var g_current_core temp = { // // Core Click // // boilerplate core_click: { execute: function(){ var x_core = g_current_core updateAllCores() endHost() write(coreClickString(x_core)) launchAdventureFromSlug('core_click_callback') refreshMenu() } }, core_click_callback: { execute: function(){ var x_core = g_current_core, options = [] options.push({ title:"Change Form", callback: function(){ launchAdventureFromSlug('core_change_form') } }) if(!x_core.ailments.length){ var x_exploit = getAvailableExploitResearch(x_core) var unclickable_string var estimate_number = 0 if(!research_exploits){ unclickable_string = "You have not yet researched the ability to create Exploits." }else{ unclickable_string = "No exploits available for "+x_core.os switch(true){ case (x_exploit == 'discovered'): unclickable_string = "You have already researched all exploits for "+x_core.os break; case (!!x_exploit): unclickable_string = false estimate_number = 400 break; } } options.push({ title:x_core.os+" Exploit", estimate: estimateProcessByWeight(estimate_number), unclickable: unclickable_string, callback: function(){ var x_process = {slug:'core_research_os_'+x_core.title, a: "Researching Exploit", w: 400, c: function(){ addBuffer("Exploit Researched") addBuffer(x_exploit.to_s()) addBuffer(x_exploit.exe) writeBuffer() addExploit(x_exploit) } } setProcessToCore(x_core, x_process) endAdventure() } }) var upgradeable_os = coreClickableUpgradeOS(x_core) options.push({ title:"Research New OS", unclickable: upgradeable_os ? false : "The "+x_core.architecture+" Architecture does not allow an upgrade to the "+x_core.os+" Operating System", estimate: upgradeable_os ? estimateProcessByWeight(500) : undefined, callback: function(){ var x_process = {slug:'upgrade_os_'+x_core.title, a: "Researching OS upgrade", w: 500, c: function(){ x_core.os = upgradeable_os addOsToMemory(upgradeable_os) addBuffer(""+upgradeable_os+" researched and upgraded on the "+x_core.title) addBuffer(coreClickString(x_core)) writeBuffer() } } setProcessToCore(x_core, x_process) endAdventure() } }) unclickable_string = overclockUnclickable(x_core) estimate_number = unclickable_string ? 0 : 500 options.push({ unclickable: unclickable_string, estimate: estimateProcessByWeight(estimate_number), title:"Overclock Core", callback: function(){ var x_process = {slug:'core_overclock_'+x_core.title, a: "Overclocking", w: estimate_number, c: function(){ addBuffer(""+x_core.title+" Overclocked") addBuffer("You apply your understadings of computation and reform the Core into a more efficient format. You are now able to increase the clock speed and increase processing power.") addBuffer("Core Speed: 2x") writeBuffer() x_core.power++ x_core.overclocked = true } } setProcessToCore(x_core, x_process) endAdventure() } }) } options.push({ title:"Help", callback: function(){ write(coreClickString(x_core)) launchAdventureFromSlug('core_diagnostics') } }) var x_adventure = { header: x_core.title, cancel: 'Exit', options: options } setAdventure(x_adventure) } }, // change form core_change_form: { execute: function(){ var x_core = g_current_core var x_adventure = { header: "Change Form of "+x_core.title, back: 'core_click_callback', options: [ { title:"Change Operating System", callback: function(){ launchAdventureFromSlug('core_change_form_os') } }, { title:"Change Architecture", callback: function(){ launchAdventureFromSlug('core_change_form_arch') } }, ] } setAdventure(x_adventure) } }, core_change_form_arch: { execute: function(){ var x_core = g_current_core, options = [], versions $.each(g_architecture,function(type,versions){ versions = Object.keys(versions) $.each(versions,function(i,version){ options.push({ title: type+" "+version, unclickable: (x_core.architecture == type+"-"+version) ? "This is the current Core Architecture" : false, callback: function(){ changeFormArch(x_core, type, version) launchAdventureFromSlug('core_click_callback') } }) }) }) var x_adventure = { header: "Current Architecture: "+x_core.architecture.split('-').join(' '), back: 'core_click_callback', options: options } setAdventure(x_adventure) } }, core_change_form_os: { execute: function(){ var x_core = g_current_core, options = [], versions $.each(g_os,function(type,versions){ versions = Object.keys(versions) $.each(versions,function(i,version){ options.push({ title: type+" "+version, unclickable: (x_core.os == type+"-"+version) ? "This is the current Core Operating System" : false, callback: function(){ changeFormOs(x_core, type, version) launchAdventureFromSlug('core_click_callback') } }) }) }) var x_adventure = { header: "Current OS: "+x_core.os.split('-').join(' '), back: 'core_click_callback', options: options } setAdventure(x_adventure) } }, // research help core_diagnostics: { execute: function(){ var x_core = g_current_core var x_adventure = { header:'Help', back: 'core_click_callback', options: [ //{ // title:"Diagnose Core", // callback: function(){ // write(coreClickString(x_core)) // launchAdventureFromSlug('core_diagnostics') // } //}, { title:"List Protocols", callback: function(){ writeProtocols() launchAdventureFromSlug('core_diagnostics') } }, { title:"List Exploits", callback: function(){ writeAttacks() launchAdventureFromSlug('core_diagnostics') } }, { title:"List Knowledge", callback: function(){ writeKnowledge() launchAdventureFromSlug('core_diagnostics') } }, { title:"List OS Forms", callback: function(){ writeKnownOS() launchAdventureFromSlug('core_diagnostics') } }, { title:"List Architecture Forms", callback: function(){ writeKnownArch() launchAdventureFromSlug('core_diagnostics') } }, ] } setAdventure(x_adventure) } }, } $.each(temp,function(key,val){ g_adventures[key] = val }) overclockUnclickable = function(x_core){ if(x_core.power >= g_max_core_power){ return "Maximum Core power reached" }else{ return false } } // // Core CLick Support // changeFormArch = function(x_core, type,version){ var x_process = {slug:'change_arch_'+x_core.slug, a: "Changing Architecture", w: 50, c: function(){ addBuffer("The Architecture of "+x_core.title+" has been changed to "+type+" "+version+"") x_core.architecture = type+"-"+version checkCoreArchOsAilment(x_core) addBuffer(coreClickString(x_core)) writeBuffer() } } setProcessToCore(x_core, x_process) } changeFormOs = function(x_core, type, version){ var x_process = {slug:'change_os_'+x_core.slug, a: "Changing OS", w: 50, c: function(){ addBuffer("The Operating System of "+x_core.title+" has been changed to "+type+" "+version+"") x_core.os = type+"-"+version checkCoreArchOsAilment(x_core) addBuffer(coreClickString(x_core)) writeBuffer() } } setProcessToCore(x_core, x_process) } checkCoreArchOsAilment = function(x_core){ var os = x_core.os, arch = x_core.architecture switch(os){ case "MSDOS-16bit": if(arch == "x86-32bit" || arch == "x86-16bit") return rmCoreAilment(x_core, 'os_arch_mismatch') break; case "MSDOS-32bit": if(arch == "x86-32bit") return rmCoreAilment(x_core, 'os_arch_mismatch') break; case "Linux-16bit": if(arch == "x86-32bit" || arch == "x86-16bit") return rmCoreAilment(x_core, 'os_arch_mismatch') break; case "Linux-32bit": if(arch == "x86-32bit") return rmCoreAilment(x_core, 'os_arch_mismatch') break; case "Linux-32bit": if(arch == "x86-32bit") return rmCoreAilment(x_core, 'os_arch_mismatch') break; case "Solaris-32bit": if(arch == "SPARC-32bit") return rmCoreAilment(x_core, 'os_arch_mismatch') break case "CellOS-32bit": if(arch == "PowerPC-32bit") return rmCoreAilment(x_core, 'os_arch_mismatch') break } return addCoreAilment(x_core, 'os_arch_mismatch') } addCoreAilment = function(x_core, slug){ if(!x_core.ailments.includes(slug)){ x_core.ailments.push(slug) } } rmCoreAilment= function(x_core, slug){ $.each(x_core.ailments, function(i,ailment){ if(slug == ailment) x_core.ailments.splice(i,1) }) } coreClickString = function(x_core){ var a = x_core.os.split('-'), osTitle = a[0], osVersion = a[1], a = x_core.architecture.split('-'), archTitle = a[0], archVersion = a[1] var output = ""+x_core.title+"" output += "
OS: "+osTitle+" "+osVersion output += "
CPU: "+archTitle+" "+archVersion output += "
Speed: "+coreSpeedOutput(x_core) $.each(x_core.ailments, function(i,ailment){ switch(ailment){ case 'os_arch_mismatch': output += "
Error: Incompatible Operating System" } }) return output } coreSpeedOutput = function(x_core){ return formatBytes(Math.pow(2,x_core.power + g_corepower - 2)*Math.pow(2,g_level_core)*100000, true)+"Hz" } coreClickableUpgradeOS = function(x_core){ if(x_core.os == "MSDOS-16bit" && !g_os['MSDOS']['32bit'] && x_core.architecture == 'x86-32bit'){ return "MSDOS-32bit" }else{ return false } }