#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # This script will update ProFTPd's DefaultAddress setting in the config file # when the IP changes. # # You should comebine systemd to make sure this things automatically updates # ProFTPd as soon as it starts. The script: # # [Unit] #Description=Foo # # [Service] # ExecStart=rvm-shell -c /opt/proftpd/proftp_ip_renewer.rb # [Install] # WantedBy=multi-user.target # require 'socket' class ProFTPIPRenewer class Error < RuntimeError; end # The config file to update CONFIG_PATH = '/opt/proftpd/etc/proftpd.conf' # Number of seconds to wait before we try to update again WAIT_TIME = 3 # The kind of private IP prefix we are looking for to update # The Metasploitable3 private IP always starts with 10-something. EXPECTED_IP_PREFIX = '10' def initialize unless config_exists? raise ProFTPIPRenewer::Error, "#{CONFIG_PATH} not found" end last_known_ip = get_default_address_from_config unless last_known_ip puts "* There is no DefaultAddress in proftpd.conf. We are going to create one." init_default_address_to_config last_known_ip = get_default_address_from_config end end def read_config File.read(CONFIG_PATH) end def init_default_address_to_config current_ip = get_private_ip value = "\nDefaultAddress #{current_ip}\n" File.open(CONFIG_PATH, 'ab') do |f| f.write(value) end end def get_default_address_from_config config = read_config config.scan(/DefaultAddress (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/).flatten.first end def get_private_ip ip = Socket.ip_address_list.select { |addr| addr.ip_address =~ /^#{EXPECTED_IP_PREFIX}\./}.first if ip ip.ip_address else puts "* The desired IP is not found. We are falling back to" '' end end def config_exists? File.exists?(CONFIG_PATH) end def update_ip_address config = read_config new_config = '' changed = false current_ip = get_private_ip config.each_line do |line| if line =~ /DefaultAddress (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ if $1 != current_ip changed = true puts "* IP has changed to: #{current_ip}." new_config << "DefaultAddress #{current_ip}\n" end else new_config << line end end if changed File.write(CONFIG_PATH, new_config) puts "* #{CONFIG_PATH} updated" end end def restart_proftpd puts "* Restarting ProFTPd" puts `service proftpd stop` puts `service proftpd start` end def start while true update_ip_address sleep WAIT_TIME end end end def main begin ip_renewer = ProFTPIPRenewer.new ip_renewer.start rescue ProFTPIPRenewer::Error => e puts "* Error: #{e.message}" end end if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME main end