module DockerCookbook class DockerPlugin < DockerBase resource_name :docker_plugin property :local_alias, String, name_property: true property :remote_tag, String, default: 'latest' property :remote, [String, nil], default: nil property :grant_privileges, [Array, TrueClass], default: [] property :options, Hash, default: {} default_action :install action :install do return if plugin_exists?(local_name) converge_by "Install plugin #{plugin_identifier} as #{local_name}" do install_plugin configure_plugin end end action :enable do converge_by "Enable plugin #{local_name}" do enable_plugin end unless plugin_enabled?(local_name) end action :disable do converge_by "Disable plugin #{local_name}" do disable_plugin end if plugin_enabled?(local_name) end action :update do converge_by "Configure plugin #{local_name}" do configure_plugin end end action :remove do converge_by "Remove plugin #{local_name}" do remove_plugin end end declare_action_class.class_eval do def remote_name return new_resource.remote unless new_resource.remote.nil? || new_resource.remote.empty? new_resource.local_alias end def plugin_identifier "#{remote_name}:#{new_resource.remote_tag}" end def local_name new_resource.local_alias end def plugin_exists?(name) Docker.connection.get("/plugins/#{name}/json") true rescue Docker::Error::NotFoundError false end def plugin_enabled?(name) JSON.parse(Docker.connection.get("/plugins/#{name}/json"))['Enabled'] end def install_plugin privileges = \ if new_resource.grant_privileges == true # user gave a blanket statement about privileges; fetch required privileges from Docker # we pass the identifier as both :name and :remote to accomodate different API versions JSON.parse Docker.connection.get('/plugins/privileges', name: plugin_identifier, remote: plugin_identifier) else # user gave a specific list of privileges new_resource.grant_privileges end # actually do the plugin install body = '' opts = { remote: plugin_identifier, name: local_name }"pulling plugin #{opts} with privileges #{privileges}")'/plugins/pull', opts, body: JSON.generate(privileges), response_block: response_block(body)) last_line = body.split("\n").select { |item| !item.empty? }.last info = JSON.parse last_line raise info['error'] if info.key?('error') end def response_block(body) lambda do |chunk, _remaining, _total| body << chunk end end def configure_plugin options_for_json = [] new_resource.options.each_pair do |k, v| options_for_json.push("#{k}=#{v}") end"/plugins/#{local_name}/set", {}, body: JSON.generate(options_for_json)) end def enable_plugin"/plugins/#{local_name}/enable", timeout: new_resource.read_timeout) end def disable_plugin"/plugins/#{local_name}/disable", timeout: new_resource.read_timeout) end def remove_plugin Docker.connection.delete("/plugins/#{local_name}") end end end end