async function load() { const items = await loadItems(); lookup = {}; for (item of items) { lookup[] = item; } if (carts.findIndex(cart => == "Momentum Eigenmarken Vergleich") == -1) { response = await fetch("momentum-cart.json"); momentumCart = await response.json(); carts.unshift(momentumCart); saveCarts(); } const newCartButton = document.querySelector("#newcart"); newCartButton.addEventListener("click", () => { let name = prompt("Name für Warenkorb eingeben:"); if (name.length == 0) return; for (cart of carts) { if ( == name) { alert("Warenkorb mit Namen '" + name + "' existiert bereits"); return; } } addCart(name); location.href = "/cart.html?name=" + name; }); showCarts(lookup); } function showCarts(lookup) { const cartsTable = document.querySelector("#carts"); cartsTable.innerHTML = ""; cartsTable.appendChild(dom("tr", ` Name Produkte Preis `)); carts.forEach(cart => { let oldPrice = 0; let currPrice = 0; for (cartItem of cart.items) { const item = lookup[]; if (!item) continue; oldPrice += item.priceHistory[item.priceHistory.length - 1].price; currPrice += item.priceHistory[0].price; } const increase = Math.round((currPrice - oldPrice) / oldPrice * 100); const row = dom("tr", ``); row.appendChild(dom("td", `${}`)); row.appendChild(dom("td", cart.items.length)); row.appendChild(dom("td", `${currPrice.toFixed(2)}`)); if ( != "Momentum Eigenmarken Vergleich") { let deleteButton = dom("input"); deleteButton.setAttribute("type", "button"); deleteButton.setAttribute("value", "Löschen"); row.appendChild(deleteButton); deleteButton.addEventListener("click", () => { removeCart(; showCarts(lookup); }); } cartsTable.appendChild(row); }); } load();