require 'win32/registry' require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' module DevKitInstaller DEVKIT_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) DEVKIT_START = ':DK-BEG:' DEVKIT_END = ':DK-END:' # TODO add JRuby installer registry key REG_KEYS = [ 'Software\RubyInstaller\MRI', 'Software\RubyInstaller\Rubinius', 'Software\Wow6432Node\RubyInstaller\MRI' ] CONFIG_FILE = 'config.yml' def self.usage <<-EOT Configures an MSYS/MinGW based Development Kit (DevKit) for each of the Ruby installations on your Windows system. The DevKit enables you to build many of the available native RubyGems that don't yet have a binary gem. Usage: ruby dk.rb COMMAND [options] where COMMAND is one of: init prepare DevKit for installation review review DevKit install plan install install required DevKit executables and 'install' [options] are: -f, --force overwrite existing helper scripts EOT end def self.timestamp'%Y%m%d%H%M%S') end private_class_method :timestamp def self.gem_override(dk_root=DEVKIT_ROOT) d = dk_root.gsub('/', '\\\\\\') <<-EOT # #{DEVKIT_START} override 'gem install' to enable RubyInstaller DevKit usage Gem.pre_install do |gem_installer| load 'devkit.rb' unless gem_installer.spec.extensions.empty? end # #{DEVKIT_END} EOT end private_class_method :gem_override def self.devkit_lib(dk_root=DEVKIT_ROOT) d = dk_root.gsub('/', '\\\\\\') <<-EOT # enable RubyInstaller DevKit usage as a vendorable helper library unless ENV['PATH'].include?('#{d}\\\\mingw\\\\bin') then phrase = 'Temporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit...' if defined?(Gem) Gem.ui.say(phrase) if Gem.configuration.verbose else puts phrase end puts "Prepending ENV['PATH'] to include DevKit..." if $DEBUG ENV['PATH'] = '#{d}\\\\bin;#{d}\\\\mingw\\\\bin;' + ENV['PATH'] end ENV['RI_DEVKIT'] = '#{d}' ENV['CC'] = 'gcc' ENV['CXX'] = 'g++' ENV['CPP'] = 'cpp' EOT end private_class_method :devkit_lib def self.update_gem_override(target) in_devkit = false bkup = "#{target}.#{timestamp}" File.rename(target, bkup) # copy existing gem override except for old DevKit content begin, 'r') do |src|, 'w') do |tgt| src.each_line do |src_line| case src_line when /^# #{DEVKIT_START}/ in_devkit = true when /^# #{DEVKIT_END}/ in_devkit = false next end tgt.puts(src_line) unless in_devkit end # append new DevKit content tgt.write(gem_override) end end rescue # restore backup if anything went wrong FileUtils.cp(bkup, target) end end private_class_method :update_gem_override def self.scan_for(key) ris = [] [Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Win32::Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER].each do |hive| begin do |ri_key| ri_key.each_key do |skey, wtime| # read the install location if a version subkey if skey =~ /\d\.\d\.\d/ do |ver_key| ri_root = ver_key['InstallLocation'].gsub('\\', '/') puts '[INFO] found RubyInstaller v%s at %s' % [ skey, ri_root ] ris << ri_root end end end end rescue Win32::Registry::Error end end ris end private_class_method :scan_for def self.installed_rubies rubies = REG_KEYS.collect { |key| scan_for(key) } rubies.flatten.uniq end private_class_method :installed_rubies def self.init # get all known installed Ruby root dirs and write the root dirs # to 'config.yml', overwriting any existing config file. ir = installed_rubies puts <<-EOT Initialization complete! Please review and modify the auto-generated 'config.yml' file to ensure it contains the root directories to all of the installed Rubies you want enhanced by the DevKit. EOT, 'w') do |f| f.write <<-EOT # This configuration file contains the absolute path locations of all # installed Rubies to be enhanced to work with the DevKit. This config # file is generated by the 'ruby dk.rb init' step and may be modified # before running the 'ruby dk.rb install' step. To include any installed # Rubies that were not automagically discovered, simply add a line below # the triple hyphens with the absolute path to the Ruby root directory. # # Example: # # --- # - C:/ruby19trunk # - C:/ruby192dev # EOT unless ir.empty? then f.write(ir.to_yaml) else f.write("---\n") end end end private_class_method :init def if File.exists?(File.expand_path(CONFIG_FILE)), 'r') do |f| puts <<-EOT Based upon the settings in the '#{CONFIG_FILE}' file generated from running 'ruby dk.rb init' and any of your customizations, DevKit functionality will be injected into the following Rubies when you run 'ruby dk.rb install'. EOT rubies = YAML.load( if rubies.is_a?(Array) rubies.each { |i| puts File.expand_path(i) } else puts "Invalid configuration. Please fix '#{CONFIG_FILE}.'" exit(-2) end end else puts <<-EOT Unable to find '#{CONFIG_FILE}'. Have you run 'ruby dk.rb init' yet? EOT exit(-2) end end def self.install begin rubies = YAML.load_file(CONFIG_FILE) rescue puts <<-EOT Error loading '#{CONFIG_FILE}'. Have you run 'ruby dk.rb init' yet? EOT exit(-2) end unless rubies.is_a?(Array) && !rubies.empty? puts <<-EOT Invalid configuration or no Rubies listed. Please fix '#{CONFIG_FILE}' and rerun 'ruby dk.rb install' EOT exit(-2) end rubies.each do |path| path = File.expand_path(path) unless puts "[ERROR] Skipping invalid directory '#{path}'" next end site_ruby = Dir.glob("#{path}/lib/ruby/site_ruby") site_rubygems = Dir.glob("#{path}/lib/ruby/site_ruby/[1-9].*/rubygems") core_rubygems = Dir.glob("#{path}/lib/ruby/[1-9].*/rubygems") # Warn and exit if unable to find a RubyGems installation if site_rubygems.empty? && core_rubygems.empty? puts <<-EOT [ERROR] Unable to find RubyGems in site_ruby or core Ruby. Please install RubyGems and rerun 'ruby dk.rb install'. EOT exit(-2) else # either (or both) site_rubygems or core_rubygems contains RubyGems; # favor injecting override into site_rubygems over core_rubygems target_ruby = site_rubygems.empty? ? core_rubygems : site_rubygems # inject RubyGems override file into proper site_ruby location # appending an existing override file if it doesn't already contain # DevKit specific code. target_ruby.each do |folder| target = File.join(folder, 'defaults', 'operating_system.rb') FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(target) if File.exist?(target) content = case when content !~ /^#.*DevKit/o # handle original and new token-based comments puts "[INFO] Updating existing gem override for '#{path}'", 'a') { |f| f.write(gem_override) } when content =~ /^# #{DEVKIT_START} missing DevKit/o # replace missing DevKit/build tool convenience notice puts "[INFO] Updating convenience notice gem override for '#{path}'" update_gem_override(target) else puts "[INFO] Skipping existing gem override for '#{path}'" unless $options[:force] if $options[:force] puts "[WARN] Updating (with backup) existing gem override for '#{path}'" update_gem_override(target) end end else puts "[INFO] Installing '#{target}'", 'w') { |f| f.write(gem_override) } end end end # inject DevKit PATH helper into site_ruby (allows for overriding) # for the 'ruby -rdevkit extconf.rb' use case. # TODO more robust JRuby check since can't assume JRuby is running # this script? jruby_site_shared = File.join(site_ruby, 'shared') if && File.exist?(File.join(path, 'bin', 'jruby.bat')) site_ruby = jruby_site_shared end target = File.join(site_ruby, 'devkit.rb') if File.exist?(target) # Be paranoid about our 'site_ruby/devkit.rb' namespace. Either # someone else has collided with it, or we've already written the # helper lib. Warn the developer and skip rather than overwriting # or appending. puts "[WARN] Skipping existing DevKit helper library for '#{path}'" unless $options[:force] if $options[:force] puts "[WARN] Updating (with backup) DevKit helper library for '#{path}'" File.rename(target, "#{target}.#{timestamp}"), 'w') { |f| f.write(devkit_lib) } end else puts "[INFO] Installing '#{target}'", 'w') { |f| f.write(devkit_lib) } end end end private_class_method :install def self.usage_and_exit $stderr.puts usage exit(-1) end def*args) send(args.first) end end if __FILE__ == $0 if ARGV.empty? || ARGV.delete('--help') || ARGV.delete('-h') DevKitInstaller.usage_and_exit end cmd = ARGV.delete('init') || ARGV.delete('review') || ARGV.delete('install') $options ||= {} $options[:force] = ARGV.delete('--force') || ARGV.delete('-f') DevKitInstaller.usage_and_exit unless ARGV.empty? end