const parsers = require('playlist-parser') const M3U = parsers.M3U const fs = require("fs") const path = require('path') const urlParser = require('url') let total = 0 const supportedGroups = [ 'Auto', 'Business', 'CCTV', 'Classic', 'Comedy', 'Documentary', 'Education', 'Entertainment', 'Family', 'Fashion', 'Food', 'General', 'Health', 'History', 'Hobby', 'Kids', 'Legislative', 'Lifestyle', 'Local', 'Movies', 'Music', 'News', 'Quiz', 'Radio', 'Religious', 'Sci-Fi', 'Shop', 'Sport', 'Travel', 'Weather', 'XXX' ] function init() { let countries = loadPlaylist('index.m3u') // countries = countries.slice(0, 4) let channels = [] for(let country of countries) { const playlist = loadPlaylist(country.file) for(let item of playlist) { let channel = { title: parseTitle(item), file: item.file, id: parseTvgId(item), name: parseTvgName(item), logo: parseTvgLogo(item), group: parseGroupTitle(item) } channels.push(channel) } channels = channels.sort(byTitle) let outputPath = path.resolve(__dirname) + '/../' + country.file fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, '#EXTM3U\n') channels.forEach(channel => { writeToFile(outputPath, channel) }) // console.log(country.title, channels) total += channels.length channels = [] } } init() console.log(`Total: ${total}.`) function loadPlaylist(filename) { return M3U.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname) + `/../${filename}`, { encoding: "utf8" })) } function writeToFile(outputPath, channel) { let info = `#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="${}" tvg-name="${}" tvg-logo="${channel.logo}" group-title="${}",${channel.title}` fs.appendFileSync(outputPath, info + '\n' + channel.file + '\n') } function getInfo(item) { return (item.artist) ? item.artist + '-' + item.title : item.title } function parseTitle(item) { let info = getInfo(item) let parts = info.split(',') return parts[parts.length - 1].trim() } function parseTvgId(item) { let info = getInfo(item) let matches = info.match(/tvg\-id\=\"(.*?)\"/i) return (matches && matches.length > 1) ? matches[1] : '' } function parseTvgName(item) { let info = getInfo(item) let matches = info.match(/tvg\-name\=\"(.*?)\"/i) return (matches && matches.length > 1) ? matches[1] : '' } function parseTvgLogo(item) { let info = getInfo(item) let matches = info.match(/tvg\-logo\=\"(.*?)\"/i) return (matches && matches.length > 1) ? matches[1] : '' } function parseGroupTitle(item) { let info = getInfo(item) let matches = info.match(/group\-title\=\"(.*?)\"/i) let groupTitle = (matches && matches.length > 1) ? matches[1] : '' let groupIndex = => g.toLowerCase()).indexOf(groupTitle.toLowerCase()) if(groupIndex === -1) { groupTitle = 'Undefined' } else { groupTitle = supportedGroups[groupIndex] } return groupTitle } function byTitle(a, b) { var nameA = a.title.toLowerCase() var nameB = b.title.toLowerCase() if (nameA < nameB) { return -1 } if (nameA > nameB) { return 1 } return 0 }