# Create a docker image that takes a long time to build # Centos as a base image. Any should work for the for loop test, but # CentOS is needed for the yum test. # Note that pulling the base image will not trigger a # timeout, regardless of how long it # takes FROM centos # Simply wait for wait for 30 minutes, output a status update every 10 seconds # This does not appear to trigger the timeout problem # RUN [ "bash", "-c", "for minute in {1..30} ; do for second in {0..59..10} ; do echo -n \" $minute:$second \" ; sleep 10 ; done ; done" ] # This triggers the timeout. # Sleep for 5 minutes, 3 times. # RUN [ "bash", "-c", "for minute in {0..10..5} ; do echo -n \" $minute \" ; sleep 300 ; done" ] # Let's try this next. # Sleep for 1 minutes, 15 time RUN [ "bash", "-c", "for minute in {0..15} ; do echo -n \" $minute \" ; sleep 60 ; done" ] # This should trigger the timeout unless you have a very fast Internet connection. # RUN \ # curl -SL https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm -o epel.rpm \ # && yum install -y epel.rpm \ # && rm epel.rpm \ # && yum install -y \ # zarafa \ # supervisor \ # && yum clean all \ # && rm -rf /usr/share/man /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf