#!/usr/bin/env python # Script by gfyoung # https://github.com/gfyoung # # This Python script will generate hosts files and update the readme file. from __future__ import print_function import sys import argparse import subprocess def print_failure(msg): """ Print a failure message. Parameters ---------- msg : str The failure message to print. """ print("\033[91m" + msg + "\033[0m") def update_hosts_file(*flags): """ Wrapper around running updateHostsFile.py Parameters ---------- flags : varargs Commandline flags to pass into updateHostsFile.py. For more info, run the following command in the terminal or command prompt: ``` python updateHostsFile.py -h ``` """ if subprocess.call([sys.executable, "updateHostsFile.py"] + list(flags)): print_failure("Failed to update hosts file") def update_readme_file(): """ Wrapper around running updateReadme.py """ if subprocess.call([sys.executable, "updateReadme.py"]): print_failure("Failed to update readme file") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Creates custom hosts " "file from hosts stored in " "data subfolders.") parser.parse_args() update_hosts_file("-a", "-o", "alternates/gambling", "-e", "gambling") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/porn", "-e", "porn") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/social", "-e", "social") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/fakenews", "-e", "fakenews") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/fakenews-gambling", "-e", "fakenews", "gambling") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/fakenews-porn", "-e", "fakenews", "porn") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/fakenews-social", "-e", "fakenews", "social") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/gambling-porn", "-e", "gambling", "porn") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/gambling-social", "-e", "gambling", "social") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/porn-social", "-e", "porn", "social") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/fakenews-gambling-porn", "-e", "fakenews", "gambling", "porn") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/fakenews-gambling-social", "-e", "fakenews", "gambling", "social") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/fakenews-porn-social", "-e", "fakenews", "porn", "social") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/gambling-porn-social", "-e", "gambling", "porn", "social") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n", "-o", "alternates/fakenews-gambling-porn-social", "-e", "fakenews", "gambling", "porn", "social") update_hosts_file("-a", "-n") # Update the readme files. update_readme_file() if __name__ == "__main__": main()