# # Cookbook:: metasploitable # Recipe:: flags # # Copyright:: 2017, Rapid7, All Rights Reserved. directory '/opt/knock_knock' do mode 0700 end cookbook_file '/opt/knock_knock/five_of_diamonds' do source 'flags/five_of_diamonds' mode 0700 end cookbook_file '/etc/init.d/five_of_diamonds_srv' do source 'flags/five_of_diamonds_srv' mode '760' end service 'five_of_diamonds_srv' do action [:enable, :start] end directory '/home/artoo_detoo/music' do mode 700 end cookbook_file '/home/artoo_detoo//music/10_of_clubs.wav' do source 'flags/10_of_clubs.wav' mode 400 end cookbook_file '/etc/joker.png' do source 'flagsjoker.png' mode 644 end bash "load 8 of hearts into DB" do code <<-EOH mysql -h --user="root" --password="sploitme" --execute="CREATE DATABASE super_secret_db;" mysql -h --user="root" --password="sploitme" --execute="GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER ON drupal.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'sploitme';" mysql -h --user="root" --password="sploitme" super_secret_db < #{File.join(node[:metasploitable][:files_path], 'flags', 'super_secret_db.sql')} EOH not_if "mysql -h --user=\"root\" --password=\"sploitme\" --execute=\"SHOW DATABASES LIKE 'super_secret_db'\" | grep -c drupal" end