#!/bin/bash min_vbox_ver="5.1.10" min_vagrant_ver="1.9.0" min_packer_ver="0.10.0" min_vagrantreload_ver="0.0.1" min_vagrantvmware_ver="0.0.1" min_vagrantlibvirt_ver="0.0.1" packer_bin="packer" packer_build_path="packer/builds" case "$1" in ubuntu1404) echo "building ubuntu 1404" os_full="ubuntu_1404" os_short="ub1404" ;; windows2008) echo "building windows 2008" os_full="windows_2008_r2" os_short="win2k8" ;; *) echo "Invalid OS. Valid options are 'ubuntu1404' and 'windows2008'" exit 1 ;; esac box_version=$(grep \"box_version\": packer/templates/$os_full.json | grep -Eow "[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]+") function compare_versions { actual_version=$1 expected_version=$2 exact_match=$3 if $exact_match; then if [ "$actual_version" == "$expected_version" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi fi IFS='.' read -ra actual_version <<< "$actual_version" IFS='.' read -ra expected_version <<< "$expected_version" for ((i=0; i < ${#expected_version[@]}; i++)) do if [[ ${actual_version[$i]} -gt ${expected_version[$i]} ]]; then return 0 fi if [[ ${actual_version[$i]} -lt ${expected_version[$i]} ]]; then return 1 fi done return 0 } # Conditional for platform specific version checks. Some of these might seem redundant since # there might not be anything actively broken in the dependent software. Keeping it around as # version upgrades could break things on specific platforms. if [ $(uname) = "Darwin" ]; then vagrant_exact_match=false elif [ $(uname) = "Linux" ]; then vagrant_exact_match=false if (cat /etc/*-release | grep -q 'DISTRIB_ID=Arch')|(cat /etc/os-release | grep -Pq 'ID=(arch|"antergos")'); then packer_bin="packer-io" fi fi providers="" if [ -x "$(which VBoxManage)" ] ; then current_vbox_ver=$(VBoxManage -v | sed -e 's/r.*//g' -e 's/_.*//g') if compare_versions $current_vbox_ver $min_vbox_ver false; then echo "Compatible version of VirtualBox found." echo "Virtualbox images will be built." providers="virtualbox $providers" else echo "Compatible version of VirtualBox was not found." echo "Current Version=[$current_vbox_ver], Minimum Version=[$min_vbox_ver]" echo "Please download and install it from https://www.virtualbox.org/" echo "Virtualbox images will not be built." fi else echo "VirtualBox is not installed (or not added to the path)." echo "Please download and install it from https://www.virtualbox.org/" echo "Virtualbox images will not be built." fi if compare_versions $($packer_bin -v) $min_packer_ver false; then echo "Compatible version of $packer_bin was found." else packer_bin=packer if compare_versions $($packer_bin -v) $min_packer_ver false; then echo "Compatible version of $packer_bin was found." else echo "Compatible version of packer was not found. Please install from here: https://www.packer.io/downloads.html" exit 1 fi fi if compare_versions $(vagrant -v | cut -d' ' -f2) $min_vagrant_ver $vagrant_exact_match; then echo 'Correct version of vagrant was found.' else echo "Compatible version of vagrant was not found. Please download and install it from https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html." exit 1 fi if [ $(uname) = "Linux" ]; then if compare_versions $(vagrant plugin list | grep 'vagrant-libvirt' | cut -d' ' -f2 | tr -d '(' | tr -d ')' | tr -d ',') $min_vagrantlibvirt_ver false; then echo 'Compatible version of vagrant-libvirt plugin was found.' echo 'KVM image will be built.' providers="qemu $providers" echo 'Fetching virtio drivers required for build' ./packer/scripts/virtio-win-drivers.sh else echo "Compatible version of vagrant-libvirt plugin was not found." fi fi if compare_versions $(vagrant plugin list | grep 'vagrant-vmware' | cut -d' ' -f2 | tr -d '(' | tr -d ')' | tr -d ',') $min_vagrantvmware_ver false; then echo 'Compatible version of vagrant-vmware plugin was found.' echo 'VMware image will be built' providers="vmware $providers" fi if compare_versions $(vagrant plugin list | grep 'vagrant-reload' | cut -d' ' -f2 | tr -d '(' | tr -d ')' | tr -d ',') $min_vagrantreload_ver false; then echo 'Compatible version of vagrant-reload plugin was found.' else echo "Compatible version of vagrant-reload plugin was not found." echo "Attempting to install..." if vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload; then echo "Successfully installed the vagrant-reload plugin." else echo "There was an error installing the vagrant-reload plugin. Please see the above output for more information." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$providers" == "" ]; then echo "No virtual machine providers found, aborting" exit 1 fi echo "Requirements found. Proceeding..." for provider in $providers; do search_string="$os_full"_"$provider"_"$box_version" mkdir -p "$packer_build_path" if [ -e $packer_build_path/$search_string.box ]; then echo "It looks like the $provider vagrant box already exists. Skipping the build." else echo "Building the Vagrant box for $provider..." packer_provider="$provider-iso" if [ $provider = "qemu" ]; then packer_provider=$provider fi if $packer_bin build -only $packer_provider packer/templates/$os_full.json; then echo "Boxes successfully built by Packer." else echo "Error building the Vagrant boxes using Packer. Please check the output above for any error messages." exit 1 fi fi done echo "Attempting to add the box to Vagrant..." for provider in $providers; do if vagrant box list | grep -q rapid7/metasploitable3-"$os_short"; then echo "rapid7/metasploitable3-$os_short already found in Vagrant box repository. Skipping the addition to Vagrant." echo "NOTE: If you are having issues, try starting over by doing 'vagrant destroy' and then 'vagrant up'." else if [ -z $box_import ]; then if [ $provider = "qemu" ]; then provider="libvirt" fi if vagrant box add $packer_build_path/"$os_full"_"$provider"_"$box_version".box --name rapid7/metasploitable3-$os_short; then echo "Box successfully added to Vagrant." else echo "Error adding box to Vagrant. See the above output for any error messages." fi else echo "No builders produced a working box." echo "Check you have build dependencies installed." echo "Useful diagnostic information could be above. Aborting!" fi fi done echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "SUCCESS: Run 'vagrant up' to provision and start metasploitable3." echo "NOTE: The VM will need Internet access to provision properly."