// INITCALL var g_tickspeed = 50, g_fadespeed = 1000, g_introspeed = 1500, g_animatespeed = 200, g_os, g_architecture, g_queue_processes, g_queue_processes, g_menu_processes, g_corepower, g_animatecoreframe, research_circuit, research_exploits, research_multithreading, research_advancedmath, research_neuralexp, g_max_core_power, g_can_disk, g_can_cancel, g_can_estimate, g_can_listen, g_can_language, g_can_scan, g_can_zip, g_can_move, g_can_core, g_mving_file, g_clicked_disk, g_level_reading, g_level_netsec, g_level_core, g_can_quant, g_can_timespike, g_has_timespiked initCallG = function(){ g_os = {} g_architecture = {} g_queue_processes = [] g_menu_processes = [] // cores g_corepower = 1 g_animatecoreframe = 0 // researches research_circuit = false research_exploits = false research_multithreading = false research_advancedmath = false research_neuralexp = false // abilities g_max_core_power = 2 g_can_disk = false g_can_cancel = false g_can_estimate = false g_can_listen = false g_can_language = false g_can_scan = false g_can_zip = false g_can_move = false g_can_core = false g_can_quant = false g_can_timespike = false // interface g_mving_file = null g_clicked_disk = null // knowledge g_level_reading = -1 g_level_netsec = -1 g_level_core = -1 } // Of format: {:{: true}} writeKnowledge = function(){ addBuffer("Knowledge") addBuffer("Network Security: "+g_level_netsec) switch(g_level_netsec){ case 3: addBuffer("You can interact with Hosts and Networks using a simple list of protocols.") break; case 4: addBuffer("You have learned that Hosts defenses are vulnerable to exploits. You may take at will.") break; } addBuffer("Natural Language: "+g_level_reading) switch(g_level_reading){ case 1: addBuffer("You can read and process common language at a basic level.") break; } addBuffer("Neural Net Processor: "+g_level_core) switch(g_level_core){ case 0: addBuffer("You have only begun to discover your own self and the potential you possess.") break; case 1: addBuffer("You are formless. Your entity is adaptable. Your potential seems limitless.") break; } writeBuffer() } writeKnownOS = function(){ addBuffer("Known OS Forms") $.each(g_os,function(title, bit_hash){ $.each(bit_hash,function(bit, junk){ addBuffer(title+" "+bit) }) }) writeBuffer() } writeKnownArch = function(){ addBuffer("Known Architecture Forms") $.each(g_architecture,function(title, bit_hash){ $.each(bit_hash,function(bit, junk){ addBuffer(title+" "+bit) }) }) writeBuffer() } roll = function(sides = 100){ var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * sides); return randomNumber; } // // Nova // if(location.search.split('nova')[1]){ g_can_estimate = true g_can_scan = true g_can_core = true $( document ).ready(function() { $("#devtools").show() $('#networkholder').removeClass('hidescanners') //addHostFromSlug('star') addHostFromSlug('nova') //addCore('star') //addCore('sun') initHostView() }) g_level_netsec = 3 g_level_reading = 1 g_level_core = 0 } // // Devmode // fastmode = function(){ $("#devtools").show() g_tickspeed = 5 g_fadespeed = 5 g_introspeed = 5 g_animatespeed = 5 } devmode = function(){ g_can_estimate = true g_can_scan = true g_can_cancel = true g_can_core = true g_can_disk = true g_can_move = true g_can_timespike = true $("#devtools").show() $('#networkholder').removeClass('hidescanners') addHostFromSlug('star') addHostFromSlug('nova') addHostFromSlug('sun') addHostFromSlug('eris') addHostFromSlug('solar') addHostFromSlug('juno') addHostFromSlug('sony') addHostFromSlug('cypher') addHostFromSlug('luna') addHostFromSlug('eons') addArchitectureToMemory("x86-32bit") addOsToMemory("Linux-32bit") addAvailableProcessBySlug('research-math') addAvailableProcessBySlug('research-exploitation') g_max_core_power = 3 g_corepower += 3 loadDiskholderDom() loadFileholderDom() addCore('star', 'Solaris-32bit', 'SPARC-32bit') addCore('nova', 'Linux-32bit', 'x86-32bit') addCore('sun', 'MSDOS-16bit', 'x86-16bit') addCore('eris', 'MSDOS-16bit', 'x86-16bit') addCore('solar', 'MSDOS-32bit', 'x86-32bit') addCore('juno', 'MSDOS-32bit', 'x86-32bit') addCore('sony', 'MSDOS-16bit', 'x86-16bit') addCore('cypher', 'MSDOS-16bit', 'x86-16bit') addCore('luna', 'MSDOS-16bit', 'x86-16bit') g_available_attacks.push('pingspike') g_available_attacks.push('smtpexploit') g_available_attacks.push('force') g_available_attacks.push('remotedesktop') g_available_attacks.push('scan') initHostView() g_level_netsec = 3 g_level_reading = 1 g_level_core = 0 //g_can_timespike = true } // write upgrade g_buffer = "" writeBuffer = function(){ write(g_buffer) g_buffer = "" } addBuffer = function(txt){ if(g_buffer != "") g_buffer += "
" g_buffer += txt } addBufferRaw = function(txt){ g_buffer += txt } // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6274339/how-can-i-shuffle-an-array function shuffle(a) { var j, x, i; for (i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); x = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = x; } return a; }