// swad_timetable.c: timetables /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2021 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************************** Headers *********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define _GNU_SOURCE // For asprintf #include // For NULL #include // For asprintf #include // For malloc, calloc, free #include // For string functions #include "swad_box.h" #include "swad_calendar.h" #include "swad_database.h" #include "swad_form.h" #include "swad_global.h" #include "swad_HTML.h" #include "swad_language.h" #include "swad_parameter.h" #include "swad_setting.h" #include "swad_timetable.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /*************************** External constants ******************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /************** External global variables from others modules ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ extern struct Globals Gbl; /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Private constants and types ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK 7 // Seven days per week #define TT_MINUTES_PER_HOUR 60 // Number of minutes in 1 hour #define TT_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE 60 // Number of seconds in 1 minute #define TT_SECONDS_PER_HOUR (TT_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * TT_MINUTES_PER_HOUR) // Number of seconds in 1 hour #define TT_START_HOUR 6 // Day starts at this hour #define TT_END_HOUR 24 // Day ends at this hour #define TT_MIN_MINUTES_PER_INTERVAL 5 #define TT_MAX_MINUTES_PER_INTERVAL 30 #define TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL 3 // Maximum number of items (i.e. classes) in a timetable cell (1, 2, 3 or 4) #define TT_NUM_MINICOLUMNS_PER_DAY 6 // Least common multiple of 1,2,3,...,TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL #define TT_PERCENT_WIDTH_OF_A_MINICOLUMN 2 // Width (%) of each minicolumn #define TT_PERCENT_WIDTH_OF_A_DAY (TT_PERCENT_WIDTH_OF_A_MINICOLUMN * TT_NUM_MINICOLUMNS_PER_DAY) // Width (%) of each day #define TT_PERCENT_WIDTH_OF_ALL_DAYS (TT_PERCENT_WIDTH_OF_A_DAY * TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK) // Width (%) of all days #define TT_PERCENT_WIDTH_OF_A_SEPARATION_COLUMN 1 // Width (%) of left and right columns #define TT_PERCENT_WIDTH_OF_AN_HOUR_COLUMN ((100 - TT_PERCENT_WIDTH_OF_ALL_DAYS - TT_PERCENT_WIDTH_OF_A_SEPARATION_COLUMN * 2) / 2) // Width (%) of the separation columns #define TT_MAX_BYTES_STR_CLASS_TYPE 256 #define TT_MAX_BYTES_STR_DURATION 32 // "hh:mm h" struct TT_Column { long CrsCod; // Course code (-1 if no course selected) long GrpCod; // Group code (-1 if no group selected) TT_IntervalType_t IntervalType; TT_ClassType_t ClassType; unsigned DurationIntervals; char Info[TT_MAX_BYTES_INFO + 1]; // char Place[TT_MAX_BYTES_PLACE + 1]; }; struct TT_Cell { unsigned NumColumns; struct TT_Column Columns[TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL]; }; /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Private global variables *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static const char *TT_ClassTypeDB[TT_NUM_CLASS_TYPES] = { [TT_FREE ] = "free", [TT_LECTURE ] = "lecture", [TT_PRACTICAL] = "practical", [TT_TUTORING ] = "tutoring", }; struct TT_Cell *TT_TimeTable[TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK]; /* Possible resolutions of the timetable in minutes */ #define TT_NUM_RESOLUTIONS 3 static const unsigned TT_MinutesPerInterval[TT_NUM_RESOLUTIONS] = { 5, // 5 minutes 15, // 15 minutes // Use 10 or 15 minutes (15 looks better), never both together 30, // 30 minutes }; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Private prototypes ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_TimeTableConfigureIntervalsAndAllocateTimeTable (struct TT_Timetable *Timetable); static void TT_FreeTimeTable (void); static void TT_ShowTimeTableGrpsSelected (void); static void TT_GetParamsTimeTable (struct TT_Timetable *Timetable); static void TT_PutContextualIcons (void *Timetable); static void TT_PutFormToSelectWhichGroupsToShow (const struct TT_Timetable *Timetable); static void TT_PutIconToViewCrsTT (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args); static void TT_PutIconToViewMyTT (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args); static void TT_WriteCrsTimeTableIntoDB (const struct TT_Timetable *Timetable, long CrsCod); static void TT_WriteTutTimeTableIntoDB (const struct TT_Timetable *Timetable, long UsrCod); static void TT_FillTimeTableFromDB (struct TT_Timetable *Timetable, long UsrCod); static void TT_CalculateRangeCell (unsigned StartTimeSeconds, unsigned EndTimeSeconds, struct TT_Range *Range); static unsigned TT_CalculateMinutesPerInterval (unsigned Seconds); static void TT_ModifTimeTable (struct TT_Timetable *Timetable); static void TT_DrawTimeTable (const struct TT_Timetable *Timetable); static void TT_TimeTableDrawAdjustRow (void); static void TT_TimeTableDrawDaysCells (void); static void TT_TimeTableDrawHourCell (unsigned Hour,unsigned Min,const char *Align); static unsigned TT_CalculateColsToDrawInCell (const struct TT_Timetable *Timetable, bool TopCall, unsigned Weekday,unsigned Interval); static void TT_DrawCellAlignTimeTable (void); static void TT_TimeTableDrawCell (const struct TT_Timetable *Timetable, unsigned Weekday,unsigned Interval,unsigned Column,unsigned ColSpan, long CrsCod,TT_IntervalType_t IntervalType,TT_ClassType_t ClassType, unsigned DurationNumIntervals,long GrpCod,const char *Info); /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Create internal timetable in memory ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_TimeTableConfigureIntervalsAndAllocateTimeTable (struct TT_Timetable *Timetable) { unsigned Weekday; if (Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.End > Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.Start) { /***** Configuration of timetable depending on hours and resolution *****/ Timetable->Config.HoursPerDay = Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.End - Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.Start; // From start hour to end hour Timetable->Config.SecondsPerInterval = Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval * TT_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour = TT_MINUTES_PER_HOUR / Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval; Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerDay = Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour * Timetable->Config.HoursPerDay; Timetable->Config.IntervalsBeforeStartHour = Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour * Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.Start; /***** Allocate memory for timetable *****/ for (Weekday = 0; Weekday < TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK; Weekday++) if ((TT_TimeTable[Weekday] = (struct TT_Cell *) malloc (Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerDay * sizeof (struct TT_Cell))) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error allocating memory for timetable."); } else { /***** Table is empty *****/ Timetable->Config.HoursPerDay = 0; Timetable->Config.SecondsPerInterval = 0; Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour = 0; Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerDay = 0; Timetable->Config.IntervalsBeforeStartHour = 0; /***** Clear timetable in order to not try to free it *****/ for (Weekday = 0; Weekday < TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK; Weekday++) TT_TimeTable[Weekday] = NULL; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Destroy internal timetable in memory *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_FreeTimeTable (void) { unsigned Weekday; /***** Free memory for timetable *****/ for (Weekday = 0; Weekday < TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK; Weekday++) if (TT_TimeTable[Weekday]) { free (TT_TimeTable[Weekday]); TT_TimeTable[Weekday] = NULL; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Show whether only my groups or all groups are shown *************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_ShowTimeTableGrpsSelected (void) { extern const char *Txt_Groups_OF_A_USER; extern const char *Txt_All_groups; HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"CLASSPHOTO_TITLE CM\""); switch (Gbl.Crs.Grps.WhichGrps) { case Grp_MY_GROUPS: HTM_TxtF (Txt_Groups_OF_A_USER,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.FullName); break; case Grp_ALL_GROUPS: HTM_Txt (Txt_All_groups); break; } HTM_DIV_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Get paramaters for timetable editing *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_GetParamsTimeTable (struct TT_Timetable *Timetable) { char StrClassType[TT_MAX_BYTES_STR_CLASS_TYPE + 1]; char StrDuration[TT_MAX_BYTES_STR_DURATION + 1]; unsigned Hours; unsigned Minutes; /***** Get day (0: monday, 1: tuesday,..., 6: sunday *****/ Timetable->Weekday = (unsigned) Par_GetParToUnsignedLong ("TTDay", 0, TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK - 1, 0); /***** Get hour *****/ Timetable->Interval = (unsigned) Par_GetParToUnsignedLong ("TTInt", 0, Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerDay - 1, 0); /***** Get number of column *****/ Timetable->Column = (unsigned) Par_GetParToUnsignedLong ("TTCol", 0, TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL - 1, 0); /***** Get class type *****/ Par_GetParToText ("TTTyp",StrClassType,TT_MAX_BYTES_STR_CLASS_TYPE); for (Timetable->ClassType = (TT_ClassType_t) 0; Timetable->ClassType <= (TT_ClassType_t) (TT_NUM_CLASS_TYPES - 1); Timetable->ClassType++) if (!strcmp (StrClassType,TT_ClassTypeDB[Timetable->ClassType])) break; if (Timetable->ClassType > (TT_ClassType_t) (TT_NUM_CLASS_TYPES - 1)) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Type of timetable cell is missing."); /***** Get class duration *****/ Par_GetParToText ("TTDur",StrDuration,TT_MAX_BYTES_STR_DURATION); if (sscanf (StrDuration,"%u:%u",&Hours,&Minutes) != 2) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Duration is missing."); Timetable->DurationIntervals = Hours * Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour + Minutes / Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval; /***** Get group code *****/ Timetable->GrpCod = Par_GetParToLong ("TTGrp"); /***** Get info *****/ Par_GetParToText ("TTInf",Timetable->Info,TT_MAX_BYTES_INFO); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**************************** Show class timetable ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void TT_ShowClassTimeTable (void) { extern const char *Hlp_COURSE_Timetable; extern const char *Hlp_PROFILE_Timetable; extern const char *Txt_TIMETABLE_TYPES[TT_NUM_TIMETABLE_TYPES]; const char *Help[TT_NUM_TIMETABLE_TYPES] = { [TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE ] = Hlp_COURSE_Timetable, [TT_MY_TIMETABLE ] = Hlp_PROFILE_Timetable, [TT_TUTORING_TIMETABLE] = NULL, }; static const Act_Action_t ActChgTT1stDay[TT_NUM_TIMETABLE_TYPES] = { [TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE ] = ActChgCrsTT1stDay, [TT_MY_TIMETABLE ] = ActChgMyTT1stDay, [TT_TUTORING_TIMETABLE] = ActUnk, }; struct TT_Timetable Timetable; bool PrintView = (Gbl.Action.Act == ActPrnCrsTT || Gbl.Action.Act == ActPrnMyTT); Grp_WhichGroups_t WhichGroups; /***** Initializations *****/ switch (Gbl.Action.Act) { case ActSeeCrsTT: case ActPrnCrsTT: case ActChgCrsTT1stDay: Timetable.Type = TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE; break; case ActSeeMyTT: case ActPrnMyTT: case ActChgMyTT1stDay: Timetable.Type = TT_MY_TIMETABLE; break; default: Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong action."); } Timetable.ContextualIcons.PutIconEditCrsTT = (Timetable.Type == TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE && !PrintView && Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged >= Rol_TCH); Timetable.ContextualIcons.PutIconEditOfficeHours = (Timetable.Type == TT_MY_TIMETABLE && !PrintView && (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Available & (1 << Rol_TCH))); Timetable.ContextualIcons.PutIconPrint = !PrintView; /***** Get whether to show only my groups or all groups *****/ Grp_GetParamWhichGroups (); /***** Begin box *****/ if (Timetable.ContextualIcons.PutIconEditCrsTT || Timetable.ContextualIcons.PutIconEditOfficeHours || Timetable.ContextualIcons.PutIconPrint) Box_BoxBegin ("100%",Txt_TIMETABLE_TYPES[Timetable.Type], TT_PutContextualIcons,&Timetable, Help[Timetable.Type],Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); else Box_BoxBegin ("100%",Txt_TIMETABLE_TYPES[Timetable.Type], NULL,NULL, Help[Timetable.Type],Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); /***** Start time table drawing *****/ if (Timetable.Type == TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE) Lay_WriteHeaderClassPhoto (PrintView,false, Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod,Gbl.Hierarchy.Deg.DegCod,Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.CrsCod); if (PrintView) /***** Show whether only my groups or all groups are selected *****/ TT_ShowTimeTableGrpsSelected (); else { /***** Setting selector *****/ Set_StartSettingsHead (); /* Select whether show only my groups or all groups */ if ( Timetable.Type == TT_MY_TIMETABLE || (Timetable.Type == TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE && Gbl.Crs.Grps.NumGrps)) TT_PutFormToSelectWhichGroupsToShow (&Timetable); /* Show form to change first day of week */ WhichGroups = Grp_GetParamWhichGroups (); Cal_ShowFormToSelFirstDayOfWeek (ActChgTT1stDay[Timetable.Type], Grp_PutParamWhichGroups,&WhichGroups); Set_EndSettingsHead (); } /***** Show the time table *****/ TT_ShowTimeTable (&Timetable,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); /***** End box *****/ Box_BoxEnd (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Put contextual icons above the time table *****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_PutContextualIcons (void *Timetable) { Grp_WhichGroups_t WhichGroups; if (Timetable) { WhichGroups = Grp_GetParamWhichGroups (); if (((struct TT_Timetable *) Timetable)->ContextualIcons.PutIconEditCrsTT) Ico_PutContextualIconToEdit (ActEdiCrsTT,NULL, Grp_PutParamWhichGroups,&WhichGroups); if (((struct TT_Timetable *) Timetable)->ContextualIcons.PutIconEditOfficeHours) Ico_PutContextualIconToEdit (ActEdiTut,NULL, NULL,NULL); if (((struct TT_Timetable *) Timetable)->ContextualIcons.PutIconPrint) Ico_PutContextualIconToPrint (((struct TT_Timetable *) Timetable)->Type == TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE ? ActPrnCrsTT : ActPrnMyTT, Grp_PutParamWhichGroups,&WhichGroups); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /***************** Put form to select which groups to show *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_PutFormToSelectWhichGroupsToShow (const struct TT_Timetable *Timetable) { static const Act_Action_t ActSeeTT[TT_NUM_TIMETABLE_TYPES] = { [TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE ] = ActSeeCrsTT, [TT_MY_TIMETABLE ] = ActSeeMyTT, [TT_TUTORING_TIMETABLE] = ActUnk, }; Grp_ShowFormToSelWhichGrps (ActSeeTT[Timetable->Type], NULL,NULL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Show course timetable for edition ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void TT_EditCrsTimeTable (void) { extern const char *Hlp_COURSE_Timetable; extern const char *Txt_TIMETABLE_TYPES[TT_NUM_TIMETABLE_TYPES]; struct TT_Timetable Timetable; /***** Editable time table *****/ Timetable.Type = TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE; Box_BoxBegin ("100%",Txt_TIMETABLE_TYPES[Timetable.Type], TT_PutIconToViewCrsTT,NULL, Hlp_COURSE_Timetable,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); TT_ShowTimeTable (&Timetable,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); Box_BoxEnd (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Show tutor timetable for edition **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void TT_EditMyTutTimeTable (void) { extern const char *Hlp_PROFILE_Timetable; extern const char *Txt_TIMETABLE_TYPES[TT_NUM_TIMETABLE_TYPES]; struct TT_Timetable Timetable; /***** Time table *****/ Timetable.Type = TT_TUTORING_TIMETABLE; Box_BoxBegin ("100%",Txt_TIMETABLE_TYPES[Timetable.Type], TT_PutIconToViewMyTT,NULL, Hlp_PROFILE_Timetable,Box_NOT_CLOSABLE); TT_ShowTimeTable (&Timetable,Gbl.Usrs.Me.UsrDat.UsrCod); Box_BoxEnd (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************** Put icon to view course timetable ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_PutIconToViewCrsTT (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args) { Ico_PutContextualIconToView (ActSeeCrsTT, NULL,NULL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /************************ Put icon to view my timetable **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_PutIconToViewMyTT (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args) { Ico_PutContextualIconToView (ActSeeMyTT, NULL,NULL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********** Show course timetable or tutor timetable of a teacher ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ void TT_ShowTimeTable (struct TT_Timetable *Timetable,long UsrCod) { extern const char *Txt_The_timetable_is_empty; /***** Set type of view depending on current action *****/ Timetable->View = TT_CRS_VIEW; switch (Gbl.Action.Act) { case ActSeeCrsTT: case ActPrnCrsTT: case ActChgCrsTT1stDay: case ActSeeMyTT: case ActPrnMyTT: case ActChgMyTT1stDay: Timetable->View = TT_CRS_VIEW; break; case ActSeeRecOneTch: case ActSeeRecSevTch: Timetable->View = TT_TUT_VIEW; break; case ActEdiCrsTT: case ActChgCrsTT: Timetable->View = TT_CRS_EDIT; break; case ActEdiTut: case ActChgTut: Timetable->View = TT_TUT_EDIT; break; } /***** If editing ==> configure and allocate timetable *****/ if (Timetable->View == TT_CRS_EDIT || Timetable->View == TT_TUT_EDIT) { Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.Start = TT_START_HOUR; // Day starts at this hour Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.End = TT_END_HOUR; // Day ends at this hour Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval = TT_MinutesPerInterval[0]; // The smallest interval TT_TimeTableConfigureIntervalsAndAllocateTimeTable (Timetable); } /* If viewing (not editing) ==> configure and allocate memory when table is read from database */ /***** Fill internal timetable with the timetable from database *****/ TT_FillTimeTableFromDB (Timetable,UsrCod); /***** If timetable must be modified... *****/ if (Gbl.Action.Act == ActChgCrsTT || Gbl.Action.Act == ActChgTut) { /* Get parameters for time table editing */ TT_GetParamsTimeTable (Timetable); /* Modify timetable in memory */ TT_ModifTimeTable (Timetable); /* Write a new timetable in database */ switch (Timetable->Type) { case TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE: TT_WriteCrsTimeTableIntoDB (Timetable,Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.CrsCod); break; case TT_TUTORING_TIMETABLE: TT_WriteTutTimeTableIntoDB (Timetable,UsrCod); break; default: break; } /* Get a new table from database */ TT_FillTimeTableFromDB (Timetable,UsrCod); } /***** Draw timetable *****/ if (Timetable->Config.HoursPerDay) TT_DrawTimeTable (Timetable); else Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_INFO,Txt_The_timetable_is_empty); /***** Free internal timetable in memory *****/ TT_FreeTimeTable (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************* Write course timetable into database ********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_WriteCrsTimeTableIntoDB (const struct TT_Timetable *Timetable, long CrsCod) { unsigned Weekday; unsigned Interval; unsigned Hour; unsigned Min; unsigned Column; /***** Remove former timetable *****/ DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove former timetable", "DELETE FROM timetable_crs WHERE CrsCod=%ld", CrsCod); /***** Go across the timetable inserting classes into database *****/ for (Weekday = 0; Weekday < TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK; Weekday++) for (Interval = 0, Hour = Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.Start, Min = 0; Interval < Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerDay; Interval++, Hour += (Min + Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval) / TT_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE, Min = (Min + Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval) % TT_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) for (Column = 0; Column < TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL; Column++) if (TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].IntervalType == TT_FIRST_INTERVAL && TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].DurationIntervals) DB_QueryINSERT ("can not create course timetable", "INSERT INTO timetable_crs" " (CrsCod,GrpCod,Weekday,StartTime,Duration," "ClassType,Info)" " VALUES" " (%ld,%ld,%u,'%02u:%02u:00',SEC_TO_TIME(%u)," "'%s','%s')", CrsCod, TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].GrpCod, Weekday, Hour,Min, TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].DurationIntervals * Timetable->Config.SecondsPerInterval, TT_ClassTypeDB[TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].ClassType], TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].Info); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Write tutor timetable into database *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_WriteTutTimeTableIntoDB (const struct TT_Timetable *Timetable, long UsrCod) { unsigned Weekday; unsigned Interval; unsigned Hour; unsigned Min; unsigned Column; /***** Remove former timetable *****/ DB_QueryDELETE ("can not remove former timetable", "DELETE FROM timetable_tut WHERE UsrCod=%ld", UsrCod); /***** Loop over timetable *****/ for (Weekday = 0; Weekday < TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK; Weekday++) for (Interval = 0, Hour = Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.Start, Min = 0; Interval < Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerDay; Interval++, Hour += (Min + Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval) / TT_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE, Min = (Min + Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval) % TT_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) for (Column = 0; Column < TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL; Column++) if (TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].IntervalType == TT_FIRST_INTERVAL && TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].DurationIntervals) DB_QueryINSERT ("can not create office timetable", "INSERT INTO timetable_tut" " (UsrCod,Weekday,StartTime,Duration,Info)" " VALUES" " (%ld,%u,'%02u:%02u:00',SEC_TO_TIME(%u),'%s')", UsrCod, Weekday, Hour,Min, TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].DurationIntervals * Timetable->Config.SecondsPerInterval, TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].Info); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Create an internal table with timetable from database ************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_FillTimeTableFromDB (struct TT_Timetable *Timetable, long UsrCod) { extern const char *Txt_Incomplete_timetable_for_lack_of_space; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_ROW row; unsigned long NumRows = 0; // Initialized to avoid warning unsigned long NumRow; unsigned Weekday; unsigned Interval; unsigned i; // To iterate through intervals unsigned DurationNumIntervals; unsigned Column; unsigned StartTimeSeconds; unsigned DurationSeconds; unsigned EndTimeSeconds; struct TT_Range RangeCell; unsigned FirstFreeColumn; TT_ClassType_t ClassType = TT_FREE; // Initialized to avoid warning bool TimeTableIsIncomplete = false; bool TimeTableHasSpaceForThisClass; bool Found; /***** Get timetable from database *****/ switch (Timetable->Type) { case TT_MY_TIMETABLE: switch (Gbl.Crs.Grps.WhichGrps) { case Grp_MY_GROUPS: NumRows = DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get timetable", "SELECT timetable_crs.Weekday," "TIME_TO_SEC(timetable_crs.StartTime) AS S," "TIME_TO_SEC(timetable_crs.Duration) AS D," "timetable_crs.Info," "timetable_crs.ClassType," "timetable_crs.GrpCod," "timetable_crs.CrsCod" " FROM timetable_crs,crs_usr" " WHERE crs_usr.UsrCod=%ld" " AND timetable_crs.GrpCod=-1" " AND timetable_crs.CrsCod=crs_usr.CrsCod" " UNION DISTINCT " "SELECT timetable_crs.Weekday," "TIME_TO_SEC(timetable_crs.StartTime) AS S," "TIME_TO_SEC(timetable_crs.Duration) AS D," "timetable_crs.Info," "timetable_crs.ClassType," "timetable_crs.GrpCod," "timetable_crs.CrsCod" " FROM timetable_crs,crs_grp_usr" " WHERE crs_grp_usr.UsrCod=%ld" " AND timetable_crs.GrpCod=crs_grp_usr.GrpCod" " UNION " "SELECT Weekday," "TIME_TO_SEC(StartTime) AS S," "TIME_TO_SEC(Duration) AS D," "Info," "'tutoring' AS ClassType," "-1 AS GrpCod," "-1 AS CrsCod" " FROM timetable_tut" " WHERE UsrCod=%ld" " ORDER BY Weekday,S,ClassType," "GrpCod,Info,D DESC,CrsCod", UsrCod,UsrCod,UsrCod); break; case Grp_ALL_GROUPS: NumRows = DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get timetable", "SELECT timetable_crs.Weekday," "TIME_TO_SEC(timetable_crs.StartTime) AS S," "TIME_TO_SEC(timetable_crs.Duration) AS D," "timetable_crs.Info," "timetable_crs.ClassType," "timetable_crs.GrpCod," "timetable_crs.CrsCod" " FROM timetable_crs,crs_usr" " WHERE crs_usr.UsrCod=%ld" " AND timetable_crs.CrsCod=crs_usr.CrsCod" " UNION " "SELECT Weekday," "TIME_TO_SEC(StartTime) AS S," "TIME_TO_SEC(Duration) AS D," "Info," "'tutoring' AS ClassType," "-1 AS GrpCod," "-1 AS CrsCod" " FROM timetable_tut" " WHERE UsrCod=%ld" " ORDER BY Weekday,S,ClassType," "GrpCod,Info,D DESC,CrsCod", UsrCod,UsrCod); break; } break; case TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE: if (Gbl.Crs.Grps.WhichGrps == Grp_ALL_GROUPS || Gbl.Action.Act == ActEdiCrsTT || Gbl.Action.Act == ActChgCrsTT) // If we are editing, all groups are shown NumRows = DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get timetable", "SELECT Weekday," "TIME_TO_SEC(StartTime) AS S," "TIME_TO_SEC(Duration) AS D," "Info," "ClassType," "GrpCod" " FROM timetable_crs" " WHERE CrsCod=%ld" " ORDER BY Weekday,S,ClassType," "GrpCod,Info,D DESC", Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.CrsCod); else NumRows = DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get timetable", "SELECT timetable_crs.Weekday," "TIME_TO_SEC(timetable_crs.StartTime) AS S," "TIME_TO_SEC(timetable_crs.Duration) AS D," "timetable_crs.Info," "timetable_crs.ClassType," "timetable_crs.GrpCod" " FROM timetable_crs,crs_usr" " WHERE timetable_crs.CrsCod=%ld" " AND timetable_crs.GrpCod=-1 AND crs_usr.UsrCod=%ld" " AND timetable_crs.CrsCod=crs_usr.CrsCod" " UNION DISTINCT " "SELECT timetable_crs.Weekday," "TIME_TO_SEC(timetable_crs.StartTime) AS S," "TIME_TO_SEC(timetable_crs.Duration) AS D," "timetable_crs.Info," "timetable_crs.ClassType," "timetable_crs.GrpCod" " FROM timetable_crs,crs_grp_usr" " WHERE timetable_crs.CrsCod=%ld" " AND crs_grp_usr.UsrCod=%ld" " AND timetable_crs.GrpCod=crs_grp_usr.GrpCod" " ORDER BY Weekday,S,ClassType," "GrpCod,Info,D DESC", Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.CrsCod,UsrCod, Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.CrsCod,UsrCod); break; case TT_TUTORING_TIMETABLE: NumRows = DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get timetable", "SELECT Weekday," "TIME_TO_SEC(StartTime) AS S," "TIME_TO_SEC(Duration) AS D," "Info" " FROM timetable_tut" " WHERE UsrCod=%ld" " ORDER BY Weekday,S,Info,D DESC", UsrCod); break; } /***** If viewing (not editing) ==> calculate range of hours and resolution *****/ if (Timetable->View == TT_CRS_VIEW || Timetable->View == TT_TUT_VIEW) { /* Initialize hours and resolution for timetable */ Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.Start = TT_END_HOUR; // Initialized to maximum hour Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.End = TT_START_HOUR; // Initialized to minimum hour Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval = TT_MinutesPerInterval[TT_NUM_RESOLUTIONS - 1]; // The longest interval for (NumRow = 0; NumRow < NumRows; NumRow++) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* StartTime formatted as seconds (row[1]) */ if (sscanf (row[1],"%u",&StartTimeSeconds) != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong start time in timetable."); /* Duration formatted as seconds (row[2]) */ if (sscanf (row[2],"%u",&DurationSeconds) != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong duration in timetable."); EndTimeSeconds = StartTimeSeconds + DurationSeconds; /* Compute hours and resolution */ TT_CalculateRangeCell (StartTimeSeconds,EndTimeSeconds,&RangeCell); if (RangeCell.Hours.Start < Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.Start) Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.Start = RangeCell.Hours.Start; if (RangeCell.Hours.End > Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.End) Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.End = RangeCell.Hours.End; if (RangeCell.MinutesPerInterval < Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval) Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval = RangeCell.MinutesPerInterval; } mysql_data_seek (mysql_res,0); /***** Configure and allocate timetable *****/ TT_TimeTableConfigureIntervalsAndAllocateTimeTable (Timetable); } /***** Build the table by filling it from database *****/ if (Timetable->Config.HoursPerDay) { /***** Initialize timetable to all free *****/ for (Weekday = 0; Weekday < TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK; Weekday++) for (Interval = 0; Interval < Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerDay; Interval++) { TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].NumColumns = 0; for (Column = 0; Column < TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL; Column++) { TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].CrsCod = -1L; TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].GrpCod = -1L; TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].IntervalType = TT_FREE_INTERVAL; TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].ClassType = TT_FREE; TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].DurationIntervals = 0; TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].Info[0] = '\0'; } } /***** Fill data from database *****/ for (NumRow = 0; NumRow < NumRows; NumRow++) { row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res); /* Day of week (row[0]) */ if (sscanf (row[0],"%u",&Weekday) != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong day of week in timetable."); if (Weekday >= TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong day of week in timetable."); /* StartTime formatted as seconds (row[1]) --> StartTime in number of intervals */ if (sscanf (row[1],"%u",&StartTimeSeconds) != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong start time in timetable."); Interval = StartTimeSeconds / Timetable->Config.SecondsPerInterval; if (Interval < Timetable->Config.IntervalsBeforeStartHour) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong start time in timetable."); Interval -= Timetable->Config.IntervalsBeforeStartHour; /* Duration formatted as seconds (row[2]) --> Duration in number of intervals */ if (sscanf (row[2],"%u",&DurationSeconds) != 1) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong duration in timetable."); DurationNumIntervals = DurationSeconds / Timetable->Config.SecondsPerInterval; /* Type of class (row[4]) */ switch (Timetable->Type) { case TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE: case TT_MY_TIMETABLE: for (ClassType = TT_LECTURE, Found = false; ClassType <= TT_TUTORING; ClassType++) if (!strcmp (row[4],TT_ClassTypeDB[ClassType])) { Found = true; break; } if (!Found) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Wrong type of class in timetable."); break; case TT_TUTORING_TIMETABLE: ClassType = TT_TUTORING; break; } /* Cell has been read without errors */ if (TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].NumColumns < TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL) // If there's place for another column in this cell... { /* Find the first free column for this day-hour */ FirstFreeColumn = TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL; for (Column = 0; Column < TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL; Column++) if (TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].IntervalType == TT_FREE_INTERVAL) { FirstFreeColumn = Column; break; } if (FirstFreeColumn < TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL) // If there's place for another column in this cell { /* Check if there's place for all the rows of this class */ TimeTableHasSpaceForThisClass = true; for (i = Interval + 1; i < Interval + DurationNumIntervals && i < Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerDay; i++) if (TT_TimeTable[Weekday][i].Columns[FirstFreeColumn].IntervalType != TT_FREE_INTERVAL) { TimeTableIsIncomplete = true; TimeTableHasSpaceForThisClass = false; break; } if (TimeTableHasSpaceForThisClass) { TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[FirstFreeColumn].ClassType = ClassType; TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[FirstFreeColumn].DurationIntervals = DurationNumIntervals; TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[FirstFreeColumn].IntervalType = TT_FIRST_INTERVAL; for (i = Interval + 1; i < Interval + DurationNumIntervals && i < Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerDay; i++) { TT_TimeTable[Weekday][i].Columns[FirstFreeColumn].IntervalType = TT_NEXT_INTERVAL; TT_TimeTable[Weekday][i].NumColumns++; } /* Course (row[6]) and info (row[3])*/ switch (Timetable->Type) { case TT_MY_TIMETABLE: case TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE: /* Group code (row[5]) */ if (Timetable->Type == TT_MY_TIMETABLE || Timetable->Type == TT_COURSE_TIMETABLE) if (sscanf (row[5],"%ld",&TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[FirstFreeColumn].GrpCod) != 1) TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[FirstFreeColumn].GrpCod = -1; /* Course code (row[6]) */ TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[FirstFreeColumn].CrsCod = (Timetable->Type == TT_MY_TIMETABLE ? Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[6]) : Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.CrsCod); /* falls through */ /* no break */ case TT_TUTORING_TIMETABLE: Str_Copy (TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[FirstFreeColumn].Info, row[3], TT_MAX_BYTES_INFO); break; } /* Increment number of items in this cell */ TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].NumColumns++; } } else TimeTableIsIncomplete = true; } else TimeTableIsIncomplete = true; } } /***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/ DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res); if (TimeTableIsIncomplete) Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_INFO,Txt_Incomplete_timetable_for_lack_of_space); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** Calculate range of a cell (start hour, end hour, minutes per interval) ***/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_CalculateRangeCell (unsigned StartTimeSeconds, unsigned EndTimeSeconds, struct TT_Range *Range) { unsigned TimeMinutes; unsigned MinutesPerIntervalForEndTime; /***** Compute minimum hour *****/ // Example: if Seconds == 42300 (time == 11:45:00) => // TimeMinutes = 42300/60 = 705 => // Hour = 705/60 = 11 TimeMinutes = StartTimeSeconds / TT_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; Range->Hours.Start = TimeMinutes / TT_MINUTES_PER_HOUR; /***** Compute maximum hour *****/ // Example: if Seconds == 42300 (time == 11:45:00) => // TimeMinutes = 42300/60 = 705 => // Hour = 705/60 = 11 // 705 % 60 = 45 ==> Hour = Hour+1 = 12 TimeMinutes = EndTimeSeconds / TT_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; Range->Hours.End = TimeMinutes / TT_MINUTES_PER_HOUR; if (TimeMinutes % TT_MINUTES_PER_HOUR) Range->Hours.End++; /***** Compute resolution (longest interval necessary for this cell) *****/ Range->MinutesPerInterval = TT_CalculateMinutesPerInterval (StartTimeSeconds); if (Range->MinutesPerInterval > TT_MinutesPerInterval[0]) // If not already the shortest { MinutesPerIntervalForEndTime = TT_CalculateMinutesPerInterval (EndTimeSeconds); if (MinutesPerIntervalForEndTime < Range->MinutesPerInterval) Range->MinutesPerInterval = MinutesPerIntervalForEndTime; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Calculate minutes per interval **********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ // Example: if Seconds == 42300 (time == 11:45:00) => Minutes = 45 => Resolution = 15 static unsigned TT_CalculateMinutesPerInterval (unsigned Seconds) { unsigned Minutes; unsigned MinutesPerInterval; unsigned Resolution; /***** Compute minutes part (45) of a time (11:45:00) from seconds (42300) *****/ Minutes = (Seconds / TT_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) % TT_MINUTES_PER_HOUR; /***** Compute minutes per interval *****/ MinutesPerInterval = TT_MinutesPerInterval[0]; // Default: the shortest interval for (Resolution = TT_NUM_RESOLUTIONS - 1; // From the longest interval... Resolution > 0; Resolution--) // ...to shorter intervals if (Minutes % TT_MinutesPerInterval[Resolution] == 0) { MinutesPerInterval = TT_MinutesPerInterval[Resolution]; break; } return MinutesPerInterval; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************** Modify a class in timetable *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_ModifTimeTable (struct TT_Timetable *Timetable) { if (TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].Columns[Timetable->Column].IntervalType == TT_FIRST_INTERVAL) { /***** Free this cell *****/ TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].Columns[Timetable->Column].GrpCod = -1L; TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].Columns[Timetable->Column].IntervalType = TT_FREE_INTERVAL; TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].Columns[Timetable->Column].ClassType = TT_FREE; TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].Columns[Timetable->Column].DurationIntervals = 0; TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].Columns[Timetable->Column].Info[0] = '\0'; TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].NumColumns--; } if (Timetable->ClassType != TT_FREE && Timetable->DurationIntervals > 0 && TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].NumColumns < TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL) { /***** Change this cell *****/ TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].NumColumns++; TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].Columns[Timetable->Column].GrpCod = Timetable->GrpCod; TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].Columns[Timetable->Column].IntervalType = TT_FIRST_INTERVAL; TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].Columns[Timetable->Column].ClassType = Timetable->ClassType; TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].Columns[Timetable->Column].DurationIntervals = Timetable->DurationIntervals; Str_Copy (TT_TimeTable[Timetable->Weekday][Timetable->Interval].Columns[Timetable->Column].Info, Timetable->Info, TT_MAX_BYTES_INFO); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /********************* Draw timetable using internal table *******************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_DrawTimeTable (const struct TT_Timetable *Timetable) { unsigned DayColumn; // Column from left (0) to right (6) unsigned Weekday; // Day of week unsigned Interval; unsigned Min; unsigned Column; unsigned ColumnsToDraw; unsigned ColumnsToDrawIncludingExtraColumn; unsigned ContinuousFreeMinicolumns; /***** Begin table *****/ HTM_TABLE_Begin ("TT"); /***** Top row used for column adjustement *****/ TT_TimeTableDrawAdjustRow (); /***** Row with day names *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_Begin ("rowspan=\"2\" class=\"TT_HOUR_BIG RM\" style=\"width:%u%%;\"", TT_PERCENT_WIDTH_OF_AN_HOUR_COLUMN); HTM_TxtF ("%02u:00",Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.Start); HTM_TD_End (); TT_DrawCellAlignTimeTable (); TT_TimeTableDrawDaysCells (); TT_DrawCellAlignTimeTable (); HTM_TD_Begin ("rowspan=\"2\" class=\"TT_HOUR_BIG LM\" style=\"width:%u%%;\"", TT_PERCENT_WIDTH_OF_AN_HOUR_COLUMN); HTM_TxtF ("%02u:00",Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.Start); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); /***** Get list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ if (Gbl.Action.Act == ActEdiCrsTT || Gbl.Action.Act == ActChgCrsTT) Grp_GetListGrpTypesAndGrpsInThisCrs (Grp_ONLY_GROUP_TYPES_WITH_GROUPS); /***** Write the table row by row *****/ for (Interval = 0, Min = Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval; Interval < Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerDay; Interval++, Min = (Min + Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval) % TT_SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) { HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); /* Left hour:minutes cell */ if (Interval % 2) TT_TimeTableDrawHourCell (Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.Start + (Interval + 2) / Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour, Min, "RM"); /* Empty column used to adjust height */ TT_DrawCellAlignTimeTable (); /* Row for this hour */ for (DayColumn = 0; DayColumn < TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK; DayColumn++) { /* Weekday == 0 ==> monday, ... Weekday == 6 ==> sunday */ Weekday = (DayColumn + Gbl.Prefs.FirstDayOfWeek) % 7; /* Check how many colums are needed. For each item (class) in this hour from left to right, we must check the maximum of columns */ ColumnsToDraw = TT_CalculateColsToDrawInCell (Timetable, true, // Top call, non recursive Weekday,Interval); if (ColumnsToDraw == 0 && (Timetable->View == TT_CRS_VIEW || Timetable->View == TT_TUT_VIEW)) ColumnsToDraw = 1; // If editing and there's place for more columns, // a potential new column is added at the end of each day ColumnsToDrawIncludingExtraColumn = ColumnsToDraw; if (ColumnsToDraw < TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL && (Timetable->View == TT_CRS_EDIT || Timetable->View == TT_TUT_EDIT)) ColumnsToDrawIncludingExtraColumn++; /* Draw cells */ for (Column = 0, ContinuousFreeMinicolumns = 0; Column < ColumnsToDrawIncludingExtraColumn; Column++) if (TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].IntervalType == TT_FREE_INTERVAL) ContinuousFreeMinicolumns += TT_NUM_MINICOLUMNS_PER_DAY / ColumnsToDrawIncludingExtraColumn; else { if (ContinuousFreeMinicolumns) { TT_TimeTableDrawCell (Timetable, Weekday,Interval,Column - 1,ContinuousFreeMinicolumns, -1L,TT_FREE_INTERVAL,TT_FREE,0,-1L,NULL); ContinuousFreeMinicolumns = 0; } TT_TimeTableDrawCell (Timetable, Weekday,Interval,Column, TT_NUM_MINICOLUMNS_PER_DAY / ColumnsToDrawIncludingExtraColumn, TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].CrsCod, TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].IntervalType, TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].ClassType, TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].DurationIntervals, TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].GrpCod, TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].Info); } if (ContinuousFreeMinicolumns) TT_TimeTableDrawCell (Timetable, Weekday,Interval,Column - 1,ContinuousFreeMinicolumns, -1L,TT_FREE_INTERVAL,TT_FREE,0,-1L,NULL); } /* Empty column used to adjust height */ TT_DrawCellAlignTimeTable (); /* Right hour:minutes cell */ if (Interval % 2) TT_TimeTableDrawHourCell (Timetable->Config.Range.Hours.Start + (Interval + 2) / Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour, Min, "LM"); HTM_TR_End (); } /***** Free list of groups types and groups in this course *****/ if (Gbl.Action.Act == ActEdiCrsTT || Gbl.Action.Act == ActChgCrsTT) Grp_FreeListGrpTypesAndGrps (); /***** Row with day names *****/ HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); TT_DrawCellAlignTimeTable (); TT_TimeTableDrawDaysCells (); TT_DrawCellAlignTimeTable (); HTM_TR_End (); /***** Bottom row used for column adjustement *****/ TT_TimeTableDrawAdjustRow (); /***** End table *****/ HTM_TABLE_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** Draw a row used for column adjustement in a time table ***********/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_TimeTableDrawAdjustRow (void) { unsigned Weekday; unsigned Minicolumn; HTM_TR_Begin (NULL); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"TT_HOURCOL\""); HTM_TD_End (); TT_DrawCellAlignTimeTable (); for (Weekday = 0; Weekday < TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK; Weekday++) for (Minicolumn = 0; Minicolumn < TT_NUM_MINICOLUMNS_PER_DAY; Minicolumn++) { HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"TT_MINICOL\""); HTM_TD_End (); } TT_DrawCellAlignTimeTable (); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"TT_HOURCOL\""); HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TR_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Draw cells with day names in a time table ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_TimeTableDrawDaysCells (void) { extern const char *Txt_DAYS_CAPS[7]; unsigned DayColumn; unsigned Weekday; for (DayColumn = 0; DayColumn < TT_DAYS_PER_WEEK; DayColumn++) { Weekday = (DayColumn + Gbl.Prefs.FirstDayOfWeek) % 7; HTM_TD_Begin ("colspan=\"%u\" class=\"%s CM\" style=\"width:%u%%;\"", TT_NUM_MINICOLUMNS_PER_DAY, Weekday == 6 ? "TT_SUNDAY" : // Sunday drawn in red "TT_DAY", // Monday to Saturday TT_PERCENT_WIDTH_OF_A_DAY); HTM_Txt (Txt_DAYS_CAPS[Weekday]); HTM_TD_End (); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /****************** Draw cells with day names in a time table ****************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_TimeTableDrawHourCell (unsigned Hour,unsigned Min,const char *Align) { HTM_TD_Begin ("rowspan=\"2\" class=\"TT_HOUR %s %s\"", Min ? "TT_HOUR_SMALL" : "TT_HOUR_BIG", Align); HTM_TxtF ("%02u:%02u",Hour,Min); HTM_TD_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /**** Calculate recursively number of columns to draw for a day and hour *****/ /*****************************************************************************/ static unsigned TT_CalculateColsToDrawInCell (const struct TT_Timetable *Timetable, bool TopCall, unsigned Weekday,unsigned Interval) { unsigned ColumnsToDraw; unsigned Column; unsigned i; unsigned FirstHour; unsigned Cols; static bool *TT_IntervalsChecked; if (TopCall) // Top call, non recursive call /****** Allocate space to store list of intervals already checked and initialize to false by using calloc *****/ if ((TT_IntervalsChecked = (bool *) calloc (Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerDay, sizeof (bool))) == NULL) Lay_ShowErrorAndExit ("Error allocating memory for timetable."); ColumnsToDraw = TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].NumColumns; if (!TT_IntervalsChecked[Interval]) { TT_IntervalsChecked[Interval] = true; for (Column = 0; Column < TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL; Column++) switch (TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].IntervalType) { case TT_FREE_INTERVAL: break; case TT_FIRST_INTERVAL: /* Check from first hour (this one) to last hour searching maximum number of columns */ for (i = Interval + 1; i < Interval + TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].DurationIntervals; i++) if (!TT_IntervalsChecked[i]) { Cols = TT_CalculateColsToDrawInCell (Timetable, false, // Recursive call Weekday,i); if (Cols > ColumnsToDraw) ColumnsToDraw = Cols; } break; case TT_NEXT_INTERVAL: /* Find first hour for this item (class) */ for (FirstHour = Interval; TT_TimeTable[Weekday][FirstHour].Columns[Column].IntervalType == TT_NEXT_INTERVAL; FirstHour--); /* Check from first hour to last hour searching maximum number of columns */ for (i = FirstHour; i < FirstHour + TT_TimeTable[Weekday][FirstHour].Columns[Column].DurationIntervals; i++) if (!TT_IntervalsChecked[i]) { Cols = TT_CalculateColsToDrawInCell (Timetable, false, // Recursive call Weekday,i); if (Cols > ColumnsToDraw) ColumnsToDraw = Cols; } break; } } if (TopCall) // Top call, non recursive call /****** Free space used by list of intervals already checked *****/ free (TT_IntervalsChecked); return ColumnsToDraw; } /*****************************************************************************/ /******************** Write empty cell for alignment *************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_DrawCellAlignTimeTable (void) { HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"TT_ALIGN\""); HTM_TD_End (); } /*****************************************************************************/ /*************************** Write a timetable cell **************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ static void TT_TimeTableDrawCell (const struct TT_Timetable *Timetable, unsigned Weekday,unsigned Interval,unsigned Column,unsigned ColSpan, long CrsCod,TT_IntervalType_t IntervalType,TT_ClassType_t ClassType, unsigned DurationNumIntervals,long GrpCod,const char *Info) { extern const char *Txt_unknown_removed_course; extern const char *Txt_TIMETABLE_CLASS_TYPES[TT_NUM_CLASS_TYPES]; extern const char *Txt_Group; extern const char *Txt_All_groups; extern const char *Txt_Info; static const char *TimeTableClasses[TT_NUM_CLASS_TYPES] = { [TT_FREE ] = "TT_FREE", // free hour [TT_LECTURE ] = "TT_LECT", // lecture class [TT_PRACTICAL] = "TT_PRAC", // practical class [TT_TUTORING ] = "TT_TUTO", // tutoring/office hour }; char *CellStr; // Unique string for this cell used in labels struct GroupData GrpDat; unsigned NumGrpTyp; unsigned NumGrp; unsigned i; unsigned Dur; unsigned MaxDuration; char *TTDur; unsigned RowSpan = 0; char *RowSpanStr; char *ColSpanStr; char *ClassStr; TT_ClassType_t CT; struct Course Crs; struct GroupType *GrpTyp; struct Group *Grp; char *Room; /***** Compute row span and background color depending on hour type *****/ switch (IntervalType) { case TT_FREE_INTERVAL: // Free cell written RowSpan = 1; break; case TT_FIRST_INTERVAL: // Normal cell written RowSpan = DurationNumIntervals; break; case TT_NEXT_INTERVAL: // Nothing written break; } /***** If there's nothing to do... *****/ if (RowSpan == 0) return; /***** If group code > 0, a group is selected ==> get group data *****/ if (IntervalType == TT_FIRST_INTERVAL && (Timetable->View == TT_CRS_VIEW || Timetable->View == TT_CRS_EDIT) && GrpCod > 0) { /* Get group data */ GrpDat.GrpCod = GrpCod; Grp_GetDataOfGroupByCod (&GrpDat); } /***** Cell start *****/ /* Create rowspan, colspan and class strings */ if (RowSpan > 1) { if (asprintf (&RowSpanStr,"rowspan=\"%u\" ",RowSpan) < 0) Lay_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); } else { if (asprintf (&RowSpanStr,"%s","") < 0) Lay_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); } if (ColSpan > 1) { if (asprintf (&ColSpanStr,"colspan=\"%u\" ",ColSpan) < 0) Lay_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); } else { if (asprintf (&ColSpanStr,"%s","") < 0) Lay_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); } if (ClassType == TT_FREE) { if (asprintf (&ClassStr,"%s%u",TimeTableClasses[ClassType],Interval % 4) < 0) Lay_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); } else { if (asprintf (&ClassStr,"%s CM DAT_SMALL",TimeTableClasses[ClassType]) < 0) Lay_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); } /* Start cell */ HTM_TD_Begin ("%s%sclass=\"%s\"",RowSpanStr,ColSpanStr,ClassStr); /* Free allocated memory for rowspan, colspan and class strings */ free (RowSpanStr); free (ColSpanStr); free (ClassStr); /***** Form to modify this cell *****/ if (Timetable->View == TT_CRS_EDIT) Frm_StartForm (ActChgCrsTT); else if (Timetable->View == TT_TUT_EDIT) Frm_StartForm (ActChgTut); /***** Draw cell depending on type of view *****/ switch (Timetable->View) { case TT_CRS_VIEW: // View course timetable case TT_TUT_VIEW: // View tutoring timetable if (IntervalType != TT_FREE_INTERVAL) // If cell is not empty... { /***** Start cell *****/ HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"TT_CELL TT_TXT\""); /***** Course name *****/ if (Timetable->Type == TT_MY_TIMETABLE) { Crs.CrsCod = CrsCod; Crs_GetDataOfCourseByCod (&Crs); if (ClassType == TT_LECTURE || ClassType == TT_PRACTICAL) { HTM_Txt (Crs.ShrtName[0] ? Crs.ShrtName : Txt_unknown_removed_course); HTM_BR (); } } /***** Type of class and duration *****/ HTM_TxtF ("%s (%u:%02u)", Txt_TIMETABLE_CLASS_TYPES[ClassType], (DurationNumIntervals / Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour), // Hours (DurationNumIntervals % Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour) * Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval); // Minutes /***** Group *****/ if (Timetable->View == TT_CRS_VIEW && GrpCod > 0) { HTM_BR (); HTM_Txt (GrpDat.GrpTypName); HTM_BR (); HTM_Txt (GrpDat.GrpName); if (GrpDat.Room.RooCod > 0) { HTM_BR (); HTM_TxtF ("(%s)",GrpDat.Room.ShrtName); } } /***** Info *****/ if (Info) if (Info[0]) { HTM_BR (); HTM_Txt (Info); } /***** End cell *****/ HTM_DIV_End (); } break; case TT_CRS_EDIT: case TT_TUT_EDIT: /***** Create unique string for this cell used in labels *****/ if (asprintf (&CellStr,"%02u%02u%02u", Weekday,Interval,Column) < 0) Lay_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); /***** Put hidden parameters *****/ Par_PutHiddenParamUnsigned (NULL,"TTDay",Weekday); Par_PutHiddenParamUnsigned (NULL,"TTInt",Interval); Par_PutHiddenParamUnsigned (NULL,"TTCol",Column); /***** Class type *****/ HTM_SELECT_Begin (HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "name=\"TTTyp\" class=\"TT_TYP\""); for (CT = (TT_ClassType_t) 0; CT <= (TT_ClassType_t) (TT_NUM_CLASS_TYPES - 1); CT++) if ((CT == TT_FREE) || ((Timetable->View == TT_CRS_EDIT) && (CT == TT_LECTURE || CT == TT_PRACTICAL)) || ((Timetable->View == TT_TUT_EDIT) && (CT == TT_TUTORING))) HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_STRING,TT_ClassTypeDB[CT], CT == ClassType,false, "%s",Txt_TIMETABLE_CLASS_TYPES[CT]); HTM_SELECT_End (); if (IntervalType == TT_FREE_INTERVAL) { for (i = Interval + 1; i < Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerDay; i++) if (TT_TimeTable[Weekday][i].NumColumns == TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL) break; MaxDuration = i - Interval; Dur = (MaxDuration >= Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour) ? Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour : // MaxDuration >= 1h ==> Dur = 1h MaxDuration; // MaxDuration < 1h ==> Dur = MaxDuration if (asprintf (&TTDur,"%u:%02u", (Dur / Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour), // Hours (Dur % Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour) * Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval) < 0) // Minutes Lay_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); Par_PutHiddenParamString (NULL,"TTDur",TTDur); free (TTDur); } else { /***** Class duration *****/ HTM_SELECT_Begin (HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "name=\"TTDur\" class=\"TT_DUR\""); for (i = Interval + TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].DurationIntervals; i < Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerDay; i++) if (TT_TimeTable[Weekday][i].NumColumns == TT_MAX_COLUMNS_PER_CELL) break; MaxDuration = i - Interval; if (TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].DurationIntervals > MaxDuration) MaxDuration = TT_TimeTable[Weekday][Interval].Columns[Column].DurationIntervals; for (Dur = 0; Dur <= MaxDuration; Dur++) { if (asprintf (&TTDur,"%u:%02u", (Dur / Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour), // Hours (Dur % Timetable->Config.IntervalsPerHour) * Timetable->Config.Range.MinutesPerInterval) < 0) // Minutes Lay_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_STRING,TTDur, Dur == DurationNumIntervals,false, "%s",TTDur); free (TTDur); } HTM_SELECT_End (); if (Timetable->View == TT_CRS_EDIT) { /***** Group *****/ HTM_BR (); HTM_LABEL_Begin ("for=\"TTGrp%s\"",CellStr); HTM_Txt (Txt_Group); HTM_LABEL_End (); HTM_SELECT_Begin (HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "id=\"TTGrp%s\" name=\"TTGrp\"" " class=\"TT_GRP\"", CellStr); HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_STRING,"-1",GrpCod <= 0,false, "%s",Txt_All_groups); for (NumGrpTyp = 0; NumGrpTyp < Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.Num; NumGrpTyp++) { GrpTyp = &Gbl.Crs.Grps.GrpTypes.LstGrpTypes[NumGrpTyp]; for (NumGrp = 0; NumGrp < GrpTyp->NumGrps; NumGrp++) { Grp = &GrpTyp->LstGrps[NumGrp]; if (Grp->Room.RooCod > 0) { if (asprintf (&Room," (%s)",Grp->Room.ShrtName) < 0) Lay_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); } else { if (asprintf (&Room,"%s","") < 0) Lay_NotEnoughMemoryExit (); } HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_LONG,&Grp->GrpCod, GrpCod == Grp->GrpCod,false, "%s %s%s", GrpTyp->GrpTypName,Grp->GrpName,Room); free (Room); } } HTM_SELECT_End (); /***** Info *****/ HTM_BR (); HTM_LABEL_Begin ("for=\"TTInf%s\"",CellStr); HTM_Txt (Txt_Info); HTM_LABEL_End (); HTM_INPUT_TEXT ("TTInf",TT_MAX_CHARS_INFO,Info ? Info : "", HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "id=\"TTInf%s\" size=\"1\" class=\"TT_INF\"", CellStr); } else // TimeTableView == TT_TUT_EDIT { /***** Info *****/ HTM_BR (); HTM_LABEL_Begin ("for=\"TTInf%s\" class=\"DAT_SMALL\"",CellStr); HTM_Txt (Txt_Info); HTM_LABEL_End (); HTM_INPUT_TEXT ("TTInf",TT_MAX_CHARS_INFO,Info, HTM_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE, "id=\"TTInf%s\" size=\"12\" class=\"TT_INF\"", CellStr); } } /***** Free allocated unique string for this cell used in labels *****/ free (CellStr); break; } /***** End form *****/ if (Timetable->View == TT_CRS_EDIT || Timetable->View == TT_TUT_EDIT) Frm_EndForm (); /***** End cell *****/ HTM_TD_End (); }