module.exports = [ { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1884653836, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5wVYkM', number: 14151, title: 'Remove: VTV', user: { login: 'kaikyoofers', id: 67206080, node_id: 'MDQ6VXNlcjY3MjA2MDgw', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 2043160604, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwyMDQzMTYwNjA0', url: '', name: 'BR', color: 'ccdcff', default: false, description: 'Brazil' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-09-06T19:51:43Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:48:57Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'CONTRIBUTOR', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Stream URL\n\n\n\n### Reason\n\nNot loading\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nOne link ( is misspelled.\n\n### Contributing Guide\n\n- [x] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1881649602, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5wJ7HC', number: 14140, title: 'Broken: RIK HD Cyprus', user: { login: 'ROBGagn', id: 124619576, node_id: 'U_kgDOB22LOA', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 3241837512, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwzMjQxODM3NTEy', url: '', name: 'CY', color: '90FA7B', default: false, description: 'Cyprus' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:add', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-09-05T10:09:04Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:50:06Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nToken needed...\r\nSame issue with RIK 1 and 2. May happen in the future with ANT1 Cyprus, Sigma and Omega.\n\n### Contributing Guide\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1881648047, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5wJ6uv', number: 14139, title: 'Broken: RIK2 Cyprus', user: { login: 'ROBGagn', id: 124619576, node_id: 'U_kgDOB22LOA', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 3241837512, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwzMjQxODM3NTEy', url: '', name: 'CY', color: '90FA7B', default: false, description: 'Cyprus' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-09-05T10:08:08Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:50:06Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nToken needed...\r\nSame issue with RIK 1 and HD. May happen in the future with ANT1 Cyprus, Sigma and Omega.\n\n### Contributing Guide\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1881646342, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5wJ6UG', number: 14138, title: 'Broken: RIK1 Cyprus', user: { login: 'ROBGagn', id: 124619576, node_id: 'U_kgDOB22LOA', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 3241837512, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwzMjQxODM3NTEy', url: '', name: 'CY', color: '90FA7B', default: false, description: 'Cyprus' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-09-05T10:07:08Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:50:06Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nToken needed...\r\nSame issue with RIK 2 and HD, Alpha TV Cyprus. May happen in the future with ANT1 Cyprus, Sigma and Omega.\n\n### Contributing Guide\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1881642924, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5wJ5es', number: 14137, title: 'Broken: Alpha TV Cyprus', user: { login: 'ROBGagn', id: 124619576, node_id: 'U_kgDOB22LOA', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 3241837512, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwzMjQxODM3NTEy', url: '', name: 'CY', color: '90FA7B', default: false, description: 'Cyprus' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-09-05T10:05:06Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:50:05Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nToken now needed...\r\nSame issue with RIK 1, 2 and HD. May happen in the future with RIK Sat, ANT1 Cyprus, Sigma and Omega.\r\n\n\n### Contributing Guide\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1878180439, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5v8sJX', number: 14120, title: 'Broken: Canal 5 (MX)', user: { login: 'chris202020202020', id: 141375812, node_id: 'U_kgDOCG05RA', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 2980444955, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwyOTgwNDQ0OTU1', url: '', name: 'MX', color: '02A7D1', default: false, description: 'Mexico' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-09-01T23:49:28Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:24:05Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\nhttp://\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nReplacement For A Broken Stream To A New Stream For Canal 5 (MX) Please\n\n### Please confirm the following\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1877534239, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5v6OYf', number: 14108, title: 'Broken: SBS TBC (TBC 대구방송) (540p)', user: { login: 'AVGCFan1995', id: 143818591, node_id: 'U_kgDOCJJ_Xw', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1694138665, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNjk0MTM4NjY1', url: '', name: 'KR', color: '4fd19f', default: false, description: 'South Korea' }, { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 1, created_at: '2023-09-01T14:29:58Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T19:13:30Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: "### Broken Link\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n### What happened to the stream?\r\n\r\nNot loading\r\n\r\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\r\n\r\n_No response_\r\n\r\n### Notes (optional)\r\n\r\nHey guys, I found this link on is either working or not working when I'm using an UrbanVPN in order to switch it to South Korea when I'm using VLC media player despite my South Korean friend claims this link is working probably it was encrypted or unencrypted.\r\n\r\n### Please confirm the following\r\n\r\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](", reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1874505679, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5vuq_P', number: 14096, title: 'Broken: Temple University TV', user: { login: 'FpFan65', id: 85830665, node_id: 'MDQ6VXNlcjg1ODMwNjY1', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1694118251, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNjk0MTE4MjUx', url: '', name: 'US', color: '463faa', default: false, description: 'United States' }, { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-08-30T23:16:51Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:28:13Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nOther\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nUpdated Stream\n\n### Please confirm the following\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1871193001, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5viCOp', number: 14085, title: 'Broken: KTV 1', user: { login: 'samimasad', id: 781021, node_id: 'MDQ6VXNlcjc4MTAyMQ==', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1703945966, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzAzOTQ1OTY2', url: '', name: 'KW', color: 'e55e7f', default: false, description: 'Kuwait' }, { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-08-29T08:51:01Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:51:39Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nseems all the streams that start with do fail , that got to be repalces,\r\nthe source of the TV , for example works fine\n\n### Please confirm the following\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1869737346, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5vce2C', number: 14063, title: 'Broken: TV3 Malaysia from my.m3u', user: { login: 'e0406370', id: 79201611, node_id: 'MDQ6VXNlcjc5MjAxNjEx', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 1912922147, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxOTEyOTIyMTQ3', url: '', name: 'MY', color: 'ea59cf', default: false, description: 'Malaysia' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 2, created_at: '2023-08-28T13:10:07Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:31:42Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n### What happened to the stream?\r\n\r\nNot loading\r\n\r\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n### Notes (optional)\r\n\r\nUnable to access the TV3 stream through iptv player android app, while other links such as TV1 and TV2 in the m3u8 file are functioning correctly.\r\nAny guidance or support provided would be greatly appreciated.\r\n\r\n### Please confirm the following\r\n\r\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1866840798, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5vRbre', number: 14044, title: 'Broken: Tolo TV', user: { login: 'sunyuanzhe', id: 142400045, node_id: 'U_kgDOCHzaLQ', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 5367626646, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABP-97lg', url: '', name: 'AF', color: '996569', default: false, description: 'Afghanistan' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-08-25T11:04:56Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:34:06Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nDisplays a message asking to renew subscription\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nAccess is Forbidden\n\n### Please confirm the following\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1866839527, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5vRbXn', number: 14043, title: 'Broken: Lemar TV', user: { login: 'sunyuanzhe', id: 142400045, node_id: 'U_kgDOCHzaLQ', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 5367626646, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABP-97lg', url: '', name: 'AF', color: '996569', default: false, description: 'Afghanistan' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-08-25T11:04:01Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:34:29Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nDisplays a message asking to renew subscription\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nAccess is Forbidden\n\n### Please confirm the following\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1866418070, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5vP0eW', number: 14041, title: 'Broken: PBS Tucson AZ (KUAT)', user: { login: 'OmarLopez18', id: 14249252, node_id: 'MDQ6VXNlcjE0MjQ5MjUy', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1694118251, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNjk0MTE4MjUx', url: '', name: 'US', color: '463faa', default: false, description: 'United States' }, { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-08-25T06:38:27Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:35:06Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Please confirm the following\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1866416765, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5vP0J9', number: 14040, title: 'Broken: PBS Phoenix AZ (KAET)', user: { login: 'OmarLopez18', id: 14249252, node_id: 'MDQ6VXNlcjE0MjQ5MjUy', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1694118251, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNjk0MTE4MjUx', url: '', name: 'US', color: '463faa', default: false, description: 'United States' }, { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 2, created_at: '2023-08-25T06:37:33Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:35:34Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Please confirm the following\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1860427275, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5u494L', number: 14017, title: 'Broken: Lego Channel', user: { login: 'baliebox4916', id: 28187097, node_id: 'MDQ6VXNlcjI4MTg3MDk3', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1694118251, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNjk0MTE4MjUx', url: '', name: 'US', color: '463faa', default: false, description: 'United States' }, { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-08-22T02:13:54Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:36:14Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nThis Channel Is/Was a Very Good Lego Channel\r\n\r\nBut i Cant Watch it on My PC\r\n\r\n(Tried Progdvb and it said Please Check Network Connection or Try Another Link to Channel)\r\n\r\nTried MyIPTV Player and it said Error Unsupported video type or invalid file path)\n\n### Please confirm the following\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1854065855, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5ugsy_', number: 13933, title: 'Broken: Rai 1', user: { login: 'm3u-playlists', id: 141451187, node_id: 'U_kgDOCG5fsw', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1694139293, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNjk0MTM5Mjkz', url: '', name: 'IT', color: 'f254ae', default: false, description: 'Italy' }, { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-08-17T00:35:23Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:39:57Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: "### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nit doesn't load\n\n### Please confirm the following\n\n- [x] I have read [Contributing Guide](", reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1837944461, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5tjM6N', number: 13733, title: 'Broken: Ary QTV', user: { login: 'freearhey', id: 7253922, node_id: 'MDQ6VXNlcjcyNTM5MjI=', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1694140866, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNjk0MTQwODY2', url: '', name: 'PK', color: '20d68a', default: false, description: 'Pakistan' }, { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 1, created_at: '2023-08-05T21:28:12Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:45:08Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'COLLABORATOR', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\nOriginal request: #13731\n\n### Please confirm the following\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1807032220, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5rtR-c', number: 13555, title: 'Broken: Colors Cineplex', user: { login: 'uyseeer', id: 135757448, node_id: 'U_kgDOCBd-iA', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1694119113, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNjk0MTE5MTEz', url: '', name: 'IN', color: 'd8139a', default: false, description: 'India' }, { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 0, created_at: '2023-07-17T05:54:19Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:45:31Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Please confirm the following\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null }, { url: '', repository_url: '', labels_url: '{/name}', comments_url: '', events_url: '', html_url: '', id: 1805880578, node_id: 'I_kwDOCWUK8M5ro40C', number: 13538, title: 'Broken: ARY Digital [PK]', user: { login: 'uyseeer', id: 135757448, node_id: 'U_kgDOCBd-iA', avatar_url: '', gravatar_id: '', url: '', html_url: '', followers_url: '', following_url: '{/other_user}', gists_url: '{/gist_id}', starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}', subscriptions_url: '', organizations_url: '', repos_url: '', events_url: '{/privacy}', received_events_url: '', type: 'User', site_admin: false }, labels: [ { id: 1694140866, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNjk0MTQwODY2', url: '', name: 'PK', color: '20d68a', default: false, description: 'Pakistan' }, { id: 1707513547, node_id: 'MDU6TGFiZWwxNzA3NTEzNTQ3', url: '', name: 'broken stream', color: 'FBCA04', default: false, description: 'Stream is not working properly' }, { id: 5923498886, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYRFrhg', url: '', name: 'approved', color: '85ddde', default: false, description: '' }, { id: 5932506810, node_id: 'LA_kwDOCWUK8M8AAAABYZreug', url: '', name: 'streams:remove', color: '5373a2', default: false, description: '' } ], state: 'open', locked: false, assignee: null, assignees: [], milestone: null, comments: 3, created_at: '2023-07-15T04:36:15Z', updated_at: '2023-09-07T00:46:05Z', closed_at: null, author_association: 'NONE', active_lock_reason: null, body: '### Broken Link\n\n\n\n### What happened to the stream?\n\nNot loading\n\n### Possible Replacement (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Notes (optional)\n\n_No response_\n\n### Please confirm the following\n\n- [X] I have read [Contributing Guide](', reactions: { url: '', total_count: 0, '+1': 0, '-1': 0, laugh: 0, hooray: 0, confused: 0, heart: 0, rocket: 0, eyes: 0 }, timeline_url: '', performed_via_github_app: null, state_reason: null } ]