module DockerCookbook require_relative 'docker_service_base' class DockerService < DockerServiceBase resource_name :docker_service # register with the resource resolution system provides :docker_service # installation type and service_manager property :install_method, %w(binary script package tarball none auto), default: 'auto', desired_state: false property :service_manager, %w(execute sysvinit upstart systemd auto), default: 'auto', desired_state: false # docker_installation_script property :repo, desired_state: false property :script_url, String, desired_state: false # docker_installation_binary and tarball property :checksum, String, desired_state: false property :docker_bin, String, desired_state: false property :source, String, desired_state: false # docker_installation_package property :package_version, String, desired_state: false # binary, package and tarball property :version, String, desired_state: false property :package_options, [String, nil], desired_state: false ################ # Helper Methods ################ def validate_install_method if property_is_set?(:version) && install_method != 'binary' && install_method != 'package' && install_method != 'tarball' raise Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, 'Version property only supported for binary, package and tarball installation methods' end end def copy_properties_to(to, *properties) properties = if properties.empty? properties.each do |p| # If the property is set on from, and exists on to, set the # property on to if && property_is_set?(p) to.send(p, send(p)) end end end action_class.class_eval do def installation(&block) case install_method when 'auto' install = docker_installation(name, &block) when 'binary' install = docker_installation_binary(name, &block) when 'script' install = docker_installation_script(name, &block) when 'package' install = docker_installation_package(name, &block) when 'tarball' install = docker_installation_tarball(name, &block) when 'none''Skipping Docker installation. Assuming it was handled previously.') return end copy_properties_to(install) install end def svc_manager(&block) case service_manager when 'auto' svc = docker_service_manager(name, &block) when 'execute' svc = docker_service_manager_execute(name, &block) when 'sysvinit' svc = docker_service_manager_sysvinit(name, &block) when 'upstart' svc = docker_service_manager_upstart(name, &block) when 'systemd' svc = docker_service_manager_systemd(name, &block) end copy_properties_to(svc) svc end end ######### # Actions ######### action :create do validate_install_method installation do action :create notifies :restart, new_resource, :immediately end end action :delete do installation do action :delete end end action :start do svc_manager do action :start end end action :stop do svc_manager do action :stop end end action :restart do svc_manager do action :restart end end end end