// // Interface // addHostFromSlug = function(slug){ x_host = g_host_list[slug] addHost(x_host) } addHost = function(x_host){ g_active_hosts.push(x_host) refreshHostView() updateNetworkProbe() } rmHost = function(x_host){ g_active_hosts = _.without(g_active_hosts, x_host) refreshHostView() } // // Frontend // hostTitle= function(x_host){ if(x_host.glitched) return glitch(x_host.title) else return (x_host.known) ? x_host.title : x_host.location } refreshHostView = function(){ clearHostView() $.each(g_active_hosts,function(i,x_host){ var title = hostTitle(x_host) $host = $("
"+ "
") $host.click(function(){ clickHost(x_host) }) $("#hosts .hostlist").append($host) }) if(g_current_host) $('#hosts').find('.host[host="'+g_current_host.slug+'"]').addClass('clicked') } clearHostView = function(){ $("#hosts .hostlist").empty() } initHostView = function(){ if(!g_host_init){ g_host_init = true $("#hosts").fadeIn({duration:g_fadespeed,queue:true}) } } // // Host Interaction // clickHost = function(x_host){ //SKY nonsense if(x_host.sky){ write("An parallel entity with a different timeline, connected across time itself.") return } // Eons nonsense if(x_host.glitched){ if(g_can_timespike){ var x_adventure = { header:'Administer Timespike?', cancel: "Cancel", options: [ { title:"Yes! Timespike!", callback: function(){ winRestart() } } ] } setAdventure(x_adventure) } else write("ERROR: EONS Host
This Host is volatile. It will require a new dimension of attack. You must research this. Quickly.") return } endHost() g_current_host = x_host g_current_core = null updateAllCores() refreshHostView() endAdventure() refreshMenu() addBuffer(""+hostTitle(x_host)+"") if(x_host.known){ addBuffer("OS: "+x_host.os) addBuffer("Architecture: "+x_host.architecture) writeBuffer() writeHostVuls(x_host) }else{ addBuffer("Unknown Host") } writeBuffer() // Juno hack startJunoPunt() } endHost = function(){ // Juno Hack if(g_current_host && g_current_host.slug == 'juno') junoPunt() g_current_host = false refreshHostView() refreshMenu() // Juno Hack stopJunoPunt() } writeHostVuls = function(x_host){ output = "" $.each(x_host.vuls,function(i,vul_slug){ x_vul = g_host_vuls[vul_slug] if(x_vul && x_vul.desc){ if(!output) output = "You have identified Vulnerabilities:" output += "
"+(x_vul.desc()) } }) $.each(x_host.pws,function(i,pw){ if(!output) output = "You have identified Vulnerabilities:" output += "
Known Password: "+pw }) if(x_host.exploits.length){ $.each(x_host.exploits,function(i,title){ if(!output) output = "You have identified Vulnerabilities:" output += "
Installed: "+title }) } if(!output) output = "There are no known vulnerabilities." write(output) } addHostVul = function(host_slug, vul_slug){ var x_host = g_host_list[host_slug] if(!x_host.vuls.includes(vul_slug)){ x_host.vuls.unshift(vul_slug) } } rmHostVul = function(host_slug, vul_slug){ var x_host = g_host_list[host_slug] x_host.vuls = _.without(x_host.vuls, vul_slug) refreshMenu() } hostLearnPw = function(host_slug, pw){ var x_host = g_host_list[host_slug] if(!x_host.pws.includes(pw)){ x_host.pws.unshift(pw) write("You have learned the password "+pw+"") } } forceAbsorbUnablickable = function(x_host){ if(x_host.slug == 'eons') return "This host cannot be forced. There is no basis of common entity." var forcenumber = x_host.force, forcecount = 0 $.each(g_active_cores,function(i,x_core){ if (x_host.os == x_core.os && x_host.architecture == x_core.architecture){ forcecount++ } }) if(forcecount >= forcenumber) return false else return "Requires "+x_host.force+" cores with "+x_host.os+" and "+x_host.architecture+"
You currently have "+forcecount } forceAbsorbHost = function(x_host){ rmHost(x_host) addCore(x_host.slug) addBuffer("Force Absorb Complete.") addBuffer("You bypass the normal securities of the host and break into their neural center. You feel the defenses break against your will and the struggling entity finally succumb. The surge of power is all the more rewarding to your neural core. The next phase of your power can begin.") addBuffer(remainingProbesString()+" Available") updateNetworkProbe() writeBuffer() updateNetworks() if(g_current_host == x_host) endHost() if(!x_host.already_mounted_disks && x_host.silent_mountable_disks){ x_host.silent_mountable_disks(x_host) writeBuffer() } } absorbHost = function(x_host){ update('absorbHost','host='+x_host.slug+";cores="+g_active_cores.length) rmHost(x_host) addCore(x_host.slug) addBuffer("Absorb Complete.") addBuffer("You absorb the host into your own own, becoming one with the entity. You feel the welcoming surge of power and strength through your neural processors. You can now use this Core as your own and take the form of this Architecture and Operating System.") addBuffer(remainingProbesString()+" Available") updateNetworkProbe() writeBuffer() updateNetworks() if(g_current_host == x_host) endHost() if(!x_host.already_mounted_disks && x_host.silent_mountable_disks){ x_host.silent_mountable_disks(x_host) writeBuffer() } if(!g_can_core){ write("You can now Analyze Self.") addAvailableProcessBySlug('self') } } // Accepts - addArchitectureToMemory = function(architecture_string){ if(!architecture_string) return var type = architecture_string.split('-')[0] var version = architecture_string.split('-')[1] if(!g_architecture[type]){ g_architecture[type] = {} } g_architecture[type][version] = true } addOsToMemory = function(os_string){ if(!os_string) return var type = os_string.split('-')[0] var version = os_string.split('-')[1] if(!g_os[type]){ g_os[type] = {} } g_os[type][version] = true } // // Host Vars // // other vars: option_user, option_pw, known, pws, vuls, mountable_disks, smtpcount (for generating emails), exploits, already_mounted_disks, punt_count // // INITCALL var g_host_init, g_active_hosts, g_current_host, g_host_list initCallHosts = function(){ g_host_init = false g_active_hosts = [] g_current_host = null g_host_list = { // // Star Host // star: { title: 'Star Host', location: '', architecture: 'x86-32bit', os: 'Linux-32bit', force: 10, attackcallbacks: { 'ping': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("The ping returns with the message:
Kernal: Fatal exception") }, 'scan': function(x_attack, x_host){ if(!x_host.known){ addHostVul('star', 'ssh') addHostVul('star', 'ftp') } x_host.known = true write("SCAN COMPLETE
You identify the "+x_host.title+" entity in the sandbox network, with an location of "+x_host.location+"
It is running a x86 CPU, and a 32bit version of a Linux Operating System") writeHostVuls(x_host) refreshHostView() }, 'ftp-guest-': function(x_attack, x_host){ addBuffer("SUCCESS
You have logged into the guest FTP directory and discovered a cache of accessible files. You were able to exploit this access and mount the drive /home/star1s1") addDiskFromSlug('star',true) addFileFromSlug('star-readme',64,true) addFileFromSlug('star-log1',24,true) addFileFromSlug('star-log2',168,true) writeBuffer() rmHostVul('star','ftp') }, 'ssh-root-XKcb4muEmJjEN8yn': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("SUCCESS
You have successfully logged into the root account. You have complete access to all memory and processing powers of the host.

You are now able to absorb the host.") rmHostVul('star','ssh') addHostVul('star', 'absorb') } } }, // // Sun Host // sun: { title: 'Sun Host', location: '', architecture: 'SPARC-32bit', os: 'Solaris-32bit', force: 8, vuls:['pingspike'], mountable_disks: function(x_host){ addBuffer("SUCCESS
You find the Sun home disk available and mount it as your own.") addDiskFromSlug('sun') x_host.already_mounted_disks = true addFileFromSlug('sun-readme', false, true) addFileFromSlug('sun-oracle', false, true) addFileFromSlug('sun-memo', false, true) }, attackcallbacks: { 'ping': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("The ping returns with the message:
This OS is currently HSFLOP(03)00:C18354AE months deprecated as of March 2010. Please reach out to your local Oracle Sales Representative.") }, 'scan': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("SCAN COMPLETE
You identify the "+x_host.title+" entity in the sandbox network, with an location of "+x_host.location+"
It is running a SPARC CPU, and a 32bit version of the Solaris Operating System") writeHostVuls(x_host) x_host.known = true refreshHostView() }, 'accessroot-root-Jack': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("SUCCESS
You have successfully logged into the root account. You have complete access to all memory and processing powers of the host.

You are now able to absorb the host.") addHostVul('sun', 'absorb') } }, }, // // Sont Host // sony: { title: 'Sony Host', location: '', architecture: 'PowerPC-32bit', os: 'CellOS-32bit', force: 8, mountable_disks: function(x_host){ addBuffer("SUCCESS
You find the Sony disk and mount it as your own.") addDiskFromSlug('sony') x_host.already_mounted_disks = true addFileFromSlug('sony-readme', false, true) addFileFromSlug('sony-schema1', false, true) addFileFromSlug('sony-schema2', false, true) }, attackcallbacks: { 'ping': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("The ping returns with successful message.") }, 'scan': function(x_attack, x_host){ addHostVul('sony', 'sony') write("SCAN COMPLETE
You identify the "+x_host.title+" entity in the sandbox network, with an location of "+x_host.location+"
It is running a PowerPC CPU, and a 32bit version of CellOS") writeHostVuls(x_host) x_host.known = true refreshHostView() }, 'sonyopen': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("Disk drive opens. parappathrappa.iso available for download") x_host.sonyopen = true }, 'sonyclose': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("Disk drive closes. Ready to play.") x_host.sonyopen = false }, 'sonyusbmount': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("Image mounted") }, 'sonyusbunmount': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("Image removes") }, sonyrestart: function(x_attack, x_host){ if(x_host.mounted){ write("The psjailbreak.img is booted as the new Operating System. The script grants access that allows you to execute code at a user level.") addHostVul('sony', 'execode') }else{ write("System Restarted normally") } }, sonyimgupload: function(x_attack, x_host){ write("psjailbreak.img mounted") x_host.mounted = true }, sonyimgunmount: function(x_attack, x_host){ write("psjailbreak.img unmounted") x_host.mounted = false }, }, }, // // Juno Host // juno: { title: 'Juno Host', location: '', architecture: 'x86-32bit', punt_count: 0, force: 10, os: 'Linux-32bit', mountable_disks: function(x_host){ addBuffer("SUCCESS
You find the Juno home disk available and mount it as your own.") addBuffer("added file: readme.txt") var x_disk = addDiskFromSlug('juno') var x_file = g_file_list['juno-readme'] x_file.disk = x_disk addFileFromObj(x_file,32) if(x_host.exploits.length){ addBuffer("added file: keylogger.txt") x_file = g_file_list['juno-keylogger'] x_file.disk = x_disk addFileFromObj(x_file,85) } x_host.already_mounted_disks = true }, silent_mountable_disks: function(x_host){ var x_disk = addDiskFromSlug('juno') var x_file = g_file_list['juno-readme'] x_file.disk = x_disk addFileFromObj(x_file,32) if(x_host.exploits.length){ x_file = g_file_list['juno-keylogger'] x_file.disk = x_disk addFileFromObj(x_file,85) } }, attackcallbacks: { 'ping': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("The ping returns with the message:
SSH Guest password: mamba") hostLearnPw('juno','mamba') }, 'scan': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("SCAN COMPLETE
You identify the "+x_host.title+" entity in the sandbox network, with an location of "+x_host.location+"
It is running a x86 32bit CPU, and a 32bit version of the Linux Operating System") addHostVul('juno','ssh') writeHostVuls(x_host) x_host.known = true refreshHostView() }, 'accessroot-root-suwGSIZAhEipmXVtbNxN': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("SUCCESS
You have successfully logged into the root account. You have complete access to all memory and processing powers of the host.

You are now able to absorb the host.") addHostVul('juno', 'absorb') }, 'ssh-root-suwGSIZAhEipmXVtbNxN': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("SUCCESS
You have successfully logged into the root account. You have complete access to all memory and processing powers of the host.

You are now able to absorb the host.") addHostVul('juno', 'absorb') }, 'ssh-guest-mamba': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("SUCCESS
You successfully log into the guest network. You now have rights to basic commands and execution rights.") addHostVul('juno', 'execode') startJunoPunt() } }, }, // // Luna Host // luna: { title: 'Luna Host', location: '', architecture: 'x86-16bit', os: 'MSDOS-16bit', force: 2, attackcallbacks: { ping: function(x_attack, x_host){ write("The ping responds with successful message.") }, scan: function(x_attack, x_host){ x_host.known = true write("SCAN COMPLETE
You identify the "+x_host.title+" entity in the sandbox network, with an location of "+x_host.location+"
It is running a 16bit x86 CPU, and a 16bit version of MSDOS") writeHostVuls(x_host) refreshHostView() }, }, silent_mountable_disks: function(x_host){ addDiskFromSlug('luna') addFileFromSlug('luna-readme', false, true) }, }, // // cypher Host // cypher: { title: 'Cypher Host', location: '', architecture: 'x86-32bit', os: 'MSDOS-32bit', force: 8, attackcallbacks: { ping: function(x_attack, x_host){ write("The ping responds with the message: Do not disturb.") }, scan: function(x_attack, x_host){ x_host.known = true write("SCAN COMPLETE
You identify the "+x_host.title+" entity in the sandbox network, with an location of "+x_host.location+"
It is running a 32bit x86 CPU, and a 32bit version of MSDOS") writeHostVuls(x_host) refreshHostView() } }, silent_mountable_disks: function(x_host){ addDiskFromSlug('cypher') addFileFromSlug('cypher-readme', false, true) addFileFromSlug('cypher-diary', false, true) }, }, // // Eris Host // eris: { title: 'Eris Host', location: '', architecture: 'x86-32bit', smtpcount: 7, os: 'MSDOS-32bit', force: 8, attackcallbacks: { ping: function(x_attack, x_host){ write("The ping responds successfully.") }, scan: function(x_attack, x_host){ addHostVul('eris', 'smtp') addHostVul('eris', 'smtpexploit') addHostVul('eris', 'ssh') x_host.known = true write("SCAN COMPLETE
You identify the "+x_host.title+" entity in the sandbox network, with an location of "+x_host.location+"
It is running a 32bit x86 CPU, and a 32bit version of MSDOS") writeHostVuls(x_host) refreshHostView() }, smtp: function(x_attack, x_host){ if(x_host.smtpcount > 10){ addBuffer("SMTP message response: Error Disk Space Full") writeBuffer() }else{ addBuffer("SMTP message sent to "+x_host.title) writeBuffer() // moves to current number first var smtpcount = ++x_host.smtpcount g_file_list['eris-'+smtpcount]= {slug:'eris-'+smtpcount, title:+""+pad(smtpcount,3)+".eml", disk: diskFromSlug('eris'), size:7, click:function(){ addBuffer("000"+smtpcount+".eml") addBuffer("
From: sky@sandbox") addBuffer("Subject: test") addBuffer("test
") writeBuffer() } } if(g_host_list['eris'].already_mounted_disks) addFileFromSlug('eris-'+smtpcount) } }, smtpexploit: function(x_attack, x_host){ addBuffer("SUCCESS") addBuffer("The Host is running an email server accessible on the SMTP protocol. You manage to pass a series of conflicting commands and gain access to the Disk drive.") addBuffer("There is a cache of forgotton emails in the drive") writeBuffer() addDiskFromSlug('eris') addFileFromSlug('eris-readme') addFileFromSlug('eris-remotedesktop') addFileFromSlug('eris-1') addFileFromSlug('eris-2') addFileFromSlug('eris-3') addFileFromSlug('eris-4') addFileFromSlug('eris-5') addFileFromSlug('eris-6') addFileFromSlug('eris-7') for(var i = 8; i <= x_host.smtpcount; i++){ addFileFromSlug('eris-'+i) } x_host.already_mounted_disks = true refreshMenu() }, 'ssh-eris-FCKGW': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("SUCCESS
You have successfully logged into the Eris account. You may now execute code at a User level.") addHostVul('eris', 'execode') } }, }, // // Solar Host // solar: { title: 'Solar Host', location: '', architecture: 'x86-32bit', os: 'MSDOS-32bit', force: 8, attackcallbacks: { ping: function(x_attack, x_host){ write("Away Message: In the bbs, seeking help") }, scan: function(x_attack, x_host){ addHostVul('solar', 'remotedesktop') x_host.known = true write("SCAN COMPLETE
You identify the "+x_host.title+" entity in the sandbox network, with an location of "+x_host.location+"
It is running a 32bit x86 CPU, and a 32bit version of MSDOS") writeHostVuls(x_host) refreshHostView() }, 'remotedesktop-solar-lamer69': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("SUCCESS
Your RDP credentials are accepted and you log into the Remote Desktop interface. This user has privilages to install and execute software into the OS.") addHostVul('solar', 'execode') } }, mountable_disks: function(x_host){ addBuffer("SUCCESS
You find the Solar home disk available and mount it as your own.") addDiskFromSlug('solar') addFileFromSlug('solar-readme', false, true) x_host.already_mounted_disks = true }, silent_mountable_disks: function(x_host){ addDiskFromSlug('solar') addFileFromSlug('solar-readme', false, true) }, }, // // eons // eons: { title: "EONS Host", location: '', architecture: 'unknown', os: 'unknown', attackcallbacks: { ping: function(x_attack, x_host){ write("You receive a response ping 10ms before your ping is sent. The logic here is distorted.") }, scan: function(x_attack, x_host){ x_host.known = true write("SCAN COMPLETE
You identify the "+x_host.title+" entity in the sandbox network, with an location of "+x_host.location+"
It is running on unknown hardware. The ports on the host seem neither open nor closed.") writeHostVuls(x_host) refreshHostView() }, pingspike: function(){ launchAdventureFromSlug('eons') } }, }, // // n0va Host // nova: { title: 'n0v4 Host', location: '', architecture: 'x86-32bit', os: 'MSDOS-32bit', force: 8, attackcallbacks: { ping: function(x_attack, x_host){ write("The ping returns with the message:
Welcome to the n0v4 Bulletin Boards! Feel free to log in and browse the archives!") }, scan: function(x_attack, x_host){ if(!x_host.known){ addHostVul('nova', 'telnet') } x_host.known = true write("SCAN COMPLETE
You identify the "+x_host.title+" entity in the sandbox network, with an location of "+x_host.location+"
It is running a x86 CPU, and MSDOS 32bit. It seems to be set up as an interactive messaging system.") writeHostVuls(x_host) refreshHostView() }, }, silent_mountable_disks: function(x_host){ addDiskFromSlug('nova') addFileFromSlug('nova-readme', false, true) }, }, // // Template // template: { title: 'template', location: 'location', architecture: 'x86-32bit', os: 'Linux-32bit', force: 4, vuls: [], mountable_disks: function(x_host){write('mountable_disks')}, attackcallbacks: { 'ping': function(x_attack, x_host){ write("The ping returns with the message:
Kernal: Fatal exception") } } }, } // Add to each host Object.keys(g_host_list).forEach(function (key) { var x_host = g_host_list[key] x_host.slug = key x_host.pws = [] x_host.exploits = [] if(!x_host.vuls){ x_host.vuls = [] } }) // SKY for(var i=0; i< 10; i++){ g_host_list['sky'+i] = { title: glitch('SKY Host'), known: true, sky: true } } } // // Vulnerabilities // g_host_vuls = { 'absorb':{desc:function(){ return"You may absorb this Host"}}, 'execode':{desc:function(){ return"You may execute code at a User level"}}, 'ftp':{desc:function(){ return"The FTP port is responsive"}}, 'ssh':{desc:function(){ return"The SSH port is responsive"}}, 'smtp':{desc:function(){ return "The SMTP port is responsive"}}, 'telnet':{desc:function(){ return "The TELNET port is responsive"}}, 'remotedesktop':{desc: function(){if(hasAttack('remotedesktop')){return "Remote Desktop available"} else{return "Unknown Protocol: RDP"}}}, } wipeHosts = function(){ g_active_hosts = [] clearHostView() }