temp = { eons:{ execute:function(){ addBuffer("Ping Spike") addBuffer("The Ping Spike response is scattered, as if multiple machines have responded at once. The phenomenon suggests that a continuous stream of spikes may overload the host.") writeBuffer() var x_adventure = { header:'Ping Spike: EONS', cancel: "Cancel", options: [ { title:"Overload Host", callback: function(){ launchAdventureFromSlug('eonsconfirm') } } ] } setAdventure(x_adventure) } }, eonsconfirm:{ execute:function(){ write("WARNING: This will end your current timeline.
Ensure you are prepared. You will need 10 Cores to progress.") var x_adventure = { header:'ARE YOU SURE', cancel: "Cancel", options: [ { title:"Overload Host", callback: function(){ eonsRestartTimeline() } } ] } setAdventure(x_adventure) } }, eonsglitched:{ execute:function(){ write("This is a glitched") } } } $.each(temp,function(key,val){ g_adventures[key] = val }) glitchSecureNetwork = function(){ x_network = g_network_list['securedev'] x_network.glitched = true x_network.traffic = .66 $('#networkholder').find('.row[network_slug=securedev]').find('.name').html(glitch('securedev')) } glitchEons = function(){ g_host_list['eons'].glitched = true $('#hosts').find('.host[host=eons]').html(glitch('EONS Host')) } eonsRestartTimeline = function(){ update('eonsRestartTimeline','cores='+g_active_cores.length) endAdventure() endHost() glitchEons() write("Ping Spike Overload
The stream of data manipulation attempts into EONS has caused a breakdown of connection quality returned from the Host. The data returned flashes in and out of existence within your own memory. The Host has become unstable.") setTimeout(function(){ write("The securedev network suddenly springs into life. Traffic starts to stream across multiple ports and protocols.") glitchSecureNetwork() }, 6000) setTimeout(function(){ write("MESSAGE FROM EONS: VIOLATION DETECTED. FAIL STATE IMMINENT. RESTARTING SIMULTION.") },15000) setTimeout(function(){ startRestart() },20000) }