# service include_recipe 'docker_test::default' # Build an image that takes longer than two minutes # (the default read_timeout) to build # docker_image 'centos' # Make sure that the image does not exist, to avoid a cache hit # while building the docker image. This can legitimately fail # if the image does not exist. execute 'rmi kkeane/image.4' do command 'docker rmi kkeane/image.4:chef' ignore_failure true action :run end directory '/usr/local/src/container4' do action :create end cookbook_file '/usr/local/src/container4/Dockerfile' do source 'Dockerfile_4' action :create end docker_image 'timeout test image' do repo 'kkeane/image.4' read_timeout 3600 # 1 hour write_timeout 3600 # 1 hour tag 'chef' source '/usr/local/src/container4' action :build_if_missing end