module DockerCookbook class DockerContainer < DockerBase resource_name :docker_container property :container_name, String, name_property: true property :repo, String, default: lazy { container_name } property :tag, String, default: 'latest' property :command, [Array, String, nil], coerce: proc { |v| v.is_a?(String) ? ::Shellwords.shellwords(v) : v } property :attach_stderr, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false, desired_state: false property :attach_stdin, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false, desired_state: false property :attach_stdout, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false, desired_state: false property :autoremove, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false, desired_state: false property :cap_add, [Array, nil], coerce: proc { |v| Array(v).empty? ? nil : Array(v) } property :cap_drop, [Array, nil], coerce: proc { |v| Array(v).empty? ? nil : Array(v) } property :cgroup_parent, String, default: '' property :cpu_shares, Integer, default: 0 property :cpuset_cpus, String, default: '' property :detach, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: true, desired_state: false property :devices, Array, default: [] property :dns, Array, default: [] property :dns_search, Array, default: [] property :domain_name, String, default: '' property :entrypoint, [Array, String, nil], coerce: proc { |v| v.is_a?(String) ? ::Shellwords.shellwords(v) : v } property :env, UnorderedArrayType, default: [] property :env_file, [Array, String], coerce: proc { |v| coerce_env_file(v) }, default: [], desired_state: false property :extra_hosts, [Array, nil], coerce: proc { |v| Array(v).empty? ? nil : Array(v) } property :exposed_ports, PartialHashType, default: {} property :force, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false, desired_state: false property :health_check, Hash, default: {} property :host, [String, nil], default: lazy { ENV['DOCKER_HOST'] }, desired_state: false property :hostname, String property :ipc_mode, String, default: '' property :kernel_memory, [String, Integer], coerce: proc { |v| coerce_to_bytes(v) }, default: 0 property :labels, [String, Array, Hash], default: {}, coerce: proc { |v| coerce_labels(v) } property :links, UnorderedArrayType, coerce: proc { |v| coerce_links(v) } property :log_driver, %w( json-file syslog journald gelf fluentd awslogs splunk etwlogs gcplogs none ), default: 'json-file', desired_state: false property :log_opts, [Hash, nil], coerce: proc { |v| coerce_log_opts(v) }, desired_state: false property :init, [TrueClass, FalseClass, nil] property :ip_address, String property :mac_address, String property :memory, [String, Integer], coerce: proc { |v| coerce_to_bytes(v) }, default: 0 property :memory_swap, [String, Integer], coerce: proc { |v| coerce_to_bytes(v) }, default: 0 property :memory_swappiness, Integer, default: 0 property :memory_reservation, Integer, coerce: proc { |v| coerce_to_bytes(v) }, default: 0 property :network_disabled, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false property :network_mode, String, default: 'bridge' property :network_aliases, [String, Array], default: [], coerce: proc { |v| Array(v) } property :oom_kill_disable, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false property :oom_score_adj, Integer, default: -500 property :open_stdin, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false, desired_state: false property :outfile, String property :port_bindings, PartialHashType, default: {} property :pid_mode, String, default: '' property :privileged, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false property :publish_all_ports, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false property :remove_volumes, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false property :restart_maximum_retry_count, Integer, default: 0 property :restart_policy, String property :runtime, String, default: 'runc' property :ro_rootfs, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false property :security_opt, [String, Array], coerce: proc { |v| v.nil? ? nil : Array(v) } property :shm_size, [String, Integer], default: '64m', coerce: proc { |v| coerce_to_bytes(v) } property :signal, String, default: 'SIGTERM' property :stdin_once, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false, desired_state: false property :sysctls, Hash, default: {} property :timeout, Integer, desired_state: false property :tty, [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false property :ulimits, [Array, nil], coerce: proc { |v| coerce_ulimits(v) } property :user, String, default: '' property :userns_mode, String, default: '' property :uts_mode, String, default: '' property :volumes, PartialHashType, default: {}, coerce: proc { |v| coerce_volumes(v) } property :volumes_from, [String, Array], coerce: proc { |v| v.nil? ? nil : Array(v) } property :volume_driver, String property :working_dir, String, default: '' # Used to store the bind property since binds is an alias to volumes property :volumes_binds, Array # Used to store the state of the Docker container property :container, Docker::Container, desired_state: false # Used to store the state of the Docker container create options property :create_options, Hash, default: {}, desired_state: false # Used by :stop action. If the container takes longer than this # many seconds to stop, kill it instead. A nil value (the default) means # never kill the container. property :kill_after, [Integer, NilClass], default: nil, desired_state: false alias_method :cmd, :command alias_method :additional_host, :extra_hosts alias_method :rm, :autoremove alias_method :remove_automatically, :autoremove alias_method :host_name, :hostname alias_method :domainname, :domain_name alias_method :dnssearch, :dns_search alias_method :restart_maximum_retries, :restart_maximum_retry_count alias_method :volume, :volumes alias_method :binds, :volumes alias_method :volume_from, :volumes_from alias_method :destination, :outfile alias_method :workdir, :working_dir ################### # Property helpers ################### def coerce_labels(v) case v when Hash, nil v else Array(v).each_with_object({}) do |label, h| parts = label.split(':') h[parts[0]] = parts[1..-1].join(':') end end end def coerce_links(v) case v when DockerBase::UnorderedArray, nil v else return nil if v.empty? # Parse docker input of /source:/container_name/dest into source:dest! do |link| if link =~ %r{^/(?.+):/#{name}/(?.+)} link = "#{Regexp.last_match[:source]}:#{Regexp.last_match[:dest]}" end link end end end def to_bytes(v) n = v.to_i u = v.gsub(/\d/, '').upcase multiplier = case u when 'B' 1 when 'K' 1024**1 when 'M' 1024**2 when 'G' 1024**3 when 'T' 1024**4 when 'P' 1024**5 when 'E' 1024**6 when 'Z' 1024**7 when 'Y' 1024**8 else 1 end n * multiplier end def coerce_to_bytes(v) case v when Integer, nil v else to_bytes(v) end end def coerce_log_opts(v) case v when Hash, nil v else Array(v).each_with_object({}) do |log_opt, memo| key, value = log_opt.split('=', 2) memo[key] = value end end end def coerce_ulimits(v) return v if v.nil? Array(v).map do |u| u = "#{u['Name']}=#{u['Soft']}:#{u['Hard']}" if u.is_a?(Hash) u end end def coerce_volumes(v) case v when DockerBase::PartialHash, nil v when Hash DockerBase::PartialHash[v] else b = [] v = Array(v).to_a # in case v.is_A?(Chef::Node::ImmutableArray) v.delete_if do |x| parts = x.split(':') b << x if parts.length > 1 end b = nil if b.empty? volumes_binds b return if v.empty? v.each_with_object( { |volume, h| h[volume] = {} } end end def state # Always return the latest state, see #510 Docker::Container.get(container_name, {}, connection).info['State'] rescue StandardError {} end def wait_running_state(v) tries = running_wait_time tries.times do return if state['Running'] == v sleep 1 end return if state['Running'] == v # Container failed to reach correct state: Throw an error desired_state_str = v ? 'running' : 'not running' raise Docker::Error::TimeoutError, "Container #{container_name} failed to change to #{desired_state_str} state after #{tries} seconds" end def port(v = nil) return @port if v.nil? exposed_ports coerce_exposed_ports(v) port_bindings coerce_port_bindings(v) @port = v @port end def parse_port(v) _, protocol = v.split('/') parts = v.split(':') case parts.length when 3 host_ip = parts[0] host_port = parts[1].split('-') container_port = parts[2].split('-') when 2 host_ip = '' host_port = parts[0].split('-') container_port = parts[1].split('-') when 1 host_ip = '' host_port = [''] container_port = parts[0].split('-') end!(&:to_i) unless host_port == ['']!(&:to_i) if host_port.count > 1 Chef::Log.fatal("FATAL: Invalid port range! #{host_port}") if host_port[0] > host_port[1] host_port = (host_port[0]..host_port[1]).to_a end if container_port.count > 1 Chef::Log.fatal("FATAL: Invalid port range! #{container_port}") if container_port[0] > container_port[1] container_port = (container_port[0]..container_port[1]).to_a end Chef::Log.fatal('FATAL: Port range size does not match!') if host_port.count > 1 && host_port.count != container_port.count # qualify the port-binding protocol even when it is implicitly tcp #427. protocol = 'tcp' if protocol.nil? Array(container_port).map.with_index do |_, i| { 'host_ip' => host_ip, 'host_port' => host_port[i].to_s, 'container_port' => "#{container_port[i]}/#{protocol}", } end end def coerce_exposed_ports(v) case v when Hash, nil v else x = Array(v).map { |a| parse_port(a) } x.flatten! x.each_with_object({}) do |y, h| h[y['container_port']] = {} end end end def coerce_port_bindings(v) case v when Hash, nil v else x = Array(v).map { |a| parse_port(a) } x.flatten! x.each_with_object({}) do |y, h| h[y['container_port']] = [] unless h[y['container_port']] h[y['container_port']] << { 'HostIp' => y['host_ip'], 'HostPort' => y['host_port'], } end end end def coerce_env_file(v) return v if v.empty? Array(v).map { |f| ::File.readlines(f).map(&:strip) }.flatten end # log_driver and log_opts really handle this def log_config(value = Chef::NOT_PASSED) if value != Chef::NOT_PASSED @log_config = value log_driver value['Type'] log_opts value['Config'] end return @log_config if defined?(@log_config) def_logcfg = {} def_logcfg['Type'] = log_driver if property_is_set?(:log_driver) def_logcfg['Config'] = log_opts if property_is_set?(:log_opts) def_logcfg = nil if def_logcfg.empty? def_logcfg end # TODO: test image property in serverspec and kitchen, not only in rspec # for full specs of image parsing, see spec/helpers_container_spec.rb # # If you say: `repo 'blah'` # Image will be: `blah:latest` # # If you say: `repo 'blah'; tag '3.1'` # Image will be: `blah:3.1` # # If you say: `image 'blah'` # Repo will be: `blah` # Tag will be: `latest` # # If you say: `image 'blah:3.1'` # Repo will be: `blah` # Tag will be: `3.1` # # If you say: `image 'repo/blah'` # Repo will be: `repo/blah` # Tag will be: `latest` # # If you say: `image 'repo/blah:3.1'` # Repo will be: `repo/blah` # Tag will be: `3.1` # # If you say: `image 'repo:1337/blah'` # Repo will be: `repo:1337/blah` # Tag will be: `latest' # # If you say: `image 'repo:1337/blah:3.1'` # Repo will be: `repo:1337/blah` # Tag will be: `3.1` # def image(image = nil) if image if image.include?('/') # pathological case, a ':' may be present which starts the 'port' # part of the image name and not a tag. example: 'host:1337/blah' # fortunately, tags are only found in the 'basename' part of image # so we can split on '/' and rebuild once the tag has been parsed. dirname, _, basename = image.rpartition('/') r, t = basename.split(':', 2) r = [dirname, r].join('/') else # normal case, the ':' starts the tag part r, t = image.split(':', 2) end repo r tag t if t end "#{repo}:#{tag}" end def to_shellwords(command) command.is_a?(String) ? ::Shellwords.shellwords(command) : command end ###################### # Load Current Value ###################### def to_snake_case(name) # ExposedPorts -> _exposed_ports name = name.gsub(/[A-Z]/) { |x| "_#{x.downcase}" } # _exposed_ports -> exposed_ports name = name[1..-1] if name.start_with?('_') name end load_current_value do # Grab the container and assign the container property begin with_retries { container Docker::Container.get(container_name, {}, connection) } rescue Docker::Error::NotFoundError current_value_does_not_exist! end # Go through everything in the container and set corresponding properties: #['Config']['ExposedPorts'] -> exposed_ports (['Config'].to_a +['HostConfig'].to_a).each do |key, value| next if value.nil? || key == 'RestartPolicy' || key == 'Binds' || key == 'ReadonlyRootfs' # Image => image # Set exposed_ports = ExposedPorts (etc.) property_name = to_snake_case(key) public_send(property_name, value) if respond_to?(property_name) end # load container specific labels (without engine/image ones) load_container_labels # these are a special case for us because our names differ from theirs restart_policy['HostConfig']['RestartPolicy']['Name'] restart_maximum_retry_count['HostConfig']['RestartPolicy']['MaximumRetryCount'] volumes_binds['HostConfig']['Binds'] ro_rootfs['HostConfig']['ReadonlyRootfs'] ip_address ip_address_from_container_networks(container) unless ip_address_from_container_networks(container).nil? end # Gets the ip address from the existing container # current docker api of 1.16 does not have ['NetworkSettings']['Networks'] # For docker > 1.21 - use ['NetworkSettings']['Networks'] # # @param container [Docker::Container] A container object # @returns [String] An ip_address def ip_address_from_container_networks(container) # We use the first value in 'Networks' # We can't assume it will be 'bridged' # It might also not match the new_resource value if['NetworkSettings'] &&['NetworkSettings']['Networks'] &&['NetworkSettings']['Networks'].values[0] &&['NetworkSettings']['Networks'].values[0]['IPAMConfig'] &&['NetworkSettings']['Networks'].values[0]['IPAMConfig']['IPv4Address'] # Return the ip address listed['NetworkSettings']['Networks'].values[0]['IPAMConfig']['IPv4Address'] end end ######### # Actions ######### # Super handy visual reference! # # Loads container specific labels excluding those of engine or image. # This insures idempotency. def load_container_labels image_labels = Docker::Image.get(['Image'], {}, connection).info['Config']['Labels'] || {} engine_labels =['Labels'] || {} labels = (['Config']['Labels'] || {}).reject do |key, val| image_labels.any? { |k, v| k == key && v == val } || engine_labels.any? { |k, v| k == key && v == val } end public_send(:labels, labels) end action :run do validate_container_create call_action(:create) call_action(:start) call_action(:delete) if new_resource.autoremove end action :create do validate_container_create converge_if_changed do action_delete with_retries do config = { 'name' => new_resource.container_name, 'Image' => "#{new_resource.repo}:#{new_resource.tag}", 'Labels' => new_resource.labels, 'Cmd' => to_shellwords(new_resource.command), 'AttachStderr' => new_resource.attach_stderr, 'AttachStdin' => new_resource.attach_stdin, 'AttachStdout' => new_resource.attach_stdout, 'Domainname' => new_resource.domain_name, 'Entrypoint' => to_shellwords(new_resource.entrypoint), 'Env' => new_resource.env + new_resource.env_file, 'ExposedPorts' => new_resource.exposed_ports, 'Hostname' => parsed_hostname, 'MacAddress' => new_resource.mac_address, 'NetworkDisabled' => new_resource.network_disabled, 'OpenStdin' => new_resource.open_stdin, 'StdinOnce' => new_resource.stdin_once, 'Tty' => new_resource.tty, 'User' => new_resource.user, 'Volumes' => new_resource.volumes, 'WorkingDir' => new_resource.working_dir, 'HostConfig' => { 'Binds' => new_resource.volumes_binds, 'CapAdd' => new_resource.cap_add, 'CapDrop' => new_resource.cap_drop, 'CgroupParent' => new_resource.cgroup_parent, 'CpuShares' => new_resource.cpu_shares, 'CpusetCpus' => new_resource.cpuset_cpus, 'Devices' => new_resource.devices, 'Dns' => new_resource.dns, 'DnsSearch' => new_resource.dns_search, 'ExtraHosts' => new_resource.extra_hosts, 'IpcMode' => new_resource.ipc_mode, 'Init' => new_resource.init, 'KernelMemory' => new_resource.kernel_memory, 'Links' => new_resource.links, 'LogConfig' => log_config, 'Memory' => new_resource.memory, 'MemorySwap' => new_resource.memory_swap, 'MemorySwappiness' => new_resource.memory_swappiness, 'MemoryReservation' => new_resource.memory_reservation, 'NetworkMode' => new_resource.network_mode, 'OomKillDisable' => new_resource.oom_kill_disable, 'OomScoreAdj' => new_resource.oom_score_adj, 'Privileged' => new_resource.privileged, 'PidMode' => new_resource.pid_mode, 'PortBindings' => new_resource.port_bindings, 'PublishAllPorts' => new_resource.publish_all_ports, 'RestartPolicy' => { 'Name' => new_resource.restart_policy, 'MaximumRetryCount' => new_resource.restart_maximum_retry_count, }, 'ReadonlyRootfs' => new_resource.ro_rootfs, 'Runtime' => new_resource.runtime, 'SecurityOpt' => new_resource.security_opt, 'ShmSize' => new_resource.shm_size, 'Sysctls' => new_resource.sysctls, 'Ulimits' => ulimits_to_hash, 'UsernsMode' => new_resource.userns_mode, 'UTSMode' => new_resource.uts_mode, 'VolumesFrom' => new_resource.volumes_from, 'VolumeDriver' => new_resource.volume_driver, }, } net_config = { 'NetworkingConfig' => { 'EndpointsConfig' => { new_resource.network_mode => { 'IPAMConfig' => { 'IPv4Address' => new_resource.ip_address, }, 'Aliases' => new_resource.network_aliases, }, }, }, } if new_resource.network_mode config.merge! net_config # Remove any options not supported in windows if platform?('windows') config['HostConfig'].delete('MemorySwappiness') end unless new_resource.health_check.empty? config['Healthcheck'] = new_resource.health_check end # Store the state of the options and create the container new_resource.create_options = config Docker::Container.create(config, connection) end end end action :start do return if state['Restarting'] return if state['Running'] converge_by "starting #{new_resource.container_name}" do with_retries do current_resource.container.start unless new_resource.detach new_resource.timeout ? current_resource.container.wait(new_resource.timeout) : current_resource.container.wait end end wait_running_state(true) if new_resource.detach end end action :stop do return unless state['Running'] kill_after_str = "(will kill after #{new_resource.kill_after}s)" if new_resource.kill_after converge_by "stopping #{new_resource.container_name} #{kill_after_str}" do begin with_retries do current_resource.container.stop!('timeout' => new_resource.kill_after) wait_running_state(false) end rescue Docker::Error::TimeoutError raise Docker::Error::TimeoutError, "Container failed to stop, consider adding kill_after to the container #{new_resource.container_name}" end end end action :kill do return unless state['Running'] converge_by "killing #{new_resource.container_name}" do with_retries { current_resource.container.kill(signal: new_resource.signal) } end end action :run_if_missing do return if current_resource call_action(:run) end action :pause do return if state['Paused'] converge_by "pausing #{new_resource.container_name}" do with_retries { current_resource.container.pause } end end action :unpause do return if current_resource && !state['Paused'] converge_by "unpausing #{new_resource.container_name}" do with_retries { current_resource.container.unpause } end end action :restart do kill_after_str = " (will kill after #{new_resource.kill_after}s)" if new_resource.kill_after != -1 converge_by "restarting #{new_resource.container_name} #{kill_after_str}" do current_resource ? current_resource.container.restart('timeout' => new_resource.kill_after) : call_action(:run) end end action :reload do converge_by "reloading #{new_resource.container_name}" do with_retries { current_resource.container.kill(signal: 'SIGHUP') } end end action :redeploy do validate_container_create # never start containers resulting from a previous action :create #432 should_create = state['Running'] == false && state['StartedAt'] == '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z' call_action(:delete) call_action(should_create ? :create : :run) end action :delete do return unless current_resource call_action(:unpause) call_action(:stop) converge_by "deleting #{new_resource.container_name}" do with_retries { current_resource.container.delete(force: new_resource.force, v: new_resource.remove_volumes) } end end action :remove do call_action(:delete) end action :commit do converge_by "committing #{new_resource.container_name}" do with_retries do new_image = current_resource.container.commit new_image.tag('repo' => new_resource.repo, 'tag' => new_resource.tag, 'force' => new_resource.force) end end end action :export do raise "Please set outfile property on #{new_resource.container_name}" if new_resource.outfile.nil? converge_by "exporting #{new_resource.container_name}" do with_retries do, 'w') { |f| current_resource.container.export { |chunk| f.write(chunk) } } end end end declare_action_class.class_eval do def validate_container_create if new_resource.property_is_set?(:restart_policy) && new_resource.restart_policy != 'no' && new_resource.restart_policy != 'always' && new_resource.restart_policy != 'unless-stopped' && new_resource.restart_policy != 'on-failure' raise Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, 'restart_policy must be either no, always, unless-stopped, or on-failure.' end if new_resource.autoremove == true && (new_resource.property_is_set?(:restart_policy) && restart_policy != 'no') raise Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, 'Conflicting options restart_policy and autoremove.' end if new_resource.detach == true && ( new_resource.attach_stderr == true || new_resource.attach_stdin == true || new_resource.attach_stdout == true || new_resource.stdin_once == true ) raise Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, 'Conflicting options detach, attach_stderr, attach_stdin, attach_stdout, stdin_once.' end if new_resource.network_mode == 'host' && ( !(new_resource.hostname.nil? || new_resource.hostname.empty?) || !(new_resource.mac_address.nil? || new_resource.mac_address.empty?) ) raise Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, 'Cannot specify hostname or mac_address when network_mode is host.' end if new_resource.network_mode == 'container' && ( !(new_resource.hostname.nil? || new_resource.hostname.empty?) || !(new_resource.dns.nil? || new_resource.dns.empty?) || !(new_resource.dns_search.nil? || new_resource.dns_search.empty?) || !(new_resource.mac_address.nil? || new_resource.mac_address.empty?) || !(new_resource.extra_hosts.nil? || new_resource.extra_hosts.empty?) || !(new_resource.exposed_ports.nil? || new_resource.exposed_ports.empty?) || !(new_resource.port_bindings.nil? || new_resource.port_bindings.empty?) || !(new_resource.publish_all_ports.nil? || new_resource.publish_all_ports.empty?) || !new_resource.port.nil? ) raise Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, 'Cannot specify hostname, dns, dns_search, mac_address, extra_hosts, exposed_ports, port_bindings, publish_all_ports, port when network_mode is container.' end end def parsed_hostname return nil if new_resource.network_mode == 'host' new_resource.hostname end def call_action(action) send("action_#{action}") load_current_resource end def state current_resource ? current_resource.state : {} end def ulimits_to_hash return nil if new_resource.ulimits.nil? do |u| name = u.split('=')[0] soft = u.split('=')[1].split(':')[0] hard = u.split('=')[1].split(':')[1] { 'Name' => name, 'Soft' => soft.to_i, 'Hard' => hard.to_i } end end end end end