refreshMenu = function(){ var $holder, title, $action, slug, callback, estimate, estimate_dom $holder = $("#actions") $holder.empty() // // In Adventure // if(g_current_adventure){ if(g_current_adventure.header){ title = g_current_adventure.header $action = $("
" ) $holder.append($action) } $.each(g_current_adventure.options, function(i,x_adventure_option){ title = x_adventure_option.title unclickable = x_adventure_option.unclickable unclickable_class = (unclickable ? 'unclickable' : '') estimate = x_adventure_option.estimate if(estimate != undefined) estimate_dom = "
" else estimate_dom = "" $action = $("
_ "+title+"
" ) $holder.append($action) if(unclickable){ ${write(x_adventure_option.unclickable)}) }else{ ${x_adventure_option.callback()}) } hoverAction($action) }) if(g_current_adventure.cancel){ title = g_current_adventure.cancel $action = $("
_ "+title+"
" ) $holder.append($action) $ hoverAction($action) } if(g_current_adventure.back){ title = "Back" $action = $("
_ "+title+"
" ) $holder.append($action) ${launchAdventureFromSlug(g_current_adventure.back)}) hoverAction($action) } // // Interacting with Host // }else if(g_current_host){ title = hostTitle(g_current_host) $action = $("
" ) $holder.append($action) $.each(g_host_attacks,function(slug,x_attack){ if(!g_available_attacks.includes(slug) || !x_attack.validate(g_current_host)){ return true } if(x_attack.unclickable) unclickable_string = x_attack.unclickable(g_current_host) else unclickable_string = false unclickable_class = (unclickable_string ? 'unclickable' : '') $action = $("
_ "+x_attack.title+"
" ) $holder.append($action) if(unclickable_string){ ${write(x_attack.unclickable(g_current_host))}) }else{ ${addAttackProcess(x_attack, g_current_host)}) } hoverAction($action) }) title = "Exit" $action = $("
_ "+title+"
" ) $holder.append($action) ${ endHost() }) hoverAction($action) // // Moving a file // }else if(g_mving_file){ title = "Moving "+g_mving_file['title']+" from "+g_mving_file['disk']['title'] $action = $("
" ) $holder.append($action) $.each(g_active_disks, function(i, x_disk){ if(x_disk == g_mving_file['disk']){ return true } title = "Move to "+x_disk['title']+"" $action = $("
_ "+title+"
" ) $holder.append($action) ${ mvFileComplete(x_disk) }) hoverAction($action) }) title = "Cancel Move" $action = $("
_ "+title+"
" ) $holder.append($action) ${ endMvFile() }) hoverAction($action) // // Else display available process // }else{ $.each(g_menu_processes, function(i, x_process){ slug = x_process['slug'] title = x_process['t'] var data_type = x_process['data_type'] var data_type_html = (data_type)?" data_type='"+data_type+"' ":"" estimate = estimateProcess(x_process) $action = $("
_ "+title+"
" ) $holder.append($action) ${clickProcessInMenu(x_process) }) hoverAction($action) }) } } hoverAction = function($action){ $action.addClass('action_click') $action.hover( function(){ $(this).find('.cursor').html('▓') }, function(){ $(this).find('.cursor').html('_') }) } wipeMenu = function(){ g_menu_processes = [] refreshMenu() }