const util = require('./util') const debug = false const blacklist = [ '', // repeats on a loop '', // not a live stream '', // not working streams ] let stats = { total: 0, removed: 0 } function init() { let countries = util.parsePlaylist('index.m3u') if(debug) { countries = countries.slice(0, 2) } let channels = [] for(let country of countries) { const playlist = util.parsePlaylist(country.file) for(let item of playlist) { const url = new URL(item.file) const host = url.hostname if(blacklist.indexOf(host) === -1) { channels.push(item) } else { stats.removed += 1 } } util.createFile(country.file, '#EXTM3U\n') channels.forEach(item => { const data = '#EXTINF:' + item.title + '\n' + item.file + '\n' util.writeToFile(country.file, data) }) += channels.length channels = [] } } init() console.log(`Total: ${}. Removed: ${stats.removed}`)