Welcome to @cyb_detective OSINT tools collection

I've been running my Twitter account Osint Stuff (@Ivan30394639) since 6 April 2021. And now (11 October 2021) 576 different tools have already been published in it. I've decided to collect them all on a separate page to make it easier for my regular readers to find them.

Мy Twitter account @ivan30394639 was blocked by the Twitter administration without explanation and without the possibility of restoration. Please subscribe to my new account @cyb_detective if you want to know news about Open Source Intelligence tools.

I apologise in advance for: spelling and grammatical errors, confusion in the definition of a category (one service may fit into several categories, but is only placed in one), unnecessary spaces and other layout defects. I'm going to do a lot more work on this collection. Thank you very much for listening and for retweeting my tweets!

If you would like to receive a list of new instruments added to your collection 2-3 times a month, please subscribe to email newsletter.

This page contains universal and global tools (with a few exceptions). You can find tools for individual countries and cities at Worldwide OSINT tools map.

Maps, Geolocation and Transport

Social media maps Nature Aviation Maritime Railway Routes Politics, conflicts and crisis Transport Communications Other

Social Media

Twitter YouTube TikTok Facebook Clubhouse Linkedin Reddit Onlyfans Twitch Fidonet Usenet Tumblr Flickr Spotify Discord Yandex Instagram


Website analyze Domain/IP investigation Databases of domains Website traffic look up Website technology look up Source Code Analyzes URL unshorteners

Image Search and Identification

Font Indenfication



Telegram Others


Search engines



Archives of documents


Passwords, emails, phone numbers

People search


Tools collection

VirtualMachines/Linux distributions


IMEI and serial numbers

Keywords, trends, news analytics

Apps and programs

Brands, companies, items




Maps, Geolocation and Transport

Social media

Apps.skylens.io — Posts with geotags from five social networks at once on one map (Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Flickr, Vkontakte)
photo-map.ru — search geotagged photos from VK.com
Snapchat map
YouTube Geofind — view YouTube geottaged video on map
Flickr Photo Map Flickr Common Map — displays only Flickr photos distributed under a Creative Commons license (250 of the latest for each location) Star icon
I know where your cat lives — geottaged photo from Instagram with #cat hashtag Trendsmap.com — Explore most popular #Twitter trends, hashtags and users on the worldmap


Map View NGMDB — map for exploring some geologic maps and articles from the NGMDB (National Geologic Map Database). WAQI — World's Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index map GlobalFishingMap — click on a point on the map and get the data on the current fishing effort at that location. ncei.noaa.gov — Natural Hazards Viewer (worldwide) Lightingmaps — lightning strikes in real time and also data on thunderstorms that ended months or years ago Light Pollution World Map — showing the degree of light pollution in different countries. It's possible to see the data over time (since 2013) Global Wetlands Map — Interactive map of open waters, mangroves, swamps, fens, riverines, floodswamps, marshs, wet meadows and floodplains (unfortunately, there are not all countries in the world) Fire MAP NASA — online map of fire hotspots around the world (data from VIIRS and MODIS satellites, last 24 hours) Ocearch Shark Tracker — Click on a shark on the world map and find out its name, size and travel log. Surging Seas: Risk Zone Map — Map of points where there is a risk of significant sea level rise in the event of melting glaciers. USA Fishermap — when you click on a freshwater body of water, its detailed map opens, on which the depth at different points is marked
Mindat.org — mineral maps for different countries
Ventusky.com — collection of weather map (wind, rain, temperature, air pressure, humidity, waves etc)
Wunderground — weather history data Rain Alarm — shows where it is raining on the map. You can enable notification of approaching rain (in the browser and in the mobile app) Cyclocane — click on the hurricane on the map and get detailed information about it MeteoBlue — Weather stats data Zoom.earth — Worldwide map of rains, storms, fires, heats, winds and others natural phenomenas NGDC Bathymetry map — worldwide detailed interactive bathymetry map Star icon
Soar.earth — big collection satellite, drone and ecological maps
Geodesics on the Earth — finding the shortest path between two points
Google Earth — 3D representation of Earth based primarily on satellite imagery


Skyvector — tool is designed for planning private flights. And you can find an incredible amount of data about the current situation in the sky on it Flight Connections — click on the airport on the map to see the cities from which it's possible fly direct
World Aviation Accident Database 1962-2007
World Aviation Accident Database 2008-2021
Rzjets.net — user updated online database (census) of civilian jet and turbojet aircraft
Globe.adsbexchange.com — tracking flights on a map
Transtats.bts.gov — flight schedules and data on the actual departure/arrival times of flights in the U.S. for more than 30 years (!))


Track Trace — tracking a shipping container by number
Container Tracking — tracking a shipping container by number
Searates container tracking — tracking a shipping container by number
CMA Voyage Finder — search for voyage details by voyage number or ship name
The Shipping Database — comprehensive archive of the world ships. There is even data for 1820!!!!!!!
Submarinecablemap.com — submarine communications cables map
Submarine Vessels Tracking Map Ports.com — online calculation of travel time between two ports (with optimal path). It's possible to select the speed from 5 to 40 knots. Shows a list of the seas through which it passes.


Amtrak Status Maps Archive Database — find out the train schedule for a station on a particular day that passed many years ago (since 2008)
Europe station maps floor plan Rasp.yandex.ru/map/trains — Live map of trains for Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazahstan and Abhazia


Ride With GPS
Wandermap — hiking routes world map
Runmap — running routes world map
Bikemap — biking route world map

Politics, conflicts and crisis

Freedomhouse.org — map of the world that shows the scores of different countries on the following indicators (on a scale of 1 to 100) Crimemapping.com — pick a state, a police agency, and what crimes and where were committed in the territory under its control in the last 24 hours, a week, or a month. Citizen.com — live map of incidents (mainly shooting) that happened in the last hours in major U.S. cities
MARITIME AWARENESS PROJECT — detailed map of maritime borders of states, economic zones with statistical data on ports and many other objects Monitor Tracking Civic Space Worldwide Map — Civicus (@CIVICUSalliance) — the global civil society alliance, constitutes an influential network of organisations at the local, national, regional and international levels of civil society. Hungermap — Worldwide Hunger Map Native-land.ca — click on the point on the map and find out: - what nation this area used to belong to; - what language was once spoken there; - a historical event that resulted in a nation losing their territory.
Hate Map
Global Conflict Tracker
Acled data crisis map Frontex Migratory Map — click on a country or region to see how many illegal border crossings have been reported there in the last six months.


Venicle Number Search Toolbox — search information about car by venicle numbers (14 different countries from one page) - #GreatBritain, #Norway, #Denmark, #Russian and others Transit Visualisation Client — real time info about public transport in 739 cities and towns in the dozens of countries Collection of public transport maps — 20 online public transport maps (most real-time) for different cities and countries around the world WorldLicensePlates — graphic index of license plates of different countries of the world


Opencellid.org — the world's largest Open Database of Cell Towers
API mylnikov.org — get lattitude and longitude by WiFI BBSID
nperf.com/map — view the coverage area of different #cellular operators in different countries
nperf.com/map/5g — 5G coverage #map worldwide


Wheelmap.org — map shows public places that are accessible and partially accessible to #wheelchair users Osmaps Radius — drawing circles with a certain radius on the map gulfpub-gisstg.esriemcs.com — Detailed world gas pipelines map OpenAerialMap — set of tools for searching, sharing, and using openly licensed satellite and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery Demo.4map.com — 3D interactive world map 360cities.net/map — world map of panoramic (360 degrees) images MeasureTool-GoogleMaps-V3 — Measurement tool for #GoogleMaps. OldMapsOnline — World aggregator of old maps from various sources (498,908 maps) World Population Density Map — Very detailed data. It's possible to look at the density not only by country and city, but also by individual metropolitan areas, towns, and villages Emporis Buildings Map — world map showing notable buildings. For each object you can find out the height, number of floors, type, and purpose Osmbuildings.org — world map showing notable buildings. For each object you can find out the height, type, and purpose. Whatiswhere.com — OpenStreetMap based free POI (point of interest) search. 102 types of objects ACSDG — tool allows you to quickly mark a group of points on the map and then export their geographic coordinates to CSV. Collection of cadastral maps — 41 countries MeasureMapOnline — tool for drawing rectangles, circles and complex polygons on a world map to measure their area and perimeter Vincos.it — world social media popularity map app.any.run — interactive worldwide map of cyber threats statistics (last 24 hour) Map Fight — compare size of two countries Chrome IconPresto Map lead extractor — Converts information about labels on Google Maps to CSV or XLSX Gmaps Extractor — Extract data from placemarks
Web Cam Taxi — open webcams around the world
Radio Garden — select a local radio station on the world map and listen to what's playing at the moment
GPS Visualizer — show gpx and tcx files on map
Map Checking — tool for measuring the number of people in a crowd of different area and density. localfocus.nl/geokit — geographic toolkit for investigative journalists Star icon
Pastvu.com — View historical photos taken at a particular location on a map.
Mapnificent — Choose a city on the world map, then select an address on the map and see what places you can get to by public transport in a certain time interval (range from 1 to 90 minutes) Find Food Support — find places where you can get free food by address (USA)

Social Media


Follower Wonk/Compare — this service allows you to find out how many followers two (or three) Twitter accounts have in common. Tweepsmap Unfollows — displayed unsubscribed accounts (list for the one week available for free)
app.truthnest.com — best tool for Twitter account investigation
Treeverse.app — view dialogs in Twitter as a graph Hashtagify — compare the popularity of the two hashtags Scoutzen — search twitter lists by keywords
One Million Tweet Map
Tweet Binder — detailed twitter account analyze
Tweet Sentiment Visualization
Tweet Beaver Friends Following
Tweet Topic Explorer
Twitter Money Calculator Twitter Analytics — gather detailed infromation about your own account
Vicintias.io — very fast export of information about Twitter account followers to XLSX
DO ES FOLLOW — quick check if one user is subscribed to another on Twitter
Sleeping Time — determining the approximate sleeping time of a user based on analysis of the timing of a tweet
Tweet Tunnel — tool for quick and comfortable viewing old tweet's of someone account
Twitter users directory
Foller.me — Twitter account detailed analyze
Get day Twitter Trends
US Twitter Trend Calendar
Followerwonk — search by Twitter bio
Twitter Botometr projects.noahliebman.net/listcopy — copy a list made by another user to your Twitter account Unfollower Stats — iOS App that tracking unfollowers and show nofollowersback and unactive followers for your Twitter account


YouTube Unlisted Video — search for videos available only by link on youtube YouTube Comments Analyze — Download detailed information about YouTube video comments to a .tab or .gdf Noxinluencer — youtube channels comparing
YouTube MetaData Viewer
YouTube comment Finder
Github icon Slash Tags — tool for recommending YouTube tags and displaying related statistical data from search keyword(s) YouTube playlist len — Find out the total time of all the videos in playlist Star icon
Anylizer.com — watch frame by frame YouTube and Vimeo) Chrome IconImprove YouTube — extension with dozens of different tweaks to the standard #YouTube interface YoTube Channel Search — Tool for searching YouTube channels by keywords in the name and creation date. The result is a table with the channel ID, name, description, date of creation, as well as the number of subscribers, views, and uploaded videos
watchframebyframe.com — watch frame by frame YouTube and Vimeo
Hadzy.com — YouTube comment search)
Github Icon Ytcs — google chrome extension to search YouTube comments without leaving the site (link to source code) Chrome icon
YouTube Comment Search Chrome Extension


TikStats — detailed statistics on the growth dynamics of subscribers, likes, and video views for the TikTok account
Github iconTikTok Scraper — scrapping video from user, trend or hashtag feed, extracting video's or user's metadata, downloading video or music, processing a list of clips or users from a file
TikTokD — TikTok Video Downloader
Snaptik.app — TikTok Video Downloader
Exolyt.com — TikTok profile analyze
Tikbuddy — TikTok profile analytics Mavekite.com — Enter the nickname of the user #TikTok and get the data on likes, comments, views, shares and engagements for his forty last videos


Find my FB ID
435,627,630 indexed items from that Facebook dump of recent - ready to be searched upon.
Facebook People Directory
Github icon sowdust.github.io/fb-search — search facebook posts, people and groups using URL-filtres


ClubHouse users.db — search users by nickname and keyword in profile roomsofclubhouse.com — search open and scheduled rooms clubsearch.io — search open and scheduled rooms search4faces.com/ch00 — reverse image face search by 4 millions 594 thousands #clubhouse avatars.


Freepeoplesseacrhtool.com — find people in Linkedin without registration
Github icon
CrossLinked — LinkedIn enumeration tool to extract valid employee names from an organization through search engine scraping
Github icon
Linkedin Datahub — linkedIn's generalized metadata search & discovery tool


Map of Reddit — an alternative format for interacting with Reddit
Reddit Insvestigator redditcommentsearch.com — getting a list of all comments by a Reddit user with a certain name dashboard.laterforreddit.com/analysis — examine popular post trends for a given subreddit Reddit Timer — Get last week's hourly activity schedule for a specific subreddit


Onlysearch.com — Onlyfans users search engines onlyfinder.com — OnlyFans profiles search engine (search by people, images and deals) hubite.com/onlyfans-search/ — OnlyFans profiles search engine with price filter


Twitch Tools — downloas full followers list of any Twitch account in CSV
Twitch Tracker — detailed analysis of #Twitch streamer stats
Sully Gnome — detailed analysis of #Twitch streamer stats


Fidonet nodelist — search by node number, sysop name and sysop location


NZBFRIENDS — usenet search engine


Tumblr Tool — collected posts tagged with a specific term from Tumblr and export to .tab file (opens in Excel) and .GDF (opens in Gephi)


Flickr Photopool Contact Network — Analyzes Flickr groups and makes a list of nicknames of participants for further graph analysis in Gephi


Chosic.com — analyze the playlist on Spotiify, calculate the prevailing mood, genres, decades and favorite artists
Github iconSpotify downloader — download spotify playlist in mp3 from YouTube chartmasters.org/spotify-streaming-numbers-tool/ — report of the number of streams of a particular artist's tracks on Spotify


ASTRAAHOME — 14 #Discord tools (including a RAT, a Raid Tool, a Token Grabber, a Crash Video Maker, etc) in one #python tool.


YaSeeker — Get information about http://Yandex.ru account by login


Inflact Instagram Search — Instagram profiles search tool with the ability to filter results by number of subscribers, number of posts, gender, categories (personal blog, artist, product/service etc.) Terra — Collect information about twitter and Instagram accounts
Instagram analyzer and viewer Sterraxcyl — Tool for export to excel someone's #Instagram followers and/or following with details (Username, FullName, Bio, Followers and Following count, etc)

Github icon
GHunt — google account investigation too
Graphtreon.com — patreon accounts earnings stats Commits.top — Current list of the most active @Github users by country Gitstar Ranking — Unofficial GitHub star ranking for users, organizations and repositories Github Rater — rates GitHub profile upon data received from GitHub API
Github icon
WikiStalk : Analyze Wikipedia User's Activity
Parler archive Gallery-dl — Quick and simple tool for downloading image galleries and collections from #flickr, #danbooru, #pixiv, #deviantart, #exhentai
Sn0int framework module for Pornhub steamdb.info/calculator — shows how much money has been spent on games in Steam by a particular user Xboxgamertag — search Xbox Live users by nickname (gamertag). It's possible to view gamer's stats and his playing history.
Kribrum.io — searchengine for different social media platforms with filters by author and time period Zen — Tool for gathering emails of #Github users Chrome iconAuto Scroll Search — automatically scrolls the page down (and loads the ribbon) until the specified keyword appears on it.
Social Blade — help you track YouTube Channel Statistics, Twitch User Stats, Instagram Stats, and much more
Vk.city4me.com — tracking user online time
Github icon
Social Analyzer — tool for searching nickname profiles on more than 300 sites Social Media Salary Calculator — for YouTube, TikTok, Instagram


Website analyze

Github iconInvestigator Recon Tool — web based handy-#recon tool that uses different #GoogleDorking techniques and some open sources service to find juicy information about target websites. It helps you quickly check and gather information about the target domain name. Chrome icon
find+ | Regex Find-in-Page Tool — extension for Chrome that helps you quickly find pieces of text on a web page that match a certain regular expression Chrome IconCore SERP Vitals — adds a bit of information from CrUX API to the standard Google search results Chrome IconWhatRuns — extension, which discover what runs a website: frameworks, Analytics Tools, Wordpress Plugins, Fonts. BGPView — web-browsing tool and an API that lets you gather information about the current state and structure of the internet, including ASNs, IP addresses, IXs, BGP Downstream & Upstream Peers, and much more
Google Chrome webpage Regexp search
Redirect Detective — tool that allows you to do a full trace of a URL Redirect
Wheregoes.com — tool that allows you to do a full trace of a URL Redirect
Spyoffers.com — tool that allows you to do a full trace of a URL Redirect
Determines if website is not comply with EU Cookie Law and gives you insight about cookies installed from website before the visitors consent
Audits website cookies, online tracking and HTTPS usage for GDPR compliance
Terms of Service Didn't Read — find out what interesting privacy and confidentiality clauses are in the license agreements of popular websites and apps analyzeid.com — find websites with the same owner by domain name. Checking for email, Facebook App ID and nameserver matches Chrome iconmoarTLS Analyzer — addon which check all links on the webpage and show list of non-secure links. MMHDAN — Calculate a fingerprint of a website (HTML, Favicon, Certificate in SHA1, SHA256, MD5, MMH3) and create the quick links to search it in IOT search engines Chrome iconHypeStat Analyzer Plugin — Shows estimate daily website traffic, Alexa rank, average visit duration and used techhologies.
Github icon
AnalyticsRelationships — command line #tool for to search for links between domains by Google Analytics ID
Webemailextractor.com — extract email's and phone numbers from the website or list of website
cookieserve.com — detailed website cookie analyze
Github icon
Metagoofil — finds pdf/xlsx/docx files and other documents on the site/server, analyzes their metadata, and outputs a list of found user names and email addresses
Github icon Goblyn — tool focused to enumeration and capture of website files metadata. It will search for active directories in the website and so enumerate the files, if it find some file it will get the metadata of file Scrape API — Proxy API for Web Scraping
Github icon
Pidrila — Python Interactive Deepweb-oriented Rapid Intelligent Link Analyzer Snyk.io — Website Vulnerabilities Scanner
SEO Spyglass Backlink checker Neilpatel backlinks analyzer — find out how many sites are linking to a certain web page
Github icon
Site Dorks
Github icon 0xdork — Very light and simple #Python tool for Google Dorking
Github icon
Dirscraper — OSINT scanning tool which discovers and maps directories found in javascript files hosted on a website Try.jsoup.org — online version of HTML pasrer http://github.com/jhy/jsoup Adsense Identiicator Finder — this service finds other sites belonging to the same owner or company by Google Adsense ID

Domain/IP investigation

SubDomainsBrute — Very(!) fast and simple tool for subdomain bruteforce. It find 53 subdomains, scanned 31160 variations in 31 seconds. @UniversalSearchBot — telegram bot finding information about email, russian phone number, domain or IP Domain Investigation Toolbox — gather information about domain with 41 online tools from one page. @iptools_robot — univsersal domain investigation Telegram bot dorks.faisalahmed.me — online constructor of google dorks for searching "sensitive" wesite pages Pulsedive — A partially free website research tool. Collects detailed information about IP, whois, ssl, dns, ports, threats reports, geolocation, cookies, metadata (fb app id etc). Make screenshots and many others Striker — Quick and simple tool for gathering information about domain (http headers, technologies, vulnerabilities etc). SiteBroker — Domain investigation #python tool DNSlytics — find out everything about a domain name, IP address or provider. Discover relations between them and see historical data passivedns.mnemonic.no — DNS history search by IP-adress or by domain name Gotanda — Google Chrome extension. 56 tools for domain, ip and url investigation in one Ip Investigation Toolbox — type ip-adress once and gather information about it with 13 tools ixss.warsong.pw — very old service for making XSS (Cross Site Scripting) faster and easier
Github icon
ReconFTW — tool designed to perform automated recon on a target domain by running the best set of tools to perform scanning and finding out vulnerabilities
Spyse.com — domain investigation toolbox
Github iconSpyse CLI — command line client for Spyse.com
Github iconHostHunter — Tool to efficiently discover and extract hostnames providing a large set of target IP addresses. HostHunter utilises simple OSINT techniques to map IP addresses with virtual hostnames Star icon
Tor Whois
Github icon
Ditto — Dsmall tool that accepts a domain name as input and generates all its variants for an homograph attack as output, checking which ones are available and which are already registered RADB — Provides information collected from all the registries that form part of the Internet Routing Registry
IPinfo map — paste up to 500,000 IPs below to see where they're located on a map
Whois XML API Whois history database
Github icon
Hakrawler — discover endpoints and assets
Passive DNS search
Talos Intelligence Mail Server Reputation Github iconnetbootcamp.org/websitetool.html — access to 74 #tools to collect domain information from a single page
Github iconHussh — shell script for domain analyzing
Check any website to see in real time if it is blocked in China

Databases of domains

Whois Freaks — API which allows you to search Whois-database (430M+ domains since 1986) by keyword, company name or owner name Expireddomains.net — lists of deleted and expired domains (last 7 days) WhoisDS.com — database of domains registered in the last day ptrarchive.com — search by 230 billion DNS records retrieved from 2008 to the present.

Website traffic look up

SimilarWeb — Detailed website traffic analyze Alexa — Keyword Research, Competitive Analysis, Website Ranking

Website technology look up

Built With
Hexometer stack checker
Web Tech Survey
Awesome Tech Stack
Netcraft Site Report
CMLabs Tools Snov.io technology checker — type name of #webdev technology (jquery, django, wordpress etc) and get the list of websites, which used it.

Source Code Analyzes

Chrome icon Retire.js — GoogleChrome extension for scanning a web app for use of vulnerable JavaScript libraries Chrome icon OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer — GoogleChrome extension which reveals structured metadata (Microdata, RDFa, JSON-LD, Turtle, etc.) embedded within HTML documents. Chrome icon SIngle File — GoogleChrome, Firefox and MicrosoftEdge addon to save webpage in single html file

URL unshorteners

Get Link Info

Image Search and Identification

Github iconSherloq — open source image #forensic toolset made by profesional photograph Guido Bartoli Image Color Picker — pick color (HEX or RGB) from image or website screenshot
Github iconEXIF-PY — get exif data of photos thrue command line
Github iconFace Recognition — facial recognition api for Python and the command line
News Myseldon — from the photo looks for famous and little-known (like minor officials) people
Find and Set Scale From Image Ascii2d.net — Japanese reverse image search engine for anime lovers Exif.app — Press "Diff check button", upload two graphical images and get a comparison table of their metadata. The differences are highlighted in yellow Chrome iconImage Analyzer Addon — View all images on a page and expose image properties, EXIF data, and one-click download
Identify plans
Facial composite (identikit) maker Star icon
Search4faces.com — search people in VK, Odnoklassniki, TikTok and ClubHouse by photo or identikit
Forensicdots.de — find "yellow dots" (Machine Identification Code) in printed documents
Telegram Facemath bot — searching for a face among the archive of photographs from public events in Kazakhstan
Searchbyimage.app — search clothes in online shops
Aliseeks.com — search items by photo in AliExpress and Ebay Vsudo Geotag Tool — tool for mass geotagging of photos
Image Diff Checker
lykdat.com — clothing reverse image search services
SN Radar VK Photo Search
IQDB.org — reverse image search specially for anime art
pic.sogou.com — chinese reverse image search engine
Same Energy — reverse image search engine for finding beautiful art and photos in the same style as the original picture
Image So Search — Qihoo 360 Reverse Images Search
Image Forensic (Ghiro Online)

Font Indenfication

Font Squirrel
Font Spring


Wallet explorer — bitcoin wallet transaction history
Blockpath.com — viewing bitcoin wallet transactions as a graph
Cryptocurrency alerting — track spending and deposits in Bitcoin and Ethereum wallets
Learnmebitcoin.com — find transactions between two Bitcoin adresses
Coinwink.com — allows you to set up email notifications in case Bitcoin (or other #cryptocurrency) rate rises (falls) above (below) a certain value



Commentgram CSE — search by Telegram comments
Github icon Telegram Message Analyzer — Export #Telegram chat (with Windows version of Telegram app) and get detailed analyze of it (message count, average message count per day, word frequency etc) @SangMataInfo_bot — forward a message from the user and find out the history of their name in Telegram @tgscanrobot — telegram bot to show which telegram groups a person is member of. tgstat.ru/en/search — search by #Telegram chats and channels (5.18 bln posts).
Github icon
Telescan — search users in groups (and in which groups is the user) by id, username or phone number
Telegcrack.com — search in telegra.ph)


whatsanalyze.com — analyzes #WhatsApp group message statistics (world cloud, timeline, message frequency) chatvisualizer.com — another #WhatsApp chat analyzer. Kikusernames.com — Kik messenger username search
Github icon
Slack Pirate — tool developed in Python which uses the native Slack APIs to extract 'interesting' information from a Slack workspace given an access token
Watools.io — download whatsapp profile picture
vedbex.com/tools/email2skype — finding a Skype account by email


Grep.app — regExp search in Github repositories Searchcode.com — Search engine for @github, @gitlab, @bitbucket, @GoogleCode and other source code storages Code Repository Google CSE — Google CSE for search 15 code repository services Libraries.io — search by 4 690 628 packages across 32 different package managers The Scraper — Simple tool for scrapping emails and social media accounts from the website's source code.
Github icon
Github Search — collection of Github investigation command line tools. Explore users, employes, endpoints,surveys and grab the repos
Sploitus — exploit and hacker's tools search engine
Leakcop — service that monitors in real-time the illegal use of source code from certain repositories on Github
Github icon
Github Artifact Exporter — provides a set of packages to make exporting Issues easier useful for those migrating information out of Github
PublicWWW — webpages source code search engine
SourceGraph — universal code search engine
NerdyData — html/css/code search engine

Search engines

fnd.io — alternative search engine for the AppStore and iTunes
GlobalSpec Engineer Search Engine
I search from — allows you to customize the country, language, device, city when searching on Google
Napalm FTP Indexer S — Search from command line in 106 different sources
Github icon
Onion Search
Recruitin.net — easily use Google to search profiles on LinkedIn Cloud File Search Engine — search music, books, video, programs archives in 59 file-sharing sites (#meganz, #dropark, #turbotit etc) URVX — Based by Google Custom Search tool for searching in popular cloud storages service Mac Address Search Tool — search by full Mac adress, part of Mac adress (prefix), vendor name or brand name
2lingual.com — google search in two languages simultaneously in one window
Hashatit.com — hastag searchengine. Search in twitter, instagram, facebook, youtube, pinterest
Goo.ne.jp — beautiful japanese search engine
Explain Shell — this site will help you quickly understand terminal commands-lines from articles, manuals, and tutorials Firebounty — Bug bounty search engine TheDevilsEye — Search links in #darknet (.onion domain zone) from command line without using a Tor network. Peteyvid — search engine for 70 video hosting sites Filesearching — old FTP servers search engine with filter by top-level domain name and filetype 3DFindit — tool for searching 3D models by 3560 3D CAD (computer aided design) and BIM (Building Information Model) catalogs. Filechef — tool for searching different type of files (videos, application, documents, audio, images) buckets.grayhatwarfare.com — Amazon Public Buckets Search osint.sh/buckets — Azure Public Buckets Search
Github icon
Google Dorks List SDorker — Type the Google Dork and get the list of the pages, that came up with this query. Google Email Extractor — Extract emails from Google Search Results
SEQE.me — online #tool for constructing search queries using advanced search operators simultaneously for five search engines
Bright Local Search Result Checker — shows what #Google search results look like for a particular query around the world (by exact address) thereisabotforthat.com — search by catalog of 5151 bots for 17 different apps and platforms
Github iconGoogle Unlocked — browser extension uncensor google search results Iconfinder.com — Icons Search Engine
Github iconWeb Search Navigator — extension that adds keyboard shortcuts to Google, YouTube, Github, Amazon, and others
Google Datasets Search Star icon
Onion Search Engine (+maps, mail and pastebin)
KILOS Darknet Search Engine
Gifcities.org — GIF Search Engine from archive.org
Presearch.org — privately decentralized search engine, powered by #blockchain technology
milled.com — search engine for searching through the texts of email marketing messages
Github iconOrion — open-Source Search Engine for social networking websites. soundeffectssearch.com — find a sound library
Github iconGoogler — command line google search tool goosh.org — online google search command line tool Star iconsearchall.net — 75 fields for quick entry of queries to different search services on one page


Greynoise.io fofa.so


Quick Cache and Archive search — quick search website old versions in different search engines and archives (21 source) Trove — australian web archive Chrome iconVandal — extension that makes working with http://archive.org faster, more comfortable, and more efficient.
Carbon Dating The Web
Archive.vn UKWA — archive of more than half a billion saved English-language web pages (data from 2013) Chrome iconWeb Archives — extension for viewing cached web page version in 18 search engines and services
Github iconEasyCache — quick search website old versions in different search engines and archives cachedview.b4your.com — quick search website old versions in different search engines and archives
Github iconWaybackpack — download the entire #WaybackMachine archive for a given URL. You can only download versions for a certain date range (date format YYYYMMDDhhss)

Archives of documents

UK National Archives — search in the catalogue of United Kingdom "The National Archives" Directory of Open Access Journals — Search by 16 920 journals, 6, 588, 661 articles, 80 lanquages, 129 countries National Center for Biotechnology — unique tool to search 39 scientific databases (Pubmed, SRA, OMIN, MedGen etc) from one page industrydocuments.ucsf.edu — digital archive of documents created by industries which influence public health (tobacco, chemical, drug, fossil fuel) Offshor Leaks — Search through various databases of leaked documents of offshore companies Vault.fbi.gov — Vault is FOIA Library, containing 6,700 documents that have been scanned from paper Lux Leaks — — the name of a financial scandal revealed in November 2014 by a journalistic investigation. On this site you will find documents related to more than 350 of the world's largest companies involved in this story


Afrobarometer — huge database of the results of sociological surveys conducted in African countries over the last 20 years Arabbarometer — database of the results of sociological surveys conducted in the Arab countries of Africa and the Middle East in 2007-2018 dataset.domainsproject.org — dataset of 616 millions domains (16GB!)

Passwords, emails, phone numbers

Leak peek — by pasword search part of email and site, where this password is used
Breachchecker.com — history of data leaks associated with a particular email address
Metric Sparrow email permulator snov.io email finder — find emails of company employees by domain name. @maigret_osint_bot — check accounts by username on 1500 sites. Based on maigret CLI tool
Github icon Mailfoguess — tool create a lot of possible local-part from personal information, add domain to all local-part respecting the conditions of creation of mail of these domains and verify these mails USA Telephone Directory Collection — 3512 of paper "yellow" and "white" pages available for download in PDF published from 1887 to 1987 Oldphonebook — USA phonenumbers database from 1994 to 2014 Phomber — Get information about phone number with command line. DaProfiler — Get emails, social medias, adresses of peoples using web scraping and google dorking Spy — Just another very quick and simple account checker by username (210 sites in list).
Hunter.io — can link to an article to find its author and his email address
Github iconMailcat — find existing email addresses by nickname in 22 providers, > 60 domains and > 100 aliases
Github icon
Profil3r — search for profiles in social networks by nickname
Github icon Aliens eye — Find links to social media accounts in 70 websites by username
Github icon
Holehe — check if the mail is used on different sites like twitter, instagram and will retrieve information on sites with the forgotten password function
Github icon
H8mail — email OSINT and breach hunting tool using different breach and reconnaissance services, or local breaches such as Troy Hunt's "Collection1" and the infamous "Breach Compilation" torrent
Github icon
My CSE for search in 48 pastebin sites Psbdmp.ws — search sensitive user data by 25 759 511 pastebins
MailBoxLayer API — free api for email adress checking EmailHippo — Simple free online tool for check the existence of a particular email address and evaluate its reliability on a 10-point scale.
Numverify API — free api for global phone number lookup and validation
Cybernews RockYour2021 — check if your data has been leaked
Spycloud.com — check for a particular email in data leaks. Shows how many addresses registered on a particular house have been scrambled
Reference of default settings of different router models (IP, username, password)

People search

That's them people search Anywho — Search for people in #USA. Enter first and last name to get age, address, and part of phone number (free)
Usersearch.org — search people by nickname, phone or email Ellis Island — online searchable database of 65 million arrivals to #NewYork between (late 19th and early 20th century). recordsearch.naa.gov.au — National archives of #Australia
Decoding Social Security Numbers in One Step
Inmate Database Search
Scamdigger.com — search in #scammers database by name, IP-adress, email or phone
Github icon — Search users profile by nickname Pyosint — Search for usenames form a list of 326 websites. Scrap a website to extract all links form a given website. Automate the search of subdomains of a given domain from diffrent services Cloob.com — Iranian people search SlaveVoyages.org — the Trans-Atlantic and Intra-American slave trade databases are the culmination of several decades of independent and collaborative research by scholars drawing upon data in libraries and archives around the Atlantic world.


@VoiceMsgBot — telegram bot to which you can send voice messages and it converts them into text Manytools — Collection of tools to automate the repetitive jobs involved in webdevelopment and hacking. @transcriber_bot — telegram bot, which can convert to text voice messages in 24 languages (view pic) Gdown — When downloading files from Google Drive curl/wget fails (because of the security notice). But this problem is easily solved. Webdext — An intelligent and quick web data extractor for #GoogleChrome. Support data extraction from web pages containing a list of objects such as product listing, news listing, search result, etc Headlines.Sharethrough.com — analyzes headlines according to four indicators (strenghts, suggestions, engagement, impression) and gives a score from 1 to 100 Miteru — Experimental phishing kit detection tool. It collects phishy URLs from phishing info feeds and checks each phishy URL whether it enables directory listing and contains a phishing kit (compressed file) or not Chrome iconWeb history stat — detailed statistics of your browser history @YTranslateBot — type text or resend messages to Telegram bot for translate it. Binvis — lets you visually dissect and analyze binary files. It's the interactive grandchild of a static visualisation online tool Gdrive-copy — The standard functionality of #GoogleDrive does not allow you to copy an entire folder with all subfolders and files. But it can be done using third-party applications unscreen.com — remove the background from an uploaded video shellcheck.net — analyzes command-line scripts and explains in detail the errors found in them coveryourtracks.eff.org — can tell a lot about your browser and computer, including showing a list of installed fonts on the system. @TempMail_org_bot — telegram bot for quick creation of temporary email addresses (to receive emails when registering on different sites)
Github iconGephi — fast and easy to learn graph analytics tool with a lot of modules (plugins) Regular Expression Analyzer — super tool for those who forget to leave comments on their code or have to deal with someone else's code. Chrome icon Search Commands — Google Chromw extension provides a Swiss-knife style commands tool inside your browser’s address bar to enhance your search experience Chrome icon Smart ruler — Simple #GoogleChrome extension (200 000 users) for those who like to explore the design of different sites Chrome icon Developer search tool — Take the art of copy and paste from Stack Overflow to a new level of speed and productivity Online tools — 55 tools for calculation hash functions, calculation file checksum, encoding and decoding strings
VERY QUICK and SIMPLE metadata online editor and remover
Github iconHTTP Cat — free #API to get pictures with cats for different HTTP response codes
Gitpod.io — run code from repositories on Github directly in a browser
CrackStation.net — password hash cracker
Run PHP functions online
Siftrss.com — tool for filtering RSS feeds
The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux)
HTTPIE.IO — command-line HTTP client
Windows 10 Online Emulator
Parrot Security OS Online Emulator
Open Multiple Links ☷ One Click
Tobloef.com — text to mind map
Github icon
CyberChef — collection of more than a hundred online #tools for automating a wide variety of tasks (string coding, text comparison, double-space removal)
Textise.net — convert the HTML code of a page to TXT
Shadowcrypt Tools — 24 online tools for OSINT, network scanning, MD5 encryption and many others

Tools collections

Github icon Osint Search Tools — Several hundred links for quick search in Social Media, Communties, Maps, Documents Search Engines, Maps, Pastes... Github iconScrummage — Ultimate OSINT and Threat Hunting Framework
Github iconMr.Holmes — osint toolkit for gathering information about domains, phone numbers and social media accounts
Github iconE4GL30S1NT — ShellScript toolkit for #osint (12 tools) Chrome icon Recon Spider — Advanced Open Source Intelligence (#OSINT) Framework for scanning IP Address, Emails, Websites, Organizations FoxyRecon — 44 osint tools in one add-on for #Firefox
Github iconOwasp Maryam — modular open-source framework based on OSINT and data gathering Metabigoor — Simple and fast #osint framework Oryon OSINT query tool — Construct investigations links in Google Sheet
Github icon Discover — Custom bash scripts used to automate various penetration testing tasks including recon, scanning, parsing and listeners with metasploit (16 tools in one)
Github iconone-plus.github.io/DocumentSearch — Document Search osint Toolkit
Telegram HowToFindBot
Github icon
Github iconProfounder — searching users by nickname and scrapping url's from website
Github icon
Moriarty Project
Osintcombine Tools
Github icon
Github icon
Github icon
One Plus OSINT Toolkit
Github icon
Github icon
Sarenka Star icon
Github iconIVRE — framework for network recon

Virtual Machines/Linux distributions

Offen Osint — More than 108 tools for #OSINT in one virtual machine based by #KaliLinux (13,5 GB)


Github iconGrep for OSINT — simple toolkit that helps to quickly extract "important data" (phone numbers, email addresses, URLs) from the text / file directory Diffnow.com — Compares and finds differences in text, URL (html code downloaded by link), office documents (doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx), source code (C, C++, C#, Java, Perl, PHP and other), archives (RAR, 7-zip etc). Dicom Viewer — view MRI or CT photo online (.DCM files) Wenku — download documents from Baidu Wenku without registration
Github iconPDFX — get meta data of PDF files thrue command line @mediainforobot — telegram bot to getting metadata from different types of files
Github iconMutagen — get meta data of audiofiles thrue command line compress-or-die.com/analyze — get detail information about images (exif, metatags, ICC_Profile, quantanisation tables) voyant-tools.org — analysis of particular words in .TXT, .DOCX, .XLSX, .CSV and other file types.
Analyze file format online
ToolSley: analyze file format online
MP3 Spectrum Analyzer
RecoveryToolBox — recovery tools for corrupted Excel, CorelDraw, Photoshop, PowerPoint, RAR, ZIP, PDF and other files

IMEI and serial numbers

Checking MI account
Contex condoms serial number lookup

Keywords, trends, news analytics

Wordstat.yandex.ru — the estimated number of Yandex searches in the coming month for different keywords
Trends Google
Keywordtool.io — keyword matching for Google, YouTube, Amazon, Ebay, Bing, Instagram, Twitter
Google Books Ngram Viewer
News Explorer BlueMix
Pinterest Trends

Apps and programs

Asotools: Google Play and App Store keyword search Github iconGoogle Play Scraper — get the most detailed metadata about the app from GooglePlay Github iconApp Store Scraper — get the most detailed metadata about the app from AppStore

Brands, companies, items


Github iconAmazon Scraper — scraped detail information about list of items iPhone IMEI Checker — Get information about #iPhone by International Mobile Equipment Identity LEI search — can help find "who owned by" or "who owns"
Amazon ASIN Finder
Sellerapp.com. Amazon Reverse ASIN search
Barcode lookup
Panjiva.com — search data on millions of shipments worldwide en.52wmb.com — Search information about worldwide buyers and suppliers by product name, company name or HS code. Lei.bloomberg.com — search information about company by Legal Identify Number FDIC search — Search banks by FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) certificate number and get detailed information about it 990 finder — Enter the company name and select the state to get a link to download its 900 form. Iban.com — Check the validity of the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) of the company and see the information about the bank where it is serviced Related List — find company-related contacts and confidential documents leaked online Open Corporates Command Line Client (Occli) — Gathering detailed information about company through cli. NewsBrief — Looking for recent mentions of the company in online media around the world Investing.com — View a detailed investment profile of the company FCCID.IO — seacrh by FCC ID, Country, Date, Company name or Frequency ( in Mhz) Freebin Checker — easy-to-use API for getting bank details by BIN. 850,000+ BIN records in FreeBinChecker's database Tradeint — Quick access for more than 85 tools for gathering information about company and company website, location and sector Corporative Registry Catalog — worldwide catalog of business registries (63 countries) WIPO.int — Global Brands Database (46,020,000 records) TMDN Design View — Search 17 684 046 products designs across the European Union and beyond TESS — Search engine for #USA trademarks


Reelgood.com — search engine for more than 300 free and paid streaming services (Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, HBO, BBC, DisneyPlus) IMCDB — Internet Movie Cars Database
Sympsons screencaps search
Search Futuruma screencaps
Rick and Morty screencaps search
Subzin.com — by one phrase will find the movie, as well as the full text of the dialogue with the timing
Unogs.com — Netflix search without registration


Radion.net — view list of all radiostations near your location and search radiostations by keywords American Archive of Public Broadcasting — Discover historic programs of publicly funded radio and television across America. Watch and listen