const { program } = require('commander') const helper = require('./helper') const axios = require('axios') const https = require('https') const ProgressBar = require('progress') program .usage('[OPTIONS]...') .option('-d, --debug', 'Debug mode') .option('-c, --country ', 'Comma-separated list of country codes', '') .option('-e, --exclude ', 'Comma-separated list of country codes to be excluded', '') .option('--delay ', 'Delay between parser requests', 1000) .option('--timeout ', 'Set timeout for each request', 5000) .parse(process.argv) const config = program.opts() const instance = axios.create({ timeout: config.timeout, maxContentLength: 20000, httpsAgent: new https.Agent({ rejectUnauthorized: false }) }) let stats = { playlists: 0, channels: 0, failures: 0 } async function test() { const playlist = helper.parsePlaylist('index.m3u') const countries = helper.filterPlaylists(playlist.items,, config.exclude) for (let country of countries) { const playlist = helper.parsePlaylist(country.url) const bar = new ProgressBar(`Processing '${country.url}'...:current/:total\n`, { total: playlist.items.length }) stats.playlists++ for (let channel of playlist.items) { bar.tick() stats.channels++ await instance .get(channel.url) .then(helper.sleep(config.delay)) .catch(error => { if (error.response) { stats.failures++ helper.writeToLog(country.url, error.message, channel.url) console.log(`Error: ${error.message} '${channel.url}'`) } }) } } if (stats.failures === 0) { console.log(`\nOK (${stats.playlists} playlists, ${stats.channels} channels)`) } else { console.log( `\nFAILURES! (${stats.playlists} playlists, ${stats.channels} channels, ${stats.failures} failures)` ) process.exit(1) } } console.log('Test is running...\n') test()