Version 22.84: Mar 29, 2023 New action to see the resource clipboard in program.

This commit is contained in:
acanas 2023-03-29 00:11:55 +02:00
parent 7d9f0572bf
commit 9eaf48fc03
20 changed files with 319 additions and 166 deletions

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@ -4972,7 +4972,7 @@ button.PAG_DARK:hover, .PAG_CUR_DARK {background-color:#707070;}
{ {
box-sizing:border-box; box-sizing:border-box;
width:90px; width:100px;
} }
{ {

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@ -1 +1 @@
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="clipboard-list" class="svg-inline--fa fa-clipboard-list fa-w-12" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M336 64h-80c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64s-64 28.7-64 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM96 424c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24s10.7-24 24-24 24 10.7 24 24-10.7 24-24 24zm0-96c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24s10.7-24 24-24 24 10.7 24 24-10.7 24-24 24zm0-96c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24s10.7-24 24-24 24 10.7 24 24-10.7 24-24 24zm96-192c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm128 368c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H168c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H168c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H168c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16z"></path></svg> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><!--! Font Awesome Pro 6.4.0 by @fontawesome - License - (Commercial License) Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M192 0c-41.8 0-77.4 26.7-90.5 64H64C28.7 64 0 92.7 0 128V448c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64H320c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V128c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H282.5C269.4 26.7 233.8 0 192 0zm0 64a32 32 0 1 1 0 64 32 32 0 1 1 0-64zM72 272a24 24 0 1 1 48 0 24 24 0 1 1 -48 0zm104-16H304c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16H176c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16zM72 368a24 24 0 1 1 48 0 24 24 0 1 1 -48 0zm88 0c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16H304c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16H176c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16z"/></svg>


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@ -1 +1 @@
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@ -1 +1 @@
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@ -453,6 +453,7 @@ const struct Act_Actions ActLst_Actions[ActLst_NUM_ACTIONS] =
[ActConSeePrgItm ] = {1945,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x238,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Prg_ContractItem ,NULL}, [ActConSeePrgItm ] = {1945,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x238,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Prg_ContractItem ,NULL},
[ActConEdiPrgItm ] = {1947,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Prg_ContractItem ,NULL}, [ActConEdiPrgItm ] = {1947,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Prg_ContractItem ,NULL},
[ActSeePrgRscCli ] = {1970,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_ViewResourceClipboard ,NULL},
[ActFrmSeePrgRsc ] = {1925,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_ViewResourcesAfterEdit ,NULL}, [ActFrmSeePrgRsc ] = {1925,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_ViewResourcesAfterEdit ,NULL},
[ActFrmEdiPrgRsc ] = {1918,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_EditResources ,NULL}, [ActFrmEdiPrgRsc ] = {1918,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_EditResources ,NULL},
[ActNewPrgRsc ] = {1929,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_CreateResource ,NULL}, [ActNewPrgRsc ] = {1929,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_CreateResource ,NULL},
@ -463,7 +464,7 @@ const struct Act_Actions ActLst_Actions[ActLst_NUM_ACTIONS] =
[ActUnhPrgRsc ] = {1922,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_UnhideResource ,NULL}, [ActUnhPrgRsc ] = {1922,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_UnhideResource ,NULL},
[ActUp_PrgRsc ] = {1923,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_MoveUpResource ,NULL}, [ActUp_PrgRsc ] = {1923,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_MoveUpResource ,NULL},
[ActDwnPrgRsc ] = {1924,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_MoveDownResource ,NULL}, [ActDwnPrgRsc ] = {1924,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_MoveDownResource ,NULL},
[ActSeeCliPrgRsc ] = {1932,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_ShowClipboardToChgLink ,NULL}, [ActFrmChgLnkPrgRsc ] = {1932,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_EditProgramWithClipboard,NULL},
[ActChgLnkPrgRsc ] = {1933,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_ChangeLink ,NULL}, [ActChgLnkPrgRsc ] = {1933,-1,TabUnk,ActSeePrg ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,PrgRsc_ChangeLink ,NULL},
[ActEdiTchGui ] = { 785,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeTchGui ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Inf_FormsToSelSendInfo ,NULL}, [ActEdiTchGui ] = { 785,-1,TabUnk,ActSeeTchGui ,0x220,0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,Act_CONT_NORM,Act_BRW_1ST_TAB,NULL ,Inf_FormsToSelSendInfo ,NULL},
@ -3819,7 +3820,7 @@ Act_Action_t ActLst_FromActCodToAction[1 + ActLst_MAX_ACTION_COD] = // Do not re
ActNewPrgRsc, // #1929 ActNewPrgRsc, // #1929
ActReqLnkSeeDocCrs, // #1930 ActReqLnkSeeDocCrs, // #1930
ActReqLnkAdmDocCrs, // #1931 ActReqLnkAdmDocCrs, // #1931
ActSeeCliPrgRsc, // #1932 ActFrmChgLnkPrgRsc, // #1932
ActChgLnkPrgRsc, // #1933 ActChgLnkPrgRsc, // #1933
ActReqLnkCfe, // #1934 ActReqLnkCfe, // #1934
ActReqLnkGam, // #1935 ActReqLnkGam, // #1935
@ -3857,4 +3858,5 @@ Act_Action_t ActLst_FromActCodToAction[1 + ActLst_MAX_ACTION_COD] = // Do not re
ActChgWeiRubCri, // #1967 ActChgWeiRubCri, // #1967
ActChgLnkRubCri, // #1968 ActChgLnkRubCri, // #1968
ActReqLnkRub, // #1969 ActReqLnkRub, // #1969
ActSeePrgRscCli, // #1970
}; };

View File

@ -379,137 +379,139 @@
#define ActConSeePrgItm (ActChgCrsSta + 32) #define ActConSeePrgItm (ActChgCrsSta + 32)
#define ActExpEdiPrgItm (ActChgCrsSta + 33) #define ActExpEdiPrgItm (ActChgCrsSta + 33)
#define ActConEdiPrgItm (ActChgCrsSta + 34) #define ActConEdiPrgItm (ActChgCrsSta + 34)
#define ActFrmSeePrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 35)
#define ActFrmEdiPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 36)
#define ActNewPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 37)
#define ActRenPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 38)
#define ActReqRemPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 39)
#define ActRemPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 40)
#define ActHidPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 41)
#define ActUnhPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 42)
#define ActUp_PrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 43)
#define ActDwnPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 44)
#define ActSeeCliPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 45)
#define ActChgLnkPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 46)
#define ActEdiTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 47)
#define ActSeeSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 48)
#define ActSeeSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 49)
#define ActEdiSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 50)
#define ActEdiSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 51)
#define ActDelItmSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 52)
#define ActDelItmSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 53)
#define ActUp_IteSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 54)
#define ActUp_IteSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 55)
#define ActDwnIteSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 56)
#define ActDwnIteSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 57)
#define ActRgtIteSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 58)
#define ActRgtIteSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 59)
#define ActLftIteSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 60)
#define ActLftIteSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 61)
#define ActInsIteSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 62)
#define ActInsIteSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 63)
#define ActModIteSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 64)
#define ActModIteSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 65)
#define ActEdiBib (ActChgCrsSta + 66) #define ActSeePrgRscCli (ActChgCrsSta + 35)
#define ActEdiFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 67) #define ActFrmSeePrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 36)
#define ActEdiCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 68) #define ActFrmEdiPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 37)
#define ActEdiAss (ActChgCrsSta + 69) #define ActNewPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 38)
#define ActRenPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 39)
#define ActReqRemPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 40)
#define ActRemPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 41)
#define ActHidPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 42)
#define ActUnhPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 43)
#define ActUp_PrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 44)
#define ActDwnPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 45)
#define ActFrmChgLnkPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 46)
#define ActChgLnkPrgRsc (ActChgCrsSta + 47)
#define ActEdiTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 48)
#define ActSeeSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 49)
#define ActSeeSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 50)
#define ActEdiSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 51)
#define ActEdiSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 52)
#define ActDelItmSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 53)
#define ActDelItmSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 54)
#define ActUp_IteSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 55)
#define ActUp_IteSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 56)
#define ActDwnIteSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 57)
#define ActDwnIteSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 58)
#define ActRgtIteSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 59)
#define ActRgtIteSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 60)
#define ActLftIteSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 61)
#define ActLftIteSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 62)
#define ActInsIteSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 63)
#define ActInsIteSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 64)
#define ActModIteSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 65)
#define ActModIteSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 66)
#define ActChgFrcReaCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 70) #define ActEdiBib (ActChgCrsSta + 67)
#define ActChgFrcReaTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 71) #define ActEdiFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 68)
#define ActChgFrcReaSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 72) #define ActEdiCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 69)
#define ActChgFrcReaSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 73) #define ActEdiAss (ActChgCrsSta + 70)
#define ActChgFrcReaBib (ActChgCrsSta + 74)
#define ActChgFrcReaFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 75)
#define ActChgFrcReaCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 76)
#define ActChgFrcReaAss (ActChgCrsSta + 77)
#define ActChgHavReaCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 78) #define ActChgFrcReaCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 71)
#define ActChgHavReaTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 79) #define ActChgFrcReaTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 72)
#define ActChgHavReaSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 80) #define ActChgFrcReaSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 73)
#define ActChgHavReaSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 81) #define ActChgFrcReaSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 74)
#define ActChgHavReaBib (ActChgCrsSta + 82) #define ActChgFrcReaBib (ActChgCrsSta + 75)
#define ActChgHavReaFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 83) #define ActChgFrcReaFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 76)
#define ActChgHavReaCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 84) #define ActChgFrcReaCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 77)
#define ActChgHavReaAss (ActChgCrsSta + 85) #define ActChgFrcReaAss (ActChgCrsSta + 78)
#define ActSelInfSrcCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 86) #define ActChgHavReaCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 79)
#define ActSelInfSrcTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 87) #define ActChgHavReaTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 80)
#define ActSelInfSrcSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 88) #define ActChgHavReaSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 81)
#define ActSelInfSrcSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 89) #define ActChgHavReaSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 82)
#define ActSelInfSrcBib (ActChgCrsSta + 90) #define ActChgHavReaBib (ActChgCrsSta + 83)
#define ActSelInfSrcFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 91) #define ActChgHavReaFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 84)
#define ActSelInfSrcCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 92) #define ActChgHavReaCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 85)
#define ActSelInfSrcAss (ActChgCrsSta + 93) #define ActChgHavReaAss (ActChgCrsSta + 86)
#define ActRcvURLCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 94) #define ActSelInfSrcCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 87)
#define ActRcvURLTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 95) #define ActSelInfSrcTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 88)
#define ActRcvURLSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 96) #define ActSelInfSrcSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 89)
#define ActRcvURLSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 97) #define ActSelInfSrcSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 90)
#define ActRcvURLBib (ActChgCrsSta + 98) #define ActSelInfSrcBib (ActChgCrsSta + 91)
#define ActRcvURLFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 99) #define ActSelInfSrcFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 92)
#define ActRcvURLCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 100) #define ActSelInfSrcCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 93)
#define ActRcvURLAss (ActChgCrsSta + 101) #define ActSelInfSrcAss (ActChgCrsSta + 94)
#define ActRcvPagCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 102) #define ActRcvURLCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 95)
#define ActRcvPagTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 103) #define ActRcvURLTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 96)
#define ActRcvPagSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 104) #define ActRcvURLSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 97)
#define ActRcvPagSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 105) #define ActRcvURLSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 98)
#define ActRcvPagBib (ActChgCrsSta + 106) #define ActRcvURLBib (ActChgCrsSta + 99)
#define ActRcvPagFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 107) #define ActRcvURLFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 100)
#define ActRcvPagCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 108) #define ActRcvURLCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 101)
#define ActRcvPagAss (ActChgCrsSta + 109) #define ActRcvURLAss (ActChgCrsSta + 102)
#define ActEditorCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 110) #define ActRcvPagCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 103)
#define ActEditorTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 111) #define ActRcvPagTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 104)
#define ActEditorSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 112) #define ActRcvPagSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 105)
#define ActEditorSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 113) #define ActRcvPagSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 106)
#define ActEditorBib (ActChgCrsSta + 114) #define ActRcvPagBib (ActChgCrsSta + 107)
#define ActEditorFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 115) #define ActRcvPagFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 108)
#define ActEditorCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 116) #define ActRcvPagCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 109)
#define ActEditorAss (ActChgCrsSta + 117) #define ActRcvPagAss (ActChgCrsSta + 110)
#define ActPlaTxtEdiCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 118) #define ActEditorCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 111)
#define ActPlaTxtEdiTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 119) #define ActEditorTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 112)
#define ActPlaTxtEdiSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 120) #define ActEditorSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 113)
#define ActPlaTxtEdiSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 121) #define ActEditorSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 114)
#define ActPlaTxtEdiBib (ActChgCrsSta + 122) #define ActEditorBib (ActChgCrsSta + 115)
#define ActPlaTxtEdiFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 123) #define ActEditorFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 116)
#define ActPlaTxtEdiCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 124) #define ActEditorCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 117)
#define ActPlaTxtEdiAss (ActChgCrsSta + 125) #define ActEditorAss (ActChgCrsSta + 118)
#define ActRchTxtEdiCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 126) #define ActPlaTxtEdiCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 119)
#define ActRchTxtEdiTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 127) #define ActPlaTxtEdiTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 120)
#define ActRchTxtEdiSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 128) #define ActPlaTxtEdiSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 121)
#define ActRchTxtEdiSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 129) #define ActPlaTxtEdiSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 122)
#define ActRchTxtEdiBib (ActChgCrsSta + 130) #define ActPlaTxtEdiBib (ActChgCrsSta + 123)
#define ActRchTxtEdiFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 131) #define ActPlaTxtEdiFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 124)
#define ActRchTxtEdiCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 132) #define ActPlaTxtEdiCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 125)
#define ActRchTxtEdiAss (ActChgCrsSta + 133) #define ActPlaTxtEdiAss (ActChgCrsSta + 126)
#define ActRcvPlaTxtCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 134) #define ActRchTxtEdiCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 127)
#define ActRcvPlaTxtTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 135) #define ActRchTxtEdiTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 128)
#define ActRcvPlaTxtSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 136) #define ActRchTxtEdiSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 129)
#define ActRcvPlaTxtSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 137) #define ActRchTxtEdiSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 130)
#define ActRcvPlaTxtBib (ActChgCrsSta + 138) #define ActRchTxtEdiBib (ActChgCrsSta + 131)
#define ActRcvPlaTxtFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 139) #define ActRchTxtEdiFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 132)
#define ActRcvPlaTxtCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 140) #define ActRchTxtEdiCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 133)
#define ActRcvPlaTxtAss (ActChgCrsSta + 141) #define ActRchTxtEdiAss (ActChgCrsSta + 134)
#define ActRcvRchTxtCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 142) #define ActRcvPlaTxtCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 135)
#define ActRcvRchTxtTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 143) #define ActRcvPlaTxtTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 136)
#define ActRcvRchTxtSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 144) #define ActRcvPlaTxtSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 137)
#define ActRcvRchTxtSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 145) #define ActRcvPlaTxtSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 138)
#define ActRcvRchTxtBib (ActChgCrsSta + 146) #define ActRcvPlaTxtBib (ActChgCrsSta + 139)
#define ActRcvRchTxtFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 147) #define ActRcvPlaTxtFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 140)
#define ActRcvRchTxtCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 148) #define ActRcvPlaTxtCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 141)
#define ActRcvRchTxtAss (ActChgCrsSta + 149) #define ActRcvPlaTxtAss (ActChgCrsSta + 142)
#define ActPrnCrsTT (ActChgCrsSta + 150) #define ActRcvRchTxtCrsInf (ActChgCrsSta + 143)
#define ActEdiCrsTT (ActChgCrsSta + 151) #define ActRcvRchTxtTchGui (ActChgCrsSta + 144)
#define ActChgCrsTT (ActChgCrsSta + 152) #define ActRcvRchTxtSylLec (ActChgCrsSta + 145)
#define ActChgCrsTT1stDay (ActChgCrsSta + 153) #define ActRcvRchTxtSylPra (ActChgCrsSta + 146)
#define ActRcvRchTxtBib (ActChgCrsSta + 147)
#define ActRcvRchTxtFAQ (ActChgCrsSta + 148)
#define ActRcvRchTxtCrsLnk (ActChgCrsSta + 149)
#define ActRcvRchTxtAss (ActChgCrsSta + 150)
#define ActPrnCrsTT (ActChgCrsSta + 151)
#define ActEdiCrsTT (ActChgCrsSta + 152)
#define ActChgCrsTT (ActChgCrsSta + 153)
#define ActChgCrsTT1stDay (ActChgCrsSta + 154)
/*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/
/***************************** Assessment tab ********************************/ /***************************** Assessment tab ********************************/
@ -1770,7 +1772,7 @@
#define ActLst_NUM_ACTIONS (ActChgMyTT1stDay + 1) #define ActLst_NUM_ACTIONS (ActChgMyTT1stDay + 1)
#define ActLst_MAX_ACTION_COD 1969 #define ActLst_MAX_ACTION_COD 1970

View File

@ -629,10 +629,12 @@ TODO: Emilce Barrera Mesa: Podr
TODO: Emilce Barrera Mesa: Mis estudiantes presentan muchas dificultades a la hora de poner la foto porque la plataforma es muy exigente respecto al fondo de la imagen. TODO: Emilce Barrera Mesa: Mis estudiantes presentan muchas dificultades a la hora de poner la foto porque la plataforma es muy exigente respecto al fondo de la imagen.
*/ */
#define Log_PLATFORM_VERSION "SWAD 22.83.4 (2023-03-28)" #define Log_PLATFORM_VERSION "SWAD 22.84 (2023-03-29)"
#define CSS_FILE "swad22.78.15.css" #define CSS_FILE "swad22.78.15.css"
#define JS_FILE "swad22.49.js" #define JS_FILE "swad22.49.js"
/* /*
Version 22.84: Mar 29, 2023 New action to see the resource clipboard in program. (338356 lines)
Version 22.83.5: Mar 28, 2023 Fixed bugs in rubrics and exams. (338235 lines)
Version 22.83.4: Mar 28, 2023 Code refactoring in rubrics and exams. (338221 lines) Version 22.83.4: Mar 28, 2023 Code refactoring in rubrics and exams. (338221 lines)
Version 22.83.3: Mar 27, 2023 Changes in rubric criteria. (338218 lines) Version 22.83.3: Mar 27, 2023 Changes in rubric criteria. (338218 lines)
Version 22.83.2: Mar 27, 2023 Changes in rubric criteria. (338189 lines) Version 22.83.2: Mar 27, 2023 Changes in rubric criteria. (338189 lines)

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ void ExaRsc_GetLinkToExam (void)
Exa_ResetExams (&Exams); Exa_ResetExams (&Exams);
/***** Get parameters *****/ /***** Get parameters *****/
Exa_GetPars (&Exams,true); Exa_GetPars (&Exams,false);
/***** Get exam title *****/ /***** Get exam title *****/
ExaRsc_GetTitleFromExaCod (Exams.Exam.ExaCod,Title,sizeof (Title) - 1); ExaRsc_GetTitleFromExaCod (Exams.Exam.ExaCod,Title,sizeof (Title) - 1);

View File

@ -340,6 +340,14 @@ void Ico_PutContextualIconToCopy (Act_Action_t NextAction,
"copy.svg",Ico_BLACK); "copy.svg",Ico_BLACK);
} }
void Ico_PutContextualIconToViewClipboard (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *Anchor,
void (*FuncPars) (void *Args),void *Args)
Lay_PutContextualLinkOnlyIcon (NextAction,Anchor,
void Ico_PutContextualIconToPaste (Act_Action_t NextAction, void Ico_PutContextualIconToPaste (Act_Action_t NextAction,
void (*FuncPars) (void *Args),void *Args) void (*FuncPars) (void *Args),void *Args)
{ {

View File

@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ void Ico_PutContextualIconToGetLink (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *Anchor,
void (*FuncPars) (void *Args),void *Args); void (*FuncPars) (void *Args),void *Args);
void Ico_PutContextualIconToCopy (Act_Action_t NextAction, void Ico_PutContextualIconToCopy (Act_Action_t NextAction,
void (*FuncPars) (void *Args),void *Args); void (*FuncPars) (void *Args),void *Args);
void Ico_PutContextualIconToViewClipboard (Act_Action_t NextAction,const char *Anchor,
void (*FuncPars) (void *Args),void *Args);
void Ico_PutContextualIconToPaste (Act_Action_t NextAction, void Ico_PutContextualIconToPaste (Act_Action_t NextAction,
void (*FuncPars) (void *Args),void *Args); void (*FuncPars) (void *Args),void *Args);
void Ico_PutContextualIconToCreateInFolder (Act_Action_t NextAction, void Ico_PutContextualIconToCreateInFolder (Act_Action_t NextAction,

View File

@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ static void Prg_PutIconsEditItems (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args);
static void Prg_PutIconToEditProgram (void); static void Prg_PutIconToEditProgram (void);
static void Prg_PutIconToViewProgram (void); static void Prg_PutIconToViewProgram (void);
static void Prg_PutIconToCreateNewItem (void); static void Prg_PutIconToCreateNewItem (void);
static void Prg_PutIconToViewResourceClipboard (void);
static void Prg_PutButtonToCreateNewItem (void); static void Prg_PutButtonToCreateNewItem (void);
static void Prg_WriteRowItem (Prg_ListingType_t ListingType, static void Prg_WriteRowItem (Prg_ListingType_t ListingType,
@ -410,10 +411,15 @@ static void Prg_PutIconsEditItems (__attribute__((unused)) void *Args)
/***** Put icon to view program *****/ /***** Put icon to view program *****/
Prg_PutIconToViewProgram (); Prg_PutIconToViewProgram ();
/***** Put icon to create a new program item *****/
if (Prg_CheckIfICanEditProgram ()) if (Prg_CheckIfICanEditProgram ())
/***** Put icon to create a new program item *****/
Prg_PutIconToCreateNewItem (); Prg_PutIconToCreateNewItem ();
/***** Put icon to vew resource clipboard *****/
Prg_PutIconToViewResourceClipboard ();
/***** Put icon to show a figure *****/ /***** Put icon to show a figure *****/
Fig_PutIconToShowFigure (Fig_COURSE_PROGRAMS); Fig_PutIconToShowFigure (Fig_COURSE_PROGRAMS);
} }
@ -450,6 +456,16 @@ static void Prg_PutIconToCreateNewItem (void)
Prg_PutParItmCod,&ItmCod); Prg_PutParItmCod,&ItmCod);
} }
/****************** Put icon to create a new program item ********************/
static void Prg_PutIconToViewResourceClipboard (void)
Ico_PutContextualIconToViewClipboard (ActSeePrgRscCli,NULL,
/*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/
/***************** Put button to create a new program item *******************/ /***************** Put button to create a new program item *******************/
/*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/

View File

@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ static void PrgRsc_MoveUpDownResource (PrgRsc_MoveUpDown_t UpDown);
static bool PrgRsc_ExchangeResources (const struct Prg_ResourceHierarchy *Rsc1, static bool PrgRsc_ExchangeResources (const struct Prg_ResourceHierarchy *Rsc1,
const struct Prg_ResourceHierarchy *Rsc2); const struct Prg_ResourceHierarchy *Rsc2);
static void PrgRsc_ShowClipboard (struct Prg_Item *Item); static void PrgRsc_ShowClipboard (void);
static void PrgRsc_ShowClipboardToChangeLink (struct Prg_Item *Item);
/*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/
/****************************** View resources *******************************/ /****************************** View resources *******************************/
@ -435,7 +436,7 @@ static void PrgRsc_WriteRowEditResource (unsigned NumRsc,unsigned NumResources,
/* Edit link showing clipboard / Show current link */ /* Edit link showing clipboard / Show current link */
if (EditLink) if (EditLink)
/* Show clipboard to change resource link */ /* Show clipboard to change resource link */
PrgRsc_ShowClipboard (Item); PrgRsc_ShowClipboardToChangeLink (Item);
else else
/* Show current link */ /* Show current link */
Rsc_WriteLinkName (&Item->Resource.Link, Rsc_WriteLinkName (&Item->Resource.Link,
@ -492,7 +493,7 @@ static void PrgRsc_WriteRowNewResource (unsigned NumResources,
HTM_BR (); HTM_BR ();
/* Show clipboard to change resource link */ /* Show clipboard to change resource link */
PrgRsc_ShowClipboard (Item); PrgRsc_ShowClipboardToChangeLink (Item);
} }
HTM_TD_End (); HTM_TD_End ();
@ -538,10 +539,10 @@ static void PrgRsc_PutFormsToRemEditOneResource (struct Prg_Item *Item,
/***** Put icon to edit the item resource *****/ /***** Put icon to edit the item resource *****/
if (NumRsc < NumResources) if (NumRsc < NumResources)
Ico_PutContextualIconToEdit (ActSeeCliPrgRsc,PrgRsc_RESOURCE_SECTION_ID, Ico_PutContextualIconToEdit (ActFrmChgLnkPrgRsc,PrgRsc_RESOURCE_SECTION_ID,
PrgRsc_PutParRscCod,&Item->Resource.Hierarchy.RscCod); PrgRsc_PutParRscCod,&Item->Resource.Hierarchy.RscCod);
else else
Ico_PutContextualIconToEdit (ActSeeCliPrgRsc,PrgRsc_RESOURCE_SECTION_ID, Ico_PutContextualIconToEdit (ActFrmChgLnkPrgRsc,PrgRsc_RESOURCE_SECTION_ID,
Prg_PutParItmCod,&Item->Hierarchy.ItmCod); Prg_PutParItmCod,&Item->Hierarchy.ItmCod);
/***** Icon to move up the item resource *****/ /***** Icon to move up the item resource *****/
@ -837,7 +838,20 @@ static bool PrgRsc_ExchangeResources (const struct Prg_ResourceHierarchy *Rsc1,
/***************** Show clipboard to change resource link ********************/ /***************** Show clipboard to change resource link ********************/
/*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/
void PrgRsc_ShowClipboardToChgLink (void) void PrgRsc_ViewResourceClipboard (void)
/***** View resource clipboard *****/
PrgRsc_ShowClipboard ();
/***** Edit course program *****/
Prg_EditCourseProgram ();
/********** Edit program showing clipboard to change resource link ***********/
void PrgRsc_EditProgramWithClipboard (void)
{ {
struct Prg_Item Item; struct Prg_Item Item;
@ -856,11 +870,56 @@ void PrgRsc_ShowClipboardToChgLink (void)
Prg_FreeListItems (); Prg_FreeListItems ();
} }
/************************* Show resources clipboard **************************/
static void PrgRsc_ShowClipboard (void)
extern const char *Hlp_COURSE_Program;
extern const char *Rsc_ResourceTypesIcons[Rsc_NUM_TYPES];
extern const char *Txt_Resource_clipboard;
extern const char *Txt_RESOURCE_TYPES[Rsc_NUM_TYPES];
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
unsigned NumLink;
unsigned NumLinks;
struct Rsc_Link Link;
Box_BoxBegin (NULL,Txt_Resource_clipboard,
// PrgRsc_PutIconsClipboard,NULL, // TODO: Icon to remove!!!!!!!!!!!!!
/***** Begin list *****/
HTM_UL_Begin ("class=\"PRG_CLIPBOARD\"");
/***** Get links in clipboard from database and write them *****/
NumLinks = Rsc_DB_GetClipboard (&mysql_res);
for (NumLink = 1;
NumLink <= NumLinks;
Rsc_GetLinkDataFromRow (mysql_res,&Link);
HTM_LI_Begin ("class=\"PRG_RSC_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ());
Rsc_WriteLinkName (&Link,
true, // Put form to go
HTM_LI_End ();
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
/***** End list *****/
HTM_UL_End ();
Box_BoxEnd ();
/*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/
/***************** Show clipboard to change resource link ********************/ /***************** Show clipboard to change resource link ********************/
/*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/
static void PrgRsc_ShowClipboard (struct Prg_Item *Item) static void PrgRsc_ShowClipboardToChangeLink (struct Prg_Item *Item)
{ {
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res; MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
unsigned NumLink; unsigned NumLink;

View File

@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ void PrgRsc_UnhideResource (void);
void PrgRsc_MoveUpResource (void); void PrgRsc_MoveUpResource (void);
void PrgRsc_MoveDownResource (void); void PrgRsc_MoveDownResource (void);
void PrgRsc_ShowClipboardToChgLink (void); void PrgRsc_ViewResourceClipboard (void);
void PrgRsc_EditProgramWithClipboard (void);
void PrgRsc_ChangeLink (void); void PrgRsc_ChangeLink (void);

View File

@ -336,6 +336,9 @@ void Prj_ResetProjects (struct Prj_Projects *Projects)
Projects->Filter.Faulti = Prj_FILTER_FAULTY_DEFAULT | Projects->Filter.Faulti = Prj_FILTER_FAULTY_DEFAULT |
Projects->Filter.Review = Prj_FILTER_UNREVIEWED_DEFAULT |
Projects->Filter.DptCod = Prj_FILTER_DPT_DEFAULT; Projects->Filter.DptCod = Prj_FILTER_DPT_DEFAULT;
Projects->LstIsRead = false; // List is not read Projects->LstIsRead = false; // List is not read
Projects->Num = 0; Projects->Num = 0;
@ -913,9 +916,9 @@ static void Prj_PutCurrentPars (void *Projects)
{ {
if (Projects) if (Projects)
Prj_PutPars (&((struct Prj_Projects *) Projects)->Filter, Prj_PutPars (&((struct Prj_Projects *) Projects)->Filter,
((struct Prj_Projects *) Projects)->SelectedOrder, ((struct Prj_Projects *) Projects)->SelectedOrder,
((struct Prj_Projects *) Projects)->CurrentPage, ((struct Prj_Projects *) Projects)->CurrentPage,
((struct Prj_Projects *) Projects)->Prj.PrjCod); ((struct Prj_Projects *) Projects)->Prj.PrjCod);
} }
/* The following function is called /* The following function is called

View File

@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ static const char *RubCri_ParValues[RubCri_NUM_VALUES] =
[RubCri_MAX] = "MaxVal", [RubCri_MAX] = "MaxVal",
}; };
#define RubCri_WEIGHT_MIN 0.0
#define RubCri_WEIGHT_MAX 1.0
#define RubCri_WEIGHT_STEP 0.000001
/*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/
/***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/ /***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/
/*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/
@ -242,7 +246,10 @@ static void RubCri_PutFormNewCriterion (struct Rub_Rubrics *Rubrics,
/***** Weight *****/ /***** Weight *****/
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RM\""); HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"RM\"");
HTM_INPUT_FLOAT ("Weight",0.0,1.0,0.01, HTM_INPUT_FLOAT ("Weight",
Criterion->Weight,false, Criterion->Weight,false,
" class=\"INPUT_FLOAT INPUT_%s\" required=\"required\"", " class=\"INPUT_FLOAT INPUT_%s\" required=\"required\"",
The_GetSuffix ()); The_GetSuffix ());
@ -711,7 +718,10 @@ static void RubCri_ListOneOrMoreCriteriaForEdition (struct Rub_Rubrics *Rubrics,
{ {
Frm_BeginFormAnchor (ActChgWeiRubCri,Anchor); Frm_BeginFormAnchor (ActChgWeiRubCri,Anchor);
RubCri_PutParsOneCriterion (Rubrics); RubCri_PutParsOneCriterion (Rubrics);
HTM_INPUT_FLOAT ("Weight",0.0,1.0,0.01, HTM_INPUT_FLOAT ("Weight",
Criterion.Weight,false, Criterion.Weight,false,
" class=\"INPUT_FLOAT INPUT_%s\"" " class=\"INPUT_FLOAT INPUT_%s\""
" required=\"required\"", " required=\"required\"",
@ -822,9 +832,9 @@ static void RubCri_PutTableHeadingForCriteria (void)
HTM_TH (Txt_Criterion,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_Criterion,HTM_HEAD_LEFT );
HTM_TH (Txt_Source ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT ); HTM_TH (Txt_Source ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT );
HTM_TH (Txt_Minimum ,HTM_HEAD_RIGHT); HTM_TH (Txt_Minimum ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT );
HTM_TH (Txt_Maximum ,HTM_HEAD_RIGHT); HTM_TH (Txt_Maximum ,HTM_HEAD_LEFT );
/***** End row *****/ /***** End row *****/
HTM_TR_End (); HTM_TR_End ();
@ -853,7 +863,7 @@ void RubCri_ResetCriterion (struct RubCri_Criterion *Criterion)
ValueRange <= (RubCri_ValueRange_t) (RubCri_NUM_VALUES - 1); ValueRange <= (RubCri_ValueRange_t) (RubCri_NUM_VALUES - 1);
ValueRange++) ValueRange++)
Criterion->Values[ValueRange] = RubCri_DefaultValues[ValueRange]; Criterion->Values[ValueRange] = RubCri_DefaultValues[ValueRange];
Criterion->Weight = 1.0; Criterion->Weight = RubCri_WEIGHT_MAX;;
Criterion->Title[0] = '\0'; Criterion->Title[0] = '\0';
} }

View File

@ -660,12 +660,13 @@ bool Rub_DB_CheckIfSimilarCriterionExists (const struct RubCri_Criterion *Criter
" FROM rub_criteria," " FROM rub_criteria,"
"rub_rubrics" "rub_rubrics"
" WHERE rub_criteria.ExaCod=%ld" " WHERE rub_criteria.RubCod=%ld"
" AND rub_criteria.Title='%s'" " AND rub_criteria.Title='%s'"
" AND rub_criteria.SetCod<>%ld" " AND rub_criteria.CriCod<>%ld"
" AND rub_criteria.ExaCod=rub_rubrics.ExaCod" " AND rub_criteria.RubCod=rub_rubrics.RubCod"
" AND rub_rubrics.CrsCod=%ld)", // Extra check " AND rub_rubrics.CrsCod=%ld)", // Extra check
Criterion->RubCod,Title, Criterion->RubCod,
Criterion->CriCod, Criterion->CriCod,
Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.CrsCod); Gbl.Hierarchy.Crs.CrsCod);
} }

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ void RubRsc_GetLinkToRubric (void)
Rub_ResetRubrics (&Rubrics); Rub_ResetRubrics (&Rubrics);
/***** Get parameters *****/ /***** Get parameters *****/
Rub_GetPars (&Rubrics,true); Rub_GetPars (&Rubrics,false);
/***** Get rubric title *****/ /***** Get rubric title *****/
RubRsc_GetTitleFromRubCod (Rubrics.Rubric.RubCod,Title,sizeof (Title) - 1); RubRsc_GetTitleFromRubCod (Rubrics.Rubric.RubCod,Title,sizeof (Title) - 1);

View File

@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
#define Rub_MAX_CHARS_TITLE (128 - 1) // 127 #define Rub_MAX_CHARS_TITLE (128 - 1) // 127
#define Rub_MAX_BYTES_TITLE ((Rub_MAX_CHARS_TITLE + 1) * Str_MAX_BYTES_PER_CHAR - 1) // 2047 #define Rub_MAX_BYTES_TITLE ((Rub_MAX_CHARS_TITLE + 1) * Str_MAX_BYTES_PER_CHAR - 1) // 2047
#define RubCri_MAX_CHARS_TITLE (128 - 1) // 127 #define RubCri_MAX_CHARS_TITLE (256 - 1) // 255
#define RubCri_MAX_BYTES_TITLE ((RubCri_MAX_CHARS_TITLE + 1) * Str_MAX_BYTES_PER_CHAR - 1) // 2047 #define RubCri_MAX_BYTES_TITLE ((RubCri_MAX_CHARS_TITLE + 1) * Str_MAX_BYTES_PER_CHAR - 1) // 4095
struct Rub_Rubric struct Rub_Rubric
{ {

View File

@ -5373,7 +5373,7 @@ const char *Txt_Configure_projects =
#elif L==5 // fr #elif L==5 // fr
"Configurer projets"; "Configurer projets";
#elif L==6 // gn #elif L==6 // gn
"Configurar proyectos"; // Okoteve traducción "Omohenda umi proyecto";
#elif L==7 // it #elif L==7 // it
"Configurare progetti"; "Configurare progetti";
#elif L==8 // pl #elif L==8 // pl
@ -5381,7 +5381,7 @@ const char *Txt_Configure_projects =
#elif L==9 // pt #elif L==9 // pt
"Configurar projetos"; "Configurar projetos";
#elif L==10 // tr #elif L==10 // tr
"Configure projects"; // Çeviri lazim! "Projeleri yap&inodot;land&inodot;r";
#endif #endif
const char *Txt_Configure_tests = const char *Txt_Configure_tests =
@ -36384,6 +36384,29 @@ const char *Txt_Reset_survey =
"Reset survey"; // Çeviri lazim! "Reset survey"; // Çeviri lazim!
#endif #endif
const char *Txt_Resource_clipboard = // Warning: it is very important to include %s in the following sentences
#if L==1 // ca
"Portapapers de recursos";
#elif L==2 // de
#elif L==3 // en
"Resource clipboard";
#elif L==4 // es
"Portapapeles de recursos";
#elif L==5 // fr
"Presse-papiers de ressources";
#elif L==6 // gn
"Recurso portapapeles rehegua";
#elif L==7 // it
"Appunti delle risorse";
#elif L==8 // pl
"Schowek zasob&oacute;w";
#elif L==9 // pt
"&Aacute;rea de transfer&ecirc;ncia de recursos";
#elif L==10 // tr
"Kaynak panosu";
const char *Txt_Resource_X_removed = // Warning: it is very important to include %s in the following sentences const char *Txt_Resource_X_removed = // Warning: it is very important to include %s in the following sentences
#if L==1 // ca #if L==1 // ca
"Recurs <strong>%s</strong> eliminat."; "Recurs <strong>%s</strong> eliminat.";

View File

@ -5400,25 +5400,25 @@ const char *Txt_Actions[ActLst_NUM_ACTIONS] =
, ,
[ActSeePrg] = [ActSeePrg] =
#if L==1 // ca #if L==1 // ca
"See educational schedule of course" // Necessita traducció "Veure programaci&oacute; did&agrave;ctica de l'assignatura"
#elif L==2 // de #elif L==2 // de
"See educational schedule of course" // Need Übersetzung "Siehe Ausbildungsplan des Kurses"
#elif L==3 // en #elif L==3 // en
"See educational schedule of course" "See educational schedule of the course"
#elif L==4 // es #elif L==4 // es
"Ver programaci&oacute;n did&aacute;ctica de la asignatura" "Ver programaci&oacute;n did&aacute;ctica de la asignatura"
#elif L==5 // fr #elif L==5 // fr
"See educational schedule of course" // Besoin de traduction "Voir programme didactique de la mati&egrave;re"
#elif L==6 // gn #elif L==6 // gn
"Ver programaci&oacute;n did&aacute;ctica de la asignatura" // Okoteve traducción "Ehecha programa did&aacute;ctico upe materia rehegua"
#elif L==7 // it #elif L==7 // it
"See educational schedule of course" // Bisogno di traduzione "Vedi programma didattico della materia"
#elif L==8 // pl #elif L==8 // pl
"See educational schedule of course" // Potrzebujesz tlumaczenie "Zobacz program edukacyjny kursu"
#elif L==9 // pt #elif L==9 // pt
"See educational schedule of course" // Precisa de tradução "Ver programa did&aacute;tico da disciplina"
#elif L==10 // tr #elif L==10 // tr
"See educational schedule of course" // Çeviri lazim! "Konunun didaktik program&inodot;na bak&inodot;n"
#endif #endif
, ,
[ActSeeTchGui] = [ActSeeTchGui] =
@ -6155,6 +6155,29 @@ const char *Txt_Actions[ActLst_NUM_ACTIONS] =
"Contract program item when editing" // Precisa de tradução "Contract program item when editing" // Precisa de tradução
#elif L==10 // tr #elif L==10 // tr
"Contract program item when editing" // Çeviri lazim! "Contract program item when editing" // Çeviri lazim!
[ActSeePrgRscCli] =
#if L==1 // ca
"Veure el porta-retalls de recursos"
#elif L==2 // de
"Ressourcen-Zwischenablage anzeigen"
#elif L==3 // en
"See resource clipboard"
#elif L==4 // es
"Ver portapapeles de recursos"
#elif L==5 // fr
"Afficher le presse-papiers des ressources"
#elif L==6 // gn
"Ojehechakuaa recurso portapapeles rehegua"
#elif L==7 // it
"Visualizza gli appunti delle risorse"
#elif L==8 // pl
"Wy&sacute;wietl schowek zasob&oacute;w"
#elif L==9 // pt
"Exibir &aacute;rea de transfer&ecirc;ncia de recursos"
#elif L==10 // tr
"Kaynak panosunu g&ouml;r&uuml;nt&uuml;le"
#endif #endif
, ,
[ActFrmSeePrgRsc] = [ActFrmSeePrgRsc] =
@ -6169,7 +6192,7 @@ const char *Txt_Actions[ActLst_NUM_ACTIONS] =
#elif L==5 // fr #elif L==5 // fr
"Voir ressources" "Voir ressources"
#elif L==6 // gn #elif L==6 // gn
"Editar recursos" // Okoteve traducción "Ehecha umi recurso"
#elif L==7 // it #elif L==7 // it
"Vedi risorse" "Vedi risorse"
#elif L==8 // pl #elif L==8 // pl
@ -6387,7 +6410,7 @@ const char *Txt_Actions[ActLst_NUM_ACTIONS] =
"Move down resource" // Çeviri lazim! "Move down resource" // Çeviri lazim!
#endif #endif
, ,
[ActSeeCliPrgRsc] = [ActFrmChgLnkPrgRsc] =
#if L==1 // ca #if L==1 // ca
"Edit resource link" // Necessita traducció "Edit resource link" // Necessita traducció
#elif L==2 // de #elif L==2 // de