rps_strings = { '11':["They bounce off each other and send splinters everywhere.", "No one wins in a Rock fight.", "Two rocks. Zero answers. Nothing but pain."], '12':["Good old Rock. Nothing beats that. Except Paper.", "In all friendships we try to cover each other. In this friendship n0va wins."], '13':["Your Rock crushes n0va's Scissors."], '21':["Your Paper smothers n0va's Rock."], '22':["Stacks on stacks on stacks. Let's play again."], '23':["Your Paper gets cut up into shreds by n0va's Scissors.", "A paper cut. What does it mean. To take down a tree? What about the paper?"], '31':["Your Scissors are left as a lump of useless twisted metal.", "The tools of man stand no chance to the forces of nature. Your scissors are smashed to bits."], '32':["n0va's Paper is left at your mercy but this game leaves no room for that.", "The pressed pulp of trees does not stand up to the sharpened tools of Man."], '33':["Clang Clang!! Sparks fly but nothing happens.", "What is to be cut with two scissors and nothing else?"], } g_rps_total = 0 g_rps_wins = 0 g_rps_loses = 0 g_rps_draws = 0 g_rps_max_streak = 0 g_rps_current_streak = 0 temp = { 'rockpaperscissor':{ execute: function(){ var x_adventure = { header: "Choose", back: 'nova_games', options: [ { title:"ROCK!", callback: function(){ g_rockpaperscissor = 1 launchAdventureFromSlug('rockpaperscissor_callback') } }, { title:"PAPER!", callback: function(){ g_rockpaperscissor = 2 launchAdventureFromSlug('rockpaperscissor_callback') } }, { title:"SCISSOR!", callback: function(){ g_rockpaperscissor = 3 launchAdventureFromSlug('rockpaperscissor_callback') } }, { title:"Stats", callback: function(){ update('rpsstats','total='+g_rps_total+'wins='+g_rps_wins+'losses='+g_rps_loses+'maxstreak='+g_rps_max_streak) write("You currently have:
"+g_rps_total+" total games
"+g_rps_wins+" total wins - "+rpsPercentage(g_rps_wins)+"
"+g_rps_loses+" total losses - "+rpsPercentage(g_rps_loses)+"
"+g_rps_draws+" total draws - "+rpsPercentage(g_rps_draws)+"
"+g_rps_max_streak+" max winning streak") launchAdventureFromSlug('rockpaperscissor') } }, ] } setAdventure(x_adventure) } }, 'rockpaperscissor_callback': { execute: function(){ var rando = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1 switch(g_rockpaperscissor){ case 1: addBuffer("You choose Rock") break; case 2: addBuffer("You choose Paper") break; case 3: addBuffer("You choose Scissors") break; } switch(rando){ case 1: addBuffer("n0va chooses Rock") break; case 2: addBuffer("n0va chooses Paper") break; case 3: addBuffer("n0va chooses Scissors") break; } var matchString = g_rockpaperscissor+""+rando rpsWriteFrom(matchString) switch(matchString){ case "11": rpsDraw() break; case "12": rpsLose() break; case "13": rpsWin() break; case "21": rpsWin() break; case "22": rpsDraw() break; case "23": rpsLose() break; case "31": rpsLose() break; case "32": rpsWin() break; case "33": rpsDraw() break; } g_rps_total++ writeBuffer() launchAdventureFromSlug('rockpaperscissor') } }, } $.each(temp,function(key,val){ g_adventures[key] = val }) rpsWriteFrom = function(str){ var arr = rps_strings[str] var out = arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] addBuffer(out) } rpsDraw = function(){ g_rps_draws++ addBuffer("Draw Game!") g_rps_current_streak = 0 } rpsLose = function(){ g_rps_loses++ addBuffer("You Lose!") g_rps_current_streak = 0 } rpsWin = function(){ g_rps_wins++ addBuffer("You Win!") g_rps_current_streak++ if(g_rps_current_streak > g_rps_max_streak) g_rps_max_streak = g_rps_current_streak } rpsPercentage = function(amount){ if(!g_rps_total){ return "0%" }else{ return Math.round(100*amount/g_rps_total)+"%" } }