#Example UnrealIRCd configuration file #Written by Mp5shooter for the SwiftIRC Wiki #http://wiki.SwiftIRC.net/ /* If your server is running Linux, remove the two slashes in front of both of the following lines. */ loadmodule "src/modules/commands.so"; loadmodule "src/modules/cloak.so"; /* If your server is running Windows, remove the two slashes in front of both of the following lines. */ //loadmodule "modules/commands.dll"; //loadmodule "modules/cloak.dll"; #This is the me {} block me { name "irc.TestIRC.net"; info "Test IRC Server"; numeric 1; }; #This is the admin {} block admin { "Mp5 Shooter"; "Mp5@TestIRC.net"; }; #This is the oper {} block oper YourName { class clients; from { userhost Me@and.my.host; }; password "ILiKEopeRING1022"; flags { netadmin; can_zline; can_gzline; can_gkline; global; }; }; #This is the services link block /* link services.TestIRC.net { username *; hostname; bind-ip *; port 6667; hub *; password-connect "Sup3rSERViCE"; password-receive "Sup3rSERViCE"; class servers; }; */ #This is the ulines block ulines { services.TestIRC.net; }; #START OF BAN BLOCKS ban nick { mask "*C*h*a*n*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Reserved for Services"; }; ban ip { mask; reason "Noob"; }; ban user { mask *tirc@*.saturn.bbn.com; reason "Idiot"; }; ban realname { mask "Swat Team"; reason "mIRKFORCE"; }; except ban { /* don't ban Mp5shooter :) */ mask *Mp5shooter@adsl-074*; }; deny channel { channel "*warez*"; reason "Warez is illegal"; }; #END OF BAN BLOCKS #This is the vHost block vhost { vhost super.cool.irc.dude; from { userhost *@*; }; login YourName; password LovingTheKwlHost; }; #This is the network settings block set { network-name "TestIRC"; default-server "irc.TestIRC.net"; services-server "services.TestIRC.net"; stats-server "stats.TestIRC.net"; help-channel "#Help"; hiddenhost-prefix "Test"; cloak-keys { "KIuoehnfOush230uNSDL309subnsA"; "Jk93uKLsd30skSHNfel39wLKHd3ws"; "Iehnludhnfe83KLBDHef39ekHBD44"; }; hosts { local "locop.TestIRC.net"; global "ircop.TestIRC.net"; coadmin "coadmin.TestIRC.net"; admin "admin.TestIRC.net"; servicesadmin "csops.TestIRC.net"; netadmin "netadmin.TestIRC.net"; host-on-oper-up "no"; }; }; #This is the server settings block set { kline-address "admin@TestIRC.net"; modes-on-connect "+ix"; modes-on-oper "+xwgs"; oper-auto-join "#opers"; options { show-connect-info; }; maxchannelsperuser 30; anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s; oper-only-stats "okfGsMRUEelLCXzdD"; throttle { connections 3; period 60s; }; anti-flood { nick-flood 3:60; }; spamfilter { ban-time 1d; ban-reason "Spam/Advertising"; virus-help-channel "#help"; }; }; #Do not edit anything below this line, unless you know what you are doing include "help.conf"; include "badwords.channel.conf"; include "badwords.message.conf"; include "badwords.quit.conf"; include "spamfilter.conf"; class clients { pingfreq 90; maxclients 500; sendq 100000; recvq 8000; }; class servers { pingfreq 90; maxclients 10; sendq 1000000; connfreq 100; }; allow { ip *@*; hostname *@*; class clients; maxperip 5; }; listen *:6697 { options { ssl; clientsonly; }; }; listen *:8067; listen *:6667; log "ircd.log" { maxsize 2097152; flags { oper; kline; connects; server-connects; kills; errors; sadmin-commands; chg-commands; oper-override; spamfilter; }; }; alias NickServ { type services; }; alias ChanServ { type services; }; alias OperServ { type services; }; alias HelpServ { type services; }; include "aliases/anope.conf";