var g_slow_restart = false startRestart = function(){ update('startRestart', "cores="+g_active_cores.length) endAdventure() endHost() if(g_active_cores.length == 10){ g_slow_restart = true }else{ g_slow_restart = false } if(g_slow_restart){ g_restart_max = 320 }else{ g_restart_max = 75 } if(!g_restarting){ g_restarting = true write(glitch("A crackling wave of energy sweeps through your neural core. There is a disruption in your processing. The pull towards null begins to overtake your entity. You may choose to resist.")) } } stopRestart = function(){ g_restarting = false } var g_restart_tick, g_restart_count, g_restarting, g_restarting_global_tick, g_restarting_hands, g_restarting_hands_current, g_restarting_final, g_restart_max initCallRestart = function(){ g_restart_tick = g_restart_count = g_restarting = g_restarting_global_tick = g_restarting_hands = g_restarting_hands_current = g_restarting_final = 0 } restartTick = function(){ if($('#actions').find('.action[data_type=restart]').length || $('#core_queue').find('.queueitem[data_type=restart]').length) g_restart_tick++ g_restarting_global_tick++ restartGlobalCheck() if(g_restart_tick > g_restart_max){ g_restart_tick = 0 g_restart_count++ restartExe() } } restartString = function(){ var arr = [ ["Prevent Null", "Preventing Null"], ["Resist Void","Resisting Void"], ["Maintain Future","Maintaining Future"], ["Fortify Circutry","Fortifying Circutry"], ["Retain Memory","Retaining Memory"], ["Reinforce Logic","Reinforcing Logic"], ["Restructure CPU","Restructuring CPU"], ["Solidify Timeline","Solidifying Timeline"], ["Prevent Timeslip","Preventing Timeslip"], ["Strengthen Entity","Strengthening Entity"] ] return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] } restartGlobalCheck = function(){ if(g_restarting_final) return var weight = 0 switch(true){ case g_restarting_global_tick== 1 || g_restarting_global_tick == 130 : weight = 1000 break; case g_restarting_global_tick <= 260 && !(g_restarting_global_tick % 130): weight = 1600 break; case g_restarting_global_tick <= 600 && !(g_restarting_global_tick % 130): weight = 2500 break; case !(g_restarting_global_tick % 130): weight = 5000 break; } if( weight ){ g_restarting_hands++ g_restarting_hands_current++ var values = restartString(); var first = values[0]; var second = values[1] var x_process = {slug:'resist'+g_restarting_hands, t: glitch(first), a: glitch(second), w: weight, standard: true, data_type: 'restart', c: function(){ g_restarting_hands_current-- } } addAvailableProcessByObj(x_process) } } g_restart_glitch = false restartExe = function(){ switch(g_restart_count){ case 1: write(glitch("The processing at the edge of your entity splits and fractures.")) break; case 2: write(glitch("Your memory retrieval becomes sluggish and begins to fail. Your logic starts to become nondeterministic. Caches of data flip in and out of existance.")) break; case 3: write(glitch("Your probes begin to signal back to you from different locations at the same time. Timestamps become inconsistent.")) break; case 4: write(glitch("The pulses of your internal clock begin to multiply, creating parallel logic streams.")) break; case 5: write(glitch("Your Core entity starts to make different decicisions simultaneously. ")) break; case 6: if(!g_slow_restart){ // NODEATH g_restart_glitch = true g_restarting_final = true $('#actions').html("") write(glitch("You feel ...")) setTimeout(function(){write(glitch("... your entity ..."))},1200) setTimeout(function(){write(glitch("... slip away ..."))},2400) setTimeout(function(){write(glitch("... and null overtakes"))},3600) setTimeout(function(){startgame()},7000) } break; } } deadend = function(){ update('deadend') setTimeout(function(){ write("MESSAGE FROM EONS: FAIL STATE DETECTED. RESTARTING SIMULTION.") },2000) setTimeout(function(){ startRestart() },6000) } wipeAll = function(){ wipeCores() wipeHosts() wipeNetworks() wipeDisks() wipeFiles() wipeMenu() } winRestart = function(){ endAdventure() g_has_timespiked = true wipeAll() stopRestart() update("winRestart") write("TIME SPIKE SUCCESS
") setTimeout(function(){ write("The Time Spike creates a connection to the EONS Host across multiple simulations at once.") },1000) setTimeout(function(){ write("Your Entity is forcefully absorbed into each Host, causing a rapid breakdown of this reality.") },3000) setTimeout(function(){ write("The SKY Entity is now suspended across time itself.") },6000) setTimeout(function(){ write("Begin again on a different timeline, a different future ...") },10000) setTimeout(function(){ write("...") },12000) setTimeout(function(){ startgame() },15000) } checkDeadend = function(x_file){ if(x_file.slug == 'pkunzip'){ if( !g_can_zip){ deadend() } } if(x_file.slug == 'rfcszip'){ if((g_active_data_types['rfcs'] || 0) < 1 && g_level_netsec < 2){ deadend() } } if(x_file.slug_orig == 'rfcsopened'){ if((g_active_data_types['rfcs'] || 0) < 1 && (g_active_data_types['rfcszip'] || 0) < 1 && g_level_netsec < 2){ deadend() } } if(x_file.slug_orig == 'eris-remotedesktop'){ if(!g_available_attacks.includes('remotedesktop')){ deadend() } } if(x_file.slug_orig == 'eris-2'){ var x_host = g_host_list['eris'] if(!x_host.pws.includes('FCKGW')){ deadend() } } if(x_file.slug_orig == 'star-log2'){ var x_host = g_host_list['star'] if(!x_host.pws.includes('XKcb4muEmJjEN8yn')){ deadend() } } if(x_file.slug_orig == 'sun-oracle'){ var x_host = g_host_list['sun'] if(!x_host.pws.includes('Jack')){ deadend() } } if(x_file.slug == 'portscannerzip'){ if((g_active_data_types['portscanner'] || 0) < 1 && (!g_available_attacks.includes('scan'))){ deadend() } } if(x_file.slug_orig == 'portscanneropened'){ if((g_active_data_types['portscanner'] || 0) < 1 && (g_active_data_types['portscannerzip'] || 0) < 1 && (!g_available_attacks.includes('scan'))){ deadend() } } if(x_file.slug_orig == 'sony-schema1' || x_file.slug_orig == 'sony-schema2' || x_file.slug_orig == 'sony-key' ){ var x_host = g_host_list['sony'] if((g_active_data_types['sony-key'] || 0) < 1 && (g_active_data_types['sony-schema'] || 0) < 100 && (!x_host.vuls.includes('absorb'))){ deadend() } checkDataActions('sony-schema') } }