#!/bin/bash FORMAT_FILE=../README.md if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then echo "running on $TRAVIS_BRANCH branch" LINK_FILE=../README.md else echo "running on Pull Request #$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" DIFF_URL="https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/toddmotto/public-apis/pull/$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST.diff" curl $DIFF_URL > diff.txt echo "------- BEGIN DIFF -------" cat diff.txt echo "-------- END DIFF --------" cat diff.txt | egrep "\+" > additions.txt echo "------ BEGIN ADDITIONS -----" cat additions.txt echo "------- END ADDITIONS ------" LINK_FILE=additions.txt fi echo "checking if /json was changed..." egrep "\+{3}\s.\/json\/" diff.txt > json.txt if [[$? == 0]]; then echo "JSON files are auto-generated! Please do not update these files:" cat json.txt exit 1 else echo "/json check passed!" rm json.txt fi echo "running format validation on $FORMAT_FILE..." ./validate_format.rb $FORMAT_FILE if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "format validation failed!" exit 1 else echo "format validation passed!" ./build.sh && ./deploy.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "JSON build and deploy failed!" else echo "JSON build and deploy success!" fi fi echo "running link validation..." ./validate_links.rb $LINK_FILE if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "link validation failed!" exit 1 else echo "link validation passed!" fi