Welcome to @Ivan30394639 OSINT tools collection

I've been running my Twitter account Osint Stuff since 6 April 2021. And now (14 July 2021) 354 different tools have already been published in it. I've decided to collect them all on a separate page to make it easier for my regular readers to find them.

I apologise in advance for: spelling and grammatical errors, confusion in the definition of a category (one service may fit into several categories, but is only placed in one), unnecessary spaces and other layout defects. I'm going to do a lot more work on this collection. Thank you very much for listening and for retweeting my tweets!

Weekly update #5 14 july 2021. +`19 new tools

Follow this collection on Github:

My own collections and services:

21 tools for search cached and arcvided websites in one page 61 sites to search for court documents25 tools for graves search

50 technology-related hashtags to increase the reach of a tweet CSE for search in 48 pastebin sites

Maps, Geolocation and Transport

Social media

photo-map.ru — search geotagged photos from VK.com
YouTube Geofind — view YouTube geottaged video on map
I know where your cat lives — geottaged photo from Instagram with #cat hashtag


Mindat.org — mineral maps for different countries
Ventusky.com — collection of weather map (wind, rain, temperature, air pressure, humidity, waves etc)
Wunderground — weather history data
Soar.earth — big collection satellite, drone and ecological maps
Geodesics on the Earth — finding the shortest path between two points
Google Earth — 3D representation of Earth based primarily on satellite imagery


Rzjets.net — user updated online database (census) of civilian jet and turbojet aircraft
Globe.adsbexchange.com — tracking flights on a map
Transtats.bts.gov — flight schedules and data on the actual departure/arrival times of flights in the U.S. for more than 30 years (!))


Track Trace — tracking a shipping container by number
Container Tracking — tracking a shipping container by number
Searates container tracking — tracking a shipping container by number
CMA Voyage Finder — search for voyage details by voyage number or ship name
The Shipping Database — comprehensive archive of the world ships. There is even data for 1820!!!!!!!
Submarinecablemap.com — submarine communications cables map


Amtrak Status Maps Archive Database — find out the train schedule for a station on a particular day that passed many years ago (since 2008)


Wandermap — hiking routes world map
Runmap — running routes world map
Bikemap — biking route world map

Politics, conflicts and crisis

MARITIME AWARENESS PROJECT — detailed map of maritime borders of states, economic zones with statistical data on ports and many other objects


Opencellid.org — the world's largest Open Database of Cell Towers
API mylnikov.org — get lattitude and longitude by WiFI BBSID
nperf.com/map — view the coverage area of different #cellular operators in different countries
nperf.com/map/5g — 5G coverage #map worldwide


Presto Map lead extractor — Converts information about labels on Google Maps to CSV or XLSX
Web Cam Taxi — open webcams around the world
Radio Garden — select a local radio station on the world map and listen to what's playing at the moment
GPS Visualizer — show gpx and tcx files on map
Map Checking — tool for measuring the number of people in a crowd of different area and density.
localfocus.nl/geokit — geographic toolkit for investigative journalists
Pastvu.com — View historical photos taken at a particular location on a map.
Mapnificent — Choose a city on the world map, then select an address on the map and see what places you can get to by public transport in a certain time interval (range from 1 to 90 minutes)
Find Food Support — find places where you can get free food by address (USA)

Social Media


app.truthnest.com — best tool for Twitter account investigation
Treeverse.app — view dialogs in Twitter as a graph
Tweet Binder — detailed twitter account analyze
Twitter Analytics — gather detailed infromation about your own account
Vicintias.io — very fast export of information about Twitter account followers to XLSX
DO ES FOLLOW — quick check if one user is subscribed to another on Twitter
Sleeping Time — determining the approximate sleeping time of a user based on analysis of the timing of a tweet
Tweet Tunnel — tool for quick and comfortable viewing old tweet's of someone account
Foller.me — Twitter account detailed analyze
Followerwonk — search by Twitter bio
projects.noahliebman.net/listcopy — copy a list made by another user to your Twitter account
Unfollower Stats — iOS App that tracking unfollowers and show nofollowersback and unactive followers for your Twitter account


YouTube Unlisted Video — search for videos available only by link on youtube
Slash Tags — tool for recommending YouTube tags and displaying related statistical data from search keyword(s)
Anylizer.com — watch frame by frame YouTube and Vimeo)
watchframebyframe.com — watch frame by frame YouTube and Vimeo
Hadzy.com — YouTube comment search)
Ytcs — google chrome extension to search YouTube comments without leaving the site (link to source code)


TikTokD — TikTok Video Downloader
Snaptik.app — TikTok Video Downloader
Exolyt.com — TikTok profile analyze
Tikbuddy — TikTok profile analytics


sowdust.github.io/fb-search — search facebook posts, people and groups using URL-filtres


ClubHouse users.db — search users by nickname and keyword in profile
roomsofclubhouse.com — search open and scheduled rooms
clubsearch.io — search open and scheduled rooms
search4faces.com/ch00 — reverse image face search by 4 millions 594 thousands #clubhouse avatars.


Freepeoplesseacrhtool.com — find people in Linkedin without registration
CrossLinked — LinkedIn enumeration tool to extract valid employee names from an organization through search engine scraping
Linkedin Datahub — linkedIn's generalized metadata search & discovery tool


redditcommentsearch.com — getting a list of all comments by a Reddit user with a certain name
dashboard.laterforreddit.com/analysis — examine popular post trends for a given subreddit


Onlysearch.com — Onlyfans users search engines
onlyfinder.com — OnlyFans profiles search engine (search by people, images and deals)
hubite.com/onlyfans-search/ — OnlyFans profiles search engine with price filter


Twitch Tools — downloas full followers list of any Twitch account in CSV
Twitch Tracker — detailed analysis of #Twitch streamer stats
Sully Gnome — detailed analysis of #Twitch streamer stats


Fidonet nodelist — search by node number, sysop name and sysop location


Tumblr Tool — collected posts tagged with a specific term from Tumblr and export to .tab file (opens in Excel) and .GDF (opens in Gephi)


Flickr Photopool Contact Network — Analyzes Flickr groups and makes a list of nicknames of participants for further graph analysis in Gephi


Chosic.com — analyze the playlist on Spotiify, calculate the prevailing mood, genres, decades and favorite artists
Spotify downloader — download spotify playlist in mp3 from YouTube
chartmasters.org/spotify-streaming-numbers-tool/ — report of the number of streams of a particular artist's tracks on Spotify


GHunt — google account investigation too
Graphtreon.com — patreon accounts earnings stats
steamdb.info/calculator — shows how much money has been spent on games in Steam by a particular user
Kribrum.io — searchengine for different social media platforms with filters by author and time period
Auto Scroll Search — automatically scrolls the page down (and loads the ribbon) until the specified keyword appears on it.
Social Blade — help you track YouTube Channel Statistics, Twitch User Stats, Instagram Stats, and much more
Vk.city4me.com — tracking user online time
Social Analyzer — tool for searching nickname profiles on more than 300 sites


Website analyze

find+ | Regex Find-in-Page Tool — extension for Chrome that helps you quickly find pieces of text on a web page that match a certain regular expression
Core SERP Vitals — adds a bit of information from CrUX API to the standard Google search results
Redirect Detective — tool that allows you to do a full trace of a URL Redirect
Wheregoes.com — tool that allows you to do a full trace of a URL Redirect
Spyoffers.com — tool that allows you to do a full trace of a URL Redirect
Terms of Service Didn't Read — find out what interesting privacy and confidentiality clauses are in the license agreements of popular websites and apps
AnalyticsRelationships — command line #tool for to search for links between domains by Google Analytics ID
Webemailextractor.com — extract email's and phone numbers from the website or list of website
cookieserve.com — detailed website cookie analyze
Metagoofil — finds pdf/xlsx/docx files and other documents on the site/server, analyzes their metadata, and outputs a list of found user names and email addresses
Pidrila — Python Interactive Deepweb-oriented Rapid Intelligent Link Analyzer
Neilpatel backlinks analyzer — find out how many sites are linking to a certain web page
Dirscraper — OSINT scanning tool which discovers and maps directories found in javascript files hosted on a website

Domain/IP investigation

ReconFTW — tool designed to perform automated recon on a target domain by running the best set of tools to perform scanning and finding out vulnerabilities
Spyse.com — domain investigation toolbox
Ditto — Dsmall tool that accepts a domain name as input and generates all its variants for an homograph attack as output, checking which ones are available and which are already registered
IPinfo map — paste up to 500,000 IPs below to see where they're located on a map
Hakrawler — discover endpoints and assets
netbootcamp.org/websitetool.html — access to 74 #tools to collect domain information from a single page
Hussh — shell script for domain analyzing

Databases of domains

Whois Freaks — API which allows you to search Whois-database (430M+ domains since 1986) by keyword, company name or owner name
Expireddomains.net — lists of deleted and expired domains (last 7 days)
WhoisDS.com — database of domains registered in the last day
ptrarchive.com — search by 230 billion DNS records retrieved from 2008 to the present.

Website technology look up

URL unshorteners

Image Search and Identification

EXIF-PY — get exif data of photos thrue command line
Face Recognition — facial recognition api for Python and the command line
News Myseldon — from the photo looks for famous and little-known (like minor officials) people
Search4faces.com — search people in VK, Odnoklassniki, TikTok and ClubHouse by photo or identikit
Forensicdots.de — find "yellow dots" (Machine Identification Code) in printed documents
Telegram Facemath bot — searching for a face among the archive of photographs from public events in Kazakhstan
Searchbyimage.app — search clothes in online shops
Aliseeks.com — search items by photo in AliExpress and Ebay
Vsudo Geotag Tool — tool for mass geotagging of photos
lykdat.com — clothing reverse image search services
IQDB.org — reverse image search specially for anime art
pic.sogou.com — chinese reverse image search engine
Same Energy — reverse image search engine for finding beautiful art and photos in the same style as the original picture
Image So Search — Qihoo 360 Reverse Images Search

Font Indenfication


Wallet explorer — bitcoin wallet transaction history
Blockpath.com — viewing bitcoin wallet transactions as a graph
Cryptocurrency alerting — track spending and deposits in Bitcoin and Ethereum wallets
Learnmebitcoin.com — find transactions between two Bitcoin adresses
Coinwink.com — allows you to set up email notifications in case Bitcoin (or other #cryptocurrency) rate rises (falls) above (below) a certain value


Commentgram CSE — search by Telegram comments
Telescan — search users in groups (and in which groups is the user) by id, username or phone number
Telegcrack.com — search in telegra.ph)
Slack Pirate — tool developed in Python which uses the native Slack APIs to extract 'interesting' information from a Slack workspace given an access token
Watools.io — download whatsapp profile picture
vedbex.com/tools/email2skype — finding a Skype account by email


Grep.app — regExp search in Github repositories
Github Search — collection of Github investigation command line tools. Explore users, employes, endpoints,surveys and grab the repos
Sploitus — exploit and hacker's tools search engine
Leakcop — service that monitors in real-time the illegal use of source code from certain repositories on Github
Github Artifact Exporter — provides a set of packages to make exporting Issues easier useful for those migrating information out of Github
PublicWWW — webpages source code search engine
SourceGraph — universal code search engine
NerdyData — html/css/code search engine

Search engines

fnd.io — alternative search engine for the AppStore and iTunes
I search from — allows you to customize the country, language, device, city when searching on Google
Recruitin.net — easily use Google to search profiles on LinkedIn
2lingual.com — google search in two languages simultaneously in one window
Hashatit.com — hastag searchengine. Search in twitter, instagram, facebook, youtube, pinterest
Goo.ne.jp — beautiful japanese search engine
Explain Shell — this site will help you quickly understand terminal commands-lines from articles, manuals, and tutorials
SEQE.me — online #tool for constructing search queries using advanced search operators simultaneously for five search engines
Bright Local Search Result Checker — shows what #Google search results look like for a particular query around the world (by exact address)
Google Unlocked — browser extension uncensor google search results
Web Search Navigator — extension that adds keyboard shortcuts to Google, YouTube, Github, Amazon, and others
Gifcities.org — GIF Search Engine from archive.org
Presearch.org — privately decentralized search engine, powered by #blockchain technology
milled.com — search engine for searching through the texts of email marketing messages
Orion — open-Source Search Engine for social networking websites.
soundeffectssearch.com — find a sound library
Googler — command line google search tool
goosh.org — online google search command line tool
searchall.net — 75 fields for quick entry of queries to different search services on one page



Quick Cache and Archive search — quick search website old versions in different search engines and archives (21 source)
UKWA — archive of more than half a billion saved English-language web pages (data from 2013)
Web Archives — extension for viewing cached web page version in 18 search engines and services
EasyCache — quick search website old versions in different search engines and archives
cachedview.b4your.com — quick search website old versions in different search engines and archives

Archives of documents

industrydocuments.ucsf.edu — digital archive of documents created by industries which influence public health (tobacco, chemical, drug, fossil fuel)


Afrobarometer — huge database of the results of sociological surveys conducted in African countries over the last 20 years
Arabbarometer — database of the results of sociological surveys conducted in the Arab countries of Africa and the Middle East in 2007-2018
dataset.domainsproject.org — dataset of 616 millions domains (16GB!)

Passwords, emails, phone numbers

Leak peek — by pasword search part of email and site, where this password is used
Breachchecker.com — history of data leaks associated with a particular email address
Hunter.io — can link to an article to find its author and his email address
Profil3r — search for profiles in social networks by nickname
H8mail — email OSINT and breach hunting tool using different breach and reconnaissance services, or local breaches such as Troy Hunt's "Collection1" and the infamous "Breach Compilation" torrent
Psbdmp.ws — search sensitive user data by 25 759 511 pastebins
MailBoxLayer API — free api for email adress checking
Numverify API — free api for global phone number lookup and validation
Cybernews RockYour2021 — check if your data has been leaked
Spycloud.com — check for a particular email in data leaks. Shows how many addresses registered on a particular house have been scrambled

People search

Usersearch.org — search people by nickname, phone or email
Scamdigger.com — search in #scammers database by name, IP-adress, email or phone

Germany phone and adresses books


Headlines.Sharethrough.com — analyzes headlines according to four indicators (strenghts, suggestions, engagement, impression) and gives a score from 1 to 100
Web history stat — detailed statistics of your browser history
unscreen.com — remove the background from an uploaded video
shellcheck.net — analyzes command-line scripts and explains in detail the errors found in them
Gephi — fast and easy to learn graph analytics tool with a lot of modules (plugins)
Gitpod.io — run code from repositories on Github directly in a browser
CrackStation.net — password hash cracker
Siftrss.com — tool for filtering RSS feeds
HTTPIE.IO — command-line HTTP client
Tobloef.com — text to mind map
CyberChef — collection of more than a hundred online #tools for automating a wide variety of tasks (string coding, text comparison, double-space removal)
Textise.net — convert the HTML code of a page to TXT
Shadowcrypt Tools — 24 online tools for OSINT, network scanning, MD5 encryption and many others

Tools collection

Mr.Holmes — osint toolkit for gathering information about domains, phone numbers and social media accounts
Owasp Maryam — modular open-source framework based on OSINT and data gathering
one-plus.github.io/DocumentSearch — Document Search osint Toolkit
IVRE — framework for network recon


Wenku — download documents from Baidu Wenku without registration
PDFX — get meta data of PDF files thrue command line
Mutagen — get meta data of audiofiles thrue command line
compress-or-die.com/analyze — get detail information about images (exif, metatags, ICC_Profile, quantanisation tables)
voyant-tools.org — analysis of particular words in .TXT, .DOCX, .XLSX, .CSV and other file types.
RecoveryToolBox — recovery tools for corrupted Excel, CorelDraw, Photoshop, PowerPoint, RAR, ZIP, PDF and other files

IMEI and serial numbers

Keywords, trends, news analytics

Wordstat.yandex.ru — the estimated number of Yandex searches in the coming month for different keywords
Keywordtool.io — keyword matching for Google, YouTube, Amazon, Ebay, Bing, Instagram, Twitter

Brands, companies, items

Panjiva.com — search data on millions of shipments worldwide


Reelgood.com — search engine for more than 300 free and paid streaming services (Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, HBO, BBC, DisneyPlus)
Subzin.com — by one phrase will find the movie, as well as the full text of the dialogue with the timing
Unogs.com — Netflix search without registration