const store = require('./store') const _ = require('lodash') const playlist = {} class Playlist { constructor(items = [], options = {}) { this.header = {} if (options.public) { let guides = items .map(item => (item.guides.length ? item.guides[0].url : null)) .filter(i => i) this.header['x-tvg-url'] = _.uniq(guides).sort().join(',') } this.links = [] for (const item of items) { const stream = store.create(item) let attrs if (options.public) { attrs = { 'tvg-id': stream.get('tvg_id'), 'tvg-country': stream.get('tvg_country'), 'tvg-language': stream.get('tvg_language'), 'tvg-logo': stream.get('tvg_logo'), 'group-title': stream.get('group_title'), 'user-agent': stream.get('user_agent') || undefined } } else { attrs = { 'tvg-id': stream.get('tvg_id'), status: stream.get('status'), 'user-agent': stream.get('user_agent') || undefined } } const vlcOpts = { 'http-referrer': stream.get('http_referrer') || undefined, 'http-user-agent': stream.get('user_agent') || undefined } this.links.push({ url: stream.get('url'), title: stream.get('title'), attrs, vlcOpts }) } } toString() { let output = `#EXTM3U` for (const attr in this.header) { const value = this.header[attr] output += ` ${attr}="${value}"` } output += `\n` for (const link of this.links) { output += `#EXTINF:-1` for (const name in link.attrs) { const value = link.attrs[name] if (value !== undefined) { output += ` ${name}="${value}"` } } output += `,${link.title}\n` for (const name in link.vlcOpts) { const value = link.vlcOpts[name] if (value !== undefined) { output += `#EXTVLCOPT:${name}=${value}\n` } } output += `${link.url}\n` } return output } } playlist.create = function (items, options) { return new Playlist(items, options) } module.exports = playlist