#!/usr/bin/env python # Script by Ben Limmer # https://github.com/l1m5 # # This Python script will combine all the host files you provide # as sources into one, unique host file to keep you internet browsing happy. from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) from glob import glob import os import locale import platform import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import fnmatch import argparse import socket import json import zipfile # Detecting Python 3 for version-dependent implementations PY3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0) if PY3: from urllib.request import urlopen raw_input = input else: # Python 2 from urllib2 import urlopen def get_file_by_url(url): try: f = urlopen(url) return f.read().decode("UTF-8") except: print("Problem getting file: ", url) def write_data(f, data): if PY3: f.write(bytes(data, "UTF-8")) else: f.write(str(data).encode("UTF-8")) def list_dir_no_hidden(path): # This function doesn't list hidden files return glob(path_join_robust(path, "*")) # Project Settings BASEDIR_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def get_defaults(): """ Helper method for getting the default settings. Returns ------- default_settings : dict A dictionary of the default settings when updating host information. """ return { "numberofrules": 0, "datapath": path_join_robust(BASEDIR_PATH, "data"), "freshen": True, "replace": False, "backup": False, "skipstatichosts": False, "keepdomaincomments": False, "extensionspath": path_join_robust(BASEDIR_PATH, "extensions"), "extensions": [], "outputsubfolder": "", "hostfilename": "hosts", "targetip": "", "ziphosts": False, "sourcedatafilename": "update.json", "sourcesdata": [], "readmefilename": "readme.md", "readmetemplate": path_join_robust(BASEDIR_PATH, "readme_template.md"), "readmedata": {}, "readmedatafilename": path_join_robust(BASEDIR_PATH, "readmeData.json"), "exclusionpattern": "([a-zA-Z\d-]+\.){0,}", "exclusionregexs": [], "exclusions": [], "commonexclusions": ["hulu.com"], "blacklistfile": path_join_robust(BASEDIR_PATH, "blacklist"), "whitelistfile": path_join_robust(BASEDIR_PATH, "whitelist")} def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Creates a unified hosts " "file from hosts stored in " "data subfolders.") parser.add_argument("--auto", "-a", dest="auto", default=False, action="store_true", help="Run without prompting.") parser.add_argument("--backup", "-b", dest="backup", default=False, action="store_true", help="Backup the hosts " "files before they " "are overridden.") parser.add_argument("--extensions", "-e", dest="extensions", default=[], nargs="*", help="Host extensions to include " "in the final hosts file.") parser.add_argument("--ip", "-i", dest="targetip", default="", help="Target IP address. Default is") parser.add_argument("--keepdomaincomments", "-k", dest="keepdomaincomments", default=False, help="Keep domain line comments.") parser.add_argument("--zip", "-z", dest="ziphosts", default=False, action="store_true", help="Additionally create " "a zip archive of the " "hosts file.") parser.add_argument("--noupdate", "-n", dest="noupdate", default=False, action="store_true", help="Don't update from " "host data sources.") parser.add_argument("--skipstatichosts", "-s", dest="skipstatichosts", default=False, action="store_true", help="Skip static localhost entries " "in the final hosts file.") parser.add_argument("--output", "-o", dest="outputsubfolder", default="", help="Output subfolder for generated hosts file.") parser.add_argument("--replace", "-r", dest="replace", default=False, action="store_true", help="Replace your active " "hosts file with this " "new hosts file.") parser.add_argument("--flush-dns-cache", "-f", dest="flushdnscache", default=False, action="store_true", help="Attempt to flush DNS cache " "after replacing the hosts file.") global settings options = vars(parser.parse_args()) options["outputpath"] = path_join_robust(BASEDIR_PATH, options["outputsubfolder"]) options["freshen"] = not options["noupdate"] settings = get_defaults() settings.update(options) settings["sources"] = list_dir_no_hidden(settings["datapath"]) settings["extensionsources"] = list_dir_no_hidden( settings["extensionspath"]) # All our extensions folders... settings["extensions"] = [os.path.basename(item) for item in list_dir_no_hidden(settings["extensionspath"])] # ... intersected with the extensions passed-in as arguments, then sorted. settings["extensions"] = sorted(list( set(options["extensions"]).intersection(settings["extensions"]))) with open(settings["readmedatafilename"], "r") as f: settings["readmedata"] = json.load(f) prompt_for_update() prompt_for_exclusions() merge_file = create_initial_file() remove_old_hosts_file() final_file = remove_dups_and_excl(merge_file) finalize_file(final_file) if settings["ziphosts"]: zf = zipfile.ZipFile(path_join_robust(settings["outputsubfolder"], "hosts.zip"), mode='w') zf.write(path_join_robust(settings["outputsubfolder"], "hosts"), compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, arcname='hosts') zf.close() update_readme_data() print_success("Success! The hosts file has been saved in folder " + settings["outputsubfolder"] + "\nIt contains " + "{:,}".format(settings["numberofrules"]) + " unique entries.") prompt_for_move(final_file) # Prompt the User def prompt_for_update(): # Create hosts file if it doesn't exists if not os.path.isfile(path_join_robust(BASEDIR_PATH, "hosts")): try: open(path_join_robust(BASEDIR_PATH, "hosts"), "w+").close() except: print_failure("ERROR: No 'hosts' file in the folder," "try creating one manually") if not settings["freshen"]: return prompt = "Do you want to update all data sources?" if settings["auto"] or query_yes_no(prompt): update_all_sources() elif not settings["auto"]: print("OK, we'll stick with what we've got locally.") def prompt_for_exclusions(): prompt = ("Do you want to exclude any domains?\n" "For example, hulu.com video streaming must be able to access " "its tracking and ad servers in order to play video.") if not settings["auto"]: if query_yes_no(prompt): display_exclusion_options() else: print("OK, we'll only exclude domains in the whitelist.") def prompt_for_flush_dns_cache(): if settings["flushdnscache"]: flush_dns_cache() if not settings["auto"]: if query_yes_no("Attempt to flush the DNS cache?"): flush_dns_cache() def prompt_for_move(final_file): if settings["replace"] and not settings["skipstatichosts"]: move_file = True elif settings["auto"] or settings["skipstatichosts"]: move_file = False else: prompt = ("Do you want to replace your existing hosts file " + "with the newly generated file?") move_file = query_yes_no(prompt) if move_file: move_hosts_file_into_place(final_file) prompt_for_flush_dns_cache() else: return False # End Prompt the User # Exclusion logic def display_exclusion_options(): for exclusion_option in settings["commonexclusions"]: prompt = "Do you want to exclude the domain " + exclusion_option + " ?" if query_yes_no(prompt): exclude_domain(exclusion_option) else: continue if query_yes_no("Do you want to exclude any other domains?"): gather_custom_exclusions() def gather_custom_exclusions(): """ Gather custom exclusions from the user. """ # We continue running this while-loop until the user # says that they have no more domains to exclude. while True: domain_prompt = ("Enter the domain you want " "to exclude (e.g. facebook.com): ") user_domain = raw_input(domain_prompt) if is_valid_domain_format(user_domain): exclude_domain(user_domain) continue_prompt = "Do you have more domains you want to enter?" if not query_yes_no(continue_prompt): return def exclude_domain(domain): settings["exclusionregexs"].append(re.compile( settings["exclusionpattern"] + domain)) def matches_exclusions(stripped_rule): stripped_domain = stripped_rule.split()[1] for exclusionRegex in settings["exclusionregexs"]: if exclusionRegex.search(stripped_domain): return True return False # End Exclusion Logic # Update Logic def update_all_sources(): # Update all hosts files regardless of folder depth all_sources = recursive_glob("*", settings["sourcedatafilename"]) for source in all_sources: update_file = open(source, "r") update_data = json.load(update_file) update_url = update_data["url"] update_file.close() print("Updating source " + os.path.dirname( source) + " from " + update_url) try: updated_file = get_file_by_url(update_url) # get rid of carriage-return symbols updated_file = updated_file.replace("\r", "") hosts_file = open(path_join_robust(BASEDIR_PATH, os.path.dirname(source), settings["hostfilename"]), "wb") write_data(hosts_file, updated_file) hosts_file.close() except: print("Error in updating source: ", update_url) # End Update Logic # File Logic def create_initial_file(): merge_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() # spin the sources for the base file for source in recursive_glob(settings["datapath"], settings["hostfilename"]): with open(source, "r") as curFile: write_data(merge_file, curFile.read()) for source in recursive_glob(settings["datapath"], settings["sourcedatafilename"]): update_file = open(source, "r") update_data = json.load(update_file) settings["sourcesdata"].append(update_data) update_file.close() # spin the sources for extensions to the base file for source in settings["extensions"]: for filename in recursive_glob(path_join_robust( settings["extensionspath"], source), settings["hostfilename"]): with open(filename, "r") as curFile: write_data(merge_file, curFile.read()) for update_file_path in recursive_glob(path_join_robust( settings["extensionspath"], source), settings["sourcedatafilename"]): update_file = open(update_file_path, "r") update_data = json.load(update_file) settings["sourcesdata"].append(update_data) update_file.close() if os.path.isfile(settings["blacklistfile"]): with open(settings["blacklistfile"], "r") as curFile: write_data(merge_file, curFile.read()) return merge_file def remove_dups_and_excl(merge_file): number_of_rules = settings["numberofrules"] if os.path.isfile(settings["whitelistfile"]): with open(settings["whitelistfile"], "r") as ins: for line in ins: line = line.strip(" \t\n\r") if line and not line.startswith("#"): settings["exclusions"].append(line) if not os.path.exists(settings["outputpath"]): os.makedirs(settings["outputpath"]) # Another mode is required to read and write the file in Python 3 final_file = open(path_join_robust(settings["outputpath"], "hosts"), "w+b" if PY3 else "w+") merge_file.seek(0) # reset file pointer hostnames = {"localhost", "localhost.localdomain", "local", "broadcasthost"} exclusions = settings["exclusions"] for line in merge_file.readlines(): write = "true" # Explicit encoding line = line.decode("UTF-8") # replace tabs with space line = line.replace("\t+", " ") # see gh-271: trim trailing whitespace, periods line = line.rstrip(' .') + "\n" # Testing the first character doesn't require startswith if line[0] == "#" or re.match(r'^\s*$', line[0]): write_data(final_file, line) continue if "::1" in line: continue stripped_rule = strip_rule(line) # strip comments if not stripped_rule or matches_exclusions(stripped_rule): continue # Normalize rule hostname, normalized_rule = normalize_rule(stripped_rule) for exclude in exclusions: if exclude in line: write = "false" break if (normalized_rule and (hostname not in hostnames) and (write == "true")): write_data(final_file, normalized_rule) hostnames.add(hostname) number_of_rules += 1 settings["numberofrules"] = number_of_rules merge_file.close() return final_file def normalize_rule(rule): result = re.search(r'^[ \t]*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+([\w\.-]+)(.*)', rule) if result: hostname, suffix = result.group(2, 3) # Explicitly lowercase and trim the hostname hostname = hostname.lower().strip() if suffix and settings["keepdomaincomments"]: # add suffix as comment only, not as a separate host return hostname, "%s %s #%s\n" % (settings["targetip"], hostname, suffix) else: return hostname, "%s %s\n" % (settings["targetip"], hostname) print("==>%s<==" % rule) return None, None def finalize_file(final_file): write_opening_header(final_file) final_file.close() # Some sources put comments around their rules, for accuracy we need # to strip them the comments are preserved in the output hosts file def strip_rule(line): split_line = line.split() if len(split_line) < 2: # just return blank return "" else: return split_line[0] + " " + split_line[1] def write_opening_header(final_file): final_file.seek(0) # reset file pointer file_contents = final_file.read() # save content final_file.seek(0) # write at the top write_data(final_file, "# This hosts file is a merged collection " "of hosts from reputable sources,\n") write_data(final_file, "# with a dash of crowd sourcing via Github\n#\n") write_data(final_file, "# Date: " + time.strftime( "%B %d %Y", time.gmtime()) + "\n") if settings["extensions"]: write_data(final_file, "# Extensions added to this file: " + ", ".join( settings["extensions"]) + "\n") write_data(final_file, "# Number of unique domains: " + "{:,}\n#\n".format( settings["numberofrules"])) write_data(final_file, "# Fetch the latest version of this file: " "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/" "StevenBlack/hosts/master/" + path_join_robust(settings["outputsubfolder"], "") + "hosts\n") write_data(final_file, "# Project home page: https://github.com/" "StevenBlack/hosts\n#\n") write_data(final_file, "# ===============================" "================================\n") write_data(final_file, "\n") if not settings["skipstatichosts"]: write_data(final_file, " localhost\n") write_data(final_file, " localhost.localdomain\n") write_data(final_file, " local\n") write_data(final_file, " broadcasthost\n") write_data(final_file, "::1 localhost\n") write_data(final_file, "fe80::1%lo0 localhost\n") write_data(final_file, "\n") if platform.system() == "Linux": write_data(final_file, " " + socket.gethostname() + "\n") write_data(final_file, " " + socket.gethostname() + "\n") write_data(final_file, "\n") preamble = path_join_robust(BASEDIR_PATH, "myhosts") if os.path.isfile(preamble): with open(preamble, "r") as f: write_data(final_file, f.read()) final_file.write(file_contents) def update_readme_data(): extensions_key = "base" if settings["extensions"]: extensions_key = "-".join(settings["extensions"]) generation_data = {"location": path_join_robust( settings["outputsubfolder"], ""), "entries": settings["numberofrules"], "sourcesdata": settings["sourcesdata"]} settings["readmedata"][extensions_key] = generation_data with open(settings["readmedatafilename"], "w") as f: json.dump(settings["readmedata"], f) def move_hosts_file_into_place(final_file): """ Move the newly-created hosts file into its correct location on the OS. For UNIX systems, the hosts file is "etc/hosts." On Windows, it's "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts." For this move to work, you must have administrator privileges to do this. On UNIX systems, this means having "sudo" access, and on Windows, it means being able to run command prompt in administrator mode. Parameters ---------- final_file : file object The newly-created hosts file to move. """ filename = os.path.abspath(final_file.name) if os.name == "posix": print("Moving the file requires administrative privileges. " "You might need to enter your password.") if subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/sudo", "cp", filename, "/etc/hosts"]): print_failure("Moving the file failed.") elif os.name == "nt": print("Automatically moving the hosts file " "in place is not yet supported.") print("Please move the generated file to " "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts") def flush_dns_cache(): """ Flush the DNS cache. """ print("Flushing the DNS cache to utilize new hosts file...") print("Flushing the DNS cache requires administrative privileges. " + "You might need to enter your password.") dns_cache_found = False if platform.system() == "Darwin": if subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/sudo", "killall", "-HUP", "mDNSResponder"]): print_failure("Flushing the DNS cache failed.") elif os.name == "nt": print("Automatically flushing the DNS cache is not yet supported.") print("Please copy and paste the command 'ipconfig /flushdns' in " "administrator command prompt after running this script.") else: nscd_caches = ["/etc/init.d/nscd", "/etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd"] for nscd_cache in nscd_caches: if os.path.isfile(nscd_cache): dns_cache_found = True if subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/sudo", nscd_cache, "restart"]): print_failure("Flushing the DNS cache failed.") else: print_success("Flushing DNS by restarting nscd succeeded") if os.path.isfile("/usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service"): dns_cache_found = True if subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/systemctl", "restart", "NetworkManager.service"]): print_failure("Flushing the DNS cache failed.") else: print_success("Flushing DNS by restarting " "NetworkManager succeeded") if os.path.isfile("/usr/lib/systemd/system/wicd.service"): dns_cache_found = True if subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/systemctl", "restart", "wicd.service"]): print_failure("Flushing the DNS cache failed.") else: print_success("Flushing DNS by restarting wicd succeeded") if os.path.isfile("/usr/lib/systemd/system/dnsmasq.service"): dns_cache_found = True if subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/systemctl", "restart", "dnsmasq.service"]): print_failure("Flushing the DNS cache failed.") else: print_success("Flushing DNS by restarting dnsmasq succeeded") if os.path.isfile("/usr/lib/systemd/system/networking.service"): dns_cache_found = True if subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/systemctl", "restart", "networking.service"]): print_failure("Flushing the DNS cache failed.") else: print_success("Flushing DNS by restarting " "networking.service succeeded") if os.path.isfile("/etc/init.d/dns-clean"): dns_cache_found = True if subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/sudo", "/etc/init.d/dns-clean", "start"]): print_failure("Flushing the DNS cache failed.") else: print_success("Flushing DNS via dns-clean " "executable succeeded") if not dns_cache_found: print_failure("Unable to determine DNS management tool.") # Hotfix since merging with an already existing # hosts file leads to artifacts and duplicates def remove_old_hosts_file(): old_file_path = path_join_robust(BASEDIR_PATH, "hosts") # create if already removed, so remove wont raise an error open(old_file_path, "a").close() if settings["backup"]: backup_file_path = path_join_robust(BASEDIR_PATH, "hosts-{}".format( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"))) # Make a backup copy, marking the date in which the list was updated shutil.copy(old_file_path, backup_file_path) os.remove(old_file_path) # Create new empty hosts file open(old_file_path, "a").close() # End File Logic # Helper Functions def query_yes_no(question, default="yes"): """ Ask a yes/no question via raw_input() and get answer from the user. Inspired by the following implementation: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577058 Parameters ---------- question : str The question presented to the user. default : str, default "yes" The presumed answer if the user just hits . It must be "yes", "no", or None (means an answer is required of the user). Returns ------- yes : Whether or not the user replied yes to the question. """ valid = {"yes": "yes", "y": "yes", "ye": "yes", "no": "no", "n": "no"} prompt = {None: " [y/n] ", "yes": " [Y/n] ", "no": " [y/N] "}.get(default, None) if not prompt: raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default) reply = None while not reply: sys.stdout.write(colorize(question, Colors.PROMPT) + prompt) choice = raw_input().lower() reply = None if default and not choice: reply = default elif choice in valid: reply = valid[choice] else: print_failure("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' " "(or 'y' or 'n').\n") return reply == "yes" def is_valid_domain_format(domain): if domain == "": print("You didn't enter a domain. Try again.") return False domain_regex = re.compile("www\d{0,3}[.]|https?") if domain_regex.match(domain): print("The domain " + domain + " is not valid. Do not include " "www.domain.com or http(s)://domain.com. Try again.") return False else: return True # A version-independent glob( ... "/**/" ... ) def recursive_glob(stem, file_pattern): if sys.version_info >= (3, 5): return glob(stem + "/**/" + file_pattern, recursive=True) else: if stem == "*": stem = "." matches = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(stem): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, file_pattern): matches.append(path_join_robust(root, filename)) return matches def path_join_robust(path, *paths): """ Wrapper around `os.path.join` with handling for locale issues. Parameters ---------- path : str The first path to join. paths : varargs Subsequent path strings to join. Returns ------- joined_path : str The joined path string of the two path inputs. Raises ------ locale.Error : A locale issue was detected that prevents path joining. """ try: return os.path.join(path, *paths) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise locale.Error("Unable to construct path. This is " "likely a LOCALE issue:\n\n" + str(e)) # Colors class Colors(object): PROMPT = "\033[94m" SUCCESS = "\033[92m" FAIL = "\033[91m" ENDC = "\033[0m" def colorize(text, color): return color + text + Colors.ENDC def print_success(text): print(colorize(text, Colors.SUCCESS)) def print_failure(text): print(colorize(text, Colors.FAIL)) # End Helper Functions if __name__ == "__main__": main()