21 july 2021. Weekly update #5

Welcome to @Ivan30394639 OSINT tools collection

17 new instruments were added last week. There are now 371 instruments in the collection. Here's a list of weekly updates in the different sections


Searchcode.com — Search engine for @github, @gitlab, @bitbucket, @GoogleCode and other source code storages
Code Repository Google CSE — Google CSE for search 15 code repository services

Archives of Documents

Offshor Leaks — Search through various databases of leaked documents of offshore companies
Vault.fbi.gov — Vault is FOIA Library, containing 6,700 documents that have been scanned from paper
Lux Leaks — — the name of a financial scandal revealed in November 2014 by a journalistic investigation. On this site you will find documents related to more than 350 of the world's largest companies involved in this story


MeteoBlue — Weather stats data


YouTube Comments Analyze — Download detailed information about YouTube video comments to a .tab or .gdf
YoTube Channel Search — Tool for searching YouTube channels by keywords in the name and creation date. The result is a table with the channel ID, name, description, date of creation, as well as the number of subscribers, views, and uploaded videos


Mavekite.com — Enter the nickname of the user #TikTok and get the data on likes, comments, views, shares and engagements for his forty last videos


Scoutzen — search twitter lists by keywords

Social Media (Others)

Commits.top — Current list of the most active @Github users by country
Gitstar Ranking — Unofficial GitHub star ranking for users, organizations and repositories

People search

— Search users profile by nickname

OSINT Toolkits

Profounder — searching users by nickname and scrapping url's from website


HTTP Cat — free #API to get pictures with cats for different HTTP response codes


RADB — Provides information collected from all the registries that form part of the Internet Routing Registry