// // CORES // addCore = function(slug, os = false, architecture = false){ var x_core = g_core_list[slug] g_active_cores.push(x_core) updateSingleCore(x_core) if(!os){ var x_host = g_host_list[slug] os = x_host.os } if(!architecture){ var x_host = g_host_list[slug] architecture = x_host.architecture } x_core.os = os x_core.architecture = architecture addOsToMemory(os) addArchitectureToMemory(architecture) } wipeCores = function(){ g_active_cores = [] $('#core_actives').html("") $('#core_queue').html("") } // // Tick // tickCore = function(){ // When there is an item in the queue, and a core is idle, add process a core $.each(g_queue_processes,function(i,x_process){ var x_idle_core = null // find idle core $.each(g_active_cores,function(i,x_core){ if(isCoreIdle(x_core) && !coreHasAilment(x_core)){ x_idle_core = x_core; return false; } }) // break if no cores avail if(!x_idle_core){ return false } g_queue_processes.shift() setProcessToCore(x_idle_core, x_process) }) // Check cores for processes $.each(g_active_cores,function(i,x_core){ var x_process = x_core.current_process if(x_process){ // weight reduced by 2^(power+global - 2) x_core.weight -= Math.pow(2,(x_core.power + g_corepower - 2)) // If Process is complete if(x_core.weight <= 0){ x_core.current_process = null x_core.weight = null // Callback x_process.c() if(g_queue_processes.length == 0){ updateSingleCore(x_core) } checkHackedDataActions() } } }) } coreHasAilment = function(x_core){ return !!x_core.ailments.length } isCoreIdle = function(x_core){ return (!x_core.current_process ) } setProcessToCore = function(x_core, x_process){ if(isCoreIdle(x_core)){ x_core.current_process = x_process x_core.weight = x_process.w updateSingleCore(x_core) }else{ write("Cannot set process to Core") } } // // Vars // // INITCALL var g_active_cores, g_core_list initCallCores = function(){ clearCores() g_active_cores = [] // includes os, architecture, current_process, ailments g_core_list = { "sky": {title:"Sky Core", power:1}, "star": {title:"Star Core", power:1}, "sun": {title:"Sun Core", power:1}, "eris": {title:"Eris Core", power:1}, "solar": {title:"Solar Core", power:1}, "juno": {title:"Juno Core", power:1}, "sony": {title:"Sony Core", power:1}, "luna": {title:"Luna Core", power:1}, "cypher": {title:"Cypher Core", power:1}, "nova": {title:"Nova Core", power:1}, } // Add to each core Object.keys(g_core_list).forEach(function (key) { var x_core = g_core_list[key] x_core.slug = key x_core.ailments = [] x_core.current_process= null x_core.weight= null }) } // // Frontend // initCore = function(){ $("#coreholder").hide().fadeIn({duration:g_fadespeed,queue:true}) updateAllCores() } updateAllCores = function(){ $.each(g_active_cores,function(i,x_core){ updateSingleCore(x_core) }) } clearCores = function(){ $("#core_actives").html("") } updateSingleCore = function(x_core){ var slug = x_core['slug'] var $holder = $("#core_actives") var $core = $holder.find('.core[slug='+slug+']') var nocore = false if (!$core.length){ nocore = true $core = $("
") } var x_process = x_core['current_process'] if(!x_process){ var core_html = "" if(x_core.ailments.length){ core_html = ""+x_core.title+" ERROR" }else if(g_can_core){ var clickedtitle = "" if(g_current_core && x_core.title == g_current_core.title) clickedtitle = 'clicked' core_html = ""+coreSpeedOutput(x_core)+" "+x_core.title+" Idle " }else{ core_html = "Core Idle " } $core.html(core_html) }else{ var cancel_html = "" if(g_can_cancel){ cancel_html = "[X] " } $core.html(cancel_html+x_process.a+" -") $core.find(".cancelholder").hover( function(){$(this).find('.cancelx').html('▓')}, function(){$(this).find('.cancelx').html('X')} ) $core.find(".cancelholder").click(function(){ clearProcessInAction({x_process: x_core['current_process']}) }) } $core.find(".coretitle").click(function(){ endHost() g_current_core = x_core launchAdventureFromSlug('core_click') }) if(nocore){ $("#core_actives").append($core) } } animateCoresTick = function(){ g_animatecoreframe++ g_animatecoreframe = g_animatecoreframe % 4 var $dots = $("#core_actives .coredots") var $spinner = $("#core_actives .corespinner") $dots.html(".".repeat(g_animatecoreframe)) switch(g_animatecoreframe){ case 0: $spinner.html('\\') break case 1: $spinner.html('|') break case 2: $spinner.html('/') break case 3: $spinner.html('-') break } } showQueueTick = function(){ $queue = $('#core_queue') $queue.empty() $.each(g_queue_processes,function(i,x_process){ var actiontitle = x_process['a'] var data_type_string = x_process['data_type'] ? "data_type='"+x_process['data_type']+"'" : "" $queue.append("
") }) } // // Estimate // estimateProcessByWeight = function(weight){ if(!weight) return undefined var weight = weight var letter if (weight / g_corepower < 100 ){ letter = "sm" } else if (weight / g_corepower < 500 ){ letter = 'med' } else if (weight / g_corepower < 2500 ){ letter = 'lg' } else if (weight / g_corepower < 25000 ){ letter = 'XL' } else{ letter = "XXL" } return letter } estimateProcess = function(process){ return estimateProcessByWeight(process['w']) } // // Probes // maxProbes = function(){ var power = 0 if(research_multithreading) power ++ return g_active_cores.length * Math.pow(2,power) } remainingProbes = function(){ return maxProbes() - g_used_probes } remainingProbesString = function(){ var probes = remainingProbes() return remainingProbes() + " probe"+(probes == 1? '':'s') }