Y_groups, UsrDat->FullName,NumGrpsHeIsRemoved); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); /***** Free the list of groups of this type to which the user belonged *****/ Grp_FreeListCodGrp (&LstGrpsHeBelongs); return NumGrpsHeIsRemoved; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Remove a user of all the groups of a course *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_RemUsrFromAllGrpsInCrs (struct UsrData *UsrDat,struct Course *Crs,Cns_QuietOrVerbose_t QuietOrVerbose) { extern const char *Txt_THE_USER_X_has_been_removed_from_all_groups_of_the_course_Y; char Query[512]; /***** Remove user from all the groups of the course *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_grp_usr" " WHERE UsrCod=%ld AND GrpCod IN" " (SELECT crs_grp.GrpCod FROM crs_grp_types,crs_grp" " WHERE crs_grp_types.CrsCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod=crs_grp.GrpTypCod)", UsrDat->UsrCod,Crs->CrsCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove a user from all groups of a course"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ if (QuietOrVerbose == Cns_VERBOSE) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_THE_USER_X_has_been_removed_from_all_groups_of_the_course_Y, UsrDat->FullName,Crs->FullName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Remove a user from all the groups of all the user's courses *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_RemUsrFromAllGrps (struct UsrData *UsrDat,Cns_QuietOrVerbose_t QuietOrVerbose) { extern const char *Txt_THE_USER_X_has_been_removed_from_all_groups_in_all_courses; char Query[128]; /***** Remove user from all groups *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_grp_usr WHERE UsrCod=%ld", UsrDat->UsrCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove a user from the groups he/she belongs to"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ if (QuietOrVerbose == Cns_VERBOSE) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_THE_USER_X_has_been_removed_from_all_groups_in_all_courses, UsrDat->FullName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Remove a user from a group ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_RemoveUsrFromGroup (long UsrCod,long GrpCod) { char Query[256]; /***** Remove user from group *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_grp_usr" " WHERE GrpCod=%ld AND UsrCod=%ld", GrpCod,UsrCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove a user from a group"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Register a user in a group **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_AddUsrToGroup (struct UsrData *UsrDat,long GrpCod) { char Query[256]; /***** Register in group *****/ sprintf (Query,"INSERT INTO crs_grp_usr" " (GrpCod,UsrCod)" " VALUES" " (%ld,%ld)", GrpCod,UsrDat->UsrCod); DB_QueryINSERT (Query,"can not add a user to a group"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** List current group types for edition *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_ListGroupTypesForEdition (void) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Groups; extern const char *Txt_Types_of_group; extern const char *Txt_It_is_optional_to_choose_a_group; extern const char *Txt_It_is_mandatory_to_choose_a_group; extern const char *Txt_A_student_can_belong_to_several_groups; extern const char *Txt_A_student_can_only_belong_to_one_group; extern const char *Txt_The_groups_will_automatically_open; extern const char *Txt_The_groups_will_not_automatically_open; unsigned NumGrpTyp; unsigned UniqueId; char Id[32]; /***** Write heading *****/ Lay_StartRoundFrameTable (NULL,Txt_Types_of_group,NULL,Hlp_USERS_Groups,2); Grp_WriteHeadingGroupTypes (); /***** List group types with forms for edition *****/ for (NumGrpTyp = 0, UniqueId=1; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++, UniqueId++) { /* Put icon to remove group type */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); Act_FormStart (ActReqRemGrpTyp); Grp_PutParamGrpTypCod (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].GrpTypCod); Lay_PutIconRemove (); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Name of group type */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Act_FormStart (ActRenGrpTyp); Grp_PutParamGrpTypCod (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].GrpTypCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Grp_MAX_CHARS_GROUP_TYPE_NAME, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].GrpTypName, Gbl.Form.Id); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Is it mandatory to register in any group? */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Act_FormStart (ActChgMdtGrpTyp); Grp_PutParamGrpTypCod (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].GrpTypCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Txt_It_is_mandatory_to_choose_a_group); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Is it possible to register in multiple groups? */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Act_FormStart (ActChgMulGrpTyp); Grp_PutParamGrpTypCod (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].GrpTypCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Txt_A_student_can_belong_to_several_groups); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Open time */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Act_FormStart (ActChgTimGrpTyp); Grp_PutParamGrpTypCod (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].GrpTypCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "" "" "" "
" "\"%s\"" "", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].MustBeOpened ? "time" : "time-off", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].MustBeOpened ? Txt_The_groups_will_automatically_open : Txt_The_groups_will_not_automatically_open, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].MustBeOpened ? Txt_The_groups_will_automatically_open : Txt_The_groups_will_not_automatically_open); sprintf (Id,"open_time_%u",UniqueId); Dat_WriteFormClientLocalDateTimeFromTimeUTC (Id, "Open", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].OpenTimeUTC, Gbl.Now.Date.Year, Gbl.Now.Date.Year + 1, Dat_FORM_SECONDS_ON, Dat_HMS_DO_NOT_SET, // Don't set hour, minute and second true); // Submit on change fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Number of groups of this type */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%u" "" "", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].NumGrps); } Lay_EndRoundFrameTable (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Write heading of group types ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_WriteHeadingGroupTypes (void) { extern const char *Txt_Type_of_group; extern const char *Txt_eg_Lectures_Practicals; extern const char *Txt_Mandatory_enrolment; extern const char *Txt_Multiple_enrolment; extern const char *Txt_Opening_of_groups; extern const char *Txt_No_of_BR_groups; fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "" "%s
(%s)" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "", Txt_Type_of_group,Txt_eg_Lectures_Practicals, Txt_Mandatory_enrolment, Txt_Multiple_enrolment, Txt_Opening_of_groups, Txt_No_of_BR_groups); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** List current groups for edition **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_ListGroupsForEdition (void) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Groups; extern const char *Txt_Groups; extern const char *Txt_Group_X_open_click_to_close_it; extern const char *Txt_Group_X_closed_click_to_open_it; extern const char *Txt_File_zones_of_the_group_X_enabled_click_to_disable_them; extern const char *Txt_File_zones_of_the_group_X_disabled_click_to_enable_them; unsigned NumGrpTyp; unsigned NumTipGrpAux; unsigned NumGrpThisType; struct GroupType *GrpTyp; struct GroupType *GrpTypAux; struct Group *Grp; /***** Write heading *****/ Lay_StartRoundFrameTable (NULL,Txt_Groups,NULL,Hlp_USERS_Groups,2); Grp_WriteHeadingGroups (); /***** List the groups *****/ for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++) { GrpTyp = &Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp]; for (NumGrpThisType = 0; NumGrpThisType < GrpTyp->NumGrps; NumGrpThisType++) { Grp = &(GrpTyp->LstGrps[NumGrpThisType]); /* Write icon to remove group */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); Act_FormStart (ActReqRemGrp); Grp_PutParamGrpCod (Grp->GrpCod); Lay_PutIconRemove (); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Write icon to open/close group */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Act_FormStart (Grp->Open ? ActCloGrp : ActOpeGrp); Grp_PutParamGrpCod (Grp->GrpCod); sprintf (Gbl.Title, Grp->Open ? Txt_Group_X_open_click_to_close_it : Txt_Group_X_closed_click_to_open_it, Grp->GrpName); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Grp->Open ? "unlock" : "lock", Gbl.Title, Gbl.Title); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Write icon to activate file zones for this group */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Act_FormStart (Grp->FileZones ? ActDisFilZonGrp : ActEnaFilZonGrp); Grp_PutParamGrpCod (Grp->GrpCod); sprintf (Gbl.Title, Grp->FileZones ? Txt_File_zones_of_the_group_X_enabled_click_to_disable_them : Txt_File_zones_of_the_group_X_disabled_click_to_enable_them, Grp->GrpName); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Grp->FileZones ? "folder-yes" : "folder-no", Gbl.Title, Gbl.Title); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Group type */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Act_FormStart (ActChgGrpTyp); Grp_PutParamGrpCod (Grp->GrpCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Group name */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Act_FormStart (ActRenGrp); Grp_PutParamGrpCod (Grp->GrpCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Grp_MAX_CHARS_GROUP_NAME,Grp->GrpName,Gbl.Form.Id); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Maximum number of students of the group (row[3]) */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Act_FormStart (ActChgMaxStdGrp); Grp_PutParamGrpCod (Grp->GrpCod); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"MaxStudents); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"\" onchange=\"document.getElementById('%s').submit();\" />", Gbl.Form.Id); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /* Current number of students in this group */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%d" "" "", Grp->NumStudents); } } /***** End table *****/ Lay_EndRoundFrameTable (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Write heading of groups **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_WriteHeadingGroups (void) { extern const char *Txt_Type_BR_of_group; extern const char *Txt_Group_name; extern const char *Txt_eg_A_B; extern const char *Txt_Max_BR_students; extern const char *Txt_Students_ABBREVIATION; fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s
(%s)" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "", Txt_Type_BR_of_group, Txt_Group_name,Txt_eg_A_B, Txt_Max_BR_students, Txt_Students_ABBREVIATION); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* List groups of a type to edit assignments, attendance events, or surveys **/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ListGrpsToEditAsgAttOrSvy (struct GroupType *GrpTyp,long Cod,Grp_AsgOrSvy_t Grp_AsgAttOrSvy) { struct ListCodGrps LstGrpsIBelong; unsigned NumGrpThisType; bool IBelongToThisGroup; struct Group *Grp; bool AssociatedToGrp = false; /***** Write heading *****/ Grp_WriteGrpHead (GrpTyp); /***** Query from the database the groups of this type which I belong to *****/ Grp_GetLstCodGrpsUsrBelongs (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,GrpTyp->GrpTypCod, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,&LstGrpsIBelong); /***** List the groups *****/ for (NumGrpThisType = 0; NumGrpThisType < GrpTyp->NumGrps; NumGrpThisType++) { Grp = &(GrpTyp->LstGrps[NumGrpThisType]); IBelongToThisGroup = Grp_CheckIfGrpIsInList (Grp->GrpCod,&LstGrpsIBelong); /* Put checkbox to select the group */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "GrpCod, Grp->GrpCod); if (Cod > 0) // Cod == -1L means new assignment or survey { switch (Grp_AsgAttOrSvy) { case Grp_ASSIGNMENT: AssociatedToGrp = Asg_CheckIfAsgIsAssociatedToGrp (Cod,Grp->GrpCod); break; case Grp_ATT_EVENT: AssociatedToGrp = Att_CheckIfAttEventIsAssociatedToGrp (Cod,Grp->GrpCod); break; case Grp_SURVEY: AssociatedToGrp = Svy_CheckIfSvyIsAssociatedToGrp (Cod,Grp->GrpCod); break; } if (AssociatedToGrp) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," checked=\"checked\""); } if (!(IBelongToThisGroup || Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_SYS_ADM)) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," disabled=\"disabled\""); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," onclick=\"uncheckParent(this,'WholeCrs')\" />" ""); Grp_WriteRowGrp (Grp,IBelongToThisGroup); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } /***** Free memory with the list of groups which I belongs to *****/ Grp_FreeListCodGrp (&LstGrpsIBelong); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Show list of groups to register/remove me *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ReqRegisterInGrps (void) { /***** Show list of groups to register/remove me *****/ Grp_ShowLstGrpsToChgMyGrps ((Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_STUDENT)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Show list of groups to register/remove me *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ShowLstGrpsToChgMyGrps (bool ShowWarningsToStudents) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Groups; extern const char *Txt_My_groups; extern const char *Txt_Change_my_groups; extern const char *Txt_Enrol_in_groups; extern const char *Txt_No_groups_have_been_created_in_the_course_X; extern const char *Txt_Create_group; unsigned NumGrpTyp; unsigned NumGrpsIBelong = 0; bool PutFormToChangeGrps = !Gbl.Form.Inside; // Not inside another form (record card) bool ICanEdit = !Gbl.Form.Inside && (Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_TEACHER || Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_SYS_ADM); if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.NumGrps) // This course has groups { /***** Get list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_GetListGrpTypesAndGrpsInThisCrs (Grp_ONLY_GROUP_TYPES_WITH_GROUPS); /***** Show warnings to students *****/ // Students are required to join groups with mandatory enrolment; teachers don't if (ShowWarningsToStudents) Grp_ShowWarningToStdsToChangeGrps (); } /***** Start frame *****/ Lay_StartRoundFrame (NULL,Txt_My_groups, ICanEdit ? Grp_PutIconToEditGroups : NULL, Hlp_USERS_Groups); if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.NumGrps) // This course has groups { /***** Start form *****/ if (PutFormToChangeGrps) Act_FormStart (ActChgGrp); /***** List the groups the user belongs to for change *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++) if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].NumGrps) // If there are groups of this type NumGrpsIBelong += Grp_ListGrpsForChange (&Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp]); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); /***** End form *****/ if (PutFormToChangeGrps) { Lay_PutConfirmButton (NumGrpsIBelong ? Txt_Change_my_groups : Txt_Enrol_in_groups); Act_FormEnd (); } } else // This course has no groups { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_No_groups_have_been_created_in_the_course_X, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.FullName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_INFO,Gbl.Message); /***** Button to create group *****/ if (ICanEdit) { Act_FormStart (ActReqEdiGrp); Lay_PutConfirmButton (Txt_Create_group); Act_FormEnd (); } } /***** End frame *****/ Lay_EndRoundFrame (); if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.NumGrps) // This course has groups /***** Free list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ Grp_FreeListGrpTypesAndGrps (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************************** Put icon to edit groups *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_PutIconToEditGroups (void) { extern const char *Txt_Edit; Lay_PutContextualLink (ActReqEdiGrp,NULL,NULL, "edit64x64.png", Txt_Edit,NULL, NULL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Show warnings to students before form to change groups **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_ShowWarningToStdsToChangeGrps (void) { extern const char *Txt_You_have_to_register_compulsorily_at_least_in_one_group_of_type_X; extern const char *Txt_You_have_to_register_compulsorily_in_one_group_of_type_X; extern const char *Txt_You_can_register_voluntarily_in_one_or_more_groups_of_type_X; extern const char *Txt_You_can_register_voluntarily_in_one_group_of_type_X; unsigned NumGrpTyp; struct GroupType *GrpTyp; for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++) { GrpTyp = &Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp]; if (GrpTyp->NumGrps) // If there are groups of this type if (Grp_GetFirstCodGrpStdBelongsTo (GrpTyp->GrpTypCod,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod) < 0) // If the student does not belong to any group if (Grp_GetIfGrpIsAvailable (GrpTyp->GrpTypCod)) // If there is any group of this type available { if (GrpTyp->MandatoryEnrolment) { sprintf (Gbl.Message, GrpTyp->MultipleEnrolment ? Txt_You_have_to_register_compulsorily_at_least_in_one_group_of_type_X : Txt_You_have_to_register_compulsorily_in_one_group_of_type_X, GrpTyp->GrpTypName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } else { sprintf (Gbl.Message, GrpTyp->MultipleEnrolment ? Txt_You_can_register_voluntarily_in_one_or_more_groups_of_type_X : Txt_You_can_register_voluntarily_in_one_group_of_type_X, GrpTyp->GrpTypName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_INFO,Gbl.Message); } } } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** List the groups of a type to register in ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Returns the number of groups of this type I belong to static unsigned Grp_ListGrpsForChange (struct GroupType *GrpTyp) { struct ListCodGrps LstGrpsIBelong; unsigned NumGrpThisType; struct Group *Grp; bool IBelongToThisGroup; unsigned NumGrpsIBelong; /***** Write heading *****/ Grp_WriteGrpHead (GrpTyp); /***** Query in the database the group of this type that I belong to *****/ Grp_GetLstCodGrpsUsrBelongs (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,GrpTyp->GrpTypCod, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,&LstGrpsIBelong); NumGrpsIBelong = LstGrpsIBelong.NumGrps; /***** List the groups *****/ for (NumGrpThisType = 0; NumGrpThisType < GrpTyp->NumGrps; NumGrpThisType++) { Grp = &(GrpTyp->LstGrps[NumGrpThisType]); IBelongToThisGroup = Grp_CheckIfGrpIsInList (Grp->GrpCod,&LstGrpsIBelong); /* Put icon to select the group */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "MultipleEnrolment && GrpTyp->NumGrps > 1) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"radio\" id=\"Grp%ld\" name=\"GrpCod%ld\"" " value=\"%ld\"", Grp->GrpCod,GrpTyp->GrpTypCod, Grp->GrpCod); if (!GrpTyp->MandatoryEnrolment) // If the enrolment is not mandatory, I can select no groups fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," onclick=\"selectUnselectRadio(this,this.form.GrpCod%ld,%u)\"", GrpTyp->GrpTypCod,GrpTyp->NumGrps); } else // Put a checkbox item fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"checkbox\" id=\"Grp%ld\" name=\"GrpCod%ld\"" " value=\"%ld\"", Grp->GrpCod,GrpTyp->GrpTypCod, Grp->GrpCod); if (IBelongToThisGroup) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," checked=\"checked\""); else if ((Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_STUDENT) && ((!Grp->Open) || (Grp->NumStudents >= Grp->MaxStudents))) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," disabled=\"disabled\""); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," />"); Grp_WriteRowGrp (Grp,IBelongToThisGroup); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } /***** Free memory with the list of groups a the that belongs the user *****/ Grp_FreeListCodGrp (&LstGrpsIBelong); return NumGrpsIBelong; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** Show list of groups to register/remove users ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // If UsrCod > 0 ==> mark her/his groups as checked // If UsrCod <= 0 ==> do not mark any group as checked void Grp_ShowLstGrpsToChgOtherUsrsGrps (long UsrCod) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Groups; extern const char *Txt_Groups; unsigned NumGrpTyp; /***** Get list of groups types and groups in current course *****/ Grp_GetListGrpTypesAndGrpsInThisCrs (Grp_ONLY_GROUP_TYPES_WITH_GROUPS); /***** Start table *****/ Lay_StartRoundFrameTable (NULL,Txt_Groups,NULL,Hlp_USERS_Groups,0); /***** List to select the groups the user belongs to *****/ for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++) if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].NumGrps) Grp_ListGrpsToAddOrRemUsrs (&Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp],UsrCod); /***** End table *****/ Lay_EndRoundFrameTable (); /***** Free list of groups types and groups in current course *****/ Grp_FreeListGrpTypesAndGrps (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************** List groups of a type to add or remove users ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // If UsrCod > 0 ==> mark her/his groups as checked // If UsrCod <= 0 ==> do not mark any group as checked static void Grp_ListGrpsToAddOrRemUsrs (struct GroupType *GrpTyp,long UsrCod) { struct ListCodGrps LstGrpsIBelong; struct ListCodGrps LstGrpsUsrBelongs; unsigned NumGrpThisType; bool IBelongToThisGroup; bool UsrBelongsToThisGroup; struct Group *Grp; /***** Write heading *****/ Grp_WriteGrpHead (GrpTyp); /***** Query from the database the groups of this type which I belong to *****/ Grp_GetLstCodGrpsUsrBelongs (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,GrpTyp->GrpTypCod, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,&LstGrpsIBelong); /***** Query from the database the groups of this type which I belong to *****/ if (UsrCod > 0) Grp_GetLstCodGrpsUsrBelongs (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,GrpTyp->GrpTypCod, Gbl.Usrs.Other.UsrDat.UsrCod,&LstGrpsUsrBelongs); /***** List the groups *****/ for (NumGrpThisType = 0; NumGrpThisType < GrpTyp->NumGrps; NumGrpThisType++) { Grp = &(GrpTyp->LstGrps[NumGrpThisType]); IBelongToThisGroup = Grp_CheckIfGrpIsInList (Grp->GrpCod,&LstGrpsIBelong); UsrBelongsToThisGroup = (UsrCod > 0) ? Grp_CheckIfGrpIsInList (Grp->GrpCod,&LstGrpsUsrBelongs) : false; /* Put checkbox to select the group */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "GrpCod,GrpTyp->GrpTypCod, Grp->GrpCod); if (UsrBelongsToThisGroup) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," checked=\"checked\""); if (!(IBelongToThisGroup || Gbl.Usrs.Me.LoggedRole == Rol_SYS_ADM)) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," disabled=\"disabled\""); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," />"); Grp_WriteRowGrp (Grp,UsrBelongsToThisGroup); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } /***** Free memory with the lists of groups *****/ if (UsrCod > 0) Grp_FreeListCodGrp (&LstGrpsUsrBelongs); Grp_FreeListCodGrp (&LstGrpsIBelong); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Write a list of groups as checkbox form for unique selection ********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_ListGrpsForMultipleSelection (struct GroupType *GrpTyp) { extern const char *Txt_students_with_no_group; unsigned NumGrpThisType; unsigned NumGrpSel; struct ListCodGrps LstGrpsIBelong; bool IBelongToThisGroup; struct Group *Grp; /***** Write heading *****/ Grp_WriteGrpHead (GrpTyp); /***** Query from the database the groups of this type which I belong to *****/ Grp_GetLstCodGrpsUsrBelongs (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,GrpTyp->GrpTypCod, Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod,&LstGrpsIBelong); /***** List the groups *****/ for (NumGrpThisType = 0; NumGrpThisType < GrpTyp->NumGrps; NumGrpThisType++) { Grp = &(GrpTyp->LstGrps[NumGrpThisType]); IBelongToThisGroup = Grp_CheckIfGrpIsInList (Grp->GrpCod,&LstGrpsIBelong); /* Put checkbox to select the group */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "GrpCod, Grp->GrpCod); if (Gbl.Usrs.ClassPhoto.AllGroups) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," checked=\"checked\""); else for (NumGrpSel = 0; NumGrpSel < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps; NumGrpSel++) if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.GrpCods[NumGrpSel] == Grp->GrpCod) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," checked=\"checked\""); break; } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," onclick=\"checkParent(this,'AllGroups')\" />"); Grp_WriteRowGrp (Grp,IBelongToThisGroup); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } /***** Free memory with the list of groups which I belongs to *****/ Grp_FreeListCodGrp (&LstGrpsIBelong); /***** Write rows to select the students who don't belong to any group *****/ /* To get the students who don't belong to a type of group, use group code -(GrpTyp->GrpTypCod) */ /* Write checkbox to select the group */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "GrpTypCod), -(GrpTyp->GrpTypCod)); if (Gbl.Usrs.ClassPhoto.AllGroups) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," checked=\"checked\""); else for (NumGrpSel = 0; NumGrpSel < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.NumGrps; NumGrpSel++) if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.LstGrpsSel.GrpCods[NumGrpSel] == -(GrpTyp->GrpTypCod)) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," checked=\"checked\""); break; } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," onclick=\"checkParent(this,'AllGroups')\" />" ""); /* Column closed/open */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); /* Group name = students with no group */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "", -(GrpTyp->GrpTypCod),Txt_students_with_no_group); /* Number of students who don't belong to any group of this type */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%u" "", Grp_CountNumStdsInNoGrpsOfType (GrpTyp->GrpTypCod)); /* Last column */ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************** Write a row with the head for list of groups *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_WriteGrpHead (struct GroupType *GrpTyp) { extern const char *Txt_Opening_of_groups; extern const char *Txt_Today; extern const char *Txt_Group; extern const char *Txt_Max_BR_students; extern const char *Txt_Students_ABBREVIATION; extern const char *Txt_Vacants; static unsigned UniqueId = 0; /***** Name of group type *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "
%s", GrpTyp->GrpTypName); if (GrpTyp->MustBeOpened) { UniqueId++; fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
%s: " "" "", Txt_Opening_of_groups, UniqueId, UniqueId,(long) GrpTyp->OpenTimeUTC,Txt_Today); } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); /***** Head row with title of each column *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "" "%s" "" "", Txt_Group, Txt_Max_BR_students, Txt_Students_ABBREVIATION, Txt_Vacants); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Write a row with the data of a group *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_WriteRowGrp (struct Group *Grp,bool Highlight) { extern const char *Txt_Group_X_open; extern const char *Txt_Group_X_closed; int Vacant; /***** Write icon to show if group is open or closed *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Title,Grp->Open ? Txt_Group_X_open : Txt_Group_X_closed, Grp->GrpName); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "\"%s\"" "", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Grp->Open ? "unlock" : "lock", Gbl.Title,Gbl.Title); /***** Group name *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "", Grp->GrpCod, Grp->GrpName); /***** Max. number of students in this group *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); Grp_WriteMaxStdsGrp (Grp->MaxStudents); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out," " ""); /***** Current number of students in this group *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "%d" "", Grp->NumStudents); /***** Vacants in this group *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); if (Grp->MaxStudents > Grp_MAX_STUDENTS_IN_A_GROUP) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"-"); else { Vacant = (int) Grp->MaxStudents - (int) Grp->NumStudents; fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%u", Vacant > 0 ? (unsigned) Vacant : 0); } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Put a form to create a new group type *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_PutFormToCreateGroupType (void) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Groups; extern const char *Txt_New_type_of_group; extern const char *Txt_It_is_optional_to_choose_a_group; extern const char *Txt_It_is_mandatory_to_choose_a_group; extern const char *Txt_A_student_can_belong_to_several_groups; extern const char *Txt_A_student_can_only_belong_to_one_group; extern const char *Txt_The_groups_will_automatically_open; extern const char *Txt_The_groups_will_not_automatically_open; extern const char *Txt_Create_type_of_group; /***** Start form *****/ Act_FormStart (ActNewGrpTyp); /***** Start of frame *****/ Lay_StartRoundFrameTable (NULL,Txt_New_type_of_group, NULL,Hlp_USERS_Groups,2); /***** Write heading *****/ Grp_WriteHeadingGroupTypes (); /***** Put disabled icon to remove group type *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); Lay_PutIconRemovalNotAllowed (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,""); /***** Name of group type *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "", Grp_MAX_CHARS_GROUP_TYPE_NAME,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName); /***** Is it mandatory to register in any groups of this type? *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "", Txt_It_is_mandatory_to_choose_a_group); /***** Is it possible to register in multiple groups of this type? *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "", Txt_A_student_can_belong_to_several_groups); /***** Open time *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "" "" "" "" "
" "\"%s\"" "", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MustBeOpened ? "time" : "time-off", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MustBeOpened ? Txt_The_groups_will_automatically_open : Txt_The_groups_will_not_automatically_open, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MustBeOpened ? Txt_The_groups_will_automatically_open : Txt_The_groups_will_not_automatically_open); Dat_WriteFormClientLocalDateTimeFromTimeUTC ("open_time", "Open", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.OpenTimeUTC, Gbl.Now.Date.Year, Gbl.Now.Date.Year + 1, Dat_FORM_SECONDS_ON, Dat_HMS_DO_NOT_SET, // Don't set hour, minute and second false); // Don't submit on change fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
" ""); /***** Number of groups of this type *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); /***** Send button and end frame *****/ Lay_EndRoundFrameTableWithButton (Lay_CREATE_BUTTON,Txt_Create_type_of_group); /***** End form *****/ Act_FormEnd (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Put a form to create a new group ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_PutFormToCreateGroup (void) { extern const char *Hlp_USERS_Groups; extern const char *Txt_New_group; extern const char *Txt_Group_closed; extern const char *Txt_File_zones_disabled; extern const char *Txt_Create_group; unsigned NumGrpTyp; /***** Start form *****/ Act_FormStart (ActNewGrp); /***** Start of frame *****/ Lay_StartRoundFrameTable (NULL,Txt_New_group,NULL,Hlp_USERS_Groups,2); /***** Write heading *****/ Grp_WriteHeadingGroups (); /***** Put disabled icons to remove group, open group and archive zone *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); Lay_PutIconRemovalNotAllowed (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "\"%s\"" "" "" "\"%s\"" "", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Txt_Group_closed, Txt_Group_closed, Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, Txt_File_zones_disabled, Txt_File_zones_disabled); /***** Group type *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" ""); /***** Group name *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" "", Grp_MAX_CHARS_GROUP_NAME,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpName); /***** Maximum number of students *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" "" ""); /***** Current number of students in this group *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"" ""); /***** Send button and end frame *****/ Lay_EndRoundFrameTableWithButton (Lay_CREATE_BUTTON,Txt_Create_group); /***** End of form *****/ Act_FormEnd (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Create a list with current group types in this course ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_GetListGrpTypesInThisCrs (Grp_WhichGroupTypes_t WhichGroupTypes) { char Query[1024]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned long NumRow; if (++Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.NestedCalls > 1) // If list is created yet, there's nothing to do return; /***** Open groups of this course that must be opened if open time is in the past *****/ Grp_OpenGroupsAutomatically (); /***** Get group types with groups + groups types without groups from database *****/ // The tables in the second part of the UNION requires ALIAS in order to LOCK TABLES when registering in groups switch (WhichGroupTypes) { case Grp_ONLY_GROUP_TYPES_WITH_GROUPS: sprintf (Query,"SELECT crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod,crs_grp_types.GrpTypName," "crs_grp_types.Mandatory,crs_grp_types.Multiple," "crs_grp_types.MustBeOpened," "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(crs_grp_types.OpenTime)," "COUNT(crs_grp.GrpCod)" " FROM crs_grp_types,crs_grp" " WHERE crs_grp_types.CrsCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod=crs_grp.GrpTypCod" " GROUP BY crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod" " ORDER BY crs_grp_types.GrpTypName", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); break; case Grp_ALL_GROUP_TYPES: sprintf (Query,"(SELECT crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod,crs_grp_types.GrpTypName AS GrpTypName," "crs_grp_types.Mandatory,crs_grp_types.Multiple," "crs_grp_types.MustBeOpened," "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(crs_grp_types.OpenTime)," "COUNT(crs_grp.GrpCod)" " FROM crs_grp_types,crs_grp" " WHERE crs_grp_types.CrsCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod=crs_grp.GrpTypCod" " GROUP BY crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod)" " UNION " "(SELECT GrpTypCod,GrpTypName," "Mandatory,Multiple," "MustBeOpened," "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(OpenTime)," "0" " FROM crs_grp_types WHERE CrsCod=%ld" " AND GrpTypCod NOT IN (SELECT GrpTypCod FROM crs_grp))" " ORDER BY GrpTypName", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); break; } Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num = (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get types of group of a course"); /***** Get group types *****/ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.NumGrpsTotal = 0; if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num) { /***** Create a list of group types *****/ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes = (struct GroupType *) calloc (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num,sizeof (struct GroupType))) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Not enough memory to store types of group."); /***** Get group types *****/ for (NumRow = 0; NumRow < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumRow++) { /* Get next group type */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get group type code (row[0]) */ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumRow].GrpTypCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong type of group."); /* Get group type name (row[1]) */ Str_Copy (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumRow].GrpTypName,row[1], Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_TYPE_NAME); /* Is it mandatory to register in any groups of this type? (row[2]) */ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumRow].MandatoryEnrolment = (row[2][0] == 'Y'); /* Is it possible to register in multiple groups of this type? (row[3]) */ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumRow].MultipleEnrolment = (row[3][0] == 'Y'); /* Groups of this type must be opened? (row[4]) */ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumRow].MustBeOpened = (row[4][0] == 'Y'); /* Get open time (row[5] holds the open time UTC) */ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumRow].OpenTimeUTC = Dat_GetUNIXTimeFromStr (row[5]); Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumRow].MustBeOpened &= Grp_CheckIfOpenTimeInTheFuture (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumRow].OpenTimeUTC); /* Number of groups of this type (row[6]) */ if (sscanf (row[6],"%u",&Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumRow].NumGrps) != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong number of groups of a type."); /* Add number of groups to total number of groups */ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.NumGrpsTotal += Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumRow].NumGrps; /* Initialize pointer to the list of groups of this type */ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumRow].LstGrps = NULL; } } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Open automatically groups in this course ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_OpenGroupsAutomatically (void) { char Query[512]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumGrpTypes; unsigned NumGrpTyp; long GrpTypCod; /***** Find group types to be opened *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT GrpTypCod FROM crs_grp_types" " WHERE CrsCod=%ld AND MustBeOpened='Y'" " AND OpenTime<=NOW()", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); NumGrpTypes = (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res, "can not get the types of group to be opened"); for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < NumGrpTypes; NumGrpTyp++) { /* Get next group TYPE */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); if ((GrpTypCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) > 0) { /***** Open all the closed groups in this course the must be opened and with open time in the past ****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE crs_grp SET Open='Y'" " WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld AND Open='N'", GrpTypCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not open groups"); /***** To not try to open groups again, set MustBeOpened to false *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE crs_grp_types SET MustBeOpened='N'" " WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld", GrpTypCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update the opening of a type of group"); } } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Create a list with group types and groups in this course **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_GetListGrpTypesAndGrpsInThisCrs (Grp_WhichGroupTypes_t WhichGroupTypes) { unsigned NumGrpTyp; unsigned NumGrp; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned long NumRows; struct GroupType *GrpTyp; struct Group *Grp; /***** First we get the list of group types *****/ Grp_GetListGrpTypesInThisCrs (WhichGroupTypes); /***** Then we get the list of groups for each group type *****/ for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++) { GrpTyp = &Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp]; if (GrpTyp->NumGrps) // If there are groups of this type... { /***** Query database *****/ if ((NumRows = Grp_GetGrpsOfType (GrpTyp->GrpTypCod,&mysql_res)) > 0) // Groups found... { // NumRows should be equal to GrpTyp->NumGrps GrpTyp->NumGrps = (unsigned) NumRows; /***** Create list with groups of this type *****/ if ((GrpTyp->LstGrps = (struct Group *) calloc (GrpTyp->NumGrps,sizeof (struct Group))) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Not enough memory to store groups of a type."); /***** Get the groups of this type *****/ for (NumGrp = 0; NumGrp < GrpTyp->NumGrps; NumGrp++) { Grp = &(GrpTyp->LstGrps[NumGrp]); /* Get next group */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get group code (row[0]) */ if ((Grp->GrpCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong code of group."); /* Get group name (row[1]) */ Str_Copy (Grp->GrpName,row[1], Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_NAME); /* Get max number of students of group (row[2]) and number of current students */ Grp->MaxStudents = Grp_ConvertToNumMaxStdsGrp (row[2]); Grp->NumStudents = Grp_CountNumStdsInGrp (Grp->GrpCod); /* Get whether group is open ('Y') or closed ('N') (row[3]) */ Grp->Open = (row[3][0] == 'Y'); /* Get whether group have file zones ('Y') or not ('N') (row[4]) */ Grp->FileZones = (row[4][0] == 'Y'); } } else // Error: groups should be found, but really they haven't be found. This never should happen. GrpTyp->NumGrps = 0; /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Free list of groups types and list of groups of each type *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_FreeListGrpTypesAndGrps (void) { unsigned NumGrpTyp; struct GroupType *GrpTyp; if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.NestedCalls > 0) if (--Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.NestedCalls == 0) if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes) { /***** Free memory used for each list of groups (one list for each group type) *****/ for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++) { GrpTyp = &Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp]; if (GrpTyp->LstGrps) { free ((void *) GrpTyp->LstGrps); GrpTyp->LstGrps = NULL; GrpTyp->NumGrps = 0; } } /***** Free memory used by the list of group types *****/ free ((void *) Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes); Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes = NULL; Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num = 0; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Query the number of groups that hay in this course **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Grp_CountNumGrpsInCurrentCrs (void) { char Query[512]; /***** Get number of group in current course from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crs_grp_types,crs_grp" " WHERE crs_grp_types.CrsCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod=crs_grp.GrpTypCod", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod); return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not get number of groups in this course"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Count number of groups in a group type *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static unsigned Grp_CountNumGrpsInThisCrsOfType (long GrpTypCod) { char Query[128]; /***** Get number of groups of a type from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crs_grp WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld", GrpTypCod); return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not get number of groups of a type"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Get current groups of a type in this course ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned long Grp_GetGrpsOfType (long GrpTypCod,MYSQL_RES **mysql_res) { char Query[512]; /***** Get groups of a type from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT GrpCod,GrpName,MaxStudents,Open,FileZones" " FROM crs_grp" " WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld" " ORDER BY GrpName", GrpTypCod); return DB_QuerySELECT (Query,mysql_res,"can not get groups of a type"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Get data of a group type from its code ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // GrpTyp->GrpTypCod must have the code of the type of group static void Grp_GetDataOfGroupTypeByCod (struct GroupType *GrpTyp) { char Query[512]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned long NumRows; /***** Get data of a type of group from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT GrpTypName,Mandatory,Multiple,MustBeOpened,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(OpenTime)" " FROM crs_grp_types" " WHERE CrsCod=%ld AND GrpTypCod=%ld", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,GrpTyp->GrpTypCod); NumRows = DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get type of group"); /***** Count number of rows in result *****/ if (NumRows != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error when getting type of group."); /***** Get some data of group type *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); Str_Copy (GrpTyp->GrpTypName,row[0], Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_TYPE_NAME); GrpTyp->MandatoryEnrolment = (row[1][0] == 'Y'); GrpTyp->MultipleEnrolment = (row[2][0] == 'Y'); GrpTyp->MustBeOpened = (row[3][0] == 'Y'); GrpTyp->OpenTimeUTC = Dat_GetUNIXTimeFromStr (row[4]); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Check if a group type has multiple enrolment *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static bool Grp_GetMultipleEnrolmentOfAGroupType (long GrpTypCod) { char Query[128]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; bool MultipleEnrolment; /***** Get data of a type of group from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT Multiple FROM crs_grp_types WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld", GrpTypCod); if (DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get if type of group has multiple enrolment") != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error when getting type of group."); /***** Get multiple enrolment *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); MultipleEnrolment = (row[0][0] == 'Y'); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); return MultipleEnrolment; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Get data of a group from its code ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_GetDataOfGroupByCod (struct GroupData *GrpDat) { char Query[512]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned long NumRows; /***** Reset values *****/ GrpDat->GrpTypCod = -1L; GrpDat->CrsCod = -1L; GrpDat->GrpTypName[0] = '\0'; GrpDat->GrpName[0] = '\0'; GrpDat->MaxStudents = 0; GrpDat->Vacant = 0; GrpDat->Open = false; GrpDat->FileZones = false; GrpDat->MultipleEnrolment = false; if (GrpDat->GrpCod > 0) { /***** Get data of a group from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod,crs_grp_types.CrsCod," "crs_grp_types.GrpTypName,crs_grp_types.Multiple," "crs_grp.GrpName,crs_grp.MaxStudents," "crs_grp.Open,crs_grp.FileZones" " FROM crs_grp,crs_grp_types" " WHERE crs_grp.GrpCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp.GrpTypCod=crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod", GrpDat->GrpCod); NumRows = DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get data of a group"); if (NumRows == 1) { /***** Get data of group *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get the code of the group type (row[0]) */ if ((GrpDat->GrpTypCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) <= 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong code of type of group."); /* Get the code of the course (row[1]) */ if ((GrpDat->CrsCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[1])) <= 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong code of course."); /* Get the name of the group type (row[2]) */ Str_Copy (GrpDat->GrpTypName,row[2], Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_TYPE_NAME); /* Get whether a student may be in one or multiple groups (row[3]) */ GrpDat->MultipleEnrolment = (row[3][0] == 'Y'); /* Get the name of the group (row[4]) */ Str_Copy (GrpDat->GrpName,row[4], Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_NAME); /* Get maximum number of students (row[5]) */ GrpDat->MaxStudents = Grp_ConvertToNumMaxStdsGrp (row[5]); /* Get whether group is open or closed (row[6]) */ GrpDat->Open = (row[6][0] == 'Y'); /* Get whether group has file zones (row[7]) */ GrpDat->FileZones = (row[7][0] == 'Y'); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Get the type of group of a group *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static long Grp_GetTypeOfGroupOfAGroup (long GrpCod) { char Query[128]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; long GrpTypCod; /***** Get data of a group from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT GrpTypCod FROM crs_grp WHERE GrpCod=%ld", GrpCod); if (DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get the type of a group") != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error when getting group."); /***** Get data of group *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get the code of the group type (row[0]) */ if ((GrpTypCod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong code of type of group."); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); return GrpTypCod; } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Check if a group exists in database ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ bool Grp_CheckIfGroupExists (long GrpCod) { char Query[128]; /***** Get if a group exists from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crs_grp WHERE GrpCod=%ld",GrpCod); return (DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not check if a group exists") != 0); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Check if a group belongs to a course ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ bool Grp_CheckIfGroupBelongsToCourse (long GrpCod,long CrsCod) { char Query[256]; /***** Get if a group exists from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crs_grp,crs_grp_types" " WHERE crs_grp.GrpCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp.GrpTypCod=crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod" " AND crs_grp_types.CrsCod=%ld", GrpCod,CrsCod); return (DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not check if a group belongs to a course") != 0); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Count number of students in a group ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Grp_CountNumStdsInGrp (long GrpCod) { char Query[512]; /***** Get number of students in a group from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*)" " FROM crs_grp_usr,crs_grp,crs_grp_types,crs_usr" " WHERE crs_grp_usr.GrpCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp_usr.GrpCod=crs_grp.GrpCod" " AND crs_grp.GrpTypCod=crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod" " AND crs_grp_types.CrsCod=crs_usr.CrsCod" " AND crs_grp_usr.UsrCod=crs_usr.UsrCod" " AND crs_usr.Role=%u", GrpCod,(unsigned) Rol_STUDENT); return (unsigned) DB_QueryCOUNT (Query, "can not get number of students in a group"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** Count # of students of current course not belonging to groups of a type **/ /*****************************************************************************/ static unsigned Grp_CountNumStdsInNoGrpsOfType (long GrpTypCod) { char Query[512]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumStds; /***** Get number of students not belonging to groups of a type from database ******/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(UsrCod) FROM crs_usr" " WHERE CrsCod=%ld AND Role=%u" " AND UsrCod NOT IN" " (SELECT DISTINCT crs_grp_usr.UsrCod" " FROM crs_grp,crs_grp_usr" " WHERE crs_grp.GrpTypCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp.GrpCod=crs_grp_usr.GrpCod)", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,(unsigned) Rol_STUDENT,GrpTypCod); DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get the number of students not belonging to groups of a type"); /***** Get the number of students (row[0]) *****/ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); if (sscanf (row[0],"%u",&NumStds) != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error when getting the number of students not belonging to groups of a type."); /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); return NumStds; } /*****************************************************************************/ /**** Get the first code of group of cierto type al that pert. a student *****/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Return -GrpTypCod if the student does not belongs to any group of type GrpTypCod static long Grp_GetFirstCodGrpStdBelongsTo (long GrpTypCod,long UsrCod) { char Query[512]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned long NumRows; long CodGrpIBelong; /***** Get a group which a user belong to from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT crs_grp.GrpCod FROM crs_grp,crs_grp_usr" " WHERE crs_grp.GrpTypCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp.GrpCod=crs_grp_usr.GrpCod" " AND crs_grp_usr.UsrCod=%ld", GrpTypCod,UsrCod); NumRows = DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get the group which a user belongs to"); /***** Get the group *****/ if (NumRows == 0) CodGrpIBelong = -GrpTypCod; else // If there are more than a group, only get the first one { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get the code of group (row[0]) */ if ((CodGrpIBelong = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong code of group."); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); return CodGrpIBelong; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Check if a user belongs to a group ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Return true if the user identificado belongs al group with código GrpCod bool Grp_GetIfIBelongToGrp (long GrpCod) { char Query[256]; /***** Get if I belong to a group from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crs_grp_usr" " WHERE GrpCod=%ld AND UsrCod=%ld", GrpCod,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); return (DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not check if you belong to a group") != 0); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**** Get the number of types of group with mandatory enrolment *****/ /**** that have any group open and with any vacant *****/ /**** and I don't belong to any of these groups as student *****/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Grp_NumGrpTypesMandatIDontBelong (void) { char Query[4096]; unsigned NumGrpTypes; /***** Get the number of types of groups with mandatory enrolment which I don't belong to, from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT GrpTypCod) FROM" " (SELECT crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod AS GrpTypCod," "COUNT(*) AS NumStudents," "crs_grp.MaxStudents as MaxStudents" " FROM crs_grp_types,crs_grp,crs_grp_usr,crs_usr" " WHERE crs_grp_types.CrsCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp_types.Mandatory='Y'" " AND crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod=crs_grp.GrpTypCod" " AND crs_grp.Open='Y'" " AND crs_grp_types.CrsCod=crs_usr.CrsCod" " AND crs_grp.GrpCod=crs_grp_usr.GrpCod" " AND crs_grp_usr.UsrCod=crs_usr.UsrCod" " AND crs_usr.Role=%u" " GROUP BY crs_grp.GrpCod" " HAVING NumStudents get the groups from all the user's courses // If GrpTypCod < 0 ==> get the groups of any type static void Grp_GetLstCodGrpsUsrBelongs (long CrsCod,long GrpTypCod, long UsrCod,struct ListCodGrps *LstGrps) { char Query[1024]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumGrp; /***** Get groups which a user belong to from database *****/ if (CrsCod < 0) // Query the groups from all the user's courses sprintf (Query,"SELECT GrpCod" " FROM crs_grp_usr" " WHERE UsrCod=%ld", // Groups will be unordered UsrCod); else if (GrpTypCod < 0) // Query the groups of any type in the course sprintf (Query,"SELECT crs_grp.GrpCod" " FROM crs_grp_types,crs_grp,crs_grp_usr" " WHERE crs_grp_types.CrsCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod=crs_grp.GrpTypCod" " AND crs_grp.GrpCod=crs_grp_usr.GrpCod" " AND crs_grp_usr.UsrCod=%ld" " ORDER BY crs_grp_types.GrpTypName,crs_grp.GrpName", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,UsrCod); else // Query only the groups of specified type in the course sprintf (Query,"SELECT crs_grp.GrpCod" " FROM crs_grp_types,crs_grp,crs_grp_usr" " WHERE crs_grp_types.CrsCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod=crs_grp.GrpTypCod" " AND crs_grp.GrpCod=crs_grp_usr.GrpCod" " AND crs_grp_usr.UsrCod=%ld" " ORDER BY crs_grp.GrpName", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,GrpTypCod,UsrCod); LstGrps->NumGrps = (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get the groups which a user belongs to"); /***** Get the groups *****/ if (LstGrps->NumGrps) { /***** Create a list of groups the user belongs to *****/ if ((LstGrps->GrpCods = (long *) calloc (LstGrps->NumGrps,sizeof (long))) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Not enough memory to store codes of groups a user belongs to."); for (NumGrp = 0; NumGrp < LstGrps->NumGrps; NumGrp++) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get the code of group (row[0]) */ if ((LstGrps->GrpCods[NumGrp] = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong code of group."); } } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Query list of group codes with file zones I belong to ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_GetLstCodGrpsWithFileZonesIBelong (struct ListCodGrps *LstGrps) { char Query[1024]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned NumGrp; /***** Get groups which I belong to from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT crs_grp.GrpCod" " FROM crs_grp_types,crs_grp,crs_grp_usr" " WHERE crs_grp_types.CrsCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp_types.GrpTypCod=crs_grp.GrpTypCod" " AND crs_grp.FileZones='Y'" " AND crs_grp.GrpCod=crs_grp_usr.GrpCod" " AND crs_grp_usr.UsrCod=%ld" " ORDER BY crs_grp_types.GrpTypName,crs_grp.GrpName", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); LstGrps->NumGrps = (unsigned) DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get the groups which I belong to"); /***** Get the groups *****/ if (LstGrps->NumGrps) { /***** Create a list of groups I belong to *****/ if ((LstGrps->GrpCods = (long *) calloc (LstGrps->NumGrps,sizeof (long))) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Not enough memory to store codes of groups I belongs to."); for (NumGrp = 0; NumGrp < LstGrps->NumGrps; NumGrp++) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Get the code of group (row[0]) */ if ((LstGrps->GrpCods[NumGrp] = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[0])) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong code of group."); } } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Check if a group is in a list of groups which I belong to **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static bool Grp_CheckIfGrpIsInList (long GrpCod,struct ListCodGrps *LstGrps) { unsigned NumGrp; for (NumGrp = 0; NumGrp < LstGrps->NumGrps; NumGrp++) if (GrpCod == LstGrps->GrpCods[NumGrp]) return true; return false; } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Query names of groups of a type which user belongs to ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_GetNamesGrpsStdBelongsTo (long GrpTypCod,long UsrCod,char *GroupNames) { char Query[512]; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned long NumRow; unsigned long NumRows; size_t MaxLength = (Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_NAME + 2) * Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.NumGrpsTotal; /***** Get the names of groups which a user belongs to, from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT crs_grp.GrpName FROM crs_grp,crs_grp_usr" " WHERE crs_grp.GrpTypCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp.GrpCod=crs_grp_usr.GrpCod" " AND crs_grp_usr.UsrCod=%ld" " ORDER BY crs_grp.GrpName", GrpTypCod,UsrCod); NumRows = DB_QuerySELECT (Query,&mysql_res,"can not get the names of groups a user belongs to"); /***** Get the groups *****/ GroupNames[0] = '\0'; for (NumRow = 0; NumRow < NumRows; NumRow++) { /* Get next group */ row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* El group name in row[0] */ if (NumRow) Str_Concat (GroupNames,", ", MaxLength); Str_Concat (GroupNames,row[0], MaxLength); } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Receive form to create a new group type ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_RecFormNewGrpTyp (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_type_of_group_X_already_exists; extern const char *Txt_You_must_specify_the_name_of_the_new_type_of_group; /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get the name of group type */ Par_GetParToText ("GrpTypName",Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName, Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_TYPE_NAME); /* Get whether it is mandatory to regisrer in any group of this type */ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MandatoryEnrolment = Par_GetParToBool ("MandatoryEnrolment"); /* Get whether it is possible to register in multiple groups of this type */ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MultipleEnrolment = Par_GetParToBool ("MultipleEnrolment"); /* Get open time */ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.OpenTimeUTC = Dat_GetTimeUTCFromForm ("OpenTimeUTC"); Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MustBeOpened = Grp_CheckIfOpenTimeInTheFuture (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.OpenTimeUTC); if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName[0]) // If there's a group type name { /***** If name of group type was in database... *****/ if (Grp_CheckIfGroupTypeNameExists (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName,-1L)) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_type_of_group_X_already_exists, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } else // Add new group type to database Grp_CreateGroupType (); } else // If there is not a group type name { sprintf (Gbl.Message,"%s",Txt_You_must_specify_the_name_of_the_new_type_of_group); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_ERROR,Gbl.Message); } /***** Show the form again *****/ Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************** Check if the open time if in the future ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static bool Grp_CheckIfOpenTimeInTheFuture (time_t OpenTimeUTC) { /***** If open time is 0 ==> groups must no be opened *****/ if (OpenTimeUTC == (time_t) 0) return false; /***** Is open time in the future? *****/ return (OpenTimeUTC > Gbl.StartExecutionTimeUTC); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Receive form to create a new group *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_RecFormNewGrp (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_group_X_already_exists; extern const char *Txt_You_must_specify_the_name_of_the_new_group; /***** Get parameters from form *****/ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod = Grp_GetParamGrpTypCod ()) > 0) // Group type valid { /* Get group name */ Par_GetParToText ("GrpName",Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpName, Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_NAME); /* Get maximum number of students */ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.MaxStudents = (unsigned) Par_GetParToUnsignedLong ("MaxStudents", 0, Grp_MAX_STUDENTS_IN_A_GROUP, Grp_NUM_STUDENTS_NOT_LIMITED); if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpName[0]) // If there's a group name { /***** If name of group was in database... *****/ if (Grp_CheckIfGroupNameExists (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpName,-1L)) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_group_X_already_exists, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } else // Add new group to database Grp_CreateGroup (); } else // If there is not a group name { sprintf (Gbl.Message,"%s",Txt_You_must_specify_the_name_of_the_new_group); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_ERROR,Gbl.Message); } } else // Invalid group type Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_ERROR,"Wrong type of group."); /***** Show the form again *****/ Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Check if name of group type exists **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static bool Grp_CheckIfGroupTypeNameExists (const char *GrpTypName,long GrpTypCod) { char Query[256 + Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_TYPE_NAME]; /***** Get number of group types with a name from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crs_grp_types" " WHERE CrsCod=%ld AND GrpTypName='%s'" " AND GrpTypCod<>%ld", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,GrpTypName,GrpTypCod); return (DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not check if the name of type of group already existed") != 0); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Check if name of group exists **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static bool Grp_CheckIfGroupNameExists (long GrpTypCod,const char *GrpName,long GrpCod) { char Query[256 + Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_NAME]; /***** Get number of groups with a type and a name from database *****/ sprintf (Query,"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM crs_grp" " WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld AND GrpName='%s' AND GrpCod<>%ld", GrpTypCod,GrpName,GrpCod); return (DB_QueryCOUNT (Query,"can not check if the name of group already existed") != 0); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Create a new group type **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_CreateGroupType (void) { extern const char *Txt_Created_new_type_of_group_X; char Query[1024]; /***** Create a new group type *****/ sprintf (Query,"INSERT INTO crs_grp_types" " (CrsCod,GrpTypName,Mandatory,Multiple,MustBeOpened,OpenTime)" " VALUES" " (%ld,'%s','%c','%c','%c',FROM_UNIXTIME(%ld))", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Crs.CrsCod,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MandatoryEnrolment ? 'Y' : 'N', Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MultipleEnrolment ? 'Y' : 'N', Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MustBeOpened ? 'Y' : 'N', (long) Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.OpenTimeUTC); Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod = DB_QueryINSERTandReturnCode (Query,"can not create type of group"); /***** Write success message *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Created_new_type_of_group_X, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Create a new group ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_CreateGroup (void) { extern const char *Txt_Created_new_group_X; char Query[1024]; /***** Create a new group *****/ sprintf (Query,"INSERT INTO crs_grp" " (GrpTypCod,GrpName,MaxStudents,Open,FileZones)" " VALUES" " (%ld,'%s',%u,'N','N')", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpName, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.MaxStudents); DB_QueryINSERT (Query,"can not create group"); /***** Write success message *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Created_new_group_X, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Request removing of a group type **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ReqRemGroupType (void) { unsigned NumGrps; /***** Get the code of the group type *****/ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod = Grp_GetParamGrpTypCod ()) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of group is missing."); /***** Check if this group type has groups *****/ if ((NumGrps = Grp_CountNumGrpsInThisCrsOfType (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod))) // Group type has groups ==> Ask for confirmation Grp_AskConfirmRemGrpTypWithGrps (NumGrps); else // Group type has no groups ==> remove directly Grp_RemoveGroupTypeCompletely (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Request removal of a group ************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ReqRemGroup (void) { /***** Get group code *****/ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod = Grp_GetParamGrpCod ()) == -1L) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of group is missing."); /***** Confirm removing *****/ Grp_AskConfirmRemGrp (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Ask for confirmation to remove a group type with groups **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_AskConfirmRemGrpTypWithGrps (unsigned NumGrps) { extern const char *Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_type_of_group_X_1_group_; extern const char *Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_type_of_group_X_Y_groups_; extern const char *Txt_Remove_type_of_group; /***** Get data of the group type from database *****/ Grp_GetDataOfGroupTypeByCod (&Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp); /***** Write message to ask confirmation of removing *****/ if (NumGrps == 1) sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_type_of_group_X_1_group_, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName); else sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_type_of_group_X_Y_groups_, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName,NumGrps); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); /***** Put button to confirm the removing *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); Act_FormStart (ActRemGrpTyp); Grp_PutParamGrpTypCod (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod); Lay_PutRemoveButton (Txt_Remove_type_of_group); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Ask for confirmation to remove a group ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_AskConfirmRemGrp (void) { extern const char *Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_group_X; extern const char *Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_group_X_1_student_; extern const char *Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_group_X_Y_students_; extern const char *Txt_Remove_group; struct GroupData GrpDat; unsigned NumStds; /***** Get name and type of the group from database *****/ GrpDat.GrpCod = Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod; Grp_GetDataOfGroupByCod (&GrpDat); NumStds = Grp_CountNumStdsInGrp (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod); /***** Write message to ask confirmation of removing *****/ if (NumStds == 0) sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_group_X, GrpDat.GrpName); else if (NumStds == 1) sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_group_X_1_student_, GrpDat.GrpName); else sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Do_you_really_want_to_remove_the_group_X_Y_students_, GrpDat.GrpName,NumStds); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); /***** Put button to confirm the removing *****/ fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); Act_FormStart (ActRemGrp); Grp_PutParamGrpCod (GrpDat.GrpCod); Lay_PutRemoveButton (Txt_Remove_group); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************************** Remove a group type **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_RemoveGroupType (void) { /***** Get param with code of group type *****/ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod = Grp_GetParamGrpTypCod ()) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of type of group is missing."); /***** Remove group type and its groups *****/ Grp_RemoveGroupTypeCompletely (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************* Remove a group ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_RemoveGroup (void) { /***** Get param with group code *****/ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod = Grp_GetParamGrpCod ()) == -1L) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of group is missing."); /***** Remove group *****/ Grp_RemoveGroupCompletely (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***** Remove a group type from data base and remove group common zones ******/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_RemoveGroupTypeCompletely (void) { extern const char *Txt_Type_of_group_X_removed; char Query[512]; /***** Get name and type of the group from database *****/ Grp_GetDataOfGroupTypeByCod (&Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp); /***** Remove file zones of all the groups of this type *****/ Brw_RemoveZonesOfGroupsOfType (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod); /***** Remove the associations of assignments to groups of this type *****/ Asg_RemoveGroupsOfType (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod); /***** Remove the associations of attendance events to groups of this type *****/ Att_RemoveGroupsOfType (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod); /***** Remove the associations of surveys to groups of this type *****/ Svy_RemoveGroupsOfType (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod); /***** Change all groups of this type in course timetable *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE timetable_crs SET GrpCod=-1" " WHERE GrpCod IN" " (SELECT GrpCod FROM crs_grp WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld)", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update all groups of a type in course timetable"); /***** Remove all the students in groups of this type *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_grp_usr WHERE GrpCod IN" " (SELECT GrpCod FROM crs_grp WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld)", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove users from all groups of a type"); /***** Remove all the groups of this type *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_grp WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove groups of a type"); /***** Remove the group type *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_grp_types WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove a type of group"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Type_of_group_X_removed, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); /***** Show the form again *****/ Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******* Remove a group from data base and remove group common zone **********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_RemoveGroupCompletely (void) { extern const char *Txt_Group_X_removed; struct GroupData GrpDat; char Query[512]; /***** Get name and type of the group from database *****/ GrpDat.GrpCod = Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod; Grp_GetDataOfGroupByCod (&GrpDat); /***** Remove file zones of this group *****/ Brw_RemoveGrpZonesVerbose (&GrpDat); /***** Remove this group from all the assignments *****/ Asg_RemoveGroup (GrpDat.GrpCod); /***** Remove this group from all the attendance events *****/ Att_RemoveGroup (GrpDat.GrpCod); /***** Remove this group from all the surveys *****/ Svy_RemoveGroup (GrpDat.GrpCod); /***** Change this group in course timetable *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE timetable_crs SET GrpCod=-1 WHERE GrpCod=%ld", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update a group in course timetable"); /***** Remove all the students in this group *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_grp_usr WHERE GrpCod=%ld", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove users from a group"); /***** Remove the group *****/ sprintf (Query,"DELETE FROM crs_grp WHERE GrpCod=%ld", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod); DB_QueryDELETE (Query,"can not remove a group"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_Group_X_removed, GrpDat.GrpName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); /***** Show the form again *****/ Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************* Open a group ********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_OpenGroup (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_group_X_is_now_open; struct GroupData GrpDat; char Query[512]; /***** Get group code *****/ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod = Grp_GetParamGrpCod ()) == -1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of group is missing."); /***** Get group data from database *****/ GrpDat.GrpCod = Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod; Grp_GetDataOfGroupByCod (&GrpDat); /***** Update the table of groups changing open/close status *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE crs_grp SET Open='Y' WHERE GrpCod=%ld", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not open a group"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_group_X_is_now_open, GrpDat.GrpName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); /***** Show the form again *****/ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.Open = true; Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************* Close a group *******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_CloseGroup (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_group_X_is_now_closed; struct GroupData GrpDat; char Query[512]; /***** Get group code *****/ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod = Grp_GetParamGrpCod ()) == -1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of group is missing."); /***** Get group data from database *****/ GrpDat.GrpCod = Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod; Grp_GetDataOfGroupByCod (&GrpDat); /***** Update the table of groups changing open/close status *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE crs_grp SET Open='N' WHERE GrpCod=%ld", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not close a group"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_group_X_is_now_closed, GrpDat.GrpName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); /***** Show the form again *****/ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.Open = false; Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Enable file zones of a group ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_EnableFileZonesGrp (void) { extern const char *Txt_File_zones_of_the_group_X_are_now_enabled; struct GroupData GrpDat; char Query[512]; /***** Get group code *****/ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod = Grp_GetParamGrpCod ()) == -1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of group is missing."); /***** Get group data from database *****/ GrpDat.GrpCod = Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod; Grp_GetDataOfGroupByCod (&GrpDat); /***** Update the table of groups changing file zones status *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE crs_grp SET FileZones='Y' WHERE GrpCod=%ld", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not enable file zones of a group"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_File_zones_of_the_group_X_are_now_enabled, GrpDat.GrpName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); /***** Show the form again *****/ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.FileZones = true; Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Disable file zones of a group ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_DisableFileZonesGrp (void) { extern const char *Txt_File_zones_of_the_group_X_are_now_disabled; struct GroupData GrpDat; char Query[512]; /***** Get group code *****/ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod = Grp_GetParamGrpCod ()) == -1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of group is missing."); /***** Get group data from database *****/ GrpDat.GrpCod = Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod; Grp_GetDataOfGroupByCod (&GrpDat); /***** Update the table of groups changing file zones status *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE crs_grp SET FileZones='N' WHERE GrpCod=%ld", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not disable file zones of a group"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_File_zones_of_the_group_X_are_now_disabled, GrpDat.GrpName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); /***** Show the form again *****/ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.FileZones = false; Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Change the group type of a group ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ChangeGroupType (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_group_X_already_exists; extern const char *Txt_The_type_of_group_of_the_group_X_has_changed; long NewGrpTypCod; struct GroupData GrpDat; char Query[512]; /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get group code */ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod = Grp_GetParamGrpCod ()) == -1L) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of group is missing."); /* Get the new group type */ NewGrpTypCod = Grp_GetParamGrpTypCod (); /* Get from the database the type and the name of the group */ GrpDat.GrpCod = Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod; Grp_GetDataOfGroupByCod (&GrpDat); /***** If group was in database... *****/ if (Grp_CheckIfGroupNameExists (NewGrpTypCod,GrpDat.GrpName,-1L)) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_group_X_already_exists, GrpDat.GrpName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } else { /* Update the table of groups changing old type by new type */ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE crs_grp SET GrpTypCod=%ld WHERE GrpCod=%ld", NewGrpTypCod,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update the type of a group"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_type_of_group_of_the_group_X_has_changed, GrpDat.GrpName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } /***** Show the form again *****/ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod = NewGrpTypCod; Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Change mandatory registration to a group of a type *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ChangeMandatGrpTyp (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_type_of_enrolment_of_the_type_of_group_X_has_not_changed; extern const char *Txt_The_enrolment_of_students_into_groups_of_type_X_is_now_mandatory; extern const char *Txt_The_enrolment_of_students_into_groups_of_type_X_is_now_voluntary; char Query[1024]; bool NewMandatoryEnrolment; /***** Get parameters of the form *****/ /* Get the código of type of group */ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod = Grp_GetParamGrpTypCod ()) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of type of group is missing."); /* Get the new type of enrolment (mandatory or voluntaria) of this type of group */ NewMandatoryEnrolment = Par_GetParToBool ("MandatoryEnrolment"); /* Get from the database the name of the type and the old type of enrolment */ Grp_GetDataOfGroupTypeByCod (&Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp); /***** Check if the old type of enrolment match the new (this happens when return is pressed without changes in the form) *****/ if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MandatoryEnrolment == NewMandatoryEnrolment) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_type_of_enrolment_of_the_type_of_group_X_has_not_changed, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_INFO,Gbl.Message); } else { /***** Update of the table of types of group changing the old type of enrolment by the new *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE crs_grp_types SET Mandatory='%c' WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld", NewMandatoryEnrolment ? 'Y' : 'N', Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update enrolment type of a type of group"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message, NewMandatoryEnrolment ? Txt_The_enrolment_of_students_into_groups_of_type_X_is_now_mandatory : Txt_The_enrolment_of_students_into_groups_of_type_X_is_now_voluntary, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } /***** Show the form again *****/ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MandatoryEnrolment = NewMandatoryEnrolment; Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******** Change multiple enrolment to one or more groups of a type *********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ChangeMultiGrpTyp (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_type_of_enrolment_of_the_type_of_group_X_has_not_changed; extern const char *Txt_Now_each_student_can_belong_to_multiple_groups_of_type_X; extern const char *Txt_Now_each_student_can_only_belong_to_a_group_of_type_X; char Query[1024]; bool NewMultipleEnrolment; /***** Get parameters from the form *****/ /* Get the code of type of group */ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod = Grp_GetParamGrpTypCod ()) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of type of group is missing."); /* Get the new type of enrolment (single or multiple) of this type of group */ NewMultipleEnrolment = Par_GetParToBool ("MultipleEnrolment"); /* Get from the database the name of the type and the old type of enrolment */ Grp_GetDataOfGroupTypeByCod (&Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp); /***** Check if the old type of enrolment match the new one (this happends when return is pressed without changes) *****/ if (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MultipleEnrolment == NewMultipleEnrolment) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_type_of_enrolment_of_the_type_of_group_X_has_not_changed, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_INFO,Gbl.Message); } else { /***** Update of the table of types of group changing the old type of enrolment by the new *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE crs_grp_types SET Multiple='%c'" " WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld", NewMultipleEnrolment ? 'Y' : 'N', Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update enrolment type of a type of group"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message, NewMultipleEnrolment ? Txt_Now_each_student_can_belong_to_multiple_groups_of_type_X : Txt_Now_each_student_can_only_belong_to_a_group_of_type_X, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } /***** Show the form again *****/ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MultipleEnrolment = NewMultipleEnrolment; Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Change open time for a type of group *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ChangeOpenTimeGrpTyp (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_date_time_of_opening_of_groups_has_changed; char Query[512]; /***** Get the code of type of group *****/ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod = Grp_GetParamGrpTypCod ()) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of type of group is missing."); /***** Get from the database the data of this type of group *****/ Grp_GetDataOfGroupTypeByCod (&Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp); /***** Get open time *****/ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.OpenTimeUTC = Dat_GetTimeUTCFromForm ("OpenTimeUTC"); Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MustBeOpened = Grp_CheckIfOpenTimeInTheFuture (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.OpenTimeUTC); /***** Update the table of types of group changing the old open time of enrolment by the new *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE crs_grp_types" " SET MustBeOpened='%c',OpenTime=FROM_UNIXTIME(%ld)" " WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld", Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.MustBeOpened ? 'Y' : 'N', (long) Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.OpenTimeUTC, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update enrolment type of a type of group"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Txt_The_date_time_of_opening_of_groups_has_changed); /***** Show the form again *****/ Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Change maximum of students in a group *********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ChangeMaxStdsGrp (void) { extern const char *Txt_The_maximum_number_of_students_in_the_group_X_has_not_changed; extern const char *Txt_The_group_X_now_has_no_limit_of_students; extern const char *Txt_The_maximum_number_of_students_in_the_group_X_is_now_Y; struct GroupData GrpDat; char Query[1024]; unsigned NewMaxStds; /***** Get parameters of the form *****/ /* Get group code */ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod = Grp_GetParamGrpCod ()) == -1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of group is missing."); /* Get the new maximum number of students of the group */ NewMaxStds = (unsigned) Par_GetParToUnsignedLong ("MaxStudents", 0, Grp_MAX_STUDENTS_IN_A_GROUP, Grp_NUM_STUDENTS_NOT_LIMITED); /* Get from the database the type, name, and antiguo maximum of students of the group */ GrpDat.GrpCod = Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod; Grp_GetDataOfGroupByCod (&GrpDat); /***** Check if the old maximum of students equals the new one (this happens when user press return without change the form) *****/ if (GrpDat.MaxStudents == NewMaxStds) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_maximum_number_of_students_in_the_group_X_has_not_changed, GrpDat.GrpName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } else { /***** Update the table of groups changing the old maximum of students to the new *****/ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE crs_grp SET MaxStudents=%u WHERE GrpCod=%ld", NewMaxStds,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update the maximum number of students in a group"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ if (NewMaxStds > Grp_MAX_STUDENTS_IN_A_GROUP) sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_group_X_now_has_no_limit_of_students, GrpDat.GrpName); else sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_maximum_number_of_students_in_the_group_X_is_now_Y, GrpDat.GrpName,NewMaxStds); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } /***** Show the form again *****/ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.MaxStudents = NewMaxStds; Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************ Write the number maximum of students in a group ***************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_WriteMaxStdsGrp (unsigned MaxStudents) { if (MaxStudents > Grp_MAX_STUDENTS_IN_A_GROUP) fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"-"); else fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"%u",MaxStudents); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********* Convert string to maximum number of students in a group ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ unsigned Grp_ConvertToNumMaxStdsGrp (const char *StrMaxStudents) { unsigned MaxStudents; if (sscanf (StrMaxStudents,"%u",&MaxStudents) != 1) return Grp_NUM_STUDENTS_NOT_LIMITED; else if (MaxStudents > Grp_MAX_STUDENTS_IN_A_GROUP) return Grp_NUM_STUDENTS_NOT_LIMITED; return MaxStudents; } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Rename a group type ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_RenameGroupType (void) { extern const char *Txt_You_can_not_leave_the_name_of_the_type_of_group_X_empty; extern const char *Txt_The_type_of_group_X_already_exists; extern const char *Txt_The_type_of_group_X_has_been_renamed_as_Y; extern const char *Txt_The_name_of_the_type_of_group_X_has_not_changed; char Query[128 + Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_TYPE_NAME]; char NewNameGrpTyp[Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_TYPE_NAME + 1]; /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get the code of the group type */ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod = Grp_GetParamGrpTypCod ()) < 0) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of type of group is missing."); /* Get the new name for the group type */ Par_GetParToText ("GrpTypName",NewNameGrpTyp,Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_TYPE_NAME); /***** Get from the database the old name of the group type *****/ Grp_GetDataOfGroupTypeByCod (&Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp); /***** Check if new name is empty *****/ if (!NewNameGrpTyp[0]) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_You_can_not_leave_the_name_of_the_type_of_group_X_empty, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_ERROR,Gbl.Message); } else { /***** Check if old and new names are the same (this happens when user press enter with no changes in the form) *****/ if (strcmp (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName,NewNameGrpTyp)) // Different names { /***** If group type was in database... *****/ if (Grp_CheckIfGroupTypeNameExists (NewNameGrpTyp,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod)) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_type_of_group_X_already_exists, NewNameGrpTyp); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } else { /* Update the table changing old name by new name */ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE crs_grp_types SET GrpTypName='%s'" " WHERE GrpTypCod=%ld", NewNameGrpTyp, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update the type of a group"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_type_of_group_X_has_been_renamed_as_Y, Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName,NewNameGrpTyp); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } } else // The same name { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_name_of_the_type_of_group_X_has_not_changed, NewNameGrpTyp); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_INFO,Gbl.Message); } } /***** Show the form again *****/ Str_Copy (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTyp.GrpTypName,NewNameGrpTyp, Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_TYPE_NAME); Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************************* Rename a group ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_RenameGroup (void) { extern const char *Txt_You_can_not_leave_the_name_of_the_group_X_empty; extern const char *Txt_The_group_X_already_exists; extern const char *Txt_The_group_X_has_been_renamed_as_Y; extern const char *Txt_The_name_of_the_group_X_has_not_changed; struct GroupData GrpDat; char Query[128 + Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_NAME]; char NewNameGrp[Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_NAME + 1]; /***** Get parameters from form *****/ /* Get the code of the group */ if ((Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod = Grp_GetParamGrpCod ()) == -1L) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Code of group is missing."); /* Get the new name for the group */ Par_GetParToText ("GrpName",NewNameGrp,Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_NAME); /***** Get from the database the type and the old name of the group *****/ GrpDat.GrpCod = Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod; Grp_GetDataOfGroupByCod (&GrpDat); /***** Check if new name is empty *****/ if (!NewNameGrp[0]) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_You_can_not_leave_the_name_of_the_group_X_empty, GrpDat.GrpName); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_ERROR,Gbl.Message); } else { /***** Check if old and new names are the same (this happens when user press enter with no changes in the form) *****/ if (strcmp (GrpDat.GrpName,NewNameGrp)) // Different names { /***** If group was in database... *****/ if (Grp_CheckIfGroupNameExists (GrpDat.GrpTypCod,NewNameGrp,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod)) { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_group_X_already_exists, NewNameGrp); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_WARNING,Gbl.Message); } else { /* Update the table changing old name by new name */ sprintf (Query,"UPDATE crs_grp SET GrpName='%s' WHERE GrpCod=%ld", NewNameGrp,Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpCod); DB_QueryUPDATE (Query,"can not update the name of a group"); /***** Write message to show the change made *****/ sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_group_X_has_been_renamed_as_Y, GrpDat.GrpName,NewNameGrp); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_SUCCESS,Gbl.Message); } } else // The same name { sprintf (Gbl.Message,Txt_The_name_of_the_group_X_has_not_changed, NewNameGrp); Lay_ShowAlert (Lay_INFO,Gbl.Message); } } /***** Show the form again *****/ Str_Copy (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpName,NewNameGrp, Grp_MAX_BYTES_GROUP_NAME); Grp_ReqEditGroups (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Get parameter with code of group type *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static long Grp_GetParamGrpTypCod (void) { /***** Get code of group type *****/ return Par_GetParToLong ("GrpTypCod"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Get parameter with group code ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static long Grp_GetParamGrpCod (void) { /***** Get group code *****/ return Par_GetParToLong ("GrpCod"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Write parameter with code of group type ******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void Grp_PutParamGrpTypCod (long GrpTypCod) { Par_PutHiddenParamLong ("GrpTypCod",GrpTypCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Write parameter with code of group ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_PutParamGrpCod (long GrpCod) { Par_PutHiddenParamLong ("GrpCod",GrpCod); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Get list of group codes selected *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_GetLstCodsGrpWanted (struct ListCodGrps *LstGrpsWanted) { unsigned NumGrpTyp; char Param[8 + 10 + 1]; char LongStr[1 + 10 + 1]; char **LstStrCodGrps; const char *Ptr; unsigned NumGrpWanted; /***** Allocate memory for the strings with group codes in each type *****/ if ((LstStrCodGrps = (char **) calloc (Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num,sizeof (char *))) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Not enough memory to store codes of groups in which a user wants to be enroled."); /***** Get lists with the groups that I want in each type in order to count the total number of groups selected *****/ for (NumGrpTyp = 0, LstGrpsWanted->NumGrps = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++) { /***** Allocate memory for the list of group codes of this type *****/ if ((LstStrCodGrps[NumGrpTyp] = (char *) malloc ((size_t) ((1 + 10 + 1) * Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].NumGrps))) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Not enough memory to store codes of groups in which a user wants to be enroled."); /***** Get the multiple parameter code of group of this type *****/ sprintf (Param,"GrpCod%ld",Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].GrpTypCod); Par_GetParMultiToText (Param,LstStrCodGrps[NumGrpTyp], ((1 + 10 + 1) * Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp].NumGrps) - 1); if (LstStrCodGrps[NumGrpTyp][0]) { /***** Count the number of groups selected of this type of LstCodGrps[NumGrpTyp] *****/ for (Ptr = LstStrCodGrps[NumGrpTyp], NumGrpWanted = 0; *Ptr; NumGrpWanted++) Par_GetNextStrUntilSeparParamMult (&Ptr,LongStr,1 + 10); /***** Add the number of groups selected of this type to the number of groups selected total *****/ LstGrpsWanted->NumGrps += NumGrpWanted; } } /***** Create the list (argument passed to this function) with all the groups selected (of all the types) *****/ if (LstGrpsWanted->NumGrps) { if ((LstGrpsWanted->GrpCods = (long *) calloc (LstGrpsWanted->NumGrps,sizeof (long))) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Not enoguh memory to store codes of groups in which a user wants to be enroled."); /***** Get the groups *****/ for (NumGrpTyp = 0, NumGrpWanted = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++) { /* Add the groups selected of this type to the complete list of groups selected */ for (Ptr = LstStrCodGrps[NumGrpTyp]; *Ptr; NumGrpWanted++) { Par_GetNextStrUntilSeparParamMult (&Ptr,LongStr,1 + 10); LstGrpsWanted->GrpCods[NumGrpWanted] = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (LongStr); } /* Free memory used by the list of group codes of this type */ free ((void *) LstStrCodGrps[NumGrpTyp]); } } /***** Free memory used by the lists of group codes of each type *****/ free ((void *) LstStrCodGrps); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Free list of group codes *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_FreeListCodGrp (struct ListCodGrps *LstGrps) { if (LstGrps->NumGrps && LstGrps->GrpCods) free ((void *) LstGrps->GrpCods); LstGrps->GrpCods = NULL; LstGrps->NumGrps = 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Put parameter that indicates all groups selected ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_PutParamAllGroups (void) { Par_PutHiddenParamChar ("AllGroups",'Y'); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****** Parameter to show only my groups or all groups or in timetable *******/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_PutParamWhichGrps (void) { Grp_GetParamWhichGrps (); Par_PutHiddenParamUnsigned ("WhichGrps",(unsigned) Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.WhichGrps); } void Grp_PutParamWhichGrpsOnlyMyGrps (void) { Par_PutHiddenParamUnsigned ("WhichGrps",(unsigned) Grp_ONLY_MY_GROUPS); } void Grp_PutParamWhichGrpsAllGrps (void) { Par_PutHiddenParamUnsigned ("WhichGrps",(unsigned) Grp_ALL_GROUPS); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***** Show form to choice whether to show only my groups or all groups ******/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_ShowFormToSelWhichGrps (Act_Action_t Action,void (*FuncParams) ()) { extern const char *Txt_GROUP_WHICH_GROUPS[2]; Grp_WhichGroups_t WhichGrps; fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); for (WhichGrps = Grp_ONLY_MY_GROUPS; WhichGrps <= Grp_ALL_GROUPS; WhichGrps++) { fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
", WhichGrps == Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.WhichGrps ? "PREF_ON" : "PREF_OFF"); Act_FormStart (Action); Par_PutHiddenParamUnsigned ("WhichGrps",(unsigned) WhichGrps); if (FuncParams) // Extra parameters depending on the action FuncParams (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"", Gbl.Prefs.IconsURL, WhichGrps == Grp_ONLY_MY_GROUPS ? "myhierarchy64x64.png" : "hierarchy64x64.png", Txt_GROUP_WHICH_GROUPS[WhichGrps], Txt_GROUP_WHICH_GROUPS[WhichGrps]); Act_FormEnd (); fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); } fprintf (Gbl.F.Out,"
"); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************* Get whether to show only my groups or all groups **************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Grp_GetParamWhichGrps (void) { static bool AlreadyGot = false; Grp_WhichGroups_t WhichGroupsDefault; if (!AlreadyGot) { /***** Get which grous (my groups or all groups) *****/ /* Set default */ switch (Gbl.Action.Act) { case ActSeeCrsTT: case ActPrnCrsTT: case ActChgCrsTT1stDay: case ActSeeAsg: case ActSeeAtt: case ActSeeAllSvy: WhichGroupsDefault = Gbl.Usrs.Me.IBelongToCurrentCrs ? Grp_ONLY_MY_GROUPS : // If I belong to this course ==> see only my groups Grp_ALL_GROUPS; // If I don't belong to this course ==> see all groups break; case ActSeeMyTT: case ActPrnMyTT: case ActChgMyTT1stDay: WhichGroupsDefault = Grp_ONLY_MY_GROUPS; // By default, see only my groups break; default: // Control never should enter here WhichGroupsDefault = Grp_WHICH_GROUPS_DEFAULT; break; } /* Get parameter */ Gbl.CurrentCrs.Grps.WhichGrps = (Grp_WhichGroups_t) Par_GetParToUnsignedLong ("WhichGrps", 0, Grp_NUM_WHICH_GROUPS - 1, (unsigned long) WhichGroupsDefault); AlreadyGot = true; } }