@ECHO OFF if not exist "%WINDIR%\py.exe" ( ECHO :: ERROR :: Python 3.5 Runtime NOT FOUND... ECHO :: ERROR :: Download and install lastest Python 3.5 for Windows from https://www.python.org/downloads/ ECHO :: ERROR :: Exit... GOTO END ) ELSE ( GOTO PY35RT ) :PY35RT if not exist "%PROGRAMFILES%\python35\Python35.dll" ( ECHO :: ERROR :: Python 3.5 Runtime NOT FOUND... ECHO :: ERROR :: Download and install lastest Python 3.5 for Windows from https://www.python.org/downloads/ ECHO :: ERROR :: Exit... GOTO END ) ELSE ( ECHO :: INFO :: Python 3.5 Runtime was found! ECHO :: INFO :: Running main script... GOTO :UPDATES ) :UPDATES ::These create various alternate hosts files by combining and adding the gambling, porn, and social media extensions. updateHostsFile.py -a -o alternates\gambling -e gambling updateHostsFile.py -a -n -o alternates\porn -e porn updateHostsFile.py -a -n -o alternates\social -e social updateHostsFile.py -a -n -o alternates\gambling-porn -e gambling porn updateHostsFile.py -a -n -o alternates\gambling-social -e gambling social updateHostsFile.py -a -n -o alternates\porn-social -e porn social updateHostsFile.py -a -n -o alternates\gambling-porn-social -e gambling porn social updateHostsFile.py -a -n ::Update the readmes. updateReadme.py GOTO END :END