// swad_game.h: games using remote control #ifndef _SWAD_GAM #define _SWAD_GAM /* SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance in Spanish), is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain), and used to support university teaching. This file is part of SWAD core. Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Antonio Caņas Vargas This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*****************************************************************************/ /********************************* Headers ***********************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "swad_date.h" #include "swad_scope.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /************************** Public types and constants ***********************/ /*****************************************************************************/ #define Gam_MAX_CHARS_TITLE (128 - 1) // 127 #define Gam_MAX_BYTES_TITLE ((Gam_MAX_CHARS_TITLE + 1) * Str_MAX_BYTES_PER_CHAR - 1) // 2047 #define Gam_AFTER_LAST_QUESTION ((unsigned)((1UL << 31) - 1)) // 2^31 - 1, don't change this number because it is used in database to indicate that a match is finished #define Gam_NUM_ORDERS 3 typedef enum { Gam_ORDER_BY_START_DATE = 0, Gam_ORDER_BY_END_DATE = 1, Gam_ORDER_BY_TITLE = 2, } Gam_Order_t; #define Gam_ORDER_DEFAULT Gam_ORDER_BY_START_DATE #define Gam_NUM_ANS_TYPES 2 typedef enum { Gam_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE = 0, Gam_ANS_MULTIPLE_CHOICE = 1, } Gam_AnswerType_t; #define Gam_ANSWER_TYPE_DEFAULT Gam_ANS_UNIQUE_CHOICE #define Gam_NUM_EXISTING_NEW_GAME 2 typedef enum { Gam_EXISTING_GAME, Gam_NEW_GAME, } Gam_ExistingNewGame_t; struct Gam_GameSelected { long GamCod; // Game code HTM_Attributes_t Checked; // Is this game selected when seeing match results? }; struct Gam_Game { long GamCod; // Game code long CrsCod; // Course code long UsrCod; // Author code double MaxGrade; // Score range [0...max.score] // will be converted to // grade range [0...max.grade] unsigned Visibility; // Visibility of results char Title[Gam_MAX_BYTES_TITLE + 1]; time_t TimeUTC[Dat_NUM_START_END_TIME]; HidVis_HiddenOrVisible_t HiddenOrVisible; // Game is hidden or visible? unsigned NumQsts; // Number of questions in the game unsigned NumMchs; // Number of matches in the game unsigned NumUnfinishedMchs; // Number of unfinished matches in the game }; struct Gam_Games { bool LstIsRead; // Is the list already read from database... // ...or it needs to be read? unsigned Num; // Total number of games unsigned NumSelected; // Number of games selected struct Gam_GameSelected *Lst;// List of games Gam_Order_t SelectedOrder; unsigned CurrentPage; char *ListQuestions; char *GamCodsSelected; // String with selected game codes separated by separator multiple struct Gam_Game Game; // Selected/current game long MchCod; // Selected/current match unsigned QstInd; // Current question index }; /*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Public prototypes *****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ void Gam_ResetGames (struct Gam_Games *Games); void Gam_ResetGame (struct Gam_Game *Game); void Gam_SeeAllGames (void); void Gam_ListAllGames (struct Gam_Games *Games); void Gam_SeeOneGame (void); void Gam_ShowOnlyOneGame (struct Gam_Games *Games, bool ListGameQuestions, Frm_PutForm_t PutFormNewMatch); void Gam_ShowOnlyOneGameBegin (struct Gam_Games *Games, bool ListGameQuestions, Frm_PutForm_t PutFormNewMatch); void Gam_ShowOnlyOneGameEnd (void); void Gam_SetCurrentGamCod (long GamCod); void Gam_PutPars (void *Games); long Gam_GetPars (struct Gam_Games *Games); void Gam_GetListGames (struct Gam_Games *Games,Gam_Order_t SelectedOrder); void Gam_GetListSelectedGamCods (struct Gam_Games *Games); void Gam_GetGameDataByCod (struct Gam_Game *Game); void Gam_FreeListGames (struct Gam_Games *Games); void Gam_AskRemGame (void); void Gam_RemoveGame (void); void Gam_RemoveCrsGames (long CrsCod); void Gam_HideGame (void); void Gam_UnhideGame (void); void Gam_ListGame (void); void Gam_ReqCreatOrEditGame (void); void Gam_PutFormsOneGame (struct Gam_Games *Games, Gam_ExistingNewGame_t ExistingNewGame); void Gam_ReceiveGame (void); void Gam_ReqSelectQstsToAddToGame (void); void Gam_ListQstsToAddToGame (void); void Gam_PutParQstInd (unsigned QstInd); unsigned Gam_GetParQstInd (void); void Gam_AddQstsToGame (void); void Gam_ReqRemQstFromGame (void); void Gam_RemoveQstFromGame (void); void Gam_MoveUpQst (void); void Gam_MoveDownQst (void); void Gam_ShowTstTagsPresentInAGame (long GamCod); void Gam_GetScoreRange (long GamCod,double *MinScore,double *MaxScore); //-------------------------------- Figures ------------------------------------ void Gam_GetAndShowGamesStats (void); #endif