#!/bin/sh # # Amazon EC2 user-data file for automatic configuration of IPsec/L2TP VPN # on a Ubuntu server instance. Tested with 14.04 (Trusty) AND 12.04 (Precise). # With minor modifications, this script *can also be used* on dedicated servers # or any KVM- or XEN-based Virtual Private Server (VPS) from other providers. # # DO NOT RUN THIS SCRIPT ON YOUR PC OR MAC! THIS IS MEANT TO BE RUN WHEN # YOUR AMAZON EC2 INSTANCE STARTS! # # For detailed instructions, please see: # https://blog.ls20.com/ipsec-l2tp-vpn-auto-setup-for-ubuntu-12-04-on-amazon-ec2/ # Original post by Thomas Sarlandie: # http://www.sarfata.org/posts/setting-up-an-amazon-vpn-server.md # # Copyright (C) 2014 Lin Song # Based on the work of Thomas Sarlandie (Copyright 2012) # # This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 # Unported License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ # # Attribution required: please include my name in any derivative and let me # know how you have improved it! if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then echo "DO NOT run this script on your Mac! It should only be run on a newly-created EC2 instance" echo "or other Dedicated Server / VPS, after you have modified it to set the variables below." echo "Please see detailed instructions at the URLs in the comments." exit 1 fi # Please define your own values for those variables IPSEC_PSK=your_very_secure_key VPN_USER=your_username VPN_PASSWORD=your_very_secure_password # Note: If you need multiple VPN users with different credentials, # please see: https://gist.github.com/hwdsl2/123b886f29f4c689f531 # In Amazon EC2, these two variables will be found automatically # For all other servers, you MUST replace them with the actual IPs! # If your server only has a public IP, use that IP on both lines # Get public IP: wget -qO- http://ipecho.net/plain ; echo # Get private IP: ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr" | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' PUBLIC_IP=$(wget -q -O - '') PRIVATE_IP=$(wget -q -O - '') # Note: iPhone/iOS users may need to replace this line in ipsec.conf # (Source: http://serverfault.com/a/527793) # rightprotoport=17/%any # with the line below: # rightprotoport=17/0 # Install necessary packages apt-get update apt-get install libnss3-dev libnspr4-dev pkg-config libpam0g-dev \ libcap-ng-dev libcap-ng-utils libselinux1-dev \ libcurl4-nss-dev libgmp3-dev flex bison gcc make \ libunbound-dev libnss3-tools wget -y apt-get install xl2tpd -y # Compile and install Libreswan (https://libreswan.org/) # To upgrade Libreswan when a newer version is available, just re-run these # six commands with the new download link, and then restart services with # "service ipsec restart" and "service xl2tpd restart". mkdir -p /opt/src cd /opt/src wget -qO- https://download.libreswan.org/libreswan-3.12.tar.gz | tar xvz cd libreswan-3.12 make programs make install # Prepare various config files cat > /etc/ipsec.conf < /etc/ipsec.secrets < /etc/xl2tpd/xl2tpd.conf < /etc/ppp/options.xl2tpd < /etc/ppp/chap-secrets < /etc/sysctl.conf < /etc/iptables.rules < /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptablesload < /etc/rc.local < /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward exit 0 EOF if [ ! -f /etc/ipsec.d/cert8.db ] ; then echo > /var/tmp/libreswan-nss-pwd /usr/bin/certutil -N -f /var/tmp/libreswan-nss-pwd -d /etc/ipsec.d /bin/rm -f /var/tmp/libreswan-nss-pwd fi /sbin/sysctl -p /bin/chmod +x /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptablesload /bin/chmod 600 /etc/ipsec.secrets /etc/ppp/chap-secrets /sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules /usr/sbin/service ipsec restart /usr/sbin/service xl2tpd restart