# PDF Batch Compressor ## Functionality This nifty utility compresses PDF files via [Ghostscript](https://www.ghostscript.com/) in the folder where this script resides: :one: Create a sub-folder, ./compressed, and put the resultant compressed ones in it, :two: Compress files with any PDF extentions i.e., .pdf, .PDF, .pDf and so on, :three: Optional compression parameter to be supplied, namely, prepress, ebook (default) and screen - in the descending order of quality, and :four: Log output with the compressed file names and any error message in the sub-folder N.B. Make sure to make this script excutable via `chmod +x` or `chmod 755`, after downloading! ## Installation ```bash (base) to@mx:~$ bash --version GNU bash, version 4.4.12(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) (base) to@mx:~$ gs --help GPL Ghostscript 9.26 (2018-11-20) ``` ## Help ```bash tezzy@HP:~/Desktop$ ./pdf_batch_compressor.sh -h NAME Compress all the PDF files in the same folder as this script resides via Ghostscript and put them into a newly created "compressed" sub-folder SYNOPSIS pdf_batch_compressor.sh [OPTION] DESCRIPTION -s, --setting=SETTING override default ebook; prepress, ebook or screen (in the descending order of quality) -h, --help display this help and exit ```