$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $virtualBoxMinVersion = "5.1.10" $packerMinVersion = "0.10.0" $vagrantMinVersion = "1.9.0" $vagrantreloadMinVersion = "0.0.1" $packer = "packer" function CompareVersions ($actualVersion, $expectedVersion, $exactMatch = $False) { If ($exactMatch) { If ($actualVersion -eq $expectedVersion) { return $True } else { return $False } } $actualVersion = $actualVersion.split(".") $expectedVersion = $expectedVersion.split(".") for($i=0; $i -le $expectedVersion.length; $i++) { If([INT]$actualVersion[$i] -gt [INT]$expectedVersion[$i]) { return $True } If([INT]$actualVersion[$i] -lt [INT]$expectedVersion[$i]) { return $False } } return $True } Write-Host ""; $expectedVBoxLocation = "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox" If ($(Test-Path "$expectedVBoxLocation\VBoxManage.exe") -eq $True) { $vboxVersion = cmd.exe /c "$expectedVBoxLocation\VBoxManage.exe" -v $vboxVersion = $vboxVersion.split("r")[0] } else { Write-Host "VirtualBox is not installed (or not in the expected location of $expectedVBoxLocation\)" Write-Host "Please download and install it from https://www.virtualbox.org/" exit } If (CompareVersions -actualVersion $vboxVersion -expectedVersion $virtualBoxMinVersion -exactMatch $False) { Write-Host "Compatible version of VirtualBox found." } else { Write-Host "A compatible version of VirtualBox was not found." Write-Host "Current Version=[$vboxVersion], Minimum Version=[$virtualBoxMinVersion]" Write-Host "Please download and install it from https://www.virtualbox.org/" exit } $packerVersion = cmd.exe /c $packer -v If (CompareVersions -actualVersion $packerVersion -expectedVersion $packerMinVersion) { Write-Host "Compatible version of Packer found." } else { Write-Host "Could not find a compatible version of packer. Please download it from https://www.packer.io/downloads.html and add it to your PATH." exit } If ($(Test-Path "C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\bin\vagrant.exe") -eq $True) { $vagrantVersion = cmd.exe /c "vagrant" -v $vagrantVersion = $vagrantVersion.split(" ")[1] } If (CompareVersions -actualVersion $vagrantVersion -expectedVersion $vagrantMinVersion) { Write-Host "Compatible version of Vagrant found." } else { Write-Host "Could not find a compatible version of Vagrant at C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\bin\. Please download and install it from https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html." exit } $vagrantPlugins = cmd.exe /c "vagrant plugin list" | select-string -pattern "vagrant-reload" If (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($vagrantPlugins)) { $vagrantPlugins = $vagrantPlugins.ToString().Trim() $vagrantreloadVersion = $vagrantPlugins.Replace("(", "") $vagrantreloadVersion = $vagrantreloadVersion.Replace(")", "") $vagrantreloadVersion = $vagrantreloadVersion.split(" ")[1] If (CompareVersions -actualVersion $vagrantreloadVersion -expectedVersion $vagrantreloadMinVersion) { Write-Host "Compatible version of vagrant-reload plugin found." } } else { Write-Host "Could not find a compatible version of vagrant-reload plugin. Attempting to install..." cmd.exe /c "vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload" # Hacky version of Try-Catch for non-terminating errors. # See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1142211/try-catch-does-not-seem-to-have-an-effect if($?) { Write-Host "The vagrant-reload plugin was successfully installed." } else { throw "Error installing vagrant-reload plugin. Please check the output above for any error messages." } } function InstallBox($os_full, $os_short) { $boxversion = Get-Content .\packer\templates\$os_full.json | Select-String -Pattern "box_version" | Select-String -Pattern "[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]+" $boxversion = $boxversion.toString().trim().split('"')[3] Write-Host "Building metasploitable3-$os_short Vagrant box..." If ($(Test-Path "packer\builds\$($os_full)_virtualbox_$boxversion.box") -eq $True) { Write-Host "It looks like the Vagrant box already exists. Skipping the Packer build." } else { cmd.exe /c $packer build --only=virtualbox-iso packer\templates\$os_full.json if($?) { Write-Host "Box successfully built by Packer." } else { throw "Error building the Vagrant box using Packer. Please check the output above for any error messages." } } echo "Attempting to add metasploitable3-$os_short box to Vagrant..." $vagrant_box_list = cmd.exe /c "vagrant box list" If ($vagrant_box_list -match "metasploitable3-$os_short") { Write-Host "metasploitable3-$os_short already found in Vagrant box repository. Skipping the addition to Vagrant." } else { cmd.exe /c vagrant box add metasploitable3-$os_short packer\builds\$($os_full)_virtualbox_$boxversion.box if($?) { Write-Host "metasploitable3-$os_short box successfully added to Vagrant." } else { throw "Error adding metasploitable3-$os_short box to Vagrant. See the above output for any error messages." } } } Write-Host "All requirements found. Proceeding..." if($args.Length -eq 0) { $option = Read-Host -Prompt 'No box name passed as input. Build both the boxes ? (y/n)'; if ($option -eq 'y') { InstallBox -os_full "windows_2008_r2" -os_short "win2k8"; InstallBox -os_full "ubuntu_1404" -os_short "ub1404"; } else { Write-Host "To build metasploitable boxes separately, use the following commands:"; Write-Host "- .\build.ps1 windows2008"; Write-Host "- .\build.ps1 ubuntu1404"; } } ElseIf ($args.Length -eq 1) { if ($args -eq "windows2008") { InstallBox -os_full "windows_2008_r2" -os_short "win2k8"; } ElseIf ($args -eq "ubuntu1404") { InstallBox -os_full "ubuntu_1404" -os_short "ub1404"; } Else { Write-Host "Invalid OS. Valid options are 'ubuntu1404' and 'windows2008'"; } } Write-Host "";